Table of


Private International Code (‘Code de droit international prive´’), 16 July 2004.


Alberta First Nations Sacred Ceremonial Objects Repatriation Act, RSA 2000, c. F-14. An Act to Amend and Consolidate the Respecting Indians, SC 1880, c. 28. An Act Further to Amend The Indian Act of 1880, SC 1884, c. 27, s. 3. An Act to Amend the Indian Act, SC 1918, c. 26. An Act Respecting Indians, SC 1951, c. 29, s. 123(2). Cultural Property Export and Import Act, RSC 1985, c. C-51.

European Union

Council 2001/44/EC of 22 December 2000 on and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters/ Brussels I Regulation (OJ L 12, 16 January 2001). Council Directive 93/7/EEC of 15 March 1993 on the Return of Cultural Objects Unlawfully Removed from the Territory of a Member State (OJ L 74/74, 27 March 1993).

K. Kuprecht, Indigenous Peoples’ Cultural Property Claims, 193 DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-01655-9, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014 194 Table of Legislation


Act No. 2002-323 of 6 March 2002 concerning the of the Mortal Remains of Saartjie Baartman from France to South Africa (‘Loi relative a` la restitution par la France de la de´pouille mortelle de Saartjie Baartman a` l’Afrique du Sud’). Act No. 2010-501 of 18 May 2010 aiming at Authorising the Restitution of Ma¯ori Heads from France to New Zealand and on the Management of Collections (‘Loi visant a` autoriser la restitution par la France des teˆtes maories a` la Nouvelle- Ze´lande et relatives a` la gestion des collections’). Civil Code (‘Code civile’), 21 March 1804. Heritage Code (‘Code du patrimoine’), 20 February 2004.


Act to Implement the UNESCO Convention of 14 November 1970 on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property and to implement the Council Directive 93/7/EEC of 15 March 1993 on the Return of Cultural Objects Unlawfully Removed from the Territory of a Member State (‘Gesetz zur Ausfu¨hrung des UNESCO- U¨ bereinkommens vom 14. November 1970 u¨ber Maßnahmen zum Verbot und zur Verhu¨tung der rechtswidrigen Einfuhr, Ausfuhr und U¨ bereignung von Kulturgut und zur Umsetzung der Richtlinie 93/7/EWG des Rates vom 15. Ma¨rz 1993 u¨ber die Ru¨ckgabe von unrechtma¨ßig aus dem Hoheitsgebiet eines Mitgliedstaats verbrachten Kulturgu¨tern’), 18 May 2007 (BGBl. I p. 757, No. 21, 2547).


Italian Civil Code (‘Codice civile’), Regio Decreto 16 March 1942 (n. 262).


Philippines’ Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act of 1997. Table of Legislation 195


Agreement between the Swiss Federal Council and the Government of the Republic of Peru about the Collaboration in Preventing Illicit Trade in Archaeological Objects (‘Vereinbarung zwischen dem Schweizerischen Bundesrat und der Regierung der Republik Peru u¨ber die Zusammenarbeit zur Verhu¨tung des rechtswidrigen Handels mit archa¨ologischen Gu¨tern’) (adopted on 28 December 2006). Canton Lucerne Protection of Cultural Monuments Act (‘Gesetz u¨ber den Schutz der Kulturdenkma¨ler’), 8 March 1960. Civil Code (‘Schweizerisches Zivilgesetzbuch’), 10 December 1907 (SR 210). of the Federal Council of 10 December 1945 on Claims for Return of Objects Taken in Territories Occupied in Times of War (‘Bundesratsbeschluss vom 10. Dezember 1945 betreffend die Klagen auf Ru¨ckgabe in kriegsbesetzten Gebieten weggenommener Vermo¨genswerte’), 1945 (AS 61). Federal Act on the International Transfer of Cultural Property (‘Bundesgesetz u¨ber den internationalen Kulturgu¨tertransfer’), 20 June 2003 (SR 44.1). Federal Private Act (‘Bundesgesetz u¨ber das Internationale Privatrecht’), 18 December 1987 (SR 291). Federal on the International Transfer of Cultural Property (‘Verordnung u¨ber den internationalen Kulturgu¨tertransfer’), 13 April 2005 (SR 444.11).

United Kingdom

Dealing in Cultural Objects (Offences) Act 2003. Human Tissue Act 2004.

United States

Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979, 16 U.S.C. §§ 470bb–470mm. of the United States, Amendment 5 (passed 25 September 1791, ratified 15 December 1971). Convention on Cultural Property Implementation Act of 1983, 19 U.S.C. §§ 2601-2613. Indian Appropriation Act of 3 March 1871, 25 U.S.C. § 71. Indian Citizenship Act of 1924, 8 U.S.C. § 1401(b). Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, 25 U.S.C. §§ 461–479. Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975, 25 U.S.C. § 450a. National Museum of the American Indian Act of 1989, 20 U.S.C. §§ 80q–15. 196 Table of Legislation

Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990, 25 U.S.C. §§ 3001–3013 and 18 U.S.C. § 1170. Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Regulations, 43 C.F.R. § 10. New York State Indian Law of 1899. Table of International Conventions and Declarations

1919 Covenant of the League of Nations (adopted on 29 April 1919, entered into force 10 January 1920). African on Human and Peoples’ Rights, 21 ILM 58 (adopted on 27 June 1981, entered into force 21 October 1986). American Convention on , OAS Treaty Series No. 36; 1144 UNTS 123 (adopted on 22 November 1969, entered into force 18 July 1978); reprinted in Basic Documents Pertaining to Human Rights in the Inter-American System, OEA/Ser.L.V/II.82 doc.6 rev.1 at 25 (1992). Convention on Biological Diversity. 1760 UNTS 143 (adopted on 5 June 1992, entered into force 29 December 1993). Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, 78 UNTS 277 (adopted on 9 December 1948, entered into force 12 January 1951). New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, 330 UNTS 38 (adopted on 10 June 1958, entered into force 7 June 1959). European Convention on Human Rights, CETS No. 005 (adopted on 4 November 1950, entered into force 3 September 1953). European Convention on Human Rights, Protocol 1, CETS No. 009 (adopted on 20 March 1952, entered into force 18 May 1954). European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, 472 UNTS 185 (adopted on 20 April 1959, entered into force 12 June 1962). ILO Convention No. 107 Concerning the Protection and Integration of Indigenous and Other Tribal and Semi-Tribal Populations in Independent Countries, 328 UNTS 24 (adopted on 26 June 1957, entered into force 2 June 1959). ILO Convention No. 169 Concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries, 1659 UNTS 383 (adopted on 27 June 1989, entered into force 5 September 1991). Lugano Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters, 28 ILM 620 (adopted on 16 September 1988, entered into force 1 January 1992, revised on 30 October 2007).

K. Kuprecht, Indigenous Peoples’ Cultural Property Claims, 197 DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-01655-9, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014 198 Table of International Conventions and Declarations

Mataatua Declaration on Cultural and Rights (Whakatana, 12–18 June 1993). Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity (UN Doc. UNEP/CBD/COP/DEC/X/1) (adopted on 29 October 2010). Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, 2253 UNTS 212 (adopted on 26 March 1999, entered into force 9 March 2004). The Hague Convention II with Respect to the Laws and Customs of War on Land: Regulations Concerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land, 32 Stat. 1803, 2 Martens Nouveau Recueil (2d) 949 (adopted on 29 July 1899, entered into force 4 September 1900). The Hague Convention IV respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land, 36 Stat. 2277, 1 Bevans 631 (adopted on 18 October 1907, entered into force 26 January 1910). The Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, 249 UNTS 240 (adopted on 14 May 1954, entered into force 7 August 1956). The Hague Convention relating to , 286 UNTS 267 (adopted on 1 March 1954, entered into force 12 April 1957). UN Charter, 1 UNTS XVI (adopted on 26 June 1945, entered into force 24 October 1945). UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, General Assembly Resolution 217A (III) (UN Doc. A/810) (adopted on 10 December 1948). UN International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimi- nation, 660 UNTS 195 (adopted on 21 December 1965, entered into force 4 January 1969). UN International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 993 UNTS 3; 6 ILM 360 (adopted on 16 December 1966, entered into force 3 January 1976). UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 999 UNTS 171 and 1057 UNTS 407 (adopted on 16 December 1966, entered into force 23 March 1976). UN Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, General Assembly Resolution (UN Doc. A/RES/1514 (XV)) (adopted on 14 December 1960). UN Millennium Declaration, General Assembly Resolution (UN Doc. A/RES/55/2) (adopted on 18 September 2000). UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, General Assembly Resolution 61/295 (UN Doc. A/61/L.67 and Add.1) (adopted on 13 September 2007). UNESCO Constitution, 4 UNTS 275 (adopted on 16 November 1945, entered into force 4 November 1946). UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, 823 UNTS 231 (adopted on 14 November 1970, entered into force 24 April 1972). Table of International Conventions and Declarations 199

UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, 2368 UNTS 1 (adopted on 17 October 2003, entered into force 20 April 2006). UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, 2440 UNTS 311 (adopted on 20 October 2005, entered into force 18 March 2007). UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects, 34 ILM 1322 (adopted on 24 June 1995, entered into force 1 July 1998). UNESCO Mexico City Declaration on Cultural Policies (UNESCO Doc. CLT/MD/1) (adopted on 6 August 1982). Table of Cases


Reference Re Secession of Quebec (1998) 161 DLR (4th) 385 (Supreme ).


Association Survival International France v S.A.R.L. Ne´ret-Minet Tessier Sarrou (2013) No. RG 13/52880 BF/No. 1 ( de Grande Instance de Paris). Cne Rouen v Pre´fet de la re´gion Haute-Normandie (2008) 44 JCP II 10181 (CAA Douai, ple´n.). Jean Bonnin v Villes de Maˆcon et de Lyon (17 June 1896) (Cour de cassation). Pre´fet Seine-Maritime (2007) 5 JCP Adm. 2021 (TA Rouen).


Nigerian masks case (22 June 1972) BGH II ZR 113/70, 59 BGHZ 82 (Bundesgerichtshof). Zivilrechtliche Anspru¨che eines Erben eines ju¨dischen Eigentu¨mers einer durch das Reichspropagandaministerium des Dritten Reiches weggenommenen Plakatsammlung auf Ru¨ckgabe (28 January 2010) 8 U 56/09 (Kammergericht Berlin).

K. Kuprecht, Indigenous Peoples’ Cultural Property Claims, 201 DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-01655-9, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014 202 Table of Cases

United Kingdom

Attorney-General of New Zealand v Ortiz (1982) QBD 349, (1982) 2 WLR 10, (1982) 3 All ER 432 (Queens Division); (1984) AC 1, (1982) 3 WLR 570, (1982) 3 All ER 454 (Court of Appeal); (1984) AC 41, (1984) 2 WLR 809, (1983) 2 All ER 93 (House of Lords). Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran v The Barakat Galleries Ltd (2007) EWCA Civ 1374, Case No. A2/2007/0902/QBENF, A2/2007/0902(A)/FC3 (Court of Appeal (Civil Division)).


India v Credit Agricole Indosuez (Switzerland) SA (8 April 2005) BGE 131 III 418 (Federal Supreme Court).

United States

Bonnichsen v United States (2002) 217 F Supp 2d 1116, 1152-55 (D Or); (2004) 367 F 3d (9th Cir). Cherokee Nation v State of Georgia (1831) 5 Peters 178, Marshall J. of Tasunke Witko v G. Heileman Brewing Co. et al. (1996) 23 Indian L Rep 6106 (Rosebud Sioux Sup Ct). Hornell Brewing Co. v Rosebud Sioux Tribal Court (1998) 133 F3d 1087 (8th Cir). Johnson v M’Intosh (1823) 21 US 543 (8 Wheat), Marshall J. Montoya v United States (1901) 180 US 261. Morton v Mancari (1974) 417 US 535. Onondaga Nation v Thatcher (1901) 29 Misc 428, 61 NYS, 1027, 169 NY Rep 584. Rice v Cayetano (2000) 528 US 495. United States v Hollinshead (1974) 495 F 2d 1154 (9th Cir). United States v McClain (1977) 545 F 2d 988 (5th Cir); (1979) 593 F 2d 658 (5th Cir). United States v Kramer (1999) 168 F 3d 1196 (CA10, NM). United States v Pre-Columbian Artifacts and the Republic of Guatemala (1993) 845 F Supp 544 (ND Ill). United States v Rogers (1846) 45 US (4 How) 567. United States v Schultz (2002) 178 F Supp 2d 445 (SDNY); (2003) 333 F 3d 393 (2d Cir), (2004) 157 L Ed 2d 891. Table of Cases 203


Altmann v Republic of Austria (15 January 2006), Arbitral Award, available online at;


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A Australian government, 149, 150 Abelam, 41 Australian Government Policy on Indigenous Aboriginal titles, 25 Repatriation, 149 Aborigines, 9, 27, 52, 149, 153 Austria, 19 Access, 68, 76, 84, 85, 91, 97, 99, 144, 167, museum of ethnology Vienna, 186 168, 173, 178, 185, 187, 190 Activists, 2, 26, 77, 125, 133, 147 Adverse possession, 102 B Africa, 18, 166 Belgium, 119 commission, 175 private international law code, 120 Alaska, 2, 35, 37 Beneficiaries, 69, 70 Alliances, 134 Benefit of all mankind, 177 Alternative dispute resolution, 92, 139 Benefit-sharing, 187 Alutiiq, 2 BIA, 34, 37, 136 American Indians, 33, 81 Bill of Human Rights, 190 American languages, 34 Binding law, 17, 22, 124, 165, 191 Ancestors, 32, 40, 41, 111, 133, 178, Blackfoot, 153 181, 182 Blood, 34, 35, 38 Ancestral territories, 32 Bolivia, 16, 27, 150, 176 Anthropologists, 6, 13, 50, 57, 176 Bolivian, 11, 16 Apology, 26, 27 Brazil, 148 Applicable law, 17, 18, 92, 111, 133 museum of archaeology and ethnology in Approved assimilation, 6 sa˜o paulo (‘museu de arqueologia e Arbitration, 132, 142–144, 156 etnologia’), 185 Archaeological sites, 7, 104 Brazilian, 185 Artefacts,76 British museum, 15, 16, 107, 116, 130, 153, Artists, 40, 85, 147 182, 185 Art market, 6, 7, 126 Burial objects, 1 Art trader, 134 Asia, 153 Asian, 154 C Assimilation, 10, 25–27, 61 Canada, 16, 18, 23, 26, 51, 52, 76, 88, 96, 105, Association, 68, 108, 126, 128, 129, 133, 134, 129, 161, 172, 176, 183 151, 155 cultural property export and import act Auction, 6, 111, 121, 134, 154, 155 (CPEIA ), 105 Australia, 1, 9, 18, 26, 76, 130, 149, 183 Glenbow Museum, 134, 153, 179

K. Kuprecht, Indigenous Peoples’ Cultural Property Claims, 233 DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-01655-9, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014 234 Index

Canada (cont.) 114, 126–128, 131, 148, 150, 153, 154, MOA museum of anthropology, 130, 186 159, 161, 167, 183, 190, 191 royal ontario museum, 15 Compensation, 78, 89, 94, 120, 123 victoria memorial museum, 15 Competing repatriation requests, 67 Canadian, 11, 14, 15, 179 Conflict of law, 20, 118–120, 167, 168 Capacity to bring an action, 29, 38, 132, 133 Congressional resolution, 27 Capitalism, 46, 52–54 Congress of Vienna, 24 Caribbean, 114 Consultation, 61, 152, 160–162, 170 Casino industry, 27 Context, 7, 11, 22, 80, 125, 127, 130, 138, 164, Cayuga, 12 166, 178, 181 Ceremonial items, 10 Control, 16, 52, 54, 61, 63, 64, 73, 76, 77, 81, Ceremonial objects, 41, 44, 57, 76, 77, 91, 84, 85, 101, 105, 170, 172 114, 189 Convention, 27 Ceremonies, 76 Convention 1970, 40 Ceremony, 2, 12, 14, 15, 27, 41, 54, 67, 78, Convention on Biological Diversity, 160, 177 173, 178, 179, 183 Cook Islands, 1 Chancay, 114 Cooperation, 33, 60, 62, 67, 127, 128, 134, 147, Cherokee, 36, 136 148, 153, 156, 160–161, 185, 186, 190 Chickasaw, 136 Coromen˜os, 16–17, 150, 176 Chiefs, 9, 132, 136 Costs, 135, 137–139, 156, 163 Choctaw, 136 Country of origin, 113 Christianisation, 10, 11, 183 Court(s), 20, 25, 34, 49, 58, 92, 102, 114, 120, , 100, 103, 133, 135, 137, 184 121, 132, 133, 135–137, 144 Civil rights, 60 Court fees, 139 Claimant, 95, 102, 132, 135, 138, 139, Court litigation, 92, 132, 135–139, 142, 144, 148, 183 156, 187 Code(s), 17, 19, 49, 100, 125, 162, 171 Covenant of the League of Nations, 25 Code of Ethics, 46 Criminal complaint, 138 Collecting, 5, 10, 12, 152, 153 , 112 Collection(s), 5, 9, 10, 17, 39, 46, 60, 61, 63, Cultural affiliation, 55–59, 62–64, 66, 68–72, 65–67, 73, 85, 92, 104, 107, 109, 110, 119, 140, 162, 163, 173, 183, 189 115, 117, 127, 130, 150, 153, 154, 156, Cultural diplomacy, 92, 132, 145–149, 151, 181–182, 184–186, 189–191 153, 154, 156 Collection histories, 181–182 Cultural diversity, 23, 26, 67, 98, 99, 147, 177 Collective human rights, 75, 97, 164, 189 Cultural exchange, 145, 190 Collective property, 42–43, 52 Cultural expressions, 84, 98, 99 Collective rights, 19, 43, 75, 88, 132, 133, 169 Cultural heritage, 40–42, 83–85, 90–92, 97, Collectivism, 51 103, 104, 119, 120, 123, 138, 143, 160, Collector(s), 14, 15, 17, 106, 111, 112, 120, 166, 169–171, 175, 177, 190 134, 143, 154, 155, 180, 181 Cultural heritage of mankind, 52 Collision norms, 165, 167–169 Cultural identity, 176–177 Colonies, 19 Cultural indigenism, 3, 91, 92, 190 Colonisation, 2, 21, 24, 25, 32, 38, 54, 93, 109, Cultural institutions, 17, 19, 85, 125, 134, 145, 110, 137, 174–175 146, 157, 182, 183 Columbia, 114 Cultural internationalism, 90, 129 Commercialisation, 182 Culturally sensitive material, 127, 130 Committee of the Rights of Indigenous Cultural nationalism, 90, 105, 176 Peoples of the International Law Cultural patrimony, 10, 44, 45, 55, 61, 63, 64, Association, 32 67, 71, 107 Commoditisation, 42 Cultural property exchange, 152, 157 Common land, 43 Cultural property for mankind, 180 Common law, 33, 100, 137, 165, 171 Cultural property law, 3, 17–19, 42, 64, 71, 90, Communally important cultural objects, 95 92–106, 108, 115–117, 120, 122, 124, Communities, 5, 16, 21, 23, 29, 30, 32, 33, 49, 157, 174 53, 62, 84, 91, 97, 101, 103, 106, 110, Cultural value, 42 Index 235

Custom(s), 17, 21, 28, 48, 53, 54, 57, 63, 76, Excavated/excavations, 2, 4, 8, 55, 63, 64, 70, 119, 128, 132, 144, 150, 157, 162, 96, 108, 119, 146, 162, 174 164–173, 184, 189, 191 Exhibition(s), 13, 61, 153, 178 Customary laws, 17, 21, 32, 49, 62, 97, 98, 109, Expert(s), 23, 56, 57, 84, 93–96, 104, 117, 121, 132, 144, 157, 164–173, 184, 190 122, 127, 135, 150, 156, 178, 185 Cutural affiliation, 73 Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 29 Exported, 8 D Extractive industries, 159 Dances, 11, 12 Darwinism, 7 Deaccessioning, 107, 117, 118, 180 F Decision-making, 62, 84, 131, 136, 160, Fact-finding, 139 168, 189 Family, 10, 26, 43, 51, 62, 117, 136, Declaration on the Granting of Independence to 138, 164 Colonial Countries and Peoples, 25 Fiduciary duties, 67, 181 Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Fills museums, 6 Peoples, 19, 28, 76, 84, 189 Financial grants, 67, 115 Decolonisation, 25, 79, 174 Financial resources, 154, 156 Defendant, 71, 96, 101, 132, 135, 149 First International Conference on the Cultural Democratisation, 159 and Intellectual Property Rights of Development Indigenous Peoples, 1 cultural, 80, 82, 181, 184 First Nation(s), 14, 27, 105, 106, 129, 134, 172, economic, 53, 54, 72 176, 186 indigenous, 99 Formalities, 156 individual, 51 Fowler Museum, 66 social, 127 France, 18, 92, 100, 102, 103, 108–112, 116, sustainable, 148 119, 129, 134, 149, 150 tribal, 137 civil code, 109–110 Dialogue, 98, 110, 128, 148, 156, 159, 191 cour de cassation, 103 Discovered, 25, 63, 64, 70, 119 Heritage Code, 109, 110, 116, 118 Discovery doctrine, 25 museum quai branly (muse´e du quai Discrimination, 30, 32, 60, 76, 174, 177 branly), 110 Dispute resolution by commissions and Noumea Agreement, 109 committees, 140 Rouen city Museum for Natural History, Disputes, 23, 25, 27, 48, 58, 91, 132, 135, Ethnography and Prehistory, 109 140–143, 145, 156, 189 Free, prior and informed consent (FPIC), 76, Domestic dependent nation, 36 160–162 Ducation, 146 Free trade agreement, 113 Full-blood, 9 Funerary objects, 44, 55–57, 64, 71, 77 E Education(al), 98, 179, 181 Elders, 132 G Elgin marbles, 182 Gallery, 107, 122, 134 Enforceability, 100, 131 General assembly, 28 England, 18, 81, 92, 102, 116, 121–123, 129, Generations, 30, 47, 86 141, 149, 152 Genetic resources, 161, 167 Estoppel, 102 Gentes, 135 Ethics, 7, 112, 125, 128, 132, 144, 151, 153, Germany, 81, 102, 129, 150 157, 190 Ghost dance, 11–12, 133, 151, 152, 179 Europe, 5, 19, 24, 92, 100, 116, 118, 120, 138, Ghost dancers, 11 184, 190 Glasgow Museums, 12 236 Index

Globalisation, 21, 26, 98 Individual development, 51–52 Good faith (bona fide), 64, 88, 102–104, 116, Individualism, 51 120, 123, 159 Individual rights, 51, 62, 75, 132 Good title, 7 Indonesia, 31 Government, 2, 10, 18, 24, 26, 72, 81, 115, 134, Institute of International Law, 119 136, 145, 148–152 Institutions, 1, 6, 21, 28, 30, 65, 85, 92, 107, G’psgolox totem pole, 185 109, 132, 134, 142, 148, 150, 156, 159, Greece, 46, 102, 182 163, 184 Guinea, 41 Intangible, 41, 42, 45 Intangible cultural property, 97–99 Intellectual property law, 169 H Inter-American Court of Human Rights, 87, Hague Convention for the Protection of 164, 175 Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Interfaces, 169–171 Conflict, 93 Interface system, 170 Haida, 66 Intermediaries, 16, 150, 156 Haisla, 186 International Council of Museums (ICOM), Health, 52, 65, 67 126–128, 144, 153, 190 Hearsay, 56, 57 International Covenant on Civil and Political Heirs, 134, 141 Rights (CCPR), 79–85, 169, 190 Hopi, 65, 111, 112, 134, 154 International customary law, 29, 85–91, 184 Hottentote woman Saartije Baartman, 110, International customary right, 86–88 111, 149 International Decade of the World’s Huari, 114 Indigenous People, 19, 28 Human remain(s), 1, 8–10, 36, 44, 46, 55, 56, International Labour Organization (ILO), 189 58, 60, 64, 65, 72, 76, 77, 89, 91, 107, International law, 17, 19, 23, 27–29, 36, 109, 110, 114, 116, 127, 130, 144, 145, 43, 79, 80, 86, 88, 92, 123, 172, 149, 153, 162, 182, 184 174, 175, 189 Human Rights Council, 28, 29 International organisation(s), 17, 20, 29, 39, Human rights law, 3, 17, 19, 29, 61, 62, 125, 135, 142, 146, 148, 159, 163 75–156, 165, 169, 172, 183, 190 International resolutions, 125 Inventory(ies), 1, 61, 98, 115, 189 Iran, 122 I Civil Code, 122 ICOM Code of Ethics, 126–128, 153 Iroquois, 12–14, 81, 134 ICOM-WIPO Mediation Rules and Italy, 102, 104, 129 Procedures, 144 Identity, 30, 56, 67, 86, 95, 99, 109, 111, 140, 148, 176, 177 J ILA, 32, 86 Japan, 1 ILO, 20, 27–30, 78–79, 87, 158, 161, 164 , 136, 137 ILO Convention 107, 78 Jurisdiction, 34, 35, 50, 72, 103, 121, 124, 133, ILO Convention No.169, 28, 31, 78–79, 158, 135, 138, 142, 146 161, 164 Immunity, 138 Import, 8, 94, 114 K Importation, 113, 150 Kainai, 176, 179 Inalienability, 104, 112 Kamaeku, 23 India, 1, 18, 31, 121 kat’sina mask(s), 111, 134, 154, 183 Indian Act, 15 Kelvingrove Museum, 12 Indian tribe, 36, 45 Kennewick man, 58 Indigenous dispute resolution mechanisms, 137 kinship(s), 47, 50, 54, 56, 135, 136, 163 Indigenous justice, 137 Kwakwaka’wakw, 14–16, 133, 185 Index 237

L National law, 3, 16, 17, 84, 92–124, 130, Label, 139 131, 165 Lakota, 11–12, 133, 138, 179 National Museum of the American Indian Land, 7, 23–25, 40, 43, 47, 54, 61, 64, 68, 87, (NMAI), 5, 15, 60, 129, 153 101, 105, 161, 162, 164, 175 Native American(s), 3, 11, 16, 33, 34, 36, 38, Language(s), 13, 32, 40, 52, 53, 64, 78, 79, 82, 53, 55–73, 81, 83, 88, 105, 119, 136, 142, 144, 147, 176 137, 154, 155 Lapse of time, 103 Native American Graves Protection and Leaders, 10, 44, 61, 136, 140 Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), 35 Legal aid, 113, 138 Native Hawaiian organisation(s), 56, 59, Legal pluralism, 17–18, 21, 22 61–63, 65, 140 Lex originis, 119, 120 Natural law, 7, 24, 43 Lex rei sitae, 112, 118, 119 Navajo, 57, 65, 137, 154, 181, 183 Lineal descendants, 64, 140 Peacemaker Court, 137 Loans, 13, 16, 146, 179, 185 Peacemaking Division, 137 Local community, 134 Nazca, 114 Localised states, 21 Negotiations, 13, 90, 96, 136, 141, 147, 160, London Natural History Museum (NHM), 145 182, 187 Nemo plus iuris, 101, 102 The Netherlands, 81 M Restitution Commission, 141 Maasai, 23 New Caledonia, 109 Maˆori, 1, 9, 109, 113, 140, 149, 153, 169, 170, New Zealand, 1, 18, 23, 76, 109, 113, 120, 121, 182 130, 140, 149, 161, 169, 183 Martial law, 86, 93 Historic Articles Act, 121 Media, 5, 26 National Museum Te Papa Tongarewa, Mediation, 132, 140, 141, 144, 145, 156 109, 130, 149, 153 Mediation agreements, 144 NGO, 17, 26, 97, 112, 125, 133, 134, Mexico, 57, 117, 151 160, 163 Minimal standards, 172, 190 Nicaragua, 164 Minimum standards, 126 Non-binding, 28, 29, 68, 85, 91, 92, 141, Minorities, 79, 82, 83, 85 147, 189 Modernisation /modernising, 22, 180, 184 Non-governmental organisations, 17 Mohawk, 12, 187 Non-retroactivity, 88, 94, 123–124, 190 Mokomokai, 9, 109, 110, 149 North America, 16, 24, 117 Montezuma:crown of, 151 Not-for-profit organisations, 125, 145–146 Morality, 144 Notice, 61 Mukurtu Archive, 186 NPFII, 148 Muscogee, 136 Nuxalk, 106 Museum, 1, 2, 5, 6, 12, 16, 19, 58, 59, 61, 62, 66, 68, 71, 73, 92, 106, 107, 109, 110, 115, 116, 125–131, 134, 140, 145, 146, O 152–156, 178–180, 182, 185, 186, 189, Oceania, 18 190 Office of Federal Acknowledgement policies, 107, 129 (OFA), 36 practices, 88, 162, 178–179 Omaha, 183 Oneida, 12 Onondaga, 12–14, 134 N Ordre public, 120, 122, 168 Nagoya Protocol, 160, 161, 167 Ownership, 8, 16, 25, 54, 55, 57, 63, 64, 68, 70, NAGPRA 96, 100–104, 106, 111, 112, 118, 119, Review Committee, 140, 162 122, 134, 174, 183, 185 238 Index

P Reference system, 184 Paiute, 6, 183 Referral rules, 169 Panama, 1 Referral system, 118, 167, 172 Papua New Guinea, 23 Rei vindicatio, 101, 102 Participation, 11, 27, 65, 80, 97–99, 128, 131, Relationship(s), 22, 32, 47, 56, 58, 64, 69, 72, 157–163, 167, 168, 184, 191 81, 85, 88, 101, 129, 143, 150, 153, Partnerships, 67, 127, 148 168–170, 185 Pawnee, 9 Relocation, 6, 161 Peace, 86, 93 Repatriation campaigns, 133 Pectol Shields, 57, 65, 181, 183 Repatriation programme, 153 Peru, 1, 114 Representation, 123, 132, 150, 163 Philippines, 1 Representatives, 1, 90, 132, 133, 146, 156, 159, Philippines’ Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act, 163, 189 167 Reservations, 11, 33, 136 Pluralism, 21 Res extra commercium, 63, 71, 103, 104 Possession, 1, 7, 14, 15, 54, 56, 57, 63, 76, 100, Respecting Indians, 15 102, 118, 121, 122, 131, 162, 187 Revitalisation, 53 Possessor, 2, 56, 70, 95, 101, 111, 120, 138, Right of possession, 62, 71, 162 173, 182 Right to culture, 82, 85 Post-colonial, 21, 183 Right to repatriation, use or access, Pothunters, 7 157, 184 Potlatch, 14–16, 106, 133 Right to take part in cultural, 79, 83–85, 190 Pre-colonial, 21, 30, 32, 64 Rituals, 41, 52, 56, 178 Pre-Columbian, 6 Ritual use, 44, 96, 173 Pre-Columbian heritage, 60, 155 , 100, 101, 103 Preferential treatment, 69 Russia, 18, 129, 181 Preservation, 6, 47, 66, 84, 114, 147, 171, 180, 184 Principle of laches, 102 S Private international law, 17, 20, 112, 118–120, Saami, 23 124, 133, 165, 168 Sacred, 2, 7–10, 16–17, 40, 41, 44–46, Private law, 20, 95, 116, 133, 159 50, 55, 57, 62, 63, 67, 71, 89, 95, 103, Private parties, 70–72, 95, 154–156 104, 111, 112, 127, 153, 171, 175, Private property, 56, 57, 62, 64, 70, 73, 89, 176, 178, 100–102, 104, 116–117, 124, 137, 174 179, 183 Procedures, 38, 69, 92, 131–159, 163, 167, objects, 44, 45 184, 191 textiles, 17, 150 Property, 8, 92, 103, 115 Scandinavia, 23 Property law, 18, 42, 55, 62–64, 73, 96, Science, 39, 40, 45, 147, 181 100–106, 116–117, 124, 137, 170, Scientific tests, 184 174, 180 Scientists, 2, 5, 7, 21, 26, 58, 67, 73, 85, Protocols, 66, 167 133, 158 Provenance, 8, 9, 12 Scotland Public awareness, 77, 133 Glasgow Museums, 133, 151 Public law, 20, 118, 120–123 Kelvingrove Museum Glasgow, 179 Public policy, 112, 159, 190 Second Protocol for the Protection of Cultural Public property, 104, 180 Property in the Event of Armed Pueblo Indians, 23 Conflict, 93 Seizure, 108, 113, 138 Self-determination, 29, 36, 51, 59, 79–82, 85, R 90, 170, 172, 189 Reburial, 67, 184 Self-governance, 163 Redistribution, 68–70, 182 Self-government, 135 Index 239

Self-identification, 31, 32 T Self-regulation, 46, 92, 125, 126, 130, 190 Taiwan Self-restraining rules, 168 National Taiwan Museum, 153 Seminole, 136 Takings, 7–8, 11, 16, 61, 63, 103, 112, 173 Seneca, 12, 14, 136 Taonga, 149, 170 Settlement, 9, 144 Tasmania, 9, 145 Sharing, 11, 46, 127, 156, 167, 186 Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre, 133, 145 Sharing Collections, 186 Tatar, 23 Sioux, 135, 138 Terra nullius, 24 Smithsonian Institution, 2, 5, 12, 60, 186 Territoriality, 72, 106, 118–124, 190 Social networks, 163 Theft, 106, 150 Social norms, 21, 168–169, 172 Time limitation, 95 Soft law, 76 Tinglit, 6 Sotheby’s, 120, 154, 155 Title, 8, 13, 15, 68, 94, 101, 119, 122, 126, 127, Soto states, 48 132, 155, 174 South Africa, 111, 149 Tlingit, 66 South America, 18 Trade, 6, 9, 10, 24, 42, 53, 71, 103, 106, 108, Sovereignty, 24, 25, 50–51, 80, 81, 87, 90, 118, 112, 113, 184 160, 171 Tradition(s), 10, 25, 28, 43, 45, 53, 57, 58, 76, Spain, 102, 129 119, 127, 144, 162, 167, 171, 173, 176, Special Rapporteur, 28 189 Specific context, 35 Traditional cultural expressions, 99, 160, 165 States, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 33, 37, 38, 50, 60, Traditional knowledge (TK), 84, 99, 160, 161, 64, 68, 70, 76–80, 83, 85–92, 94, 95, 97, 165–167, 177 98, 100, 104, 113, 115, 116, 118, 119, Traditional life, 1, 54 123, 124, 127, 142, 146, 148, 151, 156, Traditional societies, 168 158, 160, 162, 163, 165, 167, 169, 182, Transfer of title or ownership, 102, 112 184, 190 Transnational(ity), 23, 126 of limitations, 102 Transnational bodies, 168, 169 Stewards, 62, 63 Transnational community, 124, 190 Stewardship, 170, 173 Transnationality, 23, 130 Stolen, 8, 16, 94–96, 102, 104, 112, 116, 121, Transnational law, 3, 92, 124–131, 157, 190, 191 174, 176 Triangular relationship, 38 Subjectivity, 29, 86 Tribal, 70 Sui generis system(s), 119, 165–167, 169 Tribal art, 6, 126, 184 Supreme Court, 36 Tribal , 137 Suriname, 1, 164 Tribal councils, 132, 135 Survival, 2, 6, 27, 52, 73, 183 Tribal court(s), 137, 138 Sweden Tribal government(s), 61, 81, 171 museum of Ethnography (‘Etnografiska Tribal groups, 23, 33 Museet’), 185 Tribal lands, 63, 64, 119 Swiss Civil Code, 22 Tribal law, 165, 171 Switzerland, 18, 92, 96, 100, 102, 112–115, Tribal museums, 67 117, 123, 185 Tribal structures, 26, 136, 166 bilateral cultural property agreements, Tribe(s), 1, 9, 10, 13, 23, 28, 33, 34, 36–38, 50, 114 56–59, 62, 64–66, 68, 69, 73, 78, 83, Federal Act on the International Transfer of 112, 117, 133, 134, 140, 154, 155, 162, Cultural Property (CPTA), 112, 113, 163, 170, 171, 183, 189 115, 117 Truganini, 9, 111 Federal Government, 115, 123 Trust, 13, 14, 34, 117, 173, 185 Federal Supreme Court, 96, 121, 123 Tsimshian, 66 Museum of Cultures Basel (‘Museum der Turkey, 22 Kulturen Basel’), 185 Tuscarora, 12 240 Index

U United States (US), 1, 3, 6, 8, 11, 15–18, 26, 27, Ukraine, 23 33–34, 37, 38, 53, 55, 57, 59, 60, 64, 65, Uluru-Kata-Tjuta National Park, 27 68–72, 76, 80, 82, 83, 88, 89, 92, 105, U’mista Cultural Society, 15, 133, 185 111, 112, 119, 121, 123, 126, 129, 138, UNDRIP, 28–31, 44, 46, 73, 76–78, 80, 84–86, 150, 154, 161, 163, 171, 172, 176, 91, 111, 125, 148, 151, 160–164, 173 183, 189 UNESCO, 20, 29, 39, 40, 43, 45, 60, 84, 93, 94, American Indian Religious 96–100, 104, 106, 108, 112, 121, 123, Freedom Act, 111 141, 146–148, 150, 156, 158, 173, 177 Archaeological Resources Protection Act Goodwill Ambassadors and Artists For (ARPA), 105 Peace, 148 Code of Indian Offenses, 11 Intergovernmental Committee for Congress, 34, 65, 71 Promoting the Return of Cultural Federal Government, 60, 69, 72, 105, Property to its Countries of Origin or its 151, 189 Restitution in case of Illicit federally recognised, 34, 36, 163 Appropriation, 141, 146–147 Indian agents, 11, 136 Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems Indian Reorganization Act (IRA), (LINKS), 147 35, 81, 136 UNESCO Convention 1970, 39–41, 43, 45, 93, Indian Self-Determination and Education 96, 97, 106, 108, 112, 115, 123, 146, Assistance Act, 81 147, 150 National Museum of Natural UNESCO Conventions 2003 and 2005, 31, History, 186 97–99, 158, 177 National Stolen Property Act, 121 UNIDROIT, 31, 44, 95–97, 104, 106–108, 115, Native American Graves Protection and 116, 142, 143, 173 Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), 37, 38, UNIDROIT Convention 1995, 31, 95–97, 106, 55–73, 88, 92, 105, 112, 119, 124, 126, 108, 115, 116, 173 129, 140, 150, 157, 162, 163, 179, 182, United Kingdom (UK), 46, 100, 102, 106–108, 189, 190 112, 122, 128, 150 United States American Indian Religious Advisory Panel on Illicit Trade, 108 Freedom Act, 8 Court of Appeal, 121, 122 University, 13, 14, 129, 130, 134, 186 Dealing in Cultural Objects (Offences) Act, Unrestricted trade, 26 108, 112, 122 High Court London, 145 Human Tissue Act, 107, 130, 153 V Museums and Galleries Act, 116 Venice Court of National and International National Heritage Act, 116 Arbitration, 142 Select Committee on Culture, Media and Virtually repatriate, 186 Sport, 106, 152 Voluntary activities, 154 Spoliation Advisory Panel, 141 Voluntary consent, 71, 162 United Nations (UN), 1, 19, 20, 25, 28–30, 39, Voluntary repatriation, 155 50, 72, 79, 80, 83, 84, 125, 159, 160, 173, 175, 189 Committee on Economic, Social and W Cultural Rights, 83, 85, 91 Waitangi, Treaty of, 113, 170 General Assembly, 76, 173, 189 Waitangi Tribunal, 140, 169 Human Rights Committee, 80, 82, 83 Wampum belt(s), 12–14, 134 Human Rights Council, 84 War booty, 93 Millennium Development Goals, 159 Warrior societies, 136 Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, 28, Western law, 49, 172 78, 148, 160 Western societies, 46, 47 Special Rapporteur, 30, 76, 84 WIPO, 29, 144, 160, 165 Working Group, 77 Arbitration and Mediation Center, 143 Index 241

Intergovernmental Committees on World War II, 123, 141 Intellectual Property and Genetic Wounded Knee, 11, 12, 151 Resources, Traditional Knowledge and WTO, 29 Folklore (IGCs), 160 Wupamos Indians, 183 Working Group, 28, 30 World Bank, 33 World view(s), 3, 23, 45–47, 51, 53, 54, 62, 73, Z 131, 145, 157–158, 168, 190 Zuni, 155, 183