.- -'- - ... _. .Jh, Weather ,t

Serving the State 111.. &11 ~I.ud, ,,'lUI lit. Univerlity of Iowa &Ie o~.,e ill &emperatar6 tecla, 1M &0.".... 1Uib Campus and ....,: It - ••• rlnlr • .., ... ..Ud Tim- Iowa City 0'. Est. 1868 - AP Leosit':! Wire, Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa, Wednesday. April 6, 1955

, an nn­ male cam. banquet was W. O. Fink_ then. a lund for il ran out , the dinner was start_ ago. ~Walchdog (ommiHees'

8, JAlIBS F. lUNG In Red (hina LONOON (JP) - Under the weiltht of h.I6 80 years, Sir Winston Ohurchill ,stepped down Tuesday nLibt as Britain's Prime MlnlsaT TOKYO (Wednesday) (JP) - -still Clashing tile ohal1"pion'3 V-Cor-vlcto/'Y E~n. -· ChIna's Communist high com­ He thus cleared> thc way for his poliU~l h~lrj Sir A.,thon..v !lc¥!p. rnand bas sel up a powerful to become prime mJnister today and take u9 the Cltht q.f the na- watchdog committee over the tioDwlde clcction campaign j~t 'ahea has I let feftl' and' is confined to bed my God.'" . Formosa area. Thursdnr. been aet .for another mesJ.n&. with & tcnpralure, ~ to 104, It was Sir AnIibOftT l!ldIeD. t.

, , J '&le ~THE DAlLY IOWAN-Iowa CU,., Ia.-Wed., AprU ~, 1955 • t 1 ., ; , . " • • Andy e· d I t 0 - r I a I s BrotHerh~()d Our Only "Hope: Fairless Era Passes with Churchill- (EDITOR'S NOTE: Here are Plans exeerpla from "What Brother. Andy Christensel aga inst bigotry. tiona 1 Conterence or Christians best suited. We shall need the With the resignation of Sir Winston Churchill as British hood Means to Me," a speeeb by kind of team where men are Eligible Bachelor IknJamin F. Fairlea, chairman That weapon, of course, is en­ and Jews has every reason to of 1955, said Tue prime minister an era of history comes to an end. The last great judged - not by their !'ace, their of the board, Untted States Steel Ughtened pUbllc opinion. While congratulate itself upon the to keep hjs prese leader of World War II has turned the leadership of his gov­ eorporatJon, upon reeelvbJl' the It h'as not yet destroyed the germ headway it has mode. Within the religion, or their economLc the next few yean the disease, it has quaran_ standing - but simply by their ernment over to Anthony Eden, but we feel there will always National Brotherbood award of ot specialized field of Its opera­ Chllstensen, 24, tined, at least, the. Typhoid tions, it has created an ever­ batting average. ~ a Churchill in the spirit of the British people. the National COD.fereDce of MEBOC at the ani Cbr1stlans and Jews Monday In Marys who ~rry it. increasing measure 01 natlona] DlfticuU Tuk Spree Saturday n It is fitting that Churchill should bow out of the helm of New York city.) Today it can tr~ully be unity; and in its struggle to wipe To create that kind 01 team­ he was very surp out bigotry, it has gained ground work is not an easy task in any his government carrying the good will of his people, his nation said that the !bigot is more he had won the c thoroughly d~ised in America steadily. nation, and some people will In­ and the free worW. To receive !,his. }3rQtherhood He remarked ttran any racia,1 or religious Narrow Attnck sist that it is an utterly impossi­ presented a t the d award of th~ NatIonal 'Confer­ group ha! ever bee.n in our his­ ble one - that discrimination, During the dark days of World War II 'Churchill stood as ence

TJR DAILY IOWAN-I_a CltJ, la.-Wed., AprilS, U55-p.,el -, New President HE HAD IT f :; Wesllawn To Honor Officers SAN DIEGO, Call!. (.4» - A Andy Christensen, MEBOC, p;nnecl, e~ained psychology professor at the statl! college here was having trouble • Today at Annuallnslallalion finding a clamoom to show hiJ : Plans to Continue Status and GngageJ class B mm. He finally found New of(icers of WesUawn Andy Christensen, SUI's "Most one and set up the projector" "', Eligible Bachelor on Campus" council wiU be recognized at the Jean Hotz, N4, Ft. Dodge, vice­ Then a fuse. blew out. After.., • of 1955, said Tuesday he plans PINNED annual Installation ceremony in president; Mary Roberts, N4, that was repaired it was discov- ":' IMaI'tha the main lounge, Westlawn, at to keep his present status "for Milani, A2, Center­ Greenfield, secretary; Joan Paul ered that someone had forgotten vme, Deita Gamma, to Donald 4:30 p.m. today. to bring the !i1m. The film's' the next few years." • Kent, N4, Laurel, treasurer; Kay Christensen, 24, was crowned Ribble, lA, Cedar Rapids, Phi After a report of the past title: "Frustration." MEBOC at the annual Spinsters' Gamma Della. year's activities by the reUrlng Kaufman, N4, Rapid City, S.D., Spree Saturday night. He said Julie Schneider, Sigma Pi Del­ oUicen, members of the old and social chairman; Shirley Kleh­ he was very surprised to learn ta, Augustana college, Rock Is­ new council wl1l be invited to a foth, N4, Cctlar Rapids, activities he had won the contest. land, III., to Paul Collins, AI, weiner roast in the Westlawn chairman; Laurie Caspers, N4, He remarked when he was Gul!, Ill., Theta Xi. plcnlc area. Hampton, publiclty chairman. presented at the dance: "I'd like Joyce Needham, A3, Sioux Ne. Officers Unit chairmen: Dixie Conway, to thank Bob Landess aod all City, DcHa Delta Delta, to Student nurses taklng office NS, Des Moines; Arlene Edwards, the members of Delta Upsilon Wayne Barnes, Dl, Washington, are Bonnie Erickson, N3, Sioux N4, Grundy Center; Miss Erick­ for their su-pport." Landess, A2, Phi Kawa iPsl. City, president; Shirley 'Boss, NS, son; Mary Fran Osborne, N4, Des Moines, was Christensen's 'Roberta Edgecombe. A1 , Bei­ , Manchester, vice - president; Iowa City; Jo Muto, N4, Des campaign manager. rut, Lebanon, Pi Beta Phi, to Joyce Moburg, NS, Gowrie, sec­ Moines, and Carol Whitlow, N4, , SenIor From Ames , Steve Shadle, Al, Estherville, retary; Marilyn Nichols, NS, Armstrong. , A native of Ames, Cl)ristensen Siema ChI. Musca~ine, treasurer; Lori Leich­ Is a first semester senior major­ Douglas Klink Ing in commerce. He attended Bonnie Mosness, AI. Cedar - Pili Beta Pi scnrln" N3, Amana, social chair­ man. Iowa Sta te college two years and Rapid, to Frank Brown, A2, SUI one semester betore enllst­ Grand River, Theta Xi. Douglas Klink, MS, Belle Norma Walker, N3, Berwick, IOWA~S FINEST ... Ing In the air force in January, Marlene Baucr, A3, Wesley, Plaine, has been clected presi­ m., activities chairman; Aur­ 1951. Alpha Chi Omega, to Wililam dent oC Phi Beta Pi medical fra­ zelia Boewe, N3, Iowa City, pub- • 9 Vitamins and Minerals Clements, A2, Nowton, Phi Kap­ While stationed at Fort Ran­ ternity. Ucity chairman. • dolph, San Antonio, Tex., he pa Psi. Unit chairmen: Constance Bis­ • 20% More Protein found time to attend night school _ Nina Neel. At. GUmore City, Other newly elected oUicers hop, N2, Fairfield; Lois Hott, NS, Calclwn and Pbosphorus at San Antonio college. Chris­ Alpha X I Delta, to William MI­ are Burton Carlock, M2, Toulon, Clinton; Shlrlcy Lenz, N2, Mt. • Tastes Bett.r, Tool tensen was a gunnery instructor ner, A2, Washington, Sigma Phi W., vice-president; Morgan Cline Vel non; Kay Ta)'lot, N2, Tulsa, in B~29 ' s before he was dis­ Epsilon. MI, Exline, secretary, an~ Rich­ Okla.; Audrey Thomas, N2, Iowa Charged as stat! sergeant in Oc­ City, and Patricia Zimmerman, Nancy Rodhouse, AI, Cedar ard Hammer, Ml, Des Moines, tober, 1955' 1:Ie returned to SUI Rapids, iPi Beta Phi, to Allan N2, Iowa City. in February, 1954. Rieck, A2, Iowa City, Phi Kappa steward. ReUrine Olllcers Galt is his !a vorite sport and Psi. Appointed officers are Denni ReUrln, oUicers are Loah Lu­ he also likes tennis, water ski­ Jean Montgomery, N2, Phoe­ Klauer, Ml, Akron, social chair­ nan, N4, Chariton, president; a ing and swimming. Just short nixville, Pa., Kappa Alpha The­ man; Edwin Woltgram, MI, May­ of six feet tall and weighing .;, ta, to Barry Adk-erley, C3, Des nard, and Robert Christensen, er­ 175 pounds, Christensen was ac- Moines, Sigma 'ChI. Ml, Algona, rushin, co-chair­ us tive in football, track and tennis Janet Hugins, AI, Clear Lake, men; Gordon Jacobs, M I, Read­ while in high school. Kappa AlPha Theta, to Ronald lyn, athletic chairman, and John x­ Arrow Coach Lines Hobbles Andy Christensen Hicks, AI, Morton Grove, Ill., Maughn, M 1, Leon, historian and lur. He likes to play bridge and Mr. MEBOC of 1955 Phi Gamma Delta. alumni chairman. feta dance when less strenuous ac­ CHAINED late tivities are called for. Jan~t Butler, A2, Dubuque, Announces New Bus Services Direct To Christensen said he plans to Delta Gamma, to Dave McCoy, t a go into sales work after he is 02, Dubuque, D . ta Sigma Delta. graduated in February, 1956. Kat-lell Sutton, A2, Clinton, Pi I We Serve the Bride WASHINGTON-FAIRFIELD-OTTUMWA n Although three of his four sis­ Bela Phi, to James Miner, A3, ly ters graduated from ISC, he said Charles Cit)', Phi Kappa PsI. READ DOWN DAILY READ UP rest he decided to come to SUI to JoAnn Foerstner, C3, Amana, 11 ...... _._.... __ ._ ... 16 .... _.. _ ...... RUN NUMBERS ..... _ ...... 15 . _.... . 17 take commerce. A fourth sister Della Gamma, to Alex Meyer, graduated from commercial col­ C3, Cedar Ra:pids, Srgma ChI. Eloise Weir, N2, Davenport, 4:t5 P.M. .:" A.M. LV. Ottumwa, Iowa Aft. 10:45 A.M. ~ lege in Des Moines. 5:" 11:15 Arency 10:25 es Christensen is social chairman K3jWa K~a Gamma, to Frank 5:15 .:%t Eldon Y 10:20 ' Is for Delta Upsilon social frater­ Schwengei, C4, Davenport, Beta 5;11 ':2$ Batavia 10:15 Ing nity, who sponsored him tor Theta PI. 5:%5 .:4t AR. FairCield 10;00 MEBOC. 1:Ie was voted on by M'

Pace 4-TBE DAILY OWAN-Io.. a Cit,. Ia.-Wed .• April G, 1955 Drops 2d G.anle, State

Hawks• t Lose Cardi'nals Take First Game 2 from Chic~go ' 'In 10th, 6-5 LONGVIlEW, Tex. (JP) - The St. Louis Cardinals swept a dou­ Schoendienst. St. Louis complet. 'llUCSON, Ariz. (J1»-The Ari­ ble-header from the Chicago ed its scoring in the ninlb zona Wildcats cracked out 25 White Sox Tuesday beating the against Bob Ohakales. hits. Including five home runs, American leaguers 6-3 in the First Oame: to blast the Iowa Harwkeyes, 27- first .game and 3-1 in a .five in­ 8t. Loul, ...... toO 001 Itl-C .·1: 7. Tuesday. ning nightcap. Cbl.a,o (A) ..•• 8O'l OIQ ~ J,l 9 Homers in Double Jack •• n. M.'o,d (~), TI..rua•• ' II) Ron Capps, one or Iowa's lead­ and Saral; Pleree, Chat.le. (I ..... T.r.e second game was caLled at C•• rlney. W-M.r.rtL L-Plere.. ,. ing hitters ro far this year, the end ot ,five Innings ,by agree­ Home ,uno: SI. L.ull - a,plll!kl anashed a bases-loaded trl1)le ment. choen.lenlt. Cblc_co-MeOIlN. ' tor Iowa In the ninth Inning Victory by 'Phillies Second Game: In the opener, the Cardinals t. Louis . ~ ...... 201 tt-3 A. when Iowa scored four runs. GREENSBORO. N.C. (A» - A scored four runs in the wake of Chle.,. (A, ..••... ' . Il0l1 III-I •• Don Gile hit two homers for CaUl;d at end 01 ;Uh by a'ree..... total of 20 extra base hits, in_ an error in the eighth inning to P.lIolaky aDd Rice: Swill. iI.'h~ II) Arizona and drove in eight runs. cluding nine home runs, turned win the game. and Wilbur. W_Pohol. ",.. 1..-8 ..ln. Monday the Wildcats nipped nome runs: St, L-oula-Fraller. '*"' a double~header into a batting ea,o-Dropo. the Ha.wkeyes in the loth Inning Bill Pierce, trying to go the prac:.1ice session here Tuesday as tn the first game of a six-eame distance Jor the first time, held Ule Philadelphia Phillies chalked series this week. Tuesday's ou'­ the Cardinals to four hits in the TROT1'ERS WIN up a double victory over . the come gives Arizona a 17-1 sea­ fiM seven Innings, one a homer ~H.AJRT. Ind. (JP)-Tohe Har~ ion record compared to Iowa's Boston Red Sox, 17-12 and 8-2 by Rlip R~ulski. lam Globetrotters TUesd.ay nlpt in a flve-I.n.nlng nightcap. 0-2 mark. PLAYER KEPRE ENTATIVES OF THE MAJOR LEAGUES met In Cinclfnatl Tueeda., to dlle.... In the eighth. Nellie Fox bob­ bea-t the College All-Stars,"8/I. An error by third baseman .prl11&' tra'lnlne date. and pensions. They are (lett to right) Robin Robel1a, P~ladelphia Phih; At­ • A minor leaeue ball was used bled a grounder and the Cards 7], b\!lore a sellout crowd Ot' &,- Ken Kurtz in the lOth Inning torney J. Norman Lewis, New York; Bob Feller, Cleveland Indians. and Allie Reynolds. retired New in the slUlitest. followed .with three hits, includ­ 371 after breaking a 20-a11 tit Monday gave Arizona a 6-5 vic­ York Yankee pitcher. Robel1a represents the National league and Feller, who spccceds Reynolds, the Jimmy ~ersall led the hit pa­ ing a two-run homer by Red early in the second quarter. tory. American leacue. Lewis represents the players In their pension activities. rade with a pair of home runs, a iRon Schaefer was nicked for tril>le and a double for 7 runs­ the loss with the victory going to batted-in the wild opener in .. relief hurler Masumi Ikeda. which 15 of the ex tra base hits &haeter allowed 13 hits while Playe,rs Vote to Start Earlier in S,pri,ng were slu,gged. his teemmates blasted eight. Ron In the nightcap. the Phil li es .trot•• at Capps had four hits In five tri,ps CINCINNATI (.4') - Player kept up Iheir hitting against .h. first to pace the HlIIWks. representatives of major league inal March 1 deadline was set Frick opposed the rule when Di.ck Brodowski righ't from the a map of Iowa scored one run in the basebaJl clubs reversed them­ at the request ot the players. it was adopted. start. Three singles and a home DIRECTOR top ot the lOth Monday. Arizona selves Tuesday and voted lo League player representatives In other action here the player run by WlHy Jones accoun.ted lor tied the game with a J1un In the recommend relaxing of the rule Robin Roberts ot the Philadel­ representatives voted to: four runs and two more were ] Oth and then Gust Stiles ca­ which now prohibits the sta'rt phia Phils and Bo;, Feller of added on Smoky !Burgess' homer romed a hit of! the glove ot of spring training before March Hire Atty. J. Norman Lewis of the Cleveland Indians explained New York as their attorney for in the third. Reliever Bob Smith Jim Piersall Schaefer. 1. that the matter of an earlier one year on a flat fee. was ra-ppet An- noon, AtPril 12. The deadline for r:::ea~~e t:~~: ~~~e~r~~~u~ hibition basoball s.eries at eight 8 ...... man ••1 • •. . n 0 ~ 0 nual Menls and Women's Sweep- ping pong is Atpril lB. $7,200 but it was turned ,down Pi~d'te/s Double games apiece. Ky.b. S ...... 0 I 2 by the club ow ers. ~ Jen.en, I ...... •. 2 0 M o er Bowling tournament, a bH- The elimination rounds .for the Bo th homers came at the ex" 8 ....r ••• p ...... 4 0 U 9 liard tourney and ping pong bowling and billiards will be P lOa y e r representatives who Nips Orioles, 5-4 at ten d e d T~esdaY s meeting !pense ot Bdb Lemon, the Indi­ Tala I, . . •.• ... 8'4 10 tournament at the Iowa Memo- from Aiprul 11 to Aipril 15. The were Carl Erskine • .Brooklyn ; COL'lJiM'BffiA, s.c. (JP) - Dale ans' 23~game winner of a year riad Union, the Union board semiiinals will last trom AiPrll ion, the nrr'np~n ARIZONA AD n o It. Howie Pollet, Chicago Cubs; Ted Long's 375 ... foot double to the 2 I games committee announced 18-22. 'l'he ping pong tourna- ago. ~I,.r •• eI ...... II I Kluszewski, Cincinnati; Warren centerfield fence in the .£inat in­ ~5;0 entirely di Zlvkovlcb. c ...... 4 2 I~ 1 Tuesday. ment will take place at the same nii1.g gave Pitt9bur,gh a 5-4 ex­ Sal Maglie or the Giants and .. Tamo.ka ...... 0 o a Entry a.pplJcations may be time as the finals of the other Spahn. Milwaukee; Roberts; Bob 2:30 p.m. and a S ....lOn. ~ ...... n !• I .. hibition baseball victory over L ~ m:>n both pitched all the way, Friend, PittsbWgh; Stan Musial, On". I ...... ~ I e picked up at the recreation desk two mee1s-April 24-30 during Baltimore Tuesday. the first on their clubs to ac­ ODERN SIZE FQunded in 1 8111u. II ...... ~ 2 o at the new adddtion at IIny time. the Union's open house week. St. Louis; Bob Kennedy. Balti­ 011 •• rl ...... n . complish the trick. ~~b its tours • Only undergraduates are ell- There will be five divisions more; Sherman Lollar, Chicago 'Frank Thomas had walked W.I.b•• ~ ...... n 1 4 and raced home on Long's blast New York (1'1) . 000 010 Oll-l-~ 9 0 Ing known as Castro •• ...•.•• .•• 1 ,gible for the bowling tourna. in ping pong: men's singles and White Sox; Feller; Harvey CI.velana .... 1100 000 10_1 8 0 TII,mal , p •.••• • .•• U o •~ I\faC'1Ie and Weslrum; Lemon and Ue- men·t, three cushion billiard and doulbles. women's singles and Kuenn, Detroit; Joe Astroth, with the winning r·un. Wheels." The ------PIII~bur,b ...•. O'!I IlOO On->ll~ 0 ,an. 'V-Mai"e. L-Lemon. all T.tall ...... 41 13 20 J:; pocket billiard meet. The ping doubles and mixed doubles. Kansas City; ~errl!' Coleman, aalUmor. • .. .. 0t6 ola ~ 7 0 lIome runa: New York-irvin 2, Len­ peared in pa non. FILTER TIP TAREYTON 'POl1Ig tourn.ament is all univer- Trophies and medals will be New YOlk Yankees; Sammy LlUlell.ld. Kline (n. Wa'e (8) and States and in a-Ran .It , to,ed I.r Zlvk.vlch In J04b. SIo.pard; 8" •• 'ob.l.n (8' an. Smllh. Score b), Innln,s: sity. The entry deadline for the awarded the champions and White, Boston, and Eddie Yost, W-W.... L-hbDlon. Native Iowa ...... 200 IlOO O~O 1-4 Gives You The True Tobacco Taste bowling and bilJiard meets is runners-up. Washington. Ho",. a ..: Plllabu,.Io-Thomal. A,lavna . ...•..• 101 4HMl 2l1li ~ Braves Blast Bums, Dorati, a n You've Been Lpoking For! Hungary, ha 8.0, in Last Game Minneapolis 1949, when he LOUlSVILiLE (JP) - Bob Bubl PaODlJOTOF cft:~J"~ 'Mltropoulos. Davis to Start for All-Americans' Tonight ·Re!I,egS Snap Loss and Eornie Johnson shut out the eonductor. - Streak, Beat Nats Brooklyn Dod'gers with five hits Top.fJrught basketball will be Tuesday as the Milwaukee the Dallas iRICH'MONID, Va. (JP)-In their from 1945 on display In the Iowa ~Jeld Braves took the final exh~bitlon who helped to beat Iowa in the ual, the troupe has a set o.t some dose games, with the av­ best offensive showing of the the group house tonight when the Harlem National Collegiate tournament haUtime perfoI\mers 1rom the erage mallgin of victory being meeling 01 the clubs, B-O. The spr.in.g, the Cincinnati Redlegs victory also gave the Braves the 'during th e Globetrotters and 'the College at Kansas City, is one of the shQW world. Among them are only six points. 'l\he AlL...Ameri­ T.ue3day routed the Washin,gton Ali-Americans meet in ,the tour­ series. 5-4. '. Dorati's alL-

f PI,e I-TIR DAILY IOWAN-Io,... ("Ity, J •.-w~a., Aprll c, U~5

" UO,," open ' ~ ' Il p,m , Youfh Gets 5Pays NOW - ENDS Ghurchill Britain's PM.For 9 Years On Driving Counts • 'tOUR DAY- Paul D. Smith, 19, North Lib­ CUi i ; b1:'.1J) (Continued from Page 1) 1 VYV Mil:» •• • erty, was sentenced Tuesday in YOU'LL LlKEI was ab6ent. Group's Route to North Pole Iowa City police court to five Mr:n"'I'..... ,_ The Chun-hlll cabinet has of. House Delays days in the Johnson county jaiJ fered Its resiJn,atlOD, in aecord on charges ot driving with a sus­ with tnldltlon, but Eden Is ex­ pended operator's license and pcot.cd to keep the same COllSer­ BUtTlIS driving a vehicle with defective vaUve party team that has ruled Farm Bureau Mr. and Mrs. Daniel GriUin, equipment. the nation since 1951. Eden is 532 Olive st., a boy Tuesday at Judge Roger lvie sentenced ewected to relinquish his old Mercy hospHal. Smith to live days for driving ,~ ",'hen he moves up to Prime Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Nosek, under a license suspension, then Minister. Delel'lSe Minister Har­ Separation box 844 , Iowa City, a girl Mon­ directed anothcr five-day sen­ old Macmillan, likely will be day at Morcy hospital. tence in lieu of a $27.50 Ilno on foreien secretary. Macmillan, DES MOINES (,1P)-The senate Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gries­ the defective equipment charge. whose family controls the big bill for divorccmcn t of the agri­ bach, J9 E. Bloomington st., a The sentences will run concur­ ,~... .. cultural ext~ nsion scrvice from rently. - Macmillan publishi.ng house, boy Thursday at MClcy hospital. served under President Eisen­ the Farm bureau tan into a cool­ DEATHS Smith was charged with driv­ .. aa-WAYNE ing perIod Tuesday aoIternoon hower in North Mrica. ott Mrs. Grace Westcott, 78, 6;8 ing his 1949 auto with a missing Davis , EWer 8&a&elmaa in the house. Final action was tail light, one license plate, de­ delayed, perha.ps until Thur.sday. Walnut st., at Mercy h05pilal. 0IWrc!til! himself has no in­ fOUCE COURT- fective mUffler, defective foot :md emergency brakes and no ~lIbB clination to serve in the I''l'binpt The senate bill prQposes to es­ Louis Lukosky; 219 S. Linn st., Jack Levine tablish county agricultural ex­ registration cerlificate. .. WALTER IRENNAI and reportedly has adjusted was s~ntenced Tutsday to toll\' New York City Artist ...... ry wn· J.-.1 hlmseJ,f to a role as elder states- j , tension coundls in rach county days in the counly jail .in lieu and tequire counties to levy a - PLUS - man - makin, only occaJional a $27.50 fine on a charge 01 tax 01 half a mill Or enough to ot Carney Denies Calling TOE SUPER SHIVER appearances In the house of com- I I intoxication, raise $20,000 a year per council AND SHOCK SENSATIONI mons. Russcll Garrett, Johnson City, Levine To Be Guest War in Formosa Area W,."HIJ:R ."05: ____... He 'and Lady CburohlU arc to support extension wOllk sepa- WASHIINGTON (IP) - Adm. rate from Farm ,bureau activi­ m., Tuesday received a $52.50 luvjna next Tuesday Cor Sicily, suspended fine on a charge of Robert Carney denied Tuesday w.here he Intends .to relax in the ties. Artist at Parley he had ever predicted war might When the house took up con· intoxication. Judge Rogcr IVlc sUn and paint during his first suspended tile tine pending pay­ Jack Levine will be guest art­ break out in the Fonmosa straits vacaUon In a year and a half. sideration of the measW'e aIter around Arpri.J 15. lunch, Representative Sar (R­ ment by Garrett for damages to ist at the 25th annual art confer­ British politicians have pre­ a plate glass door window at a ence and high school art exhi­ Carney &ot in his denial when a national election within Charles City) propased an questioned by a senate sulbcom­ d.lc1ed local tavern. bition to be held at SUI April ~e next if£w months-tho most amendment providing that mem­ miltee. Robert J. Hoster, Lemont, Ill., 22 and 23, conference manager general ruess being May 26. bers of the council be elected He talked with reporters Chw'chlll has .given no indica­ from the quaHIied voters of the Tuesday l eceived a $7.50 sus­ Frank Wachowiak, SUI associate March 24. Stories appeared the tion that be would hurry back county. There would be one [rom pended fine on a charge of oper­ professor of art, ~aid Tuesday. next day that the U.S. thought -TlUS- from his vacation to take any each townshilp in the county and ating a vehicle without valid Levine, a New York city artist Co hi n e s e Communists might active part. One of the reasons three at lange from cities and registra tion. who has achieved fame through strike at the straits about A'prj] • THURSDAY·' Jlven '(or his retirement Is the tQWiI1S. Stuart K. Hopkins, A2, Chica­ bis satirical paintings of the con­ IS, "Doors 'I1hesenate bill provided for go, UJ., Tuesday received a $7.50 desLre of some Tories for a temporary social scene, will ad­ MORNING Open 9:30 A,M.fl YOUll/l'er man to lead them in the one council m,mber from eaCih suspended fine on a charge of dress the conference at 2 p.n!. c:amcJ8J,gn. townshL», and appointment of failure to stop at a stop sign. April 23 on "The Artist as a EaJollq R1mIeIf three menvbers at large from George C. Stebbins, A2, Oel­ Taxpayer." ci ties and tOlWns by those chosen Tuesday Ohurcl1ill seemed to wein, Tuesday received a $7.50 A recent Levine painting, "The be enjoying hImSelf immensely, from the townships. suspended fino on a charge of Gangster's Funeral," was pur­ as just abOut. the busiest man in When it became aro>arent that failure to stop tor a traffic sig­ chased for the pormanent Iowa London. Hill outward a~aranee other amendmmts would be of­ nal. Memorial Union collection and Was of a man who bas CinaMy fered the bouse voted to ad­ Richard W. Turnipseed. R.R made a decision after long journ un.til today. is now on exhibit in the main 4, was fined Tuesday $12.50 on lounge. tbou8ht-andl he looked relaxed a charge ot speeding, In !'eUe!. Ronald L. Detweiler, RR. I , Other works by Levine are in­ l'libh no newspapers, the mill­ Wellman, Tuesday was fined cluded in the collections of thc IIlJ throng at Buck!n cham palaco USMC Cuts $7 .50 on a charge of failure to Boston Museum ot Fine Arts, drew many recruits who were Brooklyn museum, New York just curnous to find out what all stop for a stop sign. URT Gerald J , Mascher, 606 E. Jef­ Museum of Modern Art and the t.he excItement was ,about Metropolitan Museum of Art. LANCASTER An aide at 10 Downing s1. said Criticized ferson st., Tuesday was fined "the old man"-as a '1urchlll is $27.50 on a charge of leaving COM~TTEE GROUNDED affectlonatel>, caUed - was "in WASHINGTON' (IP) - Two the scene of an accident. A~A<~~ good health and in excellent senate Democrats told navy Edward O. 'Brown, 440 Wales HARTFORD, Conn, UP) - Al- <.... "TfCHNICOlOR ~.I ....d fol'llYl." chiefs Tuesday thut projected st., Tuesday was fincd $37.50 on though Connecllcut is a leading Served Nine Yean cuts in the marine corps ought a charge of speeding. manufacturer of aircrllft and JEAN PETERS ~~!~~ ChurohlU William G. Radloft, Cedar aircraft engines, and although had served in the to be called oCf as long as tension CO-FEATURE prlll)e ministry nearly nine and uncertainty cloud Formosa. Rapids, Tuesday received a more than 2,900 bllls - a l'ec­ yeats. He held the job in all but That advice was offered by $12.5 0 suspended fine on a ord number - were introduced elaM months of World War n, Senators John C. Stennis (D­ charge of operating a vehicle in the 19M session of the Con­ serving trom May, 1940, to July, with defective cquipment pend- ncoticut Legislature, not a single Miss.) and A. illis Robertson I"~. Then the Labor party took ing repair of thc vehicle. bllJ was referred to thc Avia- owr, only to lose' the govern. (D-Va.) at hearl'1gs by a senatc - '- Carol LeRoy Davis, 1312 N. tion Committee. ment five years later. He re­ appropriations subcommittee on the $34 billion defense budget. Dubuque st., Tuesda,y was fined --;WP.;;';;;.;;;;;;;j;;;;;;;;­ PLUS 'FREE! FREE! sUrQ.ed the o~rlce Oct. 26, 1951. $7.50 on a ehalge of operating a ~ fI • .• y::::::a • it; only two Enig~hmen have Stennis said it should apply. too, TO EVERY BOY AND GIR1, vehicle without valid registra- served In the job beyond to a proposed reduction in army ,L' J • 1: A J LEAVING THE THEATRE churlclhlll's aae. Lord Palmerston ground forces. AFTER TllE EASTER FU,N King D. McWilliams, 804 8th WIiS &1 wben he died in o1!flce in But Secreta of the Navy tion. NOW SHOWINGI' SHOW . . . WE WILL GIVE 1868. WUllam Ewart Gladstone ave .. Coralville, Tuesday receiv- I I _ ONE NORTH AMERICAN Charles S. Thomas stood fast tor M a $7.50 suspended line on a Beyond oily Illdiall F-100 SUPER-SABRE &t Wlhen he resl-gned in 1894. ENGLERT. LAST DAY! was the administration defense pro­ charge ot disobeying a traffic Adr:ellture Ever Filmed! MODEL PLANE. 'For Ohurchill the general sen­ gram and its co~templated cut Wlllla,n Grace signal, Kelly Urnentalfeelillol among Brito.ns in marine corps numbers from lIoldcn • &COOled to be "he's had good In­ Donald W. Hamilton, RR. 3, 'r •• hnlcolo~ 224,000 men on July 1, 1954, to lal\fUaie in cricket West Branch, was fined $17.50 n1ncs"-thc 193,000 by J une 30, 1956. "THE BRIDGES fot a batsman Wlho has raded Tuesday on a charge of speeding. up a Jood liCore. "1 think that if Formosa is Everett W. Cooley, Cedar Ra­ AT TOKOwRI" attacked," Thomas testified, "we pids, was fined $7.50 Tuesday on have enough to protect Formo­ a charge of operating a vehicle " nOOKS OPEN 1: 1,1 P ,M." Eden- sa," with defective equipment. (Continued from Pa,ge 1) Yet he conceded that an attack Don R. Robertson, R.R. 5, was on the Chinese Na tiona list fined $7.50 Tuesday on a 'charge r&f,idi' 81 ou~urats, pointing to the tre­ stronghold woulej "portend fur­ of operating a vehicle without STAltJ.~ TttURSDAY mend a ttust to be knQwn as City, Mo. the ;Robert R. MCCol'llYllck Chari­ The Weather bureau noted table Trust. that " a slight change in wind Seeea TIWi direction a few hundred miles The wiN also establlahed a sec­ distant can cause the by-passing ond cb:arII.table tnIst which in­ of 'an entire state." clude. his larae Cantigny farm "An aJert," the Weather bur­ nM%' .~an WheatOn plus eau continued, "means that you m1)llon to lbaintain the land ,I should be on the watch for the and buudiniiS as a public park and mu.eum for the ltate of D1I­ possible development of a tor­ nol. atter biI Widow "shall cease nado In your vicinity and know to resicle tbeI'e." what to do if one is sighted." "r never m TrIIwtees at both tbese charita­ Here's what to do, according He declined ble trusts are Arthur Schmon to the Weather bureau: 'dol' . . pruident of the Ontario Pape; IF 'YOU ARE AT HOME - . l'aul R. 00., Ltd., CNebec:, and North the best place to be is in the Washington Shore I"eIPet Co., and other Ca­ southwest corner of the cellar. cago Daily nadian .-.idiaries of the 'I'rt­ Turn off the ,as and the electric bwIe Co., e"ecuton ~Il Iwitch before the storm strikes. MalaWelJ ,nd Wood, and Stewart LF YOU ARE DRIVING IN D. ~ an aaalatant manactnc THE COUNTRY - Drive oft at fI-,01 the,1'ribune. rllht an,les to the direction that " J'lft 'l'nIIIee. tbe storm Is movin" which is :beHIe ~ted Scbmoll,~' IllUally towards the northeast. MINNEAPOLIS ,SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA .u!e~irJWell ancl Wood and hiI • IF YOU ME IN TOWN - T:,"~ ~ McConnick The !)est place to be is in the In­ UNIVERSITY CONCERT. COURSE .' • ' editor Oil the terior hRl1way of a large huild- .

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