Vir2 Instruments: Elite Orchestral Percussion Complete Instrument List

Vir2 Instruments: Elite Orchestral Percussion Complete Instrument List

Accessories & FX: Slide Whistle (Menu) Zildjian 20in Constantinople Light Steel Plate Zildjian 20in Light Anvils

Stick Clicks Zildjian 21in Bell

String Bells Zildjian 21in Special Bicycle Horns

Thunder Sheet (Menu) Zildjian 22in Constantinople Mallets Bicycle Horns Chromatic

Water Chimes Zildjian 22in Constantinople Rods Body Percussion

Water Chimes Chromatic Zildjian 22in Constantinople Car Keys (Menu)

Wine Glasses Armand 19in Sizzle 1

Wooden Monk Bell Sabian 18in Ozone Cowbell 2

Sabian 18in Prototype Brush Cowbell 3 Bass :

Sabian 18in Prototype Cowbell 4 Adams Mahogany 15x36 Sabian 18in Cowbell 5 All Bass Drums Wuhan 12in Cowbell 6 Ludwig 18x40 Wuhan 16in Cowbell 7 Yamaha 16x38 Wuhan 18in Cowbells (All Hits) Yamaha 22x40 Zildjian 14in Constantinople Chimes: Zildjian 14in Old Earth Plate Adams Rawhide Zildjian 15in Constantinople (Menu) Cathedral Chimes Zildjian 15in Old Egg Shaker Loop Fast Musser Rawhide Zildjian 16in Constantinople Egg Shaker Loop Slow Musser Soft Zildjian 17in Constantinople 1 Finger Cymbals: Zildjian 17in Constantinople 2 Water Sabian China 15in Zildjian 17in Custom Jingle Bells Small Zildjian China 19in Zildjian 17in Old Jingle Bells Small Chromatic Zildjian 16in Custom Zildjian 18in Constantinople Mission Bells Zildjian 16in French Zildjian 18in Ocean Zildjian 17in Constantinople Zildjian 19in Constantinople Clusters and Strums Zildjian 18in Constantinople 1 Zildjian 19in Custom Piano Knocks Zildjian 18in Constantinople 2 Police Whistle (Menu) Ethnic and World: Zildjian 18in Viennese Rachet Agogos Zildjian 19in Constantinople Sand Blocks Almglocken Zildjian 20in Germanic Shakers Almglocken Rolls Zildjian 22in Germanic Slapstick Ankglung Full Zildjian 18in Custom Flat Top Sleigh Bells Bongos Mallets - : Vibes MCS6L (Mute-Sus)

Cabasa Tiny Vibes MCS8L (Mute-Sus) Fall Creek ENS760R Ebony Vibes MSC1 (Mute-Sus) Fall Creek ENS760R FX

Castanets Epstein Hall Vibes MSC8N (Mute-Sus) Fall Creek IP901

Castanets Rosewood Vibes NR13 (Mute-Sus) Fall Creek IP901 FX

Claves Grenadilla Hall Vibes PCWhite (Mute-Sus) Fall Creek OR45 Coconut Shells Fall Creek OR45 FX Mallets - : Fall Creek Pau Rosa Beckers Octave Rolls Fall Creek VMax Red Beckers Rosewood Kalimba Fall Creek VMax Red FX Ebony FX Log Drum x4 Mallets - : Ebony Gliss Large Ebony Hits Boom Whacker Maracas Small Ebony Octave Rolls Chordal Rolls Augmented Quinto Ebony Rolls Chordal Rolls Diminished Whistle FreerK11 Finger Nails Sambago FreerK11 Gliss FX Fingers Talking Drum FreerK11 Gliss Up IP100 Rolls Thai Singing Bowls FreerK11 Octave Rolls IP100 Short IP901 IP100 Sus

Gongs: IP901 Gliss FX LS20 Cres Roll

Di Hu Yi 14 IP901 Gliss LS20 Dec Roll

Nipple Gong 10 Musser Kelon LS20 Major Roll

Nipple Gong 15 NR13 LS20 Octave Rolls

Nipple Gong 22 NR13 Gliss FX LS20 Sus

Opera Gong 8 NR13 Gliss Noises

Opera Gong 10 NR13 Octave Rolls NZ Major and Minor Rolls

Paiste Distant Hall 36 NR13 Rolls Rattan Handle Hits

Paiste Gong 14 Pau Rosa VMax Hard Short

Saw Gong Pau Rosa Octave Rolls VMax Hard Sus Wind Distant Hall 30 VMax Med Rolls Snare Drums & Toms: Wuhan Gong 26 VMax Med Short Black Swamp 6x14 Zildjian Gong 12 VMax Med Sus Clevelander 6x14 Birch

Handbells: Zeltsmen Graduated Concert Toms x5

Handbells Mallets - : Gladstone 7x14

Handbells Staccato GMS 6x14 Maple Vibes Bowed

Handbells Waved Marching Snare Vibes FX

Pearl 5x14 Cast Aluminum Medium Hits LR –––––

Pearl 6x14 Solid Maple Medium Rolls Pearl 16x16 Field Drum Medium Soft Crescs

Tenor Drum Medium Soft Dimins

Tambourines: Medium Soft Hand Muffled

Medium Soft Hits LR Aluminum Tin Medium Soft Rolls Copper Combo Wood Crescendos Grover Copper Wood Diminuendos Grover HTC Wood Hand Muffled Grover Silver-bronze

Wood Hits Grover Silver Wood Rolls Hinger

Lefima Triangles:

Lefima Special Alloy Abel 6 Lite

Lefima Super Combo B and T 7 Gold

Stoessel B and T 10 Gold

Stoessel Silver B and T 11 Silver

Toy B and T 12 Gold

Vaughncraft Brass Black Swamp 8

Vaughncraft Secco Wind Chimes:

Wood Tambourine Bamboo (Menu)

Timpani: HR T'works 23 Thick (Menu)

Cartwheel Crescendos HR T'works 28 Thin (Menu)

Cartwheel Diminuendos HR T'works 35 Thick (Menu)

Cartwheel Fingers and Hands HR T'works Studio (Menu)

Cartwheel Hand Muffled Mission Bells (Menu)

Cartwheel Hits LR Wood Blocks:

Cartwheel Rolls Vaughncraft W1.5 Greens Crescendos Vaughncraft W1 Greens Diminuendos Vaughncraft W2 Hard Greens Hand Muffled Vaughncraft W2 Soft Greens Hits LR Vaughncraft W4 Hard Greens Rolls Vaughncraft W4 Soft Medium Crescendos Vaughncraft W6 Hard Medium Diminuendos Vaughncraft W6 Soft Medium Hand Muffled