Physiol. Res. 67: 331-337, 2018 Neonatal Hypoglycemia, Early-Onset Diabetes and Hypopituitarism Due to the Mutation in EIF2S3 Gene Causing MEHMO Syndrome J. STANIK1,2,3, M. SKOPKOVA2, D. STANIKOVA1,2,4, K. BRENNEROVA1, L. BARAK1, L. TICHA1, J. HORNOVA1, I. KLIMES2, D. GASPERIKOVA2 1Department of Pediatrics, Medical Faculty of Comenius University and Children Faculty Hospital, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2DIABGENE and Laboratory of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders, Institute of Experimental Endocrinology, Biomedical Research Center, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia, 3Center for Pediatric Research Leipzig, University of Leipzig, Germany, 4Institute of Social Medicine, Occupational Health and Public Health, University of Leipzig, Germany Received June 14, 2017 Accepted September 21, 2017 On-line January 5, 2018 Summary
[email protected] and J. Stanik, Department of Recently, the genetic cause of several syndromic forms of Pediatrics, Medical Faculty of Comenius University, Limbova 1, glycemia dysregulation has been described. One of them, 833 40 Bratislava, Slovakia. E-mail:
[email protected] MEHMO syndrome, is a rare X-linked syndrome recently linked to the EIF2S3 gene mutations. MEHMO is characterized by Mental Introduction retardation, Epilepsy, Hypogonadism/hypogenitalism, Microcephaly, and Obesity. Moreover, patients with MEHMO had also diabetes Monogenic diabetes is a heterogeneous group of and endocrine phenotype, but detailed information is missing. disorders caused by a mutation of a single gene involved We aimed to provide more details on the endocrine phenotype in to the insulin secretion or action (Rubio-Cabezas et al. two previously reported male probands with MEHMO carrying 2014). The highest prevalence of monogenic diabetes is a frame-shift mutation (I465fs) in the EIF2S3 gene.