feature By Peter Wollny WILLIAM H. SCHEIDE (1914–2014) he Bach portrait by Elias Gottlob Hauss- evidently comes from the estate In William H. Scheide, mann shows the cantor of St. Thomas’s of Bach’s second son, Carl Phi- who died on Novem- Church at around 60 years of age. It is a lipp Emanuel, for the catalogue ber 14, 2014, we have typical “official portrait”, showing the sub- of the estate of the “Hamburg lost a reputed scholar ject in a formal and perhaps also somewhat Bach”, printed in 1790, describes and a profound connois- Tidealized pose. Yet if we look closely, it does give a portrait of Bach as follows: seur of the music of away some information about the great composer. “Bach (Johann Sebastian) Kapell - Johann Sebastian Bach. This is how he must have looked when he performed meister and Music-director in William Scheide had before Frederick the Great, while he was working Leipzig. Painted in oils by Haus- been a member of the on the Musical Offering and the Art of Fugue, and mann. 2 feet, 8 inches high, Board of Trustees of when he put the St. John Passion, written more than 2 feet, 2 inches wide. In a golden Leipzig Bach Archive 25 years earlier, back on the programme for the last frame.” We have only partial Foundation since 2001 time. His dark eyes are alert and interested; they are knowledge of what happened and was one of the Ar- filled with human warmth and intellectual acuity. to the painting after that. Oral chive’s most generous The thick brows lend him a forceful demeanour tradition has it that it came into and loyal sponsors. and the deep frown line is a warning to any over- the possession of the Silesian William Scheide made impudent questioner to exercise caution and re- family Jenke in the early nine- a name for himself as straint. On the other hand, the slightly ironic traits teenth century. A descendent a Bach scholar early around the mouth indicate good-naturedness and of the family, Walter E. Jenke, on; he was the first Original humour. The chin, nose and high brow bear witness then brought it to England American musicologist to an almost unshakeable self-confidence. Life has shortly before the outbreak of to be published in the 1748 left its marks on this face, but it has not succeeding the Second World War. It hung Bach-Jahrbuch and in breaking the person. This is a man who does not in the house of the parents of every one of his essays Extremely need a lot of fuss to be made about him; yet his fel- Sir John Eliot Gardiner in Dorset published there between well con- lows are not indifferent to him. during the war years and after. 1959 and 2003 shaped served: Hauss- Almost incidentally, Bach is holding in his right In 1952, Jenke sold the painting our way of thinking about mann’s hand a small, unassuming sheet of music; however, at an auction; it was bought Bach’s life and artistry. second original he is holding it by the top, inciting the observer to by the Bach scholar and collec- Scheide was a gradu - portrait read: “Canon triplex à 6 Voc: per J. S. Bach”. If you tor William H. Scheide from ate of Princeton Univer- of Bach take the time to look more closely, you will see a Princeton/New Jersey. sity, which awarded him was privately small miracle of musical artistry. The three parts Back in the Bach anniversary a Bachelor’s degree in owned written there can be reversed and together con- year of 1985, Scheide expressed 1936. After the Second until stitute a harmonically richly coloured, six-part the wish that “his Bach” would World War, he developed now. piece in which no note is superfluous or missing. one day return home. During the collection of antique The sheet is evidently intended as proof of Bach’s his visit to the Leipzig Bach books and valuable artistic beliefs: that perfect harmony arises when Festival in the summer of 2003, manuscripts begun by all the parts of an elaborate, polyphonic movement he initially granted the Bach his grandfather and con- constantly “work together” according to the rules Archive the right of first refusal tinued by his father, and of counterpoint. to purchase it. Together with his built up the largest private To this day, Elias Gottlob Haussmann’s portrait wife Judith, on his 100th birthday collection of autograph remains the sole authentic, from-life portrait of (January 6, 2014) he finally scores, early copies and Johann Sebastian Bach. Any other portraits in cir- bequeathed the painting to the first prints of the works of culation are either later copies of Haussmann’s Bach Archive. Bill Scheide died Johann Sebastian Bach. original or intuitive attributions of paintings that on November 14, 2014. When As the longstanding di- have come down to us anonymously. the Haussmann Bach portrait rector of the Bach Aria Haussmann executed his portrait – presumably on of 1748 takes its place in the Group, which he founded a commission by Bach – twice: the first (dated 1746) Bach Museum’s Treasure Room, in 1946, he championed “PAINTED IN OILS was, according to unconfirmed reports, part of the it will – in accordance with the the propagation of Bach’s inheritance of Wilhelm Friedemann Bach and was last will of his former owner – work in the United States. In accordance with his purchased in around 1800 by the later cantor of have returned home after 265 1 St. Thomas’s Church August Eberhard Müller, who years. Then visitors to the Bach will, his collection of BY HAUSMANN” donated it to St. Thomas’s School when he left Leip- Archive will be able to divine books and manuscripts 2 zig. Since 1913, this version has hung in the Bach for themselves the mysteries of will go to Princeton Room of Leipzig’s Stadtgeschichtliches Museum. his personality and music. University. The portrait A new attraction is coming to Leipzig Bach Archive in 2015: an original portrait of The painting is rather badly conserved; it has been of Bach by Elias Gottlob Johann Sebastian Bach, painted by Elias Gottlob Haussmann in 1748, is returning to painted over and restored several times with the Haussmann, which he Leipzig after 265 years. Most recently, the painting was part of the private collection of result that the subject gives the impression of being owned since 1952, is behind a veil – with blurred outlines and odd shad - now – in Scheide’s own American researcher and collector, William H. Scheide. During the Second World War, ows on the face. words – “coming home”. it also hung for a while in the house of the parents of John Eliot Gardiner. The second original, painted two years later, is in a much better state of conservation. This painting feature Better than Blurred the first outlines: original: Hauss- copy of the mann’s first Haussmann Bach por- portrait of trait (1746) from life” was not crucial initially. As a general rule, people did But what is a “genuine” Bach? We will never know 1746, mid- is in poor not want a photographical reproduction of Bach’s features, but how Bach looked in real life. We do have the offi- nineteenth condition, century having a “convincing” portrayal of the great master. cial Haussmann portrait to go on, but that is all. been All other “Bach” portraits have come down to us painted in more or less anonymous fashion – in those over sev- eral times In 2014 in Concerto magazine, you reported on the meeting cases, how can we speculate how close each re- of a commission of experts in Leipzig in 1955. The objective spective painter came to painting the “real” Bach? Copy Original of this meeting of Bach researchers, art historians and differ - In contrast, putting the question of how credible ca.1850 174 6 ent medical specialists was to resolve the question of the a portrait is means trying to find out as much as authenticity of a total of five Bach portraits. On what body possible about the circumstances in which it of knowledge was the commission able to base its investiga- was painted. And in that case we can state, albeit tion – and what was the result? with reservations, that the closer the painter was There is no straightforward answer to that. From the surviving to the person or to the time of Bach, the better. records, I have the impression that the members of the com- mission did not cooperate much, but rather that each one of them presented his opinion and that they then went their From that point of view, which Bach portraits different ways without much discussion. can we now regard as credible? Ultimately, only the Haussmann portrait is credible. One of the participants was Heinrich Besseler. One year later, he published his paper entitled “Five genuine portraits In 1970 you published a book about the por- of Johann Sebastian Bach”, triggering a debate which lasted traits of Richard Wagner. What are the main dif - several months and in which Bach researcher Alfred Dürr, fer ences between Bach and Wagner iconography? especially, contradicted Besseler on numer ous details. How There are hundreds of photos of Wagner. You can important at that time were political events and the division really build up a good picture of how he looked in of Germany in this debate about portraits? the different situations and phases of his life. If Although Besseler had been awarded the GDR National Prize, he you hold up the numerous painted portraits of viewed the country as provincial in many ways.
Halle, the City of Music a Journey Through the History of Music
HALLE, THE CITY OF MUSIC A JOURNEY THROUGH THE HISTORY OF MUSIC 8 WC 9 Wardrobe Ticket office Tour 1 2 7 6 5 4 3 EXHIBITION IN WILHELM FRIEDEMANN BACH HOUSE Wilhelm Friedemann Bach House at Grosse Klausstrasse 12 is one of the most important Renaissance houses in the city of Halle and was formerly the place of residence of Johann Sebastian Bach’s eldest son. An extension built in 1835 houses on its first floor an exhibition which is well worth a visit: “Halle, the City of Music”. 1 Halle, the City of Music 5 Johann Friedrich Reichardt and Carl Loewe Halle has a rich musical history, traces of which are still Johann Friedrich Reichardt (1752–1814) is known as a partially visible today. Minnesingers and wandering musicographer, composer and the publisher of numerous musicians visited Giebichenstein Castle back in the lieder. He moved to Giebichenstein near Halle in 1794. Middle Ages. The Moritzburg and later the Neue On his estate, which was viewed as the centre of Residenz court under Cardinal Albrecht von Brandenburg Romanticism, he received numerous famous figures reached its heyday during the Renaissance. The city’s including Ludwig Tieck, Clemens Brentano, Novalis, three ancient churches – Marktkirche, St. Ulrich and St. Joseph von Eichendorff and Johann Wolfgang von Moritz – have always played an important role in Goethe. He organised musical performances at his home musical culture. Germany’s oldest boys’ choir, the in which his musically gifted daughters and the young Stadtsingechor, sang here. With the founding of Halle Carl Loewe took part. University in 1694, the middle classes began to develop Carl Loewe (1796–1869), born in Löbejün, spent his and with them, a middle-class musical culture.
BACH IS BACK in BERLIN: the Return of the Sing-Akademie Archive from Ukraine in the Context of Displaced Cultural Treasures and Restitution Politics
BACH IS BACK IN BERLIN: The Return of the Sing-Akademie Archive from Ukraine in the Context of Displaced Cultural Treasures and Restitution Politics Patricia Kennedy Grimsted Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute The National Council for Eurasian and East European Research 910 17th Street, N.W. Suite 300 Washington, D.C. 20006 TITLE VIII PROGRAM Project Information* Contractor: Harvard University Principal Investigator: Patricia Kennedy Grimsted Council Contract Number: 816-03g Date: June 9, 2003 Copyright Information Individual researchers retain the copyright on their work products derived from research funded through a contract or grant from the National Council for Eurasian and East European Research (NCEEER). However, the NCEEER and the United States Government have the right to duplicate and disseminate, in written and electronic form, reports submitted to NCEEER to fulfill Contract or Grant Agreements either (a) for NCEEER’s own internal use, or (b) for use by the United States Government, and as follows: (1) for further dissemination to domestic, international, and foreign governments, entities and/or individuals to serve official United States Government purposes or (2) for dissemination in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act or other law or policy of the United States Government granting the public access to documents held by the United States Government. Neither NCEEER nor the United States Government nor any recipient of this Report may use it for commercial sale. * The work leading to this report was supported in part by contract or grant funds provided by the National Council for Eurasian and East European Research, funds which were made available by the U.S.
JAHRESBERICHT 2017 BACHS ERbe – EiN AUFTRAG FÜR DIE ZUKUNFT Unser herzlicher Dank gilt allen Förderern, Sponsoren und Partnern des Bachfestes 2017 sowie des Meisterkurses 2017 in Leipzig. • arcona LIVING BACH14 Leipzig • Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft • nextbike GmbH • Bärenreiter-Verlag und Kultur Leipzig (HTWK) • PROMENADEN Hauptbahnhof Leipzig Karl Vötterle GmbH & Co. KG • HypoVereinsbank – Member of • Sächsisches Staatsministerium für • Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung UniCredit Wissenschaft und Kunst (SMWK) für Kultur und Medien • Institut Français • Seaside Park Hotel Leipzig • BMW Niederlassung Leipzig • Leipzig Hotel Alliance • Sparkasse Leipzig • Christa Bach-Marschall-Stiftung • Leipzig Tourismus und • Stadt Leipzig • Deutschlandradio Kultur Marketing GmbH • Stiftung Chorherren zu St. Thomae • DIE ZEIT • Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe • Ströer Deutsche Städte • Evangelisch-Lutherische Landes- GmbH (LVB) Medien GmbH kirche Sachsens • Leipziger Volkszeitung • TOTAL Raffinerie • fairgourmet GmbH • MDR Kultur Mitteldeutschland GmbH • GENUIN Classics • Mitteldeutsche Barockmusik in • Turkish Airlines Inc. • Goethe-Institut e. V. Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und • Vereinigung der Freunde des • Hochschule für Musik und Theater Thüringen e. V. Bach-Archivs Leipzig e. V. „Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy“ • Musikschule Leipzig Leipzig (HMT) „Johann Sebastian Bach“ JAHRESBERICHT 2017 BACHS ERbe – EIN AUFTRAG FÜR DIE ZUKUNFT INHALT 1. GRUSSWORT 4 2. VORWORT 6 3. BACH-ARCHIV LEIPZIG – AUFGABEN UND ZIELE 9 4. DAS INKLUSIVE BACH-MUSEUM 12 5. AN BACH VERERBEn – NACHLASSSPENDEN FÜR DAS BACH-ARCHIV 16 6. TÄTIGKEITSBERICHTE UND PROJEKTE 19 6.1. Forschungsinstitut 19 6.2. Bibliothek 25 6.3. Museum 34 6.4. Bachfest Leipzig 46 6.5. Meisterkurs 51 6.6. Kommunikation und Vermittlung 52 7. KOOPERATIONEN 57 7.1. Das Bach-Archiv – Institut an der Universität Leipzig 57 7.2. Kooperation mit der Hochschule für Musik und Theater 58 „Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy“ Leipzig (HMT) 7.3.
The Cradle of the Reformation Lutherstadt Wittenberg
Dear Travel Writer, Imagine seeing them with your own two eyes, touching them with your own two hands: The great bronze doors of Lutherstadt Wittenberg’s Castle Church, marking the very spot where Martin Luther posted the ninety-five theses that changed the world. Picture exploring the church in which the Great Reformer was baptized or stepping inside the tiny room where Luther translated the New Testament in just 10 weeks. Luckily, these unforgettable experiences don’t have to remain the stuff of dreams! Come and explore LutherCountry, the beautiful region in the heart of Germany that invites you to walk in Luther’s footsteps! Find out more on our website; then come visit! LutherCountry: The Cradle of the Reformation Although Martin Luther lived 500 years ago, his presence is still tangible today. Here in LutherCountry, visitors of all ages get the chance to discover myriad original locations that still boast the Great Reformer’s indelible mark – and all within easy reach of each other. Come discover the places where Luther once lived, taught and, preached! In addition to authentic locations that played a major role in Luther’s life, LutherCountry is also home to hundreds of other cultural and historical treasures, with many famous personalities in art and music having left their mark on the region’s cultural landscape. Great composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach and Georg Frederic Handel, two of the world’s most famous baroque composers, were both born in LutherCountry. And thanks to the great German painter Lucas Cranach the Elder, we now know what Martin Luther actually looked like.
Southeast Circuit Reformation Update: Week Forty Three Southeast Circuit Reformation Update: Week Forty Three Johann Sebastian Bach Johann Sebastian Bach Rev. Sean Daenzer Rev. Sean Daenzer Johann Sebastian Bach is recognized the world over as a genius Johann Sebastian Bach is recognized the world over as a genius and one of the greatest composers of all time. He was also a de- and one of the greatest composers of all time. He was also a de- vout and orthodox Lutheran. vout and orthodox Lutheran. Bach was born in Eisenach (Luther’s school town and home to Bach was born in Eisenach (Luther’s school town and home to the Wartburg Castle) in 1685 into the Wartburg Castle) in 1685 into a musical family. He was first a a musical family. He was first a violinist, but became intensely violinist, but became intensely interested in music and espe- interested in music and espe- cially the keyboard after the cially the keyboard after the death of his mother while he death of his mother while he was living with His brother, Jo- was living with His brother, Jo- hann Christoph. Bach’s early hann Christoph. Bach’s early schooling was exceptional in the schooling was exceptional in the Lutheran school at Lüneburg, Lutheran school at Lüneburg, where he sang Latin and Ger- where he sang Latin and Ger- man as a choir boy and studied man as a choir boy and studied harpsichord, organ, and com- harpsichord, organ, and com- position. position. In 1703 he was appointed a In 1703 he was appointed a court musician for the Duke of court musician for the Duke of Weimar and also became or- Weimar and also became or- ganist at the New Church in ganist at the New Church in Arndstadt.
week 1 time Sunday July 17 xxx Pick up from Berlin,- Tegel coach transfer to Wittenberg, Colleg Wittenberg, Jüdenstraße 8 Check in xxx Orientation in Wittenberg Dr. Isaac 18.00 Dinner in Colleg Week 2 time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday July 18 July 19 July 20 July 21 July 21 July 23 July 24 Breakfast Colleg Breakfast Colleg Breakfast Colleg Breakfast Colleg Breakfast Colleg Breakfast Colleg Breakfast hotel 08:00 – 08:45 08:00 – 08:45 08:00 – 08:45 08:00 – 08:45 08:00 – 08:45 07:00 –07:45 08:00 – 09:00 SR 10 Lecture: Lecture: Trip to EISLEBEN by Lecture: Trip to LEPZIG by train, free day Dr. Isaac Welcome and Reformation as a Lucas Cranach: train The Confessio Orientation Political Movement Artist of the Dr. Isaac/ NN Augustana as an 8.20 10:00 9.15 – 10.45 Ms. Rieger Dr. Isaac Reformation 8.30 Ecumenical meeting point Church service in the NN Dr. Isaac Document Colleg Town church meeting place: Colleg Dr. Isaac 8.45 WB track 4 Suggestions: 9.49 arrival Leipzig Program- Lecture: Meeting Point: 8.45 –10.33 11.00 – 12.15 11.15 track 4 ñ Zeughaus, Miniature Orientation Catholic, not Guided tour of – model of the Cranachhouse Travel to Eisleben 10.00 11.30 Dr. Isaac Roman: The Point Melanchthon house City tour of Leipzig Wittenberg of the Reformation 11.15-13.00 ca. 13.30 Ms. Brett NN ñ Haus der Geschichte 11.00 – 12.30 Dr. Isaac Guided tour Guided city tour with (Schlossstraße 6) Cranchhouse markt birthplace house, last 11.30-13.00 4 and residence house, church “Forum of contemporary Suggestions for lunch: “Druckerstube”, of St.
1 Commentary Abbreviations and Sigla To proclaim this date as terminus post quem for the conception of the sonata collection a.c. ante correcturam including the revision of the two named movements appears to be premature in light P Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin—Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung, Mus. Ms. of the possibility that Bach did not intend to make the sonatas available to his students Bach (shelf number for scores) for copying. It is unlikely that Bach left Vogler a three-part organ work for copying at the Ped Pedal system end of 1729 (BWV 545 with BWV 529/2) when at this point the second movement had St Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin—Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung, Mus. Ms. already found its defi nitive designation as the middle movement of the fi fth sonata. A Bach (shelf number for parts) date of around 1731 thus stands out. The time signature 2| in BWV 526/3, seldom-used by Bach, also points to 1731.3 Perhaps the origin of the sonata collection stands in di- In the individual notes, voices are indicated by Roman numerals for the system and, if rect connection with Bach’s appearance as organist in Dresden in September 1731;4 an necessary, Arabic numerals for the individual voices within the system, each in increas- organ concert in the Dresden Sophienkirche on September 14 is evidence.5 ing order (I 2 = fi rst system, second voice). These designations pertain to the notation of the present edition. Origin of the Primary Source Unless otherwise noted, the individual notes are concerned with differences between Although P 271 is a pure copy, corrections and small modifi cations common to Bach the respective primary source and the notation of the present edition.
Discover LutherCountry Tour 1 – 3 days/2 overnights Munich Airport (MUC) and Frankfurt Airport (FRA) welcome direct flights from countries around the world. Travelling by car is a convenient way to get around in LutherCountry. A well-developed infrastructure ensures a safe and quick arrival at your desired destination. Tour 1 starts in Eisenach, which is located only 120 miles of Frankfurt Airport. Day 1 Eisenach and Wartburg Castle Highlights in Eisenach include the Luther House, where Luther lived while studying at the local Latin school and the Bach House dedicated to composer Johann Sebastian Bach, a passionate Lutheran. High on a hill close to Eisenach, the imposing Wartburg Castle is arguably the best preserved in central Europe, and the only one in Germany to have UNESCO World Heritage Site status. With its courtyard and steep walls, it is as impressive now as it was when Luther arrived. Visitors can step into the very room where he lived and wrote. Overnight in Eisenach (Eisenach - Erfurt: 40 miles) Day 2 Erfurt Nicknamed the Rome of the North for its array of some 30 spires and steeples, Erfurt is one of Germany's most beautiful cities and Luther's spiritual home. Here Luther studied, became a monk and lived in the Augustinian monastery. In the old heart of the city, the Merchants' Bridge (the Krämerbrücke) is still lined with houses and shops. Lutherstadt Eisleben Luther was born here in 1483. He returned many times throughout his live and, in a poetic close to the circle of life, died here in 1546. The town claims to have introduced the world's first 'heritage tourism': Martin Luther's Birth House ('Geburtshaus').
As of April 2020 PRESS RELEASE Performance of the St. John Passion in Leipzig's St. Thomas Church With an extraordinary performance of the St. John Passion, the Leipzig Bachfest will be bringing the world together on Good Friday in Johann Sebastian Bach’s church of St. Thomas – and the global Bach community is invited to sing along. In many places it is a tradition – sometimes going back more than 100 years – to perform a Bach Passion during the week before Easter. Many people all over the world regard it as an indispensable ritual to listen to or actually sing Bach’s settings of the story of Jesus’ Passion during Passiontide. This year, it is overshadowed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of performances of Bach’s Passions worldwide have been cancelled owing to the restrictions on movement. To give the global Bach community a chance to actively participate in a Bach Passion in spite of this, the artistic director of the Leipzig Bachfest had an extraordinary idea: On Good Friday, 10 April, at the hour of Jesus’ death (3pm, CEST), a chamber music version of Johann Sebastian Bach’s famous St. John Passion will be performed at his tomb, and the global Bach community is invited to sing along. Prominent musicians from countries like the US, Canada and Malaysia will perform by video link. The concert will be livestreamed via the Bach Archive’s Facebook channel. Prof. Dr. Michael Maul, Artistic Director of the Leipzig Bachfest is excited: At this year’s Bachfest in June entitled BACH – We are FAMILY!, nearly 50 Bach choirs from all continents were to celebrate the greatest Bach family festival of all time in Leipzig and make music together in all kinds of ways.
Thank you for your interest in the summer Institute for School Teachers, “Johann Sebastian Bach: Music of the Baroque and the Enlightenment.” The Institute is hosted by Moravian College and is funded by the National Endowment for Humanities. The institute will take place in three German cities: Eisenach, Bach’s birthplace; Leipzig, Bach’s longest musical post; and Potsdam, where Bach met Frederick the Great. The NEH institute participants, also designated as NEH Summer Scholars, will arrive on Sunday, July 6, 2014, and leave Potsdam after noon on Friday, August 1, 2014. The first day of the Institute is July 7. Each summer scholar will receive a stipend of $3300, which will defray many of the expenses. The primary focus of this Institute is to understand the intellectual and musical worlds of J. S. Bach. We will investigate the aesthetic and spiritual systems of knowledge and belief of the eighteenth century as mirrored in Bach's music. Participating teachers from a wide variety of disciplines will gain a deeper understanding of Bach's musical universe and a more profound awareness of the various approaches to interpreting his music and setting it in context. Although the major focus will be on Bach's own world, we will also examine how Bach's music has been interpreted in recent times, showing how it has taken on new life in ways that respond to the cultural assumptions of the modern world. If this topic interests you, we welcome you to sit back and take some time to read this letter. Although it may seem a bit long, we are hoping that by the end of this introduction, you’ll be as excited by the prospect of this NEH summer Institute as we are.
BACH PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Mike Venezia | 30 pages | 31 Aug 2000 | Hachette Children's Group | 9780516263526 | English | London, United Kingdom Johann Sebastian Bach | Biography, Music, & Facts | Britannica Thomas Church and School in Leipzig, Germany. Even though his job in Leipzig kept him very busy, in his spare time, Bach conducted a group of musicians who liked to get together to perform at a local coffee house. During his lifetime, people thought of Bach as just an ordinary working musician. No one really knew much about his music until years after his death, when another composer, Felix Mendelssohn, conducted a performance of Bach's St. Matthew Passion. Bach is now seen as one of the greatest geniuses in music history. He wrote all kinds of music -- for organ and other keyboard instruments, orchestras, choirs, and concertos for many different instrumental combinations. He was a devoutly religious man, and knew tragedy: his first wife died suddenly while he was away on business; 12 of his 20 children died in infancy; one of his sons had severe learning difficulties; and another ran away from home in his teens and died in mysterious circumstances. With employers, who rarely appreciated his talents, he was chippy and argumentative; at a family gathering with a few drinks and a pipe of tobacco, however, he was robustly good-humoured, especially when the Bach clan took turns to improvise rude country songs. Bach's style is baroque, characterised by lots of notes, simple motoric rhythms, and steady shifts of underlying harmony - it was derided by some as 'sewing-machine music'.