• SPORTS • THEATRICALS • OUT-OF-TOWN SECOND • Flint - Brownsville JECTIONI • EDITORIALS volTxvii-no. is DETROIT, MICH., SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1939 5 CENTS A COPY Cleveland Team Defeats Detroit Tennis Players Shivers To Fight gi Woodrnff Championship Declared Vacant Louis Ready THE On Nick Londes’ Lula Ballard n Card At Armory

SnpHRU »tage show Half Mile To Defend Title PORI mirroK Nick linden will a Defeats Lomax Dins the Naval Armory on the eve- st By RUSS J. COWANS ning of June 29. according to an- nouncement coming from the (I promoters office Monday. Lon- In Tourney Tony to Against Will similar which • NCAA Mozcl Ellerbee suffer a fate that wreck* Jes will use Milton Shivers, De- r'l the athletic career of Kulace Peacock? troit against some Fighters Tragedy, always snapping at the heels of the merculy-footed good fighter of his division In Cleveland Scores Ellerbce Pulls Both I’escock, caughtUp with the former university star mi the spring of the main bout of the eveniug. IS3S, High Points In Tendon In Short In Top Condition depriving him of an opportunity to represent the l'n!teheavyweight, Less than a year before peacock had won national acclaim by so” the semi-final bou' By Burrh In «I»*> new* of , Lillian Thrr„ . line Bjr staff 1nrrfspnndeiit defeating Jesse Owens in the sprints and broad Jump in the Nation- " *• indlcrallve of the *l AAL championship meet in Lincoln Neb.. Asa result of bis CLE\ELA.nd Inter-ntr w«t dat*' this date. there The lir j a mu* road colored NEW YORK—At prowess in the sprints and the jump, Peacock be*w*rn >n !.*■ i bal- broad was hailed as t«*tni» tournament mcm» "" »« ob- is not factor rising above the «f ■ ‘ravel to a the most promising prospect for the Olympic. tiers of the < en'cal Motor t tty Ten- hinA from the machines posit mi -n lh** United Slates lyhoo pouring Hut fate was unkind to Enlace, While running in the 100-ysrd nis Hub of I)f>trol», and Cleveland uli what of the purveyors of publicttv that Otis Wade ..am of ni«. than dash at the Penn Rela.vs in the spring of 193(5. Peacock pulled a racquet wieldm's, wan won bv tha otrmpl