SCRUTINY OF ACTS AND REGULATIONS COMMITTEE FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT MAY-1998 SCRUTINY OF ACTS AND REGULATIONS COMMITTEE FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT MAY1998 ORDER TO BE PRINTED Melbourne GOVERNMENT PRINTER 1998 No. 6- SESSION 1998 Parliament of Victoria, Australia Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee Fifth Annual Report Bibliography ISSN 144~5776 ii EXTRACTED FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL TUESDAY 14 MAY 1996 22. SCRUTINY OF ACTS AND REGULATIONS COMMITTEE -The Honourable R.L Knowles moved, by leave, That the Honourables P.A. Katsambanis, M.T. Luckins and D.A Nardella be members of the Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee. Question put and resolved in the affirmative. EXTRACTED FROM THE VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY TUESDAY 14 MAY 1996 19. APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES - Motion made, by leave, and question- That (h) Mr Cameron, Mr Carli, Ms Gillett-Douglas, Mr Plowman (Benambera), Mr Ryan, and Mr Thompson, be members of the Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee. (Mr Gude) - put and agreed to. * Ms Gillett-Douglas is now known as Ms Gillett. ill iv SCRUTINY OF ACfS AND REGULATIONS COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mr P.J. Ryan, MP (Chairman) Mr M.H. Thompson, MP (Deputy Chairman) Mr R.G. Cameron, MP Mr C. Carli, MP Ms M.J. Gillett, MP The Hon. P.A. Katsambanis, MLC The Hon. M.T. Luckins, MLC The Hon. D.A. Nardella, MLC Mr A. Plowman, MP STAFF Ms Helen Mason Senior Legal Adviser Ms Tanya Coleman Research Officer Ms Nadia Krivetz Research Officer Mr Simon Dinsbergs Assistant Executive Officer Mr Richard Kings Office Manager COMMITTEE ADDRESSES LevelS 35 Spring Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 Telephone Inquiries (03) 9651 3618 Facsimile (03) 96513674 E-Mail
[email protected] (Helen Mason) Internet Home Page -sarc V vi INTRODUCI'ION BY THE CHAIRMAN MR PETER RYAN MLA Once agam it is my privilege to inb'oduce the Fifth Annual Report of the Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee concerning the scrutiny of primary legislation for the period from March 1997 to March 1998.