World’s premier consumer & business publication of the gay community

World’s First Niagara: in pink paradise

Says it all - Has it all - Fits all Wine: a drink of the pink!

Canadian Edition


Business Marketing Dennis Collectable To urism Finance O’Connor fashion Economics gay photo ...and much more artistic inside for all readers! entrepreneur

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Pink Marketing & Advertising Tel. 416-488-0651 Fax. 416-488-8463 E-mail: [email protected] 3 subject matters related to this important lifestyle activity of the gay community. As the magazine is an outcome of a comprehensive survey carried out by our sister company Pink Marketing and Advertising, the results showed us that many non-gay corporations, professionals and the gay professionals were looking for a publication which can offer them information on the gay community’s business, professional, traveling, fashion, art and cultural lifestyle. In the forthcoming issues, we will present many aspects of the gay lifestyle, current trends, and social and leisure activities to help everyone understand the gay community’s importance to economical, social and professional contribution to the society. Welcome abroad Pink Digest, the Ca- We want the general public to enjoy nadian edition of the world’s premier con- this magazine similarly to other consumer sumer and business magazine. We are thrilled trade magazines in the stands. Not only this to launch this, our premier issue. It should be publication will be enjoyable, we will also a fascinating, informative, educational and en- make sure the contents and graphics will not tertaining ride. Buckle up, and get be harmful in any way to the readers. comfortable. You're in for a pink treat! Before We would also like your kind input in you dive into the Pink, we would like to shed order to improve our services through the a bit of light on what this magazine hopes to publication and thank all of you for achieve. supporting our premier issue. We look The current gay consumer market is forward to bringing you the best as per our worth $600 billion US annually, which is mission of launching Pink Digest. We are growing at a rate of 30% every year. Our trying to make it a must-read and keeping it a objective of producing Pink Digest is to safe publication for all. educate and inform how and why corporations As the Founding President and Editor should target gay consumers for their of Pink Digest, I would like to thank all the products/services. At present, there is no contributors and staff who have sent their best magazine which will offer the gay wishes, articles and moral support to this community's business and professionalism in a unique publication. They have helped make single publication. my dream of Pink Digest a reality. And, to the Tourism in another market which is readers of Pink Digest, I would like to worth over $150 billion US annually. personally welcome you to what I hope is the Through this publication, we would like to first of many pink adventures we will enjoy educate and inform the tourism industry together through the pages of Pink Digest! the significant and unique opportunities offered by the gay market and how to tap into Very best pink wishes, and serve this market. Art and culture is another important area we would like to addressregularly in our publication so that every marketer, Tyrrel Igantius professional and gay community member can Chief Editor & Founder get hands-on information about the current fashion styles, art, entertainment and other

by N.A.M Note Editor’s


Tyrrel Ignatius Founding President Chief Executive Officer & Editor Director of Marketing & Advertising

Nomi Rakaposhi Productions & Design Executive Graphics & Layout Advisor Director of Internal Affairs

Mayer Tchelebon Financial Advisor

Paul Van Schalkwyk Printing Advisor

Michael Baumfeld Marketing Advisor ……


Paul Anderson Assistant Editor & Account Manager

Ian Morris Business Development Specialist

Gus Lazopoulos Sales Manager

Hiranthie Pinto Public-Relations Specialist

Shelly Smith Communications Specialist

Siobhan Gibson Creative Writing Specialist

Partha De Costa & Ellen Kamawura Graphic Designers

Taniya Martel & Aubrey Bruno Photographers ……

iQWeb Solutions Web Developing & Design

Pink Marketing & Advertising Publishing

Disticor Magazine Distribution Services Distributor ……

For further information, advertising rates, or any other inquiries, please contact us at:

PINK MARKETING & ADVERTISING Suite 711, 45 Dunfield Ave. Toronto, Ontario, Canada Tel: 416 488 0651 / 416 488 0139 Fax: 416 488 8463 Email: [email protected] Web:

3 Sponsoring same-sex partners to Canada 43 Law &Policy Are you getting traffic after the website? 42 y 41 Significance Technolog of issue the of picture Collectible transplants? hair from you benefit Can links 37 35 Fashion Dog guides change lives ofCanadians 23 Miracles Outgames opens Navratilova Martina 21 &Fitness Sports 9 Importance Wellness Miller -David Toronto of McGuinty Dalton Premier Ontario - 7 safe, 6 Welcome Messages FEATURES up? stack Howdoyourfinances ofdo advantage Take 32 31 28 Quick 27 banking Finance facts village gay Toronto’s 18 Key 17 West, 15 Montreal’ 13 Niagara Florida gay Falls village DEPARTMENTS Tourism The Institute of Canadian Bankers Bankers Canadian of Institute The

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Contents 5

The Importance of Safe, Clean 9 Drinking Water The Canadian Bottled Water Association By Elizabeth Griswold (CBWA) is a national trade association that supports and promotes bottled water as a Executive Director healthy, safe and convenient food product. CBWA CBWA members are committed to environ- mentally sound and economically efficient practices. The CBWA and its members edu- Names You Can Trust”, which lists the cate, inform and encourage dialogue between CBWA member brands that meet the CBWA the industry, government, consumers and other Standards of Quality. ( stakeholders. Wate r Re lat ed D is e ase s Life Style Choices According to WaterCan (, With today’s busy, ‘on the go’ and health currently, one-sixth of the world’s population conscious life styles, the awareness for safe, (1.1 billion people) lacks access to safe water clean drinking water is on the minds of many supply, and two-fifths (2.4 billion people) consumers. As well, the information offered to lack access to improved sanitation facilities. the public can be overwhelming when you The vast majority of people who are seriously consider the various resources available: e.g., affected by or die from preventable water and television, radio, newspapers and the Internet. sanitation related diseases are rural dwellers Bottled water is certainly one option for safe, and the urban poor in the developing world. clean drinking water and fits into the ‘on the Current international estimates of deaths due go’ and health conscious life styles. The to water-related diseases range from 2.2 mil- CBWA’s website is a proven educational tool lion to 5 million annually. for the public. Over the past 12 months, with Diarrhea is the most common type of wa- more than 50,000 unique hits, the CBWA ter-borne illness, and is caused by consuming website has educated visitors on all aspects of water contaminated with disease-causing bac- the CBWA and the bottled water industry. teria, viruses, and/or tiny parasites like worms Bottled Water Regulations or amoebas, especially from human excreta. Bottled water is fully regulated as a pack- People who are sick from diarrhea suffer from aged food product by Health Canada, through problems of dehydration and malnutrition. the Food and Drugs Act. Health Canada has Infants, children and the elderly are particu- regulated bottled water as a food for decades. larly vulnerable to the effects of diarrhea. Peo- It is held to stringent standards for quality, ple with severely weakened immune systems, identity and labelling, and packaging based on such as those with HIV/AIDS, also are at current science, technology and Canadian risk. It is estimated that each year more than Food Inspection Agency Good Manufacturing 2.2 million people, mostly children in devel- Practices. Bottled Water is regulated in the oping countries, die from diseases associated same manner as all other food products in with poor water and sanitation conditions. Canada. In addition, CBWA members are re- Classification of Water-Related Diseases quired to meet its Model Code (Standards of Water-related diseases can be grouped Quality), which is more strict than the Cana- into four general classes: water-borne, water- dian Drinking Water Guidelines. All members washed, water-based and water-related insect must submit annually to an unannounced vectors (Table I). The first three classes are third-party inspection to ensure compliance closely linked to people’s lack of access to safe with the CBWA Model Code. One of the water supply. most popular areas of the website is “Brand Wellness

by N.A.M 10 Table 1: Classification of Water-Related Diseases Disease Classification Description

Water-borne Caused by the consumption of water contaminated by human or animal excreta (feces, urine) containing diseases disease-causing organisms (pathogens) such as bacteria, viruses, worms and amoebas. Examples: dysentery, cholera, typhoid, other diarrheal diseases.

Water-washed diseases Caused by poor personal hygiene, and skin or eye contact with contaminated water and/or insufficient (water-scarce diseases) quantities of clean water for personal hygiene and washing. Examples: scabies, trachoma (eye infections), and flea, lice and tick-borne diseases such as typhus.

Water-based Caused by parasites found in intermediate organisms living in contaminated water. These diseases are diseases usually passed on to humans when they drink or wash with contaminated water. Examples: dracunculiasis (guinea worm), schistosomiasis (bilharzia), other helminths (worms).

Water-related diseases Caused by insects, especially flies and mosquitoes, that breed in or feed near contaminated water sources. (insect-vector diseases) These diseases are not usually associated with the lack of water supply and sanitation facilities, and are typically excluded from estimates in water-related deaths. Examples: malaria, dengue, onchocerciasis (river blindness); trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness), yellow fever.

Morbidity and Mortality of Selected Water-Related Diseases Each year, there are approximately 2.2 million deaths caused by diarrheal diseases related to poor water and sanitation conditions. Most victims are children under the age of five. This is equivalent to one child dying every 15 seconds. Table 2 summarizes the estimated morbidity and mortality of selected water-related diseases at the

global level.

Table 2: Morbidity and Mortality of Selected Water-Related Diseases

Disease Estimated Estimated Relationship of Disease to Morbidity (a) Mortality (b) Water & Sanitation Conditions Diarrheal diseases 1.0 billion 2.2 to 5.0 million Strongly related to poor sanitation conditions, poor personal/domestic hygiene practices, unsafe drinking water. Intestinal worms 1.5 billion 100,000 Strongly related to poor sanitation conditions, poor people infected personal/domestic hygiene practices.

Schistosomiasis 200 million people infected 200,000 Strongly related to poor sanitation conditions, the (bilharzia) (20 million suffer from severe absence of nearby sources of safe water consequences) Trachoma 150 million active cases Strongly related to lack of face washing, often due to (eye infections) (6 million people blind from the absence of nearby sources of safe water. trachoma) Trypanosomiasis 275,000 130,000 Related to the absence of nearby sources of safe water. (sleeping sickness) Dracunculiasis 150,000 Strongly related to unsafe drinking water (guinea worm) (in 1996)

(a)Morbidity = episodes per year or people infected. (Source: WaterCan, (b) Mortality = deaths per year


International Council of Bottled ment, consumers and other stakeholders. The CBWA Water Associations has for more than a decade worked closely with The CBWA is part of the world-wide Associa- Health Canada on revisions to Division 12 tion, the International Council of Bottled Water As- (regulations specific to bottled water), and Canadian sociations (ICBWA). The ICBWA membership con- Food Inspection Agency on labelling requirements to sist of Asian (and Middle East) Bottled Water Asso- ensure the government has a clear understanding of ciation, Australasian Bottled Water Association, Ca- the industry and the dialogue of positive and open. In nadian Bottled Water Association, European Federa- addition, in 2001 the CBWA established an Environ- tion of Bottled Waters, Latin American Bottled Wa- ment Stewardship Code. This Code provides guidance ter Association and the International Bottled Water to member companies to ensure long term groundwa- Association (USA). ter protection and the sustainability of these renewable CBWA Annual Convention and Trade Show resources. As an industry, we have ongoing dialogue Each year during the month of April, the CBWA with government to ensure the implementation of holds an annual convention and trade show. In 2006 sound, science-based regulations to protect groundwa- the show will be held in Toronto at the Hilton To- ter resources. We encourage continued involved with ronto Hotel (Downtown). Details on this show will government and other stakeholders to promote a bet- be posted on our website regarding our trade show ter understanding and appreciation of the bottled wa- hours, educational workshops, seminars, speakers and ter industry. social events. Government and Other Stakeholders The objective of the CBWA is to educate, inform and encourage dialogue between the industry, govern-

by N.A.M


Canadian Honeymoon Wonder: Come and Romanticize! Niagara Falls is a dynamic four-season By Niagara Falls Tourism destination that hosts over 14 million visitors each year. Experience “One Wonder After An- other” through a variety of affordable accom- modations, immaculate parks and recreational trails, fascinating historical and cultural points of interests, over 90 diversified restaurants, 50 area, by taking the Journey Behind the Falls, international recognized wineries, 40 profes- and downstream along the river through the sional golf courses, world renowned theatre, Niagara Glen, aboard the Maid of the Mist as countless attractions and of course, the natural it takes passengers on a soaking wet ride near wonder of the thunderous Falls. the base of the Falls or from high above on Niagara has more than 16,000 guestrooms Niagara Helicopters or dining at the Skylon or and suites to suit every taste, budget and need. Konica Minolta Tower. From resort properties with full service spa Niagara is known around the world for its facilities and luxurious amenities, to intimate gardens and parks, which attract artists, gar- and elegant inns that pamper you with person- deners and nature lovers. The Niagara Parks alized attention. Whatever your choice, our Botanical Gardens, Dufferin Islands, Oakes hotels, inns, B&Bs and resorts have all well- Garden, Queen Victoria Park, Queenston earned reputation for taking extra special care Heights Park, just to name a few provide in- of our guests. spiration and delight. There are several places to see the Falls up For bird and butterfly lovers, the Niagara close and personal….from the Table Rock Falls Aviary and Niagara Parks Butterfly Con- Tourism

by N.A.M 14 servatory are exciting and edu- Museum, Lundy’s Lane His- cational attractions for all to torical Museum and Old Fort visit. George. Built on a cliff overlooking Our internationally re- the Horseshoe Falls, Niagara nowned wine region has gained Fallsview Casino Resort is set- an appreciative audience featur- ting a new standard in Can- ing vintages that wine lovers ada’s hospitality industry. The have come to enjoy and savour. Fallsview Casino Resort is Icewine is one of this area’s home to 3,000 slot machines, most famous products, win- 150 gaming tables, first class ning awards around the world, restaurants and galleria shop- while our culinary expertise, ping. The resorts award- flavoured by our agricultural winning hotel features lavishly heritage and regional cuisine appointed rooms and suites as has added to the rich dimen- well a full service spa, pool and sion of Niagara as a sine and fitness facility. For those look- food destination. ing to enjoy the same world- No one leaves Niagara class customer service and gam- Falls without doing a little ing atmosphere, but in a shopping. In Niagara, there smaller, more casual environ- are plenty of places to shop, ment, a trip to Casino Niagara many gift shops, trading posts, might just be the thing. Casino and specialty items at quaint Niagara has over 2,500 slot machines, 79 gaming ta- boutiques…a great variety to keep the discriminating bles built on two levels and several restaurants shopper pleased, and souvenirs to bring home to treas- Niagara fascinating history and rich, cultural heri- urer. For the bargain hunter, no day is complete with- tage is the foundation for many interesting discoveries. out a visit to Canada One Factory Outlets, a great col- From Fort Erie through to Niagara Falls to Niagara lection of over 40 brand name stores. This is why Ni- on the Lake, you can visit the past, carefully restored agara attracts more visitors each year than perhaps any and recreated at Old Fort Erie, Willoughby Historical other tourist destination in North America. The Village is one carefully restored of the largest gay Montreal’s Gay Village: brick homes, shaded neighbourhoods in the backyard gardens and world, and its princi- Always Friendly and Welcoming window boxes brim- pal metro station, ming over with flow- Beaudry, proudly bears the colours of By Megalie Boutin ers. Be sure to drop into the An- the gay community. The neighbour- Tourisme Québec drogyne bookstore as well, the first hood stretches east to west along in Canada devoted to gay literature. Sainte-Catherine Street, the main Or visit the superb neo-gothic Saint- business thoroughfare, from Saint- Pierre-Apôtre church, built in 1851, Hubert Street to Papineau Street. at 1201 Visitation Street. It houses The vivid nightlife is complemented the Chapel of Hope, the first chapel by a high level of daytime energy, in the world consecrated to the when the streets of the Village hustle memory of victims of AIDS. and bustle with employees from The southern end of Amherst nearby radio and TV production Street fans out to afford a striking houses. Numerous events and festi- view of the elegant clock tower in vals taking place each year keep the the Old Port. If you pause near excitement going, with the highlights Saint-Pierre-Apôtre at the corner of being the Festival des Arts in July, René-Lévesque Boulevard and Visi- the Divers/Cité, Gay and tation Street, you'll catch an arrest- Pride Célébration in August and the ing view of the modern Radio- Black & Blue Festival in October. Canada building soaring up in front These three events alone draw more of the majestic Jacques-Cartier than a million participants! Bridge. In the neighbourhood you'll find The Art Deco architecture of the cafés, bistros, boutiques, antique impressive Saint-Jacques Market shops, family restaurants and exotic building and the Écomusée du fier eateries. To really get a feel for the place, take a stroll monde (across the way on Amherst Street) are also along the north-south side streets between Sherbrooke worth a stop. And all along Amherst Street you can Street and René-Lévesque Boulevard and admire the visit antique shops that specialize in objects from the 16 1930s through the 1960s. The narrow, wind- ing side streets nearby, particularly Lartigue Street, have a distinctly European feel. But above and beyond all these attrac- tions, you'll find it's the warm neighbour- hood life and the hospitality of the people who live there which make the Village so un- forgettable. On October 25, 2001, on the occasion of the Annual Meeting of the Federation of , Montréal was chosen as the host city for the seventh edition of the Gay Games that took place in the Summer of 2006, where over 24,000 participants and more than 250,000 visitors were welcomed. Right from the beginning of the long bid- ding process, Montréal expressed its desire to make these Games a huge athletic and cul- tural festival with a "Rendez-vous in Mon- tréal" theme. This idea, inspired by Mon- tréal's well-known joie de vivre, gave the city's bid a unique flavour. Held every four years, the Gay Games is considered the largest sport and festival and attract participants from every continent. Based on the principles of inclusion, partici- pation and personal best, these Games are open to everyone regardless of their , age, gender, ethnic origin, race, religion, nationality, political beliefs, level of competition, athletic and artistic skills, state of health or HIV status. Tourisme Montréal has recognized the importance of the gay and lesbian market since 1994, and has introduced a series of major promotional events to advance this as- pect of Montréal life: an annual press trip for gay media, representation at a number of travel fairs and specialized conventions, the launch of a promotional magazine entitled "Gay Destination: Montréal" and the recog- nition of the Village as a tourism centre. The choice of Montréal by the Federa- tion of Gay Games reaffirms the friendly rela- tions that unite Montréal and the gay and lesbian community, confirms Montréal's in- ternational status and reasserts its positioning on the North American and international gay markets.

With the third largest gay taurant and Bar, just south of 17 and lesbian population in North Wellesely on Church Street. America, Toronto has one of the Zelda’s is a Village landmark. It’s most vibrant gay and lesbian packed around the clock as Vil- neighbourhoods anywhere in the lagers gather on the patio to meet world. The Village, the heart of and greet friends and passersby. the largest gay neighbourhood in Outrageous by night and bustling Canada, oozes with life. Its by day, Zelda’s fuels the bound- nightclubs, restaurants, and shop- less energy that characterizes the ping are buzzing around the Village. clock, as residents and visitors Dining options are aplenty in alike always expect the unex- the Village, home to some of the pected. They are rarely disap- best restaurants in Toronto. One pointed! of the many culinary fancies in In the heart of downtown the Village is the succulent Le Toronto, the Village over the Petit Liban Restaurant. Located last two decades has evolved in a decadent Victorian manor from a quaint residential on Church Street, Liban will neighbourhood with tempt you with its Ro- historical homes and man statues, fountains, turn-of-the-century Toronto’s Gay Village: and expanse of its sen- buildings to the centre sational front patio. But of a thriving and dy- It’s a ‘State of Mind’! it’s the indulgent dishes namic gay community. that hook the regulars Many of the Victorian-era buildings By Shelley Smith and keep them coming back for have been converted to quaint Inns Pink Tourism more. But it is only one of many and Bed and Breakfasts, welcoming restaurants to check out for the culi- tourists who flock to the Village to enjoy what resi- nary flavour of the Village. dents of the Village often refer to as the Village’s A night on the town in the Village may begin with ‘state of mind’. scrumptious dining but the real feast of the senses is To explore what this ‘state of mind’ is all about, apres dinner at one of the many nightclubs that keep Church Street is a good place to start. The intersec- the Village on its toes. Grab a pint at Woody’s, an- tion of Church and Wellesely streets is the epicentre other local landmark. Woody’s has been around for as of the Village. Church Street is lined with rainbow long as the Village itself. But to get a full taste of flags, welcoming and celebrating diversity and free- what’s going on, Check out XTRA!, Toronto’s dom of expression of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and trans- weekly gay newspaper for club listings and events gender culture. On any given day of the week, Church about town. Street is filled with people out shopping, dining, So what do locals mean by the Village being a lounging, shmoozing, or meeting with new and old ‘state of mind’? For one, it can only be understood by friends alike. Boutiques with leather goods are a sta- a trip to the Village to experience it yourself. The Vil- ple, along with sophisticated fashion boutiques, sa- lage to be sure is a vibrant, sexy, diverse and exciting lons, jewelers, and shoe stores. piece of Toronto culture. But it’s more than that. It’s Fashion and trends are a part of the Village state about living life to the fullest, embracing the diversity of mind. But it’s the cafes and bars that make the Vil- of Canada’s gay culture and freedom of expression, lage hop. Seducing visitors to the Village are the myr- choice and life. Its mantra is to celebrate life. Pink iad of cafes lining Church Street. Chic, sleek, raucous, Life! Whether that celebration of life includes dancing outrageous, romantic, modern, sophisticated.. What- the night away or enjoying a quiet night with your ever your fancy, the Village has a café or bar for you. lover in a romantic café, Toronto’s Village is not to A good place to meet friends and take part in the fa- be missed. vourite Village past-time - socializing - is Zelda’s Res-

by N.A.M 18

Attracting about grown to include more than 650,000 gay and lesbian Key West, Florida: 300 enterprises representing visitors each year, the tiny virtually every facet of the subtropical island of Key Come to See Where island’s business community West enjoys a well-deserved — from accommodations reputation as one of the the Sea Begins! to banks, restaurants and art most appealing gay-friendly galleries. destinations in the world. By Steve Smith Today, the Key West Among the primary rea- Business Guild ranks among sons for that reputation are Key West Business Guild the nation’s leading gay the multiple efforts of the business associations and its Key West Business Guild marketing efforts, sup- — a nonprofit organization ported by the Florida Keys devoted to meeting the tourism council, incorporate needs of gay and lesbian a gay-marketing specialist travelers, providing compre- and an award-winning ad- hensive information about vertising campaign. gay Key West and promot- The business guild’s ing the island to a national office at 513 Truman Ave. and international travel is shared with the acclaimed market. Gay and Lesbian Commu- Begun in 1978 to en- nity Center of Key West. courage summer tourism There, walk-in visitors can and support Key West’s gay find a warm welcome, a community, the business friendly introduction to the guild was the nation’s first island city and information gay-oriented chamber of about member businesses commerce–type business and attractions. organization. From a small In addition, the guild original membership it has receives hundreds of tele-

by N.A.M phone calls and e-mails each week in response to 19 national and international advertising. Information, accompanied by colorful, inviting brochures, is mailed to callers, providing them an enticing taste of the island’s appeal. The Business Guild’s Web site,, attracts tens of thou- sands of visitors each month, and brochures in sev- eral languages are available for downloading. Guild officials report an estimated 20 percent or more of Key West’s annual visitors are gay or lesbian — a testimonial both to the organization’s successful marketing efforts and the community’s welcoming attitude. Upon arrival, gay and lesbian visitors are en- couraged to stop by the Key West Business Guild office for a friendly greeting and details about at- tractions and lodging. The office is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. seven days a week, except on major holidays.


For more information about Key West and its many amenities, visit, write the guild at P.O. Box 1208, Key West FL 33041, or call (305) 294-4603. In the US and Canada, call toll-free (888) 294-4603 20

t en em ed is rv sm rt se ri ve re ou ad e T ag nk p Pi r fo

Martina Navratilova to Open 21 Outgames Ceremonies By Pascal Dessureault Press Secretary, Montreal Outgames

The First Montréal organisation has built a new model for LGBT 2006 are proud to announce that Ms. Martina sport and cultural events, one that honours the Navratilova has joined their Circle of Champi- past, speaks to the present, and stands ready to ons. Ms. Navratilova will actively participate embrace the future,” said Ms. Navratilova, in- in the International Conference on LGBT Hu- ternationally respected sportswoman and man Rights, which will be held for three days eighteen-time Grand Slam champion. “This before the Opening Ceremony of the Out- model will result in the largest LGBT sport games. The world-renowned tennis champion and cultural event ever held. This is why I am and sports legend will present the Declaration so proud to be part of this important develop- of Montréal with Olympic medalist and Out- ment in the history of the international LGBT games Co-President at the community.” Opening Ceremony on 29 July 2006. “We are extremely honoured to have the "I am thrilled to be involved with the Out- support of Ms. Navratilova to help us spread games. Over the past three years, the Montréal the word about this ground-breaking interna- Sports & Fitness 22 tional event,” added Mr. Mark Tewksbury, Co- President of the 1st World Outgames and Cana- dian Olympic champion. “We have had extensive discussions and Ms. Navratilova will be participat- ing in the International Conference on LGBT Hu- man Rights, meeting with Outgames partners and participants and, finally, in what is sure to be a moving and unforgettable moment, she and I will read the Declaration of Montréal, the true legacy of the Conference, at the Opening Ceremony of the 1st World Outgames.” The International Conference on LGBT Hu- man rights focuses on affirming LGBT rights as an international standard, in every country of the world. To this end, a final resolution entitled the Declaration of Montréal, will be adopted at the close of the Conference and presented at the Opening Ceremony of the 1st World Outgames. The Declaration of Montréal will then be intro- duced to the and other interna- tional forums. The Outgames Circle of Champions is an in- ternational group of prominent individuals sup- porting the goals and principles of the 1st World Outgames. The Outgames will take place in Mon- tréal, Canada, from 26 July to 5 August 2006 and will bring together 16,000 participants from 120 countries and 250,000 visitors for an unforgettable celebration of LGBT sport and culture. The pro- gramme features 35 sport disciplines, 6 cultural activities and the International Conference on LGBT . ’s stellar career was crowned with one record-breaking success after another. She won 18 Grand Slam singles titles, 40 Grand Slam doubles titles (31 women's doubles and 9 mixed doubles) and the women's singles title at Wimbledon a record 9 times. She was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame in 2000, arguably one of the greatest tennis players of all time.

by N.A.M

Dog Guides are Changing Lives by Providing 23 Mobility, Safety and Independence to Canadians with Disabilities By Lions Foundation of Canada

Lions Foundation of Canada is a federally used as a pre-training facility to prepare dogs incorporated charitable foundation created by for their transfer to the Oakville training Lions clubs across Canada. Its mission is to school. provide service to Canadians with disabilities “They’ll never walk alone” in the areas of mobility, safety and independ- ence. Lions Foundation of Canada has three Since 1982, the lives of many men, women programs, with Canada Vision Canada (CVC) and children have been enriched by the ser- being the first of the three programs to come vices of specially trained Dog Guides from into existence in 1985. Canine Vision Canada Lions Foundation of Canada. Dog Guide han- trains Dog Guides for Canadians who are dlers from coast to coast have experienced the blind or visually impaired. CVC Dog Guides enrichment of their lives with new-found mo- assist their handlers by keeping them safe on bility, safety and independence with the pres- the streets by avoiding obstacles such as cars, ence of a devoted Dog Guide partner. people, light posts and other obstacles. CVC A renovated school in Oakville, Ontario Dog Guides are also specially trained to navi- houses Lions Foundation of Canada and its gate stairs, escalators and other situations and Dog Guide training programs – Canine Vision places encountered on most daily routes. Canada, Hearing Ears Dogs of Canada and The usual breeds used for this program are Special Skills Dogs of Canada. The facility Labrador Retrievers and Standard Poodles and contains administrative offices, student resi- the CVC Dog Guides are recognizable by dences, kennels, and Dog Guide training areas. their black leather harnesses monogrammed The Foundation also maintains a Dog Guide with CVC on the chest. For the client to reach breeding facility and training centre in Breslau, a goal of greater independence and mobility, Ontario. This centre includes a master kennel both the dog and the client need to be trained Miracles

by N.A.M 24 together to become a solid working Dog Guide team. hearing loss twenty-five years ago while pregnant with After the Dog Guide has received 6-8 months of her first child. training with a CVC trainer, the client will spend ap- Years later, while proximately 25 days at the Oakville facility to learn being treated for how to handle, trust and bond with the already cancer, Carole lost trained dog. all of her hearing When Craig from Kamloops, BC lost his sight in due to a drug used 2003 in an ATV accident, his life was changed for- in her chemother- ever. However, two years later, Craig’s life took a turn apy treatment. for the better – he graduated with CVC Dog Guide Carole is so Annie, a black Labrador Retriever. thankful to have “Annie has helped me become more independent,” received Binni says Craig. “She from Lions Foun- provides me with dation of Canada. companionship and Not only is Binni helps me to get out her ears, he is also a lot more.” Annie Carole’s reassur- guides Craig ance and safety. “Binni provides me with the assurance around obstacles that he is going to alert me to sounds and keep me and busy streets, safe,” says Carole.

helps him cross “They will never be alone” intersections and provides Craig with Special Skills Dogs of Canada (SSD) was the final the security and Dog Guide program established in 1991. SSD Dog confidence to be Guides are trained more independent to assist individuals and mobile outside with physical dis- his home. abilities and/or medical conditions. “Their link to a world of sound” SSD Dog Guides Hearing Ear Dogs of Canada (HED) was the sec- can operate light ond program instituted by Lions Foundation of Can- switches, open and ada in 1988. HED Dog Guides are trained to assist close doors, retrieve people who are deaf or hard of hearing by alerting items, assist with them to everyday sounds. HED Dog Guides are getting in and out taught to distinguish sounds, make physical contact of bed, or call for with their handlers, and lead them to the sound. Each help by barking or dog is trained to respond to the unique sounds of a by activating an client’s home, such as a knock at the door, the tele- alert system. SSD phone ringing, or an activated fire alarm. The dog can Dog Guides pro- also be trained to respond to hand signals for clients vide their handlers who use sign language. with greater mobil- The usual breeds used for this program are Labra- ity, safety and independence on a daily basis. dor Retrievers, Border Terriers and Miniature Poodles Special Skills Dog Guides are usually Labrador and the HED Dog Guides are recognizable by their Retrievers and Standard Poodles; however, on occa- orange harnesses. Clients undergo a two-week training sion, smaller breeds are trained depending on the period at the Foundation’s Oakville training facility to needs of the client. After the 6-8 month training pe- learn how to work and bond with their fully trained riod, the SSD Dog Guide is matched with a handler Dog Guides. who stayed two and a half weeks at the Foundation in Carole from Whitby, Ontario was diagnosed with Oakville to learn how to work with their new partner

by N.A.M and to establish a strong bond. 25 Noelle, 15, was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy as a young child and requires the aid of a walker. Noelle used to have to rely on her family to assist her with various tasks, from picking up dropped items to help- ing her into bed. However, since receiving Whisper in 2002, a black Standard Poodle SSD Dog Guide, Noelle has greater independence. In a household with ten siblings, alone time is rare. However, now with the help of Whisper, Noelle feels more confident to stay home alone. “I can count on her,” say Noelle. “Before I had Whisper, I couldn’t stay home by myself. I was too worried and always wondered what if something happened to me.” Whis- per provides Noelle with the peace of mind that she will be safe and independent while getting her much needed teenaged privacy.

Future Dog Guides – Puppies of the Future

All of the Dog Guides at Lions Foundation of Canada start out their lives as very special foster pup- pies. The Foster Puppy Program is very fortunate to have approximately 200 foster families throughout the Greater Toronto Area; however, the Foundation is largely due to the dedication and hard work of foster always looking to recruit more families into the pro- families. Without them, the Foundation’s programs gram to love, train, socialize and raise healthy and would not exist. well-behaved future Dog Guides. Help make it happen The Foundation’s puppies are bred at its breeding facility in Breslau, Ontario, or generously donated by From the time a puppy is born until long after a breeders. The Foster Puppy Program breeds Labrador Dog Guide team graduates, thousands of people help Retrievers, Standard and Miniature Poodles, and Bor- at every step along the way. Whether it is a breeder der Terriers with plans to expand the breeding pro- donating a puppy, a Lions Club donating a van, an gram to increase the number of puppies produced individual sending in $10, or a grant from a founda- each year. tion for class expenses, each and every donation makes Foster families typically receive their foster puppy a difference. Each Dog Guide team costs the Founda- at eight weeks of age and raise the future Dog Guide tion approximately $20,000 to raise, train and place, until it is about one year of age. It is at this point yet with the support of many, Dog Guides are pro- when the families selflessly return the foster puppy to vided at no cost. Lions Foundation of Canada does the Foundation where it is assessed and, if suitable, not receive any government funding; therefore, the placed in one of the three training programs to be- Foundation relies heavily on the support of general come a Dog Guide. funding from individuals and groups, Dog Guide Fostering a future Dog Guide is a very rewarding sponsorships, corporate support, commemorative giv- way to give back to the community. “This is the first ing and special events. time that our family has fostered a puppy and we are loving it,” said a first-time foster family. “Our com- ...... munity is very interested in the puppy and what will become of her. It is a big responsibility and one that To help provide the gift of mobility, safety and independence to a Canadian with a disability, or for more infor- we are thoroughly enjoying.” mation, log on to or call The key to raising successful Dog Guides is 1-800-768-3030

by N.A.M

The Institute of Canadian Bankers Helps 27 Professionals Shape and Advance Careers

Everyone values money for all the obvious By ICB reasons: food, clothing and shelter. But studies (The Institute of Canadian Bankers) have repeatedly shown money to be vital to our lives because of the link between wealth and happiness. licensing and compliance learning activities While such happiness can arise from and short, intensive training sessions in bank- sound financial planning, few people actually ing, investment, insurance, mortgage, trust ser- spend time devising a strategy to save money vices, wealth management and management and invest in their future. studies. Many say they have a financial plan but Says ICB Executive Director Marie Mul- don’t stick to it because it’s simply not a prior- downey: “At ICB, we subscribe to a different ity. In fact, many Canadians would prefer to kind of wealth; one that’s directly tied to learn- focus on almost anything, including work, in- ing. For our students, wealth through learning stead of preparing for and securing their finan- means they will acquire more in-depth knowl- cial future, according to recent studies by Des- edge and practical skills, daily working tools jardins Financial Security and Mackenzie In- and heightened productivity—all of which lead vestments. to greater efficiency, competency, autonomy Sooner or later, though, everyone realizes and recognition from their employer and the there’s a need for sound financial planning, potential for career advancement. especially the hosts of baby boomers who are “For organizations, we consider ourselves retiring or on the cusp of retirement. their partner, working with them—from con- To sift through the plethora of financial cept to market—to develop cost-effective, in- products and services, many will turn to savvy dustry-sanctioned programs. Our learning so- professionals for advice. And to keep up with lutions contribute to boosting employee per- the growing demand for financial planning formance, generating return on investment, expertise, professionals will have to continually mitigating risks, increasing the bottom line, enhance their skills through formal education, and, ultimately, wealth through learning.” training programs or short, intensive learning ICB pioneered the delivery of training pro- sessions. grams for financial services professionals. Financial services professionals share a While its courses originally catered to employ- need for better and increased access to infor- ees in Canada’s chartered banks, they are now mation and more in-depth knowledge about available to a much wider audience across 36 financial products so they can more confi- countries. dently and competently fulfill their clients’ Programs and learning activities, in both needs. English and French, are delivered online, For such specialized training and educa- through distance learning or in classroom. tional services, many professionals turn to The They are taught by industry professionals or Institute of Canadian Bankers (ICB), which academics who are affiliated with major educa- has awarded diplomas, designations and de- tional institutions. Credits from the ICB Pro- grees to more than 100,000 individuals since fessional Banking and renowned Personal Fi- it was founded nearly 40 years ago. nancial Planner™ Programs are recognized by Now considered a leading international Canadian universities and can be transferred provider of financial services education, ICB toward a Bachelor of Commerce or MBA de- offers more than 100 certification programs, grees (with a financial services specialization). Finance

by N.A.M 28 Since ICB is also affiliated with regulatory bodies nity for financial service professionals like me to be in Canada and around the world, students can earn further sensitized about the diverse needs of the cus- professional designations that are recognized both do- tomers we serve, which we must address to remain mestically and internationally, such as the prestigious competitive.” Fellow, Institute of Canadian Bankers (FICB), Associ- Marie Muldowney sums up that over the years, ate, Institute of Canadian Bankers (AICB) and Per- the ICB has evolved to keep pace—and even stay one sonal Financial Planner™. step ahead—of a changing and increasingly global in- Susan Barbeau-Wedsworth, who earned an FICB dustry. designation, has been taking courses with ICB since “As the financial services industry becomes more she joined the Bank of Montreal (BMO) more than and more globalized, both businesses and profession- 11 years ago. She has earned both the FICB designa- als will have to confront greater challenges. ICB can tion and Mutual Sales certification. Barbeau- help them sharpen their competitive advantage on the Wedsworth, who is a Commercial Account Manager– world stage as it aims to become the first, fully inte- Mid Market for BMO, has started working on her grated provider of learning solutions to the financial MBA (Financial Services), which combines ICB and services industry worldwide.” Dalhousie University courses...... “ICB has given me the foundational courses neces-

sary for me within each and every position I had with BMO and given me the tools to move forward and advance my career,” says Barbeau-Wedsworth, who Quick Banking Facts also received a Gold Medal in 2004—for achieving Canadians are not getting richer excellence in her studies— as part of the ICB annual recognition awards program. Canadians spend more than they earn. The na- “I think that without the ICB, there would be a tional savings rate dropped to -0.2 per cent in the last quarter of 2005. lot of people within in the banking industry that would not have an opportunity to continue their edu- The average annual household income in Canada cation. ICB allows them to focus their efforts and thus is $55,000. It has risen only one per cent or $500 plays a fundamental role in the development of the since 1990.

banking industry.” Total debt per household is equal to125 percent Martin de Gannes, an HR and Industrial Rela- of disposable income, up from 91 percent in 1990. tions professional who heads the Scotiabank HR de- (Source: Vanier Institute for the Family) partment in Trinidad and Tobago, is an FICB holder who has said he credits his success to ICB courses be- ...... cause of their “practical-based” formats. “It was infor- Canadian banks as employers mation and ideas you can actually use and not just concepts.” The financial services industry, which includes Meanwhile, Marcia Stevens-Burgess, who works banks, trust and insurance companies as well as real for National Bank of Industry and Commerce Lim- estate and leasing operations, is one of Canada’s larg- ited, a subsidiary of Republic Bank Limited in Guy- est employers.

ana, has earned a promotion thanks, in part, to the In 2005, Canada had an active work force of 16.2 AICB program. She is now Research/Product Devel- million people. Almost six per cent, or close to one opment Officer within the National Bank’s Marketing million people, were employed by the financial ser- and Public Relations Department. vices industry—more than those in public administra- “ICB provides a platform for enhancing the spe- tion or government services. cialized knowledge of financial services professionals,” Stevens-Burgess said in the February-March 2006 is- Canadian banks employ roughly 240,000 people sue of ICB Insider, the organization’s bi-monthly in Canada and more than 40,000 people in other countries. newsletter. “The ‘Consumer Behaviour and Financial Needs’ (Source: Statistics Canada)

course captured my interest. It offered the opportu-

by N.A.M


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In 2004, 28.4 per cent of senior managers at the Charter of Rights and the federal Human Rights Act, six largest banks were women, up from 20.3 per cent which prohibit based on sexual orienta- in 1998. tion. (Source: Canadian Bankers’ Association) Vancity Credit Union ...... In 2005, Vancity Credit Union, the country’s Canadian banks are gay and lesbian friendly largest credit union whose marketing strategy to the

TD Bank Financial Group lesbian and gay community has been recognized by financial services and communications industry asso- In 2006, TD Bank Financial Group signed a ciations, was named one Canada’s top employers by three-year deal with the Québec Gay Chamber of the Financial Post, Canadian Business and Maclean’s Commerce to be its principal financial institution. TD magazines. is sponsoring various events in the gay community, including a contest with a $15,000 first prize for “the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce most innovative entrepreneur.” In 2004, the Canadian Imperial Bank of Com- Royal Bank of Canada merce hosted its first reception in Toronto. The CIBC was also one of the first banks to make In 2005, the Royal Bank of Canada refused to same-sex benefits available to its employees. open a bank account for a coalition of socially conser- (Source: Chartered bank and credit union websites) vative organizations opposed to the holding of the Out Games in Montréal, scheduled for July 2006...... RBC said the coalition’s activities contravene the

by N.A.M Jonathan D. Sceeles, CFP Investment Representative 70 Yorkville Ave. (Main Floor) Toronto, ON M5R 1B9 Bus 416-964-2669 Fax 416-964-2839 Toll Free (866) 449-4353

Nobody enjoys fi- during market dips. 31 nancial market volatil- What's more, you'll take ity. Over the short Take Advantage of much of the work out of term, ups and downs investing. By committing can leave you with the Dollar Cost Averaging yourself to a regular in- feeling that you're on vestment strategy, you an investment roller remain focused on fi- coaster. But there is a By Jonathan Sceeles nancial goals. Instead of way to make volatility Edward Jones’ worrying about declin- your friend. You can ing markets, you'll view use it to lower the over- Canadian Investment Representative them as an opportunity. all cost of investing and Dollar cost averaging potentially boost re- through regular investing turns. also means you won't be tempted The best way to take advan- to "time the market" by trying to tage of volatility is through a buy low and sell high. While in strategy known as "dollar cost theory this works to boost re- averaging." This involves invest- turns, it is difficult for most inves- ing a fixed amount at regular in- tors to accurately time the market. tervals, regardless of how markets The best way to put dollar are performing. The main advan- cost averaging to work is by tak- tage is that when markets dip and ing advantage of regular invest- stocks or mutual fund prices fall, ment plans offered by financial the amount you regularly invest institutions. These allow you to buys more. The end result is that regularly and automatically trans- the average cost of an investment fer money from a bank account to will typically be lower than the investments. Regular investment average market price. plans are ideal for moving funds Although dollar cost averag- to brokerage accounts, Registered ing can be used with a variety of Retirement Savings Plans investments, it's particularly well (RRSPs), mutual funds and other suited for stocks and mutual investments. funds. Here's an example of how Putting money aside is a dollar cost averaging can work: painless way to build wealth. It's Let's say you decide to invest easier to contribute smaller $500 every month during a period of fluctuating amounts throughout the year than to find large lump prices. sums to invest. Not only do you take advantage of dollar cost averaging, you put money to work sooner. Month $ Invested Share Price No. of Units This provides the potential to build wealth faster, par- ticularly in tax-sheltered investments such as an One $500 $20 25 units RRSP. Two $500 $25 20 units You can make regular investments in stocks on a monthly basis or mutual funds at any frequency you Average price per share $22.50 choose-including weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quar- Average cost per unit over two months $22.22 ($1,000 divided by 45 units purchased). terly or semi-annually. Most investors choose a monthly plan because it's easy to manage. Of course, your strategy will be longer term. But Your investment representative can provide more the idea is the same-the amount you pay for a stock or information on dollar cost averaging and help you set mutual fund units will be the average of your cost, and up a regular investment plan. you'll always benefit from purchasing investments

by N.A.M 32 How do your finances stack up? Now do the same for debt. How Do you know how well you're doing much do you owe on your house, financially? consumer loans and other debts? In- Surprisingly, many of us have no clude credit card balances, lines of accurate idea, because we've never credit and investment loans. If you taken the time to figure it out. owe income tax, include it, too. It's not that difficult to get a han- And don't forget that you'll eventu- dle on your finances. And knowing ally face income tax liabilities on where you stand in your financial and some of your assets, including the investment life is vital, because it dic- income generated by your RRSP and tates your strategy going forward. If capital gains earned when you profit you don't know where you are today, from non-registered investments.

you can't plan your fu- These aren't easy to cal- ture. culate in advance, be- One of the best ways How do Your cause you don't know to measure financial suc- what your future tax cess is to calculate your situation will be. But net worth. This is the Finances Stack Up? these tax liabilities will value of everything you eventually affect your own, less everything you By Jonathan Sceeles wealth pool and retire- owe. Or as they say in ment income. financial circles, assets Edward Jones’ Now do the math. Cal- minus liabilities. Net Canadian Investment Representative culate the total dollar worth provides a picture amount of assets and li- of your financial life be- abilities. Then subtract cause it shows where liabilities from your as- your finances and investments stand at a particular sets to come up with your net worth. moment. (If you're a couple, make this a family pro- If your finances are in good shape, you should own ject-including your and your spouse's assets and li- considerably more than you owe, resulting in a sub- abilities.) stantially positive net worth. If you come up with a While determining your net worth isn't as com- negative figure, it's a sign that you have some serious plex as it may sound, it can take time. Gathering in- work ahead of you. formation is the hardest part of the process. Once Of course, your net worth will vary with age, in- you've got everything together, computer software can come and other factors. For example, a negative figure make it easy to perform calculations. You can use a may not be so bad if you and your family are young. spreadsheet program, or personal financial manage- You may have just bought your first house and are ment software. If you're using finance software, you facing the costs of raising children. You still have may already have entered much of the information plenty of time to build assets. you need. (If you're not a computer user, you can al- But in your peak earning years and beyond, you ways do the job on paper.) should have a comfortable cushion in savings, invest- To get started, determine the current value of eve- ments and RRSPs. These should far exceed debts, rything you own. This includes your investments, particularly if the mortgage is close to being paid off. house, cottage, car, collectibles, expensive jewelry and It's important to have a solid positive net worth be- anything else of lasting value. On the investment side, cause this points the way to your financial future. The be sure to include your Registered Retirement Savings more you have, the more comfortably you can retire. Plan (RRSP), individual securities, mutual funds, em- You can enjoy life more today, or leave a larger legacy ployee shareholder plans, deferred profit sharing plans through your estate. and real estate. Include the cash value of life insurance If you don't like your financial snapshot, speak to policies and workplace pension plans. If you are owed your investment representative. Get to work as soon as money, count it as well. you can to improve the picture.

by N.A.M 33

O’Connor Art Gallery: A Business Success in the Pink Community At 51 years old I have had a long history By Dennis O’Connor of involvement in the arts. It began way back when as a child of thirteen I purchased my Owner of O’Connor Art Gallery first piece, a Michael Snow. I remember my mother being quite astonished that I would take my hard earned money to spend on what she thought was a very foolish purchase. same. Years latter I ended up living with my It was my Irish father who instilled this first lover in Montreal and decided after a early interest in art. On Sundays my father, stint in retail to go back to school. I chose who was a miner in the Nickel mines in Sud- Concordia University and completed my BFA bury, played recordings of opera hits featuring in art history. I did take a few studio classes Mario Lanza and Caruso. On this day after with Guido Molinari and the hugely talented church I would browse through art books. My Francoise Sullivan. There were trying times for father never allowed us to look at these books both me and the Gay community throughout without supervision because they were meant this time. to be treasured. I now own these books and I lived in Montreal during the fabulous still marvel at their power of capturing my in- times of disco and pre Aids and left Montreal terest. with a lover dying of Aids ,to southwestern As I grew older and discovered my love of Ontario and London. These were very dark books, art, music and the men involved in times for homosexuals the world over. After these arts ,I realized early on that I was a ho- his death I finally settled here in Toronto. It mosexual. Naturally being Catholic I felt that took a few years for me to decide to begin my this meant a life committed to the priesthood. own business with my new lover and now hus- It was only after a stint at a private boys band John Fletcher. school that I realized that the two, being gay O’Connor Gallery was born in Febru- and a priest, were not necessarily one in the ary of 1995 and it’s mandate was to feature gay and lesbian artists exclusively. In ten years

by N.A.M Business we have done over 100 shows with artists from all ket. over the world. This in itself was not an easy task What do I attribute my success to? Sticking to garnering critics from both straight and gay media. your vision. Your gut instinct is usually the right way Years latter I had the honour to go. You must be ready and of being elected the Church willing to follow through on Wellesley Village BIA’s first all your projects. Finally, chair one which gave me the Money, without it or backing chance to work on the Alex- it is near impossible to ander Wood sculpture, help achieve your goal. Success re- found the Church Street Fet- quires not only all your hard ish Fair, the changing of area work but a financial commit- street signs to reflect our ment. Believe in yourself. unique neighbourhood and to My advice to young art- help in determining future ists is to create as much as changes to the area. possible. I encourage them to Recently I was asked and spend time in the studio accepted a position on the every day as they would in a board of the Canadian Les- nine-to-five job. The creation bian and Gay Archives. John of incredible art is not just Fletcher, my husband, and I theory alone, one must put have relocated our gallery in a those ideas to paper or canvas new exciting space in the or whatever medium one Queen St. E. design area. wishes to choose. Finally, I Though it is no longer in the encourage young artists to village its location allows us show as much as possible but to reach out to a wider mar- only show their best.

by N.A.M

Enhanced Looks: Can You Benefit 35 from Hair Transplants? The field of hair restoration has changed drastically over the last few decades. Modern By Alvi Armani Hair Transplants hair restoration, more commonly known as hair transplants, is the process of re- distributing one’s hair from the back and sides of the scalp (areas that are genetically pro- looking hairline can be produced for every pa- grammed never to bald) to the balding or thin- tient. ning areas of the scalp. Temple angles give shape and definition to Hair restoration like other forms of cos- the face. They provide the connection from metic surgery, involves more art than science. the hairline to the sides of the head. Tradi- Hair transplant surgeons must have a thor- tionally, temple angles have been disregarded ough understanding of facial design and struc- in the hair restoration industry due to the time ture and must consider many factors such as a and technical difficulty involved in angling patients hair supply, hair characteristics, and each hair. However, closing the temple angles surgical expectations. With the latest hair res- is essential to creating an attractive frame toration techniques, skilled surgeons can pro- around the face that makes each person duce results that appear completely natural unique. and undetectable. The most common complaint found in Dr. Antonio Armani is considered a pio- hair transplant surgery is density. Without neer in the field of hair restoration. As foun- density, results from hair der and director of AlviAr- transplants may appear too mani Medical Inc., he is al- thin and therefore, unnatural. ways researching new ways to AlviArmani employs their in- improve his already industry- dustry leading “dense- leading techniques. According packing” techniques. Using to Dr. Armani, the most criti- these techniques, it is now cal factor when considering possible to dense-pack as high hair transplant surgery is the as 150 hairs per centimetre hairline. The AlviArmani ap- squared. In addition, patients proach to hairline restoration who are in the early stages of involves two critical factors: hair loss can stay ahead of placement of the hairline and their balding as grafts can also seamless closure of the temple be placed amongst thinning angles. hairs to restore original den- AlviArmani follows the sity. principles of facial anatomy The reality is that hair loss has defined by famous artist affects millions. Some are un- and inventor Leonardo Da comfortable with being bald Vinci. The hairline in most while others simply accept individuals starts at half the their fate. For those seeking a distance above the eyebrows, solution to overcoming hair from the distance between the loss once and for all, hair eyebrows and the chin. By transplant surgery is the most using this formula, a com- permanent and effective solu- pletely natural and original tion. Fashion

by N.A.M

Collectable Picture of the Issue! Presented by Ignatius Exclusé Fashion Design

Upcoming Tradeshow: 39 Gay Life Expo in New York City

The main objectives of the Gay Life Expo By Ricardo Rivera is to bring businesses (both small and large), Account Executive corporations, organizations and non-profit HX Media, LLC groups together with the lucrative and brand- loyal gay and lesbian marketplace. New York City is the world's epicenter and also the larg- or comfort of living. We bring people and est gay consumer marketplace. The Gay Life businesses to the Gay Life Expo who all have Expo is the perfect environment in which something to gain from being there, be it fi- businesses can capitalize on this fact, in a face- nancially, or otherwise. to-face process. As far as I know, the Gay Life Expo is one The Gay Life Expo continues to be a phe- of only two annual, all-inclusive business ex- nomenal success. Now in its 6th year, the Gay pos that occur around the United States. Life Expo experiences a growth rate of ap- Other expos, such as the gay travel shows are proximately 20% per year. This is measurable exclusive to travel companies and are much in both the number of exhibitors, the quality smaller in comparison. of our sponsors, and the number of attendees. For example, in 2005 we had over 200 exhibi- As the show continues to thrive and grow, tors, a large increase from the previous year's the quality and level of support from our 165 exhibitors. sponsors continues to increase as well. In 2005, Virgin Atlantic Airlines, Jean Paul The main reason for our success can be Gaultier, Finandia Vodka, Czech Tourism approached from several different angles. First Authority, and Amtrak were among our spon- and foremost, businesses are continuing to rec- sors. ognize the favorable statistics of the gay con- sumers who come to our show. For instance, I do think that the mainstream public vis- our attendees have an average annual income its the Gay Life Expo but almost always come of $100,116 compared to the general publics with friends or family who are gay or lesbian $46,000. Our marketing of the Gay Life Expo or are somehow connected to the community. also continues to become more focused but In 2006, we will be growing almost two- within the broader framework of the gay and fold as we have reserved both Halls C & B lesbian publications of New York City along (rather than just Hall C) which will add an- with television and radio ads that are targeted other 200 booths to the show floor, increasing to entice potential exhibitors to look into our the square footage by 80,000. We will also event as a worthwhile marketing tool. partner with a national film festival organiza- Gay businesses and professionals benefit tion to feature the first annual Gay Life Film from our show in the fact Festival, in conjunction with that they are able to network the Gay Life Expo. with other gay and gay- As far as future business friendly businesses in a fun plans are concerned, I can and exciting environment. only ask that you keep tuned Here people are able to ac- in to the Gay Life Expo and knowledge that being gay HX Media LLC. as we have need not hinder any business major plans for growth in growth, future career plans, our future! Economics

by N.A.M

The Significance of Links for 41 your Website Ranking

If you have just visited a new web site, By Max Haroon then the chances are, you clicked on a link Founding President directing you to this newly discovered website. Society of Internet Professionals A website without anyone linking to it is like a business without any coordinates – no one knows about you. documents to find the specific information Links not only direct a person to a website you need. but they also direct a spider (a search engine’s Research has shown that Internet surfers information gathering program) to the who are looking for something on the Internet website. Links help your site to get noticed by typing a key-phrase into a search engine, and indexed by search engines. The number of hardly ever read beyond the first page of linkages to your website demonstrates the search results. If the surfer does not find what popularity of your website to search engines. he or she is looking for in those 10 websites The more the better. There are three ways that listed, only then will he or she go to the next people can find your website: page.

1. The Internet surfer types the entire URL Thus your goal should be to get your (website address) into the command line website listed on the first page of search of their browser. This option requires engines for site-relevant key-phrases. The art that your URL is pre-selected or known. of making your website ranking high with search engines is called Search Engine 2. The Internet surfer clicks on an Optimization (SEO). SEO is the way to go if advertisement or sponsored links that you are looking to increase targeted traffic to sends him to your website. This is a your site. huge form of paid internet advertising. If you are marketing products or services 3. The Internet surfer locates you by typing via your website, using search engines works certain keywords (let us call it a key better for promoting your site for a number of phrase) or your company name into a reasons:

search engine. Eighty five percent of all • A top search engine ranking often traffic to websites is directed by search translates into hundreds of new qualified engines. visitors each month. It is reasonable to Therefore it is very important that your anticipate a steady stream of qualified website is listed in the results provided by traffic when your Web site achieves search engines, when you type a key-phrase in continuous top rankings on multiple your favourite search engine. Not all websites search engines. are listed in the results, and the top page is • When an Internet surfer types a keyword restricted to only ten websites. If your website into a search engine, they have already is not listed on the top page of a search engine, identified the product or service they need then the probability of people clicking on your more information about. The search website is next to zero. reflects a definite level of interest by a There are over 5 billion documents on the potential buyer. World Wide Web today. You use search engines such as Google, MSN, or Yahoo to • Search engines are the most important help sift through this gigantic collection of tools for locating companies and their products on the Internet. Over half of all Technolog y

by N.A.M 42 Internet users search the Web every day, which is the second most popular Internet activity after What’s After Getting the Email. Since Google is the dominant player, I will use the Website Up? Are You word Google synonymously with ‘search engine’. Google ranks a website high if the website is popular Getting the Traffic? (i.e. has high traffic). An important method to boost traffic is to get links pointing to your web site...... Although PPC (Pay per click) provides the links (incurring expenses) but many visitors hesitate to click on such sponsored links, therefore I favour non-paid Step 1: links which I call “organic” links (which are found Get Traffic and Get High Ranking with listed below the sponsored links). Search Engines

One method to get links is to exchange links with Web surfers who do not know the URL of your related industry/sector's websites. So before you build website will look for it using search engines. In fact, your website have a linkage strategy in place; they may the largest of surfers to any web site typically be your suppliers, customers or media. In the case of come from click-throughs from search engines. If your the Society of Internet Professionals (SIP) we were website is not among the 10 to 30 entries on the first not proactive and waited for media, directories, page of the search engine’s listing, it will not be seen magazines and our members to provide us links. This at all by the surfer, as most surfers do not look at the worked for SIP as we have been around since the early second or subsequent pages. Remember, your website days of the internet, as of the last count there were has lots of competition for surfers; there are about a 316 pages linking to our website. billion visible web pages on the internet. So setting up A blog (web diary) linking your web site is also a your site to command a high ranking with search good visibility. We just started a SIP blog called: engine is critical to generate traffic. — within a month we had the blog listed as one of the sites in a Google search for SIP’s home page links. Step 2: Please note that link popularity alone does not Retain your Traffic necessary ensure high ranking of your web site (for If a surfer experiences anything negative in the your keywords). I will cover some other SEO website, then their visit does not last more than a few techniques in future notes, starting with Significance seconds. This can happen if your web site was not of Keywords or Key-phrases. designed for usability, has broken links, missing In summary, start by getting your web site indexed anchor text, or is too slow to load. Worse still, your by search engines (there are hundreds of search site may be down! So, designing your website for engines but Google, MSN and Yahoo predominate). usability and continuing monitoring is essential. Filling in forms and submitting them to the search

engines is no longer very effective; let the spiders of these search engines find your website. One way these Step 3: robotics programs find your website is through a link Analyze your Traffic from another web site. Finally, do you know anything about your surfers When you build a website, build a content rich, – your traffic? You go to considerable expense to well-structured and user friendly website. Both spiders analyse traffic to your brick and mortar business, then and humans like these type of websites. Make sure why not invest into analysing traffic on your web site? your links are not broken. Neither spiders nor humans The majority of web sites have no tools or resources do forgive you for that 404 error “page not found”. to get traffic reports and to analyze them in a

meaningful way for their effectiveness......

by N.A.M

Sponsoring a Same-Sex Partner to Canada: 43 What You Need to Know

Immigration Law in Canada has under- By Mary Joseph gone a tremendous amount of change since I Barrister and Solicitor first started working in the field in 1978 but Same-Sex Specialist the most significant and profound change came with the new Immigration Act in 2002. After two decades of fighting for the rights of partner for at least one year or more. As in the the gay and lesbian community, the Govern- spousal sponsorship, you may do this while ment finally recognized in that year that lov- your partner is outside Canada or inside Can- ing, long-standing relationships were worthy ada. The same exceptions as in the spousal of being recognized for immigration purposes. sponsorship applies. With that Act, we saw the addition of spon- sorship for common-law and conjugal partners Conjugal-Partner and with the change in the Marriage Act, A conjugal partnership is a ‘marriage like’ sponsorship for same-sex spouses. Since that relationship without actually living together. change, thousands of gay and lesbian couples The relationship must be at least one year old. of different nationalities have been united or This is the most problematic of the sponsor- re-united in Canada. ship categories as you must be able to provide The provisions for sponsorship are not a good reason why you have not either married however straight forward. Over these past or are not living together. Many conjugal three years I have seen numerous applications sponsorships are refused because the Immigra- refused on the basis that they have not tion officer considers the relationship to be ‘proved’ their case or have not met the specific simply a dating relationship. You may only guidelines. sponsor a ‘conjugal partner’ from outside Can- Here is a brief overview of the essential ada. That means, that if you are in a conjugal elements of each category. relationship with someone that lives in Can- ada, you may not sponsor them from within Spousal Sponsorship Canada. Again, you must meet the require- If you qualify as a sponsor ( some excep- ments as a sponsor in the same way that you tions such as being an un-discharged bank- must in either a common-law or spousal situa- rupt) you may sponsor your spouse to Canada tion. only if you were married in Canada. If you The following Q & A reflects the most were legally married in a country outside of common questions couples have asked regard- Canada, the government will not process the ing eligibility. case as a spouse. They will however consider your case either under the conjugal partner or the common-law partner if it applies. Sponsor- ...... ships of spouses may be filed either inside Canada, if you are already living together in Q. I have been in a relationship with my part- Canada, or outside Canada if your partner has ner who lives outside of Canada, for the not yet come to Canada. If it is from within past 8 months. Can I sponsor him to Can- ada as my partner? Canada, your spouse must not be under a re- moval order that can be executed. A. No. The conjugal relationship must be in Common-law Sponsorship existence for at least one year. In order to be considered ‘common-law’, you must have continuously resided with your Q. My conjugal partner lives outside Can- Law & Policy Law

by N.A.M 44 ada. We have been dating for over three years, and Q. I want to sponsor my partner but I am a stu- now I would like to sponsor her to see if we are dent and have not earned any money. Can I still compatible to live together. sponsor?

A. Your application will likely fail. A conjugal rela- A. Yes. Sponsoring a Spouse, Common-Law or Conju- tionship is considered to be ‘married like’. That means gal Partner does not require that you make a certain that you have already made a long term commitment to amount of money in any given year. There are some ex- one another and that commitment was made at least ceptions to sponsorship such as if you are on Welfare or one year prior to the sponsorship. In addition, you must other social assistance outside of Disability Social As- have joined much of your material lives together such sistance. has holding joint finances. You must also have a good reason why the two of you have not lived together over Q. I want to sponsor my spouse but we are in an the period of your relationship. Usually, those reasons ‘open’ relationship. We are committed to one an- are the fact that the immigration requirements of each other, but that does not preclude us from occa- other’s countries are prohibitive or you must maintain sional sexual encounters with other people. Can I your individual professions until such a time that a visa still sponsor him? can be issued for immigration. A. The application will likely be refused. Part of the defi- nition for spouse, common-law and conjugal partners is Q. I have lived with my partner in Canada for 9 that the relationship is monogamous. This is not set out months but we have been together over 4 years. specifically in the law, however Immigration Canada Will immigration consider the time that we were considers this to be an important aspect to determine the in a conjugal relationship prior to our moving in bona fides of the relationship. This is one area that is together in order to sponsor my partner from often appealed. within Canada as a common-law partner?

A. No. The definition of common-law is very clear. Q. My partner has a record. Can I still sponsor him?

You must have actually co-habited for at least one year. A. Yes, but serious criminal offences will make him You could however sponsor you partner through your inadmissible. In some cases, that inadmissibility could partner’s home country in the conjugal partner category. be processed under rehabilitation and in some you would In order to do this, you must have a home address for have to appeal to the Immigration Appeal Board under your partner in that country even if you state that his Humanitarian and Compassionate grounds. mailing address is in Canada. Q. My partner has a serious medical condition. Q. I married my partner in Canada last year and Will she be allowed an immigrant visa? we have been together ever since. My partner how- ever is a refugee claimant and her application has A. Yes. All of the partnership categories are exempt been refused. Can I still sponsor her from within from medical inadmissibility. Canada.? ...... A. Yes, provided that your partner has not finished

and been refused on the Pre-Removal Risk Assessment The above information constitutes basic informa- (PRRA). Once that happens, their removal order be- tion about gay and lesbian immigration to Canada and comes eligible to be executed and they no longer qualify. is not exhaustive. It is always recommended that you

consult a qualified lawyer or consultant before you file Q. I have been in a common-law relationship with your application to determine if your case meets the my partner in Canada for many years but my part- criteria and to determine if the laws and policy have ner is underground and has no status. Can I spon- changed since the time of this publication. sor her inside Canada anyway?

A. Yes, provided, as in the refugee case above, they are not under an executable removal order.

by N.A.M


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by N.A.M


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by N.A.M

Entertaining With Wines: Take the Stress 53 Out of Party Hosting With Helpful Tips

Hosting a party can be stressful for anyone and one of the biggest challenges that people By Ontario VQA Wines often face is the selection of wine. You can make your party special by treating guests to a selection of some of Ontario’s award winning VQA wines.

There are many factors to consider when plan- ning your wine purchases.

How much should I buy? As a general rule, you can pour five to six glasses of wine from a 750 ml bottle. If you’re planning a sit-down affair, count on one bottle for every two guests. If you’re having a stand- up gathering, plan on 1 to 2 glasses per hour, per guest.

For either event, it’s always a good idea to have an extra bottle or two on hand.

How much should I spend? Price doesn’t necessarily guarantee a wine will suit your taste. There are many choices from different price ranges that will pair well with the foods you are serving.

It’s better to let your budget and the occasion guide your spending.

How do I choose? Offer guests a choice of reds and whites. You may be serving different wines before dinner, during dinner, with dessert and after At what temperature should I serve wine? the meal. Log on to Ideal serving temperature for most white to see the Great Grapes section for wines to wines is 10° - 14° Celsius. Most red wines match your specific menu. Above all - have should be served a little below room tempera- fun! Parties and dinners are a great time to ex- ture, 18° -20° Celsius. Chill wines in the re- frigerator as follows: periment and try new varietals. And relax – the best wine is the one you enjoy! • 10 mins: Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Caber- net Franc, Baco Noir Serving Ontario Wine • ½ hour: Gamay Noir, Pinot Noir, Rose You chill white wine and serve red wine at room temperature…right? Well, not exactly. • 1 hour: White and sparkling wines (A fuller The taste and bouquet of wine can be signifi- bodied white, such as oaked Chardonnay, may cantly affected by its temperature, so it’s worth be served closer to room temperature to allow taking a few minutes to make sure you’re serv- the rich flavours and aromas to come forward ing the wine at the best temperature. • 1 ¼ hours: Icewine, Late Harvest Wine

by N.A.M Flavour 54 If you’re surprised that Red Wines should be slightly chilled, it’s because the old adage “room tem- perature” originated in Europe many years ago when room temperature was around 15 degrees Celsius, not the 18 to 20 degrees it is today. The slight chilling of red wine helps improve the taste and bouquet of the wine as it warms after serving.

What about wine glasses? If you have red and white wine glasses so much the better, but if you’re relying on a universal glass make sure it is stemmed with a bowl broader than the rim. The shape of the glass helps to capture the aroma and the stem ensures your hand is not touching the bowl and warming the wine.

How do I pour the wine? Pour the wine without touching the rim of the glass. But don’t overfill! The aromas of the will be fully released if the glass is only filled to the bulge of the bowl. The wine will be able to breathe and you’ll be able to comfortably swirl the glass and enjoy the bouquet.

How do I taste the wine? Start by holding your glass by the stem. It might seem pretentious, but it actually keeps you from bodied (higher alcohol). Then swallow, and note the warming up the wine with your hand (and avoids fin- finish (the kind and length of taste) of the wine. gerprints on the glass). What’s the best way to save what’s left? Wine is enjoyed through three senses: sight, smell, Opened, unfinished wines should be re-corked and taste. First, evaluate the look by holding the glass and placed in the refrigerator. Generally, white wines up to a white background (like a tablecloth or wall) have a life span of up to four days and reds, two days. and looking for a clear and intense colour. Colour can vary from pale straw to rich amber for whites (many Where’s the best place to store Ontario Wine: whites deepen in colour as they age) and translucent Unopened wine, if stored correctly, can last cherry to deep ruby for reds (reds become more months or even years depending on the varietal.

muted in colour – mahogany or brick - as they age). Do’s: Store wine in a cool (14 – 16 degrees Cel-

Next, move on to the smell of the wine. Usually, sius), dark, dry place away from vibration and direct we think the taste is what we enjoy most. But in real- sunlight (at home, this could mean the basement or a ity, our tongues only recognize four tastes (sweet, closet). Also, lay bottles on their sides so the corks sour, bitter and salt) but our nose can identify thou- don’t dry out.

sands of different smells. To smell the wine, swirl it in Avoid: Storing unopened wine in the fridge. This the glass and take a few short sniffs. As you swirl, the can make the wine taste flat over time, and some wine mixes with the air to release the bouquet. Words whites can even be over-chilled. often used to describe the aromas in wine are: apple, melon, citrus, berry, vanilla, grass, butterscotch, and ...... chocolate, to name a few.

Finally, it’s time to taste the wine. Take a sip and Food and Wine matches keep it in your mouth. Try to notice both the taste For some helpful hints on how to match your wine with your and texture. Feel the “body” (or weight) of the wine food, log on to and click on the food as either light bodied (less alcohol) or medium or full- and wine matching tool kit.

by N.A.M


to e d cl te ti er ar ns i be Entertainment

by N.A.M

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by N.A.M 58

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Opinion 59

Reader’s Forum

Now that you have read the first issue of the world’s premier consumer and business publication of the gay community, please share with us your ideas regarding which properties of magazine you liked, disliked, or would like changed for future issues of the magazine. Please take a few minutes to fill out the form below to help us improve this publication to suit your needs. Your feedback will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Please mail or fax your Pink Marketing & Advertising or... completed feedback Suite 711, 45 Dunfield Ave. Fax: 416 488 0651 form to: Toronto, ON, Canada

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Postal Code: Email: ...... 1. How informative did you find the 5. Do you think the contents of Pink main departments (business, economics, Digest were useful to both gay and non- marketing, finance, and tourism) of the gay communities alike? Pink Digest? Ve r y us e f u l Ve r y in fo r m a t ive Somewhat useful Somewhat informative Not very useful Not very informative

2. How useful did you find the other Comments: features of Pink Digest? Very useful Somewhat useful Not very useful

3. Did you feel the advertisements in Pink Digest were gay-oriented and appealing to your needs? Very appealing Somewhat appealing Not very appealing

4. How impressed were you with the for- mat, layout, and the design of Pink Digest? Very impressed Somewhat impressed Not very impressed by N.A.M