Books Received
Books Received Dance Research, Volume 24, Number 1, Summer 2006, pp. 72-73 (Article) Published by Edinburgh University Press For additional information about this article [ This content has been declared free to read by the pubisher during the COVID-19 pandemic. ] Books Received Ananya Chatterjea, Butting Out. Reading Resistive Choreographies Through Works by Jawola Willa Jo Zollar and Chandralekha, Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press, 2004, 398 pp., 42 b/w illus., ISBN 0-8195-6732-9 (cloth), ISBN 0-8195-6733-7. Judith Chazin-Bennahum, The Lure of Perfection. Fashion and Ballet, 1780-1830, New York and London: Routledge, 2005, xx + 280 pp., 74 monochrome illus- trations, h/b, n.p. and p/b, £18.99, ISBN 0-415-97037-7 and 0-415-97038-5. Judith Chazin-Bennahum (ed.), Teaching Dance Studies, New York and London: Routledge, 2005, xvi + 252 pp., with monochrome illustrations, h/b and p/b, n.p., ISBN 0-415-97035-0 and 0-415-97036-9. Marie-Françoise Christout, Le Ballet de Cour de Louis XIV 1643–1672 Mises en Scène, new edn., Paris: Picard and Centre National de la Danse, 2005, 292 pp., with 56 illustrations (17 of which are polychrome), p/b, 42 Euros, ISBN 2-7084- 0742-2. Yvonne Daniel, Dancing Wisdom, 2005, 256 pp., cloth cover (ISBN 0-252-02966- 6), $55.00, paper cover (ISBN 0-252-07207-3), $22.00. Katherine Dunham, Kaiso! Writings by and about Katherine Dunham, VèVè A. Clark and Sara E. Johnson (eds.), Madison: University of Wisconsin Press (Studies in Dance History.
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