Death of a Reserve Currency* Stephen Quinn Department of Economics Texas Christian University
[email protected] William Roberds Research Department Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
[email protected] Last revised: April 9, 2015 Abstract The Dutch bank florin was the dominant currency in Europe over much of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The florin, a fiat money, was managed by an early central bank, the Bank of Amsterdam. We analyze the florin’s loss of “reserve currency” status over the period 1781-1792, using a new reconstruction of the Bank’s balance sheet. The reconstruction shows that by 1784, accommodative policies rendered the Bank policy insolvent, meaning that its net worth would have been negative under continuation of its policy objectives. Policy insolvency coincided with the Bank’s loss of control over the value of its money. JEL codes: E58, F33, N13 _________________________________ * Views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta or the Federal Reserve System. The authors are grateful for comments on earlier drafts provided by Joost Jonker, Elizabeth Klee, James Nason, Angela Redish, Peter Stella, Larry Wall, Warren Weber, seminar participants at De Nederland- sche Bank, the Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta and New York, and participants in the All-UC Conference on “Central Banking in Historical Perspective,” the Caltech Early Modern Group, and the Dutch-Belgian Finance and History Workshop. The authors are also indebted to Christiaan van Bochove and Joost Jonker for sharing their data on East India Company bond prices. Research assistance was provided by Pamela Frisbee.