Vol. 83 Issue 1 May 5, 2017
[email protected] the harbinger The student newspaper of Jefferson College since 1964 Senator Claire McCaskill Delivers Town Hall Journalism Class Introduces Meeting at Jefferson College Humans of Jefferson College by Nathan Imlay By Adam Riordan Are you familiar with Hu- All you have to do to register On April 12, Senator Claire is to sign a release form, allow us McCaskill held a town hall meet- mans of St. Louis or Humans of New York and wish that sort to take one picture of yourself (or ing at the Fine Arts Theater of send us a selfie of your own), and Jefferson College. More than of program would come to Jef- ferson College? Well, your wish a recording of the conversation 50 people attended to have the you have with the interviewer. Senator answer their questions. has been granted. Now, at Jefferson College in Once it's all done, we can share The vast majority of the crowd your exact details to the entire was friendly towards Senator Mc- Hillsboro, Missouri, the journal- ism course has now created their world by posting it on our Face- Caskill and many of the questions book page. With Humans of Jef- related to how the Democratic op- own unique human program with the Humans of Jefferson College. ferson College, this gives you all position could delay or halt pieces an opportunity to share anything of President Trump's agenda. With this program, this gives us the chances to talk to any student, that you desire to the whole cam- The Senator began with an pus and even the world.