Escomb Saxon Church

The church was built around 675 AD with stone probably from the Roman Fort at Binchester. It was originally thought that the church was an offshoot of one of the local monasteries for example Whitby or Hartlepool, but this is only one of several possibilities as there are no known written records until 990 AD.

Escomb is situated two miles west of in the Wear Valley. The church is one of five parishes grouped with Etherley, Hamsterley, and Witton-le-Wear.

Our church is on the national register of the Small Pilgrim Places Network. These places are small, spiritual oases, offering an atmosphere that encourages stillness, prayer and reflection for people of all faiths or none. Guides available by arrangement if required.

Please contact us or visit our website for details of services.

When is it on? Time of day Morning Afternoon Evening Session Day time and evening. information

Who to contact Contact name Elisheva Mechanic Contact Vicar position Telephone 01388 768 898 E-mail [email protected] Website

Where to go Name Address Escomb Green Escomb Postcode DL14 7SY

Local Offer Local Offer Interior not accessible by wheelchair. description

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