95738 Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 249 / Wednesday, December 28, 2016 / Notices DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Rm W–1623, Sacramento, CA 95825; Sec. 31, that portion lying northwesterly of email
[email protected]. Persons who California State Highway 164. Bureau of Land Management use a telecommunications device for the Sec. 32, N1⁄2 and those portions of the 1 1 1 deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Relay W ⁄2SE ⁄4 and SW ⁄4 lying northwesterly [LLCA932000.17X.L13400000.DP0000. of California State Highway 164; Service (FRS) at 1–800–877–8339 to LXSSB0020000 CACA057064] Sec. 33, NW1⁄4NW1⁄4 and those portions of reach the BLM contact person. The the NE1⁄4 and W1⁄2NW1⁄4 lying Notice of Proposed Withdrawal; Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 northwesterly of California State California Desert Conservation Area days a week, to leave a message or Highway 164; and Notice of Intent To Prepare an question with the above individual. You Secs. 34 thru 35, those portions lying Environmental Impact Statement; will receive a reply during normal northwesterly of California State California business hours. Highway 164. T. 15.5 N., R. 15 E., SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Sec. 19, that portion lying northeasterly of Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Interior. California State Highway 164; petitioned the Assistant Secretary of the Sec. 21, lots 1 thru 3 and that portion of ACTION: 1 1 Notice. Interior for Land and Minerals the NE ⁄4SE ⁄4 lying northerly of Management to withdraw 1,337,904 California State Highway 164; SUMMARY: This notice announces that million acres of California Desert Secs.