The Concordiensis, Volume 1, Number 2
THE S, CONCORDIENSIS. VoL. I. ScHENECTADY, N. Y., DEcEMBER, 1877. No. 2. :s, UNION UNIVERSITY. REV. E. N. POTTER, D. D., PRESIDENT. UNION COLLEGE, DEPAR.TMENT OF MEDICINE. ALBANY MEDICA~ CoLLEGE.-Termcommences First Tuesday in ScHENECTADY, N. Y. Septe~nber ~~d c-ontml!es twenty weeks. The plan of instruction combmes cl~mcal !eachmg, w1th le~tures. Special opportunities for -o- the study of chemistry and of practical anatomy. ExPEt\SEs.-Matriculation fee, $s. Term fee, $roo. Perpetual , 1. CLASSICAL CouRsE.-The Classical Course is the usual bacca Ticket, $rso. Graduation fee, $25. Dissecting fee, $5. Fee for labora the laureate course of American coHeges. Students may be permitted to tory course, $ro. I Iistological course, $w. For Circulars, address, pursue additional studies in either of the other courses. PROF. JACOBs. MOSHER, M.D., REGISTRAR, ling 2, SciENTIFIC CouRSE.-ln th.e Scientific Course the modern lan Albany, N. Y. guages are substituted for the ancient, and the amount of mathematical DEPARTMENT OF LAW. and English studies is increased. 3· SCHOOL OF (.iiVIL ENGINEERING.-The student iH this depart THE ALBANY LAw ScHooL.-The Course of Instruction consists of ment enjoys advantages nowhere surpassed, in the course of instruc three terms: the first commencing September 4th, the Second N overn tion, in its collectiOn of models, instruments and books, the ber 27th, and the third March sth ; each term consisting of twelve accumulations of many years by the late Professor Gillespie, and also weeks. The advantages for the study ot the law, at Albany, are as ~dent. in unusal facilities for acquiring a practical knowledge of instrumental great as can be found anywhere.
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