Robert MacLaren –
[email protected] 26 Update RETINA contact ChoroideraemiaRETINAL trial shows GENE promise and THERAPY challenges of viral gene replacement approach by Howard Larkin in Milan clinical trial of gene therapy for choroideraemia While choroideraemia is relatively rare, afflicting about one now under way in the UK provides an opportunity in 50,000 in northern Europe with the highest incidence in for ophthalmologists to contribute to what Finland, it is a promising disease entity for gene therapy for could be a revolution in treating genetic retinal several reasons, Prof MacLaren noted. conditions,A Robert E MacLaren, DPhil, FRCS, FRCOphth, of For one, the choroideraemia phenotype is specific and Oxford University, Oxford Eye Hospital and Moorfields Eye instantly recognisable, whereas the appearance of the retina Hospital, London, UK, told the 12th EURETINA Congress. in other types of retinitis pigmentosis is similar regardless of Viral-vector gene therapy holds the promise of curing the gene involved. This makes possible early identification of life-long genetic retinal disorders with a single injection choroideraemia patients. Also, the gene involved, CHM, is 1.9 of replacement genetic material, Prof MacLaren said. The kilobases long, making it an ideal size for delivery by adeno- treatment he developed with Prof Miguel Seabra, Imperial associated viral vectors, which have been shown safe and Courtesy of Robert E MacLaren, DPhil, FRCS, FRCOphth College, London, is the first for choroideraemia, an x effective for retinal applications, Prof MacLaren said. Figure 1: European collaboration. Prof Robert MacLaren (UK) performs the first chromosome-linked degenerative retinal disease leading to In addition, the condition typically progresses slowly, from choroideraemia gene therapy surgery in Oxford with Dr Martin Zinkernagel (Switzerland).