ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT TO ACCOMPANY A REQUEST TO AMEND THE TASMAN PENINSULA AND NORFOLK BAY MARINE FARMING DEVELOPMENT PLAN NOVEMBER 2005 This environmental impact statement has been prepared by; Tassal Operations Pty Ltd. G.P.O. Box 1645 Hobart Tasmania Australia 7001 Phone: 1300 TASSAL (1300 827725) Fax: 1300 880 179 Web: www.tassal.com.au E-mail:
[email protected] ii GLOSSARY ADCP Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler AGD Amoebic Gill Disease ASC Aquaculture Stewardship Council Salmon Aquaculture Standard CAMBA China-Australia Migratory Bird Agreement DPIW Department of Primary Industries and Water EIS Environmental Impact Statement EPBCA Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 FCR Feed Conversion Rate GDA Geocentric Datum of Australia GPS Global Positioning System HAB Harmful Algal Bloom IMAS Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies JAMBA Japan-Australia Migratory Bird Agreement MAST Marine and Safety Tasmania MFDP Marine Farming Development Plan MFPA Marine Farming Planning Act 1995 MFPRP Marine Farming Planning Review Panel PA Planning Authority PS Proposal Summary PSEG Proposal Specific Environmental Impact Statement Guidelines ROKAMBA Republic of Korea-Australia Migratory Bird Agreement SCUBA Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus TSPA Threatened Species Protection Act iii 1 Table of Contents Contents GLOSSARY ...................................................................................................... III 1 ......... Table of Contents .......................................................................iv