Ph.D. (Tropical Medicine) Program Profile

Program Profile

1. Program’s name (Thai) ปรัชญาดุษฎีบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาอายุรศาสตรเขตรอน (หลักสูตรนานาชาติ) (English) Doctor of Philosophy Program in Tropical Medicine (International Program) 2. Degree Awarded (Thai) ปร.ด. (อายุรศาสตรเขตรอน) (English) Ph.D. (Tropical Medicine) Overview Type Academic No. of credits Plan 1: 48 / Plan 2 (M.Sc. holders): 48 / Plan 2 (B.Sc. holders): 78 Duration/Cycle (Years) Plan 1: 4.5 / Plan 2 (M.Sc. holders): 5.0 / Plan 2 (B.Sc. holders): 5.5 Current status Revised program Degree issuance Single degree Awarded Institute Mahidol University Quality accreditation To be submitted for AUN-QA


Ph.D. (Tropical Medicine) Program Profile

Specific Purpose/Goal/Objectives 1) A High Moral Standard and Ethics: Possess academic and professional ethics; be able to manage the problems with moral and ethical principles and reasoning as well as be able to guide the others ethically with integrity. 2) Knowledge skills: Be knowledgeable, breadth and depth, in the contents of tropical diseases both theoretically and practically and be able to apply research techniques in exploring and developing new knowledge related to tropical diseases as well as providing academic services effectively. 3) Intellectual skills: Utilize the literatures retrieved from various sources in developing work processes solving the problems of tropical diseases effectively. Be able to analyze and synthesize the theories based on tropical medicine research and be able to plan and conduct the research themselves effectively. 4) Interpersonal Relationship Skills and Responsibility: Be responsible for the assigned tasks and can work with others well both as the leader and as a member of the group. 5) Analytical Skills, and Information Technology: Choose appropriate technology to communicate the information and present the situation of the problems or the result of the research study to the others with different academic background. Be able to transfer knowledge, expertise and novel technology related to tropical diseases and related disciplines to the others effectively. Distinctive features Tropical Medicine Educational System Semester


Ph.D. (Tropical Medicine) Program Profile

Career Path of Graduates Tropical Medicine Expert / Researcher, Scientist, Public Health Officer, Medical Technologist with advanced knowledge in Tropical Medicine Continuing Post-doctoral degree is possible Educational Philosophy and Program Educational philosophy The program prepares high-quality researchers, educational leaders, health professionals and policy makers who are equipped with multidisciplinary knowledge and professional skills in Tropical Medicine through learning/research experience with premier faculty at the tropical filed site. The nature of international learners and learning environment of the program foster training of model citizens in analytical and collaborative skills in of tropical diseases with achievement motivation, moral and ethical manners. T/L Strategy Depending on the expected learning outcome, T/L strategies vary from Assignment, Discussion, Case study, Presentation to Research conduct Student assessment Aligned with T/L strategies and can vary from observation to critical appraisal research articles, proposal examination and thesis examination.


Ph.D. (Tropical Medicine) Program Profile

Competencies of Graduates Generic competencies Presentation Skill, Systemic Thinking, Interpersonal Skill, IT Skill, Leadership Skill, Managerial Skill, Knowledge and Information Acquisition Skill, Research Ethics Awareness Subject-specific Diagnostic Skill for Tropical Diseases, Statistical Analysis Skill, competencies Scientific Skill, Laboratory Skill for Pharmacokinetics Study, Programming Language Skill, Advanced Statistical Analysis Skill, Microbiological Diagnostic Technique, Molecular Biology Technique, Cell Culture Technique, Nutritional Laboratory Skill, Nutritional Assessment Skill, Microscopic Technique Skill, Histopathology Skill, Analytical Skills in Environmental Health and Toxicology, Arthropod Identification Skill, Diagnostic Skill for Medical Helminthes, Diagnostic Skill for Medical Parasites, Bioinformatics Skill, Analytical Skill in Environmental Biotechnology, Good Clinical Practices, Epidemiological Analytical Skill, Program Learning Outcomes PLOs ELO 1: Justify moral and ethical issues in problem solving and on daily basis ELO 2: Create novel knowledge in fields of Tropical Medicine ELO 3: Apply research based knowledge to solve Tropical Medicine related problems ELO 4: Generate connection of hosts, agents and environmental factors related to Tropical Medicine ELO 5: Work constructively in teams and participate solving processes ELO 6: Justify tropical medicine related IEC (Information, Education and Communication) to various levels