Spear & Ainley: Seabirds of the Peru Current 125 THE SEABIRD COMMUNITY OF THE PERU CURRENT, 1980–1995, WITH COMPARISONS TO OTHER EASTERN BOUNDARY CURRENTS LARRY B. SPEAR1 & DAVID G. AINLEY2 1Deceased 2H.T. Harvey & Associates, 983 University Avenue, Bldg D, Los Gatos California, 95032, USA (
[email protected]) Received 20 December 2006, accepted 15 August 2007 SUMMARY SPEAR, L.B. & AINLEY, D.G. 2008. The seabird community of the Peru Current, 1980–1995, with comparisons to other eastern boundary currents. Marine Ornithology 36: 125–144. We present details on the occurrence of 93 species of seabirds in the Peru Current System (PCS) during 1980–1995, including 11 species not noted previously in these waters. Data were gathered on 14 cruises occurring in both the autumn/winter and spring/summer. The avifauna is described in terms of endemic, resident and migrant species, including those originating (breeding) from both the southern and northern hemispheres. We also delineate species composition over waters of the shelf, slope and pelagic habitats, and relate occurrence patterns to various oceanographic and temporal variables. Although ocean food webs are rapidly changing because of the extractions of upper trophic levels by industrial fishing, thus making comparisons using historical data difficult, we do attempt comparisons of avifaunal composition with the other eastern boundary currents. Species structure between the PCS and the California Current is far more similar than that between the PCS and the Atlantic eastern boundary currents. The latter currents lack major contributions from storm-petrels, gulls and diving species other than pelecaniforms. We comment on the immense effect that the Sooty Shearwater Puffinus griseus likely has had on the structuring of seabird communities, especially those of eastern boundary currents, ocean-wide.