Portland Daily Press: March 17, 1899
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DAILY PRESS. PORTLAND ■ ■■ __ ia— mmmmao M| ,__gagBE_-=!i=^_- | PRICK THREE 18«2—VOL. M. 1’ORTLAND, MAINE, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 17, CENT^ ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. 1899._iaiB*5°.r;v.'rKKl_ t—-----•"*—■— BAR. :era. Mr. Hutchings mud© a farther Temperature, direction of wind, state of ADMISSIONS TO THE MISCELl.A>fOr»._- it airmen t, that the time wn« too late to mu FOR PRESIDENT. THEY SHOT TO KILL. weather: TREWORGY SET ESEE. !»tw Uw Bthn rhaages leaf with a question of this magnitude Boston 34 degrees, NW, clear; New j Legislature TAXATION. when he finished York,84 degrees, NW, clear; Philadelphia, Condition*. Go was applauded 40 degrees, NW, clear; Waenlng- The vote on Mr. Gardner's amendment 24 de- ton, 40 degrees, N, clear; Albany, .o the was then taken yeas and de- bncuL to BI raaaaj report by grees, NW, clear; Buffalo, 22 luhan.H of Dim For Firrt Murderer Released ' lays and th) amendment was defeated by Talking grees, N, snow; jDetroit, 20 degrees, NK, Alleged Burksport Auguste, Hereto 1&—There la a bill at Hot 82 St ,he decisive vote of 100 to 23. The 27 Factional Row Over Politics p. oldy; Chicago, degrees, W,Cloudy; now on Its passage which will have a NK. p. cldy: Hnron, Dak., From Jail. numbers who voted with Mr. Gardner Exeenlive. Paul,*)degrees. totoraal tsatodeafk of Black- 18 bN, cloudy; Bismarck 66, particular Arkansas. degrees, were Messrs. Carr Col barn, Craig, Crane, Springs, degrees, b, clear; Jacksonville, 64 de- mon* and Kant, tba y*nng men who bopa House Still Talking About [Jalgle, Dawson, Dunning, Freese, Guern- grees, fiE, cloudy. to win laurels at the bar aSd become the iry, Hahn, Hassell, Jelllson. kllborn, Wake tern and Uboatoo of th* oomlng ’AY FOB SOLDIEBS EXPECTED W HIS ACCUSES FOflG HAS BEER the Lieavitt, McFadden, Merrill of New year*. It eraalaa an antlr* now ayitaia far Subject MACHINE, PAI D SHOTS WERE FIRED AND QUEEN WILL SIGN. Gloucester, Peabody, Pierce, Kldlon, HAVANA TODAY. IMPROVED C«RP;T BEATING FIFTY LOCKED UP FOR PERJUBT. tb* examination of applicants for admle- Smith of Hartiand, Spraf.t, Staples, Stat- FIVE MEN KILLED. alon to tb* bar and U endorsed by tb* CA K PIT ion of Monmouth, Taylor, Teel, Weed, loading lawyer* of Mitlfie. tb* bill b*a Wilson of Minot. BEATL\(< passed ta be engrossed in tb* B*n*t*. It Madrid, March 17.—The Queen Regent Hare L Conference of Caban Generate in Friends Claim to on The adverse report wai then accepted. Treworgy’* 1* now on the table In tb* Ilanee BUT HAS ACCOMPLISHED IIP-TO-WATE. will the ratification of the peace Been As soon as this had been Mr. Occnr to Decide Whether to aide Another mi Shot In the Week and May sign Been Able to Prove an Altbl motion of Mr. Qnarnwy of Donor pending done, done with leather straps. and hli.rllT Miles Gardner fired bis next shot. He said that With Assembly or Uomn-lf Wig Beating lllr— A I hlrr of Polio, treaty today. Had Fogg Hot ( onfreeed— Mri. paeeage to be engrotaed In concurrence. NOTHING. for he to the No extra charge steaming. Which tbe act are set yielded gracefully decision of Letter It Means Assembly's Death w.r. Leader. In tha Faction. geld To Re doing to Oregon. The salient feature* of the but he would ask unanimous forth In tbe sxtraota: 1 House, Blow. Hid Ibe Shooting. THE FIGHTING IN PHILIPPINES. to the following liangor, March 16.—A • pedal consent to present a r.*olve designed to “The governor shall on tho recom- FOSTER’S from Klliwonh «ay* that WllHam the matter Havana,|Maich 10.—Tha Waited Htataa Hot Ark., March 10.—A shoot- Whig chief of tbe ■*- keep alive, I do this, said 202-2. Springs, to Rebel* the mendation of the jnotice 1 which loft 13 Preble St. Telephone Our Troop* Continue Drive T. of Bucksport, bold for Hr. Gardner that the not ranaport Meade, Newport occurred here ot 6.30 this evening Treworgy and on or before the question may a ing Before Them. term at EHs- preme judicial oourt, lews on with tha (8,000,000 at* I.ace Curtain Cleansing Specialty. men grand jury at the April Bill Defeated b« allowed to Income u matter of Monday which resulted in the death of live 11 rat of and ninety- Gardner By l!ig simply Kid Gloves Cleansed every day. Ha rah War* day July, eighteen otted to the Caban troop# by the Ualtad of one roan wortb lor the murder of Mr*. record on the files of some future com- and the serious wounding nine appoint a board of anaalnere, com- at 17th l»«t. * States government, Is te atrlvD m.— T*e in- Buokeport on September mittee on taxat ion. Mr. Gardner's re- expected who is not expected to live. The killed Manila, March 16—180 p. of fire lawyer* of this Majority. Wlevrell of poaed competent 1 nmorrow. Aa had) entrenches was brought before Judge solve calls for the of a com- yet arrangeasents are: surgents at the outposts and ■tat*, (or tb* examination of applicants appointment on a 1 been made for the mo the Supremo oourt thle evening iuirtoe of two to be lot storing asm Thomas Toler, chief of police. beyond Caloocan, fired several volley* for the odmleeton to tba bar, whom term seven, appointed by habeas The 1 ind until the matter Is settled the allot, and Kansas oorpus proceedings. justlo* ona the of the Senate and five HEAVY SHOES J. K. Hart, city detective. last night upon the Montana of office shall be a* follow*: On* for president by MEN'S admitted him to ball In uent will be left on board under gnanl. of the Fourth 11100. thro# the speaker Of the House. The committee Thomas F. Uoslee, police sergeant. volunteers and a part regu- year, one fa* two years, on# for Of the live four ere Governor-General 11*00be la still wait- son to discover bondsmen, promi- one flve is to on the whole matter of taxa- — IN John Williams, of Sheriff Williams. lars, desiring, it is supposed, on* for foor and for ORDER CREATING COMMISSION report was years, years, the master which will thinned nent dozens of Ellsworth. Treworgy tion to the next 1,g for rolls, proto, Louis Jlinkley, driver of a brewery if the American line had been yean, and thereafter each year tbs gov- legislature. too 111 to leave the BEFORE THE HOUSE. need much baton oen Wheaton's jail tonight. The order was tailed on motion of Mr. ibly handling they by the movement of Gen. ernor, on like reoommendatlon, cball ap- ! wagon. w Into to with the anti Rox Calf. FOGU COMMITTED FOB PERJUBT. of Portland who said that he un- got shape proceed Russet Ed was shot iu the neck and command. The Americans In the trenches one member of the board for the Virgin Spear* point llstribution. _ a similar die. replied to the lire. 1L Y. Beech- March 16.—Joseph Fogg, term of Svo Such board eball meet derstood measure was to be pre- may warmly Bucksport, year*, Pedro Betaaeoart baa arrive*! another Gen. Just the kind for Spring Wear. The shooting grew out of the-mayoralty er of Co. A, of the Montana regiment, who was hound over to the grand at Portland In Jaanary, at Ban- sented by member. Then Mr. I Jr., annually Matanzaa and oouferrsd with Gen- Former $3.50. Merrill addressed the House in substance rom price under way hero. The sheriff was killed in the engagement. jury on the charge of perjury, following In at Augusta In Ostobsr, campaign gor April, An Able Dlicanlon ofthc qnfillon By Pedro Jeans Manta A u, as follows: Ever since the introduction irula Dlaa, goad was a warm of the regular A battalion of the 20th regular infan- a self confession that he had false sssslons of tba supremo supporter given during tb* Alberto Nodarao and ftan- on Mr. Merrill of De- of this bill been made joule Hobau. Democratic nominee, while Toler, Hart try routed a small band of Filipinos evidence against W. T. Treworgy In the total court, and also at snob other gkowhrgan-H* gnat efforts.have jud ileon who last Aset bed ta to not this measure bat the Ferazea, Bight and Uoslee were supporting an opposition the Languana road and some sharpshoot- Ware murder case, wae taken to Ells- times and places la tb* state as tb* su- clarer That the Lobby Crrater the suppress only 1 ict In with him la con. a over 1 efforts ooajancttosi NOW S2.68. candidate. Early In the afternoon shots ers who were firing from house worth for oommlttel to tba jail oourt shall direst, far th* whole subject. say that great today preme judicial Tar Later—The Veterinarian Kegle- tho aetdoa of tho am were dis- been made of lemnlng military were between Sheriff Williams which a French flag was Hying there. At the same time It wae announced all for have not only oy members exchanged paipoaaof examining applicants Coneideanble lntaoaet attache* is tratlon BUI Killed By Parmer Date- House but of the winlity. and his son John, on the one side and lodged. that Mr. Treworgy'e oouneel would ap- admlaaton to tho bar, as to teelr legal this by members lobby,( ;be attitude they will adopt ertth inspect one lake and sil- that which is sometimes called the Sergeant Uoslee on the other, but no A gunboat entered the ply for a habeas oorpus writ.