(Iowa City, Iowa), 1955-04-06

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(Iowa City, Iowa), 1955-04-06 .- -'- - ... _. .Jh, Weather ,t Serving the State 111.. &11 ~I.ud, ,,'lUI lit. Univerlity of Iowa &Ie o~.,e ill &emperatar6 tecla, 1M &0.".... 1Uib Campus and ....,: It - ••• rlnlr • .., ... ..Ud Tim- Iowa City 0'. Est. 1868 - AP Leosit':! Wire, Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa, Wednesday. April 6, 1955 , an nn­ male cam. banquet was W. O. Fink_ then. a lund for il ran out , the dinner was start_ ago. ~Walchdog (ommiHees' 8, JAlIBS F. lUNG In Red (hina LONOON (JP) - Under the weiltht of h.I6 80 years, Sir Winston Ohurchill ,stepped down Tuesday nLibt as Britain's Prime MlnlsaT TOKYO (Wednesday) (JP) - -still Clashing tile ohal1"pion'3 V-Cor-vlcto/'Y E~n. -· ChIna's Communist high com­ He thus cleared> thc way for his poliU~l h~lrj Sir A.,thon..v !lc¥!p. rnand bas sel up a powerful to become prime mJnister today and take u9 the Cltht q.f the na- watchdog committee over the tioDwlde clcction campaign j~t 'ahea<l. • . party, Peiping radio sai'd Wed­ Churohill's res~gnatlon closed qiJietly a ohar'tc1" in 20th Cen~ury nesday, thus threateni"g new * * * hbtory, in w1lll4e contrbt' to purges. the strUe and tumloll that Peoplc's Daily, offlcial party marked much of his ~ years In newspaper, laid down the law Eden's Wait politics. A strike Md slleneed London's ble ~wspapers, , on the heels of the purge of Kao Kang, boss or the five-year Of 13 Years Itrolie N~"'" ~tIfe plan; Jao Shu-shih, party leader ~n EJ.it.abcth. 0, mlwec1 at in East China, and seven mInor the retirement at her first min­ figures. lAlmost Over Ister, broke wlt:h 'nonnai . Prtl­ Peiping said Kao committed cedure .and held o1f summoi1lbl I..ONDON (JP) - Sir Anthony suicIde. Washington otlicials the 51-Ye'llr-oid Eden to .orm 'a' Eden flnally sleps into t,hc gl­ believe he was liquidated. Jao new governmen~ rt waa a .yro- an't's shoes today. His 13-y~ar and others pOssibly are being walt Is about over. saved lor public trials as lead­ The one.Urne boy wonder of See Editorial! Pate l " ers crack thc whip over the par­ diplomacy, now 57, is b ~ comini --------:-----­ ty and people. Britain's now prime minister. pathotic geSture , at a yount Admltted Fa.l1ures 'lIhe dynamic SIr Wlnstoh Qllcen to ~n olq' sla~n ~o People's Daily admitted fail­ Churchill moved aside TlUesday first served' Ufider her ;r.cat ures in the first two years of and E'den, oversttadowed through great-grarldmotiher, Queen vic· the first five-year plan. much of hJs life by old~r and to[lla. ThJS was to be' !)is' dar. "It probably requires three more bombastic men, awalted a For ' montbs ChI.\Idli-U a;luB· five-year plans to build a So­ call to his heritage. boJjlly re.tstea plead.inis -M hii cialist society," thc paper said, R1a"ht-Hud Mao wiofc, dPc'tor ~d frtfndJ \0' f.likd "but to build a powerful, highly As forelgn secretary and de­ thlnogs . easl~r. \ ru~sday. ~,· .ave industrialized Socialist country puty Prlme M.inlstcr, ~en bas In, put on nJs~ntiay bes\:\Yith requlres decades of arduous ef­ been Churohlll'$ ri.ghot-nand man. top hat anq ltoid watth Chlln) fort, possibly 50 years." A, year ago a iroup of Conser­ and rOde 'from Po\YtUt\l strett ,\,0 "The emphasls has to be laid vaUvc P<lrty stalwarts called on Buckloft)em ~lace t~ . ~nder his on heavy industry," said Pelp­ Churchill to di-cuss his lmpenq­ resJ,gnati(in. , ~ ing, bccause of the alleged threat ing rbt.irem~nt and somc of Olem observed, SOIllfrwhat poin"tedly, Fact Jleealill of "imperialist aggression." The Shouts of the Ol0u5llu\<b people weTe told to lighten their that Eden had ben k~ waittng ml1l~ a very long time [or his chance. [1lrIt «hollll the .. belts In these grim words: out~\ci~ ~ Churchlll pondered a moment., Ow W[nri.ie" 0It Ga],s ot t.ri~l\ .'People Mobilized' Lhen reporLcdly replied: ~ set : bf6 -PWik.-<:ooekcd !~ "The people of our whol~ "Truc. True. Mt~r all, the boy bMmirl«, lie waved II anent country must be mobilized. They can't live forever." tha~. , ' , must put hard and crcatlve Parb's 'Golden Bo)" <l1ur&iU 'spc!nt t minutes In work into evel'y kind of job; The perennial "GoldenB"oy" tbe~"'~· _ ~-aad they must raise output, practice of the party looks SUBve and then emeIW~-fft.lU. smIUn" He {he strictest economy, and work debonair, bui Intimates say he slowly ~ into the.hick seat In close cooperation wlth one Sir Winston Churchill tenw; Lo be my. .To Bome, he has and sat ,baCk' pu«1n, i bt.a <!~r another so as to fulfill and over­ As fit' Appeared Just Defore 1Iis Aucliellce tvith the Qt/'cCII Tuesda!l occasionally appeared not en­ in the m-al1(ler Of,. II. man relaxM fulfill the first flve-ycar plan." ~~--------------------------------------------------~---------------- tirely selC-conCldent. by tl)e UWtlg Q~ , a welaht (rom And while the party and pco­ Some colleagues say Eden caD his shoulders. ~ evening sun pIe struggle to industralize Chi­ delay making; declslona. hWlg in a J'Ill~ bt.ue sky. na, watchdog committees will McCormick's But his polish hides a core 01 ....e 81.,,1, guard against further Kao-Jao steel, and a mind and character Hancher. Oratorical, . lie rOIie bIIclt alO\Wy 14 lJo. 10 type "conspil acles" to seize that command deep respect in Downing Irt, to PIICk hl.s . be~. "'power in the party and state," Will Leaves Britain. Palping said. Crowds bo.Utinc rigll olIultte Admired for Hooes', serenaded h.i.m: "For be's a jolly He is admired [or honesty, 'Resolution Ado))&ed' Charity .r rust ~ fell9w," , Winner Richer sincerity, loyalty, steadfast re­ "In view of the urgent impor­ Is WITU HITl ER IN BERLIN, lin!!. Hitler explalnlnl' Ger­ PolitJ.cal llfe came II sband­ OHilCAGO (JP)-The late Col. was tuBal to IJIve in on a princi(ple. to tance of strengthening discipline Paul Richer, A3, Mason City, many's decision to rearm, thus brfl&k.i~ the World War I treaty. still. for !.be tooment' &5' tlie news Robert R. ~mlick, editor He t~ghls clean in poLlt1cs, within the party under the pres­ ofl 00)1 u t t hill'.s reJlCbaUon Tuesday night won the annual and publisher of the Chi~go When hI) resigned as . forelgn ent circumstances of the pe.r!od 9P1'ead. Orrl,y 20 m~rs Hancher oratorical contest held 'l1rlbuoe, left most of his vast f secretary in 193-8 rather than aop­ of transition when the class in the house cbamber, Old Capl­ loWced 00. t.beo IfeeJl ben~s of struggle is acu te," said People's holdings in ·trust for chal'lly. pease Continenlal die tat 0 r s, lol. lIn his will, ma-de pUblic Tues­ the house cd commons when Dail\}" "tbe national conference E)dcn know enOj.lgb secrC'ls to Richer, cumpeling with f 0 u r day, McCormick also d(:signated Wore reaol!.ed parllp1""MJ\t. Qulck'­ 01 the party adopted a resolution embara6S Prime MlnlSler Neville otber flnallBls, won $25 and the three of his executives to direct ly the lobbies began to bustle ali on the formation of central and Chamberlain and vDSUy Inflate right to rep!esent SUI in the operations oJ the Tribune. membe~ InoYM into clusters local committees. bis own political stock. Cham­ 65th meeting of the Northern Va'lue at the estate was not berlain had not invited loy.alty. and whistKt'cd. There w'U a "The central control commit- melaftCholy aboU\ the Oratorical league May 6 at West­ djsclosed. He had gone behind Eden's back s!l,ht air I tee already has been established. whole bWldlna' - willi ev~n ern Reserve universi~y, Cleve­ Executors Named in negotiations and sometimes These commltees are designed to Churchlll'lI S~t polltieal land, O. Named exeoutors of his estate treated blm abnost wi'th scorn, intensify the struggle against enem·Ies feeling the 1I:npact. violations of law and discipline Second prize went to Ida May were Chesser M. Campbell; Wi!­ once telilng him curtly, "00 rretele Brendel, A~, Musc!ltine. Other Iia'm D. MaJCW eU, managirg edi­ hom~ and take an a.<pirin." But ...."a1 on the part of party members J'orelJll Eden; tl\e finalists, chosen from a prclim­ tor of the Tribune, and J. Ho­ Eden kept his sccre1s. Sec.rEltJu;y and In particular to prevent Uk loYal protep friend Who is inary tiold ot Monday, were ward Wood, trc-a,surer of thc SoD IlIUed III War ~ recurrence of such incidents as 15 Inheritlnc • ,ChUrchill's man tie , James McKinney, AS , Musca­ Tr.ibune Co. His son, Simon Eden, an RAF the Kao Kang-Jao Shu-shih an­ Oa/TliPbell, Wlho was vice~prcsi­ o1ltlcer, was kllled In action in ti-party alliance." tine, Stephen ~hadle. A l, Esth­ cuuicmt" __ erville, and J..arlY Popofsky, Al, den.t of the Tribune Co., was Burma in 1945 and word or the ( Contl.nuea un page 6) Oskaloosa. elected president by company iragedy reached Eden just be~ directors after tenns of the will fore he was to make a political "1110 A&omie Al'e' were disclosed. broadcast. He k~ the news It's Fornado All five contestants spoke on Max;weU will be in charge or quiet and wellt on the air, reo "The Atomic Age." Five mem­ the editorial department and fusing to make political ca.p1taJ Studenl Hud.
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