I can’t remember the last time when I have devoted a page in The Evangelist Magazine to specifi- cally ask for your financial help, but I must do so this month. Last month, in my letter to our Partners, I related the financial burden the Ministry is facing. I told you that the Ministry had to raise one million dollars or we face the possibility of losing the Telecast in your area, as it regards the Network you watch. I want to thank those who have responded. You don’t know how important your offering is. How- ever, we are not out of the woods yet. We must take care of the deficit and it must be done right now. This Ministry is of the Lord. What we preach and teach is the Truth and you know it. What we are endeavoring to do, as it regards World Evangelism, is the Lord’s and when something is of the Lord, you can expect Satan to fight. Could I ask you once more for your help? If the need was not critical, I wouldn’t ask. Your best gift right now will help more than you can know. Actually, if you could call and place your best gift on a credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express) it would be greatly appreciated. The number to call is 1-800-288-8350; Baton Rouge residents please call (225) 768-7000. Or, go online to www.jsm.org and click “Online Giving” to make a donation.

In the Master’s Service, yours,

Jimmy Swaggart

2 August, 2010 The Evangelist © OK Farm Bureau

“The Cross of Christ defeated the powers of particular Church. It was an offering that he needed very, very much. As he closed this Epistle, this is what darkness, and in every capacity. This is what is T he said: ‘well-pleasing to God.’” “But I have all, and abound: I am full, having received of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a Sacrifice acceptable, well-pleasing to God” A MOST IMPORTANT NOTE TO YOU (Phil. 4:18). This Passage of Scripture tells us many things. Beauti- I personally believe that the Message the Lord has fully enough, the Holy Spirit through Paul used an Old given us to give to the church and the world, THE MES- Testament example. You can find it in the first seven SAGE OF THE CROSS, is, in fact, what the Holy Spirit is Chapters of Leviticus. Concerning the sacrifices, the Holy saying to the modern church. If, in fact, that is correct, Spirit through Moses said, “It is an Offering made by fire, and I know in my heart that it is, then what we are at- of a sweet savour unto the LORD” (Lev. 1:9, 13, 17; 2:9; 3:5, tempting to do for the Lord, in fact, what He has called 16; 4:31). us to do, will have eternal consequences. The terminology, “an odour of a sweet smell, a Sacrifice acceptable, well-pleasing to God,” presents a picture of the I CANNOT DO IT WITHOUT YOU Cross of Christ as the Lord sees it. How in the world could the burning of the carcass of an animal on the Altar be Even though the Lord has Called me for this task, even a “sweet smell”? though He has given me the Message, and even though It was sweet in the Nostrils of God, simply because it He has anointed me to deliver that Message, for which we spoke of His Son and our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, will ever be grateful, still, I cannot do this thing without Who would give Himself on the Cross in order that man you. I think the Lord has made it very clear to me, that might be redeemed. The Cross of Christ defeated the you are an integral part of this Message, and that it be powers of darkness, and in every capacity. This is what given to the world. is “well-pleasing to God.” Why the Lord chose you to be in the flow of this Mes- sage, that I cannot answer. But I want you to know and WHAT IS THE HOLY SPIRIT SAYING TO US understand that He has called you for a special purpose. THROUGH THIS PASSAGE? You did not come in contact with this Message by acci- dent. It was all planned by the Lord. And now, I implore He is saying that when we give of our means, as you, to do everything within your power, to justify the did the Philippians, to help Paul take this Message of choice the Lord has made. the Cross to a hurting, dying world, in essence, in some way known only to God, we literally become a part of “A SACRIFICE ACCEPTABLE, WELL-PLEASING the Sacrifice of Christ. That is the way the Holy Spirit TO GOD” described the offering of the Philippians, of which we should take careful note. Paul was in prison in Rome when he wrote his Epistle That means that unless our resources are used for to the Philippians. Epaphroditus had come to Rome the Message of the Cross, they really aren’t doing what from Philippi, a distance of some 800 miles or more, and had brought Paul a very generous offering from that Continued on page 4

The Evangelist August, 2010 3 The Greater Harvest as stated, has not previously been done. Why are we Continued from page 3 doing this? We’re doing it first of all because the Lord has told “As well, the Lord has given us, I believe, us to do this. I want the Message and the Spirit to be identical in all the programming. I do not want any some of the finest Preachers and Teachers of A conflicting spirits, and I believe you understand what I the Gospel in the world today, for which we give mean. The Message is all-important, whether it be by Music or by Word. It must not be compromised. Him all the Glory.”

should be done. A dear Brother wrote me the other day asking, “Brother Swaggart, how does the Cross of Christ play into our giving?” I think it is obvious from these Passages that the Message of the Cross and our giving should be locked together.


As someone has said, and rightly so, “God’s Timing is just as important as His Promise.” God’s Timing seemed to be very bad when He brought the Children of Israel to the banks of the Jordan as they were about to enter the Promised Land. Jordan is nor- mally just a few feet wide; however, due to the fact that this particular time was the rainy season, scholars tell us that the Jordan at this time was over a mile wide and approximately forty feet deep. (Due to modern irrigation, the Jordan does not now flood.) But, the Lord knew exactly what He was doing. He wanted to show His People that He was equal to the task, As well, the Lord has given us, I believe, some of the whatever that task might be. finest Preachers and Teachers of the Gospel in the world He had Israel to go through the wilderness in order today, for which we give Him all the Glory. They have to prove to them that He could meet their needs even in come up in this Ministry, and share my burden 100%. this howling wasteland. To be sure, it was His Will that And, of course, all of you know Donnie and Gabriel, who they remain in the wilderness for about two years, not preach this Message as good as, or better than, I do. forty. That was because of their unbelief. The timing of the Lord, as it regards the SONLIFE I WANT YOU TO LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING BROADCASTING NETWORK, is His Way, and He always knows best. • If the Message of the Cross is, in fact, what the The nation is in the midst of the worst recession since Holy Spirit is saying to the Church; the Great Depression of the 1930’s. So the question is, “Can • If you believe that God has called us to carry out God set a table in this wilderness?” I know that He can. This this task; is the time that He chose, and He did it for purpose and • If you believe that the Lord has made you a part of reason, and I believe that He will make a way. this Work; and, your answer is “yes,” to all of the above, as it most definitely should be, I’m going WHAT WE BELIEVE GOD HAS CALLED US TO DO to ask you to do two things: 1. First of all and foremost, I am asking that you We are going to do our best to place the SONLIFE pray for us daily. Paul said, “Pray for us that the BROADCASTING NETWORK on every Cable in this na- Gospel will have free course.” I know that many of tion, thereby, reaching every home. At least that is our you know how to pray. In other words, you know goal. As well, we want to go on Satellites that will cover how to believe God. So I’m asking for your prayers every nation in the world, with some of these even being and your Faith. translated into the languages of the indigenous people, In fact, the Lord told me to tell you “to believe.” That’s whatever that might be, for instance Spanish. In fact, we what I’m asking you to do. are doing something that I’m not aware has ever been 2. As well, I’m asking you to support this Work done before. financially, without which we cannot do what We are furnishing the entirety of the programming God has called us to do. Jim Woolsey stated the 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which to my knowledge, other day, “Some who do not love may give, but all

4 August, 2010 The Evangelist WE BELIEVE ...... The Bible is the inspired and only infallible and au- thoritative written Word of God. (Ps. 119; Mat. 4:4; Lk. 24:27) “It was like I was in the palace of the Monarch of Egypt, standing . . . there is one God, eternally existent in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. beside Joseph when he gave the interpretation to Pharaoh’s dream.” (I Jn. 5:7) I . . . in the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His Virgin Birth, in His Sinless Life, in His Miracles, in His Vicari- ous and atoning Death, in His Bodily Resurrection, in His Ascension to the Right Hand of the Father, in His personal future return to this Earth in Power and who truly love will most definitely give.” For most of you, this is where you Glory to rule a thousand years. (Jn. 1:1-4; Eph. 2:13-18; are fed Spiritually. It is through the Radio Ministry, the Telecast, and Rev., Chpts. 19-20) . . . in the Blessed Hope — the Rapture of the Church at whether it comes to you by the Internet, or however, this is where you Christ’s Coming. (I Thess. 4:13-18) . . . the only means of being cleansed from sin is through are fed. I need your faithful support. I need for you to do the very best Repentance and Faith in the Precious Blood of Christ. you can. (Rom. 5:1; Eph. 2:8-9, 13-18) . . . Regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential I have given for personal Salvation. (Jn. 3:5-8; Titus 3:5) . . . the Redemptive Work of Christ on the Cross provides you the Plan that Healing of the human body in answer to believing I believe God has prayer. (Ex. 15:25-26; James 5:14-15; I Pet. 2:24) . . . the Baptism with the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4 called us to carry is given to Believers who ask for it. (Acts 2:4; 10:44-46; out, and please let 19:1-7) . . . in the Sanctifying Power of the Holy Spirit by Whose me say it again, indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a holy life. (Rom. 6:3-14; 8:1-2, 11) you are an integral . . . in the Resurrection of both the saved and the lost: the part of this Work one to Everlasting Life and the other to everlasting damnation. (Rev. 20:5-6, 11-15) for God. Together I believe it is possible THE PRICELESS CORNER We have set aside this corner of the Evangelist to to see the greatest show God’s Plan of Salvation. If you are unsure where Move ever. you will go when you die, please listen to what God has said in His Word: I want to give you the following, First . . . God loves you! “For God so loved the world that he gave His only which I gave in THE Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should EVANGELIST sev- not perish, but have Everlasting Life” (Jn. 3:16). eral months ago. Second . . . Man is a sinner, and sin has sepa- But I want you to rated him from God! “For there is not a just man upon Earth, that doeth remember it. good and sinneth not” (Eccl. 7:20). “For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). THE HARVEST Third . . . Jesus Christ is the only remedy for sin! Some months back, I awakened on a Sunday morning at possibly 2 a.m. “For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God . . .” (I Pet. or 3 a.m. Lying in bed thinking of the Service which would convene at Family 3:18). Worship Center that morning, and the Message that I was to bring concerning “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under Heaven given among men, Joseph, the Lord began to speak to me. whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).

It was like I was in the palace of the Monarch of Egypt, standing beside Fourth . . . you must receive Jesus Christ as Joseph when he gave the interpretation to Pharaoh’s dream. your personal lord and saviour. The Monarch dreamed that seven fat cattle came up out of the river, and Jesus calls this experience the “new birth.” He told Nicodemus: “. . . Except a man be born again, he cannot then seven lean cattle came and consumed them. He also dreamed that seven see the Kingdom of God” (Jn. 3:3). We invite you now to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as fat stalks of grain came before him, and then seven lean stalks came and con- your personal Saviour. “But as many as received Him, to sumed the seven fat stalks. them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name” (Jn. 1:12). His astrologers and magicians could not give the interpretation of the dream. So, Joseph was called. Actually, he was called out of prison where he had been Pray this prayer and mean it with all of your heart: Dear Lord Jesus, I now realize that I am a sinner. I for the last several years. accept the fact that You died for me on the rugged Cross Joseph then begins to interpret the dreams saying to Pharaoh, “Your dream of Calvary. I now open my heart’s door and receive You as Saviour and Lord of my life. Please take full control of is double.” He went on to state as to how there would be seven years of harvest me and help me to be the kind of Christian You want me to be. Amen. in Egypt, the greatest harvest the nation had ever seen, so much so, in fact, that If you prayed this prayer in all sincerity, you are now a granaries would have to be built all over the country. He then said, that seven Child of God. So that we might rejoice with you, we invite you to fill out this coupon and mail it to years of famine was coming, that would be the worst ever. Ministries, P.O. Box 262550, Baton Rouge, LA 70826-2550. In Canada, mail to Jimmy Swaggart Ministries of Canada, It happened exactly as Joseph said. While this was done by the Lord for any P.O. Box 1020, Niagara Falls, Ontario, L2E 6V9. We will send number of reasons, the main reason of all was to bring Jacob to Joseph, and you a free copy of Jimmy Swaggart’s book What Must I Do To Be Saved? This book will help you grow in grace and that’s exactly what happened. knowledge. But then the dream was doubled. The second part, which I doubt that Joseph even understood, is yet to be fulfilled. I’ll take the second part first. dear jimmy: today I accepted Jesus The seven lean stalks of grain, represent the seven years of Great Tribulation as my lord and saviour. which are soon to come upon this Earth, and which Jesus said would be worse Name Address Continued on page 8 City State/PROV zip The Evangelist date of decision Age • 6:00 - 7:00 a.m. • 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. “The Word” with Gabe and Jill Swaggart • 5:00 - 6:00 a.m. A prerecorded service from Family Worship Center with • 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. (Live) Jimmy Swaggart • 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. (Rebroadcast) “The Message Of The Cross”: Jimmy Swaggart and a panel • 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. of ministers address particular Bible subjects, but more Various Family Worship Center and Jimmy Swaggart particularly “the Cross of Christ.” Ministries Music selections • 8:00 - 8:45 a.m. (Live) Monday Only • 8:00 - 8:45 p.m. (Rebroadcast) • 4:30 - 5:30 a.m. “News You Can Use” with John Rosenstern & “Spanish” Telecast Josh Rosenstern Wednesday Only • 8:45 - 9:00 a.m. • 8:45 - 9:00 p.m. • 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Various Family Worship Center and Jimmy Swaggart “LIVE” Family Worship Center Service Ministries Music selections Thursday Only • 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. (Live) • 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. • 9:00 - 11:00 p.m. (Rebroadcast) Crossfire Service “Frances And Friends” with Frances Swaggart Saturday Only • 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon • 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. • 11:00 p.m. - 12:00 midnight “Salvation Station” (Children) Various Family Worship Center and Jimmy Swaggart Ministries Music selections • 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Crossfire “Crosstalk” (Young Adults) • 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m. • 12:00 midnight - 1:00 a.m. • 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Loren Larson Bob Cornell • 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Sunday Only • 1:00 - 2:30 a.m. • 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. “A Study In The Word” with Jimmy Swaggart and a panel “The Jimmy Swaggart Telecast” of ministers address particular Bible subjects, but more • 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon (Live) particularly “the Cross of Christ.” “LIVE” Family Worship Center Service • 2:30 - 2:55 p.m. • 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m. • 2:30 - 2:55 a.m. Various Family Worship Center and Jimmy Swaggart Various Family Worship Center and Jimmy Swaggart Ministries Music selections Ministries Music selections • 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. • 2:55 - 3:00 p.m. “A Study In The Word” with Jimmy Swaggart and a panel • 2:55 - 3:00 a.m. of ministers address particular Bible subjects, but more A “Daily Devotional” reading by Gabe Swaggart particularly “the Cross of Christ.” • 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. • 2:30 - 6:00 p.m. • 3:00 - 4:00 a.m. Various Family Worship Center and Jimmy Swaggart A prerecorded service from Family Worship Center with Ministries Music selections Donnie Swaggart • 6:00 p.m. • 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. “LIVE” Family Worship Center Service • 4:00 - 5:00 a.m. Various Family Worship Center and Jimmy Swaggart • 10:00 p.m. - 12:00 midnight (Rebroadcast) Ministries Music selections Family Worship Center Service

You can also receive the SonLife Radio Programming on the internet by logging on at www.jsm.org 6 August, 2010 The Evangelist Full-Power Crete, IL...... 88.1 (Covering South Chicago and Chicago Heights) Stations Ottawa, IL...... 88.9 Baton Rouge, LA ...... 88.5 (Covering Ottawa, West La Salle, East Joliet, and (Covering parts of Southern Louisiana) North DeKalb)

Greenville, MS/Lake Village, AR...... 95.9 Kankakee, IL ...... 88.3 (Covering parts of Western Mississippi and Eastern (Covering Northeastern Illinois and Northwestern Arkansas) Indiana)

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Chattanooga, TN ...... 95.7 Ada, OK...... 88.7 (Covering parts of Southern Tennessee and North- (Covering South Central Oklahoma) ern Georgia) Albion/Rochester, NY...... 102.1 Camden, AR...... 1450 AM (Covering North Western New York State) (Covering parts of Southern Arkansas) Oklahoma City/Norman, OK ...... 89.3 Grenada, MS...... 95.7 (Covering Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) (Covering parts of Central Mississippi) Panama City, FL...... 91.7 Bentonia/Yazoo City — Jackson, MS...... 92.1 (Covering Panama City, ) (Covering Central Mississippi and Eastern Louisiana) Beatrice/Lincoln, NE ...... 88.9 (Covering South Eastern Nebraska) Guthrie, OK ...... 1490 AM (Covering Oklahoma City, Edmond, and parts of Grand Island/Hastings, NE...... 90.7 Central and Northern Oklahoma) (Covering South Central Nebraska)

Jonesboro, LA...... 104.9 Lakewood/Jamestown, NY...... 88.9 (Covering Northern Louisiana) (Covering Lakewood and Jamestown, NY)

Augusta/Little Rock, AR...... 97.7 Corrigan/Lufkin, TX...... 99.3 (Covering Central Arkansas, Western Tennessee, a (Covering Corrigan and Lufkin, TX) small part of Northwestern Mississippi, and a small part of Southern Missouri) Translator Stations Andalusia, AL...... 89.3 Desoto/St. Louis, MO...... 100.1 Eufaula, AL ...... 88.9 (Covering Southern Missouri, parts of Eastern Mis- souri, and Western Illinois) El Dorado, AR ...... 89.7 Bishop, CA...... 91.3 Palm Springs, CA...... 90.9 Key West, FL...... 90.5 (Covering the Coachella Valley) Dublin, GA...... 90.9 Winfield — Wichita, KS...... 91.9 La Grange, GA...... 90.3 (Covering South Central Kansas and North Central Waycross, GA...... 90.7 Oklahoma) Continued on page 8

The Evangelist August, 2010 7 SonLife Radio The Greater Harvest Continued from page 7 Continued from page 5

Carlinville, IL ...... 89.1 Effingham, IL...... 88.7 Freeport, IL...... 91.3 Jacksonville, IL...... 88.1 Bastrop, LA ...... 88.3 Delhi, LA ...... 88.3 DeRidder, LA...... 89.5 Grayson, LA...... 91.9 Many, LA...... 91.3 Minden, LA...... 91.1 Morgan City, LA...... 90.9 Natchitoches, LA...... 90.1 than anything that had ever happened (Mat. 24:21). That Alexandria, MN...... 91.7 Great Tribulation will be for many reasons, but the main reason will be to bring Jacob to Jesus, and that it shall do! Morris, MN...... 90.5 Kirksville, MO...... 88.1 THE GREATEST HARVEST EVER Mountain Grove, MO...... 91.7 But before the seven lean stalks, there were seven fat St. James, MO...... 89.3 stalks of grain, representing seven years of harvest, and Springfield, MO...... 91.5 I personally believe it will be a Spiritual harvest of souls. I believe that dream given to Pharaoh some 3,700 years Willow Springs, MO ...... 90.5 ago, tells us that there is going to be a Move of God in Columbia, MS...... 88.3 these last of the last days, which will usher hundreds of Philadelphia/Union, MS ...... 91.5 thousands, if not millions, into the Kingdom of God. I do not believe the Lord is coming back after an emaciated Morehead City, NC...... 91.9 church. I believe it’s a Glorious Church, but it’s going Rockingham, NC ...... 88.3 to take the Message of the Cross to bring the church to Corning, NY...... 89.5 where it ought to be. As I have stated so many times, this is not a new Message, but actually the Message that Chambersburg, PA...... 89.7 was given to the Apostle Paul. It is the Gospel. It’s not Franklin, PA...... 90.3 a part of the Gospel, it is the Gospel in totality. In fact, every Doctrine in the Bible is built on the Foundation of Lewisburg, PA ...... 90.1 the Cross. Paul said to the Romans and to us as well: Lock Haven, PA...... 89.3 “But God be thanked, that you were the servants of sin, Mansfield, PA...... 91.5 but you have obeyed from the heart the form of Doctrine which was delivered you” (Rom. 6:17). He was talking about the Andrews, SC...... 88.7 Doctrine of the Cross (Rom. 6:3-5). Clinton, SC...... 88.1 The Lord spoke to my heart early that Sunday morn- Manning, SC...... 88.7 ing, long before daylight, and said to me, “This Ministry (Jimmy Swaggart Ministries) is going to have a part in fulfilling Winnsboro, SC...... 91.9 the dream interpreted by Joseph, and given to Pharaoh some Brookings, SD ...... 89.7 3,700 years ago.” And He also told me, as I have repeat- Mitchell, SD...... 88.7 edly stated in this article, that you are an integral part of what God has called us to do. Don’t take it lightly! Watertown, SD...... 90.1 Don’t let Satan cheat you out of this! He told me to tell Yankton, SD...... 91.1 you “to believe.” Pikeville, TN...... 91.3 I will close with the Passage of Scripture, which the Lord gave to me in 1997, which I think sums it all up. Bonham, TX...... 91.1 It is: Columbus, TX ...... 91.1 “For the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the Law of Sin and Death” (Rom. 8:2). Midland, TX ...... 91.7 Palestine, TX ...... 90.7

8 August, 2010 The Evangelist “It doesn’t matter who it is, whether the EvangelistI preaching to the largest crowds in the world, the Pastor who shepherds the largest church in the world, irrespective, the only way that anyone can live for God, and do so suc- cessfully, is by that person placing their Faith exclusively in Christ and the Cross.”

Product lists from left to right * The Expositor’s New Testament – Spanish Edition $40 your price $25 (EV1110) * The Expositor’s New Testament – English Edition $40 your price $25 (EV1111) * The Expositor’s Study Bible – Giant Print Edition $100 your price $60 (EV1112) * The Expositor’s Study Bible – Regular Edition $125 your price $60 (EV1113) * The Expositor’s Study Bible – Loose-leaf Edition – Giant Print (Includes Binder) $100 your price $60 (EV1114) * The Expositor’s Study Bible – Crossfire Edition $60 your price $50 (EV1115) * The Expositor’s Study Bible – Jimmy Swaggart Signature Edition $150 your price $100 (EV1116)

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The Evangelist August, 2010 11 THE CALL OF GOD

Whatever God asks us to do, He fits us for, and what- that is laid, which is Jesus Christ” (I Cor. 3:10-11). ever He fits us for, He asks us to do. The Minister who Also, the Minister must go to all people and societies to has answered God’s Call is in a place of Divinely- whom the Lord sends him. He must be determined to appointed Power, and he/she needs no weapon say only what the Lord commands him to say. Just as other than the Promise of God. When the Lord told we read in the Bible of “God’s Greats,” the Call of God Mary through the Angel Gabriel that she would con- is something a Minister can never get away from. The ceive a Son, all she had was Faith in what the Lord had Touch of God’s Hand on his life is a tangible pledge spoken to her. Yet, that was all she needed. It was God that God is with him, and that He is with him for the who performed the Miracle, bringing our Saviour into rest of his life. Through his victories, his failures, his this world, born of a virgin. “And the Angel answered and struggles, his moments of despair, the work he is called said unto her, The Holy Spirit shall come upon you, and the and commissioned to do is not his own. He will always power of the Highest shall overshadow you . . . And blessed be conscious of a Divine Call. is she who believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord” (Lk. 1:35-45). Any THE MESSAGE Minister, who walks in Faith, believing His Promises, will show this world the Miracles of Jesus! A man/woman that has received the Call of God will always have to choose between his/her own desires and MASTERBUILDER God’s Will, even though the cost may be great. Like Jer- emiah, the Minister may be called to a task that is very The Minister’s Commission is actually multifaceted. difficult. He may be tempted to shrink back from proclaim- Within the Minister’s Calling is the building, the break- ing an unwelcomed message. The Preacher loves to carry ing, the planting, and the plucking of community. He good news, but to be a bearer of bad news, rebuke, and/or must “build and plant,” yet, he must also root out, pull strong warning to an undisciplined people is never easy. down, destroy, and throw down of the flesh. When the faces of the people register pleasure, the Min- These assignments and responsibilities, in fact, will be ister feels safe. But, when the faces of the people register characteristic of all Believers desiring to be true Workers unbelief or disgust, the Preacher must exhibit courage. He together with God. See, if idolatry and pride are not must not move away from or alter the message given to exposed and eliminated, little can be built in its place. him by God. The Call of God is, in fact, a Spiritual In other words, a Minister must make sure a proper Gift. The world will never understand it, and the foundation is laid, and such a foundation will always church may not always accept it. But, the Minister purge all of that which is not the Cross of Christ. “Ac- must always remember that the Word of the Lord is cording to the Grace of God which is given unto me, as a a power unto itself that carries out His Will and accom- wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another plishes what He Wishes. Against this power nothing builds thereon. But let every man take heed how he builds can stand! It is a hammer that breaks rocks into pieces. thereupon. For other foundation can no man lay than His Word demonstrates power in both destruction and

12 August, 2010 The Evangelist Continued from page 21 Continued from page 21

construction. If men accept God’s Word, it will give life. If they reject it, it will bring condemnation.


I know a little bit of what it is like when a Minister is given a message from God that he knows will upset a lot of people. I have watched my husband agonize over a message. Through many sleepless nights, a message would weigh heavy on his heart, giving him no rest until the message was delivered. And, many times even after it was preached, the enemy tried to attack with troubling thoughts such as, “I could have said it better,” or “maybe I didn’t deliver it as well as I should have,” or “God, did you really tell me to preach this?” You see, it is never easy to be used of God because the actual execution of God’s Will in our lives rarely meets the expectations of the world. Worldly standards are not God’s Stan- dards, and so worldly people are often left perplexed and frustrated with our actions. The message God gives Cross a stumblingblock to the Jews [Mat. 16:21; I Cor. us may not be received, and we may not be accepted on 1:23; Gal. 5:11].)” Then Verse 66 tells us that, “From that a personal basis either. One only has to read Jeremiah time many of His Disciples went back, and walked no more 20:8-9, which states: “For since I spoke, I cried out, I cried with Him.” The Cross is an offense to the entirety violence and spoil; because the Word of the LORD was made of the world, and regrettably even most of the a reproach unto me, and a derision, daily. (The subject of church. The claims of Christ were so profoundly differ- his preaching is expressed in the two words, ‘violence’ ent from what they anticipated that they now refused and ‘spoil.’ This oppression and robbery of the poor so to accept Him at all! In Verse 67, we hear Him asking deeply stirred him that he shouted aloud against it, but the Twelve Disciples, “. . . Will you also go away?” The the only response to his outcries was that he was had in Holy Spirit is asking us the same thing today. Will you derision daily, and everyone laughed at him.) also go away? You see, nothing has changed from then “Then I said, I will not make mention of Him, nor speak until today. The Cross of Christ is still an offence to the anymore in His Name. But His Word was in my heart as world. And the Preacher that preaches the message of a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with Christ and Him Crucified is not always accepted. forbearing, and I could not stay. (In view of the terrible In Luke 21:8, the Lord tells us, “And He said (for the opposition, even bodily harm, the Prophet actually next four Verses, Luke deals with the signs of the times stopped preaching, at least for a while. The cause of as it regards the Second Coming), Take heed that you be the opposition was ‘Him’ and ‘His Name.’ However, he not deceived (presents the exact manner in which Mat- found it impossible to cease from preaching. The fire of thew begins his account – the warning of deception; it is the Divine Wrath against sin burned so fiercely within mainly in the realm of religion): for many shall come in My him that he could not help but resume his work.)” Name, saying, I am Christ (of Christ); and the time draws near (the Rapture of the Church): go you not therefore THE CROSS IS AN OFFENSE after them (be very careful as to whom you follow).” He is telling His Disciples that many “preachers” will come Even the Message that Jesus preached became too claiming to represent His Character, but their message strong for many of His Followers. Many freely and un- will not actually be the same as His Message. We are to reservedly followed Him for the Miracles He performed. turn away and not follow these men. The “feel good,” They were amazed and watched in wonder at the feeding “do good,” “anything goes,” “I’m OK, you’re OK” socialistic of the five thousand with only five loaves and two fishes. gospel of many modern churches is the opposite of what But, His Message was the stumbling block! John the early church, founded by the Apostles in the New 6:60 states: “Many therefore of His Disciples, when they had Testament, was about. In Acts, Chapter 3, we find Peter heard this (spoke of those other than the Twelve), said, and John going together into the Temple at the hour of This is an hard saying; who can hear it? (They were prayer. “A certain man lame from his mother’s womb was unwilling to accept the bloody death of their Messiah, carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the Temple called or to entrust themselves to a Divine Personality Whose Beautiful, to ask alms of them who entered into the Temple.” most distinctive act would be His Sacrifice of Himself. This was the gross and terrible offence which made the Continued on page 14

The Evangelist Visit my Website at www.francesandfriends.com August, 2010 13 Continued from page 13

actually following the all-inclusive “broad road,” and as a result, they have found themselves affirming anyone and everyone’s unbiblical beliefs. Once again, this is a powerless gospel. Men will not be saved, repent, or reconciled back to God through it. In an article, I came across this excerpt written by A.W. Tozer. It goes along perfectly with what we have just discussed.


“Unannounced and mostly undetected there has come in modern times a new cross into popular evan- gelical circles. It is like the old cross, but different: the likenesses are superficial; the differences, fundamental. From this new cross has sprung a new philosophy of the Christian life, and from that new philosophy has come a new kind of preaching. This new evangelism employs the same language But when this poor beggar attempted to reach out and as the old, but its content is not the same and its emphasis receive alms from Peter and John, something totally new not as before. The old cross would have no truck with the happened! Peter said, “Silver and gold have I none; but world. For Adam’s proud flesh it meant the end of the jour- such as I have give I thee: In the Name of Jesus Christ ney. It carried into effect the sentence imposed by the law of Nazareth rise up and walk . . . and immediately his of Sinai. The new cross is not opposed to the human feet and ankle bones received strength. And he leaping up race; rather, it is a friendly pal and, if understood stood, and walked, and entered with them into the Temple, aright, it is the source of oceans of good clean fun walking and leaping, and praising God.” and innocent enjoyment. It lets Adam live without interference. His life motivation is unchanged; he still lives REPENTANCE for his own pleasure. . . . The new cross encourages a new and entirely different evangelistic approach. The evangelist And Peter, realizing that a crowd had begun to form, . . . preaches not contrasts but similarities. He seeks took the opportunity to preach a sermon of Repentance to key into public interest by showing that Christianity makes to the crowd, reminding them that they had denied the no unpleasant demands; rather, it offers the same thing the “Holy One and the Just.” Acts 3:19 states: “Repent you world does, only on a higher level. . . . The new cross does therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted not slay the sinner, it redirects him. It gears him into a out. . . .” And then in Verse 26 he tells them: “Unto you cleaner and jollier way of living and saves his self-respect. . . . first God, having raised up His Son Jesus, sent Him to bless It is false because it is blind. It misses completely the whole you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities.” We meaning of the cross. The old cross is a symbol of death. . . . learn in Acts 4:4 that “. . . many of them which heard the The race of Adam is under death sentence. There is no com- Word believed; and the number of the men was about five mutation and no escape. God cannot approve any of the fruits thousand.” This message preached by Peter will not be of sin, however innocent they may appear or beautiful to the found in the socialistic churches of today because they eyes of men. God salvages the individual by liquidating have been turned into nothing more than distribution him and then raising him again to the newness of centers for social causes. They are about “social justice,” life. That evangelism which draws friendly parallels between not the Gospel. They never mention that the root cause the ways of God and the ways of men is false to the Bible and for all the ills of society is sin. They reject the real cure cruel to the souls of its hearers. The faith of Christ does for sin through the Cross of Christ, instead choosing to not parallel the world, it intersects it. In coming to treat the symptoms. The modern church is, therefore, Christ we do not bring our old life up onto a higher plane; we only capable of giving the beggar his alms and treating leave it at the cross. The grain of wheat must fall into the his “felt needs.” This social gospel has no power, ground and die. God offers life, but not an improved old life. but the message Peter preached had the power to set the The life He offers is life out of death. . . . Let him not seek to captive (the beggar) free! While the beggar was asking make terms with God, but let him bow his head before the for his felt needs to be met, Peter (the Preacher), through stroke of God’s stern displeasure and acknowledge himself the Anointing of the Holy Spirit, was able to get to the worthy to die . . . the power that raised Christ from the dead root of the problem. Now, the beggar was healed and now raises him to a new life along with Christ.” would be able to care for his own felt needs! He would no longer have to depend on handouts from strangers. He was free! In removing the Cross, today’s churches are Frances Swaggart

14 August, 2010 Visit my Website at www.francesandfriends.com The Evangelist These are the first four Albums (then called long plays) that we made, actually, some 50 years ago. They were best sellers and blessed an awful lot of people, all because of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. And when Gabriel brought in the masters and had me listen to them once again, which I had not done so in many, many years, the anointing was still there. Understanding that Recording techniques were a lot different then than now, still, I believe that you will enjoy these songs immensely, and at the same time, it will bring back a lot of very pleasant memories. They have been digitally remastered, and I think you’ll play them until you literally wear them out. Incidentally, the four CD's come in a box set. The four are: DISC 1 DISC 2 DISC 3 DISC 4 SOME GOLDEN DAYBREAK GOD TOOK AWAY MY YESTERDAYS IN THE SHELTER OF HIS ARMS I’VE GOT NOTHING TO LOSE

1. Some Golden Daybreak 1. God Took Away My Yesterdays 1. In The Shelter Of His Arms 1. I’ve Got Nothing To Lose 2. The Joy That Came To Me 2. He Holds My Hand 2. I’ll Never Be Lonely Again 2. I Saw Jesus In A Vision Last Night 3. I’ve Got A Longing To Go 3. I Was There When It Happened 3. Friendship With Jesus 3. In The Garden 4. Closer Dear Lord To Thee 4. Meeting In The Air 4. In The Sweet Bye And Bye 4. If We Never Meet Again 5. Let Me Tell You About Jesus 5. Peace In The Valley 5. Vacation In Heaven 5. Somebody Heard My Prayer 6. Jesus And Me 6. Where The Roses Never Fade 6. Led By The Master’s Hand 6. Where Could I Go 7. What A Day That Will Be 7. The Great Speckled Bird 7. There’ll Be An Answer Bye And Bye 7. A Hedge All Around Me 8. Jesus Took My Burdens 8. I Want To Praise The Lord 8. Just A Closer Walk With Thee 8. When I Wake Up In Glory 9. He Bought My Soul 9. Tell My Friends 9. My Sins Are Gone 10. Heavenly Road 10. Feeling Mighty Fine 10. God’s Valley Of Peace 11. Jesus Use Me 12. Stranger

The Evangelist For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free 1-800-288-8350 August, 2010 15 THE SEEDS WERE SOWN Television Network, hence, the global Television Ministry had begun. Almost immediately the Telecast began to It was the year 1983 and Brother Jim Woolsey had bear fruit as thousands upon thousands gave their lives to just concluded a 5 week tour of South Africa traveling the Lord Jesus Christ. In 1986 under the new leadership with Brother Swaggart, in which a series of great Crusade of Gen. Yoweri Museveni, peace and democracy came meetings were conducted. It was at this time that Brother to Uganda. It has been said to me that many feel that Woolsey was prompted by God to attempt to place the the Jimmy Swaggart Telecast was used by God at that Jimmy Swaggart Telecast on the air for the very first time time, in no small part, to bring Deliverance, peace and to an international audience. The Holy Spirit led Brother Light to the nation in a time of great crisis. Uganda has Woolsey to begin this monumental task by boarding a enjoyed 24 years of peace and is now witnessing a soul- plane and flying to the East African nation of Uganda, winning Revival of unprecedented proportions. This which at that time was deep in the throes of a horrific Revival is beginning to affect the whole of East Africa. civil war because of the brutal dictatorship of President Many of the pastors who are spearheading this Revival Milton Obote. It has been said of President Obote that have testified to me of the great impact that the Jimmy he caused more damage and shed more innocent blood Swaggart Telecast had in their lives all those years ago. in his short three-year reign than Gen. Idi Amin had The Prophet Isaiah said, “So shall My Word be that goeth during the previous eight years of his reign. forth out of My mouth: it shall not return unto Me void, In 1983 Uganda was under the control of a Muslim but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall government. Getting the Telecast on the air would be prosper in the thing whereto I sent it” (Isa. 55:11). nothing short of a miracle, to say the least. Brother Woolsey’s plane landed at the Entebbe Airport, the WATERING THE SEEDS place where just a few short years before the Israeli military had landed in a daring nighttime raid freeing This is now the second article in which I am reporting some 80 plus Jewish hostages whose plane had been on the ongoing Revival that has broken out in East hijacked by the terrorist organization known as the Africa. Robert Kayanja Ministries, a friend and supporter Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). The Israeli of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries (J.S.M.) asked me to come operation was an astonishing success and its action and preach the Gospel of Salvation in this series of great would come to be known around the world as the “Raid Crusades and I began to do so in August, 2008. Being on Entebbe.” Brother Woolsey landed in Uganda with a former Jimmy Swaggart Bible College student and an a vision in his heart to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to affiliated Minister of J.S.M. has proven to be a great a lost and dying world. Uganda would seem to be the asset to me in the way the African people respond to most impossible of places to begin. After all, this was a the preaching of the Gospel. Along with ministering in region of the world that had known darkness of a most the general Crusade, I also minister in the mornings to horrible kind, a place where life had little, if any, value. thousands of pastors who gather, many of whom were As Brother Woolsey drove from the Entebbe Airport to Saved as a result of the J.S.M. Telecast when it was airing Kampala, the capital city of Uganda, he noticed on many from 1983-1993. They all get so excited and happy when street corners, stacks and stacks of the human skulls of they know that I come from Brother Swaggart’s Ministry. those who had been brutally and viciously murdered in The fruit of those broadcasts in the earlier years has come the civil war. The chief business of Uganda at that time to fruition and remains as a testimony to how the Holy was the making of coffins to bury the dead! Yet, in Spirit continues to work through J.S.M. spite of all this madness and horror, through a series of miraculous events, the Ugandan Broadcasting Authority READ THE BOOK OF ACTS AND GET READY granted permission to Brother Woolsey for the Jimmy Swaggart Telecast to air on the National Government This latest Crusade took place over a five-day period

16 August, 2010 The Evangelist The Fields Are White For Harvest – Soroti Crusade

from April 21-25, 2010, in a city called Soroti. The Soroti District located in the northeastern part of Uganda, is home to over half a million people and while it is a beautiful agricultural area, it is one of the most economically impoverished districts in the nation. Most people live in rural outlying villages with no running water or power. Most are not educated past the primary grades, and the majority has little or no access to medical treatment, which unfortunately, heightens their susceptibility to the local witch doctors. The witch doctors are still held in high regard by most villagers and even those who do not adhere to their pagan practices, still live in fear of their dark powers. Many children are afflicted with deafness and blindness due to prolonged exposure to raging fevers. In desperation, many parents have sought the assistance of the witch doctors only to bring more darkness and bondage into their homes and communities. It was against this bleak backdrop that the Soroti Crusade witnessed a Moving of God’s Holy Spirit in an unprecedented way with tens of thousands of people accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior for the first time ever! The miraculous Power of God was on full display as many notable miracles took place. Not too long ago, while attending Services at Family Worship Center, a Word of Prophecy came forth, in which the Spirit of God said, “Read the Book of Acts and get ready,” well, truly this Prophecy has begun to come to pass! What I have been privileged to witness taking place in these Crusades is nothing short of the Book of Acts on display in our time. The crowd erupted in thunderous praise over and over again as several individuals, well-known among them to be “mad,” (the term they use for the possessed and mentally ill), came upon the platform clothed and in their right minds, giving praise to Jesus! Some were still holding the ropes that their loved ones had bound them with in order to get them to the Crusade. It was reported to us that an estimated crowd of over 200,000 people gathered for the final Sunday Service. I was reminded of the Biblical account of Zacheus, who climbed up in a tree to get a better view of Jesus, as many children and young adults climbed up into the trees that surrounded the Crusade grounds just to get a better view of the Services. So many miracles took place that the space in this article 16 year old Helen – Top: Tormented by the powers of will not permit me to tell them all. I will share, however, darkness. Bottom: Delivered by the Power of God. one of the miracles that will represent how powerfully God Moved in the Soroti Crusade: of Gadera. As I spoke on the struggle between the powers of darkness and the powers of Light, a sunny THE DELIVERANCE OF HELEN calm afternoon was suddenly overtaken by fierce winds that blew chairs off the platform and threatened A 16 year old girl by the name of Helen came to to blow over the entire structure and all the massive the Crusade bound and oppressed by the Devil, she sound equipment. Every member of the crusade team was tormented by the powers of darkness. It was on scrambled trying to secure the equipment! Many of the opening night of the Crusade and the Lord had me minister the story of the Deliverance of the demoniac Continued on page 34

The Evangelist August, 2010 17

Why should you desire to attend one of these Campmeetings? There are several reasons:

1. The Spirit of God is present and doing great things. That within itself is extremely important, as should be obvious. 2. The Word of God is preached without fear, favor, or compromise. Please read these words very carefully. This is the age of the apostasy of the Church. Consequently, there is much error in the Church and the situation will not get better, but instead will get worse. You need to hear the Messages preached in the Campmeetings and to be a part of what God is doing. 3. All Campmeeting services are aired over worldwide Television and Radio; consequently, your presence is needed concerning this all-important effort, and I think the reasons should be obvious.

However, prepare to be changed by the Power of God and the Grace of God! The Cross of Christ is your answer!

Service Times Wednesday: 7 p.m. Thursday–Saturday: 8 a.m. • 10 a.m. • 2 p.m. • 7 p.m. Sunday: 10 a.m. • 6 p.m.

How do I get additional information?

Call (225) 768-3438 for Campmeeting information. There are a limited number of rooms available for those who wish to stay in Bluebonnet Towers:

• Single: $30 U.S. (shared bath) • Suite: $60 U.S. (private bath) • Linen: $20 U.S. per person, per stay

If you reserve a room and it becomes necessary to change your plans, please contact our office immediately, as deposits are only refundable 15 days prior to the Campmeeting. Special hotel rates – Be sure and tell them it is for the Jimmy Swaggart Ministries Campmeeting.

Also, we can recommend the following hotels, who have given us special rates for you during our Campmeeting:

• Hyatt Place (225) 769-4400 • $89 (plus tax) • Complimentary Breakfast. • LaQuinta Inn (225) 291-6600 • $72 (plus tax) • Complimentary Breakfast • You must reserve by October 29, 2010. • Microtel Inn & Suites (225) 291-6200 • $61.99 (plus tax) • Complimentary Breakfast • Ask for either 1 or 2 queen size beds • You must reserve early. • Quality Suites (225) 293-1199 • $79.99 (plus tax) • Complimentary Breakfast • You must reserve by November 8, 2010. • Best Western Chateau Louisianne (225) 927-6700 • $80 (plus tax) • Full Breakfast • Standard Room • You must reserve by November 8, 2010.

There are numerous moderately priced hotels in the immediate area of Family Worship Center. Also, we have prepared several paved parking spaces for Recreational Vehicles with electricity, water, and sewer connections. The rate is $16.95 U.S. per 24-hour day. What are you waiting for? Why not call or write for more information today? You’ll be glad you did!

If you can’t be with us, you can see the Services “LIVE” over the Internet at: www.jsm.org. Don’t miss these other upcoming Campmeetings in 2011! Try to make all of them if you can; you won’t be disappointed! • EASTER: April 20-24, 2011 • International Youth conference: July 20-24, 2011 • THANKSGIVING: November 23-27, 2011 “THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS UPON ME” Luke 4:16-18 – “And He came to Nazareth, where Every single aspect of His Life was directed by the Holy He had been brought up (makes vivid the fact that Spirit, from Birth to His Resurrection. Jesus was Very Man, even as He was Very God): Concerning His Birth, the Bible in Matthew 1:18 says, Land, as His custom was (in our language presently “She was found with child of the Holy Spirit.” Luke He was faithful to Church), He went into the Syna- 1:35, speaking of Mary said, “The Holy Spirit shall come gogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up for to upon you.” read (it was common to ask visitors to expound At His Baptism at the Jordan, we see the Holy Spirit on the Word). likened as a Dove coming down and lighting upon Him. “And there was delivered unto Him the Book At Calvary the Holy Spirit watched over and superin- (Scroll) of the Prophet Isaiah. And when He had tended every aspect and, of course, it was the Holy Spirit opened the Book, He found the place where it was that raised Him from the dead in Resurrection Power. written (Isa. 61:1), Even before I get into the subject matter of the “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me (we learn Anointing, I must state that I feel it is impossible for a here of the absolute necessity of the Person and Believer to look at the Life and Ministry of Christ and not Work of the Holy Spirit within our lives), because see the importance of the Holy Spirit. He has anointed Me (Jesus is the ultimate Anointed Being a Pentecostal, I’m ashamed at the so-called One; consequently, the Anointing of the Holy Spirit Pentecostal churches de-emphasizing the Role and Help actually belongs to Christ, and the Anointing we of the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit there is no have actually comes by His Authority [Jn. 16:14]) church, no power, no anointing; simply put, without the to preach the Gospel to the poor (the poor in Holy Spirit all you are left with is dead Religion. spirit); He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted Luke, Chapter 4, gives to us one of the most concise (sin breaks the heart, or else is responsible for it teachings on the Holy Spirit and the Life and Ministry of being broken; only Jesus can heal this malady), the Lord. to preach Deliverance to the captives (if it is to be noticed, He didn’t say to ‘deliver the captives,’ “Full Of The Holy Spirit” but rather ‘preach Deliverance’ which refers to the Cross [Jn. 8:32]), and recovering of sight to Luke 4:1 says, “And Jesus being full of the Holy the blind (the Gospel opens the eyes of those who Spirit.” The word “full” means “without measure,” are Spiritually blind), to set at liberty them who meaning that the Lord was full of the Holy Spirit to a are bruised (the vicissitudes of life at times place degree greater than anyone else. The reason being, a person in a mental or Spiritual prison; the Lord Christ was Perfect and Pure, while we are not. “Full” Alone, and through what He did at the Cross, can also means “to be in complete control.” Kenneth Wuest, open this prison door).” the noted Twentieth Century Greek Scholar, translates it this way: “And Jesus in the complete control of the It is impossible to separate the Holy Spirit from the Holy Spirit.” Life and Ministry of the Lord. Though He was God during All this tells us is that it’s the desire of the Holy Spirit His time on Earth, He was also man. And it was as man, to have complete control over us in every situation of our flesh and blood, that He lived and ministered, a man full lives. We must never forget that something is going to of the Holy Spirit. control us, religion, the flesh, or God the Holy Spirit.

20 August, 2010 The Evangelist the Spirit.” “Power” in the Greek is “dunamis,” and it means, “Miracle-working Power.” The Power of the Spirit was His Strength, and likewise it is to be our strength. The modern Pentecostal Church has, by and large, lost the Power of the Holy Spirit. Instead of the Altar and the Name of Jesus, we have become a giant referral system, Office: 225-768-7000 • E-mail: [email protected] referring the broken and the bound to psychologists, counseling, and therapists. The Holy Spirit is Power, AUGUST 6-8, 2010 RANDERS, DENMARK Power greater than sin, sickness, demons, or whatever Pastor Simon Griis force one may face. Without the Power of the Holy Spirit Den Apostoliske Pinsekirke the church is nothing more than dead men’s bones, but Gl. Hobrovej 38 with the Holy Spirit the church becomes a living dynamo, 8920 Randers NV, Denmark pulsating with Power. Contact # 45 2829 6655 Alt. # 45 8649 6655 [email protected] [email protected] Saturday: 4 PM & 7 PM

AUGUST 27-29, 2010 – FAYETTEVILLE, PA Pastor Jim Thomas Family Christian Fellowship Church **Service Being Held At** Fayetteville Elementary School 8 East Main St. Fayetteville, PA 17222 (717) 860-0055 • [email protected] Friday & Saturday: 7 pm Sunday: 10 am & 6 pm

“The Spirit Of The Lord Is Upon Me”

This statement gives us a clear definition of the Trinity. The control the Holy Spirit desires is not automatic. The “Holy Spirit” is spoken of, with the Name “Lord,” His Control can only happen as we yield ourselves to Him referring to God the Father, and with the pronoun “Me” everyday. He doesn’t force His Will as He is not a dictator referring to Jesus Christ as the One Anointed. lording over us, but He is the Dove, gentle and meek, desiring of us to want His Help. “Because He Has Anointed Me”

“Led By The Spirit” This anointing was a Spiritual Anointing, and not a physical anointing as was common in the Old Testament. The latter part of Verse 1 says, “Was led by the It refers to a Special Appointment or Commission by God Spirit into the wilderness.” Wuest translates it this way: that sets a person apart. The word “anointed” means to “Continually being led.” In John 16:13 Jesus, speaking smear or rub with oil, i.e. (by implication) to “consecrate” of the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives, said, “He will to an Office or religious Service. guide you into all Truth.” This life we live is one of many It is important to note that the Anointing of the pitfalls, snares of Satan, journeys through the Valley of Holy Spirit belongs to Christ and not man. Man cannot the Shadow of Death, storms, and hardships. At times impart the Holy Spirit to another; that is in the domain we don’t know what to do or where to go, but the Holy of the Lord. Spirit does. He knows exactly what to do, and even if it is through the wilderness, He will see us safely through. The Lesson For Us

“The Power Of The Spirit” If the Lord Jesus had to be full of the Spirit, if the Lord

Luke 4:14 says, “And Jesus returned in the ‘Power’ of Continued on page 22

The Evangelist Please visit my Website at www.donnieswaggart.org August, 2010 21 "The Spirit Of The Lord Is Upon Me" Continued from page 21

World Evangelism Fellowship was born out of a deep desire of Christians from all denominational backgrounds to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was realized that when Churches and Ministries band together under the anointing Jesus had to be led by the Spirit, if the Lord Jesus had of the Holy Spirit to attack the strongholds of Satan, to have the Power of the Spirit, if the Lord Jesus had to much can be accomplished. have the Anointing of the Holy Spirit, how much more This is the reason World Evangelism Fellowship do we, who are flawed and imperfect, have to have the Holy Spirit? was formed – to channel the efforts of Churches and You need the anointing to be the best husband, Preachers from all over the United States, Canada, wife, father, mother, son, daughter, student, employer, and the world into a unified, proven plan to reach the or employee. lost and dying with the Good News of the Gospel. Every one of us needs to be able to say, “The Spirit of The call of God to win the lost is clear. World the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me.” Evangelism Fellowship is answering that call and we would like to extend an invitation to you to join Your Evangelist, us. This is not a Denomination, and we pray it never will be. It is, however, a fellowship of Ministers and Churches united in their efforts to reach the world for Jesus Christ. Donnie Swaggart How do I, as an individual, affiliate with World Evangelism Fellowship?

There are several ways to join World Evangelism Fellowship, and the method you choose depends on what God has called you to do.

• Christian Worker • Licensed Minister • Ordained Minister • Church Affiliation

For more information contact: World Evangelism Fellowship P.O. Box 262550 • Baton Rouge, LA 70826-2550 (225) 768-3106 www.jsm.org

22 August, 2010 The Evangelist Romans 11:2, 15, 23, 30-31 – “God has not cast away His in the spreading of their doctrines. America began to look for a new People which He foreknew. . . . millennium, one in which the old concept of predestination would be “For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of replaced with a fresh fervor towards individual Salvation and Evangelism. the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from Jonathan Edwards encouraged this Great Awakening by embracing the the dead? idea that, “every nation shall be a free nation.” Matthew 5:14-16 was “And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall used as the motto for America to be “the Light of the world. . . .” be grafted in: for God is able to graft them in again. “For as you in times past have not believed, yet have AMERICA’S MISSION now obtained Mercy through their unbelief: “Even so have these also now not believed, that through New America was not unlike the old tribes of Israel, according your Mercy they also may obtain Mercy.” to Ezra Stiles, president of Yale, who noted that the similarity of the number of Israelites at Mt. Sinai was the population of the United All throughout history the church has tried to allegorically explain States at the time of independence. Samuel Langdon, President of Romans, Chapter 11, to mean that the church is the Remnant that Harvard and licensed minister, suggested that “instead of the twelve replaced Israel. Through this deceptive and unscriptural error, the tribes of Israel, we may substitute the thirteen states of the American church missed one of its most important Callings: the opportunity to union.” The image of those tribes crossing the wilderness to Canaan truly bless Abraham! adorned the Seal of the United States. America’s new mission was to save the world in a Spiritual THE GENTILE WORLD sense by preaching the Gospel and in a political sense by promul- gating freedom. The Gentile world, in a sense, received God’s Mercy first because Commitments to service were given by those zealous to God for of Israel’s rejection of Jesus Christ. It is now the responsibility of the His Protection. For example: The Haystack incident, led by Samuel church to demonstrate the Mercy of God towards Israel, so that those J. Mills, was made famous because Mills and five students hid in a who once did not believe may now do so. haystack during an electrical storm, claiming their safety was a result America’s great prosperity can be directly linked to its Spiritually of God honoring their confidence in Him. rich sentiment towards lost souls, including the Jews. William Bradford Mills pledged, “We must not rest satisfied ‘till we have made our stepped off the Mayflower in 1620 and proclaimed, “Come let us influence extend to the remotest corner of this ruined world.” declare in Zion the Word of God.” Although the 101 passengers that he arrived with at Bradford were not Israelites and Israel was not their FOREIGN MISSIONS destination, the discovery of their New World also continued to foster the rediscovery of the Old Testament. The Roman Catholic Church had Word of the incident spread to Harvard, Brown, Middlebury, and deemphasized the Old Testament, but starting with the Reformation, Andover Theological Seminary, where both Levi Parson and Pliny Fisk the Puritans saw the God of the Israelites as a Covenant God. Bible would study. The students would petition their churches for support to phrases began to enrich the English language. Many clergy and laymen sponsor missionary efforts overseas. In 1810, Church elders responded began to use Biblical names for their children, such as Jesse, Sarah, by establishing the American Board for Foreign Missions. The Middle Samuel, Rebecca, etc. The Puritans would seek for parallels in their East aroused the new board’s excitement. persecution by recalling the Jews and their ancient faith. The Puritans moved away from the old concept that Jews were eternally punished for not accepting Jesus Christ. Many believed that A FREE NATION by repatriating the Jews back to their homeland, Christians would recreate the conditions for Jewish sovereignty that existed at the time The mid-Eighteenth Century witnessed the Great Awakening. of Christ, and this climate would set the stage for His glorious Return. Revivalist faith spawned new churches, known as Baptist, Methodist, By the second Great Awakening, the idea of reinstating Jews back to Presbyterian, etc. New learning institutions, such as prestigious Dart- mouth and Princeton, were established to assist these new churches Continued on page 34

The Evangelist August, 2010 23 All letters are current and have been edited for space.

Romans 6, it truly is a Word for these times Jesus Christ. I watch your Daily and Weekly Tele- Dear Brother Swaggart, casts. I know very little about computers, I never watched your Telecast before, until last Fall. but I do know how to watch your programs Our daughter was leaving for college, and with all the on the computer and I love it! I not only enjoy activity and the lack of funds, our cable was turned off. your music, but the Word that you preach. I am I cried at the cable office, not because I care so much an investigator for our County Sheriff’s Office, and I about cable, but for my sweet husband who works so couldn’t leave home each day without the knowledge hard. I didn’t know how I was going to explain this to of Jesus and His Love and Forgiveness. Your programs him. Well, he took it just fine, and he knew how upset are an inspiration to me, and in my job as Law Enforce- I was, so he was able to find a local station on a smaller ment Officer. television we had in our bedroom. None of the stations I have The Expositor’s Study Bible and really enjoy the I watch would come across this little TV in our room, and knowledge that it allows me to learn about God’s Word. the only Christian station that would come across was Virginia a small local one. So at 6:00 AM, from a snowy, static station, I started to listen to you preach on the Book of like manna from Heaven Revelation, and I have been hooked ever since! Now with this teaching on Romans 6, it truly is a Brother Swaggart, Word for these times. My husband watches too, or lis- I wanted to let you know that my wife and I received tens from SonLife Radio. God will take those things out your “A Study In The Word” DVD’s, and everything that of our lives to get the Truth through to us, and in our you are teaching is like manna from Heaven to us! Thank case it was our cable. I had been crying out to God for you, thank you, thank you! a while, “Father is this all there is?” The latest Christian Michigan program or book, while they are good, they are not the answer! Now that we have our cable again we are able A Study In The Word to watch you from a clear channel. Praise be to God for supplying the answer through the Apostle Paul and on Dear Brother Swaggart, to you! I have been watching “A Study In The Word” for Thank you, and may God bless your Church and about a year now, and I have been so blessed by the your family. increased knowledge I’ve received. My Aunt used to Kentucky watch you years ago, and I’m sure she’s smiling down from Heaven to see that I’ve become like her. I’ve just your article now sent a donation. God bless you and your Ministry. Dear Sister Frances, Colorado Thank you so much for your article. It really opened many things to me concerning true missionaries. The such a blessing! whole Evangelist this month was excellent. Every article taught me a lot, especially Brother Swaggart’s about the Dear Brother Swaggart, sin nature. Thank you so very much for your Broadcast, “A E-MaIl Study In The Word”, and also for your SonLife Radio and Television Ministry! I begin my day by listening to Jesus and His Love and Forgiveness your Broadcast, and then I read from your Expositor’s Study Bible. Dear Brother Swaggart, You and your Ministry are such a blessing! I love you and your family and Ministry in the Lord Minnesota

24 August, 2010 The Evangelist relieved to hear the Word of God Expositor’s Study Bible, and I ordered the regular print being taught version. I have been so pleased with the commentary and Text, as it made the Bible so understandable. Dear Brother Swaggart, I grew up in one of the most liberal Protestant de- I just wanted to drop a few lines to let you know nominations where the Bible is not considered to be the how much I appreciate your Ministry. I stumbled upon inerrant Word of God, much less a book of inspiration. I your television Program about a month ago, and I was voiced my opinion to the contrary and was ostracized. I relieved to hear the Word of God being taught instead of left, and now I am in a Bible believing Pentecostal church, someone wanting me to “sow a seed to their ministry.” which has brought me the happiest decade of my life. Don’t get me wrong, I know it is important to support Thank you again for The Expositor’s Study Bible. God’s Work, but the emphasis on most programs seems to E-mail be, if you don’t give them money you won’t be blessed. Your program provokes me to righteousness and gets me a wonderful learning tool excited about God’s Word because I can understand it the way you explain it. I love how The Expositor’s Study Dear Brother Swaggart, Bible explains virtually every verse in the Bible. I have I am writing today to express my thanks for the great grown so much in just a short time by just watching your gift that you have provided to the church in The Exposi- program. I find myself meditating upon God’s Word and tor’s Study Bible. Although owning many other study what is being discussed on the Daily Program. Bibles, and having graduated from Seminary, no other Thank you and keep up the godly work. Study Bible has opened up the Scriptures to me like The Arkansas Expositor’s Study Bible has done. The ability to read the commentary notes next to the Scripture greatly enhances that grandson now preaching mightily learning, and your insights into the meaning of the Bibli- under the anointing cal passages are very helpful and enlightening. Thank you once again for providing Christians with Dear Brother Swaggart, such a wonderful learning tool. I am enjoying the “Crusade Classics” program on the Pennsylvania SonLife Broadcasting Network. It’s great to see the Cru- sade Telecast from the past. What a blessing these Classics Everyone needs this Bible are, and can continue to be to future generations. I mean, to see Brother Swaggart holding Gabriel in his arms in Dear Brother Swaggart, , Texas in 1981 when Gabe was only 20 months old, The Giant Print Expositor’s Study Bible is absolutely and then to see that grandson now preaching mightily amazing and I love it! It has so much information in the under the anointing, WOW! It blows my mind. study notes. It is now my personal number one Bible. Virginia Everyone needs this Bible; it is essential to reading and understanding the Word. Faith in the finished Work of Christ Thanks so much, and I believe God will bless your Ministry for giving this amazing, great, and innovative Dear Brother Swaggart, Bible to the world! I wanted to say thank you for helping to spread the Georgia Gospel of Truth around the world, and for teaching true Doctrine. I have never heard the Message of the Cross “I’ll Never Be Lonely Again” except for on SonLife Radio. I was taught to look at the Cross at Salvation, but have never been taught really Dear Brother Swaggart, to put Faith in the finished Work of Christ. By listen- We are members of the Media Church and try to ing to SonLife Radio, I now know about Justification by get down there for the Campmeetings every year. You Faith, Sanctification, and the Redemptive Plan. Christ is people, above all, will understand how a song can say it the Source, and the Cross is the Means for everything I all, if it is of the Lord! In the eighties I brought one of need. I purchased The Expositor’s Study Bible, Crossfire our daughters down to JSBC&S and attended Church on Edition, and it has completely opened my spiritual eyes Sunday. I went home shouting glory, and singing “I’ll and awakened my Spirit. Never Be Lonely Again”. In this day of “self,” people are I am so thankful for this Ministry. It has blessed my still running to “helps” because their hearts are lonely for life so much. the Creator, and they don’t know and never have heard E-mail God is Love, accept Him, and look up, for their redemp- tion is come! The Expositor’s Study Bible Thank you Brother Swaggart for bringing that song to the forefront again on CD. Dear Brother Swaggart, E-mail Months ago I came across you on WGN, and it was the best thing that could happen to me. I came to know The

The Evangelist August, 2010 25 “Growing Up In The Family Of God” I John 2:12-13 – “I write unto you, little The Believer as a child; 2. The Believer as a young man; children, because your sins are forgiven you for and, 3. The Believer as a father. As Believers we can His Name’s Sake. locate ourselves (by honest evaluation) in one of these J “I write unto you, fathers, because you have three. As I describe each level of maturity ask yourself known Him Who is from the beginning. I write this question, “What level best describes me?” unto you, young men, because you have overcome the wicked one. I write unto you, little children, The Little Children because you have known the Father.” Little children are those whose sins are forgiven and A Part Of The Family who personally know God as their Father. They have accepted the Lord as their Saviour and experienced Those who believe in Christ Jesus as their Redeemer, the supernatural transformation that a Born-Again as their Saviour, and as their Lord have been adopted experience brings. They know the joy of forgiveness and into a marvelous Heritage. How wonderful to know the supernatural supply of the Spirit. However, victory that our sins are forgiven and that Faith in Christ’s Work over sin often eludes them. In most cases, they have at Calvary has sent them as far away as the East is from never been taught the Way of the Cross. The potential the West. The Believer is promised eternity in Heaven of abundant life, as promised by Jesus, will never be and abundant life on this Earth now. We are told fully realized by them. These stand in danger of being that living free from the dominion of sin is something overcome by sin or drawn away by the enticements of we can experience. We are a joint heir with Christ, the world. So, while we rejoice that they are Saved, we blessed and brought into an inheritance that won’t sorrow in that they do not know what they need to in fade, corrupt, or ever be used up. The presence of the order to grow. Holy Spirit is available in His Fullness to all those who desire it. I could go on forever naming the benefits of The Young Men being Saved. However, the Bible indicates to us that the Believer should be growing Spiritually. The Believer Young men are little children who have been taught is encouraged and instructed to receive Grace, Mercy, the way of Righteousness properly. They are walking and Power from God daily, ever placing their Faith daily in the strength of the Holy Spirit. Their Faith is securely and singularly in Christ and the Cross! So, while exclusively placed in the Cross of Christ. They are abiding I am a part of the Family, and that’s marvelous, it is my in the Word of God. They have not just read the Word, responsibility to grow in Grace and the knowledge of but they are properly interpreting it. They are applying the Lord. the knowledge of the Cross to every obstacle, to every personal flaw, and are finding victory a reality. They are Three Levels Of Growth not perfect but they are pursuing perfection. These will carry the day in laboring for Christ. They will lift the While there may be other indicators of growth in the bloodstained banner of the Cross to where others can Scripture, John gives us insight to three distinct levels hear, see, and understand! They are good examples to in this passage. He defines these three categories: 1. view. Knowledge of how to live for God is in their heart

26 August, 2010 The Evangelist and they encourage others to follow them in the way. They will stand the onslaught of Satan’s devices and go forward, accomplishing much for God!

The Fathers Office: 225-768-3890 • E-mail: [email protected] August 13-15, 2010 – Port Allen, LA These are they whom have grown from Spiritual Pastor Shedrick Winnfield childhood and have experienced consistent Victory Fishers of Men Tabernacle over sin for an extended period of time. Being 841 South Lobdell knowledgeable, with personal experience behind Port Allen, LA 70767 them, they instruct others while continually growing (225) 383-1278 themselves. Theirs are the words of wisdom that Friday: 7 PM promote proper Faith. Theirs are the exhortations to Saturday: 7 PM holiness that are backed up by a lifestyle and years Sunday: 9:30 AM of proper living. Fathers are not perfect for they too are human. However, they have walked through the processes of victory, they have suffered some defeat, August 19-22, 2010 – NIAGARA FALLS, NY but through it all, they have encountered a living Pastor Mike Chorey Saviour who sticks closer than a brother. They know Joshua Revolution this Friend, this Jesus, personally. He is their first and 256 3rd St., Suite 10 true love. Each day they long for His Presence and Niagara Falls, NY 14303 Direction above all else. They know Him! As intimately (716) 284-8173 as a husband knows a wife, they have experienced *** Service Times TBA*** Jesus in his many faceted roles, and they are content with that. “Lord, give us fathers in the body of Christ. August 27-29, 2010 – JENNINGS, LA Let me be one of them!” Pastor Roy Harmon Love of Christ Ministries Campmeeting Sessions 615 West Division Jennings, LA 70546 Don’t fail to be with us at the upcoming Thanksgiving (337) 370-1616 Campmeeting. We will be teaching special pre-camp- Friday: 7:30 PM meeting sessions. Be sure to call ahead and register, the Saturday: 10 AM-12 PM (Teaching Session) dates and times are below. Saturday: 7:30 PM Sunday: 11 AM • special teaching sessions: Monday, November 22: 1-4 p.m. • 6-8 p.m. September 10-13, 2010 – Garland, TX Tuesday, November 23: 1-4 p.m. • 6-8 p.m. Christ Unveiled Ministries Wednesday, November 24: 9 a.m.-12 noon 1622 East Miller Rd. 7 p.m. Campmeeting Garland, TX 75041 Begins (972) 926-5203 www.christunveiled.com Friday: 8 PM Loren Larson Saturday: 10 AM-12 PM (Teaching Session) President Saturday: 8 PM Sunday: 8:30 AM Sunday: 11 AM

September 24-26, 2010 – COLUMBUS, MS Pastor James Verdell All Nations Ministries 1560 Hwy. 69 South Columbus, MS 39702-9231 (662) 244-8772 Friday: 7 PM Saturday: 10 AM-12 PM & 7 PM Sunday: 9 AM

The Evangelist August, 2010 27 THE PRICE OF COMPROMISE

“Then Nahash the Ammonite came up, and encamped against the spiritual battles that we are fighting presently in our everyday Jabesh-gilead: and all the men of Jabesh said unto Nahash, Make living for God, and these are battles that we can win, and must win, a covenant with us, and we will serve you. (The Ammonites were but it has to be done God’s Way. It cannot be won in any other man- old enemies of the Israelites, alleging that Israel had taken pos- ner, especially if we are trying to fight these battles in and of our own session of territory east of the Jordan which rightfully belonged strength. It must be understood that there is nowhere in the Bible to them [Judg. 11:13]. But after their defeat by Jephthah, their that we are told to fight against sin. Nowhere! The reason is that this power was so broken that they allowed a century to elapse before is a fight that we were never meant to engage in, simply because we they ventured again to assert their claim. Jabesh-gilead was a cannot even hope to win. No matter how much willpower we have, city on the eastern side of Jordan, in the Tribe of Manasseh. we cannot hope to live for God strictly by this alone. Paul said, “For “The name ‘Nahash’ means ‘bright shining serpent.’ ‘Jabesh- I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwells no good thing gilead’ means ‘hill of witnessing.’ Satan will encamp against (speaks of man’s own ability, or rather the lack thereof in com- us to destroy our ‘witness.’ If we make a ‘covenant’ with him, parison to the Holy Spirit, at least when it comes to spiritual even as ‘the men of Jabesh’ tried to do, our ‘witness’ will be things): for to will is present with me (Paul is speaking here of destroyed. No covenant of any fashion can be made with Satan.) his willpower; regrettably, most modern Christians are trying to “And Nahash the Ammonite answered them, On this condition live for God by means of willpower, thinking falsely that since will I make a covenant with you, that I may thrust out all your they have come to Christ, they are now free to say ‘no’ to sin; right eyes, and lay it for a reproach upon all Israel. (Men in those that is the wrong way to look at the situation; the Believer can- days fought behind a shield, with the top covering their face with not live for God by the strength of willpower; while the will is the exception of their right eye. That being put out, they could definitely important, it alone is not enough; the Believer must not see to fight; consequently, they would be a reproach. exercise Faith in Christ and the Cross, and do so constantly; “Regrettably, most of the modern Church little sees how then he will have the ability and strength to say ‘yes’ to Christ, to fight, because their right eye has been blinded. They have which automatically says ‘no’ to the things of the world); but made a covenant with Satan, which means they are preaching how to perform that which is good I find not (outside of the everything except ‘Jesus Christ and Him Crucified’ [I Cor. 1:23])” Cross, it is impossible to find a way to do good)” (Rom. 7:18). (I Sam. 11:1-2). God’s Way of Victory that is laid out for the Child of God has al- ways been the Cross of Christ, and will always be the Cross of Christ. The Ammonites were old enemies of Israel, and had claimed that Paul told us to “Fight the good fight of Faith (in essence, the Israel had unlawfully taken possession of a piece of land that was only fight we’re called upon to engage; every attack by Satan located East of the Jordan River, which rightfully belonged to them against the Believer, irrespective of its form, is to destroy or (Judg. 11:13). But, after Jephthah defeated the Ammonites, their power seriously weaken our Faith; he wants to push our Faith from was so broken that a century had passed before they would assert the Cross of Christ to other things), lay hold on Eternal Life (we this claim. Nahash, whose name means “bright-shining serpent,” do such by understanding that all life comes from Christ, and was a bitter enemy of Israel, and had encamped against the Children the means is the Cross), whereunto you are also Called (Called of Israel at Jabesh-gilead, which means “hill of witnessing.” This to follow Christ), and have professed a good profession before is a perfect picture of what Satan tries to do to the Believer, seeking many witnesses. (This does not refer to a particular occasion, to overcome us, in order to destroy our “witness.” Satan attempts but to the entirety of his life for Christ)” (I Tim. 6:12). to dominate God’s People, seeking ever to do damage to the Child of This refers to one placing their Faith totally and completely in God, seeing to it that you will fail. Christ and the Cross, and not moving it to other things, such as self- will or performance. And, as an aside, when we mention the Cross GOD’S PRESCRIBED ORDER OF VICTORY of Christ, we are not talking about a wooden beam, but rather what Jesus Christ did there to Redeem the lost sons of Adam’s fallen race. Once again, I would like to stress that this is a perfect picture of And despite the fact that it is not an easy fight, it is a good fight, for it

28 August, 2010 Call us at (225) 768-3072 • email us at [email protected] • www.crossfireyouthministry.org. The Evangelist is the right fight. All Victory has been won by Christ because of what He did at the Cross, for this is where all sin was defeated, all demons were defeated, Satan was defeated, AT THE CROSS, and the Victory was won by Christ at Calvary.


Nahash, the enemy of Israel, had surrounded God’s People, in Bob and Sharon Cornell which they wanted to make an evil covenant with Nahash. This bitter Office: 225-768-3887 • E-mail: [email protected] enemy of God answered and told them, “On this condition, will I July 25, 2010 – Lafayette, LA make a covenant with you, that I may thrust out all your right Pastor Paul Cody eyes, and lay it for a reproach upon all Israel.” First of all, Satan The Refuge never opposes those who have made a covenant with him. Secondly, 616 Stewart St. if the Believer truly wants the Perfect Will of God for their lives, they Lafayette, LA 70501 will feel the brunt of Satan’s attacks. (337) 298-0646 Now, why did Nahash propose this type of arrangement? Back then, Sunday: 10 am (Service Only) the soldiers fought by holding a sword in their right hand and a shield in their left hand. With this shield they would defend their body, with the July 29-30, 2010 – Judsonia, AR top half of the shield covering their left eye, with their right eye exposed Pastor Russell Merriman in order to see the enemy. And if the right eye of the soldier was put out, Way of the Cross Church they would be rendered useless as a fighting force, for they would not 926 Hwy. 367 be able to see. They would have to pull their shield down and expose Judsonia, AR 72081 their bodies, which would cause them to be defeated. (501) 729-1858 Spiritually speaking, it is the same presently, which speaks of spiri- Thursday: 7 pm (Bob Cornell) tual blindness. What this means today is this, those who call themselves Friday: 7 pm (Sharon Cornell) Believers who make an evil covenant with Satan, no longer stand for the truth of the Gospel, nor do they preach the Word of God without fear or compromise, and they water-down the Gospel to where there July 31 – August 1, 2010 – Cave City, AR is nothing left to depend upon. Pastor Jimmy Limbaugh Rejoice Fellowship THEIR RIGHT EYE HAS BEEN PUT OUT 39 Misty Ln. Cave City, AR 72521 Millions of people who profess Christianity claim that they see noth- (870) 793-8030 • (870) 612-2767 ing wrong with drinking alcohol moderately, and they do not because Saturday: 7 pm (Bob Cornell) Spiritually their right eye has been put out. Millions will say that they Sunday: 10 am (Bob Cornell) see nothing wrong with using the methods of the world to win the Sunday: 6 pm (Sharon Cornell) world, and they do not see the wrong because their right eye has been put out. Others will say that they see nothing wrong with premarital August 6-8, 2010 – Grenada, MS sex, and it is because their right eye has been put out. In other words, Pastor Farrell Wilson they cannot see properly, Spiritually speaking, because they have made Lighthouse Church of God a covenant with Satan and their right eye has been put out. 1004 Hwy. 7 North The reason for the Youth Pastor not standing for anything and pre- Grenada, MS 38901 senting something other than the Cross of Christ is that their right eye (662) 230-3926 • [email protected] has been put out. Our young people are facing the powers of Darkness Friday: 7 pm like never before in the history of mankind, and the only answer for our Saturday: 7 pm young people is the Cross of Christ. The Cross of Christ is the only thing Sunday: 10 am & 6 pm that stands between that young person and an eternal Hell. I want to say that again. The Cross of Christ is the only thing that stands between August 19-21, 2010 – Nashville, tn that young person and an eternal Hell. It is the Cross, and the Cross James Smith Alone, which is the Answer for the problems that our Youth are facing Nashville, TN today. Once again, dear reader, read these words carefully, Jesus Christ (615) 781-3735 won the Victory at the Cross, and He has given that Victory to us on the ***Location And Schedule TBA*** basis of Faith. Faith in the Cross of Christ exclusively, which allows the Holy Spirit the latitude to work in our lives. August 29, 2010 – Lafayette, LA Pastor Stanley Sinegal In Him, First United Full Gospel Assembly 400 St. John St. (corner of St. John & Simcoe St.) Lafayette, LA 70501 (337) 291-2479 Pastor Gabe Sunday: 10 am

The Evangelist August, 2010 29 I am urging each of you to avail yourself of the opportunity of getting these four books. If you already have one or more of them, this would be an excellent time to get copies for friends. The three books: “Brother Swaggart, Here Is My Question . . .”; “Brother Swaggart, How Can I Understand The Bible?”; and, “Brother Swaggart, Here Is My Question About The Cross” will give you, we think, an understanding of the Cross of Christ as you’ve not previously had. As well, our brand-new Commentary on I & II SAMUEL is, I think, one of the best the Lord has helped me to write. In fact, the message for our main article in this Issue of The Evangelist Magazine is taken directly from this Commentary. Considering the excellent price we are giving for all four books, I would pray that you would take advantage of this most excellent offer.

30 August, 2010 For Fast & Easy Ordering Visit Our Website: www.jsm.org The Evangelist The Evangelist For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free 1-800-288-8350 August, 2010 31 different flavor as given by each Preacher of the Gospel. And then there is the Music. The Book of Psalms, as most know, is the longest Book in the Bible. It is given over entirely to 150 Psalms written by the Holy Spirit, using instruments such as David, etc. Considering that THE SONLIFE BROADCASTING NETWORK the Holy Spirit devoted this much time to music and sing- ing, tells us it is the highest form of Praise and Worship T How thrilled we are, how overjoyed we are, how known to man. Music properly anointed by the Holy happy we are, how hilariously happy we are at the Spirit carries with it prayer, praise, Prophecy, petition, and favorable response to THE SONLIFE BROADCASTING prediction. In other words, it is the Word of God set to NETWORK. Of course, I’m speaking now of the Televi- music. The Lord has given us a special talent regarding sion part, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As fast as we music, for which we give Him the Glory. Consequently, can, we’re going on Cable Systems all over the nation it has helped touch this world for Christ. and Satellites all over the world. We believe (we know) we have a Message for the world, and a Message for the THIS IS WHAT I WANT YOU TO DO, PLEASE . . . church. It is the same Message for both, “JESUS CHRIST AND HIM CRUCIFIED.” I want you to call your local Cable Company, the Along with the Message, we have, we believe, some Cable System that you get in your home for Television, of the finest, most anointed Music in the world today, for and request that they carry the SONLIFE BROADCAST- which we give the Lord all the praise and all the glory. ING NETWORK. Explain to them, that this is some of the finest music in the world, to which most Cable operators WHAT IS DIFFERENT ABOUT THE can relate. Irrespective as to what they say, speak very SONLIFE BROADCASTING NETWORK? kindly to them in your request. If, by chance, we are already on the Cable in your A lot of things! area, call them and thank them for carrying our Network. First of all, as stated, it is the Message. The Message And if we’re not airing on your Cable, which we probably of the Cross is, we believe, the dividing line between the aren’t, if enough people call, it will help greatly. true Church and the apostate church. In other words, Now please understand, we’re speaking of a full chan- the Message of the Cross accepted, pertains to the true nel with our programming aired 24 hours a day, 7 days Church; rejected, the apostate church! That’s why Paul a week. We are already on in some of the major cities said, “WE PREACH CHRIST CRUCIFIED” (I Cor. 1:23). such as Chicago, Illinois; Detroit, Michigan; Columbus, Second, every program that is aired over this Network Ohio; Cleveland, Ohio; Toledo, Ohio, Leesburg, Florida; comes from FAMILY WORSHIP CENTER. That means Las Vegas, Nevada, etc. And we’re not going to stop until there aren’t competing spirits. It’s very confusing to we cover this nation and, in fact, the world. We believe Believers to have one preacher come on and say, “It is the Lord has promised us His Anointing of the Holy Spirit, red,” with the other one saying, “It is blue,” etc. And this in order to see people Saved, and for Believers to live a life is what the Lord has instructed me to do. We air nothing of Victory. I need your help in this and, in fact, you can except it comes from the Church, i.e., “this Ministry.” That be, and are an integral part of this effort for the Cause way it is the same spirit, the same Message, but with a of Christ.

32 August, 2010 The Evangelist SERVICES FROM FAMILY WORSHIP CENTER our Lord. Yet, many of you who hold this Magazine in your hands have never given anything to the Cause of As most of you know, the Sunday morning Service Christ in this regard and it’s a problem that you should is at 10 a.m., Central Standard Time and Sunday night address, and rectify immediately. Let me propose the is at 6 p.m. Wednesday Night is at 7 p.m. If we are on following to you, please: the Cable in your part of the world, or whether you join If your financial status is very bad at the present time, us through the Internet, or by Sonlife Radio, we consider and you think that you simply aren’t able to give any- you to be a part of the audience regarding the Services thing, please allow me to show you the road to victory. at FAMILY WORSHIP CENTER. We have thousands and, Set aside a little each month, and say I’m going to in fact, tens of thousands of worshippers with us all over give this to the Work of God. And also say and believe, the world. In fact, scores are members of the FAMILY “the Lord is going to bless me.” I can assure you that He WORSHIP CENTER MEDIA CHURCH. will, and I can assure you that you will see your financial What is that? This consists of individuals, as stated, situation begin to improve. It may not the first month, all over the world, who have joined FAMILY WORSHIP but ultimately it will. CENTER, and worship with us each and every Service by And to those of you who really aren’t in financial Television or the Internet, etc. It’s the next best thing to straits, but, you’ve never supported this work, please read being there. the following carefully: Every Believer should support that which feeds his WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO DO THAT? soul. Where you are fed, is where your support should go. And I can assure you of this, if you give us half a They want to do that because of the Message we chance, your soul most definitely will be fed. preach, THE MESSAGE OF THE CROSS. In fact, if we So, please pray about what we’ve said. We need your get down to the bottom line, church is really the mes- help, especially considering that we have just taken on a sage that’s preached behind the pulpit. While at this phenomenally huge effort and, of course, I’m speaking particular time, church incorporates all type of other of the SONLIFE BROADCASTING NETWORK, which is efforts and programs; however, it all comes down to the Television 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is some- bottom line, it’s the message that goes forth from behind thing which the Lord has told us to do, and to be sure, the pulpit that really constitutes church. These people He is helping us to do it. We give Him all the praise and worship with us, and are members of FAMILY WORSHIP all the glory! CENTER, because they believe in the Message that we are preaching. Consequently, they want to be a part of HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRANCES! it. And how glad and happy we are to have you. Women for whatever reasons do not like their age WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS TO BE revealed. So, understanding that, I’m not going to take A MEMBER? my life into my hands and give you Frances’ age. I will just say that August the 9th is her birthday. Really there is only one requirement, and that is to No man could ask for a better wife, no Preacher could be “born again.” ask for greater help than that which the Lord gave me Of course, considering the large expense we have as it regards Frances. The untold millions we have been at bringing this signal to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a able to touch for the cause of Christ, the hundreds of week, we very much need and very much appreciate the thousands who have been Saved, much, if not most, of financial help that you can give. In fact, every Believer the credit goes to Frances. Of course, we know that all ought to pay Tithe, and do so willingly and gladly. credit goes to the Lord. But, we also know that He uses I’m so glad that my Mother and Dad taught me to human instrumentation. pay Tithe and beside that to give offerings to the Lord, Frances arises every morning about 5 a.m. to prepare when I was a child. It was one of the greatest truths they for her Television Program over THE SONLIFE BROAD- ever gave me. Paul said that we “give to prove the sincerity CASTING NETWORK. It also goes out over some 79 Radio of our love.” Whenever the Believer supports something, Stations, plus the Internet and Television Cable Systems. they become a part of that which they support. And It is two hours in length each day Monday through Friday. again, people support what they are. Now please read To be frank, she has the largest audience of any program that line very carefully, because it is true. aired over the Network. I know that many of you understand her worth. I WE NEED YOUR HELP! know that many of you realize the tremendous contribu- tion she makes to the Work of God in general. In fact, How thankful we are at the many of you who regu- I think of her as the “First Lady of the Gospel,” and that larly support this work prayerfully and financially. You are the backbone of what we are attempting to do for Continued on page 34

The Evangelist August, 2010 33 The Fields Are White For Harvest – Soroti Crusade Continued from page 17

Continued from page 33

includes the entirety of the world. the people ran in fear of what they perceived to be the To celebrate her birthday, I’m going to ask you for a powers of darkness because of their superstitions. As I birthday offering. It will not go to her, but in reality to continued to minister and gave the invitation to accept SONLIFE BROADCASTING. Getting the Television Net- Christ and find Deliverance, from out of nowhere dark work off the ground, which as you know airs 24 hours a storm clouds appeared and poured heavy rain upon day 7 days a week, has taken a mountain of new equip- all the people. Little would I know until later that so ment, plus the doubling or tripling of our Television de- many in the crowd were bound by darkness, including partment regarding personnel. Please believe me, there Helen who had come to the Crusade that night needing is a vast difference in preparing one program a week to a miracle. preparing programming 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. While the evening Service was in full swing the spirits It’s the difference between a rowboat and an aircraft that controlled Helen’s life began to manifest themselves carrier. Both are ships, but that is where the similarity and Helen began to be violently thrown about by the ends. In blunt terminology, WE NEED YOUR HELP! demonic spirit that possessed her. Helen began to hit Will you help us celebrate Frances’ Birthday with a people as she flailed about unable to control herself, gift of whatever size you can afford? That’s what she she screamed vulgarities and moaned and groaned like wants, and that’s what we need. a wild animal. The demonic spirit threw Helen down on the ground and she began to roll around in the mud, In the Master’s Service, yours, writhing like a snake. The people around her were terrified, to say the least. As this was taking place the time came for the Altar call and prayer for the healing and Deliverance of the people. When the congregation Jimmy Swaggart and the ministers began to pray and cry out to God for His Healing Power to come, God’s miraculous Power came down upon Helen with such a force that at that very instant she was totally and completely delivered and set free! Helen gave her heart to the Lord that Israel And The Church: Part II night and was born-again and filled with the Holy Spirit! Continued from page 23 News of this powerful miracle spread throughout the region! The next day the crowds were even larger! Two nights later Helen was brought onto the platform, this time she was fully clothed, clean, and her face shone Israel was quickly becoming accepted doctrine. Ezra Stiles believed like an Angel as she glorified the Lord Jesus Christ for that “the return of the twelve tribes to the Holy Land” would spark an Saving her, delivering her, and giving her a brand-new outburst of Spiritual Energy sufficient “to convert the whole world.” life! Praise God! THE HARVEST MUST BE REAPED. Many others would spend their wealth to assist in preparation In 1985 Brother Swaggart shared a Vision in which for Jews to return home. Missionary journeys, like those of Pliny Fisk the Lord showed him that a great storm was coming. and Levy Parsons, would be launched with letters of accommodation The Lord showed him a great field of white cotton as by our government. The hope of Muslims either being converted to far as the eye could see, the Lord told Brother Swaggart the Saving knowledge of Jesus Christ or utterly destroyed was also a that a great harvest of souls would take place in the driving factor. Increase Mather, Harvard’s first president, called the end of all things and then the storm would come! The destruction of the Ottoman Empire an avenue for the Jews’ return. harvest has truly begun! Your support of J.S.M. at this time is more vital than at any time before. The Lord is AMERICA AT THE CROSSROADS coming soon; will you consider partnering with J.S.M. at this time? Your help is greatly needed. The harvest is Today, virtually the entire world, including the United States, is truly ready, but the laborers are few: pray ye the Lord pressuring Israel to divide her land and share real estate with terrorists of the harvest that He will send laborers into his fields whose only desire is her extermination. The denominational church (Lk. 10:2). world prefers to boycott Israeli products instead of supporting Israel. America is at a crossroad. A collapsing economy, out-of-control Gulf May God richly bless you, oil spill, government takeover of healthcare, financial reform, hate crime laws, illegal immigration infiltration, and so much more plague Brother Marty Martinez our country. When our nation was young and growing strong, our forefathers were busy preparing for the Coming of the Lord by blessing Jews with the Gospel. Part of that hope was to assist Jews in returning to their homeland. Now that the Jews are finally home, let us continue the tradition and help them stay there!

34 August, 2010 The Evangelist * There Is A River, Songs About The Holy Spirit (02-188) * The Love Of God (02-190) * He Loves You, Songs Of The Master’s Love (02-193) * His Blood Still Sets Men Free, Songs About The Blood (02-186) * Great Hymns Of The Church, Volume 1 (02-184) * Great Hymns Of The Church, Volume 2 (02-185) * Great Hymns Of The Church, Volume 3 (02-189) * Great Hymns Of The Church, Volume 4 (02-192) * Heaven’s Sounding Sweeter, Songs About Heaven (02-187)

The Evangelist For Fast & Easy Ordering Visit Our Website: www.jsm.org August, 2010 35 Family Worship Center Church, Inc. Jimmy Swaggart Ministries NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE P.O. Box 262550 PAID Baton Rouge, LA 70826-2550 FAMILY WORSHIP CENTER CHURCH, INC.

COPYRIGHT © 2010 by Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the publisher’s prior written permission.

• The Man From Ethiopia (15-107) • Jimmy Swaggart: Sunday Morning (15-105) • Read The Book Of Acts And Get Ready! (15-104) • IYC 2008 – Young Men And Women of Valor (15-109) • Roy Chacon – I Will Testify (15-110) • Jimmy Swaggart “Live!” From Family Worship Center (15-179) • The Sin Nature (15-190) • Where Is The LORD God Of Elijah? (15-191) • Remember Me (15-230)

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