
T. BOYD BOYD & CO.ITD. 74/75, WATLING STREET, LONDON, E.C.4 Telephone: 01-248-4433 Official TRAVEL AGENTS IN to the E.T.T.A. Official Journal of the English Table Tennis Association Consult us for your business and holiday travel Edited by GEORGE YATES ALL CAR FERRY BOOKINGS by SEA and AIR No. 13 FEBRUARY, 1968. Price 1/­

ENGLISH OPEN PREVIEW by George R.: Yates IVOR EYLES TO RETIRE Dome I AT the National Council Meeting on Soviet Designs on February 3, Ivor Eyles announced ,OFFICIAL entries from Czecho­ Gomoskov and Anato'liy Amelin- V. M. Merchant (India) and that he would be retiring as Chairman of slovakia, Hungary, Rumania, they lost 20-22 to 's Kjell Edvard Vecko (Yugoslavia) before the E.T.T.A. at the end of the present Russia, West Germany and Yugo· Johansson and Hans Alser in, losing to Kim Ohang Hoof North season. slavia, together with those of our last ApriI-they could Korea. own and from the other home provide the foremost challenger to Such then were the exploits of "Last Great Personality" countries, promises to make this men's singles title holder Jaros'lav the Russians in the World cham­ year's English Open, to be played Stanek of Czechoslovakia. pionshiips and who now, after an­ Paying tribute to Ivor for the prodigious at Brighton (February 29-March 2) Posing a simi'lar threat to Mary other year's training and experi­ amount of work that he has done over the one of the best for some consider­ Wright's women's singIes title are ence, have set their sights on the years, Tom Blunn, Hon. Treasurer of the able time. ET.T.A. writes: the Soviet's CorbiIlon Cup pair English Open titles. The draw will take place at Shell Zoya Rudnova and Svetlana Grin­ ~~~~~~ The announcement of the retirement of Mex House, Strand, London, berg who, in Sweden, lost only to MARCH ISSUE Ivor Eyles probably sees the disappearance of the last great W.C.2, on Monday, February 12, Noriko Yamanaka and Naoko personality in English Table Tennis. He is too great a man to be by whi'ch time Derek Tremayne's Fukazu af Japan in the fina'! of the' The March issue will contain overshadowed by his illustrious predecessors and rightly takes his propaganda machine at Park Cres­ women's team championships. a full report of the English place in the history of the E.T.T.A. Open Championships and con· cent will be working full blast on Such scalps as those of 's sequently there may be a slight Ivor has decided to "call it a day", after serving as Chairman another In1formation Bulletin. Judy Williams, Ciri'la Picc (Yugo­ delay in publication. of the Association for six years, Deputy Chairman for four years As with the one sent out on slavia), Eva KocZ!ian (Hungary) and national member for seventeen years, together with a lifetime January 18, all League Secretaries and Maria Alexandru (Rumania) of service at local level, not forgetting, of course, his ten years will be the recipients of the yellow dangled from Zoya's be'lt at Stock­ BOLTON LEAGUE FULLY with the County Championships, firstly as Han. Sec. and later as sheeted duplication and it is to be holm before she was ousted from " ORGAN·ISED " Chairman. hoped that due prominence will be the women's singles event by FIRST-CLASS seating for 500 Such Service is too much to expect from anyone man, but afforded the result of his labours. Fukazu in the semi-finals. spectators, mostly tiered, can Ivor has given it willingly. It is not possible in this small space to Svetlana, after beating Sokha be had in Bolton's Albert Hall for do justice to our Chairman, but tribute will be made on an appro­Additionally Crown Posters, Car Chea (Cambodia) went out in the the additional match, England priate occasion. Stickers and Hand·bills are avail­ fourth round to the red-headed versus Russia scheduled for Wed­ able on request from the E.T.T.A. Eleonora Mihalca of Rumania. nesday, March 6 (7.30 p.m.). , Office so there is no reason why A novel feature for this attrac­ every enthusiast in the country In the World men's singles event, tive fixture will be half an hour's European League - R~gional Division should not be aware of what is for the St. Bride Vase, Russia's introductory music by the Bolton going on in preparation for the Gomoskov fell in the sixth round Borough Organist, Mr. -Fred Bal. take-over of the Dome and Com to Mitsuru Kono (Japan) after shaw, who will also oblige with Belgium Clinch Title Exchange at the popU'lar Sussex wins over Zachafliasch (Israel), ,the two national anthems. , resort. Johansson, the European title ' Seats can be booked through the writes Brian Nicolle Of course, the Russian entry is holder, and Richard M :j '1 e s, Edi'tor, who is the M il.t c h one that should capture the imag­ (U.S.A.). Orga'lliser, at 43 Knowsley Road, BELGIUM are the first winners run for their money and might so ination of the general public for in Ameli'll too, reached I'he same SmithiHs, BoHon, Lanes. Prices are of the Regional Division of easily have beaten them. such 'likely contestants as World sixth round (last sixteen) with wins £1, ISs., lOs. and 5s. (unreserved) the European League. The y Jersey's solitary victory came men's doubles finalists, Stanis.Ja v over Mikael Svensson (Sweden), s.a.e. with orders. clinched the series in ,nhe final from Ken Eloury who won a close match of a Quadr'angular Touma- three-game set against Bishop but ment held at It. Relier BoyS'"" he found the loop an smash of School, Jersey, on January 19-20, Graham Davies too strong. These with a win over Scotland, un- Welsh boys certainly .improved defeated at this stage, by 6-1. since I saw Ken bea't both of them Wales, placed third, beat host at the World Championships in Victor Barna country Jersey 6-:1. Belgium had Stockholm. previous'ly beaten Wales 5-2 and Scotland's hopes were obv,iously can't Jersey 7-0, Sco'tland's wins were pinned on Sugden who impressed 7-0 against Jersey and 4-3 against when winning aU his games against personally Wales. Wales and Jersey, but had admitted Mains'tay of the Belgian team on arrival that he was short of teach you was not Van de Walle, as expected, match practice and could not over- but Maurice Comil whose stub- come the defensive Be'lgians. " born chopped defence proved a lJNBEATEN IN SINGLES to playa stumbling block to all. Not even Malcolm Sugden, just back from Among the women Mrs. Josiane winning Tokyo, could penetrate it. Van de DetaiHe-Comel'is proved unbeaten WaIle, another defensive player, in singles, aIthough experiencing a, game dropped only one set-to Robert couple of close games, and in ••• Bishop of Wales in the first match. partnership with Comil was only ...but Surprise team of the series was unsuccessful aga;inst Scotland. Wales who gave Scotland a real Leslie Barrie had a tough one he'll gladly. aga:inst Elizabeth Gray which went to three and virtually c1inched the ASIAN COACH match. Jersey's Eileen BUlman was do the­ The English Table Tennis unsuccessful but impressed against Assooiation have applied to the Belgian girl. She was also in­ next best the Department ()If Education volved in a determined fight-back, and Science for a grant to with Ken Eloury, in the mixed thing enable the Table Tennis puUing back from 14-19, in the Associations of England, Ire­ third game, only to lose -19. land, Scotland and Wales to John Turner impressed in h'is obtain the services of a top­ first set with Ian Barclay, extend­ class Asian coach. ing him to three gam e s, but A few days ago, officials appeared to fade somewhat, after of the four Home Associa­ this. Scotland's Barclay and Robert tions had extensive talks in Kerr were not in the same class as London with Ichiro Ogimura, Sugden and dropped all their holder of two men's singles singles games to Wales and Bel­ World Championships titles, gium. who is on a business trip in Present at the Tournament, as Europe. Mr. Ogimura, who guest of the Jersey Association, was one of the outstanding was Mrs. Nancy Evans, Secretary table tennis players of all of the European Table Tennis times, has developed success­ Union. ful coaching methods, and (Results and Tables - Page 6) his help would be of the greatest value to the Home BARNES REINSTATED Associations. Immediate developments The Selectors have announced Victor Barna gives you the benefit can be expected as soon as it that Chester Barnes will be rein­ of his vast playing Hxperience. (Who else has is known to what extent stated as a member of the Inter­ won 15 World Championships!) This experience is built grant aid can be made avail­ 1 national Squad as from March into every piece of equipment that Victor helps Dunlop develop able. 'I 1st, 1968 -table tennis balls, bats, nets, posts and tables now at your local Dunlop l~~~~~~~ sports shop. Choose Dunlop Barna and you'll have the equipment the Champions Czechoslovakian Open play with. It's the equipment that is being used for most top tournaments throughout the world. Denis and Mary Win Mixed At Prague in the Czechoslovakian Open, Denis Neale and Mary Wright won the Mixed Doubles by defeating the Rumanian pair, Dorin Giurgiuca YOU'LL DO BETTER WITH ~ BARNA and Eleonora Mihalca, IS, .18, 10,8. TABLE TENNIS NEWS FEBRUARY, 1968 Tobie Tennis News Published on the 10th of each month. INTERNATIONAL ROUND-UP October to May inclusive. Postal sub­ scriptions 16s. for ei·tht issues post free. Advertisements and Circulation: D. P By CONRAD JASCHKE Tremayne. English Table Tennis Assn. 26/29. Park Crescent, W.I. D~putl Chairman and Hon. International Secretary of the E.T.T.A. Editorial: Geore. R. Yates, 43. Knowsley Road. Smlthi:ls, Bo~ton. Lanes. Telephone Bolton 42223. THE Russians will be sending their strongest team to the English girls who had represented their country at Stockholm, Ursula Stule­ Open Championships at Brighton, and their two men and two meyer and R,ia Bogmans. Miss Klatt was in the Dutch junior team worn'en will be chosen from the following shortlist of players: MEN: whioh visited England last November. UNEARNED INCOME Stanislav Gomoskov, Anatoliy Ame,Un and Sarkis Sarkhayan; In the N.T.T.B. Cup for men, Frans Schoofs was the winner, with WOMEN: Zoya Rudnova, Svetlana Grinberg and Rita Pogosova. DESPITE increasing the revenue Bert van der Helm runner-up.­ The Russian party, conlplete with coach and interpreter, win arrive I of local league funds as a here on February 27, and after competing at Brighton they will go on ENGLISH JUNIOR OPEN-HELPERS WANTED result of fines incurred by teams to Birmingham to play their European L'eague match against England Charles Wyles would like to hear from volunteers willing to help playing short-handed, this source on Tuesday, March 5, at nearby Warley. (All enquiries re English with the English Junior Open Championships at Folkestone on May of income is one that could well Open to Charles Wyles, 48 Eversfield Place, St. Leonards-on-Sea (Tele­ 3-5, 1968. We have been most fortunate in obtaining a £400 grant be done without. phone: Hastings 391), re European League ma'tch to Maurice Gold­ from Folkestone Corporation towards the expenses of this event, plus Conceded sets are, in the main, stein, 4!15 Moseley Road, Birmingham 12 (Telephone: Calthorpe 2739). free use of the excellent Marine Pavilion. But as is well known, under indicative of inertia which really On Wednesday, March 6, the Russians wHI play England in a normal circumstances the cost of running an event of this kind can go has no place in competitive sport. friendly match at BoHon (enquiries to George Yates, 43 Knowsley well into four figures, so on this first occasion of holding the new Granted as the season passes Road, Smithills, Bolton (Telephone Bolton 42223). Referee appointed event utmost e!conomies have to be made. its zenith, the temptation to for this match: Mr. A. Porter, B.T.T.A.; representative: Mr. A. For many years we have talked about the need for an English withdraw from combat, in divi­ Upton.) Junior Open, and it would have been the greatest pity to lose the sions t hat are "sewn up," The Russians who are making a strong bid to win the European opportunity presented to us by Charles Wyles' enterprise in clinching becomes very real. League title will be a big attraction in this country. More than 1,000 the Folkestone Corporation's generous offer. Thus, although we have But obligations undertaken at spectators turned up to see them defeat Germany by 5-2 in a European no allowance in the international budget for the event this season, it was decided to go ahead, and to keep expenses as low as possible on the outset of a season are still League match at Duisburg recently. In this match Eberhard Scho]er was once again the German's star turn, beating Amelin by 21-16, 21-13, this occasion to avoid a financial loss. operative even in the last match and Gomoskov 21-18, 21-19 to score his country's only wins. Therefore we are making an appeal for helpers to come entirely of all. at their own expense on this occasion, to give a hand in running this Character is enhanced by those GERMAN TOURS brand new event for our youngsters. Mr. Wyles will be pleased to players who finish the course and Both our senior and junior teams have been invited to tour arrange accommodation in Folkestone at every reasonable cost by whose only reward is that of Germany this season, the seniors in February and the juniors in April. special arrangement with the local hotels-so if you can help, will you being an ever-present in a team The senior side consisting of Denis Neale, Stuart Gibbs, Mary Wr'ight please contact him at 48 Eversfield Place, St. Leonards-on-Sea? Thank and Karenza Smith, with Johnny Leach as N.P.C., will play three you very much. that finished "nowhere." friendly matches, the first in Hamburg on February 20, the second on Far better the satisfaction of February 21, and the third in Saarbriicken on February 22. Then, after Incidentally, the Belgians, Dutch and Germans have aU accepted walking every mile of the way, a day's rest, they will participate in the German Open. Arrangements invitations to this event by return of post, showing what a great need even though it be down a cul­ for the junior :tour are now being worked out. there is for an event of this kind in Western Europe. Altogether some de-sac, than to pack in when the 12 countries are expected to compete. glitter of a prize becomes, as it EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS The programme for the European Championships in Lyons has does for most, just amirage. been arranged as follows: It is a poor show, espe'cially March 5, 1968 Entries close 1968 European Championships when teams comprise only three March 23, 1968 The Draw players, for one member to April 16, 1968 Jury Meeting absent his or herself without April 17-20, 1968 Team Championships PARTY TRAVEL-£36.18.0 prior warning. April 22-24, 1968 Individual Championships This unnotified absenteeism is Season tickets to admit holders to all sessions including finals cost FOR the above sum, the following itinerary is offered for a party to visit Lyons, France, for the 3 days of the individual events. the worst feature of all, for given 60 Francs each-roughly £5. the opportunity, even at the I would like to stress that prices in France--particularly food The outward flight on Sunday, April 21, will depart at 07.30 hrs. eleventh hour, a club secretary prices-are considerably higher than in England. from London Airport, and the homeward flight will arrive at London Airport at 23.30 hI'S. on Thursday, April 25, both flights being via Paris might well be able to fill the .ALSER TOPS SWEDISH RANKINGS on regular Air Lines. breach. [n the latest ranking lists issued by the Swedish rr.T.A. Hans Aiser Far better the chance be given has captured the No. 1 position, in front of Kjell Johansson, followed Transfer fron1 the Airport to the Hotel, on both arrival and departure at Lyons. Accon1modation at the comfortable Hotel Universe than to be the reluctant recipient by Karl-Jahan Bernhardt Bo Persson and Christer lohansson. Marita Neidert heads the \vomen·s list, follovved by Eva :; 'Jhansson. in Lyons. at bed and breakfast rate, with service charges, local taxes, of a duly levied fine. etc., included, for four nights (from arrival April 21 until departure Trying to recoup the fine from MARA1'HON April 25). the guilty party is another occu­ Eight young Olen, average age 18, in the Gernlan town of Vreden pational hazard of the lot that is have set up a new table tennis endurance world record. They played Notes part and parcel of a club secre­ non-stop for eleven days (266 hours to be exact) in relays, lost 40 lb. The above quotation does not include entrance to the venue of the Championships. tary's task. weight in the process, and got through eleven bats and 61 balls. The It is realised that the early and late flight times are inconvenien~ We are now entering that part event raised ·0 M 1,500 (say £150) for a children's charity. The previous record was held by a teanl from Coventry with 204 hours, 1 am told. but it has been done to obtain Night Tourist rate, thereby reducin2: the of the season which makes or Has any reader any ideas how \ve could arrange for an English side to cost. breaks that honorary official so make a bid for a record, and if so, might I suggest proceeds to the The quotation is also based on a minimum of 15 persons; a lower if you have any regard for the "I Back Britain" campaign? I kno\v nothing of how these marathon number would result in the addition of a small premium. work that has been put in now events are organised, but shall be pleased to hear from anyone who has Anyone wishing to take advantage of this offer, should send £.5 is the time to show it. concrete proposals. per person deposit, together with their name, address and telephone number, to the Adlninistrative Secretary, Albert Shipley, at the E.T.T.A. VYHANOVSKY THE TOP VETERAN Office, 26 Park Crescent, London, W.l, before Monday, March 4, 1968. Foroler world and European champions met recently in the Czech TABLE TENNIS town of Ostrava for a big Veterans' Tournament. Our own Johnny Leach lost to Ivan Andreadis, and Ferenc Sido (Hungary) fell to the EXHIBITIONS by eventual champion. In the final Vyhanovsky beat Andreadis by 2-1, OFFICIAL NEWS Andreadis conceding a good many years to his conqueror. MA~Y & ANYONE NEED AN ELECTRIC RAZOR? ELECTION CALENDAR BRIAN And ho\v is this for an embarassing experience? Sweden's junior Season 1967-68 girls' chanlpion Eva Johansson obtained special permission to take part 1968 WRIGHT in the men's singles of a tournament in Arloev-and she won. Her 1 Mon. 4 Mar. Send out Officer Nomination Papers prize: an electric razor! 2 Mon. 18 Mar. Last day for Nomination Papers to b~ in Contact: Ken Mathews 3 Fri. 22 Mar. Send out Provisional Nominations List to persons 14-YEAR-OLD WINS SENIOR TI1'LE ncminated . II, South Norwood Hill Holland's youth policy is beginning to bear results. Ellen Klatt, 4 Fri. 29 Mar. Last day for withdrawing from nomination London, S.E.2S. (LIV. 1918) on her 14th birthday, caused a sensation by winning the women's 5 ·Wed. 3 April Send out Officer Voting Papers and/or Notices that championship in the Limburg Cup, beating, amongst others, two Dutch no ballot necessary Fri. 12 April and Mon. 15 April GOOD F'RIDAY and EASTER MONDAY 6 Wed. 17 April Last day for Voting Papers to be in 7 Wed.. 24 April Send out Officer Election Results Send out Council Nomination Papers ALEC BROOK-IMPORTANT NOTICE 8 Wed. 8 May Last day for Nomination Papers to be in 9 Mon. 13 ~ay Send 'out Provisional Nominations List to persons nominated 10 Tue.. 21 May Last day for withdrawing ,from nonlination No Longer with Alec Brook (Sports EqUipment) Ltd. at Euston Road, N. W, I., who 11 Wed. 22 May Inform Countieli for which no effective nomination have given up sports EqUipment in favour of badges, ties and trophies. I am now 12 Fri. 7 June Last day for Counties to name Councillors where again dealing in Table Tennis and Sport on my own. appropriate' 13 Fri. 24 May Send out Council Voting Papers and/or Notices tha,t no banot necessary In about four weeks I shall have new premises in the West End, but in the meanwhile Mon. 27 May SPRING BANK HOLIDAY please write to the address below. 14 Fri. 7 June Last day for Votin,gPapers to be in '!ld ~ I 14 June Send out Council Election Results

All Tournament Tables will now be between £55 and £60. TEAM SELECTIONS TABLES FOR the Home Quadrangular Under the non-playing captaincy We have SIX Alec Brook Tournament Tables left at Tournament in Belfast on of Johnny Leach (Essex) an pre-devaluation price-£48.IO.O. February 9-10 England chose the English quartet comprising Denis foUowing quintet:- Ian Harrison N'eale (Yorkshire), Stuart Gibbs Tables taken in part exchange-RESURFACING by experts. (G10ucestershire), Keith Lawrence (Essex), Mary Wright (Surrey) and (Essex), Trevor Taylor (Hertford- I Karenza Smith (Middlesex) will shire), Maureen Heppell (North- make a short tour of West Ger­ Stiga Bats-Alser, Berczic, Ehrlich etc; Table Tennis Shades; Instanta Posts/Nets; All Table umberland) and Jill Shirley (Buck-many immediately prior to the Tennis EqUipment. inghamshire). N.P.C.: R. J. Cray- English Open. den (Surrey). During the period February 18­ The scaling down of the English 25 they will engage in three representation provided first senior friendly international matches and ALEC BROOK 82 Granville Place, Finchley, N.12 (FINchley 6839) international appearances for Law- participate in the West German renee and Taylor and for Jill Open at Ka.rlsrhue on February Shirley. 24-25. FEBRUARY, 1968 TABLE TENNIS NEWS 3

Manchester League Closed NATIONAL TEAM COMPETITIONS ' by Leslie Davis CASOFSKY-VETERAN MANCHESTER TAKE DOUBLE K.O. EXTRAORDI NARY 'THE third rounds rather slowly table 'tennis since seven of the eight Carter Cup London C.S. .. 6 East London .. 3 Wembley 5 Acton ...... 4 FEATURE olf the Manchester and and somewhat painfuHy came sets went to three. Birmingham and East London Dis,trict League's Closed Cham­ Brighton ...... 9 Leatherhead .. 0 to a close. Random disputes and Full marks to David Brown play­ are the only teams to have reached Bristol 3 Gloucester . . .. 5 pionships played at Manchester bad travelling conditions tended to the finals since the commencement Hull w.o. Doncaster University's MdDougal Centre on ing for the :losing side I1ford Burnley ...... 6 Manchester 3 January 3-5 was the winning of the disrupt our time schedules but against Willesden. He not only beat of this competition. With their Cambridge 3 Norwich 5 Veteran Singles title 'by Benny things got sorted out eventually. Mike Johns and Laurie Landry but international jun:jors available I Oxford 5 High Wycombe 4 Casofsky for~he ninth successive Disputes between leagues would took Brian Wright to three games. cannot envisage any change this Willesden 6 Ilford ...... 3 never occur if Secretaries wou'ld season. (But I have been wrong N.W. Kent ° Woolwich 5 year. The beating of East London by Newbury 1 Slough 5 Shock winner (If the men's singles but adhere to the Regulations. before.) London Civil Service was not un­ J. M. ROSE BOWL-ROUND 4 was Scottish international Brian Kean Bromfield Trophy who (Hsposed of Kevin Porshaw, the Third round results prov,ided expected although Keith Law­ To be played by February 18, 1968 few upsets among the "Giants" rence's defeats at the hands of Champions East London lost Doncaster v Liverpool holder, in the semi-finals and his Northumberland v Spalding Cheshire 'county collea'gue, Derek of the Wilmott Cup. Among the Henry Buist and Stuart Gibbs (the their first ever Bromfield Trophy Bedford v N. Herts Schofield, in the final. few was the defeat of Manchester latter easily) must have caused dis­ matoh to Barking by 4 sets to 5. Birmingham v Lowestoft Men's Singles - semi-finals: B, at the hands of Burnley (who now appointment. The losers were without their ever Woolwich v Sutton victorious No. l-Karenza Smith. London C.S. v East London KEAN 'bt K. Forshaw 15, -15, 14; include George Livesey). This was Rose Bowl Slough v Eastbourne D. SCHOFIELD bt J. Olayton -17, no doubt due to the waning of I was rather surprised to ~ee Plymouth v Portsmouth 5, 10. Manchester's veteran star Jack A very close game between Sittingbourne beating Ipswich. Al­ Northern "Goliaths" Manchester Results of Round 3 Final: KEAN 'bt Schofield 19, 19. Clayton who lost all his games. though I hear that Mr. Mannooch Doncaster . . .. 9 Leeds ...... 0 Women's Singles---semi-finals: M. and Liverpool resuHed in the first has some promising players in his Grimsby ...... 4 Spalding •... . . ~ LEIGH bt S. M. Lis.Je 10, 13; D. Northumberland managed to win for Liverpool over her neigh­ area I cannot forget that Ipswich's Lowestoft 9 Norwich 0 bours for four years. It is also Reading 2 Bedford 7 SCHOFIELD bt 1. Nield 10, 14. beat Huddersfield but only after very young ladies reached the final Sutton 8 Central...... 1 Final: LEIGH bt Schofield 14, 19. having to fight very !hard. Alan four years since Liverpool reached last season. I would mention, how­ Basildon ...... 1 London C.S. .. 8 Ransome won three, for the win­ the fourth round. ever, that four olf the sets went to Southampton .. 1 Portsmouth. . .. 5 Men's Doubles-final: D. BERRY/ Plymouth 6 Bristol 3 FORSHAW bt 1. Clarke/Clayton -13, ners while Brian Burn won two. The last time Birmingham beat three games. Liverpool . . .. 6 Manchester 4 14, 18. West Bromwich in this oompetition In conclusion, there is one more Bolton aga:jn beat Liverpool. The W. Bromwich .. 3 Birmingham 6 Women's Doubles-final: LEIGH/ was in the 1964-65 season although point that should be recorded. Luton 1 N. Herts 5 A. score of 2-2 was on the card before it must be stated that the margin Few Leagues manage to be stH! K London 9 Wembley 0 NIELD bt Moran/'Schofield 16, IIford 3 Woolwich 6 14. John Clarke started the rot and of defeat has only amounted to represented in all four competitions Bolton won the next three sets Worthing 0 Eastbourne 6 Mixed Doubles-final: CLARKE/ one set. In that season, Birming­ at this stage. The mighty Hirrning­ Newbury 1 Slough 5 LEIGH bt Kean/Schofield 20, 18. fairly easily. Gordon Birch played ham reached the semi-final. A good ham League is still interested as well for Liverpool a'lthough he col­ CARTER CUP-ROUND 4 J u n i 0 r Singles - final: B. omen for Birmingham? they were at this time last season. (Quarter-finals) lapsed ,in the ineffectuaI ninth set. To ,be played by February 18, 1968 MITCHELL bt A. Boasman 13, 5. SuUon, last season's champions, Not only is it refreshing to receive entries for the four com­ Hull v Bolton Veteran Singles-final: B. CASOF­ The Norwich v Cambridge en­ are stiH in and with a full team Birmingham Bye SKY bt A. Holland 13, 11. counter produced some exciting look strong enough to w.in again. petitions from the smaller leagues East London v Bromley but for all of them to be stiU Southampton v Slough engaged at the fourth round stage is an honour indeed. The Slough Results of Round 3 YORKSHIRE JUNIOR OPEN by Mid-Cheshire .. 2 Birmingham .. 7 Rea Bamford and District League has ach:jeved Dunstable v Leighton Buzzard this outstanding status. (Both teams scratched) High Wycombe 0 East London .. 5 WILMOlT CUP-ROUND 4 Bromley ...... 7 N., Middlesex .. 2 WESTPHALIAN "KOCH OF THE WALK" To be played by February 18, 1968 Slough w.o. Crawley Hull v Bolton Taunton ...... 0 Southampton .. 9 Northumberland v Burnley BROMFIELD TROPHY-ROUND 4 rrHE Boys' Singles trophy for the I belfore going on to defeat Boasman N. JAJRVrS (Yorks)bt Heaps/Taylor Oxford v Watford 15, -20, 18. (Quarter-finals) Yorkshire Junior Open paid and Thomas to take the title. Birmingham v Norwich To be played by February 18, 1968 but a brief visit to its home County Robert Hellaby made good pro­ Final: BOASMAN/FLETCHER bt Wembley v Willesden Northumberland v Birmingham when, at the 1967-68 Champion- gress qual~fying to meet Thomas Albell{Jarvis 20, 12. Woolwich v London Civil N. Middlesex v Sittingbourne Service Barking v Slough ships in Hull, Lothar Koch, No. 1 by virtue of a good win over G i r Is' Doubles - semi-finals: Slough v Brighton Taunton v Newbury of the visiting Westphalian team, Jarvis. HOWARD/HOWARD bt King/Mann Gloucester v Southampton Results of Round 3 packed it into his bag for the Top-seeded Sandra Goldsmith 1'1, II; LISLE/S. PACITfO bt S. Results of Round 3 Sheffield v Northumberland Broadibent/L. Sutton (Yorks) 20, 16. Northumberland 5 Huddersfield .. 4 (Match claimed by Northumberland) return journey across the North had West German No. 1 Ursula Bolton 6 Liverpool 3 Sittingbourne .. 9 Ipswich 0 Sea. " F.PIe l'mg as her Rd"oun 3 vIctIm an d Final: HOWARD/HOWARD bt Birmingham 9 W. Bromwich .. 0 N. Middlesex .. 7 Cheshunt 2 The tall, shm German boy ha? went on to beat Susan Howard and Lisle/Paoi'tto -11, 13, 13. N. Herts ...... 1 Watford 5 Barking ...... 5 East London .. 4 a fine Tournament, and only hIS Linda Forkes. Linda had beaten tour colleagu~,. Manfred Baurn- thel1igher ranked Jennilfer Cor­ a~d Ursula Ffl~lm~ stood bet~een nock, herself winner over Karin hIm and the tnple crown of Sonn, but just could not get the t~e Under-17 ~vents when they better of the Surrey No. 1 in a clinched the MIXed Doubles final tight final at 22-20 in the third. . Thi'rteen-year-old Baum, too, a Shoc~ of the qir~s' events was fiery left-hander, was impressive in the exft of Oh~1stme Mann to taking the Boys' Under-IS title and Susan Howard m the Under:17 reaching the semis of the senior quarters. and to Susan Pac1tto event before giving best to Koch. (Bucks) m Round 2 of the Under­ Bright spot for England was in 15. the G:jrls' events where the pro­ V-17 Boys' Singles-semi-finals: L. gressive Surrey Junior Club made KOOH (West Germany) bt M. Baum a clean sweep of all four titles, (West Germany) 9, 18; H. THOMAS with top-seeded Sandra Gold­ (Wales) bt D. Smith (Surrey) 14, 18. smith taking the Senior singles and Final: KOCH bt Thomas 10, -18, doubles and the younger Susan 10. Howard going one better in part­ nen.ng Sandra to her doubles win Girls' Singles - semi-finals: S. GOLDSMITH (Surrey) bt S. Howal.'d and coming out on top in both (Surrey) -13, 16, 13; L. PORKES Under-1S events. (Yorks) bt J. Corno'ck (Warwks) 18, Go to your Adding to the Howard family's 12. joy was the fact that Susan was Final: GOLDSMITH bt Forkes partnered in the Junior Doubles by 17, -16, 18. Mitre sports younger sister Linda. Local boy Alan Fletcher, with Boy s ' Doubles - semi-finals: dealer and Tony Boasman, came through to KOCHrrHOMAS bt S. Heaps (Ches)IP. Taylor (Her'ts) 13, -19, 17; take the Under-IS Boys' Doubles A. BOAS MAN (Lanes) / A. over Nicky Jarvis and Peter Abell ; FLETOHER (Yorks) bt R. Clarke get him to and they included Westphalian pair (Warwks)/ID. James (Devon) 12, 14. Baum and Friederich Niewind Final: KOCH/TIIOMAS bt Boas­ showyOLJ among their victims on the way to manfiFietcher 17, 21. the final of the Senior Doubles, where they were beaten by Koch G i r Is' Doubles - semi-finals: and Haydn Thomas (Wales). GOLDSMITH/S. HOWARD bt V. Thomas was the other boy to King (Ymks)/C. Mann (Middx) IS, figure prominently in the finals, 16; U. FRIELING/K. SONN (West Germany) bt Forkes/S. Lee (Yorks) taking t!he second game of the 14, -17, 9. championship Senior Singles before going out at 10 in the third, and losing the Final: GOLDSMITII/HOWARD Under-IS final to Baum, before bt Frieling/Sonn -18, 18, 18. bats. gaining conso'lation in partnering Mix e d Doubles - semi-finals: Koch to his Boys' Doubles win. KOCH/SONN bt Thomas/Mann 14, Tony Clayton, top seed following 17; BAUM/FR,IJElLING bt Boasman/ the withdrawal of Brian Mitchell, Lee 17, 16. Why settle called upon for a Wilmott Cup Final: BAVM / FRIELING bt fixture, lost to Thomas, while Koch/'Sonn 17, -13, 20. Roger Clarke (2), returning to the or less? Tournament circuit after a long V-IS Boys' Singles-semi.ftnals : B AU M bt Boasman 10, 18; iHness fell in Round 4 to Ian THOMAS bt R. Hel1aby (Essex) -19, Robertson (Newcastle). 20, 12. Pletcher (seeded 3) was beaten Final: BAVM bt Thomas 19, 14. by Baum in a ding-dong quarter, and David James (4) lost, also in Girls' Singles - semi-finals: S. the last eight, to unseeded Derek HOWARD bt S. Pacitto (Bucks) 4, Smith, who had put out the West 6; S. M. LISLE (Lancs) bt L. German No.3, Niewind. Howard (Surrey) 16, 16. Smith's giant killing came to an Final: S. HOWARD bt Lisle 14, end in the semis, where he met 17. Thomas. Boys' Doubles-semi-ftnals: BOAS­ Baum a g a i n accounted for MAN/FLETCHER bt I. Horsham/ MITRE SPORTS, FITZWILLIAM STREET, HUDDERSFI£LD Fletcher in the Under-lIS quarters, M. Read (Essex) 15, 14; P. ABELL/ TABLE TENNIS NEWS FEBRUARY, 1968


BY PHILIP REID ~STER BARNES took his a game before beating Jimmie third Welsh singles title when Gray fairly comfortably in the IN September, 1964, a young REVISED OPINIONS PROSPECTS he beat Roy Morley in Cardiff. Les boys' event. teenage farmer's daughter November-two months after Hailam was in the other half and Men's Singles - semi-finals: C. excitedly put her packed case in starting playing-heralded Joan's a repeat of the brilliant Cardiff BARNES (Essex) 'bt D. Holland the family car and the farm, left entry into compet'itin table tennis BRIGHT FOR Open Final was expected. But Roy (Gloues) 19, 18; R. MORLEY in good hands, was deserted for a when she played in the Second Morley had other ideas and his (Glollcs) bt O. Has'lam (Middx) -11, week while the househoId took a play in the semi-final against 19, 17. Divi&ion. Those who predicted she Final: BARNES bt Morley 14, 10. well-earned rest. A familiar enough was being rushed were soon revis­ LENINGRAD Haslam deservedly earned him a scene. But for one goirl it was the ing their opinions when she started crack at Chester. Women's Singles - semi·finals: JOAN COLLIER bt Sandra Pickering start of a table tennis career which off by winning her three sets. She WITH Judy Heaps, Jill ~h:ir~ey can only be described as meteoric. In the event the final was poor, 13, 10; BErrY GRAY bt Blizabeth completed the season with her 100 and Trevor Taylor )o101Og for Chester was much too fast for Gray 19, 17. The family went to a holiday per cent stiH intaot. Karenza Smith in Senior Inter­ Morley, who must have breathed Final: GRAY bt Collier 16, -16, camp and previous to going Joan The summer of 1965 was an national ranks this means that the :1 great sigh of relief when John 17. Fitzsimons had never even seen a interesting one for Joan for she Juniors have four Senior Inter­ Spencer let him off the hook when Men's Doubles-final: DAVIES/ table tennis table. Joan, who likes decided to build up her game even nationa'ls, a position that has 'n a leading position in the quar­ EVERSON bt Gear/Holland 13, -15, more. She &till managed to represent occurred only once before, in ters. 17. :ler church team at tennis, do some 3eason 1955-56 when Ann Haydon, Women's Doubles-final: ELIZA· :Jorse riding and play the piano all Ian H3Jrrison, Eddie Hodson and Haslam had little trouble with BETH GRAY/STELLA JONES bt )f which she does very proficiently, myself were the quarter of Senior ':iraham Gear in his quarter, but Margaret Phillips/Sandra Pickering Jut it was table tennis Which Internationals amongst the Juniors. =:hester did not beat Dennis Hol­ 13, -13, 17. Jecame number one priority. fhis season's record is slightly 'and too easily in the semi-final Mixed Doubles-final: DAVIES/ Joan had set her heart on a place better, however, because both Jill ~onsidef'ing the latter has put on PHILLIPS bt Ron Davies/Margaret in the Irish team and was deter­ and Trevor have another season '00 much weight to play his usual lanes 14, -20, 19. mined nothin~ would halt her in the Juniors whilst all the 1955-56 fast game. Boys' Singles - final : HAYDN :1mbition. The 1965-66 season bunch were in their last season. In fact Dennis was poor in the THOMAS bt Jimmie Gray 16, 11. found Joan playing in the Dublin Judy was picked for the trip to ioubles final wilh Graham Gear. Girls' Singles - final: SHAN first division and the results justi­ Czechoslovakia and Romania 1nd Ron Davies and Br,ian Ever­ MORGAN bt Susan Tanner 21, 15. fied her hard work throughout the whereas Jill and Trevor go to Bel­ ~on only had to feed the ball back :;)ummer. She finished up with an fast for the Quadrangular Home '1igh to see the returns gO'ing off. average of 50 per cent--more than Internationals. I think that we can This they had also done to HaslalT' ,a't'isfactory in such a itrong league. look forward to a successful Euro­ 'lnd Cooklin, but their win against Welsh Corner Indeed towards the end at the pean meeting in Leningrad in early Barnes and Morley was the result season it seemed just possible she August. Also very encouraging was yf mO're orthodox and really good by Roy Evans would edge her way into the Euro­ the selection of last year's No. 1 play. pean Championships team but boy, Keith Lawrence for the " Quads." Only Joan Collier and Pat Rowe perhaps wisely the selectors decided constituted any outside challenge DOOR STILL OPEN to bide their time. in the women's singles and indeed * * * After two sessions of hard play OWN EXPENSE Toan looked the only one to stop The short tr,ip to West Germany " veteran" Betty Gray's .triumph­ by the international .. squad," Joan, however, was keen enough is now nearly fixed up and we have '.tnt return to tide taking. But even the Welsh selectors picked the fol­ to make the trip at her own ex­ been invited to send a team of ,he wasn't steady enough to last lowing to play in the European pense and entered the individual three boys and two girls to play 3.ga·inst Betty, who had similarly League Matches in Jersey­ to participate in all sports, .. had events. It was obvious, however, two internationals in the period 1isposed of Hizabeth Gray in the Graham Davies (Bridgend), Robert a go" at most games before con­ that Joan had 'no intention of April 10-14. The first-ever separate ,emi-final, and Margaret PhiHip~ Bishop (Barry) and Elizabeth Gray centrating on table tennis for the letting the selectors bide their time English Open Junior will be held in the round before. Joan Collier (Newport). Brian Everson will be rest of the week. for long. As soon as the 1966-67 the fO'llowing month on May 4-5. won her semi against Sandra the non-playing captain. Tommy Caffrey was the resident season opened Joan came out with It is anticipated that some 8 or 9 Pickering (Morgan) wi·thout much A~ter playing in Jersey, the team coach and he was quick to spot perhaps the most amaZ'in! string countries will t a k e part with trouble. will cross to Guernsey to play an that Ireland had a promising player of viotories of all time for an un­ acceptances aIready from Wales, Graham Davies and Margaret international there. but he could hardly have visualised ranked player. Belgium, Holland and West Ger­ The team for the Quadrangular her being in the same World She won the East of Ireland Phi-Hips did very well to beat the many. There will also be team usual finalists John Spencer and in Belfast has not yet been picked. Championship team as himself two Open, the County Dublin Open, events for countries for both boys Three men and two women are and a half years later. thi! Ulster Open, the Irish Oosed, Elizabeth Gray in the semi-final, and girls. The venue for the Open and then go on to beat Ron Davies needed, and since the squad was Her first stroke of luck was the County Antrim Open, the Leix will be the same as that for the selected nothing of note has been having so fine and shrewed a coach Offaly Open, the County Kildare and Margaret Jones in the final. Kent Junior at Folkestone. J1he latter had had a good semi­ done by players outside to force as Tommy to spot her potential. Open and the Annagh Open. One recognition. Her second piece of luck: was to tournament success followed an· * * * final win over Barnes and Dorothy find Ireland's number one, Jim other. There were no defeats. Attenborough. It is intended to keep the squad Langan on the camp. Jim intro·' The selectors wasted no more At the beginning of February, Shan Morgan and Susan Tanner together throughout the season, but duced her to his club, the Crofton, lime-they made her Ireland's No. there will be the mid-season turned in a good girls' final, with the chance still exists for others to and under his wise counsel she 1. The Quadrangular saw Joan revision at the Junior ranking lists victO'ry going to Shan, but by a improve sufficiently to merit con­ quickly improved. Making the ten- maIcing her debut for the Emerald and this should create a lot of much nearer margin than usual, sideration for the European Cham· mile trip from her home and back, Isle and although she was to be interest. whilst Haydn Thomas didn't drop pionships in April. two or three times a week:, was no denied success there was nothing Meanwhile arrangements are hardship for Joan, who want.d to wrong with her fighting spirit or going ahead for the visit of the Czechs and the Russians follO'wing gilt in as much practice ali lOhe sportsmanship. lC01TISH COLUMN by Robert Murray couId. Returning to Ireland she concen­ the English Open. The Czechs will From the outset she used sand­ trated on lOtrengthenin! her game go to Rhyl for an Exhi'bition wich rubber and uses a bat in readiness for the World Cham­ match on Tuesday, March 5, and specially selected by Jim but pionships in Stockholm. She did it "KEAN" TO IMPROVE? will then come down South to meet initially she-and Jim-decid&d she well enough to haye a splendid the Russians who come to us after their European League Match would need a sound basic !lame. victory a!ainst Palestine and two inten~ion THE of playing Brian heavy player has lost 6 lb. during against England on March 5. It is And of course they were right. very narrow defeats against France Kean 10 the Quadrangular his month in Japan. and Germany. hoped to stage an international Ohampionships i n Belfast on Sugden was due to fly from match involving both teams in This season Joan has decided to February 9-10, was to give him a Tokyo to Jersey for the recent SOLUTION TO LAST go to as many English tournaments Cardiff on March 7-then all will further chance to improve himself Euwpean League Quadrangular go down to the Afan Sports Centre as possible where she is proving a followin~ his /fairly successful and from ·thence on to Czecho­ MONTH'S ACROSTIC successful competitor and a sports­ for the Welsh Open on March showing in the World Champion­ slovakia. 9·10. H 41 woman of the highest calibre. Her ships but his rather disappointing M A T C " H natural charm and readiness to form this season. The team for the 19 10 :lB make friends guarantee her a warm A N G L E European Championships in April welcome. will not be decided until after the 7 31 23 R 0 W E NO POST-MORTEMS Quadrangular results have been 35 JO 21 44 studied. 41st English Open Championships Pleasing though her successes Y E A R All members o'f the Scottish Player 25 11 17 are, it is her ability to make friends Corn Exchange and Dome, Brighton H 0 T and make people happy which is Pool for International matches have begun National Team Train­ Y7 1~ 29 J4 18 perhaps her most likeah'le asset. H 0 B B 5 When Joan loses there are no com­ ing on a reguIar basis for the April 27 J2 16 }8 pla:ints or post-mortems. She gives championships in Lyons. They are, Thursday, 29th February, (commencing 10 a.m.) "A L 0 N E however, well behind other teams 36 credit unstintingly to her yictors. Team Championships. Evening-Team Finals. 43 E T Her defence is now more solid attending the European Champion­ ships. MalcO'lrn Sugden reported , 13 39 42 and her forehand drive improves Friday, 1st March, (CommenCing 9 a.m.) N P P Y with every tournament. Her back· from Moscow, early in December, that .the Russians were already Individual Events. Evening-Quarter-Finals. 47 12 48 hand drive is her chief priority at o F T the moment. Her immediate ambi­ entrenched in their very rigid train­ ing sCihedule. Saturday, 2nd March, (commencing 9.30 a.m.) '3 45 tion is to improve on last season's 0 W results at the Quadrangular when Sugden, the ScOOtish champion, Individual Events. Morning-Semi-finals. 60 24 59 the O1ampionships are held this who is currently training in Japan "w " N 5 E T season in Ireland. with the top Japanese players, is Afternoon-2.IS p.m. GRAND FINALS. 50 73­ 40 65 51 R U L E S Ireland have perhaps not pro­ finding the going very tough duCed many really top-ranking indeed. 49 1>9 75 66 57 Admission at Door I N E P T players but in Tommy Caffrey, Jim He reports that after a six-hour 20 67 56 71 62 Langan and Joan Fitzsimons they session the Japs are still able to do Thursday _. -----­ 5/- Children 2/6 G '" L 0 Ii I Y have produced a trio any country 80 press-ups to his 35, and com­ Friday ------­ 5/- Children 2/6 in the world would find it hard to 54 61 7' parable performances in every Saturday (Morning only) ­ - 5/- Children 2/6 I T I better. Ireland are very proud of other exercise. In most cases, of them. And justly so. course, these players have been at this kind of intensive training for Grand Finals Saturday 2.15 p.m. Tickets obtainable from some years. the Box Office Brighton, or E.T.T.A. Office The players are never allowed to stop moving, haYing to fetch Numbered and Reserved 10/. and £1 (no reduction for children) balls, or to use weights, or eyen shadow table tennis when they are not actually on the table. Speed Rover tickets-Available at all times except the Grand Finals 15/­ and strength are the main themes. Sugden who is not a particularly FEBRUARY, 1968 TAELE TENNIS NEWS 5

LANCASHIRE OPEN by Geo. R. Yafes TROPHIES PALATINE SPECTACULAR The Trophy table at the English Open will be heavily laden this year, with the addition of two handsome Cups for presenta­ tion to the winners of the Men's and Women's Team events. 'PAT well-known duo, Mary I Our thanks are extended to Brighton Corporation for their Wright and Denis Neale generous gift of these two trophies. topped the bill at Hawker Siddeley I Dynamics, Lostock, Bolton, on I Unfortunately, with the staging of a separate English Junior January 13, backed by a strong, Open, the shelf at Folkestone will seem bare by comparison. supporting cast of 232 men and 54 ' At the moment the English Association has only Cups for the women in a tournament of Pal­ Boys' and Girls' singles championships. Charles Wyles, the Organiser, would doubtless be pleased ladium-type proportions. 1 In fact, so many people wanted. to hear from Individuals or Organisations willing to donate to get in on the act that upwards' trophies with a view to filling the five gaps that will otherwise O'f 50 entries were returned and no prevail. less a performer than England's second ranked junior, Paul Judd, I had to content himselif with a ~ spectator's role. BOURNEMOUTH OPEN by John Luther Eight strong were the seeds in both major singles competitions and only one failed to reach his allotted quarter in the men's event. Williams Surprises Chandler Alan Hydes it was who played "VICTOR AND VANQUISHED" A NEW venue was used for this players particularly Mrs. Joyce the role of odd man out, but the season's Bournemouth Open, Coop, winner of the women's stage was not held for long by his Denis Neale Ralph Gunnion Photos by John O'SuJlivvn on January 14-the Town Hall, in singles, Chris Pickard and Julia conqueror, Derek Munt, who per­ which eight tables were used in Hudson, the new Hants Div. 2 formed the vanishing trick in the Hydes, the latter still breathing IS. GOLDSMITH (Surrey) bt L. Bash- excellent conditions. players, and Celia Hutchings and next round when magician Ralph fire, withstood the challenge of ford. (Yorks) -18, 18, 16. . Ably refereed by Mr. B. Roherts Beverley Davis. All these players Gunnion waved his wand. Neale and Gibbs in the set of the Fmal: SHIRLEY bt GoldsmIth and with his team of willing have participated in a Coaching Still with nothing up his sleeve, . ht 11, 18. Scheme which has been in local mg , . veteran Singles--semi-finals: R. helpers the finals were got under the Warwickshire .. Scouser" next way at 7 p.m. Trophies were pre­ operation for about four years. had occasion to qualify for the Close second was the boys' final HINCHLIFF (Yorks) bt B. Griffiths in which Trevor Taylor only just (Warwks) 5, 8; R. ETHERIDGE sented by the Mayor of Bourne­ Peter Williams, the Sussex No. Magic Circle when he manipulated mouth. the trap door for Stuart Gibbs to made it against Tony Clayton who (Ke~l) bt H. Ramsdale (Ches) .1 4, I~. 3, completed a hat-trick of wins is surely destined to be Yorkshire's Fmal: ETHERIDGE bt Hmch!lff Bournemouth officials watched taking the men's doubles with Ron make his exit. with interest the progress of their Brought back for an encore, in second Brian Kennedy. 17, 14. Penfold, the mixed with Marjorie Peters, and surprisingly defeating the final, the "Red Shadow" was ------Roger Chandler, the Sussex No. I, sadly left with nothing but the ~:~~~tss~nl!leS-qUarter-finals: s. by John Luther WINTON Y.M.C.A. RESTRICTED OPEN in strail~ht games in the men's memory of being so near, yet so Gibbs (Essex) bt M. Sym()llds (Yorks) singles final. far, from the title which the York­ 16, 17; R. Gunnion (Warwks) bt D. shireman recaptured after a year's Munt (Warwks) 6, 15; M. Johns Cupboard Left Bare Men's Singles: P. WILLIAMS bl lapse. (Ches) bl B. Wright (Middx) 19, 20; R. Chandler 9, 18. Mike Johns provided the better D. Neale (Yorks) bt K. Lawrence A MARKED drop in the entries for Women's Singles: P. EDWARDS (Essex) 5, 11. Women's Singles: J. COOP bt P. opposition to the reinstated title the Winton Y.M.C.A. Restricted bt C. Davies 19, 8. Edwards -12, 21. 15. holder who had seen off Keith Semi-finals: GUNNION bt Gibbs Open, played at Bournernouth on Men's Doubles: EDWARDSIT. Lawrence with contemptuous ease. 11, -19, 18; NEALE bt Johns 16, 16. January 7, was an adverse feature of WARD b!t Davies/W. Moulding 13, Men's Doubles: R. PENFOLD/ Final: NEALE bt Gunnion 12, 15. this season's tournament. -14, 16. WILLIAMS bt BenderfPatch 7. 16 Stride for Stride It was practica!'ly a clean sweep for Women's Doubles: DAVIES / Women's Doubles: C. DAVIES/ Women's Singles - quarter-finals: Southampton whose players took six EDWARDS bt A. Mills/B. Peters 18, Matching Neale, stride for stride, M. Wright (Surrey) bt 1. Shirley EDWARDS bt D. Gandy{Y. Wilson of the seven titles, the odd one out 19. 12, 13. Mary Wright shed nary a game (Bucks) 14, 18; L. Forkes (Yorks) bt also going out of town to Watfl'rrl'~ Mixed Doubles: DAVIES/DAVIES in claiming the counterpart D. Simpson (Essex) -19, 19, 16; C. ,V1iss B. Peters, who was also awarded bt Edwards/Mills -20, 15, 17. Mixed Doubles: WILLIAMS/M. women's title but few could have Duncombe (Yorks) bt S. Goldsmith the .. PLAYER OF THE DAY" Boys' Singles: S. TANNAHILL bt PETERS bt Chandler/Miss Walker anticipated her final opponent (Surrey) 18, -18, 9 ; P. Dainty (Yorks) frophy. K. Summerfield 16, 17. 17, 17. being the unseeded Pat Dainty. bt D. Schofield (Ches) 13, 7. Men's Singles: C. EDWARDS bt Girls' Singles: PETERS bt C. Junior Singles: D. JAMES bt S. Semi-finals: WRIGHT bt Forkes D. Davies 19, -21, 23. Hutchings 13, 14. Tannahill 17, 14. On the eve of her 21st birthday, 7, 17; DAINTY bt Duncombe 13,7, the Doncaster school teacher got Final: WRIGHT bt Dainty 8, 16. the better of Maureen Heppell whOse regard for this tournament Men's Doubles - semi.fi-nals : B, brought her from Hexham when BURN (Northumb) / A. HYDES she was far from well causing her (Yorks) bt K. Forshaw (Lanes)! to scra,tch from the doubles events. Symonds -17, 13, 14. GIBBS/NEALE CHESTER BARNES DENIS NEALE Another troubled by the " bug" bt Johns/Wright 16, -18, 12. • • was Judy Heaps who, although Final: BURN/HYDES bt Gibbs/ present, never played at all and in Neale -18, 19, 19. BRIAN WRIGHT • CONNIE WARREN her stead Cynthia Duncombe came Women's Doubles--semi-finals: L. • through only to play second fiddle BARRIE (Scotland)/DAINTY bt M. to the "Stradivarius" wielded by Leigh/J. Nield (Lanes) 18, 13 ; SHIRLEY/WRIGHT bt B. Cain/D. MIKE JOHNS RALPH GUNNION Miss Dainty. 1'0hnson (Ches) 13, 18. • • Of the remaining seeds, Lesley Final: SHIRLEY/WRIGHT bt Proudlock lost to Linda Forkes Barrie/Dainty 14, 9. who basked in the further glory MARY WRIGHT • JUDY HEAPS Mixed Doubles--semi-finals: P. • of beating Diane Simpson, seeded No.6-and eighth seed, Leslie DUNCOMBE / L. PROUDLOCK (Yorks) bt Gibbs/K. Perry (Warwks) Barrie, fell to Doreen Schofield. 18, -19, 18; NEALE/WRIGHT bt Took the Mixed Johns/Simpson 10, 10. Together, the individual cham­ Final: NEALE/WRIGHT bt Dun­ ALL WEAR THIS SIGN pions took the mixed title and combe/'Proudlock 9, 15. Mary, a third, which she shared in Boys' Singles-quarter-finals: T. the women's doubles with Jill Taylor (Herts) bt A. Grimshaw Shirley. (Lanes) 8, 7; A. Boasman (Lanes) bt Jill had earlier won the girls' A. Fletcher (Yorks) 17, -18, 17; A. ...­ Clayton (Yorks) bt A. Whittle (Lanes) singles event from a still perky 6, 12; B. Mi,tchell (Lanes) bt I. Johns Sandra Goldsmith, who had arrived (Ches) 10, 13. in Bolton at 5 a.m. having travelled Semi-finals: TAYLO R b't Boasman up by 'bus from London and had JI, 19; CLAYTON bt Mitchell 7, been hard at it before breakfast 19. time. Of such resolve are cham­ Final: TAYLOR bt Clayton 17, pions made. 20. Only the men's doubles title was Girls' Singles-semi-finals: SHIR­ retained when Brian Burn and LEY bt S. Howard (Surrey) 20, 22;


Entries Top Century MAKE SURE THIS SIGN AGAIN held at Kingston Gram­ boys' U-14 event and 43 for the . mar School by kind permission counterpart girls' competition. IS ON YOUR CLOTHES: of the Headmaster, Mr. P. W. Boys' U-14: P. BISHOP (Kingston Rundle, on December 20-22, the Grammar) bt D. Browne (Kingston third Surrey Com e t Schools Grammar) 7, 6. Boys' U-16 : BISHOP bt G. AND ALSO YOUR "NITIALS Tournament attracted a record 370 Featherstone (Kingston Grammar) 8, ell'tr,ies which was a number pre­ 17. oisely 100 up on the previous year. Boys' Open": BISHOP bt Feather- stone 9, 10. Also up on last year was the Girls' U-14 : J. BYRNES (Coombe) form of Kingston's Paul Bishop bt A. Stork (Coombe) 14, 23. Call at your nearest sports shop and ask to see our catalogue who distinguished himself by bring­ Girls' U-16: G. McCULLOCH ing off the .. Triple Crown" from being runner-up in both the U-14 and U-16 events in December, :~*:::~:~~~ l~i: 1966. ' LOUIS HOFFMAN (CLOTHING) LTD The presentation olf awards was made by Ald. W. J. Marshall, Congratulations to Eberhard and 180 BRI CK LANELONDON E OJ.airman of Kingston Education r~D~iaAe~sc~ho~'er~on~th~eb~irth~o~fa~ ...,. tlaughter I ".1. 01·739·7391 Committee, who was doubtless im· I pressed by the entry of 112 for the 6 TABLE TENNIS NEWS , . FEBRUARY, 1968 "Anniversary Waltz" Editor's Postbag by The Editor WITHOUT FEAR OR fAVOUR . . "1.:­ BACK.in .1966, the committee of Suite is to 'be aftended by 150 the, Ashford (Kent) League people, including the Belgian MUCFI has been said in previous appointed six of its members to National team, on Friday, March issues concerning

LANCASHIRE NOTES by Geo. R. Yates CUMBERLAND COMMENT by Ron Rigg Black'pool "Tower" No Longer AROUND New Chai rman Takes Office l\,fli,RITING ~onsideration to pro- from Stockport whose Derek Scho­ THE THE new Chairman of Cumber- the sport,' Brian has' serVed on both 1'-1.- viae the 100 per cent effort field, Brian Kean and Don Berry land County Association, in the Carlisle and Whitehaven needed from'Lancashire players to ape still monarchs of aU they sur­ succession to Mr. T. Wilcock, who League Committees, and indeed lift the 'County out of the dol­ vey in the senior Division 1. resigned through pressure of busi­ has represented both Leagues in COUNTIES Inter-Town and Wilmott Cup drums, Liverpool's Gordon Birch Chief threat now are Manchester ness, is Mr. Brian Howitt of poses the ,selectors quite a pr~b- who recorded a 6-4 win over Cockermouth. Very interested in matches. In his own words he intends to be " ane~tremely active lem. CommerciaUy concerned WIth Bolton whose John Clarke had his Ohairman." a ladies' hairdressing salon, the first set claimed being a late-comer Liverpool champion finds. that from the University Champion­ SURREY NOTES by John Zenthon One of the most important meet­ sport and business do not mIx and ships in Manchester. ings ever to be held in the County the county have been deprived of Clarke should have contested will take place on February 18, his services. the evening's first set against Peter Umpires on the Warpath when representatives of Cumber­ Sad 'to relate, Kevin Forshaw Walmsley but, despite having land Education Committee will apart, the 'lack of fight shown originally, agreed to play it out of WELL, the first team are still in teams had been warned before the meet the Courity Association to against Surrey in the most recent sequence, the Mancunians reversed the fight against relegation match that Umpires were going to discuss the formation of a Cumber­ County match, was tantamo~~t. to their decision after losing the with the expected win over Lan­ pay particular attention to com­ land Schools" Table Tennis Asso­ throwing in the sponge, a cntlclsm doubles which had afforded BoHon cashire and their last match against pliance with the service law and ciation. ObViously if this scheme one could never level at Birch. a 3-2 lead. Middlesex will probably decide yet with the home team it was like gets off the ground, and it is 99 their fate. A very bad season for water off a duck's back and it per cent certain that it will, the Like snow with' the coming of For Bolton, Bryn Farnworth has the senior players so far, the first makes one wonder how many of future of table tennis in Cumber­ Spr,ing, the proud record of Black­ rarely been so outplayed as he was and second teams have between the players have ever read theser­ land will be assured for many years pool's iJitet-leagues teams has been against Epic (" E-type ") Ford who them picked up only five points vice law. Not until they had been to come. melted away since last these notes was later so hard pressed to dis­ from nine matches. faulted on a number of occasions Cumberland's trip to Cheshire ,appeared, ' I pose of Colin Lang. Nor did Farn­ The juniors lost their unbeaten did they acknowledge the Umpires !In Division 2 (North), the sea- worth's subs'equent annihilation of was anything but successful, with record with a 4-6 defeat by Kent. were in earnest and then what a both teams losing 9-1. However, siders' s~nior team came 'to grief Walmsley, 2 and 6, wholly com­ A pity not to have picked up at transformation in Clive Morris an the inland rocks of Blackburn pensate. there was cause for celebration in least one point. Unlikely that Kent who produced impeccable services the fact that 15-year-old Sandra and foundered, coastwise, in Divi- P W D wiN lose to Hants so we must throughout his last singles game. th~ L F APts Mossop became the first player sian 4 (North) when third IStockpoJ.1t 5 5 0 o 42 8 10 resign ourselves to being runners ever to win a Girls' Singles for the string struck the reef prov'lded by Manchester.::' 5 4 1 Essentia:l, however, that he does o 34 16 9 up, provided we beat Bucks! ! not allow his temperament to get County. No doubt this will give the Lancaster and 'Morecombe Bolton 5 3 0 2 36 14 6 More trouble at the Surrey II League. Burnley 4 3 0 the ,better of him as he did during her a lot of encouragement to go 1 21 19 6 match in' January, players of both his first set which he should have on to better things. Making' his debut for the more ------won. So many of the players pro­ northerly resort was Arnold She-p­ The Carlisle Closed Champion­ HAMPSHIRE NOTES by Teddy Grant duce borderline services that they ships held on 13th January ended herd, of Oheshire County fame, should not be surprised if they run whose far from rusty pepformance up very nearly as you were, with up against Umpires who take ex­ no less than five 'champions retain­ took the wind 'out of H1ackpool's ception to them. sails. SOUTHAMPTON SCHD01S' TOURNAMENT ing their titles. Peter Jenkins once If the laws are wrong (and in again took the Men's Singles and Many will join me in sympa-' ~IS popUlar annual tournament, has desperately endeavoured to principle I don't think they are) also the Men~s Doubles with M. thising with the Blackpoo'1 League a pleasing outcome of several persuade the local authority to then change them, but don't com­ Murray, whilst Margaret Bankin in the loss of their former Chair­ years of schools' coaching was un­ aUow the extension of his cramped plain if the Umpires enforce them, won the Women's Singles for the man and Secretary, Stan Johnson fOI'1unately marred by the sudden premises. and' believe it or not they get no fourth year in succession. The whose death, following that of his cold spell Which considerably satisfaction from caHing faults. Mixed Doubles was retained by wife, occurred early in January; Many of his pupils have repre­ depleted the contestants from 150 sented the County junior team and Mrs. Hankin and George Gray, the Deprived of the chance of meet­ entries to 70 actual performers. now his official recognition will be Harding Cup Competition Veterans' Singles by Albert For­ ing Bolton in the Carter Cup com­ The experienced Stuart Tanna­ most wekome in the South-East P W D L FA Pts rester whilst the only new cham­ petition, Burnley's junior team hill (Redridge) won the senior Hants and Portsmouth area. Byfleet "A" ... 4 3 - 1 20 12 6 pion to emerge was John Willis in came to grips with their rivals on boys' event after conceding a game Thames Valley 2 2 - - 12 4 4 the Junior Singles. January 23. to Chris Moffatt (Millbrook). Jack Carrington has arranged sohools' coaching sessions at Oak Byfleet "B" 3 1 1 1 12 12 3 The ,Whitehaven, Closed Cham­ Both teams boasted an illlhlem­ U·l3 Boys: COX bt Bessant 16, Sutton 3 1 - 2 11 13 2 pionships are to be held at the -13, 14. Park Secondary School, Havant, ished record in the Junior Division on Tuesday, February 20, followed Leatherhead... 2 - 1 1 7 9 1 Y.M.C.A on Saturday, February U-13 Girls: J. MORGAN bt B. I of the L. & C. League and by a Coaches' Study at 7 p.m. Guildford ... 2 - - 2 2 14 ­ 17. Bolton's was kept intact with Bligh 15, 17. trebles ,from Brian Mitchell and U-I4 Boys: WILSHIRE bt Burton =-=;::::.. =====._....======~::;:;;===== Stephen Kaufman who further ~ I~ ­ I combined to take the doubles in a U-IS Boys: CHALK bt Wells 13, resounding 7-3 success. 15. U-I6 Girls: J. COOK bt S. Peck­ ham 3, 7. English Closed Singles Champions P W L F APts Doubles: CHURCH/TANNAHILL Bolton 4 4 0 30 10 8 bt Moffatt/Pothecary 16, 19. Burnley 4 3 1 25 15 6 Coaching Award Blackburn 3 1 2 1614 2' Barrow...... 3 1 2 12 18 2 The County offer their oongratu­ Sto'ckport . 3 1 2 12 18 2 lations to Pat Neill, the Havant Manchester 3 1 2 'II 19 2 schoolteacher who has bee n MARY WRIGHT Warrington 2 0 2.4 16 O'aWarded a Teaching Theory CerCi­ No~ ',Despite' the inclusion of Birch, ficate. P~t has suc~essfully coaohed (England I Ladies) LIverpool took a 10-0 hammenng girl pupIls from hIS own club and and LEICESTERSHIRE NOTES, by Philip Reid Bright Futu,re :for Loughboro' THERE have been no' County Rose Johnson Bowl with Anil Sethi DENIS NEALE matches this month 'but in playing brilliantly for Abbey in (England No. I Men) Midland League games, Leicester their match with Clutsom and have more than held their own. Kemp. Best individual performance play with bats to their own deSign made by JAQUES. You too'can have an All the teams have done well, but of the round, however, came from none appear likely title cO,Iitenders. Wadkin's Derek Mayes who beat identical bat and improve your game. " , Only in the Junior Section do Roger Maddocks, Graham Elsdon Leicester appear to have' a: cnance: and Rita Beith before losing 20-22 but' favourites here .are Lough- to John Bowness-not bad for a borbugh who hav~ had a' wonder- ,fourth division player! , Champions Choice - iul first season. With Ivor. Billson, In the Leicester and District Terry, Hall,', John OXbrough' artd League no player-or team-is Top Performance Chris Brewer:, the North Leicester- how. 100 per cent in the first divi­ shire League have a fine' sjde ahd sion: Northwood (2B), Symingtons J~qu~s, one which could do aswell~r (5A), S1. Margarets III (8A) and ,that's' JAQUES - proved by results in fierce competition.' Ask for the even better-next season: " , ,.. East Cheam (5B) have still to have finest TABLE TENNIS EQUIPMENT in the world. ' , .. 'In the Leics. TownsUeague their colours lowered but in general (Senior Section) Leicester "A" beat it looks like being a season of close From all good. sports shops , ". Loughborough "A". to throw this finishes. Typical is Div. 7A where division wide open. John Ratcliffe. only one point separates Fire Kelvin Smith (Leicester) and Mick Brigade I, P.O. Telephones .11, Illustrated Catalogue and Price List free from. Brooks·,tLotighborough) were uno: Blaby Boys' Club II and Wadkms defeated; " The Junior Section is, II. ' ," now ~un~er~.w~y ~nd~eicester "A" The ioughb~rough !l!1~ District beat th,elr B Side 9 1. League looks lIke provldmg some 'Pei~r :Wil1I~mson mad;e "an i.m- good matches before the final pressive debut, and, also pla,ymg :plac;ings, are s~ttled.. Garendon lead rnDooo weU' was Robert Neal.' In the, narrowly from Shepstead.' Fisons, :tough~orough "A"ve~sus,"B" "A" ar.e top of Div. 2 with Holy' match a close 6-4 gam~' resu~ted. Trinity "\B" the Division 3 pace- b~irigthe: a oe&'.."'" D. Fox aI)d Paul' Hamti setters. '.. , onlY' two 'players to emerge uil·: . . " .. .q AND SON LTD. ",,;," bC:aten. ' ' Lelcestershlre pI.ayers ar~ takmg . ," , 'a' much 'more actIve part m open S"R~U,;c~4.:8~1I The , rcslgn'\tlOn of Lough- tournaments that has hitherto been THORN·TON HEATH, c~ borough s Pres~. Officer, Peter the case, being represented at the ; .' ...".J ,'l J, Legood. left an u~portant post to Middlesex Open, English Closed be filleq. bU,t Avn1 ArtertQn ha:s; OxfordshireOpen. Tony Bratlston ·T.T. T/tBIES, ':Qg'oin"chosen, for·., .E~~LfSH' steppe,? mto: the" breach and IS {ui'ned'in a fuie perform~nce at the! fillmg It admIrably, ,last named tourney and came with­ OPEN ~ CHAMp·I:ONSHIPS::,,':' ",:,::~: /,.':",1 .CIQse finishes were the order of'in'an'ace ofbe.ating:England junior, i -:~ the day in the third round of the Paul Harmer. L ! ..'''/ .... i:;<::'j: ,_: ,;, ___ 8 TABLE TENNIS NEWS FEBRUARY, 1968

SUSSEX NOTES by John Woodford MIDDLESEX NOTES IIR(JONIJ by Laurie Landry Williams in Line for Honours Signals at Danger AT least the "Lord Mayor~s their zone fina'ls. Brighton expect tile Show" by the Sussex premier to make further progress towards A RATHER disappointing start with Yorkshire and Surrey should division team lasted for three the quarter·finals when they visit to the season for our Premier put us in the clear. aUf second matches! The traditional ending Southampton whilst Eastboume Division County team and we are team is nlaking up for it starting tIlONT/iS now our closest ever to being rele­ took place in the shape of a 9-0 women find themselves against un­ off with four wins, three of them expected opponents in the inter­ gated. A couple of good matches 6-4. defeat by Essex who must now Champion~ ltand a very good chance of win­ zone final-Portsmouth. Whatever In our own Closed ning the title. Sussex supporters happened to Southanlpton, who ships, Les Haslam had to scratch who saw the Sussex-Essex match were beaten 5-1 by POfltsmouth? ISLE OF ELY NOlES by J. G. Ashman with a bad ankle and this gave Laurie Landry an easier path to at Lewes commented-" premier l~he best performance for two the final. Brian Wright defeated sides do not come any stronger years in the Brighton league than Ess'ex "-or do they? Sharp's Alan Lindsay in one semi and then occurred recently when the 18­ The Word won the final in a terrific match year-old Chris Hardy brought off Consolation for the Sussex team a great triple in defeating Ogun. D'IVISION 1 of the League is Perhaps the surprise of the evening with Landry. Many of the specta~ is that they still hold a strong dipe, Robin Stace and Derek HoI· now at quite an interesting was the defeat of the Soham No. tors thought that it was the best position in the premier table and man. Hardy's performances have stage. On January 5, the former 1, Johnnie Ashman, by both Sid Landry had played since winning the prospects are good of main· yet to gain consistency-he was champions, Wilburton, entertained Burgess and Eddie Sharp. the title in 1961. Karenza Smith taining the j r position in the beaten twice recently by Stace in the present champions Soham I. But with Bryan Jones winning comfortably won ,the women's matches to come. both the Worthing Closed (final) These teams have played each all his three for Soham, and Ash_singles. For the first time in over five and the Seaman cup for the top .other nlany times in the past, but man and Chris Everitt both over~' Finals . ht S b t h over the last three seasons, Soham Y.ears the domination of Sussex eIg ussex men- u w 0 can coming Ally Hazel, .the score stood Men's Singles: B. WRIGHT (Wi1. men's table tennis by Brighton's deny' that the BrI·ghton league. have emerged the winners on every at 5-4 to Soham wI~h. the doubles lesden) bt L. Landry (Willesden) 11 Roger Chandler is under fire. Peter max!imum was an outstandiI.1g su<:· occasion except one. to play. In the decIdIng game of -22 18. ' Williams, still ranked No.3 behind cess for a player a,fceleratIng hIS This most recent match, how· this encounter a brilliant spell from ~flmen's SinJ!les : K. SMITH Chandler and Sam Ogundipe won Iprogress to the top. ever, ended in a hard-fought draw. Sharp, .partnered ~y Burgess, got (N'orth Middl,esex) bt A. Taft (Cen~ his first open titles (singles, men's the WIlburton paIr home; for a tral) 10, 15. o~ t?~ D~ul)Jes: and mixed doubles) at the Bourne­ CHESHIRE NOTES by Jim Beckley share spoils. Men's A. LINDSAY mouth Open. Among his victims In DIVIsIon 2, Soham III and (Central)/WRIGHT bt Landry/D. were Ogundipe (third in a row) Beck Row II are the pace setters, Offenbach (WiHesden) 15, 11. and in the final-Chandler in with Soham III ah~ad on games Woolen's Doubles: SMITH/TAFT straight games! This was Wil­ First Win For Yc-O.C. average. Beck Row s team of D. bt M. Cherry/B. Tregonning (North liams's first victory over Roger and Carter, D. Leonard and E. Chand­ Middlesex) 17, 8. AT long last the Stockport one. John and Stuart teamed up ler recently recorded a fine 6-4 ~in Mixed Doubles: WRIGHT/SMITH can be rated as one more step in the doubles event. towards his arrlbition-a place on Y.O.C. youth team have over Newmarket-a much fanCIed t...t Lindsay/M. Gafney (Staines) 15 gained their first victory as mem­ I counted only eighteen entries team in this division. S~E Midlands 17. ' the national ranking list. Prospects from the Cheshire ranks at the of a new Sussex men's champion bers of the Youth Division in the Lea g u e player,. Denny Sore, Boys' Singles: M. WALDMAN Lancashire and Cheshire League. Lancashire "Open" last month. recorded thre·e WIns for New· (North Middlesex) bt R. Gibson at the Sussex Closed at Brighton Not very inspiring considering that Corn Exchange on March 3 can· It was a great 7-3 win over Liver­ market and assisted in winning the (North Middlesex) 18, 19. it was a local tournament. doubles~ not be ruled out. pool that did the trick. This result but could find no support Girls' Singles: C. MANN (Willes­ should provide some much needed The Stockport town teams are from hIS team mates. den) bt L. P.acitto (Staines) 19, 11. As expected in the Wilmott and confidence for the team for whom doing very nicely thank you! The Rose Bowl fields Brighton and John CIayton won three sets, first team heads the First Division Eastbourne respectively have won Stuart Yates two and Ivan Jones of the Lancashire and Cheshire by Charles M. Wyles League, the second team the KENT NOTES Southern section of Division Two by while the Ladies' team stand firm WARWICKSHIRE NOTES "E.xpedite" at the top of their division. Graham's Debut The town of Rock Ferry near Birkenhead play hosts to the IT is always a pleasure to welcome I Graham was a prominent junior Nom-de-Plume from 3-0! Cheshire team in their Premier a new face in a County team County star who became lost to the Division against Gloucestershire on and so it was with Graham French world of "pop." Now making a OUR three County teams now sit Ithis match, but she should not let February 24. Birkenhead fans who made his first team debut comeback his tenacity has been happily on top of their respec· this deter her because, with a little should see a good match. against Bucks. rewarded for, following second tive divisions after the matches of more match play, she will become team appearances, came his selec­ January 20. a very difficult player to beat. . The first t~m had a very excit- Birmingham are still in all four BEDFORDSHIRE NOTES by P. A. Denton tion for the first. Ing match agaI~st Staffs at W?lver. national cup competitions, and As Table Tennis readers win hampton and Just managed It 6-4 with a little luck could be involved have observed, the proposed in front of a large and enthusiastic right through to the finals. It seems Success for Copperwheat English Junior Open to be held in crowd. In the last set of the even­ a shame with Warwickshire doing Folkestone in May, will add yet ing, between Derek .Munt and so wel1, that no player from out· ALTHOIJ(.H 'their top three Igame for the County. He played another event to the already con­ perek Ward, the expedIte rule was side the Birmingham League is players were again not avail· very steadily to win both his singles gested County calendar. However, Introduced when the score stood involved in the county teams. able Beds gained their second vic­ and partnered Brian Smedley to there is already considerable sup­ at 3-0 to M un t ! I· b . h h 1 tory of the season when they beat win the men's doubles. Smedley port from the ever-willing helpers Ward won 16 in the third game . t IS a out. tIme t e ot er. eagues Northants 7-3. had his first victory in County within the County to make this a but the set left one wondering why dId somethIng. about thIS. So, nnis w~en either player bothers to push so Coventry, LeamIngton, Nuneaton, Best performance came from Table Te: he beat.Sutton, memorable occasion. h~ar yo~r Bedford's No.1, Brian Copper· but DaVId WhJt~, after hIS good The Mick Betts Memorial Fund much when they can hit so weH. etc., let u.s about players p~rfor~an~e ~as At Nuneaton, the second team and any JunIors of potentIal. wheat playing only his second aga'Inst .Cambs, is now w'eH off the ground with dIsapPOIntIng and faIled to WIn. three trustees, Conrad JaschJre, beat Derbyshire II 10-0 and have Anita James and Jennifer Racey, Geoff Owen and Mrs. Elsie Betts, only conceded one set in the four STAFFORDSHIRE NOTES by John Pike the Beds Ladies, were again in having been appointed. Grants matches IJ.layed to date. They have good form and won all their have been made to assist pronlising the best average of any county matches. youngsters with a view to improv­ team in the country and must cer· en In the Rose Bowl Comp~tition ing their play. tainly be one of the strongest So MUCh H appenI g second teams in the County Cham· IBedford reached the las,t sIxteen Again drawing a large entry, the pionships. Derek Backhouse, the WITH so much happening in The county of course have not when their team of Anita James, annual Kent Sohools Team Cham­ January, it is difficult to know got the sort of money that this Barbara Hammond an~ .Dore~n pionships was concluded at the captain of this team, must feel Underwoo~ ~In pleased at these fine performances. just what to highlight. machine costs, but by the time this had a conVInCIng E.T.T.A.'s School Centre organised In the junior match between The New Year opened with is in print, Wolverhampton might over ReadIng. The Luton ladles this year on a 4-a-side basis, The Staffs and Warwicks, Warwickshire OaVI'd Stan lb" ey rIngIng th e St'Iga. well be. one of the first Associa-. were lessno matohfortunate, for however,North Herts and w·I·n·ners WiI'II be pu,t forw·ard to emerged victors. by 7-3 with Staffs Robot to Wolverhampton and this hons In the country to have theIr They nI g d t· t compete in the National Schools turning up with one boy shor-t. without doubt proved a' big suc­ own training device. . l:th °h y manal e 0 tWlntO onteh se Championships in which MalJory Susan Clarke was unsuccessful in cess.' It now rests with a sub-com­ a· oug Thseverta wen R ree will be defending their weI1­ mittee, going into the details of games. e ~am was osanna deserved title. maintenance, etc. Seymour, JennIfer Racey, Carol, . NORTHANTS. NEWS by Gwyn Powell Next came the county second Sear.. K~nt w!ll have the servICes of team's first win of the season. . The County closed tournament P~uhne Pld~ock next s~so~ who After losing to Notts, Derby and IS. to be played on Saturday, WIH be qualIfied by playIng In t~e Warwickshire, they broke the ice IF~br~ary .17, 1968, at ~eatherley Bromley and Kent leagues. TIus Heartening Victory with a 6-4 win at Worcester. Derek ClnC'1nnatI Canteen, BIg~leswade,. should, gr~tly en.h a n c e t~e m~de the half-way stage. Last year's Baddeley and Ken Day, both and arrangeme.nts are beIng II County s bId to retaIn a place In NORTHANTS obtained their first t~e success in the County Cham.. champions U.T.C. "A" however showed the sort of form that could I to hold JunIor County TrIals foroefront of the County Cham- pionships with a convincing 8·2 have a game in hand and with upset Denbighshire in their final before the end of the season. plonshlps. win against Huntingdonshire which Goodall, Hogg and Bond in good match. should give them every encourage­ form could make it with a late Third on the list was the good HUNTINGDON & PETERBOROUGH NOTES by David Obee ment for the future. For this match rally. news that Wolverhampton will be Brian Bond of Northampton and Wellingborough juniors are holding their annual tournament Terry Sutton had been brought in riding high at the top of the South­ after all. When all looked lost Hunts. Central-Main Hope to play their first County games East Midlands table and are still because of venue trouble, their go­ and both broke even winning one unbeaten after six matches. They ahead chairman A. H. McIlreath HUNTS Central seems to be the by the home side who recovered singles each. The ladies' events have a four-point lead over nearest booked a smaller club which now only league within the County to win put the issue beyond doubt were dominated by Anne Lenton rivals St. Neots and look almost means running the event on two which has a chance of bringing and Hunts w'ent down 2-8. Feature and Bridie Fox who were too certain to renlain at the top. different dates. home honours in the South-East of the match was the inspired play strong for the young Maxfield Roderick Marchant has lost only At the time of writing, a venue Midlands League this season. Their of· home No. 1 John Goodall, sisters. one game out of eighteen played is still wanted for the Staffordshire men's side is currently riding high easily the best player on view. so far and he and David Hoddle tournament. in its section and with 7-3 wins County committee meetings at In the South-East Midlands hold the unique record not only of Finally, the match that gets over both St. Neots and Peter­ Chairman .Mappin Webb's God.. League Northampton, after a being undefeated at doubles this everyone in the county talking, the borough, during January, seem·s to manchester home continue to prove shaky start due to team difficulties, season but of having lost only once home game with neighbours, and be sure of finishing in the first lively and, when serious business are now regaining some of last since November, 1965! Midland champions, Warwickshire. three. is finJshed, highly entertaining. year's form when they won the Old Grammarians, with John Wolverhanlpton, they are in the A miraculous recovery staged tj,tIe. This was shown when they Hoddle, Kelly James and Don news a lot this month, staged this by the Northants mixed doubles beat one of the hitherto top teams CLOTH CLUB BADGES Barker playing well, look like re· match, and without doubt it pair ruined any chance the County • Atuacth. Cloth Badges. mad. to YOUf North He.rts comfortably by an taining the Wellingborough first created more interest than I have may have had of forcing a draw own d~iID. In any Quantity from 6 upwards. 8·2 margin. • Suttabit fOf Blazen. Sweaters. etC' . division title they.won last year as known for a county nlatch for a in their encounter wilth Northamp· • LOW PRICES II QUICK DEUVERY The struggle ·in the Northampton they now have a lead of at least very long time. tonshire jus,t before Christmas. • ~ree belp· •••rH lD desllDlng )'our badae Plcase w iteto: league seems to be between Express 10 points over Wellingborough I hope to report in the March With a 20-13 lead in the deciding ::to A. CORY " COMPANY Lifts" A ,t and Wayfarers with the W.M.C. who occupy second posi· issue a Staffordshire win but some­ game, Hunts seemed set to make .b, TOOTING BEC GARDIINS liftmen having a six·point lead at tion. how I cannot lee this coming off. the ma1tch score 5~3 but fine play STRIATHAM I.W 16 FEBRUARY, 1968 TABLE TENNIS NEWS 9

NORFOLK NOTES by J. S. Penny CAMBRIDGESHIRE NOTES by Leslie Constable Hopes Higher Than Ever AROUND Thurston's Form Impressive

NORFOLK, after their excellent Cromer League, Tynside "A" and tlte .RECENT matches in the South- Cambs lost this match but then win over Suffolk, find them­ Cromwell "A" are fighting it out. East Midlands League have beat Northants and Beds with selves at the head of the Eastern Wymondham "A" in Division I of seen Cambridge City win every Suffolk to come. game except one when they drew Division of the County Champion­ the East Anglian League lost 1-9 C'UNTIES Visions of promotion loomed ships. Their team for their penulti­ to Yarmouth "A" but Les Ray­ with Hunts. Central with a weak­ ••••••••••••••••••• ened team. The excellent form of bright but with the Norfolk set mate match against Huntingdon­ ment beat Paul Gilbertson. back the position is not so rosy ihire at Norwich will be: Alan John Thurston has been very en· couraging, his attack at the although one never knows. Mar­ Coby, Neville and Phillip Graver, garet Cornwell returned to com­ Betty Cassell, Edna Allen and LINCOLNSHIRE NEWS by H. J. Flowers moment is the best it has been for petitive play against Beds but un­ Wes. Haydock. The reserves are ,orne considerable time. fortunately pulled a leg muscle David Blanch and Miss Pat Kelf. The more recent matches have :t1though still managing to win the Norfolk have won all three easily been won and as the season Mixed Doubles ,with Carol .Chap­ matches so far played, and their Bruce-A Likely Lad ~as progressed it seems that the man. Margaret s presence 10 the outstanding fixtures, against Hunts IN the Haigh Cup competition pion, Danny Cooper and Stewart side have been more confident and team would be most advantageous and Northants, are agains't counties I last season, Boston and Spald­ Daffurn. with victories over Northampton, although secretarial duti~s:. etc., 3!t the bottom of the division, so ing tied on points, and it looks as All three players are showing WeUingborough and Wisbech the put heavy onus on her actIVIties. hopes must be higher than ever if these two towns will be fighting that, after many seasons of effort great promise and, with another :;h~n:es of gai~ing t~e champion- The Cambs League at the it out again at the end of the cur­ season's experience, should be ShIp m the Men s SectIOn look very moment sees the 1st Division their persistence will at last be re­ rent season, as both are unbeaten pushing the seniors for a place in bright indeed. developing into a fight between warded by promotion to a higher with 5 points each and level on the Haigh Cup side. division. sets. Stephen Andrews has improved four teams, namely Soham Metho­ By far the best set in the recent enormously and the form of Tony dists, New Cheste~ton. Institute, The County Under-13 Cham­ Odds could weigh heavily in pionships will be held on February County match, away to Durham, Littlechild, although not so impres­ Y.M.C.A. and UnJve~slty Press. Boston's favour as they are repre­ was that provided by the No. 1's, sive, is still good enough to gain ~ew Chesterton look lIke succeed­ 10. We hope this harnessing of sented by three County players, in­ Wilt Earker and Beaumont. It was the City valuable points. The 109 but one never knows! John younger players will in due course cluding Singles Champion Brian strengthen our team in the Junior great stuff, with long rallies, and it Juniors have not done so well but Thurston and Stephen Andrews Hill. The other two are Mick East was not until midway through the the team comprising David Tip- have been the backbone of New Division of the County Champion­ and David Armstrong. ships, which for several seasons deciding game that despair crept lady, David Silk and Nigel Phitlips C~estert;on's succes~ and Tony Spalding, who won the cup last into Barker's play. have not been disgraced losing Llttlechl1d an.d ~elth Chapmll;n has found the opposition very year by reason of having a better strong for them. narrowly on three occasions. have kept Umversl'ty Press well m sets average, will not surrender Haigh Cup the running. Soham Methodists In the Zone final of the Rose their title easily, and John Beau­ P W D L F APts Ely have done exceptionally well have fought valiantly with Brian Bowl, Lowestoft's team of the mont, the County No.2, K. Burton 8'oslon 3 2 I o 20 10 5 in the S.E. Midlands League and Jones leading them but I am afraid Youngs twins, Jeanne and Dianne, and A. Biggadike can be guar­ Spalding 321 o 20 10 5 can be very satisfied with their per­ will have to bow before stronger and Linda Woodcock, were far too anteed to make a fight of it. Lincoln 420 2 21 19 4 formances, especially in the Vet­ opposition in the long run. How­ Scunthorpe . 3 2 0 I 16 14 4 good for Norwich, whose team was No player from the Louth erans' Section where they "lead the ever, Soham have done extremely Mary Turner, Marion Harrison Louth . 2 I I o 12 8 3 field." Table Tennis in that dis,trict League has ever played for the Grimsoby ,. 3 I 0 2 15 15 2 well this season and all three teams and the ex-Lowestoft player, Mrs. County but 18-year-old T. Bruce Gainsboro' 3 0 I 2 8 22 I is certainly thriving and" Sammy" at one time topped the first three Val. Hartman, and they did not is out to change all that. He now Mitchell may have something to do divisions-some going! drop a tie. Norwich men, how­ plays regularly for the senior team Butlin Cup with it! Newcomers to the league, ever, had an excellent 5-3 victory 'lnd recently had a great win over Spalding 2 2 0 o 16 4 4 Wisbech Town, are still very keen Division 1 over Cambridge in the Zone final Finneran of Grimsby. Grimsby 2 I 0 I 12 8 2 despite varied success. P W D L F APls of the Wilmott Cup. David Blanch Lincoln 2 I 0 I 8 12 2 N.C.I. I 9 9 0 The ladies' ButIin Cup has, for Louth 2 0 0 2 4 16 0 With victories over Stowmarket o 74 16 18 and a recalled Tony Hipperson and Wisbech in the Wilmott Cup, Press I 9 7 0 2 66 24 14 shone for Norwich. several years, been a race between Soham I 9 6 I Grimsby and Spalding with the Butcher Cup Cambridge City advanced to the 2 51 39 13 Alan Coby, the Norfolk cham­ Y.M.C.A. 1... 8 5 2 I 53 27 12 former generally coming out on Lincoln 5 4 0 I 38 12 8 third round but Norwich then 51. G'ge's Ex. 10 4 1 5 49 51 , pion, retained his championship of top but matters have changed this Boston 4 3 I 0 31 9 7 stopped their gallop. Suffolk at the Gisleham Modern Y.M.C.A. 2 ... 10 3 2 5 45 55 g ~eason. In a recent encounter Grimsby 3 2 1 0 23 7 Hospitals 10 4 0 6 43 57 8 School, although this season he Louth . 3 I 0 2 13 17 5 County matches for Cambs have between these two teams, Spalding ~ brought varied success and .. if Nalgo 9 3 I 5 39 51 7 could not keep his two doubles won 7-3, with Jean White having Scunthorpe . 4 I 0 3 14 26 Torchb'rers I 8 3 0 5 36 44 6 titles. Gainsboro' . 4 0 I 3 10 30 I only" is now on everybody's lips Wilburton 1... 9 3 0 6 35 5S 6 a great match, winning all her three Skegness 3 0 I 2 7 23 I concerning the match against Nor­ Bob Perry, the Norfolk Presi­ Telephones I 7 I I 5 26 44 3 and beating County champion, Spalding . 3 0 0 3 4 26 o folk! With a weakened team Y.M.C.A. 3 ... 9 1 0 7 14 76 2 dent, has changed his club. He has Connie Moran 18 and 20. left Norwich YM.GA. for Nor­ Lincoln are top of the Butcher wich C.E.Y.M.S. .__ Cup -competition,-but-Boston-, with Norwich C.E.YM.S. are top of a game in hand, are only a point the Norwich Premier Division, and behind. Boston are represented by Norwich Lads' Club second, but a strong school boy trio of Tony well behind on points. In the Herod, the County Junior Cham- WESTERN LEAGU E BU LLETI N by Grove Motlow f@JrI1@~® Blows for Exeter & Plymouth

GWEN HAZELL was the star for Exeter winning his three sets whilst Swindon Ladies when, after P. Ofield beat Parkins. wins over Kath Le MiHiere and Weston beat Bristol II's 6-3, both Valerie Addicott, she accounted for Tony Kinsey and Ray Philpott Joan Ware in the final set to give w]n@ winning three. Plymouth were her team a notable 5-4 victory over beaten 6-3 at home by Che1tenham Exeter. despite a treble by Bob Parkins In this division, Bristol had it who starred in the absence of easy in beating Weston 9-0 but in Judson. the return match, at Weston, their For Cheltenham, Martin White winning margin was only 5-4. performed well with a rubber bat Mrs. R. Hall did well to beat beating Bob Budgett and Dave James whilst D. Grant and J. J])Tha1yoo Bristol's Joan Collier who was hard pressed to dispose of June Watts. Marshall, for Cheltenham, each Both Mrs. D. Henderson and Mrs. won two. Hall had two wins whilst, for Newpor't were in excellent form • Bristol, Joan Collier and June when beating Bristol II's 7-2 and Watts won two and Pat Rowe considering they played another accounted for Mrs. V. Gare. match on the same evening against Joan Collier was in top form to a Welsh side, which they also won, they certainly had an "on" night. WIn ... record a treble when Bristol next beat Newport 6-3, supported by Both Tony Huish and Terry June Watts (2) and another solo Roden each won three, Bob Jones from Pat Rowe. . beating B. Reeves. For Bristol Ken The Champion's choice­ For Newport, Be~ty Gray won Watts and Dave Ghears each won Halex 3-star two and Stella Jones one. Another one. treble was that of Nancy Holly­ Bristol beat Weston 6-3 with Only the very best equipment is good wood for Plymouth, who pipped Eric Hall recording a treble sup­ enough forthose who play to win. Exeter 5-4 after the home team ported by Ron Bowles (2) and D. - nad lead 4-2. Backing Nancy in the Bowden (I). For Weston, Tony That's why Johnny Leach, twice World fight-back was Mrs. M. Munday Kinsey beat both Bowles and Bow­ Singles Champion says "I always use and Adele McCarthy, the latter den. a Halex ball myself. It has 50 years' doing well to beat Mrs. Ware in Men experience behind it." the vital last set. P WL F A Pts We ".re all extremely sorry to Bristol ...... 4 4 o 26 10 8 hear that Pam Mortimer is not Exeter ...... 3 2 I 15 12 4 enjoying the best of heal'lh and Weston ...... 4 2 2 20 16 4 will not be playing table tennis any Ba,th ...... 2 I 1 9 9 2 The largest more this season for Plymouth. Cheltenham ...... 2 I I 9 9 2 Plymouth 3 I 2 II 16 2 manufacturers of Exeter have also suffered a Bristol II 4 I 3 14 22 2 severe blow by losing the services Newport 4 I 3 13 23 2 table tennis balls of Kath Le Milliere. She and her husband have moved to Rochester. Ladies for over 50 years Filling the secretarial role, for the P W L F A Pts time being, is Valerie Addicott. P W L F APts Plymouth's men had a narrow Bristol . 6 6 0 40 14 12 5-4 win over Exeter with Cleve Newport ., . 3 2 I 16 II 4 Plymouth . 3 2 I 17 II 4 HALEX . HIGHAMS PARK· LONDON E.4. Judson and David James each win­ Swindan 5 2 3 16 29 4 ning two and B. Parkins one. M. Exeter . 4 I 3 16 20 2 BAKElITE XYLONITE L1MITEO mm II Rattue was in brilliant form for Weston . 5 0 5 13 32 0 CONSUMER PRODUCTS DIVISION • D:I IV 1 ABLE 1 ENNIS. NEWS ,) FEBRUJ\RY, 1968

N0 change at the head of the COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND-UP 2nd MIDLAND Premier Division table, but By JOHN WRIGHT Warwickshire 4 4 0 0 34 6 8 of Staffordshire 4 3 0 'I 29 11 6 Middlesex now completely out Derbyshire 4 2 2 0 28 12 6 the hunt. By the time these notes Glamorgan .... 5 2 0 3 17 33 4 appear in print Essex will have met GLOUCESTERSHIRE IN DEEP TROUBLE Monmouthshire .. 3 1 1 1 13 17 3 Gloucestershire who at present are Leicestershire .. 4 0 1 3 14 26 1 in deep tJ;ouhle. Cheshire also can Oxfordshire .... 4 0 0 4 5 3S 0 no loriger feel s'ecure and their faH'ed to spark any real enthusiasm 'SECOND DIVISION (WEST) Northumberland O,Yorksbire 10 2nd WEST ab~ve i meeting with Gloucs on February from· an average crowd: The Devon 4, Wiltshire 6 Even a greatly weakened Yorkshire Worcestershire .. 4 3 1 0 24 16 7 ' . I b h !f'"'\ . .• red rose wIll not be seen In the 24 ~~untIes.. David Jam·es the star with two prov,ed far too good. Wiltshire 4 3 0 -\1 '21 19 6 IS VIta . tc? ot 'Premier next s,eaSIOD, but could be Somerset 4 1 2 124 16 4 Hefltfor~hrre surprlsln~lyslipped back in 1969-70. singles wins in only his second JUNIOR MIDLAND County match (Devon run no junior Cornwall 4 0 3 1 19 21 3 IT 1~ up to MIddlesex WhICh makes Nottinghamshire 10, Oxfordshire 0 Devon 4 1 2 19 21 3 team). Both WD and MD could have Dorset 4 0 l' 3 13 27 1 Kent's position even stronger and Yorkshire 7, Cheshire 2 gone to the home County, but Wilts A comfor:table home Victory, all Northumberland made no mistake D. Neale btM. Johns 13, 10; bt s'traigbt sets. Two Oxford boys on seemed able to pull out something SOUTHERN' against Yorkshire II. Warwickshire D. Schofield 15, 16; M. Symonds bt extra when itt realiy mattered. debut with both showing some Johns 9, 19; bt B. Kean 11, 12. A. Hampshire II .. 4 3 0 1 28 12 6 struggled with, but overcame, Dorset 5, Comwall 5 promise -against ,more experienced Buck'hams II .. 4 3 0 1 26 14 6 Staffs, and Worcestershire look set Hydes bt Schofield 12, 18; bt Kean opponents. Kent II 4 3 0 1 2614 6 15, 17. Nea1e/Symonds bt R. Hamp­ Worcestershire 5, Somerset S Hertfords II 4 2 0 2 19 21 4 to take 2nd, West for the first time Warwickshire 7, Staffordshire 3 since 1960-61.' son/Johns -22, 12, 15. Miss P. Dainty Pr,e-lmatch feeling in the Worc'S Berkshire 4 1 0 3 17 23 2 lost to Miss J. Heaps -23, -11. Hydes/ camp was that 4-6 was a likely result, This could have been tighter but Oxfords II 4 0 0 4 4 36 0 Norfolk win be in the 2nd Divi­ Miss Dainty lost to Ham,pson/Miss and when .Ray Lush went on to play for the absence of the visiting No.3 sion next season for the first time: Heaps -.1 7, -11. Ron Bowles at 4-5 with aN five M.S. Peter Ladkin. MIDLAND they cannot be caught in Eastern. From' the very start, Yorks in com­ having gone to Somerset this seemed Warwickshire II 4 4 0 0 39 1 8 While the Southern Division is JUNI,OR WEST Nottinghamshire 4 4 0,0 27 13 8 mand with Denis Neale and Mike 'correct. Lush showed greait r,estraint Derbyshire II 4 1 1 2 14 26 3 wide open, the fate of the Midland Symonds in particularly devas'ta;ting to outlast a wily opponent and gained Monmouthsbire 7, Glamorgan 3 Worcestershire II 4 1 0 3 16 24 2 tine wi'll be. decided by the Notts­ form. A friendly spirit except during Worcsan invaluable point. 7 sets Af,ter this result Monmouths con­ Staffordshire II 4 1 0 3 14 26 2 Warwicks II meeting., the second game of the W.S. when weht to 3;W'Orces'tershire won all fident of r,etaining their title. Haydn Denbighshire 4 0 1 3 10 30 1 the behaviour of visiting supporters doubles, saving set points in X.D.; Thomas, Chris Evans and Michae1 Essex 6, Middlesex 3 left plenty to be desired: Pat Dainty eXlpedite rule with·· Britc Edwards and N ocivelli all impressiv,e, as was Shan EASTERN C. Barnes bt B.· Wright 14, 22; bt upset 'by this and crumpled from ,Bowles. A draw now against lowly Morgan for the visitors. Norfolk 4 4 0 0 27 13 8 A. Lindsay 15, -15, 18. S. Gil'(jbs bt It-aU. No football 'tactics in this Dorset might be enough for Worcs. Suffolk ...... 4 2, 1 126 14 5 sport. please. Somerset 9, Gloucestershire 1 Carrlbridgeshire. . 4 2 1 1 2317 5 Wright 22, 10; bt L. Landry 15, 12. Bedfordshire 4 2 0 2 22 18 4 R. Stevens lost to Lindsay -17, -16' Good performances by the whole Northamptonshire 4 1 0 3 16 24 2 bt Landry 12, -20, 16. Barnes/Stevens SE'COND DIVISION (SOUTH) ANNUAL GENERAL Somers,et team, with J. Andrews Huntingdonshire.. 4 0 0, 4 6 34 0 bt Landry/Lindsay 14, 16. Mrs. L. Buckinghamshire 2, Kent 8 doing particularly well to beat both MEETING Gloucesiter 'City and lBristol City Radford .lost to Miss K. Smith -12, Bucks outclassed by a stronger JUNIOR soum THE A.G.M. of the County numbe'r l's. J(ent 4 3 1 0 29 11 7 -19. Gibbs/Mrs. Radford lost to team Who lead 7-0 before a good Wright/Miss Smith -13, -20. Table rrennis Champion.. S,lTrey ' 4 3 (j- 1 28 12 6 An entertaining match, with Essex hom'e X.D. win by Alec Watson and ships wHI be held in the Divisional Tables to 20.1.68 Buckinghamshire 3 2' 1 ',0 20' 10 5 pleasing large crowd with an Jill Shirley. Michael Close then won PREMIER Hampshire 3 2, 0' 1.21 9 4­ their hard-hitting set with Derek Basden Sutherland Room of the 0 () 4 7 33 0 expected competent performance. PWD L F APts by -20, 20, 18. Waverley Hotel, Southamp­ PWD L F A Pts Berkshire 4 0 0··' 4 '. 5 35 0 Without H'asla,m, Middlesex could ton Row, London, W.C.I, on Essex . 440 o 29 7 8 hardly have, expected to win and took Middlesex II' 6, Hertfordshire 4 Saturday, June 8, 1968, com.. Yorkshire . 540 1 32 13 8 JUNIOR NORTH the thre,es~ts in which they had a Sussex . 540 1 21 24 8 Yorkshire . 3 3 0 0 29 1 6 real chance. Karenza, Smith's be'st BrianP,e'tch got Middlesex off to ID'encing at 2 p.m. Middlesex 520 3 25 20 4 Lancashire 3 3 0 0' 28 2 6 perfofQlance, yet for her County. a good start beating Trevor Taylor Proposed altera1tions to the Surrey 520 3 22 23 4 Northumberland 4 1 1 2 14 26 3 -12, '14, 21 and when he and Jack Rules of the Championships Cheshire 520 3 21 24 4 Cheshire 2 1 0, 1 911 2 GIODcestershire 4, Sussex 5 Bender shaded M.D. a't 19 in the 3rd may be submitted by a Gloucesters 410 3 15 21 2 Durham . 3 0 1 2 723 1 I. Harrison: bt R. Chandler -19, 8, Middlesex led 4-1 ~ Alma Tuft quickly Lancashire . 500 5 6 39 0 Cumberland . 3 0 0 3 3 27 0 made ,this, 5-1 but ,then Herts fought County in memhe'rship and 7; bt S. Ogundipe 13, 19. B. Merrett shall be received, in writing, bt Chandler 20, 18; 10s·t to P. Wil­ ba'ck to 4-5. Petch took the Remaining Fixtures JUNIOR MIDLAND by the Secretary by the last February 3: E v Gs; Sx v La. Feb­ Warwickshire' 4 4 0 0 34 6 8 liams 12, ~.10" -17.' R. Morley bt table again, beat 'Eric Coster, and sealed an excellent afternoon's per­ day in February, such pro­ ruary 10: Mi v Y; Sy v E. February Leicestershire 4 3 0 1 29 11 6 Ogun<;lipe 17, 18, lost ito Williams 24: Ch v Gs. March 16: Ch v Sx; La Nottinghamshire.. 4 2. 0 2 20 20 4 -'17, .. 15 ~ J-!arrisQnj'Morley lost to formance. posals being a,cknowledged v Gs; Sy v Mi; Y v E. Staffordshire 4 2 0' 2 19 21 4 ChandlerlW-illiams' -23, -13. Mrs. L. Surrey 'II 3, Hampshire 7 by the Secretary 'within seven Denbighshire .. 4 1 0 3 17· 23 2 Hawkins lost to Miss J.Williams -11, days. 2nd SOUTH 'Oxfordshire .... 4 0 O. 4 1 39 0 -6. Merrett/M.rs.· Hawkins 10st to SECOND DIVISION (NORTH) All proposals so received Kent . 4 4 0 0 33 7 g Ogundipe/Miss Williams '-14,. -13. Middlesex II 4­ 4 0 0 27 13 8 JUNIOR EAST Third MD defeat of the season for Cheshire 9, Cunlberland 1 shall 'be circulated ,to all Hertfordshire .. 4 3 0 1 26 14 6 Essex 4 4 0 O' 36 4 8 Counties in mem'bership Buckinghamshire 4 1 1 2 16 24 31 Hertfordshire .. 2 2 0 '0 12 8 4 Gloucs, a'll e1vent 'once their speciality. Durham 5, Lincolnshire 5 Hampshire . At 4-aU,. Bryan Merrett· met. Peter during March, and amend­ 4 1 0 3 17 23 2 .Middlesex 3 1 0 2 17 13 2 ments or alternative pro­ Surrey II . 4 0 1 3 13 27 1 Norfolk ...... 3 1 0 2 12 18 2 Williams .at;ld the, expedite rule was Northumberland 9, Yorkshire II 1 Sussex II . 4 0 0 4 8 32 0 Northamptonshire 3 1 0 2 :7 23 2 brought in .at 4-3 iq ,the first game. posals dealing with the same Suffolk 3 0 0 3 6 24 0 Turning point came in 3rd .when SECOND DIVISION (MIDLAND) substance shall be accepted 2nd NORTH Merrett (12-11 up) 'miscounted and for considera.tion by the Northumberland 4 3 1 o 33 7 7 JUNIOR WEST caught the 13th shot. Williams, one Derbyshire 10, Glamorgan 0 Annual General Meeting if Lancashire II ... 4 2 2 o 27 13 6 Monmouthshire.. 4 4 0 o 28 12 8 of the best 3rd strings in ..the game, The only set" won" by Glamor­ and Cheshire II " .. ~ 3 2 0 1 18 12 4 Somerset 4 2 0 2 23 17 4 gan forfeited as players in wrong submitted in writing Yorkshire II .. 3 2 0 1 18 12 4 Glamorgan 3 2 0 1 J9 11 4 raced to i 7-12 and held on to give received by line Secretary not Sussex their fourth win of the season. order. Six sets needed a deciding Lincolnshire .... 4 1 2 1 22 18 41 IVISION London, W.4 February 3 E~sex v Gloucestershire, Howard Rotavator Co. Ltd. , 7.00 p.m. 15, -t 7. Olarke/F'Orshaw lost to Pen­ pattern for the evening. Dot Dee/ley, West Horndon fold/Warren 23, -17, -19. Miss M. unbeaten in singles in this diVtision for Sussex v Lancashire, A.P.V. Industrial Estate, Crawley 7.00 p.m. Leigh losit to Mrs. M. Wright -9, 5 years, met Warwicks' rising star February 10 Middlesex v Yorkshire, Southall Grammar-Technical 7.30 p~m. SOUTHERN DIVISION 'School, Boyd Avenue, Southall -11. Livesey1Miss Leigh lost Ito (and ex-Staffs) Kath Perry, quarter­ F,ebruary 10 S.trre~· v Essex, Sutton Adult School, Benhill Avenue, 7.00 p.m. CreamerJiMrs. Wright -10, -13. finalist in English Closed, and crushed Hertfordshire II 7, Sutton Kevin Forshaw excepted, a lack­ her 7, 11. Large crowd appreciated Buckinghamshire II 3 February 24 Cheshire v Gloucestershire, Byrne Avenue Baths, Rock­ 7.15 p.m. lustre performance by Lancs who and enjoyed it all. ferry, Birkenhead Oxfordsbire II 0, Hampshire II 10 SF~CONI> I>IVISION SOUTH Berkshire 2, Kent II 8 February 3 Hertfordshire v Surrey II, Oxhey Hall Community Asso­ 7.00 p.m. ciation. Hampermill Lane, Oxhey, Watford MIDLAND DIVISION February 23 Buckinghamshire v Middlesex II, Equity & Law Assur­ ,7.00 p.m. ance Co., Amersham Road, High Wycombe Worcestershire II 4, Staffordshire II 6 February 24 Kent v Middlesex II, Prince of Wale,s ClUb, Canterbury 7.15 p.m. Derek Baddeley and Ken Day in Sussex II v Hampshire, THE TABLE OF THE FUTURE impress'ive form, winning aU 5 sets SECONJ) DIVISION NOR'rH February 10 Cumberla.nd v Lancashire II, The Grammar School, 6.30 p.m. they played in straight games. With Millorn W.O. added to this, Staffs deserved February 11 I>urham v Cheshire II, their first win. Yorl{,;;hire II v Lincolnshire, Batley Miners Welfare, 6.30 p.m. TODAY Batley Denbighshire 4, Nottinghamshire 6 SECOND DIVISION MIDLAND A disappointing match, with too February 4 Glamorgan v Monmouthshire. Grange Youth Centre, 3.00 p.m, Tubular Steel Jigged Frame and Folding Undercarriage. C:~ydach Street, Grange, Cardiff much negative play from both teams. February 11 Staffordshire v Derbyshire, Cannot Warp. Poor Pat Hammond injured when Warwit'kshire v Leicestershire, Mitchells & Butlers 4.00 p.m" leading 18-11 in 3rd game of W.D. ; Recreation ClUb, Portland Road, Edgbaston, Birming­ she took no further part in the match. ham 16 SECOND DIVISION WES'r Hinged'and Folding. Fitted with Retractable White Tyred Two va1uable points for Notts, but February 10 Wiltshire v Cornwall, Castor Wheels. Easily Moved. they will need to do much better than February 17 Dor8et v Worcester"hire, Dorchester Youth Centre, Colli­ 7.15 p.m. this against Warwicks. ton Steel, Dorchester SOUTHERN DIVISION No More Loose Screws, Chipped Comers, Warped Surfaces. Warwickshire II 10, Derbyshire n 0 February 10 Buckinghamshire II v Kent II, Village Hall, Penn 7.00 p.m. Street, Chesham EASTERN DIVISION February 17 Hertfol'dshire II v Oxfordshire n, Drill Hall, Turners 7.00 p.m. Three Mobile Models Fitted with Finest Finnish Birch Tops. Cambridgeshire S, Suffolk 5 Hill Che,shunt Norfolk's only rivals taking a point February 24 Ha.mpshire II v Berkshire, St. James Institute, Stour­ 7.00 p.m. 12 mm.• 18 mm., 24 mm. field Road, Southbourne, Bournemouth each destroying both sides' hopes " MIDLAND DIVISION Norfolk 8, Huntingdonsbire 2 February 11 Denbighshire v Staffordshire II, Permanent Matt Finish. Washable. Nottinghamshire v \Varwidi:shire II, Boneham & Turner 7.30 p.m. Norfolk far too strong for Hunts, t~~by~~:;inll;m:~r~~st:;~~~elrI, Surfaces Protected when not in use. whose best performance was in X.D. February 24 The Police Station, 7.00 p.m. This result ensured the divisional Chesterfield championship for Norfolk (their first EAs'rERN DIVISION X February 10 Huntingdonshire v CalnbridgeshiI·e, Eaton Socon Insti­ 7.00 p.m. Free Standing 5' x 5/ 10" saving damage to table edges ever ti tIe) and promotion to the tute, Eaton Socon and walls. sterner competition of the Se'cond February 11 Suffo'k v Bedfordshire, Caxton Sports Pavilion, Beceles 7.00 p.m. Division. Congratulations to captain JUNfOIt .,OU'I'H [)IVI!",ION February 10 Berk~hire v Sussex, Y.M.C.A., Parkside Road, Reading 3.00 p.m. In use at over 1,000 clubs. Alan Coby and his colleagues Neville February 10 Buckinghamshire v Surrey, Villh,ge Hall, Penn Street, 3.00 p.m. an d Peter Graver, Wesley Haydock, Chesllam Betty Cassell and Edna Allen. February 24 Kent v Hampshire, Prince of Wales ClUb, Canterbury 3.00 p.m. Patented in U.K., U.S.A., Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, JUNIOIt NOR'rH DiVISION JUNIOR DIV'ISION (SOUTH) February 10 Cumberland v I~ancashire, The Grammar School, Millom 3.00 p.m. Canada, Japan. Hanlpshire 9, Berkshire 1 February 11 Durham v Cheshire, JUNIOR ~IDLAN)) [)B.VISION Hampshire generally too strong, Feibruary 11 Denbighshire v Warwickshire, although J. Gregory again played Oxfordshire v Leicestershire, St. Margaret's Hall, Pol­ 2.30 p.m. Write for Illustrated Brochure to- well for Berks. stead Road, Oxf(,rd StaffOl·dshire v N ottinghamshire, Kent 6, JUNIOR EAS'r J)IVISION Kent took 6 of the boys' s'ets in a February 11 Middlesex· v NorfoJlt, East Finchley T.T. Centre, 142 3~OO p,m. GYMNASIA LTD. tight match which never really High Road, East Finchley, N.2 Northaml)tonshire v Hertfordshire, Weatherby Printers 2.00 p.m. sparkled. Sandra Goldsmith and Sports Centre, Dennington Indastial Estate, Welling- BLUE HOUSE POINT ROAD Susan Howard knew too much for borough ' Kent's younger girls. March 9 Hertfordshire v Suffolk, Drill Hall, Turners Hill, 3.00 p.m. STOCKTON-ON-TEES Cheshun't Sussex 3, Bucl{inghamsbire· 7 JUNTOIt WEST.,DIVISION Phone 68964 February 11 Gloucestershire v 1\fonmouthshire, Comrades' Hall, Nails.. 3.00 p.m. JUNIOR NORTH worth, Nr. Stroud Cheshire 9, Cumberland 1 Worc~stershire v G!amor