Senate Passes Resoluton in Support of Bike Progra:Rn
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Thursday, November 21, 2002 Scene THE reviews• 'Frida' page 14 The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOL XXXVII NO. 62 HTTP://OBSERVER.ND.EDU Senate passes resoluton in support of bike progra:rn ator, presented a resolution to sup By MEGHANNE DOWNES port the SBOBRT's efforts to Assistant News Editor become a club. The University previously Senators passed three resolu banned the rugby club twice for tions Wednesday to support a bike misconduct before any of the cur deposit program. the South Bend rent members joined the team, Old Boys Hughy Team and the said Williams. Williams met with Sexual Assault Awareness poster. Bill Kirk, assistant vice president Jeremy Lao, sophomore class for Hesidence Life and said Kirk president, and Matt Kinsella, did not dislike the rugby team but sophomore class treasurer, pre was not in favor of granting it club sented the resolution for a bike status. deposit program. Lao initially "We have lour years here and it included a community bike pro hurts the current people to wait for gram on hL'i platform when he ran the institutional memory to die for sophomore cla.'is president and down," said Williams. researched programs at other col After many revisions, the Senate leges with similar programs. The approved the Sexual Assault resolution said the program will Awareness poster. Courtney provide students with refurbished Kohout, chair of the Diversity com low-cost bikes and asked for a one mittee, discussed the poster with and a half year trial period. Kirk and the Sexual Assault The program will begin next Advisory Committee approved the spring and students may rent a poster. The poster will be sent bike and luck from Notre Dame back to Kirk for review and Security/Police lor $25. At the end Hesidence Life will provide funding of the semester, students who for the project, said Trip Foley, stu return their bikes will receive a CHIP MARKS/The Observer dent body vice president. Sophomore class treasurer Matt Kinsella [left] and sophomore class president Jeremy Lao pre $15 refund, said Lao. The remain The poster will be laminated and sent the resolution for a bike deposit program at Wednesday's Student Senate meeting. ing $10 will be used for mainte printed in teal, the color for sexual nance purposes. assault awareness. Posters will be learning opportuties at Notre and others should look at," said for individuals with problem solv Lao said he and Hex Rakow, provided for each dorm's bath Dame. Distance learning is cur Brenner. ing, communication, writing, lead director of NDSP discussed the rooms and RA's rooms. In rently offered for a business MIS + Joanna Cornwell, chair of the ership and critical thinking skills. program and Rakow gave him a response to concern that the course, said Brenner. Ethics Committee, said her com "With a Notre Dame education if tentative thumbs-up. "All of these posters would be torn down, Staley said distance learning mittee met Wednesday to discuss you are focused you will be suc details aren't tentative, but they Kohout said, "It is better to try than would provide additional opportu the attendance policy and said, cessful," he said. will be worked out," said Lao. to not try at all." nities for abroad students who "We feel there is no issue that we +Jason McFarley, editor in chief NDSP collected abandoned or needed to take courses at the need to pursue at this point." of The Observer, submitted a letter lost bikes to use in the program In other Senate news: Notre Dame campus in Indiana. +Lee Svete, director of the Career to Senate regarding disclosure of and will maintain the bikes for stu + Dave Brenner, Dillon Hall sena "The lack of knowledge and lack of Center, provided information about information. Several senators dents throughout the year for free. tor, presented a letter to Senate willingness to explore distance the career center and its services. Sean Williams, St. Ed's Hall sen- regarding the need for distance learning that we feel Provost Hatch Svete said companies are looking see SENATE/page 6 ND seniors share home and hearts with reformed convicts By TERESA FRALISH campus houses. Wasmuth and have been able to integrate their Sturm share their home with Assistant Nows Editor academic lives and Dismas expe other former offenders who come riences smoothly. from South Bend and other areas "We have our own room that The house at 521 South St. throughout the Midwest to live in we can relax in," said Wasmuth. Joseph Street looks much like any the diverse community called "I usually find myself hanging out other off-campus student house. Dismas House. here with other residents." In many ways, Notre Dame "Basically our mission is recon When they first choose to live at seniors Sally Wasmuth and ciliation and to be a community Dismas, residents agree to abide Lauran Sturm, who live in num and to be positive. The way we by seven house ground rules that ber 521, arc typical college stu bring the offender together with include refraining from the use of dents - they balance classes, society is across a dinner table," drugs and alcohol and smoking projects, work, and consider the said Maria Kaczmarek, director outside the house. ever present question of what of the house since 1996. As part "Everybody has a chore," said they arc going to do after gradua of their commitment to living at Kaczmarek. "We do have a tion. Dismas House, all residents agree Tuesday night meeting that But when friends come to visit to make a strong effort to attend everyone attends where we can these Notre Dame seniors, they the evening meal at 6:30 Monday work on any kind of problems." encounter a special community through Thursday. In addition to Wasmuth and uniquely different from most off- Wasmuth and Sturm say they Sturm who live at the house per manently, many service groups from Notre Dame and the larger NELLIE WILLIAMS/The Observer South Bend community come to Dismas residents [from left] Lauran Sturm, Tim Rhades, Sally prepare meals at Dismas and share their lives with the resi Wasmuth and Rita Colburn relax In their living room. dents since South Bend's Dismas House was first organized in the call of justice." a year-long commitment this fall 1986. The halfway house for former to live at the house while attend "How many bank presidents prisoners is sponsored by Dismas ing classes, although students can would sit down with a former of Michiana, part of the national commit for either a semester or a offender? But here they do," organization Dismas Inc., a pro year. Initially, other service activi Kaczmarek said. gram begun in 1974 that seeks to ties and previous visits to the In addition to cooking meals, help former prisoners integrate house led Sturm and Wasmuth to Notre Dame students have themselves back into society. consider living at Dismas during offered support to the Dismas Kaczmarek, a full time Dismas their last year in college. Strum. program in a wide variety of staff member, works to coordi who is from the South Bend area. ways. "They've bought TVs and nate the experiences of all the helped cook dinner for the refrigerators," said Kaczmarek. residents and bring students and Dismas residents one evening, an NELLIE WILLIAMS/The Observer "When we have a need they've former offenders to live at the experience that she said sparked The residents of the Dlsmas House gather In prayer before responded. The students at Notre home. their evening meal. Dame have always responded to Both Notre Dame seniors made see HOME/page 4 page 2 The Observer+ WHAT'S UP Thursday, November 21, 2002 INSIDE COLUMN WHAT'S INSIDE CAMPUS WORLD& BUSINESS Family ties NEWS NATION NEWS VIEWPOINT SCENE SPORTS kee11.spirit SMC holds fair Bush United Union Walk with two Hollywood Irish sign to promote challenges yields feet of service films reviewed another top altve study abroad NATO to stand concessions class While I celebrate the success of the opportunities firm toward Notre Dame football team I have Iraq another team to be proud of this year. Making strides this year is Scecina Memorial High School's football team, President Bush United machin- An abroad Scene takes a The Irish baseball A fair will be look at the movies which just hap addressed the ists agreed to a $1.5 columnist writes program signed held on Saint about the homeless "Frida," "Harry nine high school pens to be my Sarah Nestor Mary's campus Prague Atlantic billion wage and alma mater. benefit cut in order situation in London Potter and the seniors to letters of today to feature Student Summit and how a simple Chamber of intent because of Scecina, a small information on to help the airline and urged NATO keep away from idea and a Big Secrets" and "8 the momentum the Catholic school in Saint Mary's both current and members to stand Indianapolis, was bankruptcy. Issue have given Mile." program has had Editor new abroad pro- firm against opportunities to not expected to do grams. since last year. much of anything Saddam Hussein. the needy. this year but has continually stunned their competition. Beating much larger page 3 page 5 page 7 page 12 page 14 page 28 schools from across Indiana my small little school from the city has made it to the semistate game. This Saturday Scecina takes on Southridge and is only two victories away from a state WHAT'S GOING DOWN championship. WHAT'S HAPPENING@ ND No, I'm not one of those people Car accident reported obsessed with the "good ol' high school + Lecture: "An American Paradox, A First Iland Account or On Monday NDSP responded to a two-car acci days" but having a sister who is cur Justice on Death How," with Sheila Murphy, 4 p.m.