Winter: September–May Summer: May–September 601 Steele St PO Box 6525 Denver CO 80206-0525 3960 Fish Creek Rd PO Box 1170 Estes Park CO 80517-1170 Phone 303-377-3616 Fax 303-377-3605 Phone 970-586-4244 Fax 970-586-3020 E-mail [email protected] Website www.cheley.com

The applicant or parent/s or legal guardian/s (for applicants under 18 yrs. of age), must read and complete the Application and Terms of Agreement, and read and sign the Acknowledgment and Assumption of Risks & Release and Indemnity Agreement in this foldout.

______M Male M Female Camper’s Name: Last, First

______Date of Birth______/______/______Camper’s E-mail Month Day Year

______Primary Street Address City, State, Zip, Country

______Home Phone Family E-mail Address Current School Grade completed by start of camp

______Parent 1 Name Profession Work Phone Work E-mail

______Parent 2 Name Profession Work Phone Work E-mail

Are parents divorced or separated? Yes____ No____ If yes, parent camper lives with ______Either parent deceased? ______

Was any family member a Cheley camper or staff member? If so, name at camp and year(s) ______

This will be my ______summer at Cheley (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) M If returning, check if you would be willing to act as a reference for new families.

Camper T-shirt size: M Youth Medium M Youth Large M Small M Medium M Large M X-Large ______We learned about Cheley from ______

______Billing Name (if different) Relationship to camper Phone E-mail

______Billing Address City, State, Zip, Country M______Please check if you would you like duplicate mailings sent to this address.

M Full Term M First Term M Second Term ______M Boys’ Trail’s End Ranch for boys 12-17 (completed grades 6-11) M Girls’ Trail’s End Ranch for girls 12-17 (completed grades 6-11) M Lower Ski Hi for boys 9-11 (completed grades 3-5) M Lower Chipeta for girls 9-11 (completed grades 3-5) M Ski Hi for boys 12-13 (completed grades 6-8) M Chipeta for girls 12-13 (completed grades 6-8) ______M Haiyaha for boys 14-17 (completed grades 8-11) M Senior Chipeta for girls 14-17 (completed grades 8-11)

Deposit Information – Deposit of $800 is due with this application.

M Cash M Check #______M Visa M MasterCard Name on Credit Card______

______Credit Card # Expiration Date Signature

M Please check if you would like us to charge this credit card automatically when each billing is due. TERMS OF AGREEMENT ntIntroduction:rodction ItIt isis importantimportant that allall campers,campers, paparentsrent/s or TERMSlegal guaguardian/srdian/s OF AGREEMENT2.pr ogramThe camper starts termon a isW ednesday27 full days, and and ends parents on a Monda and campersy, and has should a ca rmakeefully (collectively pa“parent/s”)rent/s) andand sta staffff members members have have a full a fullunderstanding understanding of, and of, noplanned “deals” beginning, regarding middle the time and of end. departure, Campers after mustcamp complete begins. The the Cheleyentire andntbe rinodction be ag inr eementagreement It is with, impo with, thertant the overall that overall allCheley campers,Cheley Colorado Colorado parent/s Camps, Camps, or TERMSlegal Inc. Inc. gua(Cheley) (togetherrdian/s OF AGREEMENTprogrampterrogramm. stastartsrts onon aa WTuesdayednesday and and ends ends on on a a Sunday, Monday ,and and hashas aa carefullycarefully with(collectively its parent pa company,rent/s) andsubsidiaries, staff members owners, have officers, a full understanding directors, employees, of, and planned beginning, middlemiddle andand end.end. CampersCampers mustmust completecomplete thethe entireentire philosophy, ideals, goals, and policies. The Cheley Camp program is a In fairness to the individual camper, other campers and counselors, ntagents,bepositive rinodction ag andrepresentatives,reement const It is with, rimpouctive ther tant outdoosuccessors, overall thatr, all active,Cheley campers, assigns, gColoradoroup pa livingvolunteersrent/s Camps, experience. or legaland Inc. allgua (Cheley) Camperspersonsrdian/s term.pterogramrm. starts on a Wednesday and ends on a Monday, and has a carefully (collectively parent/s) and staff members have a full understanding of, and campers who may wet the bed (more than once a week) are not accepted. affiliatedphilosophare expected y,with ideals, to it, pa andr ticipategoals, its independent andenthusiastically policies. contractors, The in all Cheley campindividually activities.Camp andprogram collectively, is a planned In fai beginning,rness to the middle individual and end. campe Campersr, other campersmust complete and counselors, the entire be in agreement with, the overall Cheley Colorado Camps, Inc. (Cheley) referredpositive andto herein const rasuctive “Cheley”) outdoo philosophy,r, active, gr oupideals, living goals, experience. and policies. Campers The tecampersr m.Parent/s who and may camperswet the bedcommunicate (more than byonce mail, a week) sent aoutre notdaily accepted. from the philosophCheleyrare expectedCapers Campy, ideals, to programW pae ser ticipategoals,rve is young a andenthusiasticallypositive people policies. and from constructive allThe in 50 all Cheley states, camp outdoor, activities. Campas well p asactive,rogram from groupmanyis a Estes Park Post Office. We allow one-way e-mail communication from parent InPa rfaient/srness and to campersthe individual communicate camper , byother mail, campers sent out and daily counselors, from the positivelivingforeign experience. countries.and const CampersrAlluctive maor outdoo arefaiths expectedr, active,are rep to gresented rparticipateoup living in experience.our enthusiastically camp communit Campers in ally, campersto camper who (small may fee).wet the Phone bed (mocallsre betweenthan once pa ar entsweek) and are campers not accepted. are not acamprandre expectedCapersthe activities. camp to Wp pareograms serticipaterve young ar eenthusiastically open people to frboysom all inand 50 all girlsstates, camp of activities. ashigh well characte as fromr ,many who peEstesrmitted. Park Post Office. We allow one-way e-mail communication from parent foarreeign emotionally countries. well All and maor physically faiths afit.re rCheleyepresented does innot our discriminate camp communit in theiry, to camperParent/s (small and campersfee). Phone communicate calls between by mail,parents sent and out campers daily fr omare thenot rand Capersthe camp Wperograms serve young are open people to frboysom all and 50 states,girls of ashigh well characte as fromr ,many who Estespermitted. Park Post Office. We allow one-way e-mail communication from parent admissions policies on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, national edical Treatent and Consent I authorize Cheley staff, representatives, foaorrr eeignethnic emotionally countries. origin, well ageAll and maoror physicallydisabilit faiths y.a fit.r eCheley rCheleyepresented is does not, innot howeveour discriminate campr, acommunit treatment in theiry, to camper (small fee). Phone calls between parents and campers are not andadmissions the camp policies programs on theare basisopen toof boysrace, andcolo girlsr, gende of highr, religion, characte nationalr, who pecontractorsrmitted. or other medical personnel to obtain or provide medical care for center, and Cheley staff are not trained to deal with campers who have edicalme or my T child,reatent to transpo and Consentrt me or my I authorize child to a Cheleymedical sta facilityff, rep andresen to tatives, provide aorsevere ethnic emotionallyre mental, origin, physicalwell age and or or physicallydisabilit emotionaly .fit. difficulties. Cheley Cheley is does not, W enot dohoweve discriminate reser,ve a thetreatment inright their to contractors or other medical personnel to obtain or provide medical care for admissionscenter, and policiesCheley staon fthef a rebasis not trainedof race, tocolo dealr, gendewith campersr, religion, who national have treatment (including hospitalization, medications, anesthesia, surgery) they refuse admission to our programs, in appropriate cases. edicalmeconsider or my T necessachild,reatent to rtranspoy andfor myConsentrt orme my or mychild’s I authorize child health. to a Cheley medical I ag star eefacilityf f,to r epthe andresen r eleaseto tatives, provide (to orseve ethnicre mental, origin, physical age or or disabilit emotionaly. difficulties.Cheley is not, We dohoweve reser,ve a thetreatment right to contractorstreatment (including or other medicalhospitalization, personnel medications, to obtain or anesthesia, provide medical surge cary)r ethey for centerefuser, admissionand Cheley to oursta fpf rograms,are not trainedin appr opriateto deal cases. with campers who have or by Cheley) of any records necessary for treatment, referral, billing or pplication rocedre When we receive your application and advance meconsiderinsurance or my necessachild, purposes. to rtranspoy for I agmyrrtee meor tomy or pay mychild’s allchild costs health. to a medicalassociated I agr eefacility towith the and any r eleaseto medicalprovide (to sevepaymentre mental, of 800.00 physical (non-or emotionalrefundable difficulties. deposit ofW e400 do rese forrve full the season, right to torreatment by Cheley) (including of any hospitalization, records necessa medications,ry for treatment, anesthesia, refe rral,sur gebillingry) they or rpplicationefuse admission roced to ourre pWhenrograms, we inr eceiveappropriate your cases.application and advance care and/or transportation, including medical and/or airlift evacuation and 200.00 for 1st or 2nd term), we will confirm your registration. Applications considerinsurancerelated expenses. necessa purposes.r y for I agmyree or tomy pay child’s all costs health. associated I agree towith the any release medical (to apaymentre accepted of 800.00until all space (non- risefundable filled. After deposit that, weof 400include for applications full season, on orca rbye and/orCheley) transpo of anyr tation,records including necessa medicalry for tand/orreatment, airlift refe evacuationrral, billing and or pplication200.00a numerical for waiting1stroced or 2nd list.re te WhenrNamesm), we we willcannot receive confi berm yourplaced your applicationregistration. on the waiting and Applications advancelist until insurancerelated expenses. purposes. I agree to pay all costs associated with any medical paymentare accepted of 800.00until all space(non- risefundable filled. After deposit that, ofwe 400include for applications full season, on Lost Stolen or aaed roperty Cheley is not responsible for a camper’s we receive both the application and reuired deposit. If we cannot confirm calost,re stolenand/or or transpo damagedrtation, personal including belongings. medical Inand/or addition, airlift campers evacuation and theirand 200.00ayour numerical registration, for 1stwaiting or we 2nd list.will te r efundrNamesm), we the willcannot enti confire berdeposit.m placed your r egistration. Afteron the we waiting have Applications confi list rmeduntil rLostelated Stolen expenses. or aaed roperty Cheley is not responsible for a camper’s awere racceptedeceive both until the all application space is filled. and r euiAfterred that, deposit. we include If we applicationscannot confi ronm parents will be held responsible for damage to or loss of Cheley property or your registration, you will receive an email with enrollment confirmation lost,euipment. stolen or damaged personal belongings. In addition, campers and their ayourdocuments. numerical registration, waitingIn addition, we list.will inr efund NamesFebrua the rcannoty, entiyou rwille be deposit. r eceiveplaced an Afteron email the we waiting withhave info confi listrmation runtilmed Lostparents Stolen will beor aaedheld responsible roper tyfor Cheleydamage is to not or r esponsibleloss of Cheley for ap rcamper’soperty or weyourabout r eceiver egistration,camper both fo rthems. you application These will r eceiveforms and contain anreui emailr edimpo deposit.withrtant en info r ollmentIf rwemation cannot confi associated rconfimationrm lost,euipment. stolen or damaged personal belongings. In addition, campers and their yourdocuments. registration, In addition, we will inrefund Februa thery, entiyour wille deposit. receive anAfter email we withhave info confirmationrmed hoto and rootional Release Camper (and parent/s of minors) authorize with the camper’s camp experience, so please read and complete these paCheleyrents or will its be designees held responsible to photograph, for damage film, r ecoto orrd loss and/or of Cheley otherwise prope capturty orre youraboutforms r egistration,campercarefull yfo. r ms. Allyou foThese willrms r musteceiveforms be containan completed email impo withr tantand en inforsignedollmentrmation by confi associatedparrticipantmation euipment.hoto and rootional Release Camper (and parent/s of minors) authorize documents.with the camper’s In addition, camp in experience,February, you so will please receive read an email and withcomplete information these the name, image, voice, written or spoken statement (including uotations and/or parent/s, as appropriate. inal acceptance and participation in fCheleyrom conversations or its designees or co torr espondence)photograph, film,photograph record and/orand/or othe visualrwise likeness captu rofe aboutfotherms cap campercar efullsession foy. r ms.All is continent foTheserms mustforms on becontain or completed receipt impo rand tantand r eiewinfo signedrmation o byall associatedpacopletedrticipant hotothe name, and image,rootional voice, Release written orCamper spoken (and statement parent/s (including of minors) uotations authorize withand/or the pa camper’srent/s, ascamp app rexperience,opriate. inal so pleaseacceptance read and pacompleterticipation these in me or my child (collectively images), for use in any media throughout the and sined ors New campers must submit two letters of introduction to Cheleyfworld,rom conversations in or perpetuit its designeesy, includingor co torr espondence)photograph, for sale, rep film,photographroduction record or and/or and/or display othe visual on rthewise likeness worldwide captu rofe fotheChelerms cap y.ca Forr efullsession youry. convenience,All is continentforms must we on bewill or completed mail receipt you and twoand rfoeiew signedrm letters o byall patocopleted rbeticipant filled theme orname, my childimage, (collectively voice, written images), or spoken for use statement in any media(including throughout uotations the and/orand sined parent/s, ors as New app campersropriate. must inal submit acceptance two letters and ofpa intrticipationroduction toin web (including websites or YouTube), and in catalogues, displays, motion out. These letters should be from a teacher, advisor, or coach, and address fworld,picturom rconversationses, in perpetuit audio and/ory, includingor co videorrespondence) for reco sale,rdings rep photograph roroduction other foor and/orr displaym for anyvisual on theinfo likeness worldwidermational of thetheirChele cap thoughtsy. For session your on convenience, whetheris continent camp we onwould will or mail bereceipt app your opriate andtwo rfoeiew randm letters ovaluable all copletedto befor filled this meweb or (including my child websites(collectively or images),YouTube), andfor usein catalogues,in any media displays, throughout motion the andout. sined These olettersrs should New campers be from musta teache submitr, adviso two lettersr, or coach, of int androduction address to or promotional purpose for Cheley, the American Camp Association or the camper. These letters do not need to accompany the application, but must world,pictuWesteres, rinn perpetuit Associationaudio and/ory, including of video Independent for reco sale,rdings r epCamps, roroduction other without foorr displaym compensationfor any on theinfo worldwidermational to me Cheletheirarrive thoughts ywithin. For youra monthon convenience,whether of your camp application. we would will mailbe app your opriatetwo fo randm letters valuable to be for filled this webor p r(includingomotional websitespurpose foror CheleYouTube),y, the and American in catalogues, Camp Association displays, motionor the out.campe Theser. These letters letters should do benot f rneedom a toteache accompanyr, adviso ther, or application, coach, and but add mustress or my child. Cheley owns all ownership/copyright rights in the images and I pictuWwaiveesteres, ranyn Associationaudio privac and/ory, inspection of video Independent orreco apprdingsroval Camps, orrights. other without form compensationfor any informational to me theirTaitionrrive thoughts within and Tae rmonthons whether o ofayent your camp application. wouldThe tuition be app feeropriate includes and boa valuablerd and forlodging this or mypromotional child. Cheley purpose owns for all Cheleownership/copyrighty, the American rightsCamp in Association the images or and the I campeand ther. complete These letters camp do pr ogram.not need All to expenses accompany are the included application, except but personal must Wwaiveeste ranyn Association privacy, inspection of Independent or approval Camps, rights. without compensation to me aTritionrive within and Tae monthrs o ofayent your application. The tuition fee includes board and lodging Colorado law reuires that we include the following warning in any written expenses (see below). Tuition includes your application deposit, with the orag rmyeement child. withCheley campers owns alland ownership/copyright their families: rightsRG in thender images Colorado and I andbalance the completedue in 3 payments, camp program. per our Allcu rexpensesrent rate schedule. are included except personal waiveColorado any lawprivac reuiy, inspectionres that we or includeapproval the rights. following warning in any written Texpensesition and (see Ter sbelow). o ayent Tuition includesThe tuition your fee application includes boadeposit,rd and with lodging the Law an eine proessional is not liale or an inry to or the death o a agpareementticipant within eine campers actiities and their resltin families: ro theRG inherent nder risks oColorado eine andbalanceersonal the completedue ependit in 3 payments, campresCap program. per our Bank Allcu rexpensesrent ratePersonal schedule. are includedexpenditu exceptres suchpersonal as ColoradoLaw an eine law reui proessionalres that we is includenot liale the or following an in rway torning or thein anydeath written o a expenses (see below). Tuition includes your application deposit, with the actiities prsant to section Colorado Reised Stattes sleeping bag rental, film, stationery, stamps, snacks, Cheley Logoed items, agpaleaserreementticipant see withthein eine cknowledentcampers actiities and their resltin and families: ssption ro theRG inheo Risksrent nder risks Release oColorado eine and balanceersonalpersonal due items,ependit in 3 payments,travelresCap arrangements, per our Bank curr ent bus ratePersonal transpo schedule. rexpenditutation betweenres such Denver as Laactiitiesw an eine prsant proessional to section is not liale or anColorado inry to Reised or the deathStattes o a sleeping bag rental, film, stationery, stamps, snacks, Cheley Logoed items, ndenity reeent ollowin paes or a etter nderstandin o and camp, and baggage handling are handled through the camper’s Cheley patheseleaserticipant and see other inthe eine cknowledentrisks actiities and yor resltinesponsiilities and ssption ro the inheo Risksrent risks Release o eine and ersonalpersonalbank account items,ependit and travel arer esCapnot a rparangements,rt of theBank camp bus Personaltuition transpo fee. rexpenditu tation The suggested betweenres such depositDenver as actiitiesndenity prsantreeent to ollowin section paes or Colorado a etter Reised nderstandin Stattes o sleepingand camp, bag and rental, baggage film, handlingstatione ray,r estamps, handled snacks, through Cheley the camper’s Logoed Cheleyitems, for the summer term’s camp bank is 175 per term. leaseatheserental and see thority other the cknowledent risks If my and child yor is r aesponsiilities andminor ssption camper, I ceor tifyRisks and r epReleaseresent thatand personalbank account items, and travel are not a rparangements,rt of the camp bus tuition transpo fee.rtation The suggested between depositDenver ndenity reeent ollowin paes or a etter nderstandin o andfor the camp, summer and baggageterm’s camp handling bank aisre 175 handled per thterroughm. the camper’s Cheley I am the child’s legally authorized parent, and that I have the legal authority Cancellation Retrn and nsrance thesetoa rpeentalr mitand thoritymy other child risks to If pamy andr ticipatechild yor is r esponsiilitiesina minorall Cheley campe activities,r, I certify and and to rep executeresent thatthis bank Cancellations account and aforre notmedical part of thereasons camp tuitionbefore fee. camp The suggestedbegins must deposit be I am the child’s legally authorized parent, and that I have the legal authority forCancellation the summer Ret term’srn and camp nsrance bank is 175 per term. and all other reuired documents for myself and for and on behalf of my accompanied by a letter from the attending physician. In this case, Cheley atopa rpeentalticipatingrmit thority my child.child to T oIf pathemyr ticipate childextent is necessaain minor all Cheley campery, I agactivities,rr,ee I ce thatrtify Iand andhave to r ep obtainedexecuteresent thatthisany will Cancellationsrefund tuition minusfor medical half of thereasons current cancellationbefore camp fee. begins Cancellations must be in Iand am allthe other child’s reui legallyred authorizeddocuments pa forrent, myself and thatand Ifor have and the on legal behalf authority of my accompaniedCancellation byRet a rlettern and from nsrance the attending physician. In this case, Cheley and all other pertinent consents or authorities (including any reuired by a any other case will result in a cancellation charge (in addition to the topacou rpeticipatingrtr mitdec rmyee child.childor or der toTo pathe forrticipate extentexample, necessain alla divoCheleyryr,ce I agactivities,decreeree, that custody andI have to oobtainedexecuterder or oint thisany nonrefundablewill Cancellationsrefund tuition deposit), minusfor medical halfbased of the uponreasons current the befocancellationdater eof campcancellation fee. begins Cancellations asmust follows: be in and all other pereuirtinentred documentsconsents or for authorities myself and (including for and any on rbehalfeuired of by my a accompaniedany other case by awill letter result from in the a attendingcancellation physician. charge In(in this addition case, Cheleyto the parenting plan). lly nderstand and aree that i y child’s other parent Before: anuary 1 - 300, February 1 - 500, March 1 - 700, April 1 - 1000, pacouorr ticipatingranyonet decree else child.or o rchallenes derTo the for extentexample, y necessa athority a divoryr,ce Ia agdec thereeree, thatchild custody I havewill eoobtainedr derdisissed or oint any willMaynonrefundable refund 1 - full tuition tuition. deposit), minus Cheley halfbased encourages of the upon current theadult cancellationdate camper of cancellation or parent/sfee. Cancellations toas purchase follows: in andparenting all other plan). pe r tinentlly nderstand consents or and authorities aree that (including i y child’s any r euiotherred pa byrent a anyBefore: other anuary case 1 will- 300, result February in a 1cancellation - 500, March charge 1 - 700, (in addition April 1 - 1000,to the ro Cheley or any Cheley actiities withot a rend i the parents or inexpensive trip insurance for camper. couorother ranyonet decparrtiesee else orinoled o rchallenesder forcannot example, y reach athority a adivoreeentrce a dec the randee, child custody will will eo rllyder disissed ordeend oint nonrefundableMay 1 - full tuition. deposit), Cheley based encourages upon theadult date camper of cancellation or parent/s toas purchase follows: parorenting Cheley plan). or any lly Cheley nderstand actiities and awithotree that a irend y child’s i the other parents parent or Before:inexpensive Cheley anuary rese tripr ves 1insurance - 300, the right February for to camper. dismiss 1 - 500, any March camper 1 - f700,rom the April pr ogram1 - 1000, that and indeniy Cheley per the ters o the Cheley cknowledent and staff believes, in their discretion, presents a safety concern or medical risk, orotherssption anyone parties else o inoled Risks challenes cannot Release y reach athorityand a ndenityreeent a the and childreeent will will ore lly othedisissed deendrwise May 1 - full tuition. Cheley encourages adult camper or parent/s to purchase andro indeniyCheley or Cheleyany Cheley per the actiities ters o withot the Cheley a rend cknowledent i the parents and or inexpensiveis Cheleydisruptive, rese trip orrves insuranceothe therwise right for conducts tocamper. dismiss him anyor herselfcamper in f raom manner the p rdetrimentalogram that with respect to any clais ade y the other parent or any person stato theff believes, camp communit in their ydisc. retion, presents a safety concern or medical risk, otherssptionincldin par tiespayent o inoled Risks o any cannot Release costs reach or and atto a ndenityreeentneys’ ees and ependedreeent will or y lly othe Cheley deendrwise to is Cheleydisruptive, rese orrves othe therwise right conducts to dismiss him any or herselfcamper in f raom manner the p rdetrimentalogram that andrwithesole indeniyrespect a dispte toCheley any claisper the adeters yo the Cheleyother pa cknowledentrent or any person and stato Ithe ffacknowledge believes, camp communit in theirthat ydiscif. I roretion, my childpresents is dismissed a safety conce or deparn orrts medical from camp risk, ssptionincldin payent o Risks o any Release costs orand atto ndenityrneys’ ees ependedreeent or y othe Cheleyrwise to for any reason, no refunds can be granted. Parents are responsible for all withresole respect a dispte to any clais ade y the other parent or any person is Idis acknowledgeruptive, or othe thatrwise if I orconducts my child him is ordismissed herself in or a depamannerrts detrimentalfrom camp or adlt capers and parents I agree to review all program materials tocosts the ofcamp early communit departuyr.e whether for medical reasons, dismissal, personal incldinsent and topayent complete o anyall reuicostsred or fo attorms.rneys’ I have ees accurately epended completed y Cheley this to foreme anyrgencies reason, or noothe refundsrwise. can These be granted. costs include, Parents butare arresponsiblee not limited for allto roresole adlt a disptecapers and parents I agree to review all program materials I acknowledge that if I or my child is dismissed or departs from camp Application and have read, understand and agree to the Terms outlined above, costsmedical of and/orearly depa airliftrtu evacuationre whether and for costs.medical reasons, dismissal, personal sent and to complete all reuired forms. I have accurately completed this for any reason, no refunds can be granted. Parents are responsible for all as acknowledged here, and as acknowledged in the Cheley Colorado Camps, emergencies or otherwise. These costs include, but are not limited to orApplication adlt capers and have and read, pa understandrents I ag andree ag toree review to the allTe rmsprogram outlined materials above, costs of early departure whether for medical reasons, dismissal, personal Inc.: Acknowledgment and Assumption of Risks Release and Indemnity medical and/or airlift evacuation and costs. sentas acknowledged and to complete here, all and reui as racknowledgeded forms. I have in the accurately Cheley Colorado completed Camps, this emeCaprgencies Rles andor otheCaperrwise. Behaior These costs include, but are not limited to Agreement. The parent of a minor camper gives his/her child permission to ApplicationInc.: Acknowledgment and have read, and understand Assumption and of ag Risksree to the Release Terms outlinedand Indemnity above, medical There and/or shall beairlift no evacuation smoking orand use costs. of smokeless tobacco no drinking participate in all Cheley activities and programs whether those take place Capof alcoholic Rles beveragesand Caper no Behaior use of mariuana or other illegal drugs and no asAgon r acknowledgedoreement. off Cheley The ppa heremises.rentre, andof a asIminor ag acknowledgedree camperthat all givesaspects in the his/her ofCheley campers’ child Colorado pe orrmission pa Camps,rent/s’ to unauthorized There shall use be ofno p smokingrescription or duserugs ofor smokeless other cont rtobaccoolled substances no drinking or Inc.:parelationshiprticipate Acknowledgment in with all CheleyCheley and willactivities Assumptionbe gove andrned pof rbyograms RisksColorado whether Release State thosela wand. takeIndemnity place Capofna ralcoholiccotics Rles or rbeveragesandelated Caper drug no euipmentBehaior use of mariuana either on or ootherff of campillegal p droperugsrt y.and no Agonr eement.or off Cheley The papremises.rent of a Iminor agree camper that all givesaspects his/her of campers’ child pe orrmission parent/s’ to unauthorized There shall use be ofno psmokingrescription or duserugs of or smokeless other cont rtobaccoolled substances no drinking or parelationshiprticipate in with all CheleyCheley willactivities be gove andrned p rbyograms Colorado whether State those law. take place ofna ralcoholicThecotics camper or beveragesrelated term disrug 27 no euipment full use days, of mariuana eitherand pa onrents or o otherandff of campers campillegal pdr opershouldugsrt yand. make no on or off Cheley premises. I agree that all aspects of campers’ or parent/s’ no deals regarding the time of departure, after camp begins. The Cheley unauthorized The camper use ter mof isp r27escription full days, dr ugsand paor rotherents andcont campersrolled substances should make or relationship with Cheley will be governed by Colorado State law. nanor coticsdeals or r egarelatedrding d rtheug euipmenttime of depa eitherrtur e,on after or o fcampf of camp begins. prope Therty .Cheley The camper term is 27 full days, and parents and campers should make no deals regarding the time of departure, after camp begins. The Cheley CHELEY COLORADO CAMPS ACKNOWLEDGMENT ANDCHELEY ASSUMPTION COLORADO OF CAMPS,RISKS & INC.: RELEASE AND INDEMNITY ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND ASSUMPTIONAGREEMENT OF RISKS & RELEASE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT For Adult and Minor Participants – Family Camp INTRODUCTION For Adult and Minor Participants PleaseINTRODUCTION read this entire Acknowledgment and Assumption of Risks & Release and Indemnity Agreement (hereafter “Document”) carefullyPlease read before this signing. entire AllAcknowledgment adult participants and must Assumption sign this ofDocument. Risks & ReleaseFor participants and Indemnity under 18 Agreement years of age (hereafter (hereafter “Document”) sometimes “minor”carefully orbefore “child”), signing. one Allof theadult participant’s participants parents must sign or legalthis Document. guardians Foror both participants if available under (hereafter 18 years collectively of age (hereafter “parent/s”) sometimes must sign.“minor” In orconsideration “child”), one of ofthe the services participant’s of Cheley parents Colorado or legal Camps, guardians, Inc., and or its both, parent if available company, (hereafter subsidiaries collectively owners, officers,“parent/s”) directors, must employees,sign. In consideration agents, representatives, of the services ofsuccessors, Cheley Colorado assigns, Camps, volunteers Inc., and and its owners,all persons officers, or entities directors, affiliated employees, with it,agents, and itsrepresentatives, independent contractors,volunteers and (including all persons without or entities limitation, affiliated J.P. Legel,with it, Inc. and d/b/aits independent A Wanderlust contractors Adventure,* (including and itsJ.P. agents,Legel, Inc. owners, d/b/a officers, A Wanderlust employees Adventure, and representatives),and its agents, owners, (individually officers, and employees collectively and referred representatives), to in this Document (individually as and “Cheley”) collectively in allowing referred me/my to in this child Document to participate, as “Cheley”), I (adult in participantallowing me/my and/or child parent/s to participate, of a minor I (adult participant) participant acknowledge or parent/s andof a agreeminor asparticipant) follows: acknowledge and agree as follows: ACTIVITIES, RISKS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF RISKS Participating (whether(whether attending, attending, observing observing or activelyor actively participating) participating) in Cheley in Cheley educational, educational, instructional, instructional, recreation recreation and/or adventure and/or adventure activities includesactivities risks. includes Activities risks. take Activities place takein Colorado, place in either Colorado, on or either off Cheley on or premises,off Cheley andpremises, may be and conducted may be orconducted led by Cheley or led staff, by Cheley contractors staff, orcontractors others. Activities or others. may Activities include, may but include,are not limitedbut are to: not limited and to: peak hiking ascents; and peak ; ascents; backpacking; horseback riding;horseback technical riding; rock technical climbing rock or boulderingclimbing or (bothbouldering indoors (both on artificialindoors on walls, artificial and outdoorswalls, and on outdoors natural rock);on natural via ferrata; rock); orienteeringorienteering and route-finding;route-finding; ; whitewater rafting; stand up paddle boarding; swimming; ; riflery; archery; low or high element ropes oror challengechallenge coursecourse activities;activities; fishing; interactive games and other sporting activities, socializing; outdoor cooking; camp craft, use of any equipment, facilities or premises and transportation in vans and other vehicles to and fromfrom activitiesactivities or otherwiseotherwise (collectively referred to in this DocumentDocument as “activities”).“activities”). Activities may be scheduled or unscheduled, supervised or unsupervised and include activities undertaken during participant’s free and/ or independent time. I acknowledge that the inherent and other risks, hazards and dangers (collectively referred to in this Document as “risks”) of these activities can cause injury, damage, death or other loss to participant or others. Parent/s give permission for their child to participate in all Cheley activities and agree to discuss the nature of these activities and risks with their child. The following describes some, but not all of those risks: Risks present in an outdoor or wilderness environment. These risks include travel in high altitude (up to or above 13,00010,000 ft.), mountainous or wilderness terrain both on and off trail. Participants’ travel may be subject to storms, including rain, snow, lightning and strong winds; fast moving rivers or other water bodies, including river crossings, currents or whitewater; falling or slippery rocks; extremely hot or cold weather or water and rapid and unpredictable weather changes; mud slides; flooding or flash floods; falling or fallen timber; stinging, venomous and/or disease carrying animals, insects or microorganisms; poisonous plants; wild or domestic animals and other natural or man-made hazards. Hazards (both on land and above and below water level) may not be marked or visible and weather is always unpredictable. Horseback riding risks. Riding or otherwise dealing in any way with horses includes risks. Horses are unpredictable in all circumstances. Without warning, horses can, for example, kick, bite, rear, bolt, fall down, and react to the environment, sudden movements, noise, people, other animals or objects. Horseback riding can involve equipment that may break, saddles that may slip and other riders who may not control their animals. WARNING: Under Colorado law, an equine professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities, pursuant to section 13-21-119, Colorado Revised Statutes. Risks involved in judgment and decision making. These risks include the risk that the participant, a Cheley staff member, volunteer, contractor or other person may misjudge the participant’s (or others) capabilities, health or physical condition, or misjudge some aspect of travel, instruction, medical treatment, weather, terrain, water conditions or water level, or, route location. Personal health and participation risks. Participant’s mental, physical or emotional condition (including use or abuse of alcohol or any prescription or non-prescription drugs), disclosed or undisclosed, known or unknown, combined with participation in these activities includes risks. Although Cheley personnel will review participant’s submitted health and medical information, Cheley cannot anticipate or eliminate risks or complications posed by participant’s mental, physical (including fitness level) or emotional condition. Risks associated with any outdoor or athletic activity. These risks include the risk that a participant may overestimate his or her abilities or fitness; be inattentive; lose control and trip or fall and/or collide with others, the ground, rocks or trees or encounter other water/terrain/ road/trail hazards; not understand the functioning of (or misuse) the equipment; fail to negotiate steep, uneven or difficult terrain; not control his or her speed or experience equipment malfunction. Risks connected with geographic location. Activities may take place in remote locations, several hours from medical facilities, causing potential delays or difficulties in communication, transportation, evacuation and medical care. Although Cheley staff or contractors may have wireless communication devices while conducting activities both on and off Cheley premises, use of these devices in outdoor, mountainous or any other terrain or location is unreliable and inconsistent. Cheley premises risks. A climbing wall and a low element challenge course are located on Cheley premises. In addition, boulders, ruts, slippery walkways, ponds and other water sources, uneven ground or other conditions may exist in and around the premises. Equipment risks. The risk that equipment used in an activity may be misused, or may break, fail or malfunction. This includes participant’s personal equipment, Cheley equipment or other equipment (whether purchased borrowed or rented). Participants choosing to bring and use their personal equipment (including any safety gear) assume full responsibility, along with parent/s of a minor, for choosing appropriate equipment and for the fit and condition of their equipment. Helmets or other safety gear (required or used for some activities) may prevent or lessen injuries in some instances; however, use of safety gear is not a guarantee of safety, and injury can occur even with the use of this gear. * Note – consider adding any other known independent contractors Cooking and camping risks. Risks include gas explosion, scalding or other burns associated with cooking over a stove or open fire. Water contamination is a risk in natural water sources, and water may be disinfected, filtered or boiled before use. Camp sites may be subject to falling trees and/or branches, floods, wildlife disturbances and other hazards. Firearms risks. Risks include being shot or struck by discharge, ricochet or malfunction of a firearm. Free time risks. Participants will have free time before, during and after activities and at various other times. Unsupervised time may include free time and/or brief periods of time, stationary, alone and possibly overnight, in the field (solos). During both supervised and unsupervised activities, all participants share in the responsibility for their own well-being. Risks regarding conduct. The potential that the participant, or other participants or third parties may act carelessly or recklessly. These and other risks may result in participants. falling partway or falling to the ground or into the water; being struck by, colliding with or impacting objects, people, animals or the bottom of a water body; experiencing vehicle or boat collision, capsize or rollover; getting caught or entangled in objects above or below water; reacting to high altitudes, weather conditions or increased exertion; becoming lost or disoriented; suffering gastro-intestinal complications or allergic reactions or experiencing other problems. These and other circumstances may cause heat or cold related illnesses or conditions (including hypothermia, hyperthermia, cold water immersion, frostbite, or heat exhaustion/stroke); dehydration; hyponatremia; drowning; high altitude sickness (i.e. high altitude pulmonary or cerebral edema); heart or lung complications; broken bones; paralysis or other permanent disability; mental or emotional trauma; concussions; sunburn or other burns; illnesses (including contracting animal/insect borne or contagious diseases); infections; cuts or wounds or other injury, damage, death or loss. I (adult participant or parent/s of a minor participant) acknowledge and agree: • to review and/or complete all required forms or materials received (including the Application and Terms of Agreement and Health History and Examination form), abide by the terms of those documents, and obey all Cheley rules and other policies; • Cheley representatives are available should I have further questions about these activities or the associated risks; • to disclose to Cheley representatives any mental, physical or emotional condition/s or limitation/s which might affect participant’s ability to participate, and represent that participant is fully capable of participating without causing harm to him or herself or others; • the information provided above is not complete, other unknown or unanticipated activities, risks, and outcomes may exist, and Cheley cannot assure participant’s safety or eliminate any of these risks; • if participant is borrowing or renting new or used equipment from Cheley, the equipment comes “AS-IS,” and Cheley disclaims all warranties, express or implied (including any conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose) regarding the equipment; • Cheley Coloradocontracts Camps, with independent Inc. contracts contractors with independent (not its contractorsemployees (notor agents)its employees to provide or agents) or conduct to provide some or conductservices someand activitiesservices andparticipants activities may participants engage in;may it engagedoes not in; supervise it does not or supervise control these or control contractors these contractors and is not andlegally is notliable legally or responsible liable or responsible for their conduct. for their conduct.I understand I understand I may independently I may independently investigate investigate and assess and these assess contractors, these contractors, services servicesand activities and activitiesif I choose if Ito choose do so; to do so; • participant is voluntarily participating with knowledge of the risks. Therefore, participant (and parent/s of a minor) assumes and accepts full responsibility for participant, for the inherent and other risks (known and unknown, described above or otherwise) of these activities and for any injury, damage, death or other loss suffered by participant (and parent/s of a minor), resulting from those risks, including the risk of participant’s own negligence or other misconduct.

RELEASE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT Please read carefully. This Release and Indemnity Agreement contains a surrender of certain legal rights. Certain federal land agencies may restrict service providers from seeking releases of liability for negligence, for injuries or other losses occurring while operating under permit on some federal lands. Therefore, except to the extent a court determines these federal restrictions apply to Cheley as a matter of law, I (adult participant, or parent/s for themselves and for and on behalf of their participating minor child) agree as follows: 1) to release and agree not to sue Cheley, with respect to any and all claims, liabilities, suits or expenses (including attorneys’ fees and costs) (hereafter collectively “claim” or ”claim/s”) for any injury, damage, death or other loss in any way connected with my/my child’s enrollment or participation in these activities, including use of any equipment, facilities or premises. I understand I agree here to waive all claim/s I or my child may have against Cheley, bind my/my child’s estate and any family member/heir/other party bringing claim/s and agree that neither I, my child, nor anyone acting on my or my child’s behalf, will make a claim against Cheley as a result of any injury, damage, death or other loss suffered by me or my child; 2) to defend and indemnify (‘indemnify’ meaning protect by reimbursement or payment) Cheley with respect to any and all claim/s: (a) brought by or on behalf of me, my child or spouse or my/my child’s other family member/s, heir/s or estate for any injury, damage, death or other loss in any way connected with my/my child’s enrollment or participation in these activities, including use of any equipment, facilities or premises; and/or (b) brought by a co-participant or any other person for any injury, damage, death or other loss to the extent caused by my/my child’s conduct in the course of participating in these activities, including use of any equipment, facilities or premises. This Release and Indemnity Agreement includes claim/s of or resulting from Cheley’s negligence (but not its gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct), and includes claim/s for personal injury or wrongful death (including claim/s related to emergency, medical, drug and/ or health issues, response, assessment or treatment), property damage, loss of consortium, breach of contract or any other claim. OTHER PROVISIONS I (adult participant or parent/s of a minor participant) agree that Colorado law (without regard to its “conflict of laws” rules) governs this Document, any dispute I or my child have with Cheley and all other aspects of my or my child’s relationship with Cheley, contractual or otherwise, and agree that any mediation, suit or other proceeding must be filed or entered into only in Larimer County, Colorado. I agree to attempt to settle any dispute (not be settled by discussion) through mediation before a mutually acceptable Colorado mediator. This Document is intended to be interpreted and enforced to the fullest extent allowed by law. If any portion of this Document is deemed unlawful or unenforceable, it shall not affect the enforceability of the remaining provisions, and those remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.

Adult participant or parent/s of a minor participant agree: I have carefully read, understand and voluntarily sign this Document and acknowledge that it shall be effective and legally binding upon me, my spouse, participating minor child and other children, and my/my child’s other family members, heirs, executors, representatives, subrogors, assigns and estate. Adult Participant or one or both parent/s of a minor participant must complete the information and sign below. Parent/s please print the name of your participating minor child.

______Participant Signature (Parent/s please print name for minors) Date Print Name Here Participant Birthdate

______Parent or Guardian Signature Date Print Name Here

______Parent or Guardian Signature Date Print Name Here