Reducing Exposure to Lead and Noise at Indoor Firing Ranges
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Reducing Exposure to Lead and Noise at Indoor Firing Ranges Several studies of firing ranges have shown that exposure to lead and noise Summary can cause health problems associated Workers and users of indoor with lead exposure and hearing loss, firing ranges may be exposed particularly among employees and in- to hazardous levels of lead and structors. Lead exposure occurs main- noise. The National Institute ly through inhalation of lead fumes or for Occupational Safety and ingestion (e.g., eating or drinking with Health (NIOSH) recommends contaminated hands) (see Figure 2) steps for workers and employ- [NIOSH 2009]. ers to reduce exposures. Exposure Limits Description of Lead Exposure OSHA has established limits for air- borne exposure to lead (see 29 CFR According to the Bureau of Justice Figure 1. Law enforcement officers 1910.1025*). The standard creates during shooting practice. Statistics, more than 1 million Fed- the action level and the permissi- eral, State, and local law enforce- ble exposure limit (PEL). The action ment officers work in the United below 60 µg lead/100g of whole blood level for airborne lead exposure is 30 [NIOSH 2009]. States [DOJ 2004]. They are re- micrograms per cubic meter of air quired to train regularly in the use of (µg/m3) as an 8-hour time weighted firearms. Indoor firing ranges are -of average (TWA). The OSHA PEL for Noise ten used because of their controlled airborne exposure to lead is 50 µg/m3 conditions (see Figure 1). In addition as an 8-hour TWA, which is reduced For noise exposure, the OSHA lim- to workers, more than 20 million ac- for shifts longer than 8 hours. it is a maximum PEL of 90 decibels, tive target shooters practice at in- A-weighted (dBA), averaged over The NIOSH recommended expo- door firing ranges. Law enforcement an 8-hour time period (see 29 CFR sure limit (REL) for airborne lead is 1910.95). officers may be exposed to high lev- 50 µ g / m3 as an 8-hour TWA. A worker’s els of lead and noise at indoor fir- blood lead level (BLL) should remain The NIOSH REL for noise (8- ing ranges. NIOSH estimates that hour TWA) is 85 dBA using a 3-dB 16,000 to 18,000 firing ranges oper- *Code of Federal Regulations. See CFR exchange rate [see NIOSH 1998]. Ex- ate in the United States. in References. posure to impulse noise, such as that DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Figure 2. Emissions from the discharge of firearms. which comes from weapons, cannot exceed 140 dB sound at indoor and outdoor firing ranges. Measurements were pressure level (SPL). conducted on a variety of law enforcement firearms. Peak sound pressure levels ranged from 155–168 dB SPL. A- Case Studies weighted, equivalent (averaged) levels ranged from 124– 128 dBA. Hearing protectors were also evaluated. Ear- Case 1—Lead exposure of school muffs had a mean peak reduction of 26 dB; earplugs alone had a mean peak reduction of 24 dB. The mean rifle teams peak reduction for combined earmuffs and earplugs was 44 dB. NIOSH recommended the use of this double The Alaska Environmental Public Health Program initi- protection for impulsive noise and also noise abatement ated a statewide review of school-sponsored rifle teams strategies, modifications to the firing range structure, and after a team coach was found to have an elevated BLL a hearing conservation program [NIOSH 2009]. of 44 µg/dL. The review examined six rifle teams using three indoor firing ranges. Teams using two of the fir- ing ranges did not show elevated BLLs. The other three Recommendations teams used a firing range with extensive lead contamina- tion. The teams showed elevated BLLs.The highest lev- Workers and shooters at firing ranges should take el was 31 µg/dL, which is above the level considered ele- the following steps to protect themselves: vated (25 µg/dL). The firing range was voluntarily closed Take training, follow safe work practices, and partici- and arrangements were made for a thorough evaluation pate in health monitoring programs. [State of Alaska 2003; NIOSH 2009]. Use personal protective equipment (PPE): Case 2—Noise exposures of Federal — Use double hearing protection (earplugs and ear- and local law enforcement officers muffs). — Wear respirators and full protective outer cloth- NIOSH investigators conducted live-fire noise exposure ing for maintenance activities that involve close evaluations of Federal and local law enforcement officers contact with lead dust or spent bullets. — Wear gloves and eye protection when using chemi- Provide workers with protective equipment: cals to clean weapons or firing range surfaces. — Provide hearing protection devices such as ear- Practice good hygiene: plugs and earmuffs. — Wash hands, arms, and face before eating, drink- — Provide skin protection, eye protection, and ing, smoking, or contact with others. NIOSH-approved respirators for workers who — Change clothes and shoes before leaving the facility. clean lead-contaminated areas. — Wash clothes used at the firing range separately — Provide floor mats, knee pads, and shoe covers from family’s clothes. to limit transfer of lead to clothing. Report symptoms to your employer and get medical Review OSHA requirements for medical monitoring attention when needed: for lead (29 CFR 1910.1025(j)) and noise (29 CFR — Common health effects of lead poisoning in 1910.95(d)(e)(g)(h)). adults include reproductive effects, nausea, di- For best medical and lead management practices, con- arrhea, vomiting, poor appetite, weight loss, sult the Association of Occupational and Environmental anemia, fatigue or hyperactivity, headaches, Clinics, Kosnett et al. [2007] and NASR [2005]. stomach pain, and kidney problems. — If you suspect you have been exposed to lead, Acknowledgments even if you have no symptoms, get your blood lead level tested. This document was prepared by Chucri A. Kardous (Di- vision of Applied Research and Technology) and Susan — Exposure to high noise levels can cause hearing Afanuh (Education and Information Division), NIOSH. loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ear), stress, high blood pressure, fatigue, and gastro-intestinal problems. References Employers should take the following steps to pro- CFR. Code of Federal regulations. Washington, DC: U.S. tect workers and shooters at firing ranges: Government Printing Office, Office of the Federal Register. Provide workers and shooters with training and infor- DOJ [2004]. Law enforcement statistics. Washington, mation about hazards: DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Pro- — Inform pregnant workers and shooters about grams. possible risks to the fetus. Kosnett MJ, et al. [2007]. Recommendations for medical — Ensure that workers are aware of symptoms that management of adult lead exposure. Environ Health Per- may indicate a health problem. spect 115(3):463–471. — Tell workers about participating in medical sur- bers/2006/9784/9784.html veillance programs and getting blood lead levels NASR [2005]. Lead management and OSHA compliance tested, even if they don’t show symptoms. for indoor shooting ranges. Newton, CT: National Associa- tion of Shooting Ranges. Establish effective engineering and administrative NIOSH [1998]. Criteria for a recommended standard: occu- controls: pational exposure to noise. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Depart- — Install an effective supply air and exhaust venti- ment of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease lation system. Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupation- — Maintain and replace air filters regularly. al Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. — Apply appropriate noise control measures to 98–126. limit noise inside the range and in nearby areas. NIOSH [2009]. Preventing occupational exposures to lead and noise at indoor firing ranges. By Kardous C, — Keep the firing range and other workplace areas et al. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health and clean using proper cleaning procedures such as Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Pre- wet sweeping and HEPA vacuuming of surfaces. vention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and — Provide workers with lockers and places to wash Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2009–136. to avoid take-home contamination. State of Alaska [2003]. School rifle teams exposed to — Limit length of time that workers and shooters lead at indoor firing ranges, Anchorage, AK: State of use the firing range: rotate assignments and pro- Alaska, Department of Health and Social Services, Ep- vide quiet, clean, break areas. idemiology Bulletin No. 1. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health 4676 Columbia Parkway Cincinnati, OH 45226–1998 Official Business Penalty for Private Use $300 For More Information More information about firing ranges and noise and lead expo- Furthermore, NIOSH is not responsible for the content of sure can be found on the following NIOSH Web sites: these Web sites. This document is in the public domain and may be freely copied or reprinted. 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