September, 1965
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SEPTEMBER, 1965 IlinetijUinu 71ms Jlfinety - (JJine <j\feu;s s c i u m i l TV I may retract my statement at a later California, for the charter of the new date, but as of now, I would like to Monterrey Bay Chapter of Ninety- thank all of you for the honor of being Nines. They had 18 charter members your president. Never dreamed, when with only two transfers, which means I became a Ninety-Nine twelve years we have 16 NEW 99s. Isn’t that great? SEPTEMBER, 1935 ago, I would be in this po:ition. How They also have two prospective mem ever, I am looking forward with enthu bers. They are such an enthusiastic Official Publication of siasm and great expectations to the group of women, I am sure they will be THE NINETY - NINES, Inc. coming year. a most successful chapter. Headquarters, Terminal Bldg. I am also pleased with the Executive RUTH DEERMAN presented the Will Rogers World Airport Board and the officers you chose to charter, PAT LAMBERT, governor of P. O. Box 99 serve with me and am sure, with your the Southwest Section, presented each Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73101 cooperation, our flight through 1935-66 member with her 99 pin, and I commis Headquarters Secretary will be a successful one. sioned the officers. Their new chapter CAROL CRAIG Several have asked me what my chairman is HELEN SHROPSHIRE. main proJect or goal will be and I have September is a busy, busy month . chosen COMMUNICATION. An organiz Editor hope all of you plan to attend your sec ation such as ours needs to be able to DOROTHY L. YOUNG tion meeting. This is the place to meet freely pursue ideas adaptable to each 6512 N.W. 20th St. Dr. your section officers, plan your activ section and chapter, and then through Bethany, Oklahoma 73008 ities for the coming year, meet new communication, present those ideas to people and last, but not least, have fun! International Officers others so we might all benefit. If we were all presenting and accepting ideas Right now I am packing for a trip to President through open and easy communication, Miami, Florida, with plans to visit 99s ALICE ROBERTS I would consider my term of office a enroute. So, till I see YOU, 719 Orchid Lane complete success. Happy Flying! Phoenix, Ariz. 85021 Since returning from Chattanooga, I Alice Roberts Vice-President had the pleasure of flying to Monterrey, International Presiden* DONNA T. MYERS 11603 E. 61 h Place Discuss recommendations or suggested Denver, Colo. 80011 NOTAMS changes to the Constitution and By Secretary laws. BETTY W. McNABB ATTENTION! INTERNATIONAL JANUARY: Applications for AE 926 Third Ave. OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE Scholarship Awards must be in hands Albany, Georgia BOARD MEMBERS—BE SURE TO of Section Scholarship Chairmen by SEND YOUR PICTURE TO NEWS Treasurer January 15th. Discuss nominations for EDITOR BY SEPTEMBER 20th RUTH RUECKERT International Officers. FOR THE OCTOBER NEWS AND 2037 Rivera St. FEBRUARY: Finalize nominations FOR USE IN THE 1965-1936 ROS San Francisco, Calif. 94116 for International Officers — forward to TER. If you have a picture on file Nominating Committee Chairman by- Executive Board at Headquarters you wish to use, March 1st. LLYDIELLEN “Lygie” Hagan please advise Editor prior to Sep MARCH: Recommended changes to South 1907 Oneida Place tember 20 deadline. Constitution and/or Bylaws must be in Spokane, Washington 99203 hands of Resolutions Chairman by JOAN L. HRUBEC SPECIAL REMINDER March 25th. 16902 Dartmouth Ave. CALENDAR FOR GOVERNORS APRIL & MAY: Spring Section Meet Cleveland, Ohio 44111 & CHAPTER CHAIRMEN ings: Remind members to return bal ELIZABETH V. “ Susie’' SEWELL SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER: Send in lots for International Officers. c /o Catlin Aviation Co. renewals, deadline September 30. Send JUNE: Send annual Chapter reports P. O. Box 82398 list of new Chapter and Section Officers to Section Governor. Appoint delegates Okla. City, Okla. 73108 to Headquarters for the Roster, dead far International Convention—send del line September 30. Complete committee egate names to Int’l Secretary. INTER appointments and encourage exchange NATIONAL CONVENTION, June 28, DEADLINE FOR NEWS— of ideas and suggestions between Chap Seattle, Washington, preceding the The 20th of the Month ter, Section and International Commit AWTAR. Send Copy To: tee Chairmen. Encourage members to JULY: AWTAR — July 3-7 — Seattle Dottie Young, Editor attend Fall Section Meetings. to Clearwater, Florida. 6512 N. W. 20th St. Dr. NOVEMBER & DECEMBER: Select AUGUST: Elect new Section & Chap Bethany, Oklahoma 7300S your Chapter’s candidate (s) for the ter officers, notify Headquarters im Amelia Earhart Scholarship Award. mediately of new officer slate. situation since aircraft without radio Keeping Up equipment may be operating in the Coming Events area unknown to the FSS. FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR STANDARDS The rule was also discriminatory in TO BE RAISED. New FAA regulations Septem ber 10, 11, 12, 1965 nature, applying only to pilots of radio designed to improve general aviation Northwest Section Fall Meeting equipped aircraft. They were required safety by raising the standards of flight Medford, Oregon to obtain airport advisory service or be instruction and increasing instructor re liable for violation. There was no ob sponsibility go into effect September 26, Septem ber 11, 1965 ligation on pilots of aircraft not 1965. Air Meet, Chicago Area Chapter Dupage Co. Airport equipped with radio. The new rules set a two-year time Another factor influencing FAA’s de Septem ber 17-19, 1965 limit on flight instructor certificates. cision to rescind the rule is the inabil Southeast Section Fall Meeting Before certificates are renewed, flight ity of FSS to provide complete and uni Grand Bahama Island instructors must demonstrate to FAA form airport advisory service due to their proficiency and knowledge in both Septem ber 23, 24, 25, 26, 1965 variations in equipmenl and workload, teaching techniques and piloting skills. Southwest Section Fall Meeting and the location of the facility on the However, little or no re-testing would Salt Lake City, Utah airport. normally be required in the case of an Airport advisory service will be con instructor whose students’ perform Septem ber 24, 25, 26, 1965 tinued at flight service stations, but ance provides evidence of satisfactory North Central Section Fall Meeting participation by pilots will be on a vol training. Minneapolis, Minnesota untary basis rather than mandatory. Septem ber 24, 25, 26, 1965 However, pilots are still urged to use In addition to assuring instructors’ South Central Section Fall Meeting the service. qualifications, the renewal requirement Wichita, Kansas —o— will allow FAA Inspectors to upgrade Robert V. Reynolds has been named and standardize their instructional pro O ctober 1, 2, 3, 1965 assistant administrator of FAA’s Office cedures. It also will give the instructor Michigan SMALL Race of General Aviation Affairs by the an opportunity to become familiar with Grand Haven, Michigan Agency’s new administrator, William F. new training requirements and proced McKee. He had been deputy assistant O ctober 9, 1965 ures for new types of aircraft. administrator to William J. Schulte Middle East Section Fall Meeting since September 1963. Bob (or “Judge” The new rules are a result of increas Philadelphia, Pa. as he is known to many aviation peo ing evidence that the flying habits of ple) has been a part of general aviation student and private pilots directly re for over 30 years including a fixed base flect the quality of the instruction pro operation prior to World War II and vided. Student pilots accounted for 933 aircraft or instrument rating, would has been with the CAA/FAA since 1947. of the 5,039 general aviation accidents first need a certified flight instructor’s which occurred during 1964. About 80% written statement that the instructor Gen. McKee has named Dr. Peter V. of these accidents were attributed to has prepared the applicant for the test Siegel as Federal Air Surgeon. Dr. the individual. and considers him ready to take it. In Siegel has been Chief of the Aeromedi- case of failure and re-testing, the state cal Certification Division at the FAA’s Under the new rules, flight instruc ment would again be required. None of Aeronautical Center in Oklahoma City— tion required for solo flight, or for a those requirements apply to those seek responsible for certifying pilots as be pilot certificate or rating, will not be ing a type rating. The new rules are ing physically fit to fly. Dr. Siegel was acceptable unless given by a pilot hold based on an earlier Notice of Proposed trained as a naval aviator and still is ing a current FAA flight instructor Rule-Making. active in the Navy reserve. He also cerlificate. Similarly, only those hold keeps current in all makes and models —o— ing a flight instructor certificate may of single and multi-engine general avia endorse a pilot logbook to show they The rule requiring pilots of two-way tion aircraft. have given an applicant flight instruc radio - equipped aircraft to maintain We in general aviation are indeed tion. communications with a flight service fortunate to have such friends “top station when they are within five miles side.” Student pilots will be required to ob or the airport on which the station is —o— tain periodic flight checks from a cer located was rescinded in May by the As of June 25, 1985, FAA records tificated instructor and must have an FAA. show 22,004 U. S. females having cur instructor’s authorization before EACH rent medical certificates of a total num solo cross-country flight. These require Experience has shown that the rule ber of 553,123.