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John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 12-7-1962 The aC rroll News- Vol. 45, No. 6 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 45, No. 6" (1962). The Carroll News. 244. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Walkout idles news presses Heavy snowfall for eighth day By l'Al 'I. K,\ NTZ wreaks havoc Greater Cle\·elanders woke By ALL \ 'N ADA\lS up this m o r n i n g with no Power lines fell. thousands of cars were stalled, ~nd all newspaper for the eighth day of the city's schools closed as the worst snowstorm m ov:er in a row-and, from a11 indi ten years almost completely demobilized Cleveland and 1ts c..'ltions. it could easily be an sw·rounding area. other week or more before Snowfall up to 16 inches hus Beth men WE're struck while shov been reported in many cast s1de eling snow and were dead on ar contract ~etllcments put the suburbs inc I u ding Uni,·et-stty rival at St. Luke and Southwest Press and Plain Dealer back Heights, Shaker Heights. and Community Hospitals. in business again. South Euclid. The snow wa.<; ac· AU available police have been Mediation sessions, which have companied by winds up to 60 milE's called to duty as over 1000 cars been conducted daily since the an hour in many parts of metro were st ailed in the heart of down shutdown begun. still give no evi politan Cleveland. town Cleveland. Five police patrol dence of restoring production Im At 8 a.m. this morning, the cars aJso became stuck and had to mediately, although some progress weather had claimed two lives. be abandoned. is reportedly made. Fedet·al media More than 15,000 homes were tor Gilbert J. S<.>ldm said that the without power this morning. Many Newspapers Driv<.>rs' Union and 42 bombers of these homes are still powerless management of the two dailies because the 120 CEI repainnen were beginning to draw clof:er to couldn't gel their equipment on an agreed wage hike. leaving Cuba the streets. Extra men have been The Cle,·eland Newspaper Guild, Russian ships carrying 42 jet called into the city !rom other which joined in the walkout 2·1 bombers, the number said to be ill states. hours after the drivers started it. Cuba by Communist officials. have The power wen t out shortly be still seemed miles apart from the MILES OF TElETYPE COPY are been sighted early yesterday eve fore midnight when transformers publishers in its bid to secure an ignored a nd unread at the ning leaving the Red island. The burned out and blew up and lines agency to furnish union security Pla in Dea ler afte r the start of bombers were denounced by Presi Cell from lightning and the weigh t and pay Increases. the Teamster strike last week. dent John F. Kennedy after the or the snow, which is very wet . To complicate things even more, The shutdown occa sioned to successful quarantine of Cuba One oC the places hit was West union representatives of the print da y's specia l no tional edition which forced withdrawal of Rus· ern Press where the Carroll News ers, pressmen. and photoengravers of The Carroll News. sian missiles. (Turn tQ Page 2. Col 2) ha\'e asked to be admitted to the contract discussions, threatening ------ to ''take action in accordance with I our legal rights" if their request s 1• were ref';bed. Contracts for all a l nger three umons have recently ex- I rejects The l;arroll pi red. A Guild membership meeting, s • held in the Hotel Manger last I night, discussed the strike issue. 0 v l e t How is the StJ·ikc affecting air reports Cle\eland's newspapermen? That '1UesUon was asked to a Guild NEWS "---p""icket in front ot the Plain Dealer WASHI~GTON-(UPI )-The Administration has stated Yesterday afternoon. emphatically that Soviet reconnaissance planes have never "It couldn't have come at a flown over the United States. The press :'ecretar., and the Air worse time." said o. reporter, who Both the White House and the EXTRA Force. in the person of its chief of had just begun his two-hour pick .\ir Force dented a publishc:l re cting walk. "I would back to staff. Gen. Curti:. K Lemay, con University Heights 18, Ohio eo port that Rusian aircraft O\'erflew tinued the denials yestenlay. work right now if I could." the southeastern United States "So would I," said a P.D. pho :'lie,·er·thcle~s. Scrrpp!; • Hof·'''8 rd Vol. XLV, No. 6 Friday, December 7, 1962 cluring the Cuban crisis. 1 tographer standing new-by. "It's Wh1~.e House press secretary c..'Ont inued to insist just as 1rm y - - -------------- hard to manage when you're used that the reports were true. Pi~rre Salinger said flatly, 'So Editor-in-ch1cf Walker Stone to living on your paycheck from such flights have e,·er taken week to week." said in a statement. "What we • place: published is true ... it's just too Inside the building, a skeleton The report appeared last Satur London haze bad if nobody has bothered to tell rises; staff occupied the nonnally bus tla) in the Scripps-Ho" ard news tling city room. Tacked on the Mr. Salinger." pupt•r.., It was attributed to "ln In his statement, Stone identi city room door was a note f1·om clepcndent sour~.:es." Plain Dealer president Thomas v. fil•d the sources as "men high in smog kills over 70 H. Vail informing reporters that the Kennedy Administration and "your scrvic~ are not necessary ~" its military establishment." Salin· BULLETIN for the time being nnd you need .. ger hntl. no comment on Stone's not report for work." statement. LONDON - (UPI) - British weathermen say the Pickets also continued to parade " ln his statement, Lemay said: killer smog hanging over England may be on the run. in front of the Pre!';S nuilding. "The only aircraft from Cuba They predict much of the nation should get a peek The newspaper strike is the first which have appeared over U.S. In Cleveland since November. territory have been smaJl aircraft a t the sun before nightfall. Health authorities are still 1956. flown by defectors who landed in warning old people, children and persons with weak lungs the United Sta'tcs Each of these to stay indoors as long as the smog stays in their area. •• aircraft ha:; been previously an - nounced by either the Air Force New Yorkers o1· Deparunent of Defense." LONDON-The poisonous mixture of smoke and fog The S'cripps-Howard r e p or t which has swept across heavily-populated sections of Eng ,. l>tutecl tho t Sovtet reconnaissance land since Monday has accounted for more than 70 deaths in face strikes _ plane:. were spotted over Georgia the London a1·ea thus far. The British Air l\Iinistry labelled ~EW YORK Unl~ fedc-ral .,. 1and South Carolina cluring the ._. "" --;; .. - ........,..,_~ .•,..,.-= .• --. ·""··.,.;· · t.ast-West flareup. it ''the worst in 10 years." mediators solve or at leru;t temper ·- ... sulted in motorists abandoning the contract dtspute facing New REPRESENTED ON THE ABOVE Salinger was ask~<! whether his According to the Department or their cars and jamming suburban statement yesl<'rday should be York newspaper publishers and GRAPH is a comparison of the Scientific and Industrial Research, trains, which were running about the lnternnlional Typographical taken to mean that there were no the smoke content in the London two hours lntP. Air travel is at a Union, the city's nine major new!' g rowth of tuition and consum (Tum to Page 2, Col. 1) area atmosphere is 12 times the standstill. papers will cease publication at er p rices. Figures for tuition, I normal pollution and the sulphur midnight. shown in the unbroken line, Connuunisls ain1 dioxide content 8.5 times higher. The printers ha,·e ~ked $19 m are taken from the Ca rroll Police fear that the national pay increa...;e5 over two years, Bulletins of 1945-60. Ameri death toll will run into the hun brmging current wages of $141 a gu nfire at •·efugees dreds. Yesterday evening reports w('('k up to S160. can consumer prices, shown in BERLl,N tUPI) West Berlin llccused the "killer" M taldng one the broken line, are taken from poUcc report Communist border life every 60 minutes. " Economics" by Paul Samuel guards fi1·cd about 40 rounds trom Two smog bells. from 60 to son. The base year 1900= 100. sub-machine guns this morning 70 miles wide, one swccpin~ north Fr. Dunn The graph shows that tuition possibly at E>scapc~. But there The \'cry Rev. llugh E. Dunn. through London and the other en has tripled while consumer have been no reports of t·efugees gul[ing the industrial Y01·kshit·c ~ •• J .. \\lU att.end ne' t Tuetldu.y's Ireaching freedom. p rices have scarcely doubled . section of the west coast, have Polun m('(>tlog t~ o'\:plain the Police. firemen. and a Red Cross Consum er prices for 1960-63 I caused over 200 hospitals to halt ucw tuition riLl-;£'.