Toward Thermodynamically Stable Triplet Carbenes Yumiao Ma* BSJ Institute, Haidian, Beijing, 100084
[email protected] Abstract In sharp contrast to the widely studied and applied stable singlet carbenes, only several kinetically persistent triplet carbenes have been studied, and thermodynamically stable triplet carbenes are much less developed. With the Gibbs free energy of C-H bond insertion into methane as a probe, DFT calculations were employed to examine a variety of candidate molecules for stable triplet carbenes. Guided by these calculations, some molecules with significant stability against C-H insertion were designed by fine tuning of geometry and electronic structures. These compounds might be potential candidates for experimental development of stable triplet carbenes. Introduction Pioneered by Guy Bertrand, Armin Arduengo and others, stable singlet carbenes have been well developed since 1980s1-3, and have exhibited great importance as ligands, reagents, etc. On the other hand, stable, or even kinetically persistent triplet carbenes are still scarce. A persistent triplet carbene, 2, 2', 4, 4', 6, 6'-hexabromodiphenylcarbene, was reported by Hideo Tomioka et al in 19954, with a half-life at ~1 s. In 2001, persistent triplet carbene with half-life of 19 min at room temperature was reported5, which was a great breakthrough. Several other kinetically persistent triplet carbenes were also studied, and the half-life ranges from microseconds to a week6, 7. However, thermodynamically stable triplet carbenes are still unknown hitherto, to the best of our knowledge. In this work, a variety of potential candidates for stable triplet carbenes were designed and examined by quantum chemical calculations. Guided by calculations and rational design, some competitive candidates were obtained, which may be helpful for the development of stable triplet carbenes, and for the understanding of the chemical properties related to open shell organic compounds.