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NET PtlBSB RUN AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION for the Mqiith of April, 1029 - 5344 MuBbcn of th« Aaeit Bareav ef CIrealatioaa _

VOL. X L in ., NO. 186. (Chuelfled AdvertUlng on Page 12) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1929. FOURTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS

♦- BRAKES F U m t HOLD SUSPECT TO START FOR ROME TOMORROW AUTO CRUSHES FOUND NEAR CiREEN RASH TO HOE A P m R I A N M ORR^ PLACE FORI EUROPE AT DAWN ■ ■ ' ------■ - - ^ ------Mrs. Aibertma Peterson Ron Mexican Tries to Force His Gunmen Kill Sleuth Am erican Hyers,After

Down by Car Whose Driv­ Way to CoL Lindbergh; Is 5*V*,•• Nsn er Saw Her Bnt Had No Unarmed But Placed in Hot On Their Trail

Control of Vebicle. Jail for Safekeeping. Chicago, May 22.— GangsterAmurder of Scalise, Anselmi and row Unless Bad Weather murderers, fearing for their lives Guiuta and the shooting by kid­ naper extortionists of Policeman because the police trail bad become Mrs. Albertina M. Peterson, 56, North Haven. Me., May 22.— Roy Martin, ambushed and killed. Interfered— No Trans-At­ too “ hot” for them’, took matters wife of S. Emil Peterson of 25 While police and secret service men Sullivan had been badly beaten grilled a mysterious young man, into their hands here today and before be was killed. Both eyes Alton street, was very seriously in­ gave Detective Joseph Sullivan, ace were blackened, his clothing was in lantic Race as French jured at 4:35 yesterday afternoon arrested after attempting to force of detective bureau secret inves- | disarray and he had been struck on Center street when struck by an' his way to Col. Charles A. Lind­ tigators, “ a ride.” His body was over the head. It Is believed he Plane WiD First Have to automobile operated by Louis Cav- bergh at the Morrow summer home, found slumped on the floor of his. was shot In the back of the head agnaro, 56, of 'Wetherell street. preparations were being made to­ own automobile, parked In a de- with his own weapon, as his pistol serted street. I was missing. Fly to Maine for the She is in Memorial hospital in a day to turn the Island Into virtually critical condition, having suffered a Sullivan had been working upon The police ace had been working possible fracture of the skull, brok­ an armed camp. three cases, any one of which might overtime early this morning on one Take-off. en arms and internal injuries. The capture of the stranger .explain the murder, according to of the three cases when he either Cavagnaro was arrested by who said he arrived from beyond his chief, Lieut. William Cusack, was lured to his death or was met Patrolman John McGlinn and ar­ the Rio Grande,' came as a climax ■fliey were: The "Valentin© Day mur- suddenly by the gangsters he wa? to a series of alarms precipitated der of seven gangsters; the reprisal out to “ get.”- Old Orchard Beach, Me., May 22. raigned in Police Court here this % morning on a charge of operating by the “ death letter” mailed to Miss — Prospects of a trans-Atlantic an automobile with defective Constance Morrow, younger sister race between American and French brakes. His case was continued to of Col. Lindbergh’s fiancee. await the outcome of the injuries. Reason for Coming. aviators went a jllmmer today Police allege that Cavagnaro’s Ford The mystery man from Mexico ENGUSH HARD TO LEARN when Armena Lotti, who is In coupe dragged Mrs. Peterson 45 said he arrived at North Haven charge of the French plane, Ber­ feet before it stopped. The foot with the avowed purpose of inter­ nard 191, announced that he would brake in the machine was found esting Col. Lindbergh in some start from here rather than from to be useless and the emergency vaguely described airplane inven­ AMERICAN GIRLS ASSERT Roosevelt Field, N. Y. brake only fair, OiBcer McGlinn tion. He was arrested by Con­ The announcement was made stated. stable Rodney Haskell after having just after Roger Q. Williams and No Brake Control been allegedly detected In an effort Lewis A. Yancey had returned with Mrs. Peterson was returning to gain access to the Morrow estate Ti their Old Orchard-to-Rome plan© from a visit to her sister-in-law, by prowling through the woods past Chicago Twins Adopted by^ WANTDRYLAW Green Flash from gasoline con­ Mrs. Edwin J. Swanson, of 23 Ridge the guards. North Haven having Rome ahead! The monoplane “ Green Flash” which may link America and Italy by ai^ for the first sumption test flights preparatory to street. She bad descended the no lockup, the prisoner was taken time is pictured above as It left the Teterboro, N. J., airport for Old Orchard Beach, Me., the ^ke-off point a hop-off for the Eternal City to­ wooden stairs on the embankment to the constable’s home for safe for the projected trans-Atlantlc flight. Lower right are the crew of the plane, Lewis A. Yanjjey, left, navi­ Marchioness of Hnntley morrow morning. keeping. between Pine and Center streets gator, and Roger Williams, pilot, who plan to hop off tomorrow. The plane is to carry aborft 600 gallons DISSECTED BY Lotti made the decision after an and was crossing the main highway The man described himself as of gasoline and 10 gallons of oil on its sea flight, and Is shown lower left being refueled for tbe journey. Robert Tondero, 40, living in Mex­ Finds It H arito Learn the hour and a half inspecUon of tbe. in front of the Edgewood House beach here and after communicat­ when the automobile struck her. ico City until a few weeks ago ing by telephone with his co-filers According to Cavagnaro’s story, he when he came to this country. He Language. HOOVER BOARD was returning from Hartford and said he had served as a mechanic Rene Lefevre and Jean Assolant at was not driving faster than 15 in ’the German Army during the Roosevelt Field, N. Y. miles an hour when the accident World War. NO HALF BAKED IDEAS SUGAR TARIFF The only difficulty In the way of occurred. Not Armed. London, May 22.— Marjorie and a trans-Atlantic air race wgs said It was not raining at the time In the man’s pocket was found a Isabel Mauser, the young sisters That is Wets’ Plan Bnt to be because it was impossible to although it had been a good share passport which was carefully STARTS MIXUP who came to England from Chicago leave Roosevelt Field today because of the day. Cavagnaro said that scrutinized today. No plans for FOR THOMAS A . EDISON Bishop Cannon and Others of the soggy condition of that air­ to be adopted by their great aunt, he saw Mrs. Peterson step dtfwn mechanical devices were found on port as tbe result of continued rain. from the curb on the south side of him, or among his belongings. He the Marchioness of Huntley, are Williams and Yancey stated that the street and started to slow down, was not armed. IN IN G R E S S having a hard time learning to Want No Tmkering With they were determined to hop to­ but when she hesitated he stepped An hour after the arrest of the Son of Great Inventor Toils speak English with an aristocratic morrow morning, providing ad­ on the gas again. He said Mrs. Mexican a boat of the United States MEMORIAL PARADE accent, it was learned today. verse weather reports were not re­ Peterson apparently changed Coast Guard immediately put out Ever since their arrival at Orton 18th Amendment. ceived in the meantimk The broad her mind and started across from Rockland .bound h er^ Armed Some htimate Facte Con-| Q jjjjg R S A R £ g S U E D l House L ^ c s Say . Tliey Loungueville, the Huntley country silvery sand of Old Orchard beach the street again. He applied Coast Guardsmen took the Mexican seat near Petersborough, they have at low tide makes a two-mfle run­ the brakes but they failed under guard to Rockland where he been struggling to master the elu­ Washington, May 22.— The ques­ way and is a boon to heavily load­ to hold. Mrs. Peterson was struck was placed In jail, charged, tem­ cerning Business Methods Will Demand Showdown sive English accent under the tutor­ tion of how far President HooVer’s ed plane at the take-off. by the radiator, which was stove porarily, with being a suspicious ship of Miss Robinson, their gov­ new law enforcement commission in. Mrs. Peterson was removed to person. of His Father. Route at Center May Be Over Plan to Increase erness. READY FOR HOP Memorial hospital in Holloran Family Not Worried. Marjorie and Isabel have been In should go in “ investl.'zaticg” prohi­ Old Orchard Beach, Me., May 22, The death letter received by Con­ Brothers’ ambulance. There she England about five months. Mar­ bition threatens to provide some — The monoplane Green Flash, was attended by Dr. D. C. Y. Moore, stance has no apparent effect on jorie is nine and Isabel eleven, but, the spirits of the remainder of the West Orange, N. J., May 22.— Changed to Keep Through Duty Rates. fireworks at tbe very outset of the piloted by Roger Q. Williams, with who said afterward that he con­ at their present rate of progress. commission’s work. sidered her condition very serious. family. Mrs. Morrow did not fore- Miss Robinsoh fears they will be Lewis A. Yancey, as navigator, will Thomas A. Edison, the world’s Oddly enough, the Prohibition­ lake off from Old Orchard beach ■Whether she has a fracture of the greatest Inventor, has no patience Traffic Moving. centarlans before they acquire the skull will not be known until after (Continaed on i'age L) Washington, May 22.— The con­ accent requ’ red of young Chicago ists and tbe Antis are equally in­ On Its 6,000 mile flight to Rome at X-ray pictures are taken today. She with lazy people. troversy over the proposed boost in ladles who are adopted Into old sistent that the commission should dawn tomorrow. Although tbe remained unconscious for many He won't stand for alibis from the tariff on sugar overshadowed English families. delve into it thoroughly, although trans-Atlantic filers have been re­ hours, only regaining her senses his e.xecutives. A point, never before- broached Hard to Learn. for totally different reasons, and ceiving discouraging reports for all other tariff issues today as with entirely different objectives In two days it was reported today sufficiently to tell her name. U .S . ASKS FRANCE He refuses point blank to listen to in the arrangements for the Me­ "I never thought English was so Birthday Today morial Day parade, was brought up House leaders of tbe “ Sugar Bloc” hard to learn,” said Marjorie. *’I view. from Dr. James D. Kimball, at the “ half-baked” ideas. Tbe professional Drys. like Mrs. Peterson’s husband who is a at the final meeting of the Perma­ announced they would demand a thought you just had to say 'haw New York Weather Bureau, that weaver at Cheney Brothers, and her And he abhors "yes men. ” showdown behind tbe closed doors in front of real American ’ words Bishop James Cannon, Jr., and offi­ ideal flying conditions will prevail His son, Charles Edison, 38-year- nent Memorial Day committee held cials of tbe Antl-Saloon League, four children, Glennard E., Mark ABOUT WAR DEBTS of a Republican conference. and you were all rig'it. as soon as the storm of tbe past two H., Wllmore and Hattie, were old president of tbe Thomaj A. Edi­ in the Chamber oZ Commerce rooms "I don't suppose these English want the commission to Investigate days has abated. summoned to the hospital. Today son Industries, employing 5,U0U last night when Willard B. Rogers, Their plan, if successful, would the weakniiBses of prohibition with A clear sky all along tbe coaat Is Mrs. Peterson’s 56th birthday men In the manufacture and sale of Manchester police commissioner, swing the huge Republican majori­ , (Continued on Page 8) tbe single end In view of tightening line today, gave Williams and Yaa- and her children h^d planned a Opens Fresh Negodatioiu; radios, phonographs, storage bat­ notified the committee that it.would ty in the House behind tbe ways up loose machinery and making en­ cey and their mechanic, Kenneth celebration in her honor. teries, ediphones, electric toast'^rs, have to obtain tbe sanction of the and m,eans committee's proposal to forcement more effective, with no Boedecker of tbe Wright Whirl­ Cavagnaro carried no accident Portland cement, stock tickers rnd State Highway Department to boost the sugar duty from 2.40 to 8 consideration at all given to the wind Motor Corporation an ideal Wants to Know What Is other commodities made these inti­ parade on East Center street, it be­ cents a pound and prevent a free- LONELY AIRPLANE feaaibllity of the basic law. To opportunity to make the necessary (Continued on i*age 3) mate revelations in an exclusive in­ ing included in the line of march. for-all fight on the floor. them, the 18th Amendment and tbe test flights which ara so vital to tbe terview with International News May Cliange *Ronte Rep. Timberlake (R) of Colora» Volstead law are sucroianct, and Service today. ekpedition, Tbe main purposes of to Be Done Abont Them. Mr. Rogers said that theiiocal do, chairman of the ways and not to be tinkered with except for the trials was to guage tbe amount Young Edison is “ running tbe police have no authority to sanc­ “ BOMBS” NEW YORK CHENEYS ESTABLISH business,” while his illu-.rious means sub-committee which wrote the purposes of making them more of gasoline consumed by tbe plane. tion the bolding up of traffic bn a the sugar tariff boost into the Haw­ effective. To Race Across Paris, May 22,— With the repara­ father continues his rubber experi­ state highway. Tbe committee learn­ ments In his laboratory at Fort ley tariff bin, declared be was con­ Tlie Other Side The report that Armeno Lotti of tion conference drawing to a close ed today, from tbe state police, that fident the increase would be class­ On the other hand, the Anti-Pro- tbe French plane, was coming hart NEW DEPARTMENTS In an atmosphere of optimism, the Myers, Fla. No one knows "dad” tbis new point was raised so that better thrn his son. ed as farm relief and setiled in tbe Theoretically City is in Rnins bibitioniata and a good many who today from Naw York was the United States has opened fresh ne­ tbe highway department may open Republican conference. might be claaaified aa “ honeat basis of the rumor that tbe flight gotiations with France regarding “ Oh yes,” Charles Edison smile.l, up a detour. It is poseible tbe "I bear from father right along. At.tbe same time bitter oppo­ idoubtera” would like to aee prohi­ to Paris would also bo .itarted the French war debt to the United parade will enter the Center Park Today; “Escapes” ia Fog bition put on tbe diaaecting table, States and the French debt of chairman of the board and nents of tbe sugar tariff boost, who from here, On tbe earns train with Cotters and RetaQ Dhrisions don't think for a moment that he from Main street rather than go on cbarge.tbat it would add $300,000,- and tbe commlaaion render a ver- Lotti is Charles A. Levine and 1400.000. 000 for war stocks sold to to Center or East Center street. France by the United States after doesn't know what's going on.” 000 a year to tbe nation's sugar Not Spotted by Defenders. Ouisoppl M. OellancB, designer o f He ’’cached into a drawer and Next Sunday afternoon, May 26, (Continue on Page 8) tbe Green Flash, it is reported that Organized to Belter Care peace was declared, it was learned the decorating unite will meet at bill, dsclarqd tbe Republican con­ this afternoon. pulled out some reports. To them ference—;Or caucuf— would be tbe Lotti on hie arrival at Old Orchard were attached a slip of yellow paper the Center at 1:45 o’clock. From The foreign office admitted that there tl)ey will .go by automobile to scene of the biggest party qnarrsl Naw York, May 22-Naw York City will make a careful Inipectiou of for Trade. (the kind Edison, Sr., always uses in years if tbe “ sugar bloc’’ adheres tbe runway. If be decides it la bet­ a communication has been received tbe Quarryville. ceiqetery for .the ia wida open to attack from the air. from French Ambassador Claudel In writing business notes). to this plan. FRIENDS OF IIIKNEY ter suited for a heavily loaded purpose of decorating the last rest­ Tbla la tbe oonaenaua today fol­ at Washington regarding tbe Mel- No Alibis. ing place of tbe war dead. At 8 Would Deseit Party plane, he will telephone to Jean Establishment of two new depart­ lon-Berenger debt agreement and Rsp, Frerr (R ) of Wisconsin, lowing tba blfbly aucceaaful raid, Asaoland and Rene Lefevre, other ments by Cheney Brothers, v/as an­ “ Read this," he said, ^’and you’ll o’clock decorations will be made in tbe French war stocks debt. see how father stands on alibis.” the Bolton Center cemetery and at leading opponent of tbe sugar tariff ataged laat night by a giant Fokker members of tbe crew of tbe Ber­ nounced today by Ward Cheney, However, foreign office officials Inqrsase in the ways and means lU U Y ID DEFENSE nard 191, and order them to take General Sales Manager. Mr, Cheney The notation, from father to son, 4 O’clock eervices will be held at bombing plana which flew from tbe refused to confirm the London written In the Invontor’s precise, Gould’s Pond on South Malp street. committee, said that if the Republi­ beadquartere of the United Statea tbe plane from Roosevelt Field, N. laid: Times’ report from WaslUngton that “ Cheney Brothers are announcing clean-cut telegrapher’ s style of pen­ Sunday Service can conference backs tbq Increase Army air manOauvraa at Dayton, Y., and coma here for the take-off Secretary of the Treasury Mellon manship said: On Memorial Day morning, at be will dM ift the party leadership Ohio. to France. today a change in organization, bad requested Premier Poincare, Boxer Says Breach of Prom­ srhicb, we believe will have far “ I don't understand why, when 10:46 o'clock eervices wlll be held and fight the adoption of a rnls on Afdad by a thick fog and the No plans have been made to through the French ambassador, to I dig up a bad state of affairs and in St. Mary's Episcopal ebure^. The the . floor. He was backed by Rep. darkneaa, tbe giant plane iwooped equip tbe plane with radio and, ac­ reaching results. This consists of Inform the United States without low over New York harbor ehortly the establishment of two new de­ ask you to fix it up, there is a lot body attending will each bear a Xa Ouardla (R ) of New^York, and ise Sot it Joke— Others cordingly no broadcasting instru­ delay what prospects there are for of objections and explanations. flag. It was also decided that the others. before 9 o’clock laat night, raleaar ments will be carried on the trip. partments, one, a cutters depMrt- ratification of the Mellon-Berenger ment to develop intensively |ur Why not go right ahead and fix it National colors would be massed at Republican leaders of the House, ed a flood of bomba rapreaented by The world will have to depend funding agreement. up in a business-like way pmd say brilliant flarea and In the epaee of on reports from traneoeeanlc ships service to the garment manunic- The communication from M. Say It It Tragic. turers, the other a retail depart­ nothing about It?” a few momente technically deetroy<^ for newe of tbe iliere once they are Claudel was received two days ago. Young Edison could laugh now. (Continned on Page 8.) (Continued on Pag6 8) ed the city’s principal harbor de­ out^ver tbe ocean. ment to specialize In the distribu­ Filed Last July. New York, May 22.— Friends of tion of silks to the retail stores of But be winced when he first re­ fenses on Oovernor’e Island. Foreign office' attaches pointed ceived that note. Plane Not Spotted Gene Tunnay, defendant In a $600,- the country. out that ihe Mellon-Berenger ac­ Not one answering shot wae fired 000 breach ’ of promise salt to be “ We feel particularly fortunate “ And read this one,’’ he-contin­ cord was filed with the Chamber of ued. “ I got It when I had submit­ by the defending anti-aircraft guns filed within a few days, rallied to TODAY IN CONGRESS .n naming as managers of the two Deputies last July. Premier Poin­ aa lack of searchlights pravented tbe defense of tbe former heavy­ lepartments, two men of marked ted to further a half a dozen mat­ Pierpont Morgan Offered care, It was said, is ready to urge ters.” them from sighting the aerial raid­ weight boxing champion today. itnese. Ralph Abercrombie who will ratification of the agreement as er in the murky eklee. Virtuallz Extolling "the high moral char­ Washington, May 22— The-day le sales manager of the newly form­ Edison, Sr., had written: soon as France Is certain she will “ But, Charles, I hav< always unopposed and unendangered, the acter and spotless rwpulatlon of tbe In Congress: ed retail department, has been for receive sufficient reparations from found it best to take up one thing Old Fashion Free Lunch bomber circled over the City, get­ ex-marlne,” they termed t ie im­ Senate three years manager of Cheney Germany to cover all obligations. and do It quickly and settle It. And ting In.Ua deadly work, then speed­ pending suit “ a very poor Joke,” Reenmes debate on new eenens Srotbere drees goods department, Tbis seems to be guaranteed by tbe not to go over a lot of things at ing off to effect a lafe landing at eepeclally In view of tbe fact that and reapportionment bilk selling to all trades. Prior to joln- report of .the reparation experts, once.” Bolling Field, Washington. Tunney’t helrese-hrlde, the former House. .ng Cheney Brothers he has bad Paris, May 22.— An old-fasblon,ed Pmark that “ Jqiroh” mnit have de- who have been meeting here for Young Edison, a tall, well- free lunch, with all'the trimmings,' frbm the Robber Rarons The glaot two-motoired plane, Polly Lauder, la convalescing from Continued debate on tariff bill. ;ong experience In retail trade, ei^ more than three months. built, clean-cut chap whose dark of Old.” piloted by Llent. Odms Moon and a serious operation in Brlonl, Italy. Negotiations for tariff bill eenj- pecially in the ready-to-wear field, la awaiting j. Morgan, the, Foreign office officials admitted hair Is slightly tinged with gray -V . . . *1. • think you are wrong,” said carrying a bombing crew o f four, Mrs. Katherine'King Fogarty, at­ promlie continue. laving been associated notably with that discussions are In progress smiled relminlscently as he recalled noted banker, at tbe end^of the Morgan, “ Joseph ie.no baron.’’ arrived over the Battery, tbe tip of tractive 80-year-old dlvo “Me who lohn Wanamaker’s. New York, Re­ with tbe United States regarding other “ lessons” qn business he re­ reparation conference in Paria, If Tbd’reitabirant owner made haate Manhattan Island, at 8:46. circled olaime that Tunney promleed four COITFBBBNag DEADLOCKED tail Research Association and the paymeht of tbe war stocks debt of ceived from his father. He made It be carea to accept the Invitation. to affirm, hla entire lack of noble over tbe Army p ^ on Oofemofa years ago to marry her, was noi at Liinder Company, Cleveland. 1400.000. 000 which mast be paid plain that his father is a level­ “ Joaeph,” a'>reataurateur/la the lineage. He produced hia hooka to Island; scarcely visible In the low home early today at her apartment Waihlugton, Hay 22 -'The tu rd , “ The whole modern dovelop- in August unless the debt agree­ headed bnslneBe man as well as held , out tb^offer to Mr. | prove hee qta(qi|ide not a penny of profit banging clouds, then flew north in the San Carlos hotel hers. conierenne between Houselouse and uent of the silk piece goods bnel- ment Is ratified in the meantime or an Inventor and benefactor of nun- “ orimn. But he refuaea > to aay on hia food. straight uir Broadway over the de- It was expected that the papers Sehate confereM bn the farm bill less is such as to place.a high pre- the United______Stales______Congress___ grants kind, remarking that “ he never whether the banker haa accepted. • 'T do make a very alight profit fenselegi dty as far aa Central in Mrs, Fogarty’s suit might be fil­ ended,today, with the debenture rope, vlum npon real dress knowledge on >gj| extension of time for payment. worked on anything that could not Dunng the dellbdra^na of the out of-liquor, but you gentlemen Park. ed In the Snperlor Court at Bridge­ etui deadlocked. !ie part of those responsible for The Mellon-Berenger agreement ie commercialised. ” reparation experta,' Mr. llorgan, only drink ihlheral water and no «*BoB4e4" Fort port, Conn., today, althongh Lepv^ The Houae cenfereea refoaed til management. While many retail was made on April 29, 1026. The "He 'disllkei. the ’yee men’ type Thomaa N. Perklna and other mem- milk,” deelared ’'Jdabpb.’' At Central Park, the big plane Sheriff Ryxn said In Stamfer^ Mlleenes other eecttous o l ^ e IIU iece goods executives are ©xperl4 ^original , net prlndpsl of the of executive and will not have them bera- of the A pieri^ delefiatioh, • “ Neverthelefa, to ahow you how turned ebnth, and this ^me flying Conn., yesterday that the wrU 16ug as. the debeature Jhihi ncing dlfflculty in maintainhig French war debt to the United once be tlfifie theih ^oot And^he have frequenUJr eaten" lunch, at mneh I ajipreclhte y0dr patrongge over F|»rt Jay. Tkd' flare esRl^ed might not be filed cntll a week tbf maasure. Thefo >?"($lame, especially in the low -pric© States was 93,840,516,043; The does hot wn the la ^ day of the In tfai air, lUnfiitnailng the satin from today. Then the eolt iHH bed though fhat; the K« >nceC(, many others are flndlnf a funded Interest was estimated at One day aa they, .were-aeannlng eonfeyeneia-Uia.lQnehaon

• » ^ -jT*^ jP A G B T W O MANCHES'rBR b Vb NTNG ^ A L D , SOTHH MANCHESTER. COKN^ WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, i m ^ ■ 3^(7/ Streeter Bays A Car; u)ciii*aA .ii«n« [goiD sOSreCT Peddle Anti-lhdon So Can Anybody Eke OUT-OF-TOWN VISITORS Stirs Sotitrdn^ ' HIDND MAR IN NEW YORK OTY SlSlClEDBY -xi-- William Streeter :hai a whiter R oy’s Garage on Depot Square, and John F. Jones of Andover, wear-•curious eonrtmetloin pUeed on' tb< get the money. Mystic Review Has Initiation, ephant In.the form of a ear. that la ing thick boots and'plenty of wbls- POflm;and’ l ^ . i » « ^ ^ t by a Yo^ k The car arrived, was left in Hears of ^ Big Pageant, Has Inst a Bhade farther from the first Politicians in RoUi Patties BOOVBt BOARD Bill's yard. Also the man called and Minstrel Show. MORROW PLACE flush of youth than he cares for. got his money. When Bill got back Uonsf i " ’ ’ today offering “ rfor sale Printed button. ObrioiMly be Jumped , (Oonttnoed frqtt Page 1) Bill was In the market for “ a good from fishing emergency work' kept Mystic Review. No. 2, 'Wqman’s (Conflnaecl tmm Page 1) Are Inrehred ia Cradi of slips bearing copies of a rhyme Al- the conclusion that Jones wop a G. lar. In goo(T running condition and him at the garage. Benefit Association, was host to^A leged to have'been published dur- A. R. vdteron— wblC^ Jonei $Bot too hic^ in price.” Several per- Arriving home at last he started go her usual afternoon of golf vrith diet as to the' feasibility of the ing Civil War days In a Hartford couldn^t quite claim't(T be bn oe>' whole system. They want, in short, llsons knew of this fact anu Sunday to drive the car into the garage. large number of visitors from other her sister-in-law, Mrs. Joseptaine -Cit; Trust newspaper. It was a highly col- Count of a lack of suffleiettt reviews in the state, at a group report on the practicability of pro­ She was called by telephone and told Then be discovered that it. was a Aldrich, though a cold, drizzling qred “ oopperhead” effusion, roost- dnd that the breadsi«le^was4in. in- 1912 model Pierce Arrow, n ot. a meeting held last evening in Odd rain swept aerdSa the North Haven hibition as it is now operated. Ing prei^ much everybody con- suit to the south. - So he banded l^that for 1125 cash he could buy a Fellows hall. Past President Mra. links from the sea. Mrs. Morrow ^Packard, In good condition and Packard, that it was built, in the New York, May 22.— New York Ultimately, the commission will splcuouC o n ih f Union Bide, from Jones a dollaf bill, took jone of the Grace^est presided, and. on the graciously consented to pose for take Its cue from President Hoover. ;^perfeet running order and asked if days when hay barns were used as City has its “ Little Teapot Dome” Lincoln down, and winding .up slips, tore it Into bits, wtdded I garages, standing about eight feet platform were eight presidents of "action” pictures. scandal In the iavestigatlon ^ to the He meets, 'with the members next And is It any wonder if the nation them up, dropped tbe wad into an ^ e would buy. | visiting reviews and the supreme With the arrival of Ambassador Ti)Mday to dlacusi^the work with g Streeter had an engagement to high and measuring eighteen feet collapse of the City Trust Company. goes to smash?” alley and set tire to It regional director, Miss Rose Millier Morrow,.who is expected here soon, them, and to outline what be -had Jones sold on oceorional copy for 'Which led an onlooker to ' i« - ^go fishing, but after bearing the de- over all. He could not get it into The names of political figures in his garage' and doesn’t propose to of Pawtucket, R. i. The officers and the veil of secrecy surrounding the both parties are whispered In con- in mind when he first suggested the whatever price the purchaser saw mark: “ That's abotit os good an ex­ Vscrlptlbn of the rubber on the car, guards of Mystic Review were in Morro'W-Lindbergh wedding plans Inquiry daring the lost campaign. tit to pay. Which would be of no ample o f tbe real basis for sectfbn- ? the paint Job and such like mat- ^ rebuild that structure Just to please nectlc^with the bank crash. Sven white and took charge of the initia­ may be lifted. the. Hamlet-like ghost of Arnold Noble Ehq>eHment especial note if it were not for the al bitterness as you’ll often «em' ■f ters, told the man to deliver it at the ancient Pierce. The car is now tion of four candidates and all floor Undy, Anne, and Elizabeth Mor­ !♦ . ------:------staying out nights. Also it is for Rothstein, the slain underworld In this conn.eetlon It was recalled ,’ hls home at Parker street and come work. row have taken long strolls through today that Mr. Hoover has never sale. king, hovers over the financial f'to his place of employment, Ernest M Iss Millier and Mrs, Kittle Hors- the rain-drenched woods. Anne too tangle. expressed himself, directly on the HORTON SMITH COPS POPE LEAVES VATICAN --- - man of Hartford explained the rules has been taking “ ground” , flying A band of City Trust depositors Volstead law. He has geqerally FLYERS ESCAPE INJURY and arrangements for the great lessons from her husband-to-be. today sent a request to the actibg termed prohibition as a “ noble ex­ pageant at Atlantic City, June 25 to governor to call an. extraordinary periment” that “ must be worked, 28 at convention hall, where more FRENCH MEDAL SCORE FIRST TIME, JUNE 7 i Salt Lake City, Utah, May 22— terfix of the Supreme Court to In­ out constructively,” but at no time OBITUARY than 40,000 members in this coun­ vestigate criminality in the bank as a cabinet officer, candidate for -f Seven passengers and two pilots un- try and Canada will gather. The FIRE ON LEVIATHAN 5injured when the westbound trl- collapse. the presidency, or as chief execn- Celebrates 21st Birthday by To Be Historic Occasion; Has Pennsylvania railroad has made th^ The little black bag” of Teapot tlve, has he definitely placed his ap­ f.motored mail and passenger plane liberal offer of one way fare plus Winning the 70 Hole Med^ Been “Prisoner” Since 1870, ' of the Boeing Transport Co., which CAUSES EXCITEMENT Dome notoriety is paralled some­ proval on the Volstead Enforcement one dollar for round trips to and what in the introduction of a “ little Act. Play With Score of 273. ■ left Elko, Nev., abou t'11:30 last FUNERALS from Atlantic City. This will make 'Vatican City, May 22.— On ac­ -.night, was destroyed by fire six red book” In the present Investiga­ He may express some definite count of the shortness ot the. time I the rates very reasonable for Con­ Bjlg Ship at Dock—Damage tion. opinion next week when be meets Paris, May 22.— Horton Smith, f'miles west of that city, according Franklin H. Strong. necticut women. All who contem­ the Joplin, Mo., flash, celebrated for preparations, the first depart­ to reports to Boeing company here. WiU Not Affect Her SaUing Book of Mystery. with the ten lawyers and one wom­ ure of Pope Pius XI from the Vati­ Funeral services for Franklin H. plate making the trip are advised to This mysterious book contained an he has selected to survey the his 21st birthday today by winning The 'plane had made a forced land- Strong who died at his home, 179 get in touch with the officers or On Saturday. tbe 70-hole medal play for the can baa been postponed from May . Ing because of motor trouble when a notation indicating tbe payment .field of American lawlessness, and 30, it was learned this afternoon. It Main street, Sunday, were held this Mrs. Horsman as hotel reservations of $30,090 to the apartment of again he may no/t. The general French professional championship fire broke out. The mail was des­ afternoon at 2:30 at Watkins should be made as soon as possible. New York, May 12.— The giant with a.score of 273. Is likely that tbe pontiff will make troyed. Frank H. Warder, former state belief Is that he will not. his first exit from the confines of Brothers, 11 Oak street. Rev. F. Mrs. J. M. Franz, president of steamship Leviathan which passed superintendent of banks, according Dry’s Hope This morning, Audrey Boomer, C. Allen, pastor of Second Congre­ Mystic Review, has resigned in view through thousands of war hazards St Cloud Pro, established what Is tbe Vatican on June 7. to testimony at the special Investi­ Bishop Cannon afforded an in­ According to ' plans announced gational church of which Mr. of the fact that she is to spend the as a United States transport with­ gation. sight today into what tbe profss believed to be a new world’s record Strong was a member, officiated. summer in the Catskills. Mrs. W. H. out so much as getting a scatch, to­ when he fairly flew over the course yesterday by the Papal, chamber- A bank examiner found the little sional' drys hope to see aecomplish- lain the Pontiff was to have ap­ The profusion of beautiful floral Cowles was elected to the office and day received its "baptism pf fire.” red book in tbe desk of the treasur­ ed by the Investigation wb^n be in tbe amazing score of 61 strokes, tributes testified to the esteem in installed by the supreme regional Spontaneous combustion ir a five less than Smith’s sensational peared upon the steps of St. Peter’s er of the bank and copied it. It stated that tbe commission should during the Corpus Chrlsti proces­ which Mr. Strong was held by a director last night. storeroom of the liner, at dock in read: not concern itself with the question pair of 66s yesterday and ten un- wide circle of relatives and ■ In the banquet hall following the the Hudson river, started a fire def par. Details on sport page. sion on May 30 to bless the crowd ‘Cashed ‘check of Alt. for 30,u00. of whether prohibition was or was In St, Peter’s Square. n m i K i M friends. business,. 14 of the guards staged a which sent two fire boats, three en­ F. M. F. V. P. who brought the not a mistake, but should determine The bearers were neighbors and blackface minstrel show. Mrs. Mar­ gines and two hook and ladder It will be a historic occasion If bites or stinra or such summer cash by cab in bills of 1,000 and only “ what educative and enforce­ when the Pope emerges from the afiSietions as poison make life lifelong friends, and Included Wil­ garet Morrell and Mrs. - Richard companies hurrying to its pier. 500 to redraw.” ment methods” are necessary to LATEST STOCKS tmbearable quickly apply Zemo, the liam A. King of Elmwood, Charles Gutzmer were the end men and Mrs. A member of the crew saw heavy seclusion of the Vatican. Ever since Witnesses'pointed out that “ Re­ make It more effective. a 1870 when the late conflict began soothing, cooling, invisible anti­ A. Griswold of West Hartford, Everett Lahtrop interlocutor. The smoke curling from a fan opening draw” reads “ Warder” spelt back­ “ Of necessity,” said Bishop Can­ septic. 2 ^ 0 brings swift relief from Charles H. Robinson of Manchester chorus singing, solo work and Jokes in the storeroom, which is on "E ” New York, May 22.— The shadow between the Catholic church and wards. non, "prohibition enforcement will of higher money' rates hung over the Italian state the Pontiffs have itdiing, helps tooraw out local in­ Green, Charles J. Strickland, Thom­ kept the audience in an uproar. deck, almost level with the water Thomas O’Connell, a subordinate be Included In this study— not to fection ana restore the skin to as Ferguson and Walter A* Strant Mrs. Morreli, Mrs. Pauline Berrett line. The ship’s flre-flghtlhg crew the Stock Market today and blocked remained voluntary "prisoners” of the bank, testified he gave the determine whether the 18th Amend­ tbe recovery which appeared to be within the Vatican. normal. For 20 years Zemo has of Main street. and Mrs. Gutzmer were the soloists took emergency measures and an ment is a mistake and sbould be bera up skin, relieving book to Warder but that the latter gathering headway shortly after Burial was In the family plot at and Mrs. Hazel Fahey did some alarm was sounded in the mean­ subseque itly denied ever seeing it. repealed— but to determine what $ pimplesu rash and other skin irrita­ Fairvlew cemetery. West Hartford. clever dancing. The girls are hoping time which brought 'the city ap­ the noon period. tions. Never be without it. Sold The little red book is now miss­ educative a n d . enforcement to win the prize of $10 for the beat paratus. ing. Bulls in the Stock Market trem­ everywhere—35c, 60c and $1.06. methods, lncludlng*statutory legis­ bled when the Reserve Board’s Ad­ FIRE COMMISSIONER DEAD. entertainment given at these group Twenty-five minutes of hard Smith Kin Involved. lation, will secure the best results WAPPING Bridgeport, May 22.— J. J. Stone, meetings this season. Mrs. Lathrop work were required to route the visory Council came out strongly Edward F. Glynn, nephew of for­ In the nation’s conflicts with proba­ for a 6 per cent rediscount rate a local fire commissioner, died in appeared in a pink silk evening blaze. mer Gov. Smith, was counsel for bly Its worst enemy, the liquor traf- Mrs. Lawrence Arnold and IFOR GOOD CLOTHES St. "Vincent’s hospital today from gown and the chorus singers were Contents of the stockroom, oily and there was a rush to sell stocks daughter Miss Marjorie .mold of the bank when he obtained ap­ ffc, whether under the law or des­ when the opening gong sounded. ? V isit the effects of a cerebran hemor- all garbed alike in blue denim over­ manila rope, canvas and cleaning proval from the State Banking De­ pite the law.” Broad Brook were the guests ot. her Irhage with which he was stricken alls, red bandanna handkerchiefs fluids, were badly damaged anu the After the. shock of the first selling mother, Mrs. H. P. Files on Sunday. partment for the merger of two With the profession drys adopt­ wave passed, the bulls braced 711 Main Street I last evening. around their necks and immense room was scorched. But the dam­ banks into the City Trust Cona- ing that attitude, and with the anti Miss Clara Chandler and Mrs. Mr. Stone, wj)0 was 60, had been Straw sunhat^ age will not affect the sailing of the pany. themselves for the next assault Louise W. Burnham motored to and the moderates demanding a and by the end of the first hour I WILLIAMS under a Rector’s care for some Sandwiched, cake and coffee were ship Saturday. She came in.to port OtheP witnesses have testified wider consideration, It would seem New Hampshire' Friday where .they i Incorporated months. served. with 1,100 passengers. most of the early losses bad been visited friends over the week-end. that Warde' received presents of that President Hoover’s new com­ recovered. Then the flood gates of eggs, chickens, bottles, rags and mission is in for a tortuous Journey Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. BlUlnga selling were opened up again,. and motored tu West Haven on Sunday furniture from F. M. Ferrari, presi­ between the oppos'lng fires. confusion prevailed on the big dent of the bank, ana that bis rent where they visited Mra. Billings f FRIENDS OF TUNNEY board as prices in the best stocks parents, Mr. and Mrs. William was paid by Ferrari for at least a fell through their resistance points month. Fiske. FR. CONNORS IS DEAD; to sell at the lowest levels of the Mr. »nd Mrs. Ernest Strong' and R A U Y TO DEFENSE Judge Francis X. Mancuso, prom­ year. inent in political and Jurist circles, two children, Mr. and Mrs. Asbur Fresh weakness in the Motors At Collins and three children, and testified that the $7,000 allegedly was a source of worry to the bulls. (Contli^aed from Page 1) paid to him was a pure falsification WAS BETHEL RECTOR Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. C oU ^ were Chrysler, for example, which was guests at the home ot the. parents, and that the loans harged,against able to rally to 78 yesterday, after the trial date can be fixed. • If tde him and his father and which ap- Mr. and Mrs. Georg* A. C o ^ s last trial is not held next month It Born in Stamford 49 Years a sheer drop of 50 points from Friday, the occasion jelng,ltt honor W ins peat;^ed on the books bad basis and the high of the year, sunk with OLD probably will be postponed until Ago-^tn Bethel for the Last of Gi A. Collins birthday. were mistaken entries. Mancuso October. the trace ot a rally to a new low at Mr. and Mrs* W. F. Cornish * f was chairman of tbe board. Five Years. 71. General Motors l^oke below Can It Tragic. Two deaths have entered Into the Glastonoury, have a daughter, ■WTiile Tunney was quoted as say­ 76 for tbe first time tms year, and Joan, who was born ;at the -Hart­ affairs of the defunct bank. Ferrari Bethel, May 22.— Rev. Patrick fell through to 74. Nash dropped ing in Brioni that he regarded the died on Feb. 1. Mrs. Warder, wife F. Connors, rector of St, Mary’s ford bosplUil May 10. Mrs. Cornish suit as a Joke, his friends here call­ back to 88, down 2 points for tbe was, before her marriage, Miss second place at Harvard of the former bank superintendent, church here, died In his rectory day and 30 points from tbe high ed it "tragic.” died a week ago. during the night after a short ill­ Audrey Elmer of Pleasant Valley, “ It is a very poor Joke, a tragic of the year. Yellow Truck. Briggs Tbe regular meeting op East “ This affair has cost me my ness. He was 49 years old and bad and Stewart Warner sold lower. thing to start such a suit when wife,” said Warder. been rector of St. Mary’s five years. Windsor Grange was held at the Gene’s wife is seriously ill,” said With most of the little bulls Funeral services will be held Fri­ parish bouse on Tuesday evening. Sai^uel F. Pryor, Jr., New York frightened or .financially crippled, Tbe program was in charge of Mrs. broker and associate of T nney in day morning with the Right Rev. and the big bears on a rampage. Flora Winn, Mrs. Ruth Boyle and the social colony at Greenwich. Maurice McAilllffe, of Hartford, of­ Wall street and the Stock Market Mrs. S. W. Bissell. Conn. He lauded Tunney’s charac­ ABOUT TOWN ficiating, assisted by the Rev. Ml- were in a turmoil most of the day. M ». Roland Williams and Infant ter. 1 chael O’Connor, of St. Peter's Selling of the Steel and Motor sou Charles Russell, returned to William, J. McCabe, police com­ church, Danbury. BUrial will be in stocks Ignores the record-breaking their home in Pieabant Valley, from missioner of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Springdale cemetery, Stamford. performances in both industries and the Hartford hospital, last week., Gibbous Assembly, Catholic La­ Saturday morning. is therefore Justified only on tech­ and a close friend of the ex-cham­ dles of Columbus, will hold Us Tbe second flast Central emona pion, declared, that Mrs. Fogarty Born in Stamford In, 1880, the nical market conditlone and tbe Lecturer’s conferenc* will be heU regular meeting In the K. of C. son of John and Bridgk Connors, abnormal money market. had “ annoyed” Tunney on previous clubrooms Friday .evening at 7:30 at the East Windsor parish boose, occasion when he was training in the young man. went to school in Not since away, back in 1921 tvednesday, May 29, at 7 o ’elocK sharp. The members are requested have the Reserve Banks put in the south. He said the champion to attend as questions of impor­ that city and then to Villanova col­ i<.andard liiae. T'ue conference will had merely a speaking acquaint­ lege where he pras graduated. He force the 6 per cent rediscount >e directed by tbe Worthy State tance will be brought forward at rate and at that time business in ance with her. the meeting. After tbe business^ attended hia seminary in Montreal Lecturer, Mrs. Sarah ’ Curtis, Tbe “ Anybody who knows Gene’s bridge and whist will be played, t(f where be was ordained in 1907. the United States was in a bad way.! tocturers who attended tbe lost cqn- character will not take her charges which the members may invite tbqir. Father Connors-’ first assignment Commodity prices had fkllenl ference received so much help that seriously,” McCabe said. friends. Tbe committee in charge was as curate at St. Rose’s church, abruptly and every American cor-! it was voted to hold another. All Never Heard of Her. consists of Mrs. Wilbrod Messier, Newtown, where bs served for four poration of any prominence was lecturers are requested to make the Billy Gibson, Gene’s former L.an- Mrs. E. M. Zimmerman, Miss Bessie years. For ten years be was curate begging for- money at any price. A effort to be present or -^end a sub­ ager, said he had never neard of and Miss Dorothy Tynan, Miss Rose at St. John’s eburehin New Haven. 6 per cent rate today. If put into stitute. the divorcee. Woodbouse and Beatrice Sweeney. He was made rector of tbe church effect, will make money dearer for Mrs. Charles H. Heveuor Is meet- George W. Whiteside, Tunney’s industry and business and stop the mug with splendid success with her ^ . ------at Sharon and served there until he attorney, bad heard of her, how­ went to Bethel in 1924. flow of funds to tbe stock markets. sale of gladiolus of which he hoe ever, as he revealed In making pub­ A well baby conference will be bad a great variety of choice speci­ held at tbe Memorial hospital an­ The body of Father Connor will In spite of huge declines in in­ lic an alleged affidavit in whioh lie in state tomorrow in tbf rectory dustrial stocks since the middle of men’s. Some varieties are nearly Mrs. Fogarty waived all claims to nex tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock. here. April, most sections of tbe market all gone. Tbe gardens have at­ Tunney’s affections. He declared continued to move downward under tracted wide attention. this ‘document bad been signed by The Ladies Sewing Circle of the the sledge-hammer blows of tbe the divorcee last July two days be­ professionals today. Tbis was sup­ fore the champion fought Tom Concordia Lutheran church will, SALO LEADS CAVUZa FIVE HURT BY BLAST. Heeney. meet tomorrow afternoon at /2 plemented of course by tbe forced Two-year old **0. G.** runs second Whiteside was not surprised by* o’clock. selling/of tired speculatqrs and in­ Banford, Mass., May 22.— Wan­ Jbe notice of the suit yestera. y. He 21 MINUTES IN DERBY vestors, wha have finally despaired dering into a-mile area that/ was said her claims “ bad been found to Stanley Richmond, son of Mr. of a rally in the stocks they- have being showered with rocks and to the old favorite brand entrenched been bolding tenacionsl^r ■ from one be without merit.” and Mrs. Samnel Richmond of Bast Monahams, Texas, May 22.— C. trees from a'four-ton dynamite This conclusion also bad been Center street, was operated upon to six months. Insistonce of tbe blast.on the 15,000,000 dam con­ a t H A R V A R D for more than 14years C. Ryle’s ragged runners beaded reached by the members of the this morning for appendicitis at the for Pecos today, in their cross brokers for bigger margins has struction Job at Coble mountain, Lander family, it ./as stated by Memorial hospital. country run to Los Angeles. Sam forced a large number of their Lawrence Jarvis, 21, of Springfield, Floyd Barbour, secretary to Mrs. .Riehman of New York,, led the stocks on tbe market. was probably fatally Injured and George Lauder, in announcing that Tbe regular meeting of the Army pack fpr tbe fourth consecutive Hiere was no chsuge in the hnsl- four others were seriously hurt to^ the memb-rs of Mrs. Tunney’s fam­ and Navy club anxlllary will oe ness and Industrial reports o f tbe day. The men, who bad been day, running the 88 miles from working on tbe mountainiide itf T w o years against fo u r te e n . . . a comparatiYely ily bad been fully acquainted with held tomorrow evening at 8 .o’clock Odesa to Monahams in 4:17:05. day. Three hundred corporations the facts in the case before her' instead of next week Thursday increased jthelr net earnings 88 per tbe Springfield water. district pro­ mew cigarette against tiiree veteran brands. The flrst three in elapsed time: ject bad been warned to keep nway marriage. which Is Memorial day. John Salo, Passaic, N. J., cent in the first quarter o f 19i39 from tbe dynamite area. Jarvis was Y f^t OLD GOLD, the youngster, almost won! 338:17:27. over tbe sAme period .last year and Twenty-five more flag staffs will Pete Oavuzzl, England, 338:- all departments ot American indus­ rushed to Noble hospital, Westfield, THE COURT HEARING in a dying condition.' It defeated two of its veteran contenders . . . Bridgeport Conn., May 22— ^Tbe be set In patented sidewalk holders 88:67. try are operating at. closW to moxl- and nearly defeated the diird! case of Catherine King Fogarty, of along Main street on Memorial Day Glnsto Umek, Italy, 354:32:21. mnm efficiency. W all sirMt Is the than was the case last year. The brain Is a wonderful organ, Fdrt Worth, Texas, against James bad boy of the busineM^irorld and ■tarts working the moment yon This is die story of the Public Cigarette Test The four leading eigsrettes, *'oasked” widi J. Tunney, of Stamford, a breach Through orangements with the ASKS ALL COUNTRIES tbe defiance of the Stock Exchange local branch of the American up in tbe mornlug and doesn’t conducted at Harvard, by EdwardT. Batchelder paper aleevea to eonoeal ritSir brand namea. of promise action in which Tunney’s- TO WORK FOR PEACE. leaders of the Reserve Board’s pol­ until you get to the office. property in Stamford was attached Legdon on out of town concern, em­ icies has done Che market ho good. of “ The Harvard Crimson’* Editorial Board. yesterday, can not be brought to ploying' only ex-servioe men, has Philadelphia, Pa., May 22.— Tbe trial before next September, court been drilling holes In the walks undivided,support of all the Cath­ IVith the single exception of die test at Har* attaches pointed out here today. and providing them with screw cov­ olics In the world was asked by va rd , OLD GOLD has scored an unbroken string The writ in the suit had not been ers which can be removed. The Senator David I. Walsh of Massa- TODAY TODAY work Is' nearly completed In the filed in Superior Court early this cbiuetts for a world peace move­ ONLY ONLY o f victories in these comparative tastc'tests. afternoon And indications -were middle ' business section of the ment south end. But at Harvard, where pipe smoking is a that It wonid not be filed until next Senator Walsh’s plea was made week. Tbe last day for filing cases In an addresa at the 26th anni­ tradition and the taste is for heavy tobaccos, to be returnable to the June term Parents of the Nathan Hale versary meeting here of tbe Pinson school children turned out In full The Show llu it Bverybody's Welting For— sm ooth and m ellow OLD GOLD foeed its hardest of the coart Is May 80, but as that Cduneil of tbe Knights.of Colum­ is a.bollday, the last day Is May 19. force last evenlqg to attend the bus. Morp than- 2,600 persons lis­ Third Animal Edition of contest 148 undergraduates smoked and com­ It is expected that on that day the special evening session held lost tened to nis address. pared the four cigarettes with names concealed. .papers will be deposited here. qigbt for their inspection. By act­ “ Tbs principle of peace Is one K IW A ^ NQNSTREL A defendant In a civil ease has ual, count, 645 persons Visited the thing and the moobinery set up to sebooL While the weather man jroa Rigger and Better . Than EUer—A BperkUng Show Y e t O U ) GOLD stood second in its total of thirty days in which to file an insure, peode Is onothsr,” Walsh answer to the writ. Tnnney Is now most unkind, the'interest o f the said, “ Whatever we think of tbe —AO Lpeol Stars. “ first choices!” It barely missed defeating the In Europe. It Is generally believed parents in the work of the children League of Nations or the World . E ven^ Perromumce at S O'clock. brand established at Harvard 14 years! that the answer will be deposited was not dampened In tbe least. Court there Is no reason why eve^ with the clerk of the court here man and .woman in this eountry T01iOiaU)W ! Man o* War, the greatest horse of his time, sometime within that pbriod, bat Alden Uslier, of Rockville, sus­ should not be devoted to peaed.” ONE DAY OlinLT-rAnoChec Great Show tained what proved to be a gainful lost one race. And in its first and only defeat, before then the June term will have ended and the Superior' Court re­ injury to his hand vrnen a* heavy rWILLS-GROflB WHflfERS. "A WatW'Bfoa. THn^bon* TaWnf weight fell on it whlliB working in OLD GOLD, '^ e two-year old, felicitates the cessed until tbe first Tuesday In * 5. ' •• , . ✓ the Hookohnm m ils tbU morning. fourteen-year

5- Kb was tak^h to the RdekvlUe City Hay 12.— Misi Helen. WlUg . an4 “NO HEABSTB MEET HOOVER. hospital, where Dr. John Flaherty Mlsa Edith Cross, paired totdther .ln treated him for a froctnred bone. the dqnbles/ot .the Freueb bard On sear Medh. . . OLD GOLD— PAUL WHl'TBMAN Washington, Har^ 22.— WilUom ebnrtubampionthlp, today adroneed M 0 NTB BL^E-^BW BfeAVOT. H O U a ,. . Paal W iinana, Ela< et laaa. wkh Ut eoepkie Randolph Heorst, the publisher, and The good may die youngs bnt the to tbe tUrd round by Jdbtiatlhff ...ermrTsmder, .jlpe and-Hear, enlwda,fcteedeewifceOLD GOLD hoar Ifih. Hearit were Hiheheoii gnesta bth«r* iiv9 td Ue. about the-godd old Madame'‘Fbureade and Mlsa John- ^inUBA ’o f I 9 ta IS P. M .. BaMra Dairlilht S a r ^ TiMb a m Iho of the Pretident hod Mre, Hoover rs-when they workddfor lO eeute ■tqne, the Fronoo-Britieh eoml antira netwerkef tbe CaiaaibiS 1 <: . . el* / . » V .f: . H». •'* 'IL. ■'< t f A 'A i laaihiS Bfoadhaiiaeiias Sfttm* Jot jAa W^ta H oip (0 ^

L i'-' I -


Flower committee, Miss Dorothy ■U MEMOiOAL PARADE and Marjorie Cheney, decoiation of BRAKES FUmE, Cheney Hall, Miss Mary and Helen N . Y . Stocks Chapman; arranging of flags and ORDERS ARE ISSUED markers at monument; school dis­ tricts, Mrs. George Shipman, first / • district; Mrs. Jennie Cook, second (Furnished by Pntnam A Oo.) Allied Chem ...... 292 AUTOCRUSHES (.OooUnoed from Page 1) district; Mrs. Ethel Carter, third Central Row* Hartford, Conn. Am Can ...... 135% district; Mrs. George Keith,'fourth 1"P. M. Stocks. Am Car and Fdy ...... 95 % the head of the' column of marchers district; Mrs. Arthur Loomis, fifth Am Loco ...... 116 A PEDESTRIAN in the afternoon parade. district; Mrs. Louise Bonce, sixth Bid , Asked Am Smelt and R e f ...... 101 Marshal Loveland’s orders are district; Mrs. Minnie Weeder, Bank Stocks. Am Sugar ...... 78% as follows: seventh district; Mrs. Maud Shear­ A T and T ...... 210% (Contlnoed from Page 1.) 1. — Having been appointed mar­ Bankers Trust Uo . . 826 — er, eighth district; Mrs. Edith City Bank and Trust. 1800 •— Anaconda ...... 104% shal of the Memorial Day parade, Maxwell, ninth district; Mrs. A tchison...... 203% liability Insurance. He was arrest­ I hereby assume command. Cap Nat B & T ...... 475 — ed by Patrolman McGlInn. The Lawrence Case, Highland Park; to Coan R iv er...... 425 Am Gulf and W I ...... 61% 2. — Lieutenant Walter Tedford ismake bouquets for monument. Atl Ref ...... 66% officer said there were no marks on hereby appointed Chief of Staff. He First Bond ’& Mtg . . 46 — the highway to indicate that the Daughters of Union Veterans, Mrs. Htfd Conn Trust Co — 600 Bal^ and O h io ...... 119 will be obeyed and respected ac­ Beth Steel ...... 100% brakes had held. Grace Ames; Spanish War Veter­ First Mat Htfd .... — 290 cordingly. ans, Mrs. Cecil Treadwell; Ameri­ Can P a c ...... 227 In case Mrs. Peterson’s Injuries ' 3.— The following aides on the Land Mtg and Title . 45 60 should prove fatal, an additional can Legion, Mrs. Thos. Dannaber; Morris Plan Bank . . 220 — Ches and O h io ...... 212% ' ' 1 . I staff of the marshal are hereby an­ Army and Navy Club, Mrs. Grace New Brit Tr ...... 200 226 Chi Mil and St P a u l...... 31% ‘ ,1’ ^' III' charge of manslaughter may be nounced and will report to the lodged against Cavagnaro. McCtfnn; Sons of Union Veterans, Phoenix St B&T .... 650 — Chi Nown ...... 83% chief of staff in front of Cheney Mrs. Iva Ingraham; Orford Parish Park SU B an k ...... 1250 — Cons Gas ...... I l l May Be Other Chargee Hall at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, 1 Cavagnaro was represented in Chapter, D. A. R., Mrs. Lucius Fos­ Riverside Trust .... 700\ 726 Corn Prod ...... 8.9% (daylight saving time). May 30: ter. All of the foregoing are presi­ do Rts ...... 162 ' — D L and W ...... 123 court by Attorney William Shea of Harry Maidment, Cornell-DIl- Manchester. At the request of dents of their respective organi­ West Htfd Trust . . . 560 — Del and H u d ...... 188% i worth Post, American Legion. zations. Bonds. Dupont ...... ; .167% Prosecuting Attorney Charles R. Edward Quish, Army-Navy Club. Hathaway, the case was continued Flower committee: Wilbur Love­ Htfd 0t Conn West . . 96 Erie ...... 75% Arthur Keating, Spanish War land, chairman. East Conn Pow 6s . . 99 Vi 102 Gen Elec ...... 277 until Saturday morning, June 1. Veterans. Judge Raymond A. Johnson fixed Speakers committee; Charles E. Conn L P 7 s ...... 116 118 Gen Motors ...... 76% Arthur E. Loomis, Sons of Vet­ House, chairman; C. P. Quimby, Conn L P 6^&s .... 106 107 VkGoodrich ...... 79% the bond at |500 and which was erans. Gt Northern p f d ...... 105% furnished by John Cavagnaro, Alfred F. Howes. Conn L P 4Vks .... 98 100 Howard Gould, Boy Scouts. School children: John Jensen, Grid Hyd 5s ...... 102 106 Inspiration C o p ...... 42% brother of the defendant, who lives Int Harv ...... 109% In Buckingham. Pearl Martin, Girl Scouts. chairman; C. P. Quimby, A. E. insnranre Stocks. Summer Furniture- John Jensen, School Children. Loomis, C. E. House, J. J. Pentland, Int Nickel ...... 49 The prosecutor told the court Aetna Casuatly ....1825 1875 4.— Organizations participating Jere Maher. Aetna Insurance . . . 740 766 Int Tel and Tel ...... 251% that he was not yet ready to con­ in the Memorial Day parade will be Flag committee: John Jensen, Eennecott ...... 83% tinue with the case. One reason Aetna L i f e ...... 1350 1370 in line at 2:45, (daylight saving chairman. Automobile...... 660 575 Mack Truck ...... 98 % was the need to await the outcome Music committee: Michael Mc­ Marland O i l ...... 36% In All Its Glory of Mrs. Peterson’s Injuries. Attor­ time> and will report their arrival Conn. G eneral...... 2360 2425 to the chief of staff in front of Donnell. chairman; Fred Lorch, Mo Pac ...... -...... 88"% ney Hathaway said he Intended to Hartford F ire ...... 1055 1075 Cheney Brothers’ Main Office. Victor Bronkie. Htfd Steam Boiler . 830 860 N Y Central ...... 189 make further investigation into New Haven ...... 100 at Keith s The Parade Transportation committee: Lincoln Nat Life . . . 125 — the matter with the possibility of Frank Ingraham, chairman: Step­ No A m n ...... 112 % bringing the additional charge of Platoon of police. xxNational ...... 930 960 hen Beebe, Arthur Keating, George do, rts ...... 480 500 Packard ...... 140% reckless driving against Cavagnaro, Marshal and staff. Penn RR ...... 76% Uptown Showrooms or a more serious one In case of Board of Selectmen. E. Rix. Phoenix ...... 980 1000 Printing committee, George E. Travelers ...... 1980 2000 Pullman ...... 81% death. Police Commissioners. Radio .....'...... 94 % Salvation Army Band. Rix, chairman. Public Utility aiocks First In 22 Years Ushers at Cheney hall are; John' Conn Elec S v e ...... 118 122 Reading ...... 107 Questioned prior to court this Co. G. 169th Infantry, C. N. G. Sou P a c ...... 129% Howitzer Company, C. N. G, Jensen, head usher; C. P. Quimby, Conn L P 8 % ...... 118 122 morning, Cavagnaro admitted that C. E. House; Alfred Howes, and W. Conn L P 7 % ...... 117 120 Southern Ry ...... 141 ■ [VERY Home Maker will delight his brakes were not working pro­ Center Flute Band. Standard Oil N J ...... 58% Girl Scouts. W. Robertson. A dinner will be Conn L P 6>A% pf. 100 102 in visiting our Uptown Show­ perly but insisted that his speed did served to the decorating committee Conn L P 6% % efd 111 114 Standard Oil N Y ...... 40% not exceed 15 miles an hour at the Boy Scouts. Standard Oil Cal ...... 76% rooms and browsing about Salvation Army Girl Scouts. and the veterans in Cheney hall at Conn P Co (par 25) 130 134 time of the accident. He said he 1 o’clock. Hart El Lt (par 25) 131 135 Studebaker ...... 78% was on his way home from Hart­ Salvation Army Boy Scouts. Texas ...... 64% among colorful furniture that fairly Sunnyside Junior Circle, Interna­ do vtc ...... 195 135 ford where he had been on business. Greenwich W & G .. 98 101 Union Pac ...... 223% echoes with the cheerful atmosphere "That was my first accident in the tional Kings Daughters. U S Ind A lco h o l...... 158% Manchester High School Band. Htfd Gas c (par 25) 97 102 of summer. Gay reed and fiber en­ 22 years I have been driving an do pfd (par 26) . 63 70 U S R u b b er...... 53% automobile and I’ll never drive School children. U S Steel ...... 170% sembles and distinctive occasional Silk City Band. SUGAR TARIFF Htfd Gas RU W 1 . . X 9 again," he declared. S N E T C o ...... 188 194 Westinghouse ...... 157% Mrs. Peterson was still uncon­ Col. F. W. Cheney Camp No. 14, W Overland ...... 24% pieces are suggestive of how to fur­ scious this morning although mut­ Sons of Veterans. Manufacturing Stocks. nish your solarium; restful ham­ American Legion Fife and Drum Acme Wire ...... 29 32 COMPLETE ROOM OUTFITS tering a few words at times. She STARTS MIXUP 67% was said to be resting more com­ Corps. Am Hardware ...;. 65 % AND OCCASIONAL PIECES mocks and smart swaying divans for fortably. A special nurse Is in at­ World War Veterans. Amer Hosiery ...... 27 ENGLISH IS DimCULT the porch or lawn; colorful summer tendance and members of the Army and Na^y Club. American Silver . . . 26 OF TASTE AND DISTINCTION family are constantly at the bed­ Dllworth-Cornell Post, American IN CONGRESS Arrow H&H El, pfd. 106 chairs that can be folded and tucked do. com ...... 49 FOR HOME MAKERS OF 1929 side. Legion. SAY AMERICAN GIRLS away in your car for those motor When Mrs. Peterson was remov­ United Spanish' War Veterans. (Contlnned from Page 1) Automatic Refrlg . . — Blgelow-Hart pfd . . 101 trips and outings. These are but a ed to the hospital, her identity was Spirit of *76. (Continued from Page 1) Never have Home Makers been afforded so not known. It was not discovered Drake Post No. 4, G. A. R. do pfd ...... 100 few of the many choice bits of sum­ after long conferences, were unable Billings and Spencer 10 fine an opportunity to furnish their homes beau­ until Mrs. Peterson failed to come Ladies Auxiliaries. Daughter of to reach a definite course of action Veterans in automobiles. Bristol B rass...... 33 ever say words like ‘punk’ and tifully and tastefully at so moderate a cost. mer furniture on display here. Truly home to prepare supper. A tele­ for the conference. The meeting of ‘gee.’ 1 have to unlearn all these phone call to her brother’s home on Speakers and committees in auto­ do pfd ...... 108 Our special offering of complete room groups this furniture that will brighten any home Republican members, tentatively Case. Lockwood & B 500 words. And I have got to say Ridge street revealed that she had mobiles. set for tonight, was postponed until month has met the heartiest approval of our Line of March Collins Co ...... 135 ‘cawn’t’ Instead of ‘cant’ and and add new joy and comfort to the left there about quarter past four. tomorrow in an effort to work out ‘shawn’t’ instead o'’ ‘shaant,’ and patrons for this modern way of furnishing the Fearing that a mishap might have The line of march will be up Colt’s Firearms . . . 36 hot summer months. And lastly the a compromise policy. Eagle Lock ...... 60 “ larff” Instead of “laff.” home is not only more economical hut nialces befallen his mother, Glennard went Hartford Road to Main street, to Settled In Conference the Center. The Sons of Veterans Fafnir Bearing .... 110 “ You see,” observed Isabel, “ the possible far more harmonious and livable roo-nd respect him.” tirement last October. — M. H. S. Senior Male Quartet. but the plane w;as hidden by fog Young Edison came to work in The convention voted to establish Address— Rev. Robert A. Colpltts— and clouds that it was impossible a church magazine, to be called FUEL the plant here in 1913 to "learn the South Methodist Episcopal to see her without playing an anti­ “ The Connecticut Church,” with buslnes from the ground up.” He aircraft searchlight upon her. We Mowers was an engineer, a graduate of Bos­ Church, South Manchester. Rev. Chartes Biggs, of Guilford, as Any quantity, anywhere. Singing— “ The Stars and Stripes have no such lights on the island. editor, if 15,000 subscriptions are ton Tech. His starting salary was "Of course, had this been a real then $35 a week. The first assign­ Forever”— M. H. S. Senior Class obtained in advance. The tentative Specially Priced Only the Best Grades. Glee Club. enemy attack, we should have been date of the first issues was set as ment his father gave him was this: completely equipped with regard "Go out in the plant and find out Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address— September, 1929. for Charles Baranofki. to searchlights, as it was, our anti­ The pre-convention slate of mem­ Now is the time to place your Property what a disc record costs.” aircraft guns were of no value, as Later young Edison worked In Singing— “ America”— Audience. bers of the diocesan standing com­ Thurs., Fri., Sat order for your winter coal. Benediction— Rev. James Stuart we couldn’t see the raiding plane. mittee, executive council, and depu­ the shops and other departments. Figuratively speaking. New York Spring price reductions prevail As soon as the surface bo- Then he handled the personnel and Neill. ties to the synod of the first pro­ Singing— "Taps”— M. H. S. Senior City is a jumbled mass of ruinc to­ vince were carried through unani­ evolved a plan of decentralized day, for after reducing the harbor and in addition to that we can comes exposed to the weather management and centralized con­ Male Quartet. mously in the election. The conven­ Music Director— Miss E. Marion defenses to shambles, Lieut. Moon’s tion adjourned In mld-a£ternoon. $7.98 give you service. it begins to deteriorato. It is trol. Ultimately he became presi­ crew scored. a nnkber of direct dent. Dorward. At the Moniiment bits in the financial district, and not noticeable at first but if then took a pot shot or two at the These mowers have four fourteen inch knives, high The exercises at the monument POLES TO CELEBRATE allowed to go it soon will be: theatrical section around Times wheels and are regularly sold for $10.95. developg PETTING YOUTH FINED Music— Salvation Army Band. Square. The reason for this drastic price cut is to stimulate into serious damage. Prayer— Rev. Williaih P. Reidy. Thousands of theatergoers strain­ INDEPENDENCE OF 1791 ed their necks skyward as the buying at our enci of the town. It will pay you to Decoration Servicer—Drake Post No drive over to our store tonight and see these mowers IN GREENWICH COURT 4, G. A. R. bright flares dropped from the G. E. WILLIS Let us give your Commander— ^Lucius Plnney. plane above the tall buildings of the Sunday there will be obaerved in — ^remembering that we are, open every night until Gay White Way, and one "bomb” the Turn ball on North atreet what Chaplain— Charles E. Baker. nine o'clock.) landed almost in the dead center of is known to the Polish People as property a fresh coat of Greenwich, Conn,, May 22. — Adjutant— George M. Barber. We can alro furnish this mower in a 16 inch or 18 Decoration Service— Ward Cheney Broadway Just north of 48rd street. Conatitutlon Day,” or the anniver­ & SON INC. David Day, son of a wealthy New Persons with expert knowledge of sary of the signing of a declaration inch at slight adilitional cosi|;. paint—the quality kind York and Greenwich real estate op­ Camp, U. S, V, U,— Commander Nathan T. Jenney. explosives and their power were of freedom by the Polish people in Sol# Agenta for Old Compaay’g erator, was fined seventy-five dol­ May 1791, when the Poles* with Decoration Service — American unanimous in declaring that this TeL 363 Lehigh CoaL that will give you years lars and costs in Town Court here "hit” would have literally effaced King Stamialans Angnstus Ponla- today after he had pleaded not Legion.— Chaplain, Charles W. 187 North Main S t, Blanchester, Conn. 2 Bfain St. Phone 50 Hollister. the "street of streets” from the touski as their ruler, adopted their of service. guilty to a charge of assaulting earth. own eonstitntlon aocceedlng that Miss Audrey Betty Calhoun, a Singing— "Star Spangled Banner.” Impoied upon them by the partition — ^Andience and’ Bands. prominent Greenwich society 0rl. of Poland by Germany, Auatrla and Miss Calhoun appeared as wit­ Reading names of deceased com­ CRIME SURVEY. Rnsala. ness. Day refused to take tfie rades. This marked establlabment of an book flow up and tor# tba fabrio on MIJLTIGRAPHING stand in his own behalf and paid Benediction— Rev. C. T. McCann. k m (ho etablliaer daring an unauoeeap- John 1. Olson Chicago, May 22.— A eompro- independence which ended in the TO TRY his *fine. Miss Calhoun and Day, Gnn Salnte— Co. G. 169th Inf. Fir­ henilve lurvey of tba ralatlon be­ second partition in 1798. The Poles’ fui attempt to rofuel from a ground BILLING friends for a long period, quar­ ing Sqaad Taps. tween levere pnniibment and ertme thereafter never abandoned their tapnlt. Thoy bad been aloft . Painting anil reled when Day took Miss Calhoun Echo. ly flro Jiouri and .forty minutoi. ADDRESSING Decorating Contraetor* Inereaiea waa aotborized today aa straggle for freedom, which came Rooievtlt Flnld, N. T„ Mdy 22,—^ S for an automobile ride yesterday, To commemorate the service of delegatea dlAbandad al^ter a two- again to them in 1918 with the The fabric waa repairad eaally. Undaunted by tba aeeldant laat 699 Main St, So. Maaebiftir and she bad him arrested, accord­ those 'soldiers and sailors enlisted day annual meeting of'tbe Ameri­ closing of the World War. FILUNG-IN ing to the story told the court. Day from Manchester whose grave* are night wblob ended their attempt to can Crime Study Commiaaion bare. A t tba ezarolaea to be held on ) TEHAfl^T BALAHOE. forced Miss Calhoun from bis ear not in the Town of Manchester, The convention authorised Judge Sunday Polish apaakara' will b« set a new enduranee record, tlont. a»PYIK(G and she ran to his home. Day fol- there are placed aronnd the Monu­ A. C. Backua of Milwaukae, Ita present and the high lights of Pol- Henry B. Clarke, Martin Jeneen and r: Waabington, May 82,-*Treaiury I6wed her, and she telephoned the ment, flags each of which represent chairman, io appoint a eommittae lah history rteallad. ppllee. a veteran. These flags are decorat­ William Ulbrleh planned to mako l^lance May 80: $146,798,088.78. Elvira Sdialler of five to maka a complata anrray UtenogMiilitr ' "Petting parties of this type are ed as, a part of the services at the of the relation betwaan aevara pnn- another try todgy In their plane Thera's nothing quite so aura to M T DUIh Mr.. Farr flldg.* TiL to be tolerated in the Town of monqment. labmanta and erlma Incraaaea, and fuing on a frotao as window die- "Three Muikoteere." '} There art. lote of glrla who Telephoae m W , GEreenwieb," Judge James R. Mead The» Commttfeee to flniah tbhi aurvey If ft raquiraa The fliere.were foreed to land at nbrald go tk lw ig h anything fpr a dbiiared in .fining the youth., The ^OBSfl^lttMs in charge are: two or thre^ yaara. f o’eloek Igsl. when ^ -'c-j ■ S'

m MANUUISS’IKK KVENIWG UKKALU, SiUUTU MAWCHlSrrKK. CONN^ WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1W ». \v VAUIfi KOUK JL Clarke who is 91 U in the beat of the town schools which was to haTC LEGION POPPY SALE health and very happy to get back been held Tnesday afternoon, were DAILY RADIO PROGRAM ESKIMO HISTORY t ' her home In Coiambla, 'th which postponed on neeonnt of the wentb^. 1:00 7:00—Show Boat melodrama,, Leading DX Stations. toWn she has.UVed for many years. er. Wednesday, May 22. 1.00 ^’“^..ghamus O’Brien/' TO BEGIN TOMORROW She will be eared for thia sninder 'The Board of Directors of the 9:00 8:00—Orchestra, quartet. An* | Village Improvement Association “Sbamas O’Brien." a stirring hii- * nette Hanshaw, vocalist. WSB, ATLANTA—74a TOBERElUilN by Mrs. Lillian (^arke. torical play with Ireland as its set- 9:30 8:30—Charles Althoff, the Yan­ 8:30 7:30—Artists feature hour. Harvey Collins baa leased the met Friday eveniog and .matters t i u will be produced by Hank bim* kee fiddler. 9:00 8:00—WEAF programs (2 hrs.) Each Poppy Is Made by Dis> house owned by Mr. Yatee of Hart­ pertaining to this summer’s work mons and his show boat comiMUiy to 10:00 9:00—Dartmouth glee duo. 11:00 10:00—Conservatory entertalnei-s were discussed. It WAs decided that be broddeast by WOR a ^ tte Colum­ 10:80 9:80—Pianist and o*vanisL 12:45 11:45—Studio concert abled Veteran— Funds Help ford and will move bis family with­ bia stations at 8 o’clock Wednesday 11:00 10:00—Canton dance orchestra. ALASKA MOUNDS the lower end a t the Green should nisbt. "Shamus O’Brien" Is the story | 293,9—KYW, CHICAGO—1020. in a few weeks. 302.S—WBZ, NEW ^NQLANDj^M, Buy Much Needed Articles be the project for this summer. A If ymt wa ttaiaarii wfll dtoapaaart IhaS of 800 pounds sterling for his cap­ 6:00 Iloo-T alk. Thornton Fisher. represented the local society at the awbaoa, aatvaaa faaHiig %*Mi Mart pit- 6:10—Dinner dance music. 254.1— WJJD, CHICAGO—1180- origin near Point Barrow, Alaska, popples tomorrow. A committee ture, furnish a b l| ^ dramatic ^ y . 6:10 7:00 6:00—Victorian orchestra; talk. Christian Endeavor Convention pitariqa trill aaalahr aM The Foresters will explore Victor Her­ 7:00 6:00—Synagogue service with as soon as weather conditions. per­ conMsting of t,en ladies and ten held In South Windham last Satur­ CHAIN STORE ROBBED Da abta ta taka a daa^ I bert’s magic land of melody, singing Compinsky Hebrew en­ 8:30 7:30—Studio entertalnmenL veterans has been appointed to ban-1 diseomloit. and playing for their listeners several semble. 9:00 8:00—WJZ harmony tes^. mit possibly sometime in June, it day afternoon and evening. The That diaarsy. ■latpy fnHag afSae 6:30—Shlikret’k Concert orch. 9:30 8:80—^Theater presentations. die the sale and all members of seldoin-heard tunes by the grMt 7:30 12:00 11:00—Studio program: artists. was announced at the Museum here. pastor. Rev. Mr. Howell, was also Danbury, May 22.—:Bnrglar8 forc­ dinaar trill ba r^^aad by a dasba far Irlsh-American composer when they 8:00 7 •00—Orchestra, contralto, tenor each organization are requested to present and took part in the exer­ ed their way Into a chain grocery aatartatniaaaL niaatfaa trill eaaifc are presented before the microphone 8:30 7;30_Happy Wonder orchestra ; 416.4—WGN-WLIB, CHICAGO—720. Tbeu expedition it is hoped will report to either the chairlady or Yoat Umba. anaa a i^ nagara trill ^aa of the WJZ network. One of the most with saxophone, trio. 9:00 8:00—WEAF progs. (1% hrs.) cises. 9 store at Main and North street, dar­ lengat faal aald aad ga ta darp** -ba- 9:00 8:00—lanin’s ^ h e s tr a . I 10:30 9:30—Dance orchestras. throw more light on the early his­ chairman to assist In the work. Sunddy morning the Pastor, Rev. ing the night, pushed a small safe cauaa Baabaaaa’a Caa Tablata prkvaat brlUlaht programs for Wednesday 8:30—Symphony orch, team, so­ night will go oh the air over the 9:30 ' 11:15 10:15—Loute’a Hungry five. tory and culture of <■ the Eskimos. The popples which will be placed John Howell, preached from the from the front of the ''tore to the gaa fi«in lirtarfarfng kritb dM afteida- lumbia chJn at 10. This entertain­ prano, Revelers male ‘ 11:30 10:30—Dance; tenor; orchestra. The wprk will be carried on by Es­ on sale were made by disabled vet­ tiaa. Cat tba gawalwa la tba yaOaw paah- ment will present the student uartet. ! 12:00 11:00—Dream ship; dance music. subject “ What, Where and Why rear, and smashing It with a sledge aga. at may goad drag atar% PfIaa-frI. 10:30 Senschen’s orchestra with 344.6—WL8 , CHICAGO—870. kimos under the direction of Alfred erans who have been in govern­ and musical clubs of Dartmouth uni-' tenor, contralto. j Is Heaven” . 'The Christian En­ hammer, stole fifty dollars. verslty. ! 8:00 7:00—"Naughty Marletts” hits. H. Hopson, an Alaskan who has ment hospitals since that day. In deavor Society meeting Sunday eve­ The same store was entered in 11-00 10:00—Rudy Vallee’s orchestra. iI 8:30 7:30—High School chorus. 18:00 11:00—Palais d’Or orchestra. ' been selected for the task. France, when they were wounded ning was led bv Mrs. Rnby Wolff. the same manner two years ago. Always on hand at Wave lengths In meters on left of I 447.5—WMAQ-WQJ, CHICAGO—670. in action. Perhaps these heroes station title, kilocycles on the right. 1 393.6—WJZ. NEW YORK—760. 8:00 7:00—WOR programs (3 hrs.) Discovered in 1018. The annual Field Day exercises of Police have no clues. E. h MURPHY’S Times are Eastern Daylight Saving 6:00 5:00—Katherine TIft-Jones, Ne- i 11:00 10:00—Romantic program. will never again be able to take and Eastern Standard. Black face | gro, diseuse; soprano. - The first group of mounds which 6-30—Ballew’s dance orchestra. 11:25 10:25—Potpourri; dance music. will be excavated was found in their positions in the ranks of soci­ types indicates best features i 6:30 299.8—w o e . DAVENPORT—1000. 7:00 6:00—Concert orch., soprano. 1918 when 'W. B. Van Valin, a re­ ety. The money they receive for 6:30—Talk, John B. Kennedy. 9:00 8:00—WEAF progs. (3% hrs.) Leading East Stations. 7:30 12:30 11:30—Crescent musical program search- worker In Anthropology, each poppy made tends to assist 7:35 6:35—Mmc. Gainsborg,, pianist. them in the purchase of little lux­ (}^ST) (ST) ! 7:45 6:45—Washington political talk., 361.2—KOA, DENVER—830. was engaged in collecting speci­ g72.e—WP(2, ATLANTIC CITY—1100,1 8:00 7:00—Foamers orchestra with , 9:00 8:00—WEAF programs (3 hrs.) mens and conducting researches In uries and In numerous cases aids 8:00 7:00—Belllnettl’s concert prog. | tenor, comedy duo. 1 357—CMC. HAVANA—840. the neighborhood of Point Barrow some disabled veterans to keep de­ 8:46 7:4f—Popular vocal harmonies. i 8:30 7:30_tToresters male quartet. | 8:00 7:00—Military orchestra. pendents at home In the necessities 1:00 8:00—Orchestra; serenaders I 9:00 8:00—Soldiers progrsm w ith; 10:00 9:00—Cuban troubadours. for the University Museum. 10:15 9:15—Sjnnphonlc ensemble. | songs, banjoist, pianist. { 12:00 11:00—Supper dance music. of life. The veterans are paid for 8:30—Neapolitan night with ac> | It was supposed they were of 11:05 10:05—Happy Andrew’s orchestra 9:30 475.9—WOS, JEFFERSON CITY—630. natural origin until one of Van each and every poppy made and Our 22d Anniversary Sale cordionist, tenor. 283—WBAL, BALTIMORE—1060. 10:15 9:15—Saxophone, xylophone. they are purchas^ by the local 7:00 6:00—Studio dinner music. 10:00 9:0()_Voyagers musical travel­ Valin’s helpers discovered human 7:45 6:46—WJZ programs (1% hrs.) ogue wuh rr.ixcd octet. 491.5—WDAF, KANSAS CITY—610. bones protruding from one of a Legionnaires for the sale to the 9:30 8:30—Grachur glee duo, 10:30 9:30—Pnil Spilalnv’a music, 9:30 8:30—NBC programs (2 hrs.) public. 10:00 9:00—WJZ musical travologao. iiioo 10:00—Slumber music. 11:30 10:30—Sunny Jim; variety. group o f six mounds situated near offers most unusual values in 10:30 9:30—String quartet, baritone, 1 491.5—WIP, PHILADELPHIA—610. 1:45 12:45—Nlghthawk frolic. the settlement of Utklavlk, about Any and all amounts realized 11:00 10:00—Lederer’s dance orchestra 7*00 6:00—Children 3 hour, pianist. 468.5— KFI, LOS ANGELES—640. by the local post are placed In the 243.8—WN AC, BOSTON—1230. eight miles from Barrow. 7-30 6:30—Studio entertainments. 12:00 11:00—Road to romance. Excavation then revealed that welfare fund which Is used ex­ 6:46 5:45—Tar babies, twins. 8-00 7:00—Garden musical hour. 12:30 11:30—Male chorus; orchestra. clusively by welfare Officer, James 7:30 6:30—Castillo’s organ recital. 8-30 7:30—Feature entertainers. 2:00 1:00—Studio dance music. each of the mounds contained a The Seasons Favorite 8:00 7:00—WOR programs (4 hrS.) 9:00 8:00—Alphabet contralto hour. 333.1— KHJ, LOS ANGELES—900. structure resembling a house. These A. Irvine, in relieving the Immedi­ 546.1—WQR, BUFFALO—650. 10:00 9:00—Orchestra; organist. 12:00 11:00—Orchestra: vocal soloists. ate distress of some needy local 7:00 6:00—Shea’s Symphony orch. ^ .4 —WLIT, PHILADELPHIA—560. houses, varied greatly In shape 7:30 6:30—WEAF progs. (3% hrs) 1:00 12:00—Studio entertainment. and ranged In size from IR by 10 veteran. During the past year, the 11:00 10:00—Studio musical hour. 7:30 6:30—Singing cowboy; music. 2:00 1:00—Dance orchestra, demand on the fund was exceeding­ 9:00 8:00—Theater musical hour. 370.2—WCCO, MINN., ST. PAUL—810. feet to 45 by IS feet. All. were Fashions 11:30 10:80—Van Surdara’s orchestra. 11:00 10:00—Walton dance oreheatr^ ly heavy and as the work of the 333.1_WMAK, b u f f a l o - mo. 8:00 7:00—WOR programs (3 hrs.) built of driftwood, with walls from 305.9—KDKA, PITTSBURGH—980. 11:00 10:00—Swedish dance orchestra. welfare officer Is strictly confiden­ 7:00 6:00—Theater stage frolic, 6:30 6:30—Dinner dance orchestr^ two to three feet high, and ceilings 8:00 7:00—W(3Y musical program. 11:30 10:30—Romeo and JulleL tial, which It should be. It Is Im­ 7:00 6:00—Chimes, talks . 12:00 11:00—Admiral and dramatist. of logs. 8:36 7:86—Studio entertalnmenL 7:45 6:45—WJZ programs (2% hrs.) possible to publish a resume of the 9:00 8:00—WOR programs (3 hrs.) 12:30 11:30—Dance orchestra, tenor. A thick covering of sod had been Dressy 10-30 9:30—William Penn’s orchestra. 1:30 12:30—Studio organ recital. disposition of the fund. However, 1:05 10:06—Dance ordiestr^ llJsO 10:30—WJZ Slumber music. placed over the roofs and the wall^ ^^'«8t>^W Lw7 Cl NCI NN ATI—700: 246.fr—WCAE, PITTSBURGH—1!^. 461.3—WSM, NASHVILLE—650. apd the skylight which had been Dilworth Cornell Post Invites an 8:30 7:80—WJZ male quartet. 6-30 5:30—Tracy-Brown s orchestra. 8:30 7:30—Craig’s orchestra. audit of the welfare officer’s books Frocks 9:80 8:80—Orange Blossoms Artisans 9:00 8:00—W EAF programs (2 hrs.) cut Into each roof was covered with 7:00 6:00—Studio (3ospel songs, by any party who may be desig­ 10:00 9:00—Concert; perfect drcle. 7:30 6:30—Qulnby Symphony oreh. 11:00 10:00—Studio orch., contralto. seal or walrus entallb. 11:00 10:00—Night club; ensemble. 8:00 7:00—WEAF programs (8 h « .) 11:30 10:30—WEAF orchestra. nated by the town government. The For Summer afternoons 18:00 11:00—^ 0 unlqtie trios. 11:00 10:00—Tracy-Brown ■ 12:00 11:00—Minstrel men’s frolic, Remains Found. result of the sale of popples there­ 18:80 1 1 :80—Ort IF •trasL P>U”C. 260,7—WHAM, ROCHESTER—1150. 508.2—KOB, NEW MEXICO—690. 2W A—WTAM , CLEVkLANO—lOro. Within the structures were found fore Is a benefit to two classes of on rack for early choos­ 7:00 6:(MV^oncert pianist, orchestra 7:35 6:35—Violin recital. 10:30 9:30—Music: bridge; music. the remains of eighty-three per­ veterans— those boys who may pass 8:00 7:00—Bridge tournament; u list 8:00 7:00—WJZ programs (1% hrs.) 379.5-KGO, OAKLAND—790. 9:80 8:80—WEAF nroga (1% hrs.) 9:30 8:30—Studio entertalnmenL 12:30 11:30—Three boys; quintet. sons, ranging In age from Infancy the rest of their lives In the hos­ ing. 11:00 10:00—Variety hour; orgimsL 10-00 9:^0—WJZ musical travelogue. 1:30 12:30—Songs and the singer. to senility, and In no Instance could pitals and our own brothers In 10:80 9:30—On wings of song. 2:00 1:00—Trocaderans dance mualo 11:80 10:80—Two . " “ SJ' 11:00 10:00—Request organ progra^ any evidence of violent death be town. Little do we know when S99.fr-WCX.WJR, DETROI’T - 780. 379,5—WGY, SCHENECTADY—790. 270.1— WRVA, RICHMOND—1110. 8:00 7:00—Ooldkette’s orchesU^ 7:50 6:60—Amos ’n’ Andy, comedians found. and who will be the next demand 2 for $18.22 12:55 11:55—Time: weather; markeU. With few exceptions the bodies 9:00 8:00—WJZ programs (IW hra) 6:00 6:00—Markets, farm forum- 8:30 7:30—WJZ male quartet. on the fund. The sale will last un­ 10:30 9:80—Musical hits Md blta 6:30 5:30—Dinner dance music. 9:00 8:00—Old Virginia Church hour. lay on beds on the earthen floor, til Memorial day. 499.7—WTIC, HARTFORD-^. 7:00 6:00—Countess Albanl, contralto 9:30 8:30—Male quartet; variety. these beds being composed princi­ The veterans will attend the 6:80 6:30—Request trio selections. 7:30 6:30—WEAF concert orchestr^ i 11:00 10:00—Dance orch; organisL 7:80 6:80—"^ A F ProBf- 8:00 7:00—Countess Albanl, contralto i 440.9—KPO, SAN FRANCISCO—680. pally of moss and ground willow Memorial services at St. Mary’s 422.3—WOR. NEWARK—710. covered with robes of brown bear, 7:00 6:00—Rutgers University h (^ . 9:00 8:00—WEAF programs (2 hrs.) i 12:00 11:00—NBC entertalnmenL church on Sunday, May 26, and will 7:30 6:80—Reid’s orchestra, solols^ 11:00 10:00—Albany dance music. ' 2:00 1:00—Henderson’s dance band. polar bear and musk ox. The body meet in front of the church at Secondary Eaetem Stations I Secondary DX Stations. of one child was lying on two sled ,10:30 a. m. The county meeting Ensembles 606.2—WEEI. BOSTON-;^. 8- 00 7:00—Cabbies; feature program. I 344.6—WENR, CHICAGO—870. runners of a very ancient type. I will be held at Berlin at 3:00 p. m. 6:00 5:00—Big Brother club. 9- 00 8:00—In a Russian Village. | 8:15 7:16—Farmer Rusk's lecture. Besides each body, male or fe­ All Legionnaires are requested to 7:00 6:00—"Oh Boy” iprogram; music 9-30 8:30—Francine musical program ; io;00 9:00—Studio minstrel show. male, lay the Implements and pos­ attend. Plans for Memorial Day of sheer woolens and silk 7:30 0:30—WEAF concert orchMtra. lO’OO 9:00—Spanish string ensemble. I n;00 10:00—Comedy sketch; artists. 8:00 7:00—Champions .concert hour. 10-30 9:30—Informal^fun. frolic. | 12:30 11:30—Comedy dialect sketch sessions of dally life, Including will be perfected at the meeting, liioo 10:06—Cotton Club band. 1:00 12:00—Comedy sketch; vaudeville wooden drinking cups, baleen ves­ Monday. May 27. The American 9:00 8:00—WEAF programs (2 hrs.) ^W N Y C . NEW YORK-570. 1 202.6—WHT, CHICAGO—1480. Specially Priced 11:16 10:16—0. of C. O r j^ sels containing small pieces of seal Legion fife and drum corps will be 374.8—W8AI, CINCINNATI—800. 7:10 6:10—DICIcco taxophone octet. < 9:30 8:30—Vocaliets; instrumentalleta 7:30 6:80—Dinner dance music. ^ 7:80 6:80—Air college; baritone, i 10:30 9:30—Your hour league. flipper and’ blubber, and a three­ an added sittractlon at the State 8:00 7:00—WEAF programs (8 hrs.) 8:30 7:30—S.S. Leviathan Symphony ' 11:00 10:00—Ramblers entertalnmenL theater Friday night of this week. orchestra. 238—KOIL, COUNCIL BLUFFS—1260 pronged fIsh-spear. $9.22 to $24.22 11:00 10:00—Glad Sir'*! “ It was at first believed the 215.7—WHK, CLEVELAND—1390. 410.7—CFCF. MONTREAL—730. 8:00 7:00—WOR programs (8 hrs.) ' 7:00 6:00—Louis Rich’s orchestra. 8:00 7:00—Dinner concert orchestra. 11:00 10:00—Studio concerL •houses’ were part of an eskimo 8:00 7:00—WOR programs (8 hrs.) 9:00 8:00—Musical prog. (2 hrs.) 12:00 11:00—Bears entertalnmenL settlement whose Inhabitants had 11:00 10:00—Concert; Slumber music. 11:00 10:00—Venetian dance music. 374.8_KTHS, h o t SPRINGS—800. perished In their beds as a result 12:10 11:10—Variety enter^nmenL 357—CKCL. TORONTO—840. 11:00 10:00—String quartet, soprano. COLUMBIA 32S.fr—WWJ, DETROIT—MO. 10:00 9:06—Puppy Club; philosopher. 12:30 11:30—Old time fiddlers. of starvation, cold and epidemic of 7:80 6:80—WEAF programs (1 hr.) 10:45 9:45—Microphone mummers. 1:00 12:00—Studio entertalnmenL disease, or poison,. The orderly 8:80 7:80—The Detroit trio. 12:00 11:00—Orchestra, tenor, organ. 384.4-^WMC, MEMPHIS—780. 9:00 8:00—WEAF programs (8 hra) 315.6—WRC, WASHINGTON—950. manner In which the bodies had ttT. 8:00 7:00—W EAF programs (3 hrs.) 9:30 8:30—W EAF musical hour. 348.6—WABC. NEW YORK-W . 10:30 9:30—Studio concerts. been placed and the apparent A number of friends surprised j 6:80 6:S0^rchestra, entertainers. 11:00 10:00—WJZ Slumber music. grouping of the personal belong­ Mrs. Raymond Lyman at her home j ings of the dead, however, later on Friday evening, It being her | led scientists to conclude that the birthday. Games were played and j Axel R. Carlson: Wethersfield, structures were Intended for char­ Chas. M. McCann: Windsor, Prank refreshments served. Those presen l i ABTOHOBILE DRIVERS nel houses,” Dr. J, A. Mason, cura­ were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Collins. I R. Sullivan. tor of the Museum stated. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clarke, | WTIC Georgetown, Bellanda Amidio; Miss Myrtle Collins and Miss Eva PROGRAMS LOSE THEIR UCENSES Boston, Mass., Marcus Cassidy; Discovery of such a large collec­ VOUTN MMICHCSTCRfr Roxbury, Mass. Francis Kelly; tion of skeleton material under Collins. Travelers; Hartford Mamaroneck, N. Y., Edw. Miles; such conditions constituted a most Mrs. Lucy Clarke has returned to important find, but no Immediate her home on the Green after spend­ 500 m. 600 K. C. New York, N. Y., John MacClure; Week’s List of Those Who White Plains, N. Y., Geo. A. Gor- effort to carry on further research ing the winter In New Haven at the Have Been Convicted of veatt. work was made by the Museum at home of her son Will Clarke. Mrs. that time. Late last year, how­ i Program for Wednesday. Drunken Driving in State. ever, the skeletal material was ex­ - Eastern Daylight Saving Time. Now It Is announced that Chi­ amined by Dr. Alex Hrdllcks, of A list of operators whose licenses cago Is to have the tallest build­ h M. the National Museum at Washing­ to drive automobiles In Connecticut ing In the world. A city has to ton, who reached the conclusion , 6:20— Summary of program and have been suspended for one year get a little publicity some way. United Statet daily news bulle- that the bodies found resemble H E R E ' S for driving while under the Infia- those of the present Eskimo of '■ tins from Washington, D. C. ence of liquor was given out today '.6:26— Hartford Couraut news If you think man Isn’t hateful by southern Greenland and Labrador, at the State Motor Vehicle Depart­ and differ therefore from the west bulletins. nature, observe how many speed up ment as a part of the effort to re­ when you toot for gangway to pass. coast Eskimo. ETHVL g;30— Bulova correct time. duce this highway menace. The de­ "6:30—Hotel Bond Trio, Emil partment-statement advised people ‘ Helmberger, director In a pro­ to notify the department or the gram of reQuest selections. police In case they should see any AT ITS '6:55— Baseball scores. of these drivers operating motor > 7:00— SU tlon WCAC will broad­ vehicles. cast on this same frequency un­ Andover, Jos. E. Carlson. til 7:30 Pi m. Bridgeport, Freeman Cabral, Thousands of motorists are more than willing 7:30—La Touralne concert from M ake Joseph Daubert, John F. Dowling, • N. B. C. Studios, Nath niel Shil- John Falta, John W. Luddington, to pay a few t ^ t s exbra per gallon for premium kret, director. James Shanley, Arne Tarkln, Clif­ 8:00— ^MoHloll Concert from N. ford G. Twiss, Frederick Verrelle. anti-lmock*’ fuels. . ; But they have found B. C. Studios, Frank Black, con­ Collinsville, Jacob Roman; Cos Cob, ductor. Ragnar Johnson; Danbury, Ray­ Performance that premium gasolines 'vary as widely in 8:30— Happy Wonder Bakers mond O’Dell; E. Haven, Geo. A. from N. B. C. Studios. Ross; E. Norwalk, Fred Perris; >9; 00— Ingram Shavers from N. quality as r^ular gasolines . . . So they tom B. C. Studios, direction, S. C. Greenwich, Chauncey Bates, Vin­ cent Chute, Wm. Lund; Groton, Lanin. Sam Lanin, who directs the Edw. M. Carkin. to the national standard, ETHYL . . ; the only Hartford, Harry S. M. Bllven, your IngraLi Shavers, scheduled for their bi-monthly dance program Jos. Glod, Eric Holberg, Harry S. anti-knock dement that really justifies an Lane; New Britain, Rudolph J. through Station WTIC at 9 o’clock this evening, Is out for a Carlson, Walter Hutchinson or ; And when they use it once, in record. He had directed the Hutgens; New Haven, James Fon­ Ipana Troubadours for four taine, Wm. A. Jones, Edw. Saun- Yardstick! dry, Albert Bruce: Norwich, John TYDOL ETHYL, their gasoline shopping is years and has led the Ingram Shavers since they were organiz­ Snukowski; Oakville, Walter Dabrl- xlnski; Riverside, Mike Glnlse; Tide Water Oil Sales Corporation ed. He hopes these two orches­ Southington, Matusz Zajac; So. tras will have the longest run on This dashing Buick 8390 Main Street, Hartford, Conn. the air. Lanin already holds one Norwalk, John Katach; Stamford, record: he has kept a Jasi band Chas. A. Cox, Chester Lockwood, reveals clear-cut Phone Hartfbrd 2-2134 almost Intact on Broadway for Thos. McDonald, Wm. Wilson; Stratford, Albert Latzke. use VEEDOL, the motor oil used by the ^ rd more than six years, ^ h e band Unlonville, Jos. Gaura: Walling­ supremacy in per­ is Lanin’s Roseland Dknce o t- ford Julian Jaroszewskl; Water- . chestra, known to all dance- lovers of the metropolis. bury, Peter A. Plotas; Westport, 9:30— Palmolive Hour from N. B. formance ^ * Get C. Studios, Walter Haenseben, Cmtidtr At dMrtrtd director. behind the wheel priea mt w *U a t tba Us$ 10:30— Gold Strand orchestra from priea tpbam eawAarmg 4 N. B. C. Studios. vetlftfs. 11:00—Bulova correct time; Ko- and Get the facts! ^ sak Radiograms, Hartford Cour- % ant news bulletins; weather re- gmnta t t i ^ port, BUICK MOTOR COMPANY SMku . - - Siaaoie frisao / ■ ■■ ■ - - Co«p«t • • -itig sto liaso FLINT, MICHIGAN SponCtr • -liaas Pigs is pigs, and hogs have he- DMaom t i Gaatrmt M m n Ctt fa raUm SERIES lat •^m e the farmer’s best money crop. I4 SOW |tisao9 CoafrM. . .fis g s to 614SO T ® £ wwwe-MMgae Spo« Car . . frisas 8EEIBS lag I SHIRTS . f i|75 to CoupM .{tSSsto pS79 |Neckband or collar attached. SporCub .frisastol|l9SO Tbna C. ow b. Boiefc Pke- I $1.50 and up LOANS ^3 prktt m tf f Uatry______Coufm I 711 Main Street SXO to S390 _._^b«ami k trolG j^ C •T. CONVKNISNT WM. E. KRAH Expert PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Uooina 2 and 8, Capitol Buick Radio Service S^eoond Floor, State ’Theater Bldg. James BL Shearer, Manager* Pl^Ueo Jan imd fiatterics Hootb Mancbeater, Conn. Cor. Main St. and Middle T|dcM South Manchester Telephone 1-0-* R € A Tobcaaad New Sets. Open 8:80 to 5 .' Set. 8:S0 to t b f «»• I ▼m j / . ; ! h - : --•i h- ■ ■

< :^ -I y;-v‘ ' : : ■ " ' ,7 ^ ■


. -.A-l ■-t «A aoelal and political Interest aind with law. He was tried a' second somewhere in the sonthweeC* fANIANS DISPLACE altbflugli the fnll fosee of the fed­ time on a charge of misdemeanor slbly lU:M«dco.; . > eral government was thrown be­ and again freed. History has never hetn able to Brutal M urder B y Tu)o Young hind, the proeeentlon, Burr was. OPEiRA STAB pHTOjildlEb. FILMS AT THE STATE (« acoultted. Historians have credits explain satisfactorily jnst what ed'this verdict to the fact that Burr plotted to cause bis arrest Burr's charming daughter, Theo­ Loiiddn, May 22.— Mme. Tirtrar [Bair Off for the Movies Today Boys Shocks All Of Paris dosia, sat hy his side during the on the treason charge. After kill­ zlni, the famoiu opera .sl^g^, h«i ' ^ 9 o t “No’Defense” Is Coming On May 22, 1807, Aaron Burr, trial and won the sympathy of ing Alexander Hamilton in a duel been granted a legal eeparatlon S oDUKHTOW. n the most ponUhg cham ter in many. Since the case was tried in New York, he fled to the west, from her bnsbfnd, Pietro before Chief Justice Marshall, one where he enlisted some flnanclal on ground of incompatlbUity of BY MINOTT CAUNDERS i[merican history, went on trial for of the ablest* Jurists in American and military aid and is supposed temperament and interests; a Cen> The third annual Kivanii Min> Ifeason In RIcbqiond, va. history, there can be no doubt to have planned a new govern­ tral News dispatch from -fiomo Paris.— Insidious infiuences of '^tNl sbdw, which is alwayi a great ^ The case arotited unpresedent- that the verdict was in accord ment, with himself at * the bead. states today. . , ’ ! jearlr attraction In Manchester, the war and the breaking down of ^ l i be presented at the State the­ family traditions since the war are ater this evening at 8 o’clock. This blamed by psychologists and socio­ ! year’s program Is, vithout a doubt, logists here for a wave of crimes by Plumo Without children that have puzzled the the most dazzling affair that the Char^ llK^l Klwanlans have thus far pro­ police and shocked the public. Whereas in America prohibition is dded. It is marked by the ap­ New Britain pearance of over 125 local people often blamed for youthful crimes, INC. no such element enters into the life ...... dots fai the cast. Such outstanding lo­ Manchester 1580 cal organizations as the Beethoven of French children and youths. The latest crime to stir public Olastonbnry 910 , Men’s Glee club, the Boy Scout Har- Windsor .. .880 \monlca band of 30 pieces. Art Mc- indignation was the murder of an S ay and his broadcasting orchestra octogenarian, Madame Batry, by HARTFORD and the High school male quartet two mere boys, Louis Helie, aged a,re seen and heard to the best of 15, and Emile le Guen, aged 13. ' %heir ablUty. ' The latter had been living quietly T “ No Defense.” .with his family and working as an Tomorrow only, the State theater errand boy at the corner grocer’s. 'will present Warner Brothers’ lat He seemed a very normal child, j.est Vitaphone talking picture, "No played Innocent pranks on the neighbors and liked the movies. He Black and White IpDefense,’’ co-starring Monte Blue [and May McAvoy. had a little difficulty with his em­ “ No Defense” Is : thrilling and ployer and left home .with his I Colorful drama of the great North month’s pay. I Vest made more vivid and thrilling “ Learned Life” at Movies by the recording of all sound, In the market district Emile met Louis who, during a few weeks of Coats Predominate music and dialogue effects. freedom from home life, had picked up some bad habits and was living by his wits. They went to the movies together and on one occa­ n U O T A T I O N S sion while watching a crime pic­ rr-the summertime vogue! ture Emile noticed Louis sitting with his chin in his hand and fol­ lowing the picture with unusual at­ tention. He asked Louis if he wasn’t “ Britain desires not merely a enjoying the film, and the lad re­ Here are the two Juvenile murderers whose crime has stirred Paris- I partial limitation of certain classes plied : to its foundations. Photographed at the scene of the crime, they are ^ f warships, but a reduction applied “ I don’t come here to enjoy my­ Emile le Onen, 13 (left), and Louis Helie, 15. ^throughout the whole field of naval self; I come to learn about life.” 'Construction.” After a few days of swapping — Sir Austen Chamberlain, British opinions about life the boys went were looked after as though they were not normai. Everybody was restless, fearful, and many were foreign secretary. broke. Then Emile remembered were in school and they could not Madame Barry, who lived alone at run about the streets, go to movies reckless. Something of that has ‘ “ Mahan has warned that ‘Good Vaucresson and who had been kind and learn about the more sordid been transmitted to many cfilldren ...... for summer and their abnormality breaks out in i 'men in poor ships have always beat- to him as a grOcer’s boy, giving side o f life. WHITE COATS are unmistakably j en poor men in good ships.’ It’s the him cookies and showing him her Parents Mostly to Blame crime.” j iman that counts— the combination fiowers. The lads'broke into her “ Today there is no restraint. The ch ic----- without question they form the most correct en­ I of unconquerable spirit with high house at night, brutally murdered same is also true for many youug semble for formal or informal occasions! You have a choice ‘ technical skill.” her by hitting her over the head girls, but their waywardness usual­ ^-Charles Franis Adams, secretary with an iron pipe, and ransacked ly manifests itself in another direc­ MEMORIAL DAY of the very popular basket weave material or the soft, light of the navy. the house for money with the ut­ tion. The freedom unloosens sexual flannel. Each coat is remarkably well tailored and lined most calmness. They found only 12 impulses. Parents are more to MAY 30th “ I would go to Tlmbuctoo for the francs, about 50 cents. blame than the children, but society with silk. There are many styles employing smart fashion I jo y of fighting a brewer.” They were arrested the next day itself is largely to blame. Society The day devoted to the mem­ touches----- the very models that are now seen at prominent — Lady Astor, M. P. and readily confessed. They were now gives young boys and girls ory of departed dear ones. taken back to the house where they every opportunity to learn life be­ resorts and beaches. Form your ensemble for summer with fore they have reached an age to On that day will their last "Any effort to cure unemploy­ reacted the crime for the police and resting place look its best? one of these coats. Sizes 16 to 44. $16.95. ment is laudable. But it must be seemed to take pride in their meth- comprehend it and are able to ac­ cept it with sanity. .clear that we are to meet unem- pds. When the crowd outside start­ LET US DO THE WORK [Iployment in any practical way ed shouting for their death they “ Another reason for these per- [sUothing short of the federal and were visibly pleased to be drawing .verted young minds can be traced FOR YOU. to the war itself. They were con­ [.state revolving funds of several so much attention. Experienced workers that will hundred millions suggested "by “ The chief trouble with children ceived in the early days of the war when the minds of men and women leave the lot at its best. A Job President Hoover will do.” of that age since the war is the of which you can be proud. ___ the black coat is \ rii—James J. Davis, secretary of breaking down of the old French labor. tradition of apprenticing a boy in ODD TROUSERS BLACK COATS ever in mode as a an honorable trade and to a worthy Phone 341 or 2441 summer silhouette, but as a matter of course it selects a Second ' "Every vice was once a virtue employer,” said Dr. Vinchon, well- $2.00 and up Floor p&nd may become respectable again, known neurologist. “ Before the war Grading, Turfing, Seeding silken fabric for coolness.' Faille and be^galine are the fa­ just as hatred becomes respectable such lads were put to work without 711 Alexander Jarvis brics used in these coats and each is beautifully lined with In wartime.” pay, and often their parents had to 416 Center Street |i', — Dr. Will Durant. pay for their apprenticeship. They Main Street silk. New collars and fancy cuffs form tiie center of style interest. Each dressy model may be had in navy, also. Sizes 14 to 50. $24.95.

Select the speed best suited to the job!

—from the better dress shop! Q BIOwUt.MT.OW. 3-Speed Electric Cleaner Summer Ensembles

i n d o w draperies can be easily cleaned with very little suction. With the Sturtevant it is not neces­ Have Sleeveless Wsary to use the same powerful suction for draperies, as you use to clean heavy, high-pile 'rugs, for this cleaner has three speeds. With the 3-speed switch, shown enlarged at the right, it is possible to regulate the suction Dresses to fit the job you are doing. With both m cH Mothers Will Welcome This switches turned upward, the suction is low ; with one switch up and one down, the suction is medium; or with both switches down, the Extraordinary Four-Day Sale suction is powerful enough to clean the heav­ iest of fine floor coverings, v Famous (H IT E D (X SHOES See Our Window The new sum­ mer ensemUe A'ij Demonstration has a very — for children $57-50 modish, and by the way, com- f o r t a b 1 e , Time Price $64 slee V e 1 e s s dress of more or less simple $1.95 Attachments style. While the coat may be of popular We have looked all over for a sturdy, dependable shoe that finger-tip would wear most satisfactorily for boys and ^rls, and have, at last, , $5 - length or full found what we know to be the best at the price, “GILT EDGE.” . .. length. Each Summer styles in one-strap Pumps, Ties and Sports Oxfords. ensemble is neatly made, REASONS WHY THESE SUMMER STYLES SHOWN delightf u 11 y SHOES ARE FAMOUS SPORT OXFORDS styled and the' Of sturdy brown elk trimmed ace of high Two Solid Leather SoIm . or a f i Leather and Crepe Rubber with fmoked^ elk. Bavw; mrepe summer fash­ 1 solee. , . Sole. ion. All Fulljr Lined and Moat are ONE STRAP PIDdPS The materialf all Leather Lined. Of-ebiny patent leather with eat* are decidedly onte on the vamp.' Stugle strap, Have It Demonstrated in Your Home All are Stronslr “Oopdresr” style. ‘ • Stitched and guaranteed unte t e inin. . summer against ripping. sTui^Yox^isaM ; Of patent leather or brown' enlf, cd ori^ being All are made- on.^ fuU, broad for dress sad w«Ur. fhown in a Lasts fdr comfort. hbft of new SUmER san d als ^ WATKINS BROTHERS, \nc, All are built for sturdjr wear, o f bright bins, red and W oft pastel'and fhtit ffaades and adorable printe. for active play. ^ e fi^ ahiintang and Rajah $iike in leather. Very eoe| and imifbrt* , 5 4 S o u t h M a n c h e s t e r All are new wanted Sflmmer ablte i ‘ .1' • ■■''* » plain shades and new “gardm prints'' are •tries. ARin 9iMs 5 to 2 •i^own in mduy models. , WISE, sw te':;..-:.-,. I*


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‘ V ? a (;e s ix MANCHESTER EVENING B E ^ A ^ 2% 192?.

is no danger which a free country tr r IRsnriirattr ought not' to be ready to face in the open and admitted ownership OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS Health✓ and Diet Eoming Brralb of newspapers by such corpora-' Ptim.iHHkip bt /r a s t l ^ . ” ^ _ TIER - r • ' - • - W y UERALd) rUUnrUMi UUMPAMT INC This is sound logic. Let the pow­ Advice At It OIE—II StTMt. er people fight for their privileges 8oatb ICAAcbMtar. Coon. By UU..PKANB MeCX>t' By BODM nriitvci^ ) “One of the great futnre prob­ 8Up (his wing chair in I^nadMl by Hlwood 8. Bla, in the Open. That is their right. lems of labor is tbe fact tbat Oot L m i a Colonial erotoone. in Ev*ry BvMitnB Bzeapt SandAys aad But we still insist that^ the fur­ Washingtoi^ While the majority of women are its donim cover it Is only riolldaya thest of all things from their right the immediaU iittf d t AiHkee lu industry' because of> necessity, fS9.75> Ask for a sllp- HYSTERICAL ATTACKS AND lUle tuany are entering becanso they EoMrad at th« Post OlBe* at Soatb is to slip their propaganda into the now In .progriM lottthel’iivtgKi .$ov«r booklet. ManobMtar. Conn, an Snoond Clan* PARALYSIS. centers may be, thf work of Wa.i» to turn spare time into cash > MaU Mattnr. public schools masquerading as ■ ' ‘ ■ i~~ izlng the undeiDiid tnill, Workers and are willing to work for low The strangest thing about hys­ I SUUScKiKl'tUM RATBS: By Mall that most unquestioned and nn- apparently is to .iofrUaee oil wages." . atz dollars a y* r, sixty eanu a terical attacks is tbe subject’s pow­ a large scale. ^ ; This situation, the women trade montb tor sboitsr osrtoda questloningly accepted authority in er to Imitate any form of organic By oamsr. sisbtsoa eanu a weak Discussion Ot ms sKutUok 14 thS ttnionieta asserted, bad been es­ Sinaia ooplas tbraa eanu the world, the school book. - paralysis and a number of other di­ south was nppemibSt AmSig'teed- pecially bard on women workers SPlOClAi. AUVBimSlMQ REPKIti- seases. This fact frequently leads la the textile, eboe. manufacturing to a confusion of diagnosis, as a ers of the Wdmefi*s ^ d e Dress Up With SENT ATI VB. iamllton*Ba Usaar. League, who kave'JttSt wooild Up and garment indoetrles. [no, Iti Madison Avanoa New York liAlV MUDDLE physician may be misled into think­ Empiuwiaee Union Label and tit North Mloblaan Avanoa ing that a hysterical patient is suf­ their triennial eotvintlOii hetS Sod Chloaao. There is room for wide flight who decided tO m oH thStiLiiettotisl . •The league Is working on nlans fering from some serious or unus­ tor a campaign to persuade rha Maaebastar Bvanins Harald u ual disease., headquarUrs ' ttosi ChfeaglK ,tb on sala in Naw York Olty at Sobnits'a of imagination in the discovery Washingtoin Wttfr^he AimOttiioiMl' women generally to look for un­ Naws Sund Sixth Avanoa and Und While this affection is most com­ Cretonne that for ten years the governors of purpose of eetabt|alil&g a. nsfcrer i ion labels on such articles of Straat. and tind. Straat entrance of mon in women, men gre by no Orand Oantral Station and at all Connecticut have been signing means exempt. It occurs mos^ fre­ base for'their eainpatgli to imloniss Clotbing ms are made principally HoaUlns Nawe Standa southern tndiistritl wi^kSrs,. ' . Iby women. It also leeke to edu­ • • • hundreds of legislative acts after quently in individuals who can The apparrat, IdterSbt . oi thil cate tbe public generally to look (Riant ot tntaraational Nawa Sar> the time limit fixed by the consti­ trace their ancestry from tbe Latin races. This simply indicates that American FederiUba ot LaboK AS tor union labels on sho^ and during ▼lea tution. The mess into which the men's neckties. By so doing. It *'lntaraational Naws Samea nas tba nervous, high-stirung individuals voiced by PHatdSnt WUIiaiil axeloalva rtcbu to use (or .'apoblica* affairs of this state would be are most susceptible. Green, has also SStoiUshed u en f holds, women especially can do a tloa in any torin all naws dUpatehea thrown if all these hundreds of acts persons who hdd frevtf szpectefr great deal to improve the condi- oradited to or oot otbarwiaa eradiiad Hysteria has been termed a di­ to hear from the> k, Fi Of L. again. Uon of Women who work in mills In this papar (t Is also azelnsivaly were invalidated— or, rather, if sease produced by suggestion, and antitlad to osa tor rapnblieatlon all It looks as it the tederauoh alio ' and factories. Incidentally, tbe they should be competently be de­ capable of being ^ured Ly persua-. intended to kSeb dp the.fight to league voted to aupport a strike tba local or nndatad news oobllsbed Sion. Among the variety of forms barala” clared invalid— is something to rescue southern mUl workt^ trom ot 80,000 members ot the Inter­ Poll Sarrlee (Riant ot M B A Sar- which this disease may take are what they cimtend. are atroclons national Ladies' Garment 'Work­ ▼lea Mambar Audit Boraan ot Circa* think about. convulsions, and pseudo-epilepsy. It Cretonne Week latlona wage and working Obndltioas. I ers' Union which is planned tor The practice, of course, grew out may even become epidemic in na­ Hard on thp' WoiMti' IJune against three large New of the custom of the Legislature ture, as sometimes occurred daring Women mill wdrkers, jndgtng York employers’ associations WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1929 the old religious revivals when the of postponing until the last day or from stories told here, have been which have refused to recognise susceptible subject burst forth getting the worst ,ot U. Stories ot | the union. INADEQUATE BRAKES two of the session an enormous “ speaking in tongues^'' or dancing girls who were paid 18 to |10 a Mrs. Sarah Green ot Kansas U*r with the olHiig by suggestion. For example, the Cleansing Diet which I wrote about room with the cretonne cumstances to cover his hands with Notice of the hearing before the patient may complain of. digestive last month? If not, T will be glad bed spread. . "*;the blood of a victim; because, the Public Utilities Commission next disorders, and tbe doctor can to send you the entire Cleansing instant circumstances do arrange switch the symptoms by discovering Diet Course whlOh ran over a Monday on the Connecticut Com­ a heart-fluttering or an ovarian themselves in a certain way he is period ot two weeks. I am sure it Is ATHOUem pany’s petition to -be allowed to congestion. The patient will then exactly what yo|i need. NOxfilme going to kill somebody. abandon the trolley tracks from have her mind placed upon the new yon write, be sure to give your B If the driver who runs over a Manchester Green and Depot trouble and will probably forget the name and address. old. For all our days are passed victim because his brakes won’t Square to the Center is important Although this disease is looked away in thy wrath: we spend our hold has been driving his car in more as a verification of the state­ upon as being purely function,.!; it (O y a t ^ ) years as a tale that is told.— .that condition for three days, his is unfortun^ely true that many of Question: J. K. P. asks: '^Should Psalms 90:9. ments heretofore made of the pur­ one chew oysterr. Of Is thsr any guilt of bloodshed does not begin poses of the Highway Department these cases are induced to undergo operations. Perhaps the doctor was harm in swallowlilg them whole, al with the moment of the tragedy but and the Connecticut Company than mistaken in his diagnosis. Unfor­ so many people dor” My notions about life are much has been continuing during every as a subject for debate at the hear­ tunately, doctors are sometimes Answer: It U' not necessary to the same as they are about moment of the three days preced­ willing to diagnose themselves. chew oysters or any othef kind of traveling; there is a good deal Here’s an Idea for your summer cottage, Screens offer another means of brighten­ ing. So far as can be learned there protein food, ai the (totnsch jtUcas of amusement on the road, but or your home as well! A single cot, with ing. And it is as real whether he is no body of opposition here to the The cure of hysteria is not dif­ ing dark corners with fleral cretonnes, ficult if the real causes are under­ digest proteins that have hot ubeh after all, one wants to be at rest. a cotton pad, costing only 210.35, was chintz or toiles. Here we see one of thf has the bad luck to hit somebody scrapping q| the local trolley serv­ stood, and in tomorrow’s article I well masticated, and, still, Such -Southey. draped with One of the smart, new cre­ new Colonial lattice patterns used. or the good luck to escape doing ice and it would not be surprising am going to outline the principal foods will no doubt beNttOrs quick­ tonnes! so. causes and the method that I have ly digested i f they , are partially if there were not a single voice broken up by chewiuib Harry Sinclair may be a regis­ We cannot' for the life of us see found most successful In curing raised against the substitution of this disorder. tered pharmacist but the lady how the courts can so frequently buses and the elimination of the (Bosh Aher Bhaving.) next door thinks that surely Tie treat as trivial the offense of driv­ objectionable tracks from upper QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Question: Frank A. G. asks: Isn't a very efficient one. He ing a practically brakeless car just Main and East Center streets. (Sleepy, Hungry, and Fat.) “ What causes the Skin: to become hksn’t one of those drug store Question: Mrs. W. B. E. writes: because the person happens not to It is to be taken for granted, rashed and peel sttiT shaving? . am mustaches. W tkins brothers have had a serious accident before however, that the selectmen will be 64 YEARS AT SOUTH MAN(R1£STER b»?re apprehended. Nor can we represented at the hearing and that see any way of preventing irre­ care will be taken to see that the T h e Yanks Are Comiiig? sponsible and reckless people from permission to junk the trolley lines taking such chances except by in­ 1. made conditional on the provi­ flicting the maximum penalty on sion of a bus service at least equal every conviction of operating a car to all demands now met by the that is a constant and terrible meir- electric cars. ace to human life. chaperone to a wealthy lyonngstsrj POWER PROPACLLNDA GOOD BTORIES of 15. To date the job has'conslsted^ In all this fog about the owner­ We are still intrigued by the IN NEW YORK largely of showing, up tor tef at;, ship of newspapers by public utili­ idea of that Central Park Casino, fashionable hotels and going aboal.|] to expenslfe < shops, seeing that'^thesf ties (which, it is to be suspected, though it is none of our business New York. May 22.— Many soever that is— for the first time, had and we hardly expect ever to see child doesn’t run up the charge ae^-- la being avidly employed by certain fantastic Job is created in Manhat decided to bring a small rodeo count too high. .< < newspapers in an attempt to dis­ that tumbledown old structure in tan dna to tbe various jsztrava- home with them.'So, with 15 young The mother of the chil^whi^ieb>vJ credit rivals) there has been a curi­ its renovated glory. But we can’t gances of the Park avenue. Fifth companions, and 20 ponies, they ed that she didn't mind A reason—v‘| avenue and even the Riverside were coming in a private train to ous failure to realize just what the get away from a longing to be able amount of charged goods,. bqt'J drive crew of careless spenders. New York. The baffled parents that tbe girl’s biU had been monnt-^| point at issue is. The New York among those present— on the out­ One of the new and swanky Parlr wanted a westerner to keep them side— on the occasion of the open­ ing into the hundreds of la t e .' ; ’ ^ World— which nobody would ever avenue preserves maintains A rounded up. On one shopping tri^ so my;., accuse of being controlled by power ing of that resort when caviar shall “ master of bath, salts.” The fellow, friend reported, this precocious 16* i j an ex-employe of a ritzy perfnma or other utilities corporations— puts have displanted the hot dog in ite Key and door knob designers for year-old laid'in seven pairs of cost-;^* cuisine. establishment, selects the varloha. costly apartment snites make a ly shoes and 25 pairs of silk stock- ; the situation quite clearly in criti­ toUet articles for Uie frilly damsqls, It is our guess that more funny neat Uving. ings— although hier wardrobe--was] cizing Senator Norris’ rather wild most of whom were brought, np on There are dozens of places already overstocked. stories will grow out of that event proposal to withdraw postal privi­ flve-cent laundry soap, but who where relBidents insist on having GILBERT SWAN. leges from any newspaper owned and the subsequent days— until the now must have their bath salts tbefr 'door- knobs absolutely orig­ chosen b y '“ an artiste.” by a public service interest. hant ton shall finally have fled from inal. throwing mild hysterics if the jeering of the populace— than tbbra.is 4 similar .door knob on a TBLBFMONM MXCMAlfGS. “ As a matter of fact there is,” nelgbbor’e boose.' Koys are tricked were ever turned up by the south Ray Bell, the ex-cowboy of rodeo lays the World, “ no reason why show fame, picks polo ponies for ont..wlth jeweledL-settings and mono­ tip end of Manhattan in the days of New Haven, May 22.—GenMd^j public utilities should not own the rich Long Island “ poloIn s«•«*•> e t" Mb , grams.- Ono' plead and in a country which hon- porters to cover the^ incidents that, married— but this tithe, frowsyer, folk havo qt least one highrpri^ gger at Waterfr^, .1 ;.,ilrs free speech they have a right the yellows and the tabs will just the bride admltiefi tbat she vpir^er^ pnrp, they haVe to have som.sohe the ^ Danbhty- po#A' have to recAll the jackals who are red metropolitan life to tl| b frsat to takeilt tor a.walk.^'Maay o f . the ChioimieYs. eec ^ lo plead it.-The important thing la .-at Brim p<^:|iiy^f|isS^^A howling around the camp of the open spaces. And so he thrheh . bis' “ dbg sralkers" work & cohae^on lo have the public know that they knowledge of “boss flesh” to .fbod with pet Shops.hot onir tahq ire pleading such a case and that Morrow family up in Maine. acQOnnt. " • \ Fldo


League of Manchester, New ^ Brit­ ain, Southington, Meriden and Two Queens of Hartford at the Ellington Town R ockville Hall on Thursday evening. About the Carolinas 150 are expected to be present. All members are requested to meet at N the church at 8:30 for the regular *v.. y * .. v*< Harlow Street Hearing. meeting. An entertainment pro­ The Public Works committee gram will be presented and refresh­ iield a hearing in the Common ments served. Council room at 7 o’clock last evo' ning tor those Interested in the lay­ To Present Play. out of Harlow street. The pro­ The Sewing club of the First posed street' runs between Union Evangelical Lutheran church will and Grant streets and is about 350 hold a food and fancy work sale jleet in length. The layout of the this evening. Kuchen, bread, salads street was accepted. and many other good things to eat City Connell Meeting. will be on sale. At 8 o’clock a play WHITE BROADdOIH The Common Council was called entitled “ Sewing for the Heathen” 10 order at 7:30 o’clock by Mayor will be given by members of the George Forster. By unanimous vote Sewing Circle. The public is cordially invited to attend. of the council. Leroy Marker! was ' SHIRTS • j sleeted to fill the vacancy in the W. R. C. Card Party. Second ward caused by the resigna­ Burpee Women’s Relief Corps Collar attached, sofd elsewhere for $3.00 and more.^ tion of Councilman Peterson. The held a very successful card party Limited'quantity.. council adopted the layout of Har­ Monday evening. The bridge prizes low street and the Public Works were awarded to Mrs. Oscar Peter­ committee were authorized to as­ son, Mrs. Elizabeth Kingston and sess betterments or damages and Mrs. William Davis; the straight Very i^eport back at the next meeting. whist prizes were won by Miss Hat­ Sanitary sewers will be installed tie Engleman, Phyllis Lisk and Special also curbings after which the street Mrs. O. Ziegler. The next whist will be macadamized and made a will be held Jhne 10. a f permanent road. Elks to Initiate Thar day. William Schaeffer petitioned to build a house on Orchard street and There will be a meeting of Rock­ was granted a permit. ville Lodge of Elks at the Elks’ Tennstedt and Brendal and Arno Home Thursday evening when a Weber petitioned to erect electric class of candidates will be Initiated. $2.00 and $2.50 Collar Attached Fancy signs over their stores. Permits Exalted Ruler Joseph Lavitt will were granted them. be in charge of the degree work Shirts. Stiff or Soft Collars ' ' The meat inspector’s report was and will preside-at the regular ses­ read and accepted. sion prior to the initiatory uxem- City Clerk Hunt was authorized pllficatlon. $1.69 to issue permits to sell fireworks Notes. from July 1 to July 4. The opening of Crystal Lake ho­ Three for $5.00 The Finance Committee re­ tel, recently leased by Frank L. quested the council to allow them Pinney of Manchester and William to purchase the fireworks for July F. Davis of Rockville, is. being 4 celebration. planned for the near future and a Sandy Beach Attraction. • corp of workmen are thoroughly Despite the inclement weather renovating the hotel, park build­ Crystal Lake is attracting crowds ings and equipment and it is very NEW LOT OF NECKWEAR each succeeding week. Sandy Beach likely the new managers will have is more popular than ever. Tonight everything in readiness before the Handsome 8 - p c . Dining Set New patterns. Should sell for $1.50 (h 1 A A Dick Newcomb’s broadcasting and 26th, the usual date for the Sum­ Out they go a t ...... ^ X e l l i l recording orchestra make their mer Season’s opening. A modern first appearance and Saturday night gasoline station is nearing comple­ A1 Behrend’s Melody Boys of 10 tion just opposite the hotel prop­ $279i50 pieces will return for another en­ erty that will also be operated by Queens of the May are they and What a joy the bride’s dinner, parties will be, served amid gagement at the ballroom. The the new lessees. no may-be about it! Mary Johnson, the surroundings of rich walnut veneer, every piece refiecting large new addition containing of­ Russell Pinney, son of Mr. and exquisite design and excellent workmanship of Wardbllt furni­ fice, ladies’ dressing room, emer­ Mrs. Harry W. Pinney of Hale top, of Raleigh, N. C., not only was ture. (Matching Pieces Priced Separately.) gency room, check room and res­ street and a senior at the High chosen to reign ovef Salem Col­ STRAW HATS taurant at Sandy Beach will be school has accepted a clerical posi­ lege’s May Day festivities, but she completed Saturday, noon and will tion with Cheney Brothers, South also was voted the most beautiful be opened for public inspection Manchester. girl on the campus. Like, honors SHEETS— Longwear Qual-- SENNETS ...... ,.$2.00 to $450 Saturday evening. Edward Relnhold and Roger Ity; hemmed and bleached; Hospital Appointment. Tansey, High school seniors, have came the way of Mary Marvin, be­ Mrs. Mary Robinson of Manches­ entered the cost department of the low, of White Hall, S. C., when she 81x90 ...... $1*10 YEDDOS ...... $3.00 to $450 j ter has been appointed assistant Hockanum Mills company. was crowned May Queen with a gar­ superintendent of the Rockville The first division of the Ladies’ Extra long, 81x99; hemmed land of orange blossoms at Win- and bleached £1€\ city hospital to succeed Miss Betty Aid society of the Union church are throp College. Glynn who resigned recently to go holding a food sale this afternoon each ...... M ILAN S ...... $3.00 to $450 ] abroad. Mrs. Robinson began her in the office of the Rockville-Wllll- PILLOW CASES — 42x36; ■i new duties at once. She has been mantic Lighting Co. Switzerland defeated . a prohibi­ henjmed; bleached; excel­ a member of the staff of the Rock­ Mrs. Sikes Bamforth who under­ tion measure the other day. It lent quality, TOYOS ...... $2.50 to $3.50 I ville city hospital for this past two went an operation at the Baptist wouldn’t be a success anyway each ...... C i years and has been in charge of hospital in Boston, is convalescing without a coast guard. the operating room. She trained at the home of her son Arthur $257.50 LEGHORNS ...... $5.00 to $6Aa i] at the Wesson Memorial hospital in Bamforth in South Manchester. - . Springfield and is the wife of Ernest KHAKI TROUSERS F. Robinson of 452 Malth street, Manchester. Assured Charm...Comfort One trouble with politics seems $1.00 and up The bride’s home will always be a resttul, happy place fur­ To Entertain Visitors. to be that the fellow who has made C. E. HOUSE SON, INC The Luther League of the First nished so. attractively with one of these popular-priced suites. a failure of his own business feels & a,'I 711 Evangelical Lutheran church will Handsome carved wood frames; best quality fiber, felted cotton that he is well qualified to hold a and coll springs used; upholster of deey. t>eautiful veiours. entertain members of the Luther public office— and too often gets It. Main Street


CABINET ■1- i $55.95 Following Are The Lu<^ 300 Summer Dresses The bride’s best friend in LUNCHEON CLOTHS __ her kitchen—built so com­ Numbers Drawn Pastel fast colors; cotton pactly with every superior damask; hemmed, O fk 54 in. sq...... o 9 C cabinet feature. Golden On Sale While They Last oak finish. TABLE CLOTHS— Import­ ed; snowy white pure linen; Campbell’s Filling Statkn JUST THE TYPE DRESSES YOU WANT 8 designs o f 68x67% in. .. Buy two-three for the price of one! $lDown . Gasoline Range Saturday

$62.95t Up to the minute in style—more Attractive gaa. style range with N«. I - than fifty different models. brass gasoline tank. Lights with a match. Requires no generating. Has four cooking and one oven No. 2.... -596(1 burner. Every modem feature. Washable Crepe Dresses N a Q 17Q17 Mrs. J.W.MacDoweU i lU a 0 . . •. IJ JIL 114 Canfield St, Hartford Pastel Shades— ^long or'short sleeves White Enameled f Sleeveless Printed Crepe REFRIGERATOR N*. 4. ? . 3512 Dresses— $31.25 Nt.5|1234li 50'Potind Capacity Botany Flannel Sport Dresses BATH TOWELS— Fast col­ Our finest model. . . . . gleaming 792IIDaaieiLAi|tt In all the new shades^ ored borders; thread Terry white porcelain inside and ont, weave Tarklah towels; waeh trimmed with nlekel border, air ■plendidly. tight.' An lee saver. 18x86 in, ...... 0 9 C Ik 7 .?f. IDZSFnnkTalBst .oo Ib.8.Ll37(5 f M I M $1.00 $ I// '// 1.00 V///.' BREAKFAST SET Weekly I ■ I ■ Ik 8.!:.1I)IB5 Down T I C I $37.70 Best Values This Season •» IkU ..?PW iiiR6|liili Complete eet of B ehaire, table and '''! TheFintThreeNnmbenAnthe ly, •errer, flnlebed in oream and blue en­ , Winnen. ALL amel, Btronf and well made.' Will If thtsf Bumbtrs arS not dtlmed by Ssturdsy, Miy M tho Bfst thrM Bumbors clBlwod win. OUR STOCK be an addition to any borne. OF Our Oil and 'Greaiw Service gives T im LADIES’ COATS 1-2 rff Maetlon, keeps ybnr car In Al duqie Printed Linoleums Magadne brings yon m k again a satisflta i Colorfnl—artlitle In new bloek tomer. . . . effecte i. ^ Rack HEADQUARTERS N. Y. C. Small pattern, II ft. width, 14.16 RuanlBf * s t T fo o t ...... I 9 A e lf Hisd Daimv^ed CAMPBELL'S Lafff pattom, II ft width, neeo rod or loaf siooi ILBRO ir.'!*...., $1,27 laodstr. FILLING QOTHINC COMPANY iM.T8l^ MOIUGOMm WUO) M 824 to $28 Msio St, Phono 2015, South MisshsitiSf Csfis. Door to Tho Hono Bonk k T n us t Co.^ S Hours 8 to 8, Thun, u d Bst 8 to 9. / $01 MAIN STREET, ' SOUTH MANCHESTER : *- ' • ^ - . ■ 'V f ■ ,j ■ - - '

A i m m m HANCEESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, UONM,. VTEONiiiBUAY,rjfiBUAY, MAlrffl, IWfc ^ ' ...... - ...... m ■ BpOTO GBamBT DM BIiSir RAM WASHES o u r BDTH GEVKS BAtaSAlXS t o s t a m p m v i p m t t . Walsh Thinks La Barba Eddie ^ y c e Wilt Piidi prafaaatcw. GAME LAST NIGHT New York.- Hay St.— Bluff, r ^ y Mmcd warm pralM fitte kb win cheerful and big ipurtatfi Babe Donl* Btuib. nttabmlfb, mauagar. Riitb ^ tried to b.ifbieli the by bls.-inetlUMiC Elcldinf. 1 Wa Cubs and Dodgers Unable to ’ I - f!i ■ ■ II ,ji . iplrite of tbe. Aloe boye and Df tba womkk^! Will Beat Kid Chocolate Play* Athietfcs fnd Braves Against Coast seven men, Hctlme of the After Uit smaJlcr ddllif bills gst kotlt tkay M«ai Battle Tomorrow. Yankee Stadium emeh on Sun­ into ciroulaUiin aa ouy saam to ba raally Imffteli !t day, AS he gave each of them an gattlbg mora for oqr mouay. appaargaaa. • The "cellar’’ championship in thp autographed baseball In Lincoln Says WhHe Boy WOl Left o l f e r s h a ^jg A American Legion Junior Baseball 6ARSENDR0WSK1 Game to Be Staged Up mi Mt. hospital yesterday. f lH.i. , ijCJr O F A U 8 \ S League was washed out Wist eve­ T Haed His Opponent to a GOM A HOOti. ning when rain prevented the con­ Neho Groonds Tomonow test between the Cubs and the Dodgers. This made the third post­ FROM ALL SPORTS PApi OF 66 SCORES Frazzle— H ow Fighters ponement for the Dodgers and the Night at 6 (TGock. second for the Cubs. The weather has looked, on the Braves With fa­ SMITH’S GREAT FEAT Compare. vor as they have breesed through liB^ School Boy Go3ty of Eddie Boyce will probably bb on every scheduled game while the the firing line again for the Man­ Athletics face one postponment. chester club when it tacklAs the By DAVIS J. WALSH Tomorow evening at 6:30 p. m. Viohtiiig Roles by Play­ Leads Nearest Rival by Twelve »^ at the 'West Side playground, the United States Coast Guard team Stredees iR French Open; " • New York, May 22.— Pldel La league leading Atblettca who have from New London tomorrow eye- Hagen Far Behind. ing With American Legion ning at Mt. Neho grounds in a twi­ ’ Barba, former flyweight champion, yet to taste de/eat Will line up against the Braves. ThLs will br the light encounter starting promptly and Kid Chocolate, the colored latter’s golden opportunity to even Team. at 6 o’clock. Paris, May 21.— H orti^ Smith, l^ntleman, will take a practice accounts with the Athletics and . Boyce worked flve^ innings'against Joplin, Mo., star daxzled the specta­ stay in the race for first place. Arnold College last week in the Florsham Shoes For M^n Bwing at the bantamweight cham­ opening game and did not illow a tors at the Saint Cloud golf course Both teams are evenly balanced. yesterday Ijy turning ih two bril­ pionship at the New York Coliseum The contest should be close ant. in­ Chester Sendrowskl, a freshman single blow that really resembled a tonight, a practice swing being one teresting. Probable lineups: student, has b»'‘n declared inelig­ bit. One hatter was sdfe on a liant rounds of 66 each in the At $10.00 Pan of the consolations of an otherwise Athletics Brmvee ible to compete In athletics at Man­ gronnder to short and got credit for French Professlonar Golf Cham­ unfair existence. If you hit the balK 9MI a hit hut it was of the so-called pionship. uaMT.ofr. Ford, rf McHale, If chester High school for one year as Repressiit shoe value. A pair of these iheea wUl the gesture was premeditated, de­ Hickey, 2b, Smith. Dey, 2 b ■cratch variety. After breaking par by five liberate and official. If you miss, Mahoney, p Hadden, lb a penalty for playing baseball un­ Coach Massey said today, that the strokes in the first round in the give you ahimdant service and will wear to iMk welL you were practicing like a little Jolly, 3b, Hedlund, p der a., assqmed name with an out­ final selections for his team have morning. Smith almost lowered the gentleman and anyone who says Werner, c P. Smith, c side organised team. not yet been made and that he course record for the second time in NAN TAGGART HAD the afternoon round. His card stood otherwise is a knave and a scoun­ Colton, lb Dey, Kerr, ss Sendrowskl was a sub-catcher on wants all of the candidates to re­ drel. Metcalf, cf H. Smith, 3 b port for tomorrow afternoon’s at 61 when he began the 18 th hole BOSTONIANS the school nine. Hs played with but he needed live to hole out. Anyhow, the New York Boxing Vennart, If F. Brlmley, rf the Braves in the American Legion game. Commission has withheld its bene­ HIGHEST AVERAGE Lyons, ss A.' Brown, Sunday afternoon the Hlghwood His total of 132 for the two are aaother egeelient line of shoes for men* Junior League last Friday under rounds represented some of the diction, pending the developments Lithwinskl. cf the assumed name of "i^mith.” Cubs of New Haven will plav here of the evening. If the winner wins C. Smith, cf and the contest will probably be best golf ever displayed on any Legion officials said that Sendrow- course during a major tournament. as a champion should, a champion ski told them he was through with staged at Mt. Neho. 'With the Cubs $7 do “ $10,00"^ he will be and it will be so ordered Bat Martha Hadden Won playing football at Neho in the fall His two consecutive rounds of the school team, 66 are comparable to the manreloui in Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Il­ and the Manchester Club putting TWENTY-ONE CREWS However, he reported for the on stellar baseball attractions there playing of Bobby Jones in the Brit­ other Ciood Makes of Shoes linois and kindred states, to say High sohool’s next game and Coach ish Open at St. Andrews in 1937. nothing of Europe and the Domin­ More Gaines and There­ in the summer, it is hoped that the $5.60 t o $6.50 Pair Tom Kelley was at the point of in­ field will again gain its popularity. Jones at that time shot several ion of Canada. If he fails to please, FOR POUGHKEEPSIE serting him into the lineup as a rounds in the ilxtlee and eatabllsh- A New One for Men it simply will be “ no dice" and the fore Took the Title. pinch-hitter when he was warned of ed the British Open record of 286, boys will have to roll another one. REGAnA, JUNE 24 the violation. Sendrowskl was MORNING ROUND. Ten-Ronnd Route questioned and admitted bis guilt. O u t - ■ The distance is ten rounds and Although Martha Hadden won Had he gone to bat, the visiting Par .. 8 4— 36 The Friendly Five Shoe La Barba should gallop in. Rated the championship of the women’s team could have automatically Leading Batters Smith 2 4— 84 off his form of several years ago, New York, May 22.— Twenty-one claimed the game by forfeit. bowling league which Joe Farr con­ crews, a new record, have been en­ / I n - he is twice the man Chocolate ever Last year Manchester finished in Par .. 4 4— 86 can hope to be and they do say that ducted for the town title, she did tered for the Intercollegiate Row­ " $ 5 , 0 0 ^ ing Championship at Poughkeepsie a tie for first place in the league WstloBsl Lasiiaa Smith 3 4— 32 The very finest shoe made todsy that we can buy to not have as high an average for the only to forfeit several victories and ■ O. AB. R. H. PC. Fidel has Improved. If that is so. 33 games as Nan Taggart, it was on June 24, it was revealed today AFTERNOON ROUND. retail at $6. Wall street is wasting time. The its position when it was revealed Handrlok, Bklyn. 21 VI 17 32 .410 learned today. by Maxwell Stevenson, chairman of High, at. L...... as 108 20 44 .407 Out ___ 4 6 4 4 4. 2 4 3 4— 34 best investment it could offer isn't Nan’s mark for the 33 games was the board of stewards of the Inter­ that three of the members of the Frlioh, 8t. L...... 2 116 23 46 .388 In ___ .4 6 8 8 4 8 3 3 6— 33 Bostonian Sport Oxfords...... |8s5Q ' aquBl to ten dollars worth of La 96.11 against 95.26 ''tor Martha. collegiate Rowing Asioolation. A team oommltteed a similar viola­ O'Doul, Phils. ....24 96 28 37 ,886 Smith eitablisbad a twelve- i/Barba at the supposedly current tion. Frlbsrg, Phils. ...24 68 13 37 .378 Nan’s three string of 340 also new high mark was made with nine Ltsdtr s yssr sgo todsy, Orsnthsm, stroke lead over bis nearest oppon­ Other Makes o f O xfords... $6.00 andfOkSD tprlce of even money. copped the prize the last week of entries received for the star four- Pittsburgh. .412. ents, Henry Cotton and George Odds of 11 to 10 on La Barba the league at the Charter Oak al­ mile varsity event, surpassing the Amsrlosa Lesans Duncan, by his marvelous play. The have been quoted in c rtaln locali- O. AB. R H. PC. leys. This competition was open to old mark of eight. POSTPONMENT Ksmm, Ohio...... 21 116 21 47 .406 two Englishmen were tied at 144. &:|leB but even these aren't long the public. Maisacbusetti Institute of Tech­ Jsmision, CUvs, ,.28 104 17 39 .876 John Farrell, American cham­ Tiinougb, if you handicap the Choco- “ Kaiser’’ Berthold of Rockville, nology is included in the varsity Due to the rain yesterday, the Foxx, Phils...... 27 100 21 37 .870 pion, followed with 146. Gena ;i^te soldier off his last big stake tbok the high three strings for men entry foi' the first time In addition Inter-cleei treck finale at the High Oahrlngsr, Dst. ...S3 184 83 40 ,866 Sarazen and Audrey Boomer bad O L E N N E i r S Fonisos, CUvs. ...28 112 18 41 .366 ^race with Busby Graham. The with a score of 460. The same to the otiamplonihlp California ichool were put off until next Mon­ Lssdar s ytsr sgo todsy, Krsis, 8t. 146. Walter Hagen was far bshlnd ‘3keed didn’t look so hot in that prizes will be offered again tills crew, the' University of Washington day afternoon. Louis, .894. . with 149. '!i,^ne; not even lukewarm. Graham week. and the five eastern eights which ii^mply boxed his ears off and was Here are the averages of the are annual competitors in the I, R. *^inning away off by himself when girls in the championship tourua- A. regatta. Wlsoonsln is entered e fouled out in the seventh round. ment all of whom bowled 38 games: again. Columbia, Navy, Penn, Chocolate's Record Nan Taggart...... 96.11 Syracuse and Cornell are the east­ f The commission virtually was Martha Hadden ...... 96.25 ern eights, and they all have en committed before hand to the nomi­ Florence. Johnson...... 94.13 tered three crews apiece. California nation of a champion out of this Florence Mikolelt ...... 92.8 will have a varsity and a freshman whce but when it found itself with Mary Strong ...... 90.16 crew while Waihlngtou will have a winner who really had looked the Katherine Gustafson ...... 89.23 varsity and a Junior vgrilty crew. »B&rt of a loser, it got smart and did Flora Nelson ...... 88.14 Grace Hatch ...... : 87.18 ':;hothing. Tonight’s meeting prom- Ellen Johnson ...... 84.16 ses far more in the way of cham- Anna Anderson ...... 80.81 Last Night Fights plobship plausibility, for, even with anotnef goo le Graham performance, Choco­ Automobile courting has one ad­ At Cleveland: Billy Wallace, la t e 's record says that he hasn't vantage. There's no small brother Cleveland lightweight, won decision ^ lo w n a decision in this country under the seat. over Joe Glick, Brooklyn, 12. ^ n d La Barba generally is admitted be one of the best good men to :7'flght at the weight, since Pete Her- tiling added to tne K'Xnan’s time. ^ IIIf he really is that good, I don’t ISjtee’ how be can miss tonight. Cho rjeolate, as I saw him, is a boxer ^if^ithout a real straight left and ^ ^ a t kind seldom go anywhere. In ef goo things Addition, he seemed to have a f^resden chin and that kind go 7 SOUTH MRNCHCSTER CONN “;isnly one place. Graham can’t hit a ^lick; La Barba can. Yet Graham prostrated the keed in the first f% und and would have finished him of life the bell hadn't beaten him out of Be One Of The f-: They say, though, that this !• wasn’t a typical Chocolate perform­ ance; that he was down too low in ' the weights. He was invited to Lucky Five To Receive A '^pake 118 pounds tonight but de- '^clined, BO it is likely that neither ' of the principals will get inside 121. This weight ought to see RADIO CABINET FREE . Chocolate at his best. He probably will need to be. And even then, he '.pay do himself no great good. La Barba should left band him dizzy. Tomorrow? I, The following statistics show • * ' ' ■ • i . how La Barba and Chocolate com­ pare physically: To the first five customers in our Radio Department La Barba Cffiocolate tomorrow, Thursday, we will included a new cabinet with ■ i' 23 ...... t... Age ...... 22 built-in speaker with the purchase of a Model 40 Atwater 118 ...... W e ig h t______118 Kent All-Electric Radio with no advance in price. . 6 ft. 3 in. .. Height .. 5 ft. 6 in. 63 inches . . . Reach . . . 65 inches 14 1-2 ...... N e ck ...... 14 1-2 C I C A R E T T E S 2 3 ...... Chest (normal) ..... 32 36 .. Chest (expanded) . . 34 1-2 2 7 ...... W a ist...... 26 1-2 12 ...... Biseps ...... 10 10 1 - 2 ...... Forearm ...... 8 1-2 7 ...... W r is t...... 6 3-4 17 1 - 2 ...... T h ig h ...... 17 13 A*2 ...... Calf • • 13 8 ...... Ankle ...... 7 1-2

TILDEN DEFEATED WHT CAMELS ARE THE BETTER C IG A R E m Radio Cabinet Free IN DOUBLES MATCH With Model 40 Camels contmu such tobaccos and sneh Uei^m g M have never been offered in any other eigaretie^ Roland Garros St&dium, Auteuil,


thinks that bs nevsr gets a break end tbsy turasd around end said history is Miso Bditb Croso. wbo on a close decision. He's nnotbsr that it WM outside oi* low or high I has boon oboson to partnor Holoa grant nliM artist bnUbs's nsvi bad tbo fooling tbat tboy woro Wilis in tbo womoii's doeblos. Miso offsasivs, right. I baro soon thorn Judgo a Cross is 16 yoars old and good look­ Dempsey May Appear ”Ons of tbe worst moaners I ball by an oigbtb of . an ineb. ing, Hor job la is tbo oottatinf ever worked wltb was tbs into Ur­ “But thoro aro eortaln flolds bouso of a San Franeiseo sports Local ban Bhocksr. But tbs funny thing whieh romain tbo prosorvo of tho goods manufaoturor. Ibo was BBfT lEEN THlf about blm was that bs never would eomparathroly woll-to-do and ono known as protty 'hot stuff' locally say a word. He’d just walk down of tnoso is ehamplonsblp lawn ten­ until last year, urban sbo placed Dooi# losb layo At O’Brien-Ebl^ts Go toward tbo plato and glvo you a nis. Tbs Wlmblsdoa . standard third among Amorlean woman ton- on bis own Pittsbanfb Aab. Sport look and then look op at tbo stands usually demands so mueb praolleo nif players,'’ best entfloldor bo has foot THEY AIN’T TOUGH. year. HOW TONIGHTS BTVALS wltb tbe attitude—**What can a fel­ on tho boat courts tbat only -tho Tho tennis exports on tho Loo­ COMPARE PHYSICALLY Horlej Aftier Him lo Be Hon­ “Who are tbs hardest guys In low do in a ease like tbat?’ " lolsurod can attain it. Tbo appoar- don dailios baro dfseovorod that Chatter Ebbets O'Brien your Itagus to handle?’’ we asked He’s An Honest 8knil, aneo of a working girl on tho esnUr Edith Cross, wbo is over thsro with 22 ...... 23 a vstsran American Ltagus umpire Uttliks Bill Xlsm, who admits court this summer will conssqusnl- Hslen Wills, is bot stuff. Tboy Thoro is a class of poop orary Referee Weiflita, a few days ago, that bs nsTsr oallsd on# wrong, ly be something of an event. also have made tba surprising dis- aro aoabio to boar real trqi 61 inches...... 68 inches “Thsrs aren't any bard guys In thld umpire eonfossod that bo has How About Kitty MeKano? eovsry that sbo is a wolblng goll. eaaso of always boarlng a “Tbo girl who will thus make Tbo followiag ellppings from a load of Imaglaary ones. i Bttlkeler Hifb of Now Loodon reach EUwU 159, OHrien 161. our Isagus,’’ bs answered. “Tbsy mlssod a lot of balls and strlkos. will eomo bore Saturday aftoriMMm 6 ft. lOH ...... S ft. lOH are tbs nicest bunch of fellows to “Thors wars two players who al­ height work with that I srsr bars been ways mads,ms feel I wab wrong for a dual track moot with Mau> when they kicked on a called eboiter Hifb at tbo West Side start* 16 % ...... 18 TONIGHT8 CARD around. And I’vs bssn around neck some in my time. strike." he said. “They were Trls iof at 2 o’clock. Speaker and Joe Sewell, They 38 inches...... 37 inches Star Bovt '”rbtr# are some players in tbs TWO STORES-OAK AND MAIN—PARK AND MAIN STREETS. (cbest normal) Frankie O’Brien, Hartford issfus who will cry and squawk bare tbe grea^st eyes in baseball Maneboster popd flsbermeD re* 41 inches...... 39% inches that tbs doss ones always go and I don't know wblob on# eould port that tbo wator is still bifb TS. Harry Ebbets, Freeport, L. (cbest expanded) I„ 10 rounds. against them but I haven’t found call a ball bettor. and that tboy aro not rot hariof 31% inches...... 30% inches any of them to bs nasty. Thsy will “Whentver 1 called one on them anr luck to speak of. Tbo flsb aro Donble Semi-Final waist I Mickey Flablve. Hartford, say a lot of tough things at you fottinf plentr of natural bait. 22 inches...... 21% Incbes but tbs umpires know that it is TS. Tony Lnfd, Clinton, Mass., HALES SELF-SERVE thigh I and Jhnroy Pereardl, Boston, beat and that thsy don’t mssn it. Erik W. Modoan, local newspa­ 16 inches...... 14% inches Tbs worst mosDsr 1 ever worked r » , Sildolflo Dlax„ New York, FILMS per reporter, finds tbo fire-mile calf I each eight rounds. around was Ken Williams. He got runs wblcb be makes bi*dailr most 12 inches...... 13 inchess himself in tbe mood where he " Derglopad and beneficial. He bas alreadr falned biceps I Special Bent thought be couldn’t get s cloee de- Eddie Reed, Hartford, vs. Frinttd G R O CERY ten pounds, whereas bis colieafue 162 pounds ...... 166 pounds A1 Capone, Boston, six rounds. dslon. I have seen him runnlog from tbe sports department, bas ______W eight______Preliminaries to firet^base three big steps behind lost twentr-five. Marty Brombe, Hartford vs. tbe ball and although be knew he FLAMING IT PAVM TO WAIT ttii Chet Hadlowsky, Holyoke, fonr was out by two yards he would Herr Von Buelow got in bad rounds; Frankie Martin, Pitts­ sUrt yelling—‘Nol No! No!’—when of All Kinds wltb Mr. Muldoon because be field, TS. Jack Maqrice, New he got near the bag. MANCHESTER’S GREAT PUBLIC PANTRY wanted to bog Herr Scbmeling’s NATIONAL Britain, fonr rounds. “He has something to say about SAVES YOU TIME. SAVES YOU MONEY profits for blmself in tbe Milk every itrlke that is called on him Elite Studio Fund bout. It seems that Herr ■ Although the cold weather may but he bae been talking eo long tbe Von Buelow wanted all tbe cream. A t Clilwiw**— . serve to curtail the attendane some­ umpires don't give him a tumble. 0S8 Main, Opeuirs CVBS 8, PIRATES 6 Sam Moans Also. Are You Particular? Chicago „ „ what, expectations are that several Herr Sehmellng may not haOe so AB. R. H. PO. A.thousandB. fans will help inaugurate “Sam Rice is another fellow who If you are then you will get lots of gatisfaction in trading at the Self-Serve’e where many managers after the milk fund McMillan, 8b....*.< 1 * * \ ® the opening of the outdoor boxing you will find a very large variety of the flneat domestic and Imported foodstnlfe at the bout. Signor Paulino is one tough E nglish. SB ...... 6 2 0 0 4 0 C uylsr. v t ...... 4 1 1 0 0 0 ceason at the Bulkeley Stadium' in very loweit pricee. hombre at this moment. (Herr, Hornsby, 2b ...... 6 1 2 2 8 1 Hartford thla evening. Herr!) Wilson, cf ...... 4 0 0 2 0 0 The feature attraction will be the Snnbeam’s Fresh Purple Stephenson, if ...... 2 1 0 1 0 0 third meeting between two rival Fresh fihlpment Van Camp’s Manchester High's most impor­ Orlmm, lb ...... 2 0 0 13 0 0 mlddieweigbte, Frankie O’Brien, tant tennis match of the season will Gonsales. c ...... J i 1 1 ? 2 pride of Hartford and Harry Eb­ PRUNES be waged here next Wednesday af­ bets, known as tbe “blonde thun­ This Is Refrigerator TOMATO SOUP ternoon when Captain Bob Smith’s MSoT'p’.;;;:;::::;: J 5 ? S derbolt” from Freeport, L. I. Tbe No. 2^/z 2 cans 4 9 e team entertains . the strong West K ciS’.S latter bad a two pound weight ad­ 12 cans 8 9 c Hartford racquet wleMers. Man­ 83 1 *9 27 I I 1 vantage when tbe pair stepped on chester’s chances of winning tbe Pittsburgh _ tbe scales yesterday afternoon. Sunbeam’s 15o bottle league title binge on the'outcome AB. R. H. PO. A. B. Promotor Ed Hurley bas been Old Dutch of this match. Rartell, ss ...... 6 1 2 8 7 0 Week At BENSON’S L. W aner, cf...... 4 1 0 2 0 0 dickering after the personal ap­ MAYONNAISE Stroner, 8b ...... B 0 1 1 8 3 pearance of Jack Dempsey to come CLEANSER Better wear your fur-Ilned over­ Grantham. 2 b ...... , 4 1 1 B 3 0 here and to watch tbe card and to coat if you’re intending to attend Comorosky. If ...... 4 3 3 2 0 0 There are three reasons why you should select your 5%> oz. bottle 10® -P. Waner, r f ...... B 1 3 10 0 act an an honorary referee during t^ outdoor boxing bouts at tbe Sheely, lb ...... B 0 1 7 0 0 one of the bouts. It was not cer­ refrigerator here. First—We have the best box on the 3 cans 19® Hulkeley Stadium in Hartford to­ Hemsley. c ...... 4 0 2 3 1 1 tain this morning whether Dempsey Libby's night, Summer hasn’t shown much F rench, p ...... 3 0 1 0 0 0 -~ould be able to come to Hartford market, namely the Belding-Hall. Second—Because of Gold Medal and Plllsbnry’s signs of being liere for good.. Bram e, p ...... 1 0 0 tonight or not. the low prices for a high quality box. Third—Because CORNED BEEF 40 6 13 24 14 4 And, by the way, this O'Brien- Chicago ...... 200 032 01X'“ 8 we have terms to suit your pocketbook. FLOUR Ebbets scrap ought to be well Pittsburgh ...... 020 040 000—6 No. 1 2 cans 49® worth the price of admission. Tbe Runs batted In; Cuyler 2. Hornsby 24V2 lb. bag 9 9 c boys have met twice before and 2. English 2, Grantham 2, Sheely, each has won once. O’Brien won French, Comorosky. Beck; two base How They Stand hits. Stroner, Comorosky; three base 3 Door All Steel on a decision and Ebbets on a foul. hits, Cuyler; home run, Hornsby. CANNED FRUITS YESTERDAY’S RESULTS Efforts are being made by Fac­ MISCELLANEOUS It is always bandy to have a snpiily of At ClaeiBaati*— Model canned traits on hand, es[iecitilly when they' ulty Manager Edson M. Bailey to CARDS IX. REDS 1 Eastern League arrange a golf match with St. St. Louis can be obtained at such low iivlccs, AB. R. H. PO. A. B. (All games postponed, rain.) SPECIALS Thomas Seminary of Hartford to Douthlt, cf ...... 4 2 1 2 0 0 American Leagre be played over the Manchester High, 3b . 4 0 3 1 3 0 St. Louis 7, Chicago 1. Califernia Apricots Country club course tomorrow af­ Frisch, 2b 4 1 2 1 0 0 Detroit 2, Cleveland 1 (13) Quaker Puffed R ice...... 2 pkgs. 27c ternoon. Delker, 2b 0 0 0 2 0 - 0 No.2y2»2Cans ...... 49c Bottomley, lb ...... 8 2 1 12 0 0 (Other games, rain.) Selox...... Ig. pkg. 15c Snnbeam Fancy Sliced Hafey, If . 6 2 2 4 0 0 National League John Tunney, brother and dou­ • Holm, rf . 4 2 2 2 0 0 Chicago 8, Pittsburgh 6. Ivory Soap (m edium )...... 3 cakes 20c Hawaiian Pineapple, ble of Oene, is a detective in New Gelbert. ss ...SSS** 4 1 1 1 4 1 St. Louis 12, Cincinnati 1. fork. It’s a kind of a shame Gene Wilson, 0 . ...s * « s .. 6 1 2 2 1 0 Alexander, p ...... 8 1 0 0 4 0 (Other games, rain.) Brillo ...... Ig. pkg. 19c No. 2Vi c a n ...... 29c couldn’t have made good in some International League Paradise California trade, too. SB Ui 14 27 12 1 Rochester 2. Toronto 1 (11) ClncJndatt i ' Chipso...... Ig. pkg. 21c AB. R. H. PO. A. B. Buffalo 6, Montreal 3. Fruits for Salad v One of the most popular sports Swanson, cf ...... 4 0 1 3 0 0 (Others postponed, rain.) among the school children this G rits. 3b ...... 4 0 0 0 S 0 Palmolive S oap...... 3 bars 19c 3 No. 2^ Cans...... $1.00 time of the year is usually marbles, W alker, r f ...... 4 1 2 B 0 1 TOP ICER A dellcions combination of pineaiifde. but owing to the excessive Incle­ Dressen, 3b ...... 4 0 2 0 2 0 THE STANDINGS Babbit L y e ...... 2 cans 2.5c peaches, i>ears, apricots and cherries, Xo.-l ment weather, the sport has not Allen. If ...... 4 0 0 1 0 0 $69.50 Kelly, lb ...... 4 0 1 8 2 0 $16.50 Undina Pale Dry Ginger Ale and White,. can 22c. • been thriving as of yore. Ford. 88 ...... 4 0 1 4 2 0 This box has a gray lac­ Dixon, c ...... 3 0 0 5 1 0 W. L. PC. Birch...... 24 oz. bottle 23c, dozen $2.50 Rcpnblic California Jim O’Leary and Ralph Russell Luca8, ss ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Providence . ___ 18 5 .783 quered finish. It is lined Cling Peaches No. 2^2 can 21c will be the umpires at the twi­ Kolp. p ...... 1 0 0 1 I 0 Albany ...... 16 8 .667 A good sized model built with corkboard. One piece Made from pure Spring water. E rh a rd t, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hartford ...... 15 11 (Sliced or halves) light baseball game at Mt. Nebo to­ K em ner. p ...... 1 0 0 0 2 1 .677 for service. Case of hard­ seamless porcelain provi­ White Rock W ater...... dozen $2.00 morrow evening when Massey’s urdy, s ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Bridgeport . ....12 12 .600 wood in golden oak finish. Manchester club tackles the United udat, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pittsfield .-. ....10 13 .435 sion chamber. Also equip­ For Your Baby’s Sake Feed Her . Allentown ...... 9 15 .375 White enamel interior. Ice ped for installing electric States Coast Guard team of New 3S ”i 7 27 13 2 Exclusive Headquarters for London. Play will start promptly New Haven . ___ 8 15 .348 capacity 40 lbs. refrigeration. St. Louis ...... 010 700 310—12 G erlier's at 6 o'clock. Cincinnati ...... 000 001 000— 1 Springfield . ___ 7 16 .304 Runs batted In: Hafey 8. Wilson, American Ijeague BATTLE CREEK There is a possibility that the Douthlt 2, Walker, Gelbert 2, High, W. L. (Sanitarium) Strained Vegetableg Manchester team may play the rest Frisch. Delker; two base hits, Bot- Philadelphia ___ 19 8 of its games at Mt. Nebo. This tomley. Douthlt. Frisch, High; three New York . ___ 16 9 Gerber’s Specially Preparetl Strained and-' base hits. Holm; home runs, Hafey, $5.00 For Your Ready-to-Serve Vegetables for BabloSi diamond has been the scene of some W alker. St. Louis ...... 18 11 HEALTH FOODS I6ng-to-be-remembered ball games Detroit ...... 19 14 We stock an almost complete line of dia­ Cleveland .. e e e • • 1 4 16 Old Refrigerator Mothers of young children welcome these new, in the days of long ago. The Cubs betic and replacing foods, also vegetables, strained vegetable products. With absolute. ^1 football team proved that the fans Chicago ...... 12 19 meats and laxative foods. will still trek over the hill if they Washington e e e ^ 8 17 safety they meet the daily problem of baby’s ,|t| are given good attractions. > And AMERICAN Boston ..., ___8 20 Zo Health Cereal, 2 pkgs. 25c vegetable feedinifs. And they save the many .. that’s precisely what Massey in­ National League tedious hours spent In (jleaniog, cookijig, a n ^ f. tends to do. • W. L. PC. Fig and Bran, 2 pkgs. . . . . 25c straining vegetables with ordinary household . li At Dstrolti— Chicago . . . ___ 19 9 .679 equipment, Gei ber’s strained vegetables afferd. ’^ TIGERS 3. INDIANS 1 (Made from pure bran and fresh ligs.) the variety required for a balanced feeding St. Louis .. ___ 19 10 .656 Ask for the (6-4 page) Healthful Living D etroit Pittsburgh . . . . .14 12 .538 schedule—so:ip, splnrrb, carrots, peas and AB. K. H. PO. A. R Hook. A complete stock of Battle Creek prunes—a who-esome richness Oi tooth, bone Johnson. If, cf ...... 6 1 3 2 0 0 Boston ...... 14 12 .538 Foods at Oak St. Store. BOOMER’S 61 BELIEVED Stone, if ...... 8 0 1 1 0 0 Philadelphia ___ 11 13 .468 and body buili'ng vitamins. Approved and Rice, cf, rf ...... 6 0 1 3 0 0. tested by leading Domestic Science InsUiute. Gehrlnger, 2b ...... 5 0 0 5 4 1 Cincinnati ...... 11 17 .393 NEW WORLD’S RECORD Heilman, rf ...... 6 0 1 2 0 0 New York . ___ 9 16 .376 Alexander, lb ...... 4 1 0 12 4 1 Brooklyn ...... 9 18 .883 Hale’s Fjunoiis McManus, Sb .. S S e % e 4 0 3 3 3 0 (Oraqge Pekoe) PhlUlps, 0 ...... 6 0 0 4 2 1 EVENING LUXURY TEA 1 ^ 5 3 ® Sohubie, BS ...... 8 0 0 4 2 0 GAMES TODAY French Pro Clips Ten Strokes Stoner, p ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Three Door Style from Par in Sensational Richardson, ss 0 s a e e 2 0 0 2 0 2 Eastern League Our Gas Stove Dept C arroll, p ...... a s e e e S 0 0 1 4 0 Hartford at Providence (I). Playing at St. Cloud. SIgafoos, a ... e . . e e 0 0 0 0 0 0 $27.50 Fotherglll, sa ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Springfield at Pittsfield (2). Is Now Complete. Albany at New Haven. Paris, May 22.—.Vubrey Boomer, 45 2 9 39 19 6 Allentown at Bridgeport (2). Cleveland A very popular model be­ Select your stove now! HALES French professional attached to the AB. R. H. PO. A. a. American Leaime cause of its neat appear­ St. Cloud Club, today set what is Jamieson, If ...... 6 1 1 '8 0 0 Chicago at St. Louie. believed to be a new world’s record Fonseoa, lb ...... 6 0 2 18 8 0 Cleveland at Detroit. ance and size. Case of The new Quaker Bunga­ Averin, cf ...... 6 0 1 3 0 0 for tournament play, when he went J. Sewell. Sb ...... 6 0 1 2 4 1 Washington at New York. hardwood finished in golden low Range is here. Come around'the, St. Cloud .course Jn 61 P o rte r, r f ...... 6 0 1 1 0 0 Boston at Philadelphia. oak, interior of white en in and inspect this new strokes. This shattered the’ course L. Sewell, o .. e e a e e 5 0 2 4 0 0 National League MEALTM M ARKET record of 66 which young Horton Tavener, ss ...... 6 0 0 1 6 1 Philadelphia at Boston. amel. 60 lb. capacity. creation. Und, lb ...... 6 0 0 2 7 1 Smith, Joplin, Mo., prCfessional set SZUdllBi P assts s • s s t 0 0 t 4 0 Olnslnaatl at Pittsbargb. yesterday in the opening round of MM MM mmmmam the tournamenl and later duplicat­ 45 1 1x17 IS I <*SEAFOOD THAT’S SAFE” ed in the second round. D e tr o it...... 000 000 001 000 1—S A writer gives 10 reasons why C le v e la n d ...... 001 000 000 000 0—1 corn should be the national fiower Boomer shot 33 on the outgoing Runs batted In: Foneeca. Stone; two nine this morning and then stroked base hits, Fonseca, Jamieson, John­ out falls to mention Its uses as an BENSON FURNITURE CO. Buy Your Seafoods Where his way home in 28. Just one over son, Reilmann. occasional gargle. even threes for the nine holes. Gene Sarasen, former American A t St. L a a t s ^ ' t h e Home of Good Bedding. BROWNS r, CH180X 1 Manchester's Majority House# Open champion, scored a 67 this St. Louis DID YOU KNOW THAT— morning, getting 7 birdies during AB. a H. PO. A. B. Cor. Main S t and Brainard Place, Sonth Manchester the 18 holes. Blue, lb ...... 4 1 0 7 0 0 Some baseball writers are McGowan, rf . . . i .. Horton Smith, who led the field Hanusta, If .. as superstitious as the players wives Buy Theirs ______« ■ ■ T yesterday with his sensational 138 Schulte, cf .. « e s • e I . . . One New York w riter who for the first two rounds, had a 70 O 'R ourke, Sb is very fond of the Yankees this morning to give him a total of Kress, ss . eseseset Mellllo, 2b never will write the name of I Fresh Shad, lb...... 22c | | Fresh Butter Fish, 24c 202 for the three rounds. He seem Schang. o eesseosse the umpires in bli score-book ed a certain winner of the tourna­ Crowder, p ...... 4 before the game . . . He says it ment Boomer scored 146 in the two Jinxes the Yankees. . . And it is 29 7 7 27 9 1 The true lover of an eight-in-line rounds yesterday and his 61 this Chicago an unwritten rule that it is morning gave him a total of 207 AB. R. H. PO. A. B. never to be mentioned in the I Fresh Flounders, lb ....— 8c I Fresh Smelts (No. I’s) lb. 2!te for the three rounds. Metsler, If ... 8 0 0 6 0 press box when it looks like a will do well to try out \ ■ — — I ■' ■ ' >' !■ I ■ ■ • Hunneflald, lb 4 0 2 2 1 Sarasen’s 67 this morning gave Kainm, Sb ... 4 0 2 0 4 pitcher is going tor a no-hit him a total of 213 for the three Clancy, 2b ... • • * • e 4 0 1 6 1 game . . . And invariably when, rounds. Walter Hagen produeed a R eynolds, rf . s • • • • 4 1 2 1 0 a remark is made, “Seven in-, I Fresh Fillet of Hnddock lb. 18c I I Cherry Clams, qt.... ;r.>.,.2M better game than he did yesterday, Hoffman, cf .. • 0 • 0 e 8 0 2 6 0 nings and no hits off him,’’ the Clssell. ss ... 4 0 0 2 0 GARDNER EIGHT and made a three round total of Crouse, o .... 2 0 0 1 0 remark is greeted with the re­ 223. George Duncan carded a 71 A utry, 0 ...... 8 0 0 1 0 sounding smack of a single giving him 216 for the three Blankenship, p . 1 0 1 0 1 . . Some of the hitters who Price $1295 up Fresh Fillet of Cod, lb .. 20c I I Steainihig Clams, Q t.. . . .r rounds. Dugan, p /.... . 2 0 0 0 0 like their hits signal the press F. O. B* Wentwood, x . 1 0 0 0 0 box to/find out what they got 24 10 24 ~7 on a questionable plsy*. ^. . ,• S t Louis ...... 140 110 OOz—7 And Bob Veaeb used tQVralse the When a great financier an­ C hicago ...... 010 000 000—1 devil when an error Instead of nounces that the country is going to Runs batted in: Kress, Sohang, Bakery Departmenl be very prospertfui he-means that lieUllo, Manusb 4; two base bits, Mc­ a hit for him would be scored he is. Gowan; three base bite, McGowan; . . . Johnny Rlsko went to a Aaron G. Cohen, Inc. ' m home runs, Bobangr Manueb. Polack wedding the night be­ fore he fought Emmett Rpceo I ll Park street. Hartford Ring Crullers, dozen,..,.:.: 23c| |R alslrtB r9ad^...v.^^.^ BEST THROWER IN MAJORS. . . . And Rocco beat him .. I . . T d . 2-5293 ‘ About tha only time a telephone The'St Louie Cards assert that Althdugh tbe decision was sap­ • v'- . -7^ A (Hiermtor hears a ipleaimnt vifiee is C ^ k Hafey is tbe best throvfing py. TrtHiB ShVi Biot OR 4«tge. qotllildsr la the Ug leagnes. W: * It . it. m • ' j r v -

•• \ \ • • 7 - fAUiS TEN BIANCHESTER EVBNWG HERALD. SOtOT MANCOT®Pfl|C COMl!l.,' MAY. 22 ,1920. m

JfAmifAasiAi Daily Health r«'vvl 4Mtrof , Service m NKiSERVICe.INC.. 0.1929 Blots On How I t Hoop WoU *’l’m too ffinqli of a woman of fin a graphic manner. Bow many by,World Mmird A o t^ ty the workl to ezpeei, Jack to sit would have earrled. a wrlff* lA ings the way she carried on Just gling, live ’gator -down the street THIS WAS HAPPENED bermaid in the Riverside Qountry In his hotel yoom and never hare Club? because I made an innocent remark in order to Impress the City Conn? her. graduation with hon- A. Since September 5. Annie like that and so when she was call­ any fnn.” So Mrs. Jack Dempsey cll? ed to the door to sign for a tele­ SOME PEOPLE THUfO on liiree years prorloualy, NAN Crayfish recommended me for the FRESH MIL* WILL ^ i is reported to have said when ask­ Still, that’s not sneh good rea­ gram I stooped real quick and slip­ t390 ed to comment on the supposed soning. When men went to pnt. CAREOIilj has been prlrate secre­ job when she was leaving, sir—” ped the book oft the letter she' been CURE TUBERCULOflUi tary to ATTORNEY JOHN CUR­ Q. (District Attorney): Please brawl of bdr husband and some over an orange crop or egg crop or writing with her left hand-^- she’d other gen’man about some chorus what you have, they are not averse TIS MORGAN. confine yourself to answering ques­ covered it up soon as I came in— By DR. NORRia-FlSHBEIN ^ W ^e they are at work, IRIS tions. Now, Bertha, what were Editor Joamal of the Amerlcaa girl. to wearing hat bands-and carrying MORGAN, hanfi^ty, beantifnl wife and it was the funniest writing— Medical Aaaociation anJ of Hygeia, And here’s wagering that Mrs. canes and cutting op' all sorts of your hours on duty? almost lying on its back, and Jack Dempsey is only “too much of Morgan, arrives, accompanied by Nan knitted her brows. Crayfish! square,! like a kid’s Just learning the Health Magaxine clubblsb foolish didoes in order to her handsome child, little CURTIS. Among the peatanta of central of a woman of the world” to show spread their^waref.- Why was the name so familiar? to write— ” that world Just what she feels. In She peevishly demands a large She herself had written that name, • • • Europe particularly, but alao io check to finance a shopping expedi­ many other placet In the world, no respect are the Judy O’Oradys NOT EVEN A BEAD had laughed at it— oh! Of Course! Nan gasped involuntarily. Hand­ and Colonel’s ladles so akin as in tion i and leaves little Cnrtis on The head cleaning woman of that writing experts, learnedly analyz­ the anperatition perslata that the' That clothes—many or little - Nan’i hands while she goes ont to very office building was named ing the queer script In which the drinlrlng of cow’a milk fretb from shbmltting to the age-old female- have little relation to morals un­ shop. Nan bitterly resents being Crayfish! Nan had learned her name now famous blackmailing letters the udder la oot only extremely isb tradition of Jealousy. They less the fewer the wlotbes the bet­ thus treated as a nursemaid, and at Christmas time last year, had wMre indited, had not been half so healthful but has the apeclfle may scoff at it all they pleato with ter the morals,, is no new idea. her dislike of Iris trebles. written it on the envelope contain­ vivid as Annie Crayfish! property of curing conaumptlon. their minds, but it’s there Just the But Dr. William Montgomery Mc­ That evening Nan dines with ing Morgan’s Christmas gift of “Did Mrs. Fleming see you look­ The cow and the boll have been same. Govern of Northwestern Univer­ WILLIS TODD, who for the fifth money for the woman. Undoubtedly ing at the letter?’.’ Nan asked, dizzy worahipped by primitive racea for sity, recently returned from a time proposes marriage to her. Annie Crayfish, former chamber­ with Joy. thousand of years. The symbol of THE liADY AND ’GATOR fourteen months’ exploration bl When Nan Insists she cannot give maid of the Country Club, was re­ “Yes, Miss,” Annie confessed. Oslria, god of the Egyptians, was a A delegation of good ladies of the Amazon River Basin, insists up her prospects for passing the lated to old Mrs. Crayfish of the “And she slapped my face. But the hull and Isis was usually repre^ Houston, Texas, called upon the that the utterly naked native wom­ bar examinations, Willis accuses Saderson Building. next minute she was apologizing sented by the cow. In ancient City Council recently wl.b a two- en of that region had morals “far her of being in love with Morgan., Impulsively, her brown eyes and trying to-make-up to m> for Egyptian processions during the foot alligator In their arms.. They stricter than those of bebustled, After Willis leaves. Nan tries to dis­ shining. Nan called the superinten­ her hot temper, as she called it. She ,fMst of Isis, the cow was followed appealed for better drainage in long-skirted ladies of the Victorian miss his outburst as a gesture of dent of the building upon the tele­ seemed so awful sorry that I by young girls consecrated to the their section of the city, complain­ red plush era.” jealousy, but her heart tells her dif­ phone. ‘This is Miss Carroll, of couldn’t stay mad, and when she service of heaven and carrying ing that things were ' pretty bad Which might be a handy item ferently and at last she admits that John Curtis Mogan’s office, Mr. offered to send me ont to Arizona, baskets of holy cakes, round with when alllgatora gamboled about in for those who take the negative she, Nan Carroll, who has always Bennett. I very much want to see to stay with Madge—I’d told her a hole in the center, to represent their front yards. side of that very popular modern prided herself on being honorable, Mrs. Crayfish, head of the cleaning all about Madge, long before that— the function of motherhood. Among square as a man, is in love with In fact, their spokeswoman said, debate, “RtsolVed, Tbht Modern staff. Is she Is on duty now.?” why, I was Just tickled to death, the Hindus the cow is still a sacred “When we saw that alligator we Woman’s Scanty Dress Is Horllnf another woman’s husband. “Not until four o’clock. The old of course. I couldn’t let false pride anfihal associated with the idea of The thought is so intolerable she rebirth. made up our minds right then and the World to Destruction.” dames work until 10, you know,” siand in the way of going to my there that something bad to be But if they give up that/convlc- goes to the office next morning de­ Milk has always been considered termined to resign. There in the Bennett answered. sister, could I. Miss?” done about better drainage.” tlon, what will tbofr decide is tb« “Could you give me her address, “Of course not,” Nan agreed a potent food and remedy. Indeed, root of all evil? morning mail she finds a blackmail please, Mr. Bennett? It’s terribly heartily. “Listen, Annie, do you it is today generally recognized note directed to Morgon. Nan is BETTER EGGS important, really, or I shouldn’t think Grace Cox is guilty?” y that among foods, milk is perhaps And there isn’t a doubt in the It is not the position, biitlhe die tom with conflict: Shall she give A puzzled look spread over the i > r '1 ^ 4 the' most complete food available. him the note and let him learn the bother you,” Nan pleaded in her world that it will be done. Wom­ position that makes life worth liv­ sweetest voice. chambermaid’s pleasant face. “Guil­ In the middle ages consumption en have a way of going after things ing. trath about his cold wife, or shall ty— of what. Miss? Miss Cox that’s was considered to be due to witch­ she withhold it? Five minutes late, Nan, having the switchboard operator of the craft and was treated with butter left a resentful and bewildered ciut? An av. Iul nice girl, not a bit i V , made from the milk of cows fed in NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY. e’erk in charge of the front office, 6tutk-up— ” church yards. CHAPTER V was on her way to the address “Haven’t you been reading the Among British peasants today which Bennett had supplied. Mrs. papers, Ann^e?” Nan marvelled. goat’s milk is still considered to be Nan took his brief case from Crayfish had no telephone; there “Grace Cox i.s accused of having o! special virtue for tuberculosis John Curtis Morgan, rifled through was no time to be wasted on tele­ blackmailed ceveral wealthy mem­ and so strong is the empirical a sheaf of memoranda and found— grams or messenger boys. She was bers of the Country Club, Including opinion, that it le alleged that chil­ Smart Shop as she had known she would—the 7.73: 390 S03 McTeague deposition. How helpless playing a long hunch, at the risk of Mrs. Fleming herself. And the let­ 388 dren should be fed with goat’s “Always Something New” incurring Morgan’s displeasure for ters were in the funny handwriting milk because the goat does not have he was, how dependent upon her! having deserted the office, but her you’ve Just described to me, Annie! tuberculosis as often as the cow. State Theater Building, South Manchester And how happy she was to serve eyes were still shining with excite­ They’re trying to send Grace Cox The actual fact of the matter is, him. "Would his next secretary be ment when she knocked upon the to the penitentiary for writing, of course, that milk fresh from the as alert and intelligent as herself, those letters, Annie!” she empha­ cow or in any other way is not a as eager to wait upon him? door of a small frame house on the outskirts of the city. sized slowly. 400 cure for tuberculosis. It is a valu­ He loathed detail, wanted to have “I want to see Mrs. Crayfish, “But—I don’t understand,” An­ able food in tuberculosis, of course, GREAT STOCK-REDUCING his mind free for concentratibn ------^ upon the bigger aspects of the legal please,” Nan told the plump, home­ nie Crayfish protested dazedly. “I or in any other disease. ly woman who answered her knock. ain’t seen any papers from here or Because the cow not Infrequently problems which he was called upon No. 390— Prints Smart Every­ has tuberculosis, unpasteurlzed to handle. And yet Incompetence in “Mama ain’t home. Could I do hardly anywhere else since I left where. This style is designed in SALE anything for you. Miss? I’m Annie home. I’m not much hand for read­ Manchester Herald milk or milk from cows that have thosd who were responsible for de­ Crayfish—” ing and Madge— But I seen Mrs; sizes 16, 18. 20 years, .36, 38, 40 not been tested for tuberculosis is tail nmde him nervous and impa- “Annie Crayfish?” Nan 'almost Fleming writing one of them let­ and 42 inches bust measure. Size Pattern Service a menace and may actually spread Continues to Draw tient,-even ill. It took a lot of un- 36 requires 5 7-8 yards of 40-inch ' the disease. The path of safety derst^ding and patience and intel­ sang the, unmusical syllables. “Then ters, Mfss!” The full truth dawned the Crowds With Its you’re the very person I want to on the woman’s slow intellect. material with 1-4 yard of 10-Inch At our pattema art mailed therefore lies In drinking only milk ligence to work for John Curtis see. You used to work at the River­ “Don’t you understand, Annie?” contrasting. | from New York City pleat# al­ that has been certified or pasteur­ Super-Values Morgan. side Country Club as a chamber­ Nan exulted. “Mrs. Fleming bribed No. 400— Youthfully Lovely. low five dayt. ized. Under such circumstances. It “Ifrhls next secretary serves him This style is designed in sizes 16, may prevent tuberculosis by in­ as faShfully as I have done, it will maid. didn’t you. Annie? Will you you 'to leave the state, so you could A GROUP OF NEW tell me why you left your Job?” never testify against her! She’s a 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 Price 15 Ceota creasing weight, improving nutri­ be bffcause she loves him," Nan Inches bust measure. Size 36 re­ decidai, and hot Jeauousy of her Yes, Mias. I been out to Ari­ wicked woman, Annie, and they tion and building resistance against PRINTS zona, staying with my sister who may send Grace Cox to prison for quires 2 7-8 yards of 40-lnch ma­ Name the disease. prospective successor flooded her terial with 3-8 yard of 40-lnch con­ Values to $9.95 already tortured heart. was sick with T. B. She—she died a crime Mrs. Fleming committed, SPECIAL last week, and I burled her out if you don’t come with me right trasting. Site . THE ANSWER Nan followed him into his pri­ now and tell the court exactly what No. 388—It’s Smart! Tills style vate office, the anonymous letter there and came home. I Just got Here la the answer to the Letter tucked into the pocket of her home today. Me and Mama are feel­ you’ve told me! Will you, Annie? is designed in sizes 16, 18, 20 Add rest $ 5 o 9 5 ing awful bad about Madge. Miss, I*know you didn’t mean to commit years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 Inches Golf puzzle'on the comic page. blouse, the other mail, or such of it crime yourself in accepting a LONG. TONG. TONS, TOES, as required personal attention, in so I hope there ain’t going to ’oe no bust measure. Size 36 requires 3 TIES, VIES, VIEW. trouble— ■' bribe, and I know you don’t want 3-8 yards (5f 40-lnch material. NEW SUMMER her hands. ' poor little Grace Cox to suffer for Send your drder to the **Pat­ PORCH He .'lifted a warding hand, his “I’m awfully sorry about Madge,” No. 214-1—Youthful in Line. This FROCKS DRESSES black^eyes pleading with her hu- Nan said softly. “But it was aw­ a crime she didn’t do. Come. Annie! style Is"deirtgned In slzee 16, 18, 20 tern Pepu, Mandieatei Uvenina They say fears will destroy Hurry!” Herald, So. Manchester, Cohn.” germs. At any rate, they will spoil moroifcsly for Indulgence. “Haven’t fully nice you had saved up enough years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 Inches bust Washable Silks Regular time to read a single letter. Nan. money to go ‘way out there and (To Be Continued) measure. Size 36 requires 3 1-8 his bank account. You tandle all of it if you can, and stay with her until the end.” yards of 40-lnch material with 3 Prints, Georgettes $1.00 let tlfe rest ride. Nothing of life- “I didn’t have enough saved up,” yards of binding. Values to $15, now and-dfath impotrance, I suppose?” Annie Crayfish confessed. “I never No. 773—Junior One-Piece Special Nan decided irrevocably then. coulda gone if'Mrs. Fleming hadn’t Dress. This style is designed in The anonymous leaer should stay sent me. It was funny, too,” she YOUR sizes 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. Size in her pocket. She had her orders added in a burst of confidence. “I 8 requires 1 5-8 yards of 40-lnch $ 7 . 9 5 8 9 c — “No. Mr. Morgan, nrthlng of life- didn’t know she was so kindheart- material with 5-8 yard of 32-lnch ed. And I didn’t think she liked me CHILDREN Pre-lnventory Sale! and-d^ath importance, I suppose?” t.— — l*< ■ '3=— '» contrasting. special you want me to do today?” very much. One time she scolded me No. 503—Paris Model. This style “Nothing special,” Morgan an­ something fierce— ” Olive I^berts Barton ALL UNDERWEAR REDUCED! “What for, Annie?” Nan scarcely is designed in sizes 2, 4, 6, and 8 —a timely event for the swered absent-mindedly, his eyes Olc)28 bg NEA Service.Inc years. Size 4 requires 2 3-8 yards on the memoranda in his hand. dared to breathe. “Why nothing a-tall,” Annie bri­ Once upon a time, not so very of 36-lnch material with 3-8 yard selection of a hat for Memorial Day “Oh, yes! When the complete trans­ of 36-inch contrasting. cript of this Grace Cox cas^ comes dled. “I went In to clean her room long ago, there lived a little girl— —you know, lotsa the members Emb. No. 11092—Conventional from 'the court stenographer this just lived and that was about all, Motifs. Pattern contains one of 10 morn^g. I’d like to have you read keep rooms there and stay week­ for she had had pneumonia and for Regular $4.95 through it carefully. I can depend ends—and I seen her a-writing at days she had hung between life and 1-4 by 16 Inches, two of 7 3-4 by upon 'you to see light where ap­ her desk, and I said, ‘I never no death as little pneumonia patients 10 inches, four of 2 by 2 1-2 Inches parently all is dark. I’m pretty sure, tlced before you was lefthanded, do sometimes, and her parents were (blue). of mailing Brainerd look like a fool Mrs. Fleming,’ and I thought she’d Just about distracted. before the day is over, but I’m not take my head off. And—funny She recovered, but for weeks care, the light gradually came taking any chances. That's a slip­ thing! —she wasn't left-handed she went about pale and wan and back to her eyes and the warm $ 3 . 8 8 pery crowd. I’ll phone during the Miss!.I took pains to notice aft^r that.” - weak with no animation and no color'to her cheeks. -The thin morning if-1 have an opportunity, appetite, tiring easily and show­ little calvefc began to be lets pa­ and will come back here when court “Of course,” Nan said casually, to keep fom frightening her wit­ ing no sign, as the days went on, thetically like broomsticks, and recesses for lunch.’’ of . ever again being the happy the transparent fingers sought “I’ll order a nice lunch sent up ness. “you never happened to no­ tice what It was that Mrs., Fleming healthy little person she had been more eagerly for things- to do. from the Bellaire Grill, and you Then what happened? The very MIIK was writing with her left hand before; can eat it while you go over your Nature gets into a ticklish mood thing her mother feared. She be­ Regular $3.95 notes,’’ Nan planned cheerfully. that day, did you? Just as a matter of curiosity, such as anyone would that way sometimes—all we can gan to worry about school. Her have felt?” she suggested subtly, do Is to wait. lessons! Six whole weeks lost! Of course she had had no oppor­ Hdr class getting . ready for ex­ tunity to resign, she scolded her “Well, yes. Miss, I did,” Annie So her parents wisely, waited, Crayfish flushed.'“It hurt my feel­ and In return for their patient aminations. She .would be left be­ conscience, when Morgan had d^ hind." Couldn’t her 'Schoolmates parted for court, “Besides,” she re­ bring , hdjj Jiaokar' Jionio? ^ Couldn’t $2-88 minded herself. “I’ve decided to write him a note of resignation, but the teacher send her lessons so I’m certainly not going to bother ^ e could do them each night? him with it until this case is set­ A Doctor Co(;isiiltf»d tled. It ought to go to the Jury by 7 OAfter another week of worry Friday night, and Saturday morn­ .iadd. "putting her off, then her ing will be time enough. Maybe If mother;spoke to the doctor about, he finds out I held out this anony­ it... *•>. Regular $2.9U mous letter he’ll fire me and save ■‘‘Absolutely not! Her eye mus­ me the trouble of resigning,” cles: are still weak and'she’ll have She tried to forget the blackmail­ id' forget all apO^ ^ sohool this ing letter, with Its unspeakable in­ ’torm.” He told -to' the little sinuation against Iris Morgan, but ■girl herself in ^.kinidly a way as $ ^Betum eii'M eak Niw her mind tugged and worried at he could and widavVecy sensi­ 1-88 the thing, while her heart followed ble and brave alip^i^t. r o w i n g children are naturally John Curtis Morgan to the court- But in a few‘days the worry hungry. Between meals they re­ . house. ,oame back. Sbe' -;tymuld be pub Gquire som et^g to tide over that empty Evans, the middle-aged, sour­ hack in September-::—be in a clasi- X mouthed clerk, arrived just as Mor­ of'strange children younger than feeling. gan was leaving, and Blake, the she was! She lay awake nights PLENTY OF LARGE HEAD Milk is the ideal between-meals meal- young lawyer on salary, raced in thinking about it, ahd again her. SIZES IN EVERY GROUP. —bread well spread with butter and and out again in time to catch his mother went to the dbrtor. “She’ll plenty of milk to drink. chief at the elevator. i\ be sick again if,, she’kMps on fret­ Easily served and easily digested, If only she could go with him, ting,” she told him,' ‘^‘Ton’ll have All New and Smart Smnmer Models in could be there to ward off evil— to take her away,” ^ d the doc­ STRAWS, HAIRS A ^ FELTS Ndiilg is the wholesome, strengthening If she, not that silly Blake, sat at tor. “She needs a change of air. food for c^dren. his elbow, she could sense a trap before it was sprung, warn him, She really should be out nearly D rinlG T h € M O k W a y save him the ghastly humiliation all day now.” But that was im­ EXTRA! SPECIAL!! which, if the anonymous letter- possible— to take her away. They Milk. Is ths Hsoitfi writer was to be believed, awaited bad little money. Millt helps your children build up re- - Then she got up her courage to For your convenience we have arranged a self-service him at the courthouse today. He table of 108 Hats. mstance to the ailments and dangers of had told her often enough that he ask, “By July will she be able to s^ool dajrt. Milk protects them by . counted on her intuition— take a six weeks’ special course to


of Kwangsi troops, an offloial oom- And Eventually We Trust Congrress^Will Get Around to CONFLICTING H ^ R T S mnnlque tasned by the Cantonese UNDERWEAR 7 KJWANIS M IN S m I CHENEYS ESTABUSH Relieving "City Farmers’* a Bit! government states that the attack- Athktie style, ehort ilem i, OVER FALL OF CANTON ing toroea have been "ntterly rout­ ankle‘length, fancy aherta and ed," and driven back across the riv­ S H O W O N T O N IG H T ^ departments er with heavy losses of men and athletic ahlrte.... am am Wa! materials,- according to the Lon­ Hongkong. May 88,->Kwanisi don Times today. 711 Main Street (Continaed from Page 1) troops have sarroundsd thw city of Canton, but have not attempted to take possession due to shortage of Annaal Presentation for the road to broader developments ammnnitlon. it was learned today. through increasing emphasis uppn Meanwhile the Kwangtung forces the presentation and promotion of PROMPT are utilising the d vil police and OOURTBOUB Benefit of Kiddies Camp silk goods as dresses. These men CONFIDENTUL PLEASANT are exercising every ingenuity In students in an effort to withstand LOANS the inevitable attack. finding ways to facilitate tho trans­ IDEAL PLAN to Be Held at State. lation from fabric to costume on The Kwangtungltes are hopeless­ the part of the customer. In this ly outnumbered, however, there be­ BNDOK8BHB development we feel that Cheney ing twenty Kwangsi regiments out­ BIOKIGAUB OF FURNITURE Everything Is in readiness for Brothers must take an Important JUST OlCMMS side the city. BMBAUKAHSING [NVBH’nGATIONS nsH wo«MSi INVESTIGATION CHARGE — BONUS the presentation of the third an­ role, due to the emphasis which is placed here upon dress style as the London. May 22.— Although re­ NOK PINES nual Kiwanis Minstrel Show this single objective In the creation and ADVANCE REDUCTIONS afternoon and evening. The evening ports from China Indicate that Can­ promotion of fabrics. Ralph Aber­ ton is likely to fall Into the hands Your slgnatara is oor only reqalrement. performance starts promptly at 8 crombie has a very wide field to o’clock and the first to arrive get four reputation Is oor secorlty. cover In expanding-our dlstrlbv.tlon Easy iiayments: S3 to $5 monthly principal payment repays the best seats. and service over the whole country HUCHBORS As nearly everyone knows the CMICMM5 $10 to $75. In this new development, and I Larger loans can be easily arranged on yonr own security money raised by this entertainment know of no one better suited to un and repaid In the same proportion. effort goes towards defraying the dertake this progressive effort. expenses of a two weeks’ vacation “ Ben Mann, sales manager of the “ Interest at the Lawful Rate Under tbe Small Loan Act" for Manchester’s under privileged new cutters department, faces a children at Camp Hebron. The distinctly different problem. The more seats filled at the minstrel, rapid development of the American Ideal Financing Association, Inc. the'finer and more enjoyable will manufacturing trades during the 088 MAIN STREET, ROOM 408 -.TOO BUMS American Indnstrial Rnilding be the vacation of the children. recent years has surely been one of BOMB W the most striking phenomena in seiMomwxM P. W. Hawklnson, Mgr. HARTFORD, CONN. Phone 2-8858 the American industry. An extra­ Information withont obligation ordinary concentration In New York city is now being supplemented by the growth of other important cen­ ters, notably Chicago, St. Louis, Homes Los Angeles and others. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimniiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiKiniiiiiinniiHiiiiiiiini^ “ This problem dem and a pro­ Cost More Now E 5 found understanding of the needs of the manufacturers on two mat­ Primitive man worried little ters In particular— style and ser­ over the cost of keeping up vice. Mr. Mann has had twelve his home. years of active association with this I Announcement! | trade with Haas Brothers, Fabrics The head of the modern Corporation, during recent years as family has more of a problem. sales manager and most recently T o help him solve it, he carries with the added position of stylist. OUR PLUMBING DEPARTMENT | We feel that his unusual intimacy insurance— all he can afford. with the whole subject of style so Life insurance, arranged with WILL BE IN CHARGE OP | essential to the handling of a high­ reference to the income it may ly styled line such as our own, makes Mr. Mann an exceedingly im­ replace, will maintain his com­ portant selection for this most im­ fortable home for his family portant post. We are confident of in event of his disability or the great advancement in the co­ DO YOU KNOW "'HAT— death. For plan and cost, call William Sadrozinski | ordinating of styling and distribu­ PARENTS UNDERSTOOD tion which we shall be able to of­ COVENTRY Men who work all day and part fer the manufacturing trades under of the night seldom do'good work Connecticut General A Competent, First Class Workman | Mr. Man's direction." THIS BABY’S LANGUAGE during the day or night. Life Insurance Company ♦ Arthur A. Knofia Monday Night. Neighbor's Night was held at Andover Grange, sev­ You needn’t be a fundamentalist who has been in the plumbing business for many yeai’S 5 to believe an ass talked In Bible FAYETTE H CLARKE Arthur Knofia, president of the j eral of Coventry’s Grangers attend­ and who has had experience on all types of work. 5 Kiwanis Club, will speak a few ing. Coventry furn’ ^l-ed part of “ We thought we were going times, not if Vou have a radio. lose our baby, teething," says r INSURANCE words on behalf of the club, though BOOSTING BANK RATES the program. Life must be pretty dull in those Thomas Madden, Samantha Kentucky mother. “ He couldn’t di­ what he will say is left altogether families where the husband and He is well known in town and has worked for the for- | O'Brien, George Myers, Charles gest anything and was getting thin­ Depot Square, Manchester to himself. The program has been TO CURB SPECULATION wife agr^e on everything. mer firm of Ferris Brothers, well known plumbing and s published before but for the bene­ Scott and Mrs. O’Brien motored up ner every day. After one of bis fret­ fit of those who did not read it a from New York Saturday. Thomas ful, crying nights, I thought of heating contractors and has also worked for me 9 years 5 Madden, Samatha O’Brien and Castorla and got some. A few drops few of the high spots are present­ ago on the Cheney housing job. 5 ed: Clarence P. Quimby as inter­ Washington, May 22 — Stock George Myers returned to New made him comfortable, and after a Market speculators were today fac­ York Monday while Charles locutor (his fame is proved by past few doses, be seemed like a differ­ ed with the prospect of the highest Scott and Mrs. O’Brien are staying performances); Jack Sanson, as ent baby.” Doctors everywhere rec­ In the past seven years he has worked on some of the | Federal Reserve discount rates in Coventry for a while. NATIONAL SILVER WEEK director of McKay’s orchestra. ommend purely-vegetable, harm­ since the defiation period. Tues(^y evening the Bolton and largest jobs in Hartford. S Jack’s popularity speaks for itself; less Fletcher’s Castorla for colds, The Reserve Board met to con­ Coventry singing school met at constipation, colic and other ills of IN SOUTH MANCHESTER A1 Grezel, Bill Dillon, Elmer sider the recommendation of the Coventry under the instructions of Thienes, Harlie Willis, Charles babies and cbiidren, and millions In view of Mr. Sadrozinski’s wide exper- | federal advisory council, that banks Mrs. Thomas Wells. of mothers know its gentle influ­ Huber and Charlie Milikowskl as Wednesday the Ladles Fragment making applications should be per­ ence is best. Avoid imitations. The end men, the life of the show; sing­ mitted to boost their rates from 5 Society met at the chapel. Mrs. L. ience and ability we solicit your plumbing | Fletcher signature is the mark of ing galore by the end men, Miss to 6 per cent. Clarke being the hostess. rlyne Moriarty, the chorus, the Since the Reserve Board made genuine Castorla. Gifts Of Solid Silver and heating work including new work and | school Male Quartet, the the resolution of the council public, Pjethoven Glee Club and Miss it Is regarded as a warning to spec­ jobbing. I ' live Nyman: dancing, by Miss ulators to be on the lookout for inKUfonvc NiNuns Gertrude Gerard and Billy Gess; higher rates. Last month the toFOWY THEATRES^ THE SCREENS For The Bride sketches, jokes and surprise acts council made a similar recommend­ ARE GOING UP SOON too numerous to mention; the Boy ation but It was not made public. Scout Harmonica Band in its first Permission to banks to Increase HAVE Solid silver* that lives up to the full meaninj of the public appearance; and last but not rates would mean that the Reserve YOUR WINDOWS word__silver in which the bride and grroom will take least the grand finale featuring Board has recognized that an h o t e l “ The Spirit of Kiwanis." emergency has been reached in the CLEANED NOW EDWARD HESS absorption of credit by the stock much pride as the years pass on. Our patterns have j IN ORDER TO market and that extreme measures Headquarters for Electrical Supplies. z must be used to “ take the steam SAVE been chosen with exceeding care and evince all the signs out of speculation.” UNNECESSARY DELAY I 855 Main S t, Park Building, South Manchester | GERMANY GETS REPORT Such action would be an abandon­ of genuine art skilful craftsmansi::p. ment of a policy inaugurated by the First class work. board early In the year of reducing flllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIHHIUHHMmiW” ” ” ” ” '*” *” ” ” ” ” '*” '” ” ” **'*” ” *” ” Paris, May 22.— Germany re­ speculative credit through the co­ Prompt Service. Call Drop in today and let us show you the ceives her revised reparation bill operation o f’ the member hanks. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihihiiiiiiiiii’R today. Delegates of the creditor That method was characterized as SnipoUdjar JftUs6Bookhjt latest creations in silverware which will nations handed their report to commendable by the council, but MANCHESTER not productive of results. KlOHNStMOMINH Chairman Owen D. Young, for pre­ htsUat sentation to Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, WINDOW elicit the admiration of all your friends. chief of the German delegation, CLEANING CO. W e Are Showing A | later in the afternoon. This report contains revisions and conditions Telephone 733 Solid Silver lasts for generations. for acceptance of 2.050,000,000 701 Main Street marks annuities from Germany, as Sure Relief proposed by the Young plan, and also the conditions for acceptance New Model Glenwood [ of the German reservations. R M The Herald Advs. After Dr. Schacht has studied The Dewey^Richman Co. the report he will Inform the allied 'and American delegates when he 6 B ell-a n s * Jewelers, Stationers, Silvei-smiths, will be ready to make his reply to Hot‘water a plenary session of the reparation DureneiierSure Relief Opticians Insulated Range conference.

Just one word more about Marion Bell-ans Talley— she surely ought to be able FOR INDIGESTION to pick up a pretty nice piece of INSURANCE 25t and 75c Pkgs.Sold Everywhere ground now for a song.

Prescription He Wrote The Best Guardian of in 1892 is the World’s Life and Property Most Popular Laxative

When Dr. Caldwell started to Insure Your Valuables practice medicine, back in 1875, the needs for a laxative were not as A BOX IN A GOOD SAFE DEPOSIT VAULT great as they are today. People liv­ ed normal, quiet lives, ate plain, ISTHE wholesome food, and got plenty of fresh air and sunshine. But even b e s t AND CHEAPEST INSURANCE. that early there were drastic phy­ sics and purges for the relief of Small children cannot open the new constipation which Dr. Caldwell did The Manchester Trust Co. not believe were good for human Safety Burner Valves. Other improve­ being! to put into their systems. So be wrote a prescription for a laxa­ L i t Quantity^ ments add to the beauty of this A ll Enamel tive to be used by bis patients. The prescription for constipation y % . that be used early in his practice, Take Second Place Range. and which be put in drug stores in 1892 under tbo name of Dr. Cald- weli’s Syrup Pepsin, is a liquid Fire and Liability I t i , n ot , 0 much th, numb« of In rt vegetabie remedy, intended for your wardrobe, but th$ care you take of thoee 0f< >10 women, cbiidren and elderly peo­ ple, and they need just such a mild, you have that makee for a good ^ safe, gentle bowel stimulant as Clothee, regularly cleaned by Modcni Dyera w d * a t A O E S 3 Syrup Pepsin, Insurance C leiu ^ will guarantee you a emart turn-out Under successful management for a email coat. this prescription has proven its er without Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup worth end Is now the largest sell Pepsin, and if you will once start Tbe ManchesterI / Gas Co. ing laxative in the world. The fact using it you will also always have a that i/illions of bottles are used a bottle bandy for emergencies. RICHARD G. RICH MODERN year proves that it has won the It is particularly pleasing to confidence of people who needed it know that tbe most of it is bought TiBk«rBnUdhig» South MiadMfltfr. Dyers and Oeaners to get relief from beadaebes, blU by motbsrs for them end tbe chil­ lousness, flatulence, ' Indigestion, dren, though Syrup Pepsin is just Tel. 1419 11 Sckeol 8t. loH of appetite and sleep, bad IS valutbls for elderly people. All lidvertin n Tie Emuag HeraU4t Paif^ breath, dyspepsia, colds and fevers. drug etores have t^s generous bot­ Millions of families are now ner- tles. r'- / i;' vV v' rt • «. ^r-J- ' ",ry.- .*''*• • .V . r rT i>. .'■’V^',- •• - ‘ ' ■ ,'‘,V* ' ' * ■ ' “ ' * ^ -' ■ ' ' ,- " ' -‘ ' '* ■' ' ‘ ■ ' I • •* •• ...... , \ ... , , ' , . • • • ...... • • » • » « • ' I . . * ' PAGBTWBliVB MANCHESTER EVE;HWC HEI^AtD. SOUTH MANClliSTER. CONNi, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22,1929. 41 -i-* 4 r ■; \*l T H E CM.XSSM El E » SECTION A N D S E L L B jU-inn.ni------M-u-i.ru-L->rii-ii-i- -I------—'nrnnn.n.nn.'n- nn ------* - ~ ~ * * "»* ‘» ’*»»’* '* » * ~ " * » ------— ^qn.n-irir>j-iJL~irtrinrirLni-Li-L-i.-i.Tj-u-LTj~in Want Ad Information CARD OF THANKS E j BUSINESS SERVICES APARTMENTS—FLATS— HOUSES FOR SALE 72 OFFERED . 13! TENEMENTS 63 CARD OF THANKS FOR SALE— COZY 1 FLOOR bun­ PARADES BRING Manchester TO RENT— NEW 5 ROOM l^at with galow, 6'pleasaht rooms, garage, MATTIIESSES. BOX SPRINGS, shrubs, lafge lot. near school. Evening Herald The family of the late Mrs. PILLOWS STEAM - STBBIL12ED improvements.' Upper floor. Can Marion Curry wishes to thank their Your Ad be seen at 29 Roosevelt street. Bargain price, owner making CLASSIFIED ADVERTISE­ AND MADE OVER EQUAL TO change. Henry street. Rhone 896-3. BUSINESS LOSS many friends and relatives for the NEW— 15 FOR OLD MA'TTr.ESS Phone. 391. MENTS sympathy and kindness extended to IN'EXCHANOE FQR.NBW ONE Count six averase ^vords to a line. them during her Illnesis ai\d death. FOR RENT— 6 ROOM tenement. Initials, numbers and abbreviations ONE DAY SERVICE North Elm street, newly renovat­ LOTS FOR SALE 73 TO FDTH AVENUE They also wish to express their de-. p MAN, UPHOLSTERING CO. The HeraM each count as a word and compound appreciation of the beautiful floral ed, modern improvements, garage. FOR SALE— TWO LOTS for the words as two words. Minimum cost is 331 Center St.— Opposite Arch St. Call 258. ♦ price of three lines. tributes, and to especially thank the EsL. Since 1922 Tel. 12C8-2 price of one, for Immediate sale. • • • Woman’s Beneflt Association. Call 116-2. , Paris.— Tulips In Holland, storks Line rates per day for transient TO RENT— MODERN tenement of ads. five rooms, newly done over, avail­ lu Strasburg, violets in America Effective March 17. 19S7 FLORISTS—NURSERIES 15 able now. Apply 102 Clinton St. and Americans in Paris are the first Cash Charge LOST AND FOUND REAL ESTATE FOR li-Consecutive Days ..I 7 ctsl 9 cts EXCHANGE 76 signs of Storing. 3 Consecutive Days ..| 9 cts| 11 cts LOST— NOTICE Is hereby given a s t e r PLANTS, straw flowers, FOR RENT— TO ADULTS, modern zinnias, shapdragons, ten weeks tenement of four rooms and large Parlplaners say that they can al­ 1 D a y ...... I 11 ctsl 13 cts that Savings Book No. 5656 of The FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE on ways tell when spring is here by All orders tor irregular insertions stock, 25c dozen. Rose ot HeAven, attic room, with garage. F. W. Mather street jugt finishing 6 room will be charged at the one-time rate. Home Bank & Trust Company has Hill, 10 Olcott street. Tel. 1780-2. the Americans who arrive with the been lost and the owner thereof 25c dozen. Uladiola bulbs, 26c modern bouse with garage. Come first warm days. Special rates for long term every dozen. Bleeding heart $1 each. 2 jay advertising given upon request. has made application for a new FOR RENT— 6 ROOM tenement, and get acquainted. Wm. Kanebl, Already the transatlantic steam­ Ads ordered tor three or six days dozen tomato plants 25c, 90'c a 519 Center street. and stopped before the third or fifth book. All persons are warned with or without garage. All im­ ship companies report almost ca­ against purchasing or negotiating j hundred, $6.00 a thousand. Cab­ Clip this Blank—Write Your Ad, pacity bookings, automobiles are day will be charged only for the ac­ bage plants 10c dozep, 60c per provements. Inquire 168 Hilliard tual number of times the ad appear­ said book. If found same should street. speeding towards Versailles, Fon­ ed. charging at the rate earned, but be returned to said Baink. hundred. John McConvllle, 7 Wln- Number of insertiona here------tainebleau and Chantilly where the no allowances or refunds can be made demere street. Tel. 1640. BARNARD PUPILS DEAL on sis time ads stopped after the FOR RENT— 6 ROOM te', ement. kings apartments have been sub­ fifth day. LOST— BLACK Swan fountain pen, all modern improvements, includ­ ject to a thorough housecleaning with gold band. Thursday, between ALREADY WE HAVE 500,000 Print your name and address below. No “till forbids” ; display lines not plants. Potted plants, Boston ferns, ing screens and shades, 75 Main campaign. Little boys are floating sold. High school and Pine street. Re­ street. Inquire 90 Main. WITH CURRENT EVENTS red and blue balloons In the Tul- The Herald will not be responsible ward. Kindly call 316-2. geraniums, begonias. coleus, for more than one Incorrect insertion ageratum, ice plants, inch plants, lerie Gardens and the chest trees of any advertisement ordered for FOR RENT— 4, 5 , AND 6 room Manchester school children are along the Champs ElyseCs are in petunias, helotrope, vlnCa vines, rents. Apply Edward J. Holl, 865 more than one time. ANNOUNCEMENTS 2 dracaenas, English Ivy, fuchias, being taught about tho present and bloom— in other words, spring has The inadvertent omission of incor­ Main street. Telephone 660. the future as much us the past. The safely landed In the air-dome of rect publication of advertising will be creeping child, hanging pens and France. rectified only by cancellation of the STEAMSHIP TICKETS— All parts large flowering cannas. We fill FOR. RENT— 5 ROOM FLAT with eighth grade boys and girls ot the charge made for• the * service • rendered. ot the world. Ask for sailing lists boxes, baskets and urns, dirt and garage. Apply at 108 Ridge street. Barnard ’School in the Ninth Dis­ trict held a “ Current Events As­ School bells will soon be calling All advertisements must conform and rates. Phone 750-2. Robert J. labor free. We give plants in ex­ and Mail to The Herald for Real in style, copy and typography with Smith, 1009 Main street. FOR RENT— NEW 5 room flat, all sembly” this mornln:, under the di­ the bakers to school to .learn how change for' flower pots. Bedding to make good pre-war bread. regulations enforced by the publish­ plants, petunias, zinnias, straw Improvements, with garage, 164 rection of Miss Elizabeth :e-apo- ers and they reserve the right to It is alleged that bread-making flowers, nasturtiums, cosmos, 4 Eldridge street: Inquire 58 Ash­ wlcz. Miss Mary Sweeney and Miss edit, revise or reject any copy con­ AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 worth street, evenings. Edith Eaton teachers at the school. in France Is a lost art. so the sidered objectionable. o’clocks, balsam (lady slippers), RESULTS Millers’ association Is opening a CLOlilNt; H 'U K S—Classified ads stock, cockscomb, snapdragons, Two community subjects were to be published same day must be re­ 1— 192S Hupmobile S Sedan. OR FOR RENT— FIVE ROOM flat, all discussed. Jaue Arvantaeki spoke bakers school where the art and ceived by 12 o’clock noon. Saturdays 1— 1928 Locomobile 8 Sedan. verbena, marigolds, .corn flowers, improvements, 113 Summer street. craft of bread making.will be asters, all 25 cents per dozen. Per­ on “ Manchester May Reuulld the 10.-30 a- m. 1— 1928 Hupmobile 6 Sedan. Telephone 897-13. Depot During the Summer.” Mer­ taught to bakers who have gone In TELEPHONE YOUR WANT 1— 1928 Chevrolet Coach. ennials, mahardia, hardy chry­ business since the war. santhemums, variegated funkia rill Rubinow’s'subject wae "Should ADS. 1— 1927 Chevrolet Sedan. FOR RENT— BENTON ST., five Boys Be Compelled to Attend According to this association the Ads are accepted over the telephone 2— 1927 Chevrolet Coupes. (ribbon grass), delpliininm, Shas­ Phone room flat. All modern Improve­ School Until 16 Years of Age” bread that is being eaten in France at the CHAKGK RATK given above 1— 1927 Essex Coupe. ta daisy, anchusa, Itlica diopmore ments. Apply H. H. West & Son. today Is far from being of such as a convie«ice to advertisers, but There were two discussions of 1— 1927 Essex Sedan. variety moss phlox, hardy pinks, FOR AN AD TAKER 29 Bissell street, telephone 2500. state matters, one "Wanted— A Boy fine quality and delicacy as the the Ca s h RATHS win be accepted as coreopsis, forget-me-nots, galar- B’ULL PAYMENT It paid at the busi­ H. A. STEPHENS Wizard,” by Lincoln Kean '•.nd the bread of pre-war days. Before tlie ness ofttce on or before the seventh Center at Knox Sts. Tel. 939-2 dla, sweet William, fox glo.’es, FOR RENT— MODERN five room war. bread was made of whole­ flat, newly renovated, at 47 Math­ other, “ Twin Bridges over the day following the first Insertion ot baby breath, peonies, pyrethlum Connecticut River,” by Eva Dragni wheat flour which luade it a.s light 11 each ad. otherwise the CHARGE FOR SALE— 1924 Dort touring, in and hardy phlox, rose bushes, er street. Telephone 1987. RATE will, be collected. No responsi­ and Gladys Wilson. and delicious as cake. During the bility for errors In telephoned ads good condition $25. Call at 20 hydrangeas, flowering shrubs, HELP WANTED— POULTRY AND Clara Kwash, president of the war there was a restriction on us­ Myrtle street. evergreens, maples, catalpa trees, ! FOR RENT— 6 ROOM tenement on will be assumed and their accuracy FEMALE 35 SUPPLIES 43 Newman street, all modern im­ Girls’ Nature Club, spoke on ing whole-wheat flour but at the cannot be guaranteed. poplar trees, blue spruce, golden “ Selecting the National Wild beginning of this year permission GOOD USED CARS privet, California privet, barberry, provements, including steam heat. was granted to use It again. It INDEX OF CLASSIFICA­ AMBITIOUS RELIABLE women MILLER’S DAY-OLD BABY Chix Inquire 147 E. Center street. Tel. Flower” and Tony Sartor on Cash or Terms gladiola and dahlia bulbs, cherry was then discovered that many bak­ TIONS Madden Bros. can turn their spare time into dol­ and half-grown stock. Reds and 1830. “ Our Greatest Industry.” trees, loam fertilizer, vegetable lars’ Introducing our new unique ers had forgotten or did not know Births ...... A 681 Main St. Tel. 600 White Leghorns, from our own The subject of international Im­ Engagements ...... B plants, tomato plants and cauli­ patented and approved djesses. An FOR RENT— 4 ROOM flat, and portance discussed was "Trade E.x- the art of making bread with such Marriages ...... C selected ’ and trapnested stock, flour. FOR SALE— 1923 DODGE sedan, flowers, 15 cents a dozen or $I per excellent' opportunity. Write bred for vigor, size and egg pro­ garage, 147 School street. Apply tenslon Is the Aim of the Big Deaths ...... D 100 plants, cabbage and Italian Card of Thanks ...... E upholstering in good condition, in Marion R. Jones, Framingham, duction. Slate tested and iree of James J. Rohan, telephone 1668. Flight to South America,” by Shir­ In Memoriaiii ...... P running order, will sell for real sweet and hoi peppers 10 cents a Mass. ley Richmtnd and Goorge Fischer. For the first time in the hi.slory Lost and Pound ...... 1 B. W. D. Member of Connecticut bargain, if taken this week, $65 dozen or 75 cents per 100. This Record of Performance Associa­ THREE ROOM SUITE in Johnson In connection with the Gard2n of Paris a speech without words, Anuouncemenis ...... 2 place is always open. 379 Burnside WAKTED— WOMAN for part time block, modern improvements. Tel. was delivered by the Indian Chief Personals ...... 3 cash. 150 McKee street. South tion. Eighth year of square busi­ Club, Edward Macaulcy stKtke on janitor work, at Park building. Aaron Johnson, 524 or janitor White Horse Eagle at the Civil En­ Autuiuubiles Manchester, Conn. Ave. Greenhouse, East Hartford. ness methods. Visitors welorme. "An Indian Garden’ ; Elmore Witt- Automobiles for Sale ...... 4 Phone 8-3091. Apply RubitiOws, 841 Main street. 2040. kopske on “ Food Plants in the In­ gineers club. Automobiles for Exchange...... 5 Telephone Mancliesler 1063-3 for Although the French maintain 1926 OLDSMOBILE COACH. information. Some bargains in dian Garden,” and Herbert Tedford Auto Accessories—Tires ...... 6 1927 PONTIAC LANDAU. VEGETABLE & FLOWER plants, vVANTED^COOK, A middle aged TO RENT— CE.NTENNIAL apart­ that conversation is one of life’s Auto Repairing—Painting ...... " tomato plants, pepper, egg plant, woman without dependents as a brooders and poultry supplies on ments, four room apartment, jani­ on “ Medicinal Plants and Plants Auto Schools ...... 7-A 1927 PONTIAC COACH. Used for Dyeing.” grea4 joys, they were profoundly cabbage, lettuce, cauliflower. Also cook for our girls’ boarding house. hand. Fred Miller. Coventry Poul­ tor service, heat, gas range, ice Impressed by the Big Chief’s ges­ Autos—Slilp bv Truck ...... 8 1927 WHIPPET LANDAU. try Farm. Coventry. In addition to the e'’ ucatIonal Autos-*-Por Hire ...... 9 1927 WHIPPET SEDAN. aster, zinnia, salvia,verbena, calen­ Apply to Cheney Brothers Employ­ box furnished. Call Manchester ticulating reticence which accen­ Garages—Service—Storage ...... lU dula, straw flowers, scabiosa. sal- ment office. Construction Company, 210C or discussion, a playet entitled “ Safe­ 1926 PAIGE BROUGHAM. ty” was given by the following tuated the importance of every lit­ Motorcycles— Bicycle ...... 11 piglossis, snapdragons, marigold, 78 2-2. tle movement that had a mea’nit Wanted Autos—Motorcycles .... 12 1926 DODGE SEDAN. w o m a n ' WANTED for special ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 pupils: BiiHinpsa nnil Priifesittoiiiil Services 1926 CHEVROLET COACH. delphinium, larkspur. Dusty Mil­ Clifford Treat,. David Ruddell, all its own. Business Services Offered ...... 13 ler, poppies. Phlox, shasla daisy, home demonstration work, one FOR RENT— 3 ROOM flat, all im­ The speech was pantomined 11 Household Services Offered ...... 13-A 1925 CHEVROLET SEDAN. well acquainted locally. Unusual provements. Inquire Pagan! Broth­ Wlnsiou Smith, Althea Shorts. Hil- Number of olhe»’ good used cars chrysanthemums, petunia, aqulle- FOR SALE— CHEST OF drawers. dur Skoog, Margaret Keer, Harold the national language of Chief Building—Contracting ...... 14 gia. Also polled flowers: gerani­ opportunity for big paying v/eekly Apply at 117 Ridge street. ers Store, Depot Square. White Horse Eagle and grimaces, Florists— Nurseries ...... 15 all being reconditioned. earnings. Write Fagley-Halpen. Schultz, and Wells Toison. Punera'l Directors ...... Ifi CRAWFORD AUTO SUPPLY CO. ums. Martha Washington, agera- FOR RENT— 4 AND 5 rooms, mod­ waving arms and shivering shoul­ Heating—Plumbing—Roofing ... 17 Dept. W-427. Philadelphia- Pa. FOR SALE— A-No. 1 loam. Inquire The announcer of the p ogram Center and Trotter Sts. turn, coleus, begmiia, German and ern improvements, 5 Walnut was Betty Qulmby, daug'iter of ders took the place of adjectives Insurance ...... 1S English Ivy, vinca, fuchsias, hang­ Frank Damato. 24 Homestead and verbs. Millinery — Dressmaking ...... I’J Tel. 1174 or 2021 street, Manchfester. Tel. 1507. street, near Cheney Mills $20-$25. Principal and Mrs. C. P. Quimby. Moving—Trucking—Storage ... 20 ing pans, ferns, dracena and pah- HELP WANTED—MALE 36 Inquire on premises, tailor shop. Painiiiig— Papering ...... 21 -sies, 621 Hartford Road Green­ French soil will be cultivated bv 1925 Reo 1 1-2 ton slake body. WE CARRY A complete line of Tel. 2470. Professional Services ...... 22 1925 Reo 1 1-2 ion express body. house. Call 37-3. •WAN TED— m e n , boys to learn French women students who have Repairing ...... 23 goldfish, bird and dog supplies of abandoned more classic careers of Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning ... 24 1924 Reo 6 cylinder, 7 passenger 'barberlng in day or evening class­ RED MEN PLAN PARTY the highest quality at moderate FOB RENT earn their bread by the sweat of Toilet Goods and Service ...... 25 touring. es. Inquire Vaughns Barber prices. Milikowskl The Florist. 67 Wanted—Business Service ...... 2G 1926 Ford 1 ton dump body. MOVING—TRUCKING- School, 14 ’ Market street, Hart­ SUMMER HOMES their brows. Edarntlonal STORAGE 20 Several young conservatory grad­ Courses and Classes ...... 27 Brown's Garage— Telephone 869 ford. FOR 300 “ INDIANS” Private Instruction ...... 28, Corner Cooper and W'est Center Sts. FUEL AND FEED 49-A uates and law students, who found the jazzy, smoky e.xistence of the Dancing ...... 28-A PERRETT & GLENNEY. Call any- HELP WANTED—MALE WANT A FINE SUMMER PLACE? Musical— Dramatic ...... 29 SEE OUR USED CARS FIRST time. Tel. 7. Local and long dis­ OAK AND APPLE tree wood for For the first time in the history' city uninspiring, have shouldered Wanted—Instruction ...... 30 MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES OR FEMALE 37 of Miantonomah Tribe. No. 58, Im­ spades and hoes and gone to the Fiiiancinl tance moving and trucking and stove and fire pUce. best quality. Just the place at White Sands 1069 Main St. Tel. 740 freiglu work and express. Daily Beach. Seven rooms, nicely furnish­ proved Order of Red’ Men, it will country to take up vegetable gar­ Bonds—Stocks—Mortgages ...... 31 WAJ^TED— BOYS AND GIRLS to Frank V. Williams, Buckland. Tel. Business Opportunities ...... 32 Thos. E. Donahue. Mgr. express to Hartford. 989-2. ed, shower, fire place, shore front. entertain nearly 300 "Indian” of dening. Money to Loan ...... 33 . - I - sell flavoring extracts after sdhool: Location is right. Can be rented by the Connecticut Red Men’s Associa­ The cause of this strange change Help and SilaafiunB FOR SALE— 1924 MASTER 6 GENERAL TRUCKING— Local and send for free sample. Wakefield season or week. Tel. 2951. tion at the local tribes regular of professions is a series of courses Help Wanted— Female ...... 35 Buick louring, excellent .-ubber, no Help Wanted—Male ...... 3fi long distance. Fertilizer grain, Extract Co., Sanbornvllle.- N. H. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 meeting in Tinker hall, Friday eve­ in truck-gardening that have be­ Help Wanted—.Male or Female .. 37 reasonable offer refused. Tele­ heavy freiglu etc., fast service, ning at 7:30 o’clock. come extremely popular among Agents Wanted ...... 37-A phone 199S-2. reasonable rates. Frank V. WlU ODD LOTS OF, NEW linoleum, 8 Representatives from ten tribes French women students. The stu­ situations Wanted— Female •... 38 liams, Buckland^ TelepboB-i 9£9-2. SITUATIONS WANTED— good used ice boxes. $5 to $10. HOUSES FOR SALE 72 througdout Connecticut will be dents began taking these courses as Situations Wanted—Male ...... 39 1925 HUDSON COACH MALE 39 WATKINS present and following a short busi­ a pass-time but soon the beneficial Employment Agencies ...... 40 1924 HUDSON COACH FOR SALE HOLLYWOOD— NEW Live Stork— Pels—I’ooltry—Vehiclea LOCAL AND LONG distance mov­ FURNITURE EXCHANGE ness session, at which ideas for the effects of out-door life and the Dogs— Birds— Pets ...... ;. 41 BETTS GARAGE ing, by experienced men. Public WANTED— ASHES to cart, plow­ 17 Oak St. English type, 7 rooms, garage at­ betterment of the various organi­ soothing effects of the country Live Stock—Vehicles ...... 42 Hudson-Essex Dealer— 129 Spruce storehouse. L. T. Wood, 55 Blsaell ing to do, cellars to dig. L. T. tached, tile bath, large cedar zations will be discussed a gala en­ eclipsed the doubtful prospects of a Poultry and Supplies ...... 43 FOR SALE— 3 BURNER gas street. Tel. 496. Wood. 55 Bissell street. closet, oak trim, oak floors, steam tertainment, Including refresh­ more artistic career. Wanted — Pels—Poultry—Stock 44 stoves, also 3 tables. Inquire 61 heat, fire place, graded, copper For Sale— Mlerellaneoa* AUTO ACCESSORIES— ments will be offered. When the course was finished, -Articles for Sale ...... 45 MANCHESTER AND NEW YOftk Summer street. screens, gutters. Owner and build­ the students hastened to buy them­ Boats and A ccessories...... 40 TIRES Motor Dispatch. Dally service be­ DOGS—BIRDS—PETS 41 er William Welherell, 15 Spring Building M aterials...... 47 FOR t h is WEEK we will sell the selves a plot of ground in the coun­ tween New York and Manchester. street. Telephone 2927-J. try where they retired with the idea Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry .. 48 BATTERIES, FOR YOUR automo­ Call 7 or 2577 or 2578. FOR SALE— SMALL Mack and best box spring with layer felt HOSPITAL NOTES Electrical Appliances—Radio ... 49 bile, ranging from $7 up. Recliarg- wbfle dog, 5 months old, Cocker mattress for $49.50. regular price FOR SALE— 4 ROOM HOUSE with of eking out a living raising car­ Fuel and B-eed ...... 49-A rots and cabbage. Garden — Farm— Dairy Products 50 Ing and repairing. Distributors of Spaniel and Fox Terrier. Tel. 2221. $62. Benson Furnltpre Company. all new Improvements, sewer: also Huuseliold Goods ...... 51 Prest-O-Llte Batteries. Center 3 additional lots, 2 lots planted PROFESSIONAL * Patients reported admitted at The East and West shall meet Macliinery and Tools ...... 52 Auto Supply Co., 155 Center. Tel. FOR SALE— SIX GERMAN police with grape vines: also garage and Memorial hospital are Miss Mary Musical Instrum ents...... 53 SERVICES 22 pups, male $20- female $15. H. J. WANTED—TO BUY 58 and worship side by side, each lu Office and Store E quipm ent...... 54 673. chicken coop. 113 Homestead Hamilton of 89 Birch street, StaJi- Zimmerman 182 Bissell street: street, Manchester, Conn. his separate temple. Specials at the S to re s ...... 5(5 PIANO TUNING I WILL CLEAN YOUR attic out Iby Richmond of 112 East Center Paris is to have an ancient Bud­ Wearing Apparel—Furs ...... 57 John Cockerham and pay good money for anything I street and Mrs. S. Emil Peterson of Wanted—To Buy ...... 58 GARAGES—SERVICE- FOR s a l e — BRAND NEW 6 room dhist temple, transported stone h.v Uoome-Hoard—Hofela—Reaarfe Orchard St. Tel. 245-5 LIVE STOCK—VEHICLES 42 could use. Wm. Ostrinsky. Tel. 25 Alton street, the latter an auto­ stone from Japan, where the rites STORAGE 10 849. single all modern improvements, mobile accident victim who is in a ReHtanranta including fire place, sun porch, of the Oriental faith will be prac­ Rooms Witliout Board ...... 59 FOR RENT— GARAGE. Manches- FOR SALE— FOUR good work serious condition. ticed. Boarders W a n ted ...... 59-A REPAIRING 23 LEAF TOBACCO WANTED — nice tile bath and shower, lava­ Miss Pauline Cooley of Rockville. Country Board—Resorts...... 60 ter Green. Cook property. Tele­ horsea cheap. W. E. Orcoii. Coven- Havanna seed. Broadleaf, all tory on first floor, brass plumbing, The temple is a mark of Franco- Hotels—Restaurants ...... 61 phone 820. f.ry. Tel. Manchester 1064-3. Joseph Hourcade of Rockville and Japanese amity and Is a gift of the Wanted — Rooms— Board ...... 62 MOWER SHARPENING, vatjUUm grades, cases or bundles, any garage in basement, copper con­ Mrs. Anne Rogers of the Hotel amount. Also stemming and ductors. Reasonable down pay­ Japanese Government to France. It Kpai Eafatr For Rent cleaner, phonograph, clock, lock Sheridan were discharged. will fill a long felt need of Japan­ -Apartmei.ts. Flats. Tenements .. 63 repairing; key tnaklng. Bra(th- TILDEN-mJN'TER WIN damaged tobacco. Write Box K, in ment makes this place yours. Bert Business Locations for Rent ... C4 GARAGE TO RENT. Inquire at 30 ese students in Paris who are William street. Tel. 912. waite, 52 Pearl street. Autauil, France, May 22.— BUI care ot Herald. E. Judd. Phone 2951. Houses for Rent ...... 65 Men strike for increased pay if Buddhists, besides being a meeting Suburban tor Rent ...... 66 Tilden and Francis T. Hunter prov­ WILL PAY HIGHEST cash prices FOR SAI.E— NEW HOMES on place for Japanese subjects at Summer Homes for R ent ...... '67 LAWN MOWERS REPAIRli^D, ed too powerful for the youthful the boss rides in a four-year old Wanted to Rent ...... 68 BUSINESS SERVICES for ags. paper, magazines and Walker, Henry, Washington. Park­ car. Paris. chimneys cleaned and repaired, Wilbur ‘Junior’ Coen and Eduard The temple, which is one of the Real Eatafe For Sale OFFERED 13 key fitting, safes opened, saw filing metals. Also buy all kinds of er, Phelps Road and Fairview •Apartment Building for Sale . . . 69 Borotra combination today but the chickens- Morris H. Lessner. Call streets, in fact all sections of the oldest In Japan, will add another Business Property for Sale ...... 70 and grinding. Work called for. ASHES REMOVED BY LOAD or youngsters put up a stiff battle and 1545 or 1589. town. Our list always complete. People who drive Into society Interesting feature for sight-seers Farms and Land for Sale ...... 71 Harold Clemson,'108 North Elm forced the match to four sets. The, at Paris. Besides her own famous Houses for Sale ...... 72 job In light moving truck. V. Fir- street. Telephone 462. Arthur A. Knofla. Phone 782-2, and join the social swim have a Lots for Sale ...... 73 po, 116 Wells street. Tel. 2466-W, scote was 6— 1, '4— 6, 6— 2, 6— 2. 875 Main street. hard time keeping their heads cathedrals, Paris boasts of a church Resort Property for Sale ...... 74 ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 above water. for every creed including a mosque. .Suburban for Sale ...... 75 SEWING MACHINE repairlnftof all Real Estate for E xchan ge...... 76 The man who Is full of personal makes, oils, needles sdppliesj Mcjthers are people ■who never Still. It must be pretty good if Wanted— Real Estate ...... 77 strike for higher wages and 'never TO RENT— FURNISHED room, 19 It’s still a new car after the dealer Aoctlon—Legal Notices liberty makes a dangerous auto­ R. W. Garrard, 37 Edkard street. Auction Sales ...... 78 mobile driver. Tel. 715. get a vacation. Locust street. Telephone 1121. has driven it 2000 miles. Legal Notices ...... 79 GAS BUGGIES—Alec Gains a Champion By FKANK BECK Important Notice I DON'T CARE WHAT ALEC GOOD GOSH ! ISN'T THAT Mother Earth is the foundation of all wealth. We suggest a USED TO BE . I THINK HE'S JUST LIKE A WOMAN? YOU YOU DIDN'T FIND IT OUT. IF SOMEBODY home for happiness and an investment that the entire family HONEST NOW, AND I DONT HARP AT ME UNTIL I HIRE HE TOLD YOU. AND HE ELSE GOT IT WHY will enjoy and get a real beneflt from. Money invested In a THINK YOU TREATED HIM AN AUDITOR TO GO OVER O ID N T e m b e z z l e THE WOULDN'T HE jarefully selected home la money spent wisely. There Is no RIGHT WHEN YOU THREW THE BOOKS AND THEN WHEN MONEY. SOMEBODY cO - T E L L WHO place like a home of yoqr own— so read on. I DO AND PIND OUT THAT ALEC ELSE GOT IT. IT WAS ^ 15.900 and as low as $500 cash gives you title to a new EMBEZZ.LED lOOO YOU THINK ST: I OUGHT TO PAT HIM single. 6 rooms, oak floors, steam, a beautiful well built home— ON THE BACK garaige also. Two acre place, convenient location, six room house, steam heat, electricity. 2 car garage, raise poultr.v, vegetables, fruit in V your spare time. Price $6,500. We are offering an eight room single with garage on Haynes street. A beautiful home with fireplace in a beautiful lafge 11 living room. Owtjers are out of state and dealre an imniedlate ~ s sale. Give us a fair offer if interested. Near Porter street, six room single, garage and extra lot. A good buy at $6,000. Very small down payment. ROBERT J. SMITH / Over the Post Q6Bce. Fire, Automobile tnsunmee of All KiBd|^

IV. V . •) \rr>r^ HBlIBBjS^'';- '-■' - ■ *■” .r^i:"'- .•;»-- •'i.'X ’ ’*;J'*‘ -- ‘ '•:+■' ■ ■ '; ' '. ■ ' '■•- , ' ..■ .' V •• ' '.I.V.' ••- - > ', - • ■ ■ .' ■ - >j' ■ ' '7: MANCHESTBB evening HERAU. south CO»y^ may 2M ^

s m p F Y F L A P P E R F a n n y SEWE >iil mNSB6E WM.uiE.nirr.cpr. IHB-1TOMX)W toBOtjGH h6Y^ JlM M IEi LddK j The crimson BUh was sinking low As on the golt course; stood the 1 w o H a . A dub. ' . He couldn’t hit thh hall, hut oh, C C 0 V 6 A - How far that nun could, throw a cluhv have yph come to A decision? Foreman: We have, your Honor. The Jury are all of the ume mind— ■ temporally insane. ^ . y According to the International congress of chiefs, an egg is “ new ■■4 laid” for 10 to 12 days; it is “ fresh” until It Is 21 dajrs old; then It becomes a •'cooking”^ egg. And soon after that, we suppose It be­ comes a “ Throwing” egg. to be used at lectures given by unpopular politicians. “ Ma, what does D.-D. stand for?” “ Doctor ' of Divinity, my dear. Don’t they teach such . things in e>m I-SffcSSL***'*“ "■** school?” , , j OUR BOARDING HOUSE “ Oh, yes; but it doesn t sound . By Fontaine Pox By Gene Ahern When a man is refused by a girt right here.” . „ M ickey (H im self) McGuire ✓ “ Read it out loud, my dear. t because he’s hard-un, he’s well-off. “ The witness said, hjs- heard the defendant say " I ’ll make you suffer for this. I’ll be Doctor of Divinity', W V cp'w -X k Uova) t H”’ mafJ WHAY ouJvls oM, IS* that So / - * thek1 The if I don’t.” -mi? HERE LOY, SMART lO E a/-V 6P.- LoT IS“ kJoT FoR s a l e , ' ’*'AMD I he will b e Ifj EGBOPE TbR Teacher— ^“What is the ‘ultimate wH W\S KlAME IS HEiADERSOKl,™ HE Six. mokITHs , eH?— Hm - m - consumer?’ , VjJAS Ik) TW*' Bd»f*fLE CORK BUSINESS Willie— it’s me; the guy that eats dp liUtIL a w e a r a g o , BG-r RE'S THANKS' MW 6ood maw,**'. last when there’s any company.” "RETiBEX) iJoIa) / V— UlM Akl’ TH’ MISSUS -A THoGSAlJl> THAHk S* For STARTS OUT LONG Now, there’s a kick in this one: J U S T LEFT l a s t WEEK foR A SD^ VoUR V/ALGABLE /KlF=bRMATu3fl/ Today’s puzzle sounds as if it When the/ra’sln mash is brewin’, MOKlTri T r i p T o e Ur o PE / — BtiT I might be LONG, but it’s merely When the worm is In the still, KiJoW TWiS l o t o f m s AlKl'T VOR There’s a man who’s diggln’ for you the VIEW you take of it. Par is s a l e / HE'S* SOlHs *Tb *RAISE FuR E 6 A D ,^ WHaT only six. One solution is on anoth­ In the grareyard on the hill. \ s t r o k e o f l u c k er page. ‘RABBiVs okJ i*r WHEki HE conies' A young gentleman of rather en­ BACK, ~THAT'S''^ WHAT HE WAS FOR ME/w-THIS gaging personality, but unaccus­ LoT AklD THE ^ tomed to quick thinking, was call­ A T e l l u J s m e cokJd iT io WS* X O N ing on fine of his girl friends of long standing. W the course of HAUE JUST LEARklED,[ the evening’She referred to .one of ARE MADE TD their mutual friends and said: o r d e r t p r m V “ By the way, I saw Edith getting into her new Chalmers this morn­ HoRSE-SHoE ing.” -piTcHlUs ‘That so?” he replied. “ What COURTS ' are Chalmers?” % “ My wife is an Inveterate smok­ er. Why, three times she’s set the bed on fire with her clgarets. Would you recommend a suit for divorce?” ' . ^ “ Either that or a suit of asbestos pajamas.” V \ W No. 1: Today I saw a man at the show who played a piano even THE RULES though he had no hands.. No. 11: Aw! That’s nothing. I l__The idea of Letter Golf is to know a fellow who sings every day change one word to another and do and he has no voice. it in- par, a given number of strokes. Thus to change COW to HEN, in “ Did you hear about Clancy,, the three strokes, Cow, HOW, * HEW detective, bein’ suspended for 30 HSN. days? asked the cop. 2-1you change only one letter “Naw,” replied the friend, “ wots ^ oL lS T bM 10 at a time he*done now?’ • m a d e * 3 ______You must have a complete“ He was'sent to Qotrock’s home word^of common usage, for. each to Investigate a burglary an’ he jump. Slang words and abbrevia­ tuck off his hat while he was in, ’ RCG.u.s.PAT.orr. _____5*-^^ tions don’t count. the house.” K 4 ______The order of letters cannot be changed. . _ Farmer: “ I ’m surprised and One solution is printed on. another shocked to find you, a Boy Scout, B y C r a n e p a g e . ______in my orchard.” Battle Royal Apple-laden Youngster: “Well, I W ASHINGTON TUBBS H Among tjhe wild movements on thought fer once, sir, I’d do m'yself foot we have modern dances. a good turn.” r e w a s IS ON'. V W ash p - / / ^COUNTER-CHAROeSl SHR\EK^; ORAN'S. . MiEws The 6ALLAHT 6UAR0 IS HURLED DACK To TrtE V BAT-a e DRlDCiEt ©ADLY SEATeN. FROM A DISTANT RiLL. REIS frantic- COCHRAN^ 4^— RE KNOWS TRAT frincess JADA IS trapped IN THAT IU.-FATEO CASUe. A wM off W KMiDCLASRA B a r THERE IS A REVOLUTION. B R'flMCr,"DOWN MIT PEA 60VSRNMENT," THEY WH^T rr SEEMS THE *TROOPS <*pT MRRCH ON THE RO'^^L CASTlE. RORRS OF y SORB WHEN THEIR. PAV'ROLL RNCVENT CRNNON AND THE RATTLE OF MUSKET­ CAN HE ViKS STOLEN. RY 6REET THEM, AS ’A LOYAL HANDFUL OF VO? TRS KINO'S OUARD ANSVIERS THE ON5^U ^ . THEV MUTINIED. letwa BY Nsa B y B lo s s e r Van’s Scheme W orks f r e c k l e s a n d h i s f r i e n d s /T VOOR OnctE PARR/ ASU£0 Sassow , BossvjAaBOR- A CO^QdV.'! CCfTA t-AO TTlATAkOST /VC& TO W S NtXi OFF G 'U C COAST Glfilir IM OiS CAR BE TME I A R6AV- FDR 8V AlAWE a t MJATFR TAMP. SO'S M6AH=VASS0M- wel\^ LITTUS -i/Ameo CO.ME6 SOSEO>»1GOV VOO'O 6IT A LV0RE68ACU SRO BE SOAAPRIS^O SVkAviSR, “PD A STOP COMAG in VASSOU! ATTVLt TO S6E A COVWBOy II R\6W V A 5 S W OORCAR. •meRE-' MJATSl TAMU.-* . . ' A RAP Ofi POLLMAii DOOR '^ IM S S TAG PofinneR, n y MlUO OP&MS rr AMO u e r s viAM I | 4 - = m e ^ wt wtA mHSt wc. Jt3> B y S m a l l ; N (READ THE STORY*. THEN COIAIK .THE RICTURK) Sam’s Peeved at Cupid S A L E S M A N / wide, and Mister Bee flew out The Godfygoo still held the bee, real ------t CAM’T real quick. “ Good-bye,” he shout­ |6 it-i_ ee. REKilMPS N\e—IT5 tu p rr — SCAREJP^ V IH ^ C H t t SEE A PBRSOH, IDEA VIE snough. I ought to punish you. You happy hunch that someday we will SAMP— VWIJITS TRe. PLSASEO WREM s h e .' peeoi»r TRC< THlMN.*TH' PERSOM CAHfT SEETR eW - tnpKTOEH never should have flown so high meet again.” And then he left lOefK? tAeepc.swe'ti- a c t s *w e osriwcH SKlCTViCN.* EACKTb with Clowny on .your back. Oh my! the crowd. Fu m e. Vn t S6M*ir .’XUiPl'S It really seems ridiculous, the The Tlnles then heard Coppy s w n — crazy things you do.” scream. “ Oh, look! 1 see a dan­ “ Please let me go,” the bee re­ dy stream. Let’s find some boards plied. “ I merely took him for a and build a raft. That will be ride. There wasn’t any danger. heaps of fun. I think you will EAIN% Just as long as he clung 'tight, agree with me that* we’d enjoy, a CKfT told him plainly not to slip, and trip to sea.” The Goofygoo ex- OStlUCH thought that he’d enjoy the trip. claimw, “ That's final No sooner Why do you. think, that ! did said than done.” ^ AMEUEO wrong, when I know I did right? They found a dosen boards, or Then Clowny l:|rol^c rtflit in and more, and dragged them down Imh said,“ Now, Qoofygoo, don’t lose side the shore. And then they roll­ your head. I ’m sure he’s telling ed soine big logs out. . ‘The work you the truth. The bee is our Tather slow. . But as u e litr good fiiend. 1 Re«»s good com­ tie tnft took shape, said Bcouty, “ Gee, We're' in a -.scrape. When mon sense I lack for climbing on r* ■ his fussy back. Ohj please relewe all bur work is done, how can we him, Goofygoo, and let his trouble make this queer things fo?v end.’! \ vAll rlght,?» the fuwsr bird, re- ftaid i*’. -V •- - !«S-*‘—vr- .■ ■<• • ■ • . - ' . ‘ ■ '■'. •■’, ■. '■' ■ r j ^ - ‘^■T.v

PAGE FOUBTEBN iR aiir^iitnr

Modem and Old-Feihioiied Mnu. Jessie Turnbull Horton of year the ground wonld b« ready for g '^1. L L -i [1 DANCING fiVEHY Delmont street who Itit for Port­ com. Cucuihbere are slow in 'grow­ land, Maine on Monday, attended TOBACCO UNHURT ing/Peas, pMnted dinrlng thg-firat lliJB f?TORE'WiEi^ A ^R N O O N S DURINei lUME, m tY lA M n AUGUST. WEDNESDAY NIGHT the graduation exercises of the few warm da7>. are far below ndiv ^ JBMCBS*, LONB OAK HALL 1929-class-of .nurses at the Maine mal growth for. this time of the Pleeaaat Valley 8 :8 0 to .1 2 :8 0 General hospital. The program BY WET WEATil R year. Aspara^s ie'at)00t the;beet Rfl'L WADDELL and his crop among the.. home growere. was'given in the ballroom of the ^ ' BBOADOASTINO ORCHESTRA Eastland hotel, Portland, last eve­ Few have set out tomato plants yet "J/ for fear of froeta. aTl Prof. Taylor, Prompter ning. Mrs. Horton is a graduate nurse of the Portland hospital, and As To Flowers DICK NEWCOMB with many others of the alumni, Home Gardens, However, As for flowers,v biennials and per­ ( And His wore the full uniform. ennials are about np: to sc|iednle. ORCHESTRA Are Dreary Though Bow­ Columbine, early Tatietiee '.of iris, Chauncey Ellsworth of Marble dianthns and phlox and most of the D E P A R T M E N T STO R E SO. MAHCHESTER^,COHH.; street was 88 years old yesterday. alpine or rock garden planits are in Sandy Bead: BaDroom Friends remembered the birthday ers Are Up to Schedule. blossom. This is the height of the with a. shower of postal cards and season for the rock gardens and other ^fts. there are some exceedingly beantl- TONIGHT ful ones In town. Tulips and the The wet weather, although caus­ Troop 3, Boy Scouts, will meet in other spring bulbs have passed the Tomorrow We Shall Place On Sale . the Center church at 7:30 o’clock ing some extra work, has not de­ zenith of their season and are noVv tonight. Troop 5 will meet in the layed the tobacco growers. The on the wane. The early-fioweiing ABOUT TOWN Swedish Lutheran Church at 7:15 fact that it is necessary to grow shrubs are quite np to their’regular o’clock tonight. the seeds and th ^ young plants un­ blooming time. Lilacs, fiowering al­ HIGH GRADE Bill Waddell and hts Orchestra der glass and canvass, has protected mond and quince are on the wane, irill play tonight for another of American Legion and auxiliary them and today Hackett Brothers azalea and splrea van houtt a^e iU' those modern and old-fashioned members' who plan- to attend the started to replant their shade grown partial bloom. The buds on the rho­ dances so popular at Jencks’ Lone service at St. Mary’s chjurch, Sun­ variety. For the past five years they dodendrons are tight and it will' be Oak dance hall. Pleasant Valley. day morning are requested to meet have started to transplant between well along in June before the} are Prof. Taylor of Middletown will at the corner of Church and Locust May 15 and May 27 and this year fully blossomed* out. Annual seed­ prompt lor the contra and square streets at 10:35 and proceed from they are about a week ahead. Even lings have suffered the most' from SILK FROCKS and dances. that point to the church. at this date the plants look strong the cold damp weather and have and give indication of a good crop. made bat little progress, either In Charles J. McCann, assistant gen­ The first quarterly conference Later on, the broad leaf planting, the hotbeds or in the open.* A few eral manager of the J. W. Hale will be held this evening at 7:45 will be started. days of warm sunshine would bring company spent yesterday in New at the South Methodist church. The broadleaf of the Connecticut things along with a rush. ENSEMBLES York City. Valley is not planted until a later Miss Mary Sargeant, apparel date and Mr. Hackett does not ex­ Mr. and Mrs. William F. Samlow buyer-for the J. W. Hale company, pect that the planting of thlj} will FIX UP UNSAFE PLACE have moved from Hartford to one and Miss Florence Johnson, millin­ be retarded to any marked extent of G. E. Willis’s house on Main ery buyer, were In New York City because of the weather. The supply street at Depot Square. Mrs. Sam- yesterday on a buying trip. of broad leaf is low this year. The IN MAIN ST. WALK low was formerly Mrs. Arthur Wil­ crops have been poor for. the past son of Starkweather street. The county meeting of the Amer­ four or five years and those who ican. Legion and auxiliary will be grow broad leaf tobacco this year 'What might have caused seri­ $ 16.75 The Sunshine club at its monthly held Sunday, May 26 in Grange should get a much higher price. ous accident of an unusual nature meeting held last evening with hall,*New Britain road, Berlin at 3 Already, even before the planting has been averted. For several weeks Miss Linnea Carlson of Woodbrldge o’clock. has been started, buyers are seek­ the earth under a section of the street, voted to give a sacred con­ ing options on the crops. The grow­ Main street sidewalk topping a cert on June 15. The program will The Maytime supper will be ers, knowing the condition of the steep enbankment that falls away be by the Swedish Congregational given at the North Methodist market, are not accepting thest of­ Into a vacant lot next to George (Many $19.75 and $25 Grades) choir of Providence, R. I. church this evening between 5 to 7 fers. There are some who have lost H. William’s clothing store, has so that those who wish to attend so much in the past five years that been gradually falling away. Thou­ Navy georgettes.. printed crepes. . georgette Mr. and Mrs. Stuart G. Segar of the Klwanls club minstrel later in they are finding it necessary to sands of persons had walked over prints---- sun-back crepes... .dark silk ensembles.. Oxford street have as their guest the evening may be able to do so. .raise on shares, but conditions to­ the slabs unsuspecting the hollow Elwood Peters who is now at the day look bright for the tobacco under their feet. . .these are but a few of the many fabrics and styles Buffalo branch of the Liberty A large crowd gathered at the man. Th^re was danger that the side­ that you will’ find ^ o n g the frocks shown in this Mutual Insurance company of Bos­ Salvation Army Citadel last night Home Gardens walk might “buckle” under the con­ special selling. High grade.. ..well tailored...... ton. Mr. Peters is the younger son to greet Major and Mrs, Lewis, re­ Local home gardeners, and there tinued weight of people passing smartly styled dresses in one-of-a-kind models. of a former pastor of Second Con­ turned missionaries from India, are hundreds of them, see little en­ overhead. The self-made excavation gregational church. who will conduct the services every couragement for bumper crops this had reached a point half the width Frocks that can be worn now and throughout the night of the week and all day Sun­ season because of the unusually of the walk and quite deep before summer season. Orlord Parish Chapter, Daugh­ day. Their talks which were inter­ cold and rainy weather. it was discovered. The walk had ters of the American Revolution, spersed with incidents of their life Gardeners report that outside of actually sagged a little. However, ----- ^tailored navy georgettes has received an invitation from the and work in India delighted those such fast growing vegetables as yesterday afternoon, workmen from Memorial Day committee to parti­ who heard them. Travel by ox cart onion in sets, radishes and beans, the town force put up a plank fac­ ----- ^printed georgette afternoon frocks cipate in the services incidental to at the s^eed of two and one-half nothing has as yet peeped above the ing and restored the fill, making the day’s observance, in which is in­ miles per hour, m ting monsters surface. At this time, in an ordinary the sidewalk safe again. ----- smart printed crepes cluded attendance at the service at of the jungle, and remarkable and St. Mary’s Episcopal church Sun­ providential halrbreath escapes SIZES ----- ^washable silk crepes day morning. May 26 at 10:45. from reptiles, reveal how strong ----- “sun-back” silk sleeveless dresses Members will assemble at Church must be the consecreation of t.iose 14 to 44 and Locust streets at 10:35 and who give their life to evangelize ----- three-piece silk ensembles proceed in a body to the church. such countries. These evoted Sal­ vation Army officers will appear in Mr. and Mrs. H. Warren Case of costume. Meeting commences at m p N teale's Frocks—Main Floor, Rear. Buckland were pleasantly surprised 7:45. The Young Peopi s band last evening when about ten mar­ will provide the music. The senior ried couples called at their home. band contributed several splendid The time was spent in playing selections last night. card games, and with vocal and in­ strumental music. Andrew Healey GOOD THINGS TO EAT 19 ONLY! HAND TAILORED In behalf of the gathering present­ FOR ed to Mr. Case a purse of money. Rolled Butter...... 49c lb. The guests made provision for a STYLISH STRAWS luncheon which all enjoyed. Lamb Patties, 4 f o r ...... 39c 711 Native Asparagus ...... 25c WOMEN’S DRESS COATS FOOD SALE Main Street Large Sliced Pineapple, 4 cans...... 99c Watkins Brothers Store Pinehurst Hamburg ...... 29c lb. THURSDAY, MAY 23 Children’s Dresses We will have a full line of TO CLOSE-OUT TOMORROW 2:30 P. M. $29.75 Center Clinrch Women’s and Federation Rompers FRESH FISH (Regular $49.50 and $59.50 Grades) — PANSIES — by express from Boston early Steel’s Mastadon Ready to Wear Quantity Description Size Good Variety of Colors. 1 MOLE TRIMMED GRAY BROADCLOTH COAT 16 ANDERSON GREENHOUSES Mrs. Elliott’s Shop THURSDAY MORNING 1 BLACK BROADCLOTH WITH KRIMMER SHAWL COLLAR 16 y 153 Eldridge St. 853 Main St. Phone 2124 So. Manchester 1 TAN BROADCLOTH WITH BROADTAIL COLLAR 16 1 SQUIRREL TRIMMED TAN BROADCLOTH 1» 1 SMART BROADTAIL COLLAR ON MIDDY BLUE iUllllililllllllllllllllSilllllllllllllllllllllilllllllilllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll 18 1 BLACK BROADCLOTH WITH SQUifiREL COLLAR 18 WATKINS'BROTHERS; Inc. 1 MIDDY BLUE COAT WITH SCARF COLLAR^ 36 ASPARAGUS 1 MIDDY BLUE COAT WITH BROADTAIL SCARF COLLAR 38 1 TAN BROADCLOTH WITH A SMART BOW COLLAR 38 ^ttweral 1 FITOH TRIMMED TAN DRESS COAT 38 1 ESTABLISHED 54 YEARS CHAPEL AT irOAK^ST. 1 TAN BROADCLOTH COAT WITH FUR TRIMMINGS 40 Louis L. Grant [ 1 BLACK BROADCLOTH WITH iOHNNT COLLAR 40 Robert iCAndersoni P fio n e 5 0 0 S s 2 BLACK BROADCLOTHS WITH BROADTAIL COLLARS 40 and 44 -a. Funeral_ _ . ^ Director. ^ . ; o t 2837AV: s Buckland, Conn. Phone 1549 i TAN BROADCLOTH WITH BROADTAIL JOHNNY COLLAR i a 1 44 1 BLACK BROADCLOTH IN SMART UNTRIMMED MODEL 44 1 KASHA COAT WITH A COCOA SQUIRREL COLLAR 44 SPECIAL FOR 1 NAVY SHEEN COAT WITH MINK PAW COLLAR 46 1 , . , . THE WEEK-END SUSLIKI TRIMMED MIDDY BLUE COAT 46 PENDANTS Hale’s (^ats--Main Floor, Rear.i (Thursday, Friday, Saturday) Sterling Silver, Stone Set, also Pearl Pendants with vari­ ous colored drops $2,50 VrtfA* fooM M uslin U nderw ear Real Filet and Irish Laces Trim*Dainty Gowns and Slips Lohengrin Wedding R ings $10.50 and up The Special Thursday, Friday, Cameo Pins - YOUR OPPORTUNITIES Price and Saturday « $1.00 $3.25 and up Strap Watches If yon make diligent search you may be able ”WiUa Loom" stands for ths bast; ths matsrial is of tha Snast tax- $9.75 and up to turn up many good opportunities. Do not tura, obtainad by eloafly waavlng and earafully finishing tha bast qtigUty of cotton yams. Thtsa garmants ara vary tampting, babur frathnuid naw, Pen and Pencil Sets let them slip by unimproved. Save all you can lovaly in thair anowy m t a color. This spaeud will urga woman to $6.00 and up now and deiNMiit regularly with this Bank. poaaaai tham tomorrow. Banjo Clocks / I $14.75 and np Interest Paid, comiMiinded regnlariy. Muslin Gowns "WillaLoom"SUpa tuA § at sMfMttlaa t Wins Loom eettea iB uBososl sad dlsUasUvs MTiiitb win wearr e s r >eU i r r sa4 Isttader trlBiiasd with dao JaaS adglais shd Full line of Westcloz besatlfally., Jhw gowns art aaiib- iBssrtloas Igsladlaf ths tm iar P a t sd wltb rstl nist sad Irish srosbst sad Irish a n p p i (nilar-topS, Alarm Gocks in coIo m sdslofs sad lassfftloBs; hsro isrfs doabl# hsais. WMtr aaly. eihboii trlmmlBss. Btfalar sad ss- Thsrs Is a sslssHoa o< s ^ ^ ihM aro trs slsss. satuid aad V Bsskllass. tars to plsaia tha Bioal srltlsin aad Cool, flssrslsss Bodsls. • dlisrlailattfaff -----