Report of the Assistant Director Neighbourhoods and Customer Services to the meeting of Regulatory and Appeals Committee (the Committee) to be held on the 15th October 2020 Subject: AL A report relating to the proposed extension variation of the six existing Dog Control Public Spaces Protection Orders for the Bradford District or the making of a district wide order under the powers arising from the Anti-social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 (the Act). Summary statement: th On 18 July 2019 the Committee resolved as follows:- (1) That the Assistant Director, Neighbourhoods and Customer Services be authorised to undertake the statutory consultation exercise in order to establish the evidence required to extend the following orders: The 2016 Drinking City Centre Order; (i) The 2002/03 City Centre Designated Public Places Order; (ii) The Street Drinking Orders for areas outside the City Centre; (iii) and The existing Dog Control Orders (iv) That further reports in relation to Drinking Orders be submitted to the (2) Committee in September 2019 and Dog Control Orders during 2020. This report provides a summary of the responses to the statutory consultation on the proposed extension or variation of the Councils existing six Public Spaces (Dog Control ) Protection Orders and a possible composite order for whole of the Bradford District and the submission of recommendations arising from the responses to the consultation. Steve Hartley Portfolio: Neighbourhoods and Community Strategic Director Safety Place Report Contact: Amjad Ishaq Overview & Scrutiny Area: Corporate Environmental Services & Enforcement Manager Phone: Tel: 01274 433682 Mob: 07582 100549 Email:
[email protected] City Solicitor-Parveen Akhtar 1.0 SUMMARY STATEMENT This report relates to the extension (and or variation ) of the existing Dog Control Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO) for the Metropolitan District of Bradford or a proposed district wide order.