THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of Tliè

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THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of Tliè SPECIA L ISSUE .;* **. l 1 ' xN / >+ k ssry # @ A # * : ' B e THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of tliè. Republie of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper a' t the G.P.O.) . L- E E EF . - .. .- . l . .. Vol. XCIV- NO. 25 NAIROBI, 5th Jpne, 1992 Price Sh. 12 2 77 7 L'L '.- E . ' . CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES GAZE'I'I'E Soncûs- lcontd.) PA-S PAoz . The . National Assembly and Presidential The National Assembly anl,l Presidential Elections Act-Notice to Electors . 596 Elections Act- Appointment of Rejistration Officers and Deputy Registration Ofhcers . 596 THE KMNYA GAZETTE 5th June, 1992 A person wào wishes to make application Gxzs'r'rs Norncs No. 2085 outside the registration' unit in which he wishes THE NATIONAL ASSEM BLY AND to be registeréd need n'ot attend personally if he PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS A CT com pletes an application and m akes the decla- (Cap.7) ration contained in the application form , and delivèrs it or sends it by yost to the Registration Officer of the registratlon unit in which he . ). REGISTRATION oF Vov Rs . y.r . wishes to be registered, so that it re>ches the ) -. i. w Registration Officer not Iater than the latest élosing date for applications in any of the Notice to Electors ' rçgistration units. The various registration units established for NOTICE iq given that it is proposçd to the registration of electors are those set out in compile new registers of electorj for the pkp the fipt colùmn of the Schedule to this notice, pose of the election of the presideni ànd and an applic nt should attend at the place of memb erSto the National Asjçm bly. ' registration spe 'fied in relation to his registra- ' '' tion unit in the seèond colupn of the Schedule. A1l pçxsonà.: . whp Fiih: to . be registered as electofs 'fùr thè purpösç of such eleçtion, and . Days and times of attendance will be notified who consldey thaf they' ate qualified to be so at each place of registràtion. W here a place of registered, must attend personally before the regis- tratioA is closed before the 7th day of Registration Offièer, Deputy Registfation July, 1992, axnotice will be exhibited thereon Officer or Assistant Registration Officer for the saying at what other place of regijtrati.on registration unit in which they are qualified to applicants may attend. be registeredl, on or after 8th June, 1992 but ltot Forms of applicàtions may be obtained at any lqter than 7th July, 1992 and must then produce placè of registration, while it is open. to that officer or person a completed applica- tion in the pyesdibed form . 5th June, 1992 THE KENYA GAZEU E 597 SCH EDULE -'' N A IRO BI PRO V INCE Registration Unit Unit No. Place of Registration #AKADAZA constïtuency NAIR9BI SOUTH NBI/I PLAINSVIEW PFI. SCH . NAIROBI SOPTH NBI/2 NAIROBI SOUTH PRI. SC2. VIWANDANI (INDUSTRIAL) NBI/3 LABOUR OFFICE VIWANDANI (JNDUSTRIAL) xBI/é VEHICLE INSPECTION UNIT KALOLENI NBI/5 KALOLENI SOCIAL HALL MAKONGENI NBI/6 MAKONGENI SOCIAL HALL MBOTELA NBI/7 MBOTELA SOCIAL HALL OFAFA NBI/8 OFAFA FRIENDS CENTRE HAMZA NBI/9 ST .MICHAEL 'S PRI . SCH . LUMUMBA NBI/l0 LUMUMBA SOCIAL HALL HARAMBEE NBI/11 JERICHO SOCIAL HALL KAMUKUNJI constituency MUTHURWA NBI/ 12 MUTHURWA PRI . SCH . SHAVRI MOYO/ KAMUKUNJI NBI/ 13 SHAURI MOYO SOCIAL HALL MAJENGO NBI/ ).4 PUMWANI SOCIAL HALL MaaExoo NBI/ 15 PUMWANI C. S. PRI. SCH . GOROFANI/ BONDENI NBI/ 16 PUMWANI D.O .'S OFF . EASTLEIGH NORTH NBI/ 17 NEW EASTLEIGH PR . SCH . EASTLEIGH NOFTH NBI/ 18 EASTLEIGH A IRPQRT PR . EASTLEIGH SOUTH NBI/ 19 NEW PUMWANI PR. SCH. EASTLEIGH SOUTH N:I / 2 0 ZAWADI PRI . SCH . KIMATHI: NBI / 2 1 BAHATI S . HALL UHURU NBI/22 UHURU PR. SCH . STARRHE con:tftuency NGARA WEST NBI/23 CITY PR . SCH . NGARA EAST NBI/24 PARKROAD PR . SCH . NGARA EAST NBI/25 ARYA PR . SCH . NAIROBI CENTRAL N;BI/26 MOI PR . SCH . CITY SQUARE/ COMMERCIAL BI/27 PAROCHIAL PR . SCH . RIVER ROAD NBI/28 ST. PETER CLAVERS #R. SCH ZIWANI/ STAREHE/ KARIOKOR NBI/29 KARIOKOR S. HALL PANGANI NBI/3Q PANCANI GIRLS SEC. SCH . J. LANGATA Constituency KAREN NBI/31 KAREN S . HALL LANGATA NBI/32 ST . MATHEWS HALL MUGUMOINI NBI/33 LANGA'A WEST PR . SCH . NAIROBI WEST NBI/34 KONGONI PR . SCH . KIBERA NBI/q5 OLD KIBERA PR. XCH. KIBERA NBI/36 UNDUGU SOCIETY WOODLEY NBI/37 JOSEPH KANGETHE HALL ' GOLF COURSE NBI/38 ANDERSON HALP KENYATTA HOSPJTAL NBI/39 MEDICAL TRAINING CTR . 598 ScHeBvtv- lcontd.) NA IROBI PROVINCE Registration Unit Unit No. Place of Registration DAGOR'TTI Constituency UTHIRU/ RUTHIMITU NBI/40 RUTHIM ITU SEC . SCH . KANGEMI NBI/41 KIHUMBUINI PR . SCH . KANGEMI NBI/42 KANGEMI HIGH SCH . WAITHAKA NBI/43 WAITHAKA S . HALL MUTUINI NBI/44 KIRIGU PR. SCH. RIRUTA NBI/45 NDURARUA PR . SCH . RIRUTA NBI/46 NGANDV WAWERU NUR: SCH. KAWANGWARE NBI/47 KAWANGWARE PR . SCH . KAWANGWARE NBI/48 KABIRO PR . SCH . WESTLANDS Constitueney MUTHANGARI NBI/49 s T . MARY 's scH.' MASIWA NBI/50 LAVINGTON PR . SCH . KILELESHWX NBI/51 KILELESHWA PR . SCH . KILIMANI NBI/52 KILIMANI PR . SCH . LORESHO/ KYUNA NBI/53 KENYA P&T .TRAINING SCH . KITISURU NBI/54 LOWER KABETE PR . SCH . SPRING VAPLEY/ UPPER PARKLANDS NBI/55 AGA KHAN HIGH SCH . SPRING VALLEY/ WESTLANDS PR . SCH . HIGHRIDGE UPPER PARKLANDS jsBzI/y567 HIGHRIDGE PR . SCH . KARURA NBI/58 CHELETA PR . SCH . MUTHAIGA NBI/59 KARURA FOREST Pk. SCH . MATHARR constïtuency KARIOBANGI NORTH NBI/60 KARIOBANGI N . S. HALL KOROGOCHO NBI/6l KOROGOCHO PR . SCH . KOROGOCHO NBI/62 NGUNYUMU PR. SCH/ MATHARE 48 NBI/63 MATRARE YOUTH POLY. MATHARE 48 NBI/64 ST . TERESA 'S GIRLS P .S . MATHARE 4A NBI/65 OLD MATHARE PR . SCH . HURUXA NBI/66 NDURURONI PR . SCH . RUARAKA NBI/67 DRIVE INN PR . SCH. KASARANI NBI/68 KASARANI D .O .'S OFF . ROYAAMBU NBI/69 GARDEN ESTATE PR . SCH . KAHAWA NORTH NBI/70 MAHIGA PR . SCH . KAHAWA SOUTH NBI/71 GITHURAI PR . SCH . EMBAKASI Constituency EMBAKASI NBI/72 EMBAKASI S . HALL EMBAKASI NBI/73 MUKURU CTR . POLY. MIHANGO NBI/74 MIHANGO NURSERY SCH . UMOJA NBI/75 UMOJA NCC SITE OFFICE UMOJA NBI/76 UMOJA 11 PR . SCH . UMOJA NBI/77 MWANGAZA PR . SCH . KOMA ROCK NBI/78 NJIRU CPK NURSERY RUAI NBI/79 RUAI PR . SCH . KARIOBANGI SOUTH NBI/80 KARIOBANGI PR . SCH. DANDORA NBI/81 DANDORA PCEA HALL DANDORA 5th June, 1992 THE KENYA G A ZE'ITE 599 ScHEDuLE- (Cba/#.) coAs'r PROVIMCE M O M BASA DISTRICT Registrati on Unit Unit No. Place of Registra-iion clAxGAMv' constikuency KIPEVU MSA/I CHAANI HALL PORT REITZ MSA/2 MWIDANI HALL PORT REITZ Msh/p BUKORE NURSERY SCH . CHANGAMWE M>A/4 CHANCAMWE SOC. HALL MIRITINI MSA/5 KWA JOMVU NUR . SCH . MIRITINI MSA/6 RAILWAY ST . HALL MIKINDANI MSA/7 MIKINDANI SOC. HALL MIKINDANI MSA/8 TARATIBU SOC . HALL TUDOR ESTATE MSA/9 TUDOR VILLAGE HALL TUDOR FOUF MSA/IO R.G . NGALA PRI. SCH KISAUNI èonstituency KISAUNI MSA/II MLAL6O PRI. SCH. KISAUNI MSA/l2 MTOPANGA PiI. SCH. KISACNI MSA/l3 KHADIJA PRI . SCH . KISAUNI MSA/14 FRERE TOWN 'PRI. SCH . KONGOWEA MSA/l5 KONGOWEA PRI. SCH . KONGOWEA MSA/16 KONGOWEA SOC. HAAL KONGOWEA MSA/l7 A .S .K . SHOW GROUND KONGOWEA MSA/18 MAWENI PRI . SCH . BAMBURI MSA/19 BAMBURI S . HALL BAMBURI MSA/20 UTANGE PR . SCH . BAMBURI MSA/21 SHIMO LA TEWA PR . SCH . BAMBURI MSA/22 ANANDA MARGA NURSERY SCH . MWAKIRUNGE MSA/23 MWAKIRUNGE PR . SCH . MWAKIRUNGE MSA/24 MAUNGUJA PR . SCH KIZINGO MSA/25 MOMBASA WOMEN HALL MAKADARA MSA/26 OLD TOWN DISP . MJI WA KALE MSA/27 ALIDINA VISRAM HIGH SCH . LIKONI constituency MTONGWE MSA/28 MTONGWE PR . SCH . MTONGWE MSA/29 MWEMBE NGOMA CATHOLIC NUR BOFU MSA/30 LIKONI PR . SCH . BOFU MSA/3l DARUL ULUM MADRASA BOFU MSA/32 LIKONI FLATS SOC. HXLL SHIKA ADABU MSA/33 SHIKA ADABU PR. SCN. GANJONI MSA/34 LITTLE THEATRE CLUB MVITA Constitùency BONDENI MSA/35 CHANDARIA HALL TONONOKA MSA/36 TONONOKA HALL MAJENGO MSA/37 SAKINA HALL MAJNNGO . MSA/38 MAJENGO VILLAGE HALL KINGORANI MSA/39 MAKUPA PR . SCH . MWEMBE TAYARI MSA/40 PATEL SAMAJ HALL SHIMANZI MSA/41 RAILWAY CLUB N)0 THE KENYA GAZETIY 5th June, 1992 ScHevtwB- lcontd.) COA ST PROVINCE KW ALE DISTRICT Registration Unit Unit No. Place of Registration MSAMBISNI constïtuency GOMBATO KWA/I MWAKIGWENA PR. SCH . GOMBATO KWA/2 MWARONI PR . SCH . GOMBATO KWA/3 MKWAKWANI PR . SCH . BONGWE KWA/4 SHAKU PR . SCH. KINONDO KWA/5 GALU PR . SCH . KINONDP KWA/6 MUHA.K1 PR . SCH . GA ZI Kwxj) GAZI PR. SCH. GAZI KWA/8 MAGAONI PR . SCH . VINGUJINI KWA/9 MSAMBWENI PR . SCH . MILALANI KWA/IO MILALANI PR . SCH . MILALAN I KWA/II MIVUMONI PR . SCH . MILALANI KWA/l2 ESH7 PR. SCH. KINGWENDE KWA/13 KINGWENDE PR . SCH. FUNPI KWA/14 FUNZI PR . SCH . SHIRAZI KYA/15 RAMISI PR . SCH . SHIRAZI WA/16 BODO PR . SCH . BUMBAMI KWA/17 KIKONENI PR.' SCH . MALABA KWA/18 NWANDEO PR. SCH. MALABA KWA/19 MWANANYAMALA PR . SCH . MALABA KWA/20 MRIMA PR. SCN. MAJORENI KWA/21 MAJORENI PR. SCP. MZIZIMA/ KIDIMU KWA/22 KIDIMU PR. SCH. SHIMONI KWA/23 SHIMONI PR . SCH . WASINI KWA/24 WASINI PR . SCH . VANGA KWA/2j VANGA PR. SCH. KIWEGU KWA/26 KIWEGU PR. SCH. KASEMENI KWA/?7 PANGANI PR . SCH . SEGA KWA/2B LUNGALUWGA 'PR. SCH. SMGA KWA/29 PERANI PR. SCH . JEGO KWA/3b TSUINI PR . SCH. MWEPA K2WA/31 MWZNA PR. SCH. MWENA WK/32 MWANGULU PR . SCH . KILIMANGORO KWA/33 KILIMANGODO PR. SCH. KATUGA conskituency KITENJE KWA/34 ZIWANI PR . SCH. MBUGUNI KWA/35 MBUGUNI PR. SCH. MBUGUNI KWA/36 MTESA PR . SCH.
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