An Annales Approach to the Late Chalcolithic Period in North Mesopotamia
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CONTINUITY AND CHANGE: AN ANNALES APPROACH TO THE LATE CHALCOLITHIC PERIOD IN NORTH MESOPOTAMIA A Master’s Thesis by ŞAKİR CAN Department of Archaeology İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University Ankara May 2018 To my beautiful first-born niece Ezgi Sıla Yıldız CONTINUITY AND CHANGE: AN ANNALES APPROACH TO THE LATE CHALCOLITHIC PERIOD IN NORTH MESOPOTAMIA The Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences of İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University by Şakir Can In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF ARTS THE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY İHSAN DOĞRAMACI BİLKENT UNIVERSITY ANKARA May 2018 ABSTRACT CONTINUITY AND CHANGE: AN ANNALES APPROACH TO THE LATE CHALCOLITHIC PERIOD IN NORTH MESOPOTAMIA Can, Şakir M.A., Department of Archaeology Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marie-Henriette Gates May 2018 The semantic context of the cultural patterns of the past is beyond our perception. This fact, regardless of time and space, thus, makes any type of social organizations that existed in the past complex and transitive. Bearing in mind this fact, this study aimed to analyze the Late Chalcolithic period (ca. 4500-3000 BC) in an extensive area of north Mesopotamia with archaeological traces of an increasing socio-cultural, socio-economic, and socio-political complexity through the Annales School of History paradigm, which divides time into geographical time, social time, and individual time. Within this division, geographical time (longue durée) refers to the role of environment and geography on the nature and development of the northern communities at the regional level. Social time (conjoncture) provides a perceptible rhythm of indigenous cultural phenomena in north Mesopotamia (ca. 4500-3700 BC) prior to the Uruk culture of southern Mesopotamian origin, and a certain degree of social mobility, history of communities and their ideologies (mentalité) after the Uruk expansion (ca 3700-3000 BC). The Uruk phenomenon in north Mesopotamia can be perceived in social time. At another level, individual time (évènement), which takes historical events as the reference, coincides with the establishment of the Uruk colonies at Tell Sheikh Hassan, Habuba Kabira Süd, and Jebel Aruda in the Middle Euphrates Basin. In comparison with the earlier assessments, this analysis shows that an interpretation of continuity and change in total history (histoire totale) of the Late Chalcolithic period of north Mesopotamia is possible with the Annales paradigm. It vi also shows that north Mesopotamia, in the long term, hosted a number of cultural patterns; thus, provides culturally accumulated continuity, while different cultural influences and interactions, in several cases, played a key role in cultural changes. The interpretation of this thesis based on archaeological excavations, surveys carried out in north Mesopotamia, as well as previous views on the Late Chalcolithic period. Keywords: Annales, Late Chalcolithic, North Mesopotamia, Uruk Culture vii ÖZET DEVAMLILIK VE DEĞİŞİM: KUZEY MEZOPOTAMYA GEÇ KALKOLİTİK DÖNEMİNE BİR ANNALES YAKLAŞIMI Can, Şakir Yüksek Lisans, Arkeoloji Bölümü Tez Danışmanı: Doç. Dr. Marie-Henriette Gates Mayıs 2018 Geçmişin kültürel örüntülerinin anlamsal bağlamı algılarımızın ötesinde olması, bu geçmişin içinde zamandan ve mekândan bağımsız olarak varlık gösteren herhangi bir sosyal organizasyon biçimini karmaşık ve geçişken yapmaktadır. Bu gerçekten hareketle, bu tez çalışmasında kuzey Mezopotamya coğrafyasının Geç Kalkolitik sürecinde (M.Ö. 4500-3000) artan sosyo-kültürel, sosyo-ekonomik ve sosyo-politik karmaşıklığın arkeolojik izlerinin bir bütün tarihsel okuması için zamanı coğrafik, sosyal ve bireysel olarak bölümleyen Annales yaklaşımı esas alınmıştır. Coğrafik zaman (longue durée), kuzey Mezopotamya toplumlarının doğasında ve gelişiminde çevre ve coğrafyanın oynadığı rolün bölgesel düzlemde izlenmesine olanak tanır. Sosyal zaman (conjoncture), kuzey Mezopotamya’da güney Mezopotamya kökenli Uruk kültürünün öncesinde yerel kültürel olguları (M.Ö. 4500-3700) ve sonrasında belli ölçülerde var olan sosyal hareketliliği, toplumların tarihi ve ideolojilerini (mentalité) anlamamızı sağlamaktadır. Sosyal zamanda algılanabilen kuzey Mezopotamya’daki Uruk olgusu ise, tarihsel olaylar referans alan bireysel zamanda (évènement) Orta Fırat Havzası’nda Tell Sheikh Hassan, Habuba Kabira ve Jebel Aruda’daki Uruk kolonilerinin kurulmasıyla örtüşmektedir. Böylelikle, kuzey Mezopotamya’nın Geç Kalkolitik döneminin tüm tarihinde algılanabilen devamlılık ve değişimler Annales paradigmasıyla açıklanmıştır. Ayrıca, uzun vadede birçok yerel kültürel örüntüye ev sahipliği yapan kuzey Mezopotamya’daki kültürel birikim kültürel devamlılığı sağladığı, farklı kültürel etki ve etkileşimlerin belli bölgelerde viii kültürel değişimlerde de rol oynadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bu değerlendirme, kuzey Mezopotamya’da yapılan arkeolojik kazılar, yüzey araştırmalar ile Geç Kalkolitik dönem için yapılan yorumlamalara dayandırılmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Annales, Geç Kalkolitik, Kuzey Mezopotamya, Uruk Kültürü ix ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This M.A. thesis would not have been possible without the support and guidance of several important people in my life. First of all, I would like to express my profound gratitude to my advisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marie-Henriette Gates for her patience, motivation, immense knowledge, and supportive guidance during the course of this study. Besides my advisor, I would like to gratefully thank my thesis commitee: Dr. Charles Warner Gates for guiding me through the methodological and technical issues, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rana Özbal, for her insightful and encouraging comments. My deep gratitude also goes to Prof. Dr. Ayşe Tuba Ökse. I will always be proud to have been her student. She has motivated, guided and supported me throughout my educational life. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Özlem Ekinbaş, an admirer of Fernand Braudel, for her profound knowledge and for always keeping me on the straight and narrow during the course of my work. I also owe thanks to Aydoğan Bozkurt, who is like my elder brother, always giving me his spiritual support. My sincere thanks also go to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çiğdem Atakuman for her wise counsel in my academic and personal life. I sincerely thank Asst. Prof. Dr. Haluk Sağlamtimur and Dr. Tatsundo Koizumi for sharing their unpublished works and valuable ideas with me. I would like also to thank Martina Massimino and Rachel Starry for giving me the opportunity to use the libraries of the University of Durham and Bryn Mawr College. Perhaps no words can express my heartfelt gratitude to my family who deserve my deepest gratitude: especially my Mum and Dad, who have always stood by me throughout my life; my brothers, sisters and brother-in-law for their unflagging love and support no matter what the issue. With thanks to them, I am who I am. I could not have done this thesis without them. I cannot forget thanking my dearest friends who are like my family: İlhan Yaşar Danış, Cevat Sevinç, Bekir Dabakoğlu and Mehmet Bulut for their positiveness and unflagging encouragement throughout my entire life, as well as my cousin Nizameddin Dildirim for being part of my family. x Last but not least, I would like to express my special thanks to my former dorm manager Nimet Kaya, who passed away last summer, and Nermin Karahan for their help at all times. I owe my sincere gratitude to the rest of the faculty members of Bilkent Archaeology Department for their academic and personal support and for providing a stimulating intellectual environment. I am especially deeply indebted to my dear friends Çağdaş Özdoğan, Emre Dalkılıç, Zeynep Akkuzu, and Rida Arif for sharing a close and enduring friendship. I will always be grateful for their support and guidance in my life. I am especially grateful to Roslyn Sorensen and Zeynep Olgun for correcting my English grammar mistakes and for providing useful insights about my thesis. Finally, I would like to thank my friends Emrah Dinç, Umut Dulun, Onur Hasan Kırman, Onur Torun, Çağkan Tunç Mısır, Umer Hussain, Abdullah Waseem for their companionship. And thank you very much Tuğçe Köseoğlu for teaching me the GIS program that made the creation of those thesis maps easier. xi TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ vi ÖZET......................................................................................................................... viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................................... x TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................... xii LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................... xiv LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................... xv CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................................ 1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1 CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................................................ 5 DIFFERENT “WAVES OF TIME”: THE ANNALES SCHOOL OF HISTORY ....... 5 2.1. Annales School of History ................................................................................. 5 2.2. Discussion ......................................................................................................