Internationale De
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Internationale de .... -. INTERNATIONAL SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DE SOCIOLOGIE Pinar 25, 28006 Madrid, Spain phone: (34-1) 26114 83,(34-1) 2611485 Melvin l. Kohn EXECUTIVE COMMIT- Publications Committee Jacques Dofny. Université de TEE 1986-1990 Johns Hopkins University. Bal- Montréal. Canada timore. USA Céline Saint-Pierre. Chair Wilfried Dumon. Catholic Uni- President T.K.Oommen International SociologY: versity Leuven. Belgium Margaret Archer Jawaharlal Nehru Univ. New Martin Albrow. Editor Salvador Giner. Universidad Delhi. India Department of Sociology Jacques Coenen-Huther. Switzer- Barcelona. Spain University of Warwick Gennady V. Osipov land Elizabeth Jelin. CEDES. Buenos Coventry CV4 7AL. U.K. Inst Sociological Research. Salvador Giner. Spain Aires. Argentina Moscow. USSR Lyuben Nickolov. Bulgaria Frank L. Jones. National Univ. D.M. Pestonjee Vice-President T.K. Oommen. India Canberra. Australia Indian Inst Management. Ahmed- Research Council Current SociologY: Chavdar Kluranov, Inst of abad. India EIse 0yen William Outhwaite. Editor Sociology. Sofía. Bulgaria Céline Saint-Pierre Health and Social Policy Maria Carrilho. Portugal Jacques Lautman. CNRS. Paris. Univ du Québec á Montréal. Studies. Univ of Bergen Velichko Dobrianov. Bulgaria France Fastings Minde Canada Kurt Jonassohn. Canada Juares R.B. Lopes. CEBRAP. 5014 Bergen. Norway Neil J. Smelser Sao Paulo. Brazil University of California. Berke- Sociological Ab.tract.: Leo P. Chall. Editor Claus Offe. University of Biele- Vice-President, Member- ley. USA Sage Studi es in Internatsonol feld. FRG ship & Finance Otoyori Tahara SociologY: T.K. Oommen. Jawaharlal Wilfried Dumon Tohoku Gakuin University. Wilfried Dumon. Editor Nehru University. India Department of Sociology Sendai. Japan Orlando Fals Borda. Colom- Gennady Osipov. Institute Catholic University bia of Social Research. USSR E. van Evenstraat 2b Executive Secretary Marie Haug. USA Ayse Oncü. Bogazici Uni- 3000 Leuven. Belgium Izabela Barlinska Jan Toschenko. USSR versity. Turkey Eucutive Committee EIse 0yen. University of Bergen. Vice-President, Program Hepresentati» e s : Norway & Publications Melvin l. Kohn. USA Neil Smelser. Univ of Cali- Artur Meier SUB-COMMITTEES C. Saint-Pierre. Canada fornia. Berkeley. USA Institute of Sociology Researcb: Coordinating Com- Shujiro Yazawa. Hitosubashi Humboldt University Research Coordinating mittee Repreuntative: D.M. University. Tokyo. Japan Hans-Loch-Str. 349 Committee Pestonjee. India Tatiana Zaslavskaya. Soviet 1136 Berlin. GDR EIse 0yen. Chairperson Oburver: Sociological Assoc. USSR Elizabeth Jelin Steven Barr. SAGE Janusz Ziolkowski. Univ of Past President 1982-1986 (EC representative) Poznan. Poland Fernando H. Cardoso Simi A. Afonja (RC 36) CEBRAP. Sao Paulo. Brazil Daniel Bertaux (RC 38) Program Committee Representatives to ISSC- Deniz Kandiyoti (RC 32) Artur Meier. Chair UNESCO Manfred Kuechler (RC 33) (Institute of Sociology. Hum- Delegates: EIse 0yen &< Jacques Petar E. Mitev (RC 34) boldt University. Hans-Loch- Dofny D.M. Pestonjee (RC 35) Str. 349.1136 Berlin. GDR) Alternates: Daniel Bertaux Neil Smelser (RC 02) Simi Afonja. Obafemi Awolowo &< Deniz Kandiyoti MEMBERS Representative to ICSSID- Univ. Nigeria Simi A. Afonja Inés Alberdi. Universidad Com- UNESCO: Obafemi Awolowo University. James Beckford. U.K. plutence Madrid. Spain Nigeria Representatives to UN Orlando Albornoz. Univer- Paolo Ammassari sidad de Venezuela. Venezuela New York: EIse 0yen &< Melvin University of Rome. Italy Kohn Paolo Ammassari. Univ of Daniel Bertaux Membership and Finance Vienna: Paolo Ammassari Rome. Italy C.N.R.S .. Paris. France Committee &< Max Haller Margaret Archer. Univ of War- Elizabeth Jelin Wilfried Dumon. Chair Geneva: Daniel Bertaux &< wick. U.K. CEDES. Buenos Aires. Ar- T.K. Oommen. India Jacques Coenen-Huther Albaka Carmasi. CERES. Tunisia gentina Gennady Osipov. USSR Representatives to WHO Deniz Kandiyoti Peter Q. Reinsch. José Cazorla. University of Hans Ulrich Deppe &< Philippe Richmond College. U. K. The Netherlands Granada. Spain Lehmann The ISA BULLETIN is the official publication of the Secretariat of the International Sociological Association. Editor: Izabela Barlinska Cover design: Estuart-Ibañez Three issues per year appear in Spring. Summer and Autumn with an average printing of 5000 copies. The ISA BULLETIN is distributed free of charge to members of the ISA. Deadlines for submission of items of interest to our members are: Spring issue: January 1. Summer issues: May 15. Autumn issue: October 1. Published by the International Sociological Association under the auspices of the ISSC and with the financial assistance of UNESCO. UNESCO subvention 1988-89jDDGj7.7.2jSUBjSHS Printed by Fareso. S.A .. Madrid. Spain. Depósito legal: M.25.817-1987 REPORT FROM THE EXECUTIVE We are aware of the exceptional contribution which Pro- COMMITTEE MEETING fessor Fei Hsaio- Tung and his many younger colleagues and students have made to the building of sociology with The annual meetings of the ISA Executive Commit- Chinese characteristics. tee and its sub-committees: Publications, Membership We ask you to take personal steps to guarantee freedom and Finances, were held on July 2 through 5, 1989, in of scientific inquiry and to permit and encourage Chinese Varna, Bulgaria. The meetings were hosted by the Bulgar- sociologists to continue to make the vital contribution to ian Sociological Association which also organized a series your countrys achievements which they have made since of seminars for young Bulgarian sociologists where some 1979. members of the Executive Committee gave lectures. We note additionally that their participation in interna- We would like to express our deep appreciation to all tional sociological activities has been particularly welcomed our Bulgarian hosts who ensured that the meetings run and we look forward to its further developmen t so that so- smooth Iy and satisfactory. A few highlights of the meet- ciology world-wide may benefit from their research. ings: Xllth WORLD CONGRESS OF SOCIOLOGY FROM THE MEMBERSHIP AND FINANCE Trauel Grants COMMITTEE ISA and CECOMS (Spanish Organising Committee) hope to receive funds from various institutions to be used for A possibility of including research commlttees' fees travel grants. Grants will be available only for ISA me m- into ISA individual membership payment was discussed. ber oming from the less developed countries and the Details will be elaborated by Wilfried Dumon, Vice-Presi- nOI. :Jnvertible currency countries, taking an active part dent in charge of the Membership and Finances, and af- in the program (organizingjchairing a session, being a dis- ter consultation with research committees a proposal will cussant or presenting a paper). Priority will be given be submitted to the ISA Council during the Madrid'90 to scholars participating in the Symposia, Applications Congress. should reach ISA Secretariat in Madrid by 15th March Moreover, it was proposed: 1990. (Application forms are available from the ISA Secretariat - to grant two full ISA memberships to each research and session chairs.) committee earmarked for officers from Third World countries on the research committees boards. Participation 01 South Alrican Scholars - when a research committee receives a grant using The Executive Committee approved the below statement ISA name to organize a meeting, 5% should be paid on Apartheid and Participation by Scholars in South Africa to the ISA. (based on the Statement prepared by the Research Com- mittee on Ethnic, Race and Minority Relations): "The International Sociological Association is unequiv- It was also reminded that only research committees in ocally opposed to Apartheid in South Africa, as it is to good standing may receive a Newsletter grant. Le. where any system of structural inequality based on racismo The all officers are ISA individual members (art.1I1.4 and by- cumulative evidence of our scholarship makes it patently laws 7) and at least 50 research committees members are cle at there is no scientific basis for racist doctrines, also ISA individual members (art.XI.3 and recommenda- ano at ideologies, structures and processes linked to tions of the Research Council, Ljubljana'88). these doctrines are a fundamental impediment to societal development and human freedom. Sociologists who do not endorse the above statement are not welcome at the Congress. By registering at the Con- TABLE OF CONTENTS gress participants declare they are in agreement with the 1 - Report from the Executive Committee Meeting above principies," 2 - One World - Many Images by Artur Meier SUPPORT FOR THE MOVEMENT FOR FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY IN CHINA 2 - Symposia Themes and Coordinators In response to the recent events in Beijng, the Executive 4 - Spanish Organising Committee for the Xllth World Committee approved of the below text which was sent to Congress of Sociology Mr Deng Xiaoping, President of the People's Republic of 6 - Third Spanish Congress of Sociology China. "The International Sociological Association, working in 7 - In Memoriam: Stefan Nowak the interest of the world community of sociologists, wishes to draw your attention to the scientififc achievements of 9 - The First Forty Years: AHistory of the ISA by Kurt the community of Chinese sociologists. Jonassohn ONE WORLD - MANY IMAGES for a better lífe quality in material and non-material terms The Thematic Range of the Plenaries and that perhaps can also be defined as a worldwide " a- Symposia at the XIIth World Congress