HONOR ROLL O F DONORS 2006-2007 U NIVERSITY OF M IAMI S CHOOL OF L AW Cover art: Gideon v. Wainwright (2004) by Xavier Cortada, JD ‘92 Gideon v. Wainwright is a 48” x 36” oil on canvas, on long term loan to the Florida Supreme Court. Miami artist Xavier Cortada, JD ’92, has exhibited his work in museums, galleries and cultural venues across the Americas, Europe, Africa and Antarctica—and locally at the Miami Art Museum, the Bass Museum of Art, the Miami Science Museum and the Historical Museum of Southern Florida. The artist’s work and writings are preserved in the Xavier Cortada Collection of the University of Miami Libraries Cuban Heritage Collection. For more information see: www.cortada.com If you made a contribution to the School of Law during the fiscal year, June 1, 2006 – May 1, 2007, and your name is missing in this report or incorrectly stated, please contact us at
[email protected]. Until a correction can be published, please accept our sincere apologies for the omission or error. Contributors: Georgie A. Angones, Angelica Boutwell, Marcelyn Cox, Carol Cope, Detra Davis, Ann Dunkleberger, Karla Hernandez, Jeannette F. Hausler, Kathleen Johnekins, Raquel Matas, Sabrina M. Rembold, Mindy Rosenthal, Carla Tamayo, Lisa Weiner, Kele Williams; Jenny Abreu Images and Bob Soto Photography MessageMESSAGE FFromROM TTheHE D DeanEAN Dear Alumni and Friends, Through the generosity of our law alumni, faculty and friends, the University of Miami School of Law is able to report another record year for fundraising. Once again, your unwavering support of our School and its mission has enabled us to sustain our efforts to improve the educational experience for our students.