2 St Peter’s Church Contact Details Parish Contacts: Priest in Charge Rev. Tracey Caswell 07742 999633 Email:
[email protected] Associate Priest Rev. Sue Godsmark 01621 891513 Email :
[email protected] If you are unable to contact the Priest or Associate Priest please speak to the Churchwarden: Churchwarden Karen Tarpey: 01621 892122 Services Details of services can be found on page 6. Baptisms For enquiries about baptisms, please contact Rev’d Sue Godsmark. Magazine: Enquiries: Helen Mutton: 01621 891067 Adverts: Pauline Stebbing: 01621 892059 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.achurchnearyou.com/church/6657 3 Church News Ministry Team Message Thoughts from a member of the Ministry Team It’s been a funny old year for farmers and growers, even without the current pandemic. Looking back, the weather over the past year has not been kind. Following last year’s harvest, we then had the wettest of autumns, a lot of land was either flooded or water-logged and many planned winter crops could not be sown; the ones that were, were ‘muddied in’. Farmers, being optimistic, took the view that it would come right in the spring, winter crops could be safely sown until March. It didn’t come right until quite late on, then the change was drastic, drought and heat persisted. It certainly gave the farming community cause to worry and begin to doubt whether God’s covenant with Noah after the Flood, had come to an end! ‘As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.’ Genesis 8.22.