Ellsworth American : February 17, 1876
<£i)f ^llsmortl) JVmrrtran Rttew ol Advertising. 1 wk. 3 wks. S mo*. 6 mos. 1 18 PUBLISHED AT yr 1 Inch, $100 | IN $4 00 $.600 $10.00 3 inches, 3 00 4 00 900 10 00 24-oo i: 1-IfS WOHT H, M S column, 800 1300 3000 6000 80.00 K, 1 column, 14 00 9000 60 00 90.00 160.0« BY THR Special Notice*, One square 3 weeks, $2.(0 Uncock Each additional weak, 50 cents. County Publishing Company Administrator's and Executor’s Nottae*, 1JW Citation from Probate Court, 3.00 Commissioner's Notices S.00 Messenger’s and Assignee’s Notices, 2.C0 Terms of Editorial Mreices, per line, .10 SMbsrription. Obituary Notices, per line, .10 One it No less-then .60 copy, paid within three months. a2(N charge 1 within three One Inch space will constitute a square months. 2 »s Transient pvd othe end nt the rear.'.'lit Advertisements to be paid In advance, ;I No adveitisemeuts .per will be discontinued until ali arriar reckoned less than a square. te-are and Deaths inserted tree, paid.except at the publisher’s option- Marriages ao.i She person rearlv advertisers to pav wishing his paper stopped, mssl quarterly. re nati -e thereof s ante expiration of the tetrn whether rerious notice has ELLSWCRTH, ME., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY beenalxen or not. 17, 1876. for some years before that; and I Jo not If THE sorted, | may judge by all I hear, ami I Miss Steven* had MEDICINE THAT CURES I think he ever visited me after been sitting in the shad ifarbs.
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