S tedham with Parish Council Chair: Lucy Petrie Clerk: Morag Birch email: [email protected] website: http://www.stedhamwithiping-pc.gov.uk

MINUTES: SIPC Meeting of with Iping Parish Council - No. 11/Year 4/15-19 Held on: Wednesday 13th March 2019 7:30pm at Stedham Memorial Hall

Present: Lucy Petrie(Chair) John Wheelhouse Martin Perry David Edmondson Olia Mitskevich Simon Barnard Ruth Cooper Anthony Grocott (Left 8:00 returned 8:30)

In attendance: Approximately 5 parishioners

The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations are in force, giving a right to members of the public to record(film, photograph and audio-record) and report on proceedings at meetings of the Council and its Committees. The Council will make a recording of the meeting which will be made available on the website

(Note: Unless otherwise stated voting on decisions/resolutions is unanimous)


2. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS: Minutes for SIPC Meeting 26th February were reviewed and signed



4.1. Kate O’Kelly – Copy of report attached

4.2. Caroline Neville – Main points as follows: • Careline has been taken over by PPP • House of Fraser in has closed • Council has been preparing for a “no deal” Brexit for some months • There will be a £5 increase based on CDC Council Tax Band D. The County Council is also increasing its % of the Council tax. The police will be increasing charges as they plan to employ more police officers • The pre-application has been approved for the Nursing Home at The Grange in , but with a number of conditions • The Novium museum has achieved a £10k funding grant from the Arts Council. Roman Week will run from 25th to 31st May • Period of purdah will run from 19th March to 2nd May in the District Council because of the election due on 2nd May • Stedham Ward is to be included in the Midhurst Ward. This applies to all Stedham parishes except for which will be included with • Lets Talk Panel available on the CDC website – to improve communication between parishes and the District Council • The local MP is willing to attend sessions at a local pub. She will be available at Selham. A number of people will be attending to discuss speed limits. It is now possible to pay £10k to get speed restrictions imposed. It is possible to get a grant but recipients must take part in Speedwatch analysis first

Clerk: Morag Birch Page 1 of 5 Meeting No. 11/Year 4/15-19 S tedham with Iping Parish Council Chair: Lucy Petrie Clerk: Morag Birch email: [email protected] website: http://www.stedhamwithiping-pc.gov.uk

• Caroline confirmed she would not be standing for the District Council in the forthcoming elections. As this was her last appearance at an SIPC meeting, the Chair thanked her for attendance and her many contributions to the Council meetings

5. CHAIR’S REPORT(LUCY PETRIE) – Copy of report attached:


The completion of the formal examination of Stedham with Iping’s Neighbourhood Plan has been delayed and, as a consequence, the referendum will also be delayed because SDNPA, in their response to the Examiner following Regulation 16 Consultation, maintained that the SINP including the Sawmills site were dependent on the approval of SNDPA’s Local Plan(LP). This is not the case, the SINP only needs to be in general agreement with the LP. The Examiner, unfortunately, decided to halt the examination until the LP was ready. The best estimate for completion of the LP is this summer. The Council submitted its response the Examiner including a comment about the problem resulting from SDNPA’s incorrect statement on the link between their LP and the SINP. A complaint also went to the Director of Planning at SDNPA including a request for a hearing at the Planning Meeting due 14th March. There has been no response from either party to date. The next agenda item which covers Neighbourhood Plans isn’t until May.

7. MINERALS EXTRACTION (It was agreed this item could be taken next, not as Item 14 as on Agenda)

Adrian Waddams from the Minsted Residents Group(MRG) was present and summed up the current position as follows: • The Severals campaign has been very active and has received considerable coverage in the local press • There was a meeting on 8th March with the local MP Gillian Keegan attended by MRG and the Severals representative. She was receptive and gave some helpful suggestions with regard to lobbying local land owners and other interested parties. • The urgent requirement is the submission of the response to the Soft Sand Review due on 18th March. The MRG have been working on a draft, already circulated to the members of the Council, which they would like to submit with the endorsement of the Parish Council. It was resolved that the SIPC would continue to support the MRG and join the Council’s name to MRG’s submission on the 18th March. MRG would send copy of finished document to the Council




9.1. Financial Report to 28th February 2019 was summarised verbally – copy attached

9.2. Grass cutting contract – draft Service Agreement was reviewed, main points as follows:

• One year contract based on a day rate. Need to confirm whether a half-day rate is available • RC kindly volunteered to meet contractors on site and observe performance/timings • Include a quarterly Service Review • Actual vs planned costs will be monitored by F&GP committee • Remove Section 2.3.1, but request Contractor to email to advise schedule • It was resolved that the SIPC accept the Service Agreement including minor changes as discussed. ACTION: OM to update document, circulate for final approval and arrange for signatures.

Clerk: Morag Birch Page 2 of 5 Meeting No. 11/Year 4/15-19 S tedham with Iping Parish Council Chair: Lucy Petrie Clerk: Morag Birch email: [email protected] website: http://www.stedhamwithiping-pc.gov.uk

9.3. Calor Community Grant – upto £5000 is available for local projects for areas which are not on mains gas ie Minsted, Iping and Stedham campsite. Suggested projects are voted for on the Calor website and funds awarded accordingly. Possible projects:

• Wild flowers • Facilities for campsite • War memorial ACTION: RC – follow-up, including contacting Memorial Hall Trust re War Memorial

10. ENVIRONMENT & AMENITIES COMMITTEE(MARTIN PERRY) 10.1. Dead tree has been removed. Waiting confirmation of when tree will be planted. ACTION: Clerk to follow-up 10.2. If wild flower seeds are to be planted it needs to be done in about 6weeks. Establishing wild flower areas needs to be considered as a long-term project. MP and RC to monitor area planted last September due to flower this summer. Seeds and/or plugs are options for the churchyards which will be considered in liaison with the church wardens. (Plugs apply to plants which are difficult to cultivate from seed, eg primroses.) Also, monitor areas planned for future planting and see what comes up this year. Ideal is to rotavate ground before planting so will need plan to provide rotavator for the churchyard. ACTION: MP/RC to get permission to spread seed/plant in selected area in Iping Churchyard and monitor progress.

11. PLANNING COMMITTEE(JOHN WHEELHOUSE) 11.1. Consider application as follows: Location: Green Acre, School Lane, Stedham, Midhurst, West , GU29 0NZ Proposal: Single storey rear extension and two storey side extension with alteration and additions to fenestration.

Decision: Application Not Supported: Contrary to current SDNPA policies with regard to (i)discouraging extensions which increase living space by more than 30%. and (ii) retention of small/ 2bedroom properties. The Council, however, might support a modest development to provide independent living space


12.1. PC gavel and block – it had been confirmed that as this was not a Council project, the organiser would complete arrangements and then request contribution previously agreed by the Council 12.2. Confirmed price for installation as quoted last year remains the same and it could be fitted week commencing 25th March. Plan for training and maintenance to be agreed. ACTION: SB & Clerk It was resolved that SIPC accept the quote and the Clerk should complete arrangements for fitting of defibrillator cabinet. 12.3. Car Parking – main points as follows: • Have confirmed the size/nature of the problem • Determine whether a “kiss & drop” system at School start/end times would provide any improvement • Public meeting to be organised to ascertain commitment from parishioners for possible changes and costs to improve parking and to recruit members for a Working Party. ACTION: SB & AG 12.4. PC liaison with Stedham School – main points as follows: • Meeting in January, presentation confirmed that schools of the size of Stedham will not survive without some positive action • Two co-Chairs resigned at the end of the meeting • The Headmistress confirmed her resignation effective from end of school year.

Clerk: Morag Birch Page 3 of 5 Meeting No. 11/Year 4/15-19 S tedham with Iping Parish Council Chair: Lucy Petrie Clerk: Morag Birch email: [email protected] website: http://www.stedhamwithiping-pc.gov.uk

• Possible opportunity to second replacement head on temporary basis but with the brief of identifying ways of working, perhaps with other schools, in order to keep Stedham School open • DE confirmed he had resigned as Associate Governor a he was unable to commit the time which the role demanded 12.5. GDPR – Both documents, GDPR Statement for the website and SIPC Policy had been finalised. ACTION: Clerk to update website with new statement and ensure all councillors are aware of the SIPC’s policy . 12.6. Refer to Item 5 Chair’s for information on the Commons. SWT to follow-up with Natural re. impact of Iping Common fire on nesting birds.

13. COMMUNITY LAND TRUSTS(JOHN WHEELHOUSE) 13.1 Main points as follows: • Six person board elected on 8th February including two members of this Council, David Edmondson and John Wheelhouse • Application for New Trust submitted on 6th March, response expected by end of month • Administrative arrangements are ongoing • Next steps are to agree priorities on membership, finance, business planning, marketing, master plan and site identification throughout the total geographical area of the three parishes • Next meeting of CLT is on Friday 15th March • CLT meeting to be held with local MP Gillian Keegan on 4th April to seek support • Possible issue, as a result of SI not having a NP in place, is if CLT develop a policy which is not consistent with that of Stedham with Iping, but this is unlikely as Sawmills is the only site currently being considered. SINP do require a CLT vehicle to develop the Sawmills site.

14. PARISH COUNCIL ELECTIONS(CLERK) Copy of summary attached Need to advertise on the website and notice boards for candidates. ACTION: Clerk

15. CORRESPONDENCE 15.1 SWT – covered in Chair’s report 15.2 Vale of Woodland Owners Event, on behalf of SDNPA, 3rd April. ACTION : Clerk will display posters 15.3 Sussex Day 16th June 2019 – to be discussed in more detail at next meeting

16. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: 16.1 Annual Parish Meeting – proposed date 24th April. ACTION: Clerk to advise village organisations 16.2 Litter picking day – Saturday 27th April – ACTION: LP to advise SWT to arrange joint action 16.3 Annual Parish Council Meeting and first meeting of new Council – 15th May


17.1 It was resolved that the SIPC should exclude the public before starting on Item 18 given that the nature of the business to be discussed is confidential as it relates to preparation for legal proceedings

18. MAIN POINTS AS FOLLOWS: 18.1 Clerk updated lawyer acting for PC on latest Council decisions. Lawyer would advise ACAS of said decisions

Clerk: Morag Birch Page 4 of 5 Meeting No. 11/Year 4/15-19 S tedham with Iping Parish Council Chair: Lucy Petrie Clerk: Morag Birch email: [email protected] website: http://www.stedhamwithiping-pc.gov.uk

18.2 Tribunal has granted extensions for submission of Bundle and Witness Statements to 14th and 21st March respectively. ACTION: Clerk to forward details to lawyer of documents required by Parish Council

Conclusion 9:30pm

CHAIRMAN:……………………………………………… DATE:………………………………

Clerk: Morag Birch Page 5 of 5 Meeting No. 11/Year 4/15-19