Create a Program Which Will Accept the Price of a Number of Items. • You Must State the Number of Items in the Basket
PROBLEM: Create a program which will accept the price of a number of items. • You must state the number of items in the basket. • The program will then accept the unit price and the quantity for each item. • It must then calculate the item prices and the total price. • The program must also calculate and add a 5% tax. • If the total price exceeds $450, a discount of $15 is given to the customer; else he/she pays the full amount. • Display the total price, tax, discounted total if applicable, as well as the total number of items bought. • A thank you message must appear at the bottom. SOLUTION First establish your inputs and your outputs, and then develop your IPO chart. Remember: this phase is called - Analysis Of The Problem. So what are your inputs & output? : Variable names: Number of items (input & output) Num (Assume there are 4 items) Unit price of each item (input) Price1, Price2, Price3, Price4 Quantity of each item (Input) Quan1, Quan2, Quan3, Quan4 Total price (output) TotPrice Tax amount (output) Tax Discounted total price (output) DiscTotPrice In your IPO chart, you will describe the logical steps to move from your inputs to your outputs. INPUT PROCESSING OUTPUT Price1, Price2, 1. Get the number of items TotPrice, Tax, Price3, Price4, 2. Get the price and quantity of the each item DiscTaxedTotal, Num 3. Calculate a sub-total for each item TaxedTotal Quan1, Quan2, 4. Calculate the overall total Num Quan3, Quan4 5. Calculate the tax payable {5% of total} 6. If TaxedTotal > 450 then Apply discount {Total minus 15} Display: TotPrice, Tax, DiscTaxedTotal, TaxedTotal, Num Else TaxedTotal is paid Display: TotPrice, Tax, TaxedTotal, Num Note that there are some variables that are neither input nor output.
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