October 24, 2008 Break-Ins Raise Alarm from Watergate to WU in Skinker-Debaliviere

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October 24, 2008 Break-Ins Raise Alarm from Watergate to WU in Skinker-Debaliviere FOUR STARS FOR SEX DRIVE GOSSIP SITE HITS WU BERNSTEIN ON THE WEB Juicy Campus, a national university On campus Thursday was Carl Bern- Cadenza reviews brand new fi lm “Sex Drive,” which gossip forum, added Washington stein, the Washington Post reporter traces the journey of a high-school senior across the University in St. Louis to its list this who broke Watergate. Exclusive country to lose his virginity to a girl he met online, past week. video online. Ms. Tasty. INSIDE PAGE 8 PAGE 10 ONLINE STUDLIFE.COM Stthe h e independentTUDENT newspaper of Washington University in St. Louis LIFE since eighteen seventy-eight Vol. 130 No. 28 www.studlife.com Friday, October 24, 2008 Break-ins raise alarm From Watergate to WU in Skinker-DeBaliviere Ben Sales interest,” Lloyd said of the break- hearing things like that.” Senior News Editor ins. “What would happen if this Despite the pattern, WUPD, were to happen on the South 40? which works with the St. Louis There would be a huge response to Metropolitan Police Department After several months of sus- try to increase the security in the (SLMPD) in the area, may not tained auto break-ins in the Skink- area.” increase patrols there because it er-DeBaliviere neighborhood, the Lloyd added that several of his would mean taking forces away Washington University Police De- neighbors had encountered similar from other areas. partment has issued a warning to incidents. “We’re always respectful of the students living in the area. Though the crimes have in- fact that the jurisdiction in those The Washington University creased recently, the pattern of areas is the independent munici- Police Department’s (WUPD) ac- thefts began as early as the start of pality’s,” WUPD Chief Don Strom tion comes after neighborhood the academic year. said. “We don’t plan to hire more residents have lodged repeated Senior Britt Royal, who lives staff. We’ve dedicated resources complaints with the department to at the intersection of Waterman for those purposes but every time no effect. and Skinker Boulevards, had her we do that we’re pulling resources Chris Lloyd, a physics gradu- car stolen one week before classes away from other situations.” ate student who has lived in began and has heard of other inci- But Lloyd says that WUPD’s Quadrangle housing on Pershing dents on her street. responsibility, beyond increasing Avenue for several years, had his “When I came back from work patrols, involves informing area car broken into twice in the past at 5 [p.m.] my car was still there residents of the crimes in a time- month. After the second burglary, [but] when I came to drive to a ly manner so that they can be on he intensified his complaints to party my car wasn’t there,” she alert. the Washington University Police said. “I called the police and they “You would think that the Department. said it’s definitely stolen. They University would have a vested “The incidents that I reported found it in an East St. Louis im- interest in maintaining patrols in to WUPD never generated much pound three weeks later. I’ve been that area,” he said. “This is not a slam against WUPD people or the neighborhood patrol, which usu- ally does a good job, but this is a spike in crime that until about 12:20 [Thursday] was not broad- casted to the community.” While Strom recognizes the need for communication, he noted that police wait to issue a warn- ing until a trend in an area has developed—such as an increase SAM GUZIK | STUDENT LIFE of crimes on a certain day of the Former Washington Post reporter Carl Bernstein addressed the assembly series on Tuesday afternoon in Graham week or at a certain time—that al- Chapel. He spoke about government accountability and ethics in society, delivering the Eliot Stein Lecture in Ethics. lows investigators to more easily contain and prevent the thefts. Scott Fabricant “We saw in Watergate democratic and systems of government.” In this case, however, WUPD’s Staff Reporter principles succeed in a way that af- “It’s not just about politicians crime alert mentions that police fi rmed our common belief in the in Washington, and it’s not just the have yet to identify a pattern in idea of government that serves its press, because the people have been the crimes. Noted investigative reporter Carl citizens—affi rmed the rule of law,” complicit in this compact too.” STUDENT LIFE ARCHIVES Still, Strom says there is no Bernstein spoke about journalistic Bernstein said. In the panel discussion after his The corner of Forest Park Parkway and Skinker Avenue lies at the and governmental accountability as a Bernstein believes that post-Wa- talk, Missouri state senators Repub- southwestern corner of the Skinker-DeBaliviere neighborhood. Over the last See SKINKER, page 2 part of the Assembly Series on Thurs- tergate society has seen a failure of lican Scott Rupp and Democrat Jeff several months, residents have reported numerous auto thefts. day afternoon. the people to hold the government Smith responded to Bernstein’s com- Bernstein delivered the annual El- accountable for its misdoings, and he ments and continued a discussion liot Stein Lecture in Ethics, sponsored admonished society for its interest in with him about campaign fi nance and by the Center for the Study of Ethics “soft news.” the upcoming election. & Human Values, and was joined by “It’s not the job of the press to Smith received his Ph.D. at Wash- two state senators for a discussion topple government. It’s the job of the ington University and regularly teach- panel after his speech. press to report real existing conditions es a class on campaigns and elections Bernstein and his colleague Bob in the culture of society and govern- in the Department of Political Sci- Wrighton, SU endorse Woodward were responsible for the ment, not to bring about the results a ence. Washington Post’s investigation of reporter wants,” Bernstein said. “It’s The senators agreed with most of the Watergate scandal that resulted in the job of the people, the job of the the reporter’s cultural cynicism. the resignation of President Nixon in legislature they elect to topple the 1974. government, the job of the institutions See BERNSTEIN, page 3 MetroLink initiative CAN YOU TASTE THE DIFFERENCE? Sustainability Matt Malten and to continue to have a convenient Initiative would Director of State Relations and option for traveling the region. Local Government Affairs Rose “The UPass program has en- increase sales tax Windmiller—gave a presentation abled our students to become to the SU Senate to give details much more acquainted with the to support and on the proposition and to answer cultural, sports, and entertain- student questions. ment venues throughout the St. expand MetroLink If passed, the initiative, which Louis region,” he wrote. is known as Proposition M and And members of the Univer- operations which will appear on the St. Lou- sity community have used the is County ballot this November, MetroLink in large numbers; stu- would increase the sales tax in St. dents and staff took more than 2.3 Puneet Kollipara Louis County by 0.5 percent from million individual MetroLink and News Editor its current level of 1.85 percent. MetroBus rides last fiscal year, The initiative will also trigger according to Wrighton. a 0.25 percent sales tax increase “These numbers clearly indi- in St. Louis City if passed. cate the commitment of the Wash- Chancellor Mark Wrighton According to the ballot lan- ington University community to and Student Union Senate each guage, 50 percent of the result- public transit, and I am proud of endorsed a general election bal- ing increase in tax revenues will our enthusiastic support,” Wrigh- lot initiative earlier this week that go toward maintaining St. Louis ton wrote. would provide additional funding Metro’s current facilities, while According to Aibel, the propo- for St. Louis Metro. the other 50 percent will go to- sition also helps support environ- In a Tuesday e-mail to the ward expanding Metro’s offer- mental sustainability, something Washington University commu- ings. he says the University is commit- nity, Wrighton announced that the According to Wild, the Uni- ted to supporting. LANE S. GOODMAN | STUDENT LIFE University had endorsed Proposi- versity administration believes “The reason why I and a lot tion M, citing the benefits he be- the tax increase is worth it. of senators are in line with my Chancellor Mark Wrighton and students participate in Sustainability Week’s bottled water vs. tap water taste test lieved Metro has brought to the “From the University’s stand- thoughts is that our University has outside the DUC on Wednesday, Oct. 22. Sustainability Week consists of various fairs in the courtyard, CS40’s University. point we see many more positives made a commitment toward sus- ECOlympics, Eco-Trivia Night in Ursa’s, and Low Carbon Diet Night in Bear’s Den. “The Washington University from this small sales tax increase tainability, and providing public community is well served by both than there are negatives,” he said. transportation is a critical compo- MetroBus and MetroLink service, Supporters of the initiative tout nent of making our community a and is one of the largest users of that it will raise than $80 million more sustainable working and liv- ing environment,” Aibel said. Marrow drive looks to expand public transit in the region,” he for St. Louis Metro, money that wrote. they claim is necessary not only Opponents, on the other hand, Additionally, the Student for Metro to continue its current believe that the increase in taxes Sophie Adelman bone marrow donors.
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    Pulse / beats by Ian JoulaIn photography by Evan Hunt Strong will be coming along for the ride. Rise Against’s second tour stop in Long Beach, however, holds special significance for the group as they have the honor and privilege to share the stage with The Descendents. While The Descendents may not mean much to the average fan, for Principe and the rest of Rise Against, it really is something special. “The Decendents are the sole reason I learned how to play bass … they are truly one of my main influences,” Principe says. The April 7 show at the Long Beach Arena will be the first time in 14 years the Descendents have performed in Southern California. With Endgame only being out for a handful of weeks now, it has already garnered airplay with the group’s first single, “Help Is On The Way.” Lead singer and co-founder Tim McIlrath composed the song about his experiences in New Orleans while on a tour break, and speaks about the massive amounts of devastation Agents for Change Rise AgAinst’s sixth Album looks to ReinfoRce the Band’s messAge foR hope In speaking to Joe Principe, co-founder it fresh with every record and I think we he witnessed in the wake of Hurricane and bass player of Rise Against, one thing succeeded with that.” Katrina. The song also dives into the havoc is clear: It’s not about the music one Endgame marks the band’s fourth wreaked by the BP oil spill. creates, but one’s ability to stand behind time using the production team of Bill The always socially conscious Rise it.
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