Committee Sets Tentative Rules for New Dorms
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/ For All Student Vote Today Vote Today 89 Years Newspaper Tel In Frosh In Frosh 7 Elections Elections THRE Volume Forty-Three—Number 13 HOUSTON, TEXAS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1955 FRESHMEN WILL CAST BALLOTS Committee Sets FOR OFFICERS Tentative Rules Slimes elect the officers to- day who will lead them for the rest of this year. The president, For New Dorms vice-president, and secretary- treasurer jure supposed to "uni- by ALLEN BUTLER meals being paid for on a meal fy" their class, not only by The new College System soon to ticket basis. marshalling their forces during be inaugurated on the Rice Cam- Each College shall have a mas- Hell Week, but by other pro- pus will have several purposes ter who will reside in a house jects throughout the year. in mind. Among these are the near to his College. In addition, Three freshman Student Coun- promotion of student self- two to four bachelor faculty cil representatives will also be government; providing the resi- members will reside in each Col- elected. dents of the various colleges a lege. Class A graduate students more homelike atmosphere; de- (Continued rn Page 2) Candidates for class offices 0 and the Student Conncil are the veloping in students a responsi- following: President: Robert Kay Riunel, Jim Orr, George Brightwell, and Fines Martin, bility for the welfare of the Student Council Dopson/ Doug Roberts, Ernest featured as a quartet in the follies next week are pictured singing group; providing the environ- Montague, Jr., John Carpenter. in a tree giving the other birds all sorts of competition. ment and leadership, the discus- sion of ideas and a suitable orga- Vice president: Flo Burris, nization for the development of Coffee and Follies Harriet Hokanson, Leah Jane student leaders; and closer fac- Benke, Una Lynn Mattiza, Ann Follies To Feature ulty-student relations. Dominate Meeting Bartlett. To date, the faculty-student By Walt Silvus Secretary-treasurer: Bob Els- committee on student housing The usual Wednesday night ter, Hugh Rucker. Veteran Showmen proceedings were transplanted to has arrived at the following Student Council Representa- recommendations concerning the Anderson Hall 101 on account tives: Prissy Majors, BUI Land- On December 16 and 17 the , is all laid out on one floor, has new College System. These of because a SENIOR FOLLIES field, Joseph Kruppa, Jr., Ed- senior class will try their talent the largest stage of any high recommendations are tentative rehearsal was going on in the ward Lee Summers, Sandra and moneymaking ability in the school in Houston. The acoustics and will not necessarily be incor- much hallowed Exam Room. The Gordon, Frank Dent, Taylor Ray, annual Rice Follies. Written are excellent, and sound direct- porated into the College System entire affair lasted about forty- Rilda Richardson, Barbara Far- by Phillip Martin and Jonesy ors Robert Smouse and Charlie when it is established. five minutes. ren. Jones and directed by Jack Hazel have planned a sound me- Crutchfield and Gene Pratt, the chanism which will cover the en* All undergraduate students Hank "Boomer" Coors, author show features a television theme tire stage at once. In other words, will be assigned to one of the and sponsor of the infamous plot Last week in printing the to flutter the beloved lounge candidates for fxeiritman afid numerous good acts. the actors " won't have to come Colleges students fee- Several past performers will "front and center" to speak into ing the same privileges as resi- with nasty, revenue-producing vice-president, the Thresher yellow boxes, gave a report on omitted Ann Bartlet who is appear on the Bellaire High the microphone. dential members. Town students: School stage. Sue Carole Bru- The lighting set-up in the au- will be encouraged to live in; the coffee machine. Coors claims a qualified candidate for the that there is no wax in the cof- office. Her name was given gier, Mary Virginia Pittman, and ditorium is unique, the lighting their colleges if there is space! Jane and Joan Ryba will be re- platform is built into the ceil- available. fee cups, but recognizes that the to the Thresher by the elec- paper is too thin to comfortably tion committee, but was membered for their dancing*in ing, eliminating the glaring spot- Meals will be served cafeteria last years Follies, and Carolyn light from the balcony. style at breakfast and lunch on drink the hot coffee. But there omitted in error. is a panacea: A cardboard cup Turner and David Bybee are The senior class promises an every day, while evening meals vending machine—at a penny a The freshmen managed to put among the veteran singers. Phil- entertaining evening and a tal- will be served family style all shot—to facilitate the drinking ap enough posters on the cam- lip Seeger will do his popular ent filled show. Just drive out evenings except Saturday and ... of the coffee. pus to give it the atmosphere magic tricks, and Joan Field will Post Oak to the Bellaire High Sunday. Payment of meals will The Fowls through their rep- of some sort of political conven again display her dramatic abil- School, and settle down in the be either by a flat monthly rate resentative Henry Gissel request- tion, and they placed them in ity in a humorous skit. plush seats of the Auditorium, or by a monthly rate for lunch ed the council to withdraw their spots where upperclassmen In addition there are several and watch a program of "live and dinner Monday thru Friday controversial constitution. It was (especially sophomores) could new and noteworthy acts. A male T.V." and Saturday lunch, with other done. The Fowls will reconsider trip over them. These were taken quartet composed of Kay Rus- the objection. down Thursday at 1 p.m., and sell, Jim Orr, George Brightwell, Men Behind Rice campaign speeches were made and Fines Martin promise to be John Zimmerman then moved at a meeting in the Physics good, and a choral group of nine (Continued on Page 10) Amphi theater. boys are already gaining popu- 0 larity. GEORGE BROWN BELIEVES ENGINEER ALUMS The Bellaire auditorium itself deserves special notice. This SPONSOR CONTEST Preferential Poll newly constructed building, which RICE TIED TO SOUTHWEST A contest to design an ap- By A1 Beerman familiar to most Rice students propriate seal for the Engineer- To Gauge Opinion Series Begun On When George R. Brown enroll- through his work in the infirm- ing Alumni Association is being by" Cliff Carl ed at Rice with the freshman ary. held by the Department of En- class in 1915, the Institute con- As a Student gineering Drawing. The Young Democrats and 'Men Behind Rice' sisted of three classroom build- Mr. Brown was an officer of A $25 prize for the best de- Republicans start throwing ings, three dorms, and lots of In order to introduce the stu- sign is being offered by the straws in the wind next Tuesday mud and prairie, all located dent body to the many men and alumni, and the judges will be when with a preferential ballot south of Houston. They were women devoted to Rice Institute the Engineering alumni Board of aimed at Rice students and fac- pioneering in those days ac- Directors. Their decision will be whom the student would proba- ulty, they attempt to gauge the cording to Mr. Brown; and as based on workmanship and ap- bly not be abel to meet around political learnings on the Rice a pioneer of the New Southwest, propriateness. the campus the Thresher is insti- campus. the present chairman of the Only undergraduate engineer- tuting a series on "Men Behind Students will be asked to ad- Board of Governors, a leader of ing students are eligible for com- Rice." The series written by se- judge the top three Republicans industry and commerce, has petition. nior members af the Thresher and the top three Democrats helped Rice to grow with the Here are the complete rules: staff will feature members of from prepared lists which the Southwest in order to meet the 1. Design must be submitted the Board of Governors and clubs feel represent' men of needs of expanding area. on a paper suitable for photo- other individuals who have been presidential timber. The Repub- Mr. Brown, the first Rice stu- graphing and in India ink. interested in the development of licans have listed Eisenhower, dent to serve as Chairman of the 2. Drawing must be a mini- Rice. Nixon, and Knowland, Knight, Board, came to Rice with three mum of four inches and a Warren, and Dewey. The series, which is based on friends from Temple, Texas, all maximum of five inches in diam- The Democrats are putting personal interviews, begins this of whom were pre-med students. eter. their money on Stevenson, Ke- week with an article on Mr. They had been persuaded to at- 3. The name and address of fauver and Johnson, Herriman, George R. Brown, present chair- tend Rice by Charles Rudd, an the designer must appear on Rayburn, and Truman. man of the Board, written by A1 end on the football team. Mr. the back. After choosing top men by Beerman. Gus Wortham and J. Bronw never finished his pre- 4. All entries must be turned parties there will be a section of Newton Raysor will be introduc- med wofk however, and the only MR. GEORGE R. BROWN in at room 101 of the Engineer- the ballot where a choice of top ed in the next few articles of member of the quartet to enter his freshman class, and as a ing Annex by noon, January 9.