Artículos en revistas sobre

Anton Pavlovich Chejov

Búsqueda en Mla

"A. P. Cechov." Russian, Croatian and Serbian, Czech and Slovak, Polish Literature 35.2

(1994)MLA International Bibliography. Web. 14 Apr. 2010.

"A. P. Čechov." Russian, Croatian and Serbian, Czech and Slovak, Polish Literature 66.2

(2009): 155-255. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 14 Apr. 2010.

"A. P. Chekhov. 1860-1904-1994." Literaturnoe Obozrenie: Zhurnal Khudozhestvennoi

Literatury, Kritiki i Bibliografii 11-12 (1994): 3-34. MLA International Bibliography. Web.

14 Apr. 2010.

"Chekhov Jubilee." Toronto Slavic Quarterly 10 (2004): (no pagination). MLA International

Bibliography. Web. 14 Apr. 2010.

"Chekhov on the British, Irish and Russian Stages, 1990-1991." Scottish Slavonic Review 16

(1991): 103-21. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 14 Apr. 2010.

"K 100-Letiiu so Dnia Smerti A. P. Chekhova." Izvestiia Akademii Nauk, Seriia Literatury i

Iazyka 63.5 (2004): 16-39. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 14 Apr. 2010.

"K 100-Letiiu so Dnia Smerti A. P. Chekhova." Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta.Seriia 9,

Filologiia 3 (2004): 7-60. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 14 Apr. 2010.

Afanas'ev, E. S. "Epicheskoe i Dramaticheskoe v p'Esakh Chekhova." Izvestiia Akademii

Nauk, Seriia Literatury i Iazyka 52.6 (1993): 27-37. MLA International Bibliography.

Web. 14 Apr. 2010. ---. "Ironicheskii Epos Chekhova: O Povesti 'Step''." Izvestiia Akademii Nauk, Seriia

Literatury i Iazyka 60.6 (2001): 27-33. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 14 Apr.


---. "'Kak Vy Vse Sero Zhivete, Kak Mnogo Govorite Nenuzhnogo': Rech' Personazhei v p'Ese

A. P. Chekhova 'Vishnevyi Sad'." Russkaia Rech': Nauchno-Populiarnyi Zhurnal 3

(1992): 18-23. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 14 Apr. 2010.

---. "O 'Sluchainykh' Podrobnostiakh v Iskusstve Povestvovaniia." Russkaia Rech': Nauchno-

Populiarnyi Zhurnal 2 (2001): 13-7. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 14 Apr. 2010.

---. "Postklassicheskii Realizm A. P. Chekhova: K 100-Letiiu so Dnia Smerti." Izvestiia

Akademii Nauk, Seriia Literatury i Iazyka 63.4 (2004): 3-11. MLA International

Bibliography. Web. 14 Apr. 2010.

Akhapkin, Denis. "Eshche Raz o 'Chekhovskom Lirizme' u Brodskogo." Toronto Slavic

Quarterly 13 (2005): (no pagination). MLA International Bibliography. Web. 14 Apr.


Alion, Yves. "La Petite Lili: Entretien Avec Claude Miller." Avant Scène Cinéma 524 (2003):

81-5. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 14 Apr. 2010.

Allain, Louis. "Mozhno Li Nazvat' Chekhova 'Veruiushchim Nigilistom'?" Slavia Orientalis 44.4

(1995): 485-93. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 14 Apr. 2010.

Allen, David, and Marco Ghelardi. "Unfinished Pieces: From Platonov to Piano." Modern

Drama 42.4 (1999): 595-614. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 14 Apr. 2010.

Almond, Ian. "Chekhovian Overtones in Early Joyce: Some Brief Remarks on 'Araby' and 'the

Kiss'." Orbis Litterarum: International Review of Literary Studies 56.5 (2001): 367-77.

MLA International Bibliography. Web. 14 Apr. 2010. Altschuller, Gregory. "Memories of 's Family." Brick 80 (2007): 107-14. MLA

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Anderson, Greta. "The Music of the Cherry Orchard: Repetitions in the Russian Text." Modern

Drama 34.3 (1991): 340-50. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 14 Apr. 2010.

Andreach, Robert J. "Guare's 'the Talking Dog': An Adaptation that Only Partially Adapts."

Notes on Contemporary Literature 37.4 (2007): 9-11. MLA International Bibliography.

Web. 14 Apr. 2010.

---. "The Maiden's Prayer: Nicky Silver's Chekhovian Play." American Drama 11.2 (2002):

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Andreev, M. "Komediia v Drame Chekhova." Voprosy Literatury 3 (2008): 120-34. MLA

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Andringa, Els. "Effects of 'Narrative Distance' on Readers' Emotional Involvement and

Response." Poetics: Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, the Media and the Arts

23.6 (1996): 431-52. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 14 Apr. 2010.

Appleford, Rob. "'no, the Centre should be Invisible': Radical Revisioning of Chekhov in Floyd

Favel Starr's House of Sonya." Modern Drama 45.2 (2002): 246-58. MLA International

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Arkin, Steve. "Mary Lavin and Chekhov: Something Autumnal in the Air." Studies: An Irish

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Arratia, Euridice. "Island Hopping: Rehearsing the Wooster Group's Brace Up!" TDR: The

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Axelrod, Willa Chamberlain. "The Biblical and Theological Context of Moral Reform in 'the

Duel'." Russian, Croatian and Serbian, Czech and Slovak, Polish Literature 35.2 (1994):

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Backès, Jean-Louis. "Remarque Sur Des Problèmes De Traduction." Revue de Littérature

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Baehr, Stephen L. "The Locomotive and the Giant: Power in Chekhov's 'Anna on the Neck'."

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Baiarunene, Vida. "'V Detstve u Menia Ne Bylo Detstva': Tema Detskogo Stradaniia v

Rasskazakh Antona Pavlovicha Chekhova." Acta Humanitarica Universitatis Saulensis 5

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Baldwin, Jane. "Chekhov, the Rediscovery of Realism: Michel Saint-Denis' Productions of

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Bamforth, Iain. "Notes from the Sea-Bed: On Old Europe, Spa Culture and Chekhov's Last

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Behrendt, Eva, et al. "Warten Auf Die Wahrheit." Theater Heute 49 (2008): 92-102. MLA

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Beliavsky, Ninah. "Discover the Unknown Chekhov in Your ESL Classroom." Journal of

Aesthetic Education 41.4 (2007): 101-9. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 14 Apr.


Bell, Phaedra. "Fixing the TV: Televisual Geography in the Wooster Group's Brace Up!"

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Beltrán Almería, Luis. "Chéjov Novelista." Mundo Eslavo 5 (2006): 111-22. MLA International

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Bennett, Robert B. "The Golden Age in the Cycles of History: Analogous Visions of

Shakespeare and Chekhov." Comparative Literature Studies 28.2 (1991): 156-77. MLA

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6 (2001): 56-63. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 14 Apr. 2010.

Berlin, Normand. "Traffic of our Stage: Chekhov's Mistress." Massachusetts Review: A

Quarterly of Literature, the Arts and Public Affairs 41.3 (2000): 375-98. MLA

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Bertoldi, Massimo. "'Il Giardino Dei Ciliegi' Di Anton Cechov." Cristallo: Rassegna di Varia

Umanità 42.2 (2000): 95-100. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 14 Apr. 2010.

Bérubé, Maurice R. "Why I Hate Chekhov." Chronicle of Higher Education 48.25 (2002): B5.

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Besprozvannyĭ, Vadim. "Kak Sdelan Rasskaz A. P. Chekhova 'Tolstyĭ i Tonkiĭ'." Russian,

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Bezhin, Leonid. "Maiak Nad Ostrovom: K Stoletiiu Puteshestviia A. P. Chekhova Na Sakhalin."

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Birden, Lorene M. "Chekhov's 'the Delegate'." Explicator 61.3 (2003): 151-5. MLA

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Bitsilli, P. "Gogol' i Chekhov: Problema Klassicheskogo Iskusstva." Literaturnoe Obozrenie:

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International Bibliography. Web. 14 Apr. 2010. Blair, Rhonda. "'Specific Approximations': Chekhov's , Translation and the Actor."

Metamorphoses: Journal of the Five-College Seminar on Literary Translation 9.1 (2001):

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Bloom, Harold. "'Simpler, More Truthful, More Himself'." Theater 24.1 (1993): 82-6. MLA

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Bly, Mark. "On Producing Rothchild's Fiddle." Theatre Forum 25 (2004): 68-71. MLA

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Boddy, Kasia. "Companion-Souls of the Short Story: Anton Chekhov and Raymond Carver."

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Bodelón, Luis. "Teatro De Cámara: El Pabellón Número 6." Primer acto 253 (1994): 117-20.

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Boroch, Robert. "Typy Postaci w Dramatach Antoniego Czechowa w Świetle Antropologii

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Bosnjak, Blanka. "Pisatelj Milan Pugelj Kot Pomemben Clen v Kratkoprozni Ustvarjalnosti Iz

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Bragina, A. A., and R. A. Budagov. "Kak Napisan Rasskaz A. P. Chekhova 'Dama s

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Briggs, A. D. P. "Two Months in the Country: Chekhov's Unacknowledged Debt to Turgenev."

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Butler, Pierce. "The Church Bells of Easter: Chekhov & the Path to Conversion." Commonweal

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Campion, Richard. "Mme Chekova-Olga Knipper and a Kiwi in Moskow." New Zealand

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Canbaz, Sevda Diraga. "Anton Çehov'Un Kirk Dört Yili." Hece Öykü: Iki Aylik Öykü Dergisi

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Cousin, Geraldine. "Revisiting the Prozorovs." Modern Drama 40.3 (1997): 325-36. MLA

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Creasman, Boyd. "'Gurov's Flights of Emotion in Chekhov's 'the Lady with the Dog'." Studies

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Cruz, Jorge. "El Círculo Chejoviano." Boletín de la Academia Argentina de Letras 69, no. 273-

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Csikai, Zsuzsa. "Brian Friel's Adaptations of Chekhov." Irish Studies Review 13.1 (2005): 79-

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Czeny, Boris. "Anton Tchékhov Chez Les Cannibales. Texte Exotique Et Exotisme Du Texte

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