Cireen RASH to HOE for EUROPE at DAWN
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Chicago, May 22.— GangsterAmurder of Scalise, Anselmi and row Unless Bad Weather murderers, fearing for their lives Guiuta and the shooting by kid naper extortionists of Policeman because the police trail bad become Mrs. Albertina M. Peterson, 56, North Haven. Me., May 22.— Roy Martin, ambushed and killed. Interfered— No Trans-At too “ hot” for them’, took matters wife of S. Emil Peterson of 25 While police and secret service men Sullivan had been badly beaten grilled a mysterious young man, into their hands here today and before be was killed. Both eyes Alton street, was very seriously in gave Detective Joseph Sullivan, ace were blackened, his clothing was in lantic Race as French jured at 4:35 yesterday afternoon arrested after attempting to force of detective bureau secret inves- | disarray and he had been struck on Center street when struck by an' his way to Col. Charles A. Lind tigators, “ a ride.” His body was over the head. It Is believed he Plane WiD First Have to automobile operated by Louis Cav- bergh at the Morrow summer home, found slumped on the floor of his. was shot In the back of the head agnaro, 56, of 'Wetherell street. preparations were being made to own automobile, parked In a de- with his own weapon, as his pistol serted street. I was missing. Fly to Maine for the She is in Memorial hospital in a day to turn the Island Into virtually critical condition, having suffered a Sullivan had been working upon The police ace had been working possible fracture of the skull, brok an armed camp. three cases, any one of which might overtime early this morning on one Take-off. en arms and internal injuries. The capture of the stranger .explain the murder, according to of the three cases when he either Cavagnaro was arrested by who said he arrived from beyond his chief, Lieut. William Cusack, was lured to his death or was met Patrolman John McGlinn and ar the Rio Grande,' came as a climax ■fliey were: The "Valentin© Day mur- suddenly by the gangsters he wa? to a series of alarms precipitated der of seven gangsters; the reprisal out to “ get.”- Old Orchard Beach, Me., May 22. raigned in Police Court here this % morning on a charge of operating by the “ death letter” mailed to Miss — Prospects of a trans-Atlantic an automobile with defective Constance Morrow, younger sister race between American and French brakes. His case was continued to of Col. Lindbergh’s fiancee. await the outcome of the injuries. Reason for Coming. aviators went a jllmmer today Police allege that Cavagnaro’s Ford The mystery man from Mexico ENGUSH HARD TO LEARN when Armena Lotti, who is In coupe dragged Mrs. Peterson 45 said he arrived at North Haven charge of the French plane, Ber feet before it stopped. The foot with the avowed purpose of inter nard 191, announced that he would brake in the machine was found esting Col. Lindbergh in some start from here rather than from to be useless and the emergency vaguely described airplane inven AMERICAN GIRLS ASSERT Roosevelt Field, N. Y. brake only fair, OiBcer McGlinn tion. He was arrested by Con The announcement was made stated. stable Rodney Haskell after having just after Roger Q. Williams and No Brake Control been allegedly detected In an effort Lewis A. Yancey had returned with Mrs. Peterson was returning to gain access to the Morrow estate Ti their Old Orchard-to-Rome plan© from a visit to her sister-in-law, by prowling through the woods past Chicago Twins Adopted by^ WANTDRYLAW Green Flash from gasoline con Mrs. Edwin J. Swanson, of 23 Ridge the guards. North Haven having Rome ahead! The monoplane “ Green Flash” which may link America and Italy by ai^ for the first sumption test flights preparatory to street. She bad descended the no lockup, the prisoner was taken time is pictured above as It left the Teterboro, N. J., airport for Old Orchard Beach, Me., the ^ke-off point a hop-off for the Eternal City to wooden stairs on the embankment to the constable’s home for safe for the projected trans-Atlantlc flight. Lower right are the crew of the plane, Lewis A. Yanjjey, left, navi Marchioness of Hnntley morrow morning. keeping. between Pine and Center streets gator, and Roger Williams, pilot, who plan to hop off tomorrow. The plane is to carry aborft 600 gallons DISSECTED BY Lotti made the decision after an and was crossing the main highway The man described himself as of gasoline and 10 gallons of oil on its sea flight, and Is shown lower left being refueled for tbe journey. Robert Tondero, 40, living in Mex Finds It H arito Learn the hour and a half inspecUon of tbe. in front of the Edgewood House beach here and after communicat when the automobile struck her. ico City until a few weeks ago ing by telephone with his co-filers According to Cavagnaro’s story, he when he came to this country. He Language. HOOVER BOARD was returning from Hartford and said he had served as a mechanic Rene Lefevre and Jean Assolant at was not driving faster than 15 in ’the German Army during the Roosevelt Field, N. Y. miles an hour when the accident World War. NO HALF BAKED IDEAS SUGAR TARIFF The only difficulty In the way of occurred. Not Armed. London, May 22.— Marjorie and a trans-Atlantic air race wgs said It was not raining at the time In the man’s pocket was found a Isabel Mauser, the young sisters That is Wets’ Plan Bnt to be because it was impossible to although it had been a good share passport which was carefully STARTS MIXUP who came to England from Chicago leave Roosevelt Field today because of the day. Cavagnaro said that scrutinized today. No plans for FOR THOMAS A . EDISON Bishop Cannon and Others of the soggy condition of that air to be adopted by their great aunt, he saw Mrs. Peterson step dtfwn mechanical devices were found on port as tbe result of continued rain. from the curb on the south side of him, or among his belongings. He the Marchioness of Huntley, are Williams and Yancey stated that the street and started to slow down, was not armed. IN IN G R E S S having a hard time learning to Want No Tmkering With they were determined to hop to but when she hesitated he stepped An hour after the arrest of the Son of Great Inventor Toils speak English with an aristocratic morrow morning, providing ad on the gas again. He said Mrs. Mexican a boat of the United States MEMORIAL PARADE accent, it was learned today. verse weather reports were not re Peterson apparently changed Coast Guard immediately put out Ever since their arrival at Orton 18th Amendment. ceived in the meantimk The broad her mind and started across from Rockland .bound h er^ Armed Some htimate Facte Con-| Q jjjjg R S A R £ g S U E D l House L ^ c s Say . Tliey Loungueville, the Huntley country silvery sand of Old Orchard beach the street again. He applied Coast Guardsmen took the Mexican seat near Petersborough, they have at low tide makes a two-mfle run the brakes but they failed under guard to Rockland where he been struggling to master the elu Washington, May 22.— The ques way and is a boon to heavily load to hold. Mrs. Peterson was struck was placed In jail, charged, tem cerning Business Methods Will Demand Showdown sive English accent under the tutor tion of how far President HooVer’s ed plane at the take-off. by the radiator, which was stove porarily, with being a suspicious ship of Miss Robinson, their gov new law enforcement commission in. Mrs. Peterson was removed to person. of His Father. Route at Center May Be Over Plan to Increase erness. READY FOR HOP Memorial hospital in Holloran Family Not Worried. Marjorie and Isabel have been In should go in “ investl.'zaticg” prohi Old Orchard Beach, Me., May 22, The death letter received by Con Brothers’ ambulance. There she England about five months. Mar bition threatens to provide some — The monoplane Green Flash, was attended by Dr. D. C. Y. Moore, stance has no apparent effect on jorie is nine and Isabel eleven, but, the spirits of the remainder of the West Orange, N. J., May 22.— Changed to Keep Through Duty Rates. fireworks at tbe very outset of the piloted by Roger Q. Williams, with who said afterward that he con at their present rate of progress. commission’s work. sidered her condition very serious. family. Mrs. Morrow did not fore- Miss Robinsoh fears they will be Lewis A.