Progress for Women's Participation in Politics
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Progress for women’s participation in politics September 2012 Women in Politics Support Unit Quota System Increases Number of Women in Parliament—By Tsitsi Mhlanga With the marriage of reserved ensure that the National As- to contest in the first past seats and a proportional representa- sembly reached gender parity. system and have a clear docu- tion, zebra listed system in Senate, In fact the numbers of directly mented history of ability and 122 women were sworn into Parlia- elected women representing will to work and deliver. They ment on the 3rd of September 2013. constituencies decreased from become the best tool in popular- Of these 60 women were members 34 in 2008 to 25 in 2013. As izing the participation of women of parliament whose mandate in the much as women had seats re- in public office. next 5 years will be to represent served seats, this was supposed The 60 seats as was also intend- the interests of women of Zimba- to increase the space for women ed have ensured that political Women in Key Posi- bwe in the legislature and in the in Parliament and not limit their parties were able to put for- tions in Parliament: Provincial councils. This is a big access to the 60 seats alone. ward, as well as retain, women increase on the 57 women that were Deputy Speaker of Political parties continue to who have a documented history sworn in to Parliament in 2008. Parliament—Mabel remain spaces in which the men of pushing women’s rights issues Chinomona The Southern African Development primarily influence and make in various ways. These women Community (SADC) Protocol on decisions. As such there is a will be able to articulate and President of Senate - Gender and Development is an in- need for women in all the politi- push for the needs of women in Edna Madzongwe strument that has not only been cal parties to set out clear the spaces that Parliament of signed but ratified by the Govern- criteria for candidature for the Zimbabwe influences. Oppah ment of Zimbabwe. The provision of reserved seats for 2018. This Muchinguri, Priscilla Mishi- 60 reserved seats in the Constitu- to ensure hat the seats are not harabwi-Mushonga, and Thoko- tion was in line with implementation hijacked to fulfill other agen- zani Khupe are example of such and domesification of the Protocol das. women who have clear docu- which calls for 50/50 representa- mented histories of pushing for A lot of work will need to be tion of women in public office by women’s access to their rights done to ensure that these wom- 2015. The protocol provides for the in different areas over the en’s mandate is understood use of affirmative action in order to years and are members of par- clearly. It needs to be under- Inside this issue: achieve gender parity in different liament under the reserved stood primarily by the citizens areas by 2015. Precedent for this seats. It is women like these of Zimbabwe, within political has been set in Uganda where who will effectively be able to parties and within Parliament. Current Number of 2 “women’s access to politics is pri- use the increased space for These 60 women have constitu- marily through a system of special women in Parliament to lobby encies; their constituents at reserved seats.” As a result since for state delivery of services to Some interesting 2 Provincial level are the women of 2001 at least ¼ of the Ugandan women across the country. that province. Parliament has been women. The 60 female MPs who repre- Names of the 122 Women’s economic status in Although the seats and other con- sent the women across the Zimbabwe provides a huge barri- women in the 8th 3 stitutional provisions have come a er towards their access to pub- provinces of this country, with Parliament of Zim- bit late for Zimbabwe to meet the lic office. The creation of appropriate support, have the babwe 2015 deadline, representation of reserved seats of women in- opportunity to influence the women has increased from 18% to creased women’s to access Par- 34%. The number of women in Par- political landscape of this coun- liament while limiting the eco- liament has increased by 114% due try. Ensuring that politics deliv- nomic burden that campaigning to the provisions that were lobbied ers a development agenda that in the first past the post con- for by women in the Constitutional stituency system brings with it. has women at its center to Reform Process. Paired with this, the seats will communities across the country; Political parties continue to be the provide a grooming ground for whilst forever proving that main stumbling block in increasing women in which they can prove women political actors can and women’s representation. They failed their ability as women leaders will ensure that real develop- to ensure that as prescribed by the to the electorate. In this way ment will take place at communi- new Constitution of Zimbabwe suffi- creating by 2023 a pool of 120 ty level. cient women candidates were for- women who are willing and able warded in the constituency seats to Progress for women’s participation in politics Page 2 Current Number of Women in Parliament Parliament of Zimbabwe is made up of two houses, The National Assembly and the Senate. There are 270 members of the National Assembly. The total number of women in the National Assembly is 85. Of these 60 are women who were elected via the Proportional representation women’s quota. There are 80 Senators. Of these 37 are women. Women make up almost 35% of the 8th Parliament of Zimbabwe as compared to the 18% that made up the 7th Parlia- ment of Zimbabwe. Again as with the 7th Parliament of Zimbabwe, women have been elected as the Deputy Speaker of Parliament and as the President of Senate. Some interesting observations from voting day As with many civil society organisa- ―Some political parties held tions WiPSU also had a small team women waiting in the queues. women who were turned away primary elections to select out observing elections. Women in The highest number of women ranged from 40% to 86% of the women to put on the list, while Politics Support Unit accredited 12 recorded at 7am was at Haig total number turned away. others did not. There is need people as local observers who ob- Park Polling station where of the ZEC should be commended for for some kind of selection of served . In trying to fulfill its 500 people in the queue 235 ensuring that it gathered gender the 60.‖ Lucia Matibenga mandate the organisation saw it fit were women. The lowest number disaggregated data for the first to ensure that in a limited way it was recorded at Davaar Farm time in the 2013 harmonized was able to observe the elections where 12 women were among the elections. However a month and gauge the participation of 20 people in the queue at 7am on after the Election date gender women in the elections. voting day. disaggregated data is still not In general women with visible available Critical information While other observer missions disabilities and women who were still outstanding is the gender were largely guided by the SADC visibly pregnant were allowed to disaggregation of the local gov- principles and guidelines governing go to the front of the queues. ernment results and the gender democratic elections or following However his was not the same disaggregation of voters. guidelines for African Union elec- form women who were breast- toral observation and monitoring feeding as they are not covered In general the elections were missions; WiPSU’s focus was spe- by the act. It must also be not- peaceful with all those who ap- cifically looking at the gender ed that women with small chil- peared on the voters roll or who sensitivity of the entire process. dren were observed at all polling were in possession of registration ―The new constitution reserves stations with one or two fathers slips being able to vote before the seats for women and we want Some of the key findings of that with young children also ob- 7pm deadline. This may be contrib- to take that opportunity to excerise were as follows; served. uted to the efficiency of the ZEC improve their welfare,‖ Monica th By 430pm on the 30 of July 2013 The highest number of assisted officials and the many polling sta- Mutsvangwa two polling stations visited in Hara- voters was observed at the tions available for voters to vote re Central had not yet received polling station Warren Park at. Voting day itself did not pose any serious hurdles towards wom- hard copies of the voters roll. In Primary School 3B, Ward 15, en’s participation. However we must all polling stations that observers Warren Park Constituency where 21 voters were assisted. Of note that this analysis does not visited on polling day there were no these 16 were women. On aver- look at the challenges that women electronic versions of the voters age at the other polling stations faced in registration and in stand- roll available. the percentage of women assist- ing as candidates. ed voters ranged from 27% to At all polling stations voting 90%. began promptly or soon after Of the voters who were turned 7am and all polling stations away from voting the major closed promptly at 7pm. In 4 of reason for doing so was not the polling stations a woman was appearing on the voters roll.