Working Paper Or Information Paper
APIRG/19 WP/14 Appendix 3.2J INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION VOLCANIC ASH CONTINGENCY PLAN AFI REGION First Edition - October 2012 THIS DOCUMENT IS ISSUED BY THE DAKAR AND NAIROBI ICAO REGIONAL OFFICES UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE APIRG 1 Page 2 of 32 Volcanic Ash Contingency Plan – AFI Region FOREWARD Within and adjacent to the Africa and Indian Ocean (AFI) Region there are areas of volcanic activities which are likely to affect flight in the AFI Region. The major volcanoes in the region are located in the following States: Algeria, Cameroon, Cape Verde Islands, Chad, Comoros Island, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, France (Reunion Island), Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Spain (Canary Islands, Madeira), Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. The names of the concerned volcano are listed in APPENDIX K (source: Smithsonian Institution). This document is the AFI Air Traffic Management (ATM) Volcanic Ash Contingency Plan which sets out standardised guidelines and procedures for the provision of information to airlines and en-route aircraft before and during a volcanic eruption. Volcanic contamination, of which volcanic ash is the most serious, is a hazard for safe flight operations. Mitigating the hazards posed by volcanic ash in the atmosphere and/or at the aerodrome cannot be resolved in isolation but through collaborative decision-making (CDM) involving all stakeholders concerned. During an eruption volcanic contamination can reach and exceed the cruising altitudes of turbine-powered
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