The First and Second Battles of Newbury and the Siege of Donnington

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The First and Second Battles of Newbury and the Siege of Donnington :>> LA A^^. ^4' ^4 ''/' feyi'- • • M'^X. ', ^"'f^ >.7 <>7 '-^ A A '' ^ '' '' ^^'^<^^.gS^$i>^(^*?:5<*%=/^-'<:W:^.'# A (5arttell m«t»eraitg Etbtars 3tl)ara. Netn lark BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF HENRY W. SAGE 1891 The date shows whentiy^^Glume was taken. To renew this *"'"jDli[|^^r" call No. and give to fian. ^^'^^^ home; use rules All Books subject to recall All borrowers must regis- ter in the library to borrow books for home use. All books must be re- turned at end of college year for inspection and repairs. Limited books must be returned within the four week limit and not renewed. Students must return all books before leaving town. Officers should arrange for the return of books -wanted during their absence from town. Volumes of periodicals and of pamphlets are held in the library as much as possible. For special pur- .^ poses they are given out for a limited time. Borrowers should not use their library privileges for the benefit of other persons. Books of special value a^ gift books, when the BV^T wisKes it, are not , nlowed to circulate. Readers are asked to re- port all cases of books ' marked or mutilated. Do not deface books by marks and writlag. Cornell University Library DA 415.M74 1884 First and second battles of Newbu^^ 3 1924 027 971 872 c/-' L(j 1U s^A^ ^yj^" Cornell University Library The original of tliis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. 'i\)N CA^-YUL. THE FIKST AND SECOND BATTLES OF NEWBURY AND THE SIEGE OF DOl^I^mGlTON CASTLE DUEING THE CXVIL WAE, A.D. 1643-6. BY WALTER MONET, r.S.A., Local Secbetahy of the Society op Antiqtjaries, eob Beekshibb. Hon. Sec. op the Newbuky Distkict Field Club, &c. SECOND EDITION. D^llustrateb' n>ttlj i»«jr*fo;it», Vlitns, (tnbr SJiewift. LONDON: SIMPKIN, MABSHALL, AND, CO., : BTATipNERS' HALL COURT. NEWBURY : W. iJl. ^!I,AC,TtET, NORTHBROOK STREET. ; fV l\^a^os Entebbd at Stationers' Hall. All Eights Eesekved. TO THE EAEL OF CAENAEVON, D.C.L., F.E.S. PHESIDElfT OF THE EoYAL SOCIETY OP ANTiaUABIES, ETC., ETC., ETC. C^ts Volume is Jfbkatcb, As A Tribcte oe sincere respect for his Encouragement op Historical and ANTiauAniAN Study. PREFACE. The First Edition of this Book, published in 1881, having met with a favourable reception, and being now out of print, I have been induced to bring out a Second Edition. In doing so, an endeavour has been made to render the eventful story of the two Battles of Newbury, amd the Siege of Donnington Castle, more worthy of public acceptance by a considerable enlargement of the general subject, and by the insertion of additional plans illustrative of some of the more interesting local incidents which are described in this work. The Civil Wars of the Seventeenth Century will always have a peculiar attraction for all classes of Englishmen, and local associations connected with this important epoch in our national history are deeply interesting to those who reside in the particular locality where many of the more prominent events relating to that stirring period occurred. Especially is this thfe case in places which have been the Battle-fields of the contending armies, and where our gallant forefathers, both Cavalier and Roundhead, acquired distinction and fame which will live in the pages of history to the end of timet It has been remarked that no periods of history are so intricate, or so difficult to relate with clearness, as those of Civil "War; and in attempting to construct, out of a mass of conflicting evidence, an intelligible narrative of the important historical incidents of the great struggle with which the town of Newbury and its surroundings must ever be associated, I feel conscious of many deficiencies, and that I have good reasons to appeal to the kind indulgence of my readers for the inadequate performance of a task which has so long and pleasantly '"occupied my leisure hours. But if X have succeeded in removing some of the obscurity and confusion which has hitherto existed respecting these civil dissensions, and rendered them not only intelligible, but interesting, my labours wiU be fuUy rewarded. In concluding my undertaking, I desire to express my acknowledge- ments to all those persons who were good enough to give their support , Ti PEEFACE. to the work on its first publioation ; and to other friends who have encouraged me in these researches. Lastly, but none the less grate- fully, I have to express my thanks to Professor T. Eupert Jones, F.E.S. late of the Staff College, Sandhurst; Major C. Cooper King, E.M.A., Professor of Tactics, Administration, &c., Eoyal Military College, Sandhurst ; and to Professor Montagu Burrows, Chichele Professor of Modem History in the University of Oxford; who have afforded me most kind and ready assistance. WALTEE MONET, F.S.A. Newbury, April, 1884. ERRATA ET CORRIGENDA. Page 5, 16th line from top, for he directly ascribed read be directly ascribed. — 52, 24th line from top, for or read, of. — 61, Colonel Fielding. The name of this Koyalist occurs in the list of the wounded at the first battle of Newbury. It has since been ascertained that this officer was Colonel Edward Fielding of Newnham-Paddox, co. "Warwick. He died of his wounds at Oxford, shortly alter the battle, and was buried in St. Mary's Church in that City. The inscription on his monument is given by Heame in the Appendix to the Liber Niger Scaccaiii, toI. ii, p. 582. — 102, Bernard Brocas, 12th line from bottom, for 800 read 500. — 103, 2nd line from top, omit Eobert to the end of the aentenee. 7th line from top, omit the said. 16th line from top, omit killed at Worcester ; amd after in insert a branch of. — 113, Protestations. These returns were made pursuant to an Order of the House of Commons of the 30th July, 1641, and are dated for the most part February, or March, 1641-2. — 115, Little ShefEord, for John Prime, rector, read John Prince, rector. — 253, 28th Une from top substitute u for n in subsequently. 29th line from top substitute c for e in actions. — 270, The John Chamberlayne who sold Donnington Castle to Mr. John Packer belonged to the family of Chamber- layne, of Sherborne or Shirboume Castle, co. Oxon. He was son of Bryan Chamberlayne of Newbury, a person of some note in his time ; and was Mayor of Newbury in 1601. Add. MS., 4961, fo. 38; C. 18, CoU. Arm. fo. 114. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Dedication .. iii Preface Errata at Corrigenda Table of Contents List of Plans and Illustrations The First Battle op Newburt, September 20th, 1643 Appendix. I. A list of those Regiments of Trained Bands and Auxi- liaries of the City of London which were engaged at the First Battle of Newbury . II. The Attack on Essex's Eear the day after the First Battle of Newbury III. The presence of Queen Henrietta Maria at the Battle (disproved) IV. A case of Witch-murder at Newbury V. The discovery of the Coffin and Remains of the Vault of Robert Dovereux, third Earl of Essex, in the Chapel of St. John the Baptist in Westminster Abbey, June 1879 . VI. Biographical Notices of Officers and others men- tioned in connection with the First Battle of Newbuiy— § 1. Royalist Officers. PAOE Patrick Ruthven, Earl of Forth 88 Prince Rupert .. .... .. .. TABLE OF CONTENTS. § 2. Parliamentarian Officers and others. PAGB PAGE Earl of Essex . 106 Col. Edward Massey, {or Lord Eobartes or Roberts 107 109 Lord Grey of Groby . 107 Col. Sheffield 110 Sir John Meyriok . 107 Col. John Meldrum 110 Sir Philip Stapleton 107 Col, Norton 110 Sir "WiUiam Constable . 107 Col. Dalbier . 110 Sir William Brooke 107 Oapt. Hunt 111 Sic William BaUour . 108 Capt. Francis St.-Barbe . 111 Sir Samuel Luke . 108 Capt. Hammond . 111 Major-General Skippon . 108 Capt. Charles Fleetwood 111 Major-General Deane 109 Capt. Charles Pym 111 Lieut. -General Middleton 109 WOUam Twisse, D.D. 111 Col. Axthui- Goodwin . 109 Robert Codrington . 112 Vn. Extracts from the Certificates of Returns of those Persons, who, pursuant to the Order of the House of Commons, made the Protestation in the County of Berks, 30th July, 1641- .... .... ..,.. X TABLE OF CONTENTS. FACE The Sbcond Battle at Nbwudhy, Octobeb 27tk, 1644 128 Apfbnsix. I. The King's March to Newbury 213 II. The King's Stay at Newbury . ., 215 III. Eed Heath and Bed Hill .. 217 rV. Descriptive Accounts of the Second Battle of Newbury 219 y. Newbury Church as a Prison and Hospital . 224 VI. Boxford 224 VII. Bucklebury 225 Vni. License of "War 226 IX. Capture of Lady Forth, Countess of Brentford 231 X. Captain Knight's Relation of the Siege of Donning ton Castle 234 XI. Major Eyves' Letter relating to the Siege of Don nington Castle 241 XII Dismantling of Donnington Castle 243 XIII. Depositions of Witnesses at the Trial of King Charles 1., as to the presence of the King at the Two Battles of Newbury . H5 XIV. Letter from the Earl of Manchester to the House of Lords, giving an opinion on the conduct of Oliver Cromwell 246 XV. Biographical Notices of,some of the OfBcers and other,=i mentioned in connection with the Second Battle of Newbury § 1. RoyaUst Officers. FAQE Sir Thomas Hooper . 2.53 Prince Maurice . 248 Sir Richard Page . 253 Duke of Richmond .
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