Patron: Her Majesty The Queen Rothamsted Research Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2JQ Telephone: +44 (0)1582 763133 WeB: Rothamsted Repository Download A - Papers appearing in refereed journals Rivero, M. J., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Evans, A., Berndt, A., Cartmill, A., Neal, A. L., McLaren, A., Farruggia, A., Mignolet, C., Chadwick, D. R., Styles, D., McCracken, D., Busch, D., Martin, G. B., Fleming, H. R., Sheridan, H., Gibbons, J., Merbold, L., Eisler, M., Lambe, N., Rovira, P., Harris, P., Murphy, P., Vercoe, P. E., Williams, P., Machado, R., Takahashi, T., Puech, T., Boland, T., Ayala, W. and Lee, M. R. F. 2021. Key traits for ruminant livestock across diverse production systems in the context of climate change: perspectives from a global platform of research farms. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 33 (2), pp. 1- 19. The publisher's version can be accessed at: • • The output can be accessed at: traits-for-ruminant-livestock-across-diverse-production-systems-in-the-context-of- climate-change-perspectives-from-a-global-platform-of-research-farms. © 8 January 2021, Please contact
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[email protected] Rothamsted Research is a Company Limited by Guarantee Registered Office: as above. Registered in England No. 2393175. Registered Charity No. 802038. VAT No. 197 4201 51. Founded in 1843 by John Bennet Lawes. CSIRO PUBLISHING Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 2021, 33, 1–19 Key traits for ruminant livestock across diverse production systems in the context of climate change: perspectives from a global platform of research farms M.