The Parish of St. Edmund, King and Martyr (Waterloo, Ontario)

The Anglican Catholic of Canada (A member of the worldwide Traditional )


December 7, 2005 - St. Ambrose

January Schedule

January 1 Sunday The Octave Day of / The Circumcision of

January 6 Friday The of Our Lord

January 8 Sunday The First Sunday after the Epiphany

January 13 Friday The Octave Day of the Epiphany / The of Our Lord

January 15 Sunday The Second Sunday after the Epiphany

January 22 Sunday The Third Sunday after the Epiphany

January 25 Wednesday The Conversion of St. Paul

January 29 Sunday The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany

Service Times and Location

(1) All Services are held in the Chapel at Luther Village on the Park - 139 Father David Bauer Drive in Waterloo. (2) On Sundays, is sung at 10:00 a.m. (The Litany on the first Sunday of the month), and the Holy is celebrated (sung) at 10:30 a.m.

(3) On weekdays - Major Holy Days - the Holy Eucharist is usually celebrated at 7:00 p.m., 10:00 a.m. on Saturday. Notes and Comments can have the feelings without the fact. Even when suppressed, however, the 1) Dr. Budziszewski continues his knowledge of guilt always produces certain examination of the cultural slide of the objective needs, which make their own demand for satisfaction irrespective of the mid-90s - The Revenge of Conscience - state of the feelings. These needs include the fourth of six parts - this page. , atonement, reconciliation, and justification. 2) For Robert's Ramblings - Matobo II - the second of two parts - see page 5. Now when guilt is acknowledged, the guilty deed can be repented so that these four 3) Henry - Further betrayal of needs can be genuinely satisfied. But the children - see page 6. when the guilty knowledge is suppressed, they can only be displaced. That is what 4) Commentary on - THE , generates the impulse to further wrong. ELEISON, GLORIA IN EXCELSIS - Taking the four needs one by one, let’s see from a booklet entitled The Ceremonial of how this happens. High - see page 8. The need to confess arises from 5) A couple of comments on - especially transgression against what we know, at those for whom our prayers are desired some level, to be truth. I have already - see page 8. commented on the tendency of accessories to suicide to write about their acts. Besides George Delury, who killed his wife, 6) An informal report - A Visit to Christ we may mention Timothy E. Quill, who the King - see page 9. prescribed lethal pills for his patient, and Andrew Solomon, who participated in the death of his mother. Solomon, for The Revenge of Conscience - IV instance, writes in the New Yorker that "the act of speaking or writing about your If the law written on the heart can be involvement is, inevitably, a plea for repressed, then we cannot count on it to absolution." Many readers will remember restrain us from doing wrong; that much is the full-page signature advertisements obvious. I have made the more paradoxical feminists took out in the early days of the claim that repressing it hurls us into abortion movement, telling the world that further wrong. Holding conscience down they had killed their own unborn children. doesn't deprive it of its force; it merely At first it seems baffling that the sacrament distorts and redirects that force. We are of confession can be inverted to serve the speaking of something less like the erosion ends of advocacy. Only by recognizing the of an earthen dike so that it fails to hold power of suppressed conscience can this the water back, than like the compression paradox be understood. of a powerful spring so that it buckles to the side. The need to atone arises from the knowledge of a debt that must somehow be Here is how it works. Guilt, guilty paid. One would think such knowledge knowledge, and guilty feelings are not the would always lead directly to repentance, same thing; men and women can have the but the counselors whom I have knowledge without the feelings, and they interviewed tell a different story. One

2 woman learned during her pregnancy that around themselves. They don't sin her husband had been unfaithful to her. privately; they recruit. The more ambitious He wanted the child, so to punish him for among them go further. Refusing to go to betrayal she had an abortion. The trauma the mountain, they require the mountain to of killing was even greater than the trauma come to them: society must be transformed of his treachery, because this time she was so that it no longer stands in awful to blame. What was her response? She judgment. So it is that they change the aborted the next child, too; in her words, "I laws, infiltrate the schools, and create wanted to be able to hate myself more for intrusive social-welfare bureaucracies. what I did to the first baby." By trying to atone without repenting, she was driven to Finally we come to the need for repeat the sin. justification, which requires more detailed The need for reconciliation arises from the attention. Unhooked from justice, fact that guilt cuts us off from God and justification becomes rationalization, which man. Without repentance, intimacy must is a more dangerous game than it seems. be simulated precisely by sharing with The problem is that the ordinances written others in the guilty act. Leo Tolstoy knew on the heart all hang together. They this. In Anna Karenina there comes a time depend on each other in such a way that when the lovers' mutual guiltiness is their we cannot suppress one except by only remaining bond. But the phenomenon rearranging all the others. A few cases will is hardly restricted to cases of marital be sufficient to show how this happens. infidelity. Andrew Solomon says that he, his brothers, and his father are united by Consider sexual promiscuity. The official the "weird legacy" of their implication in his line is that modern people don't take sex mother's death, and quotes a nurse who outside marriage seriously any longer; mere participated in her own mother's death as moral realists say this is because we no telling him, "I know some people will have longer realize the wrong of it. I maintain trouble with my saying this but it was the that we do know it is wrong but pretend most intimate time I've ever had with that we don't. Of course one must be anyone." Herbert Hendin comments in a careful to distinguish between the core book on the Dutch affair with euthanasia, laws of sex, the ones we can't not know, "The feeling that participation in death and the derived ones, which we can not permits an intimacy that they are otherwise know. For example, though true and unable to achieve permeates euthanasia reasonable, the superiority of monogamous stories and draws patients and doctors to to polygamous marriage is probably not euthanasia." And no wonder. Violation of part of the core. On the other hand, no a basic human bond is so terrible that the human society has ever held that the burdened conscience must instantly sexual powers may be exercised by anyone establish an abnormal one to compensate; with anyone, and the recognized norm is a the very gravity of the transgression invests durable and culturally protected covenant the new bond with a sense of profound between man and woman with the significance. Naturally some will find it intention of procreation. Casual shack-ups attractive. and one-night stands don't qualify.

The reconciliation need has a public Because we can't not know that sex dimension, too. Isolated from the belongs with marriage, when we separate community of moral judgment, them we cover our guilty knowledge with transgressors strive to gather a substitute rationalizations. In any particular culture,

3 particular rationalizations may be just as nature of the connection. By this strongly protected as marriage; the reasoning I tell myself that sex is okay difference is that while the rationalizations because I am going to marry my partner, vary from culture to culture, the core does because I want my partner to marry me, or not. At least in our culture, such sexual because I have to find out if we could be self-deceptions are more common among happy married. An even more dangerous women than men. I don't think this is fudge is to divide the form of marriage from because the female conscience is stronger its substance - to say "we don't need (or weaker) than the male. However, sex promises because we're in love." The outside marriage exposes the woman to implication, of course, is that those who do greater risk, so whereas the man must fool need promises love impurely; that those only his conscience, she must fool both her who don't marry are more truly married conscience and her self-interest. If she than those who do. does insist on doing wrong, she has twice as much reason to rationalize. This last rationalization is even more difficult to maintain than most. Love, after One common rationalization is to say "No" all, is a permanent and unqualified while acting "Yes" in order to tell oneself commitment to the true good of the other afterward "I didn't go along." William person, and the native tongue of Gairdner reports that according to one rape commitment is precisely promises. To crisis counselor, many of the women who work, therefore, this ruse requires another: call her do so not to report that they have having deceived oneself about the nature of been raped, but to ask whether they were marriage, one must now deceive oneself raped. If they have to ask, of course, they about the nature of love. The usual way of probably haven't been; they are merely doing so is to mix up love with the dealing with their ambivalence by throwing romantic feelings that characteristically the blame for their decisions on their accompany it, and call them "intimacy." If partners. But this is a serious matter. only we have these feelings, we tell Denial leads to the further wrong of false ourselves, we may have sex. That is to say, witness. we may have sex - if we feel like it.

Another tactic is inventing private Here is where things really become definitions of marriage. Quite a few people interesting, because if the criterion of being "think of themselves as married" although as-good-as-married is sexual feelings, then they have no covenant at all; some even obviously nobody who has sexual feelings fortify the delusion with "moving-in may be prevented from marrying. So ceremonies" featuring happy words without homosexuals must also be able to "marry"; promises. Unfortunately, people who their unions, too, should have cultural "think of themselves as married" not only protection. At this point suppressed refuse the obligations of real marriage but conscience strikes another blow, reminding demand all of its cultural privileges; us that marriage is linked with procreation. because rationalization is so much work, But now we are in a box. We cannot say they require other people to support them "therefore homosexuals cannot marry," in it. Such demands make the cultural because that would strike against the protection of real marriage more difficult. whole teetering structure of rationalizations. Therefore we decree that Yet another ruse is to admit that sex having been made marriageable, belongs with marriage but to fudge the homosexuals must be made procreative;

4 the barren field must seem to bloom. There 4) Western Rite - The is, after all, artificial insemination. And Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese there is adoption. So it comes to pass that of North America is hoping to establish a children are given as a right to those from Western Rite Parish in the Greater Toronto whom they were once protected as a duty. Area - for more details see The normalization of perversion is complete.

By J. Budziszewski, Associate Professor of Robert's Ramblings Government and Philosophy at the University of Texas - this article appeared Matobo II in the June/July 1998 issue of First Things - the fourth of six parts "Thou bald head" (II Kings 2,23)

He [Father Cuthbert Hallward] is From here and there remembered as courteous, as befits an old Wykehamist; as against raffles at bazaars; 1) The blood of martyrs is the seed of the as having a formidable sister who kept Church. Tertullian house for him in Bulawayo; as pronouncing his name Halwid. At the turn of last 2) The Coming century he was an itinerant chaplain with the Railway Mission, when he had much to Shepherds watch on darkened hillside do with founding Plumtree, one of the Drowsy flocks, by stars' dim light. country's best known schools. He was also Sky illumined by appearance rector of my home parish, Bulawayo, and of Of Angel's glow, that Christmas night. Mutare. He was sent to St Augustine's, Penhalonga, when the Community took Shepherds startled by the splendour; over the Mission in 1914. Another with Of God's Own Son were told the birth. him there was Father Harry Buck. Sky is thronged with Host from Heaven, Together they entered the novitiate at Praising God, with Peace on Earth. Mirfield. Harry returned to Africa with his linguistic skills and missionary Shepherds leave their flocks on hillside; inventiveness. Cuthbert remained in Hasten down that Babe to seek. Yorkshire, eventually becoming Prior of the Found Him in a lowly stable, Mother House and a prison visitor in Snug in manger, fast asleep. Wakefield.

Shepherds kneel in adoration Some funerals are spectacular, such as Watched by Mary, Mother mild, those of Alexander the Great and the Duke While Joseph, earthly father, proudly of Wellington. Mr Rhodes' funeral was in Looks down on Mother and sleeping child. the same league, a celebration of Empire. There were no roads as yet - there are still By Helen E. Glover only few - and the procession from Bulawayo to World's View by horseback 3) You asked! This is the 111th 'issue' of and ox waggon had to camp out in the UPDATE - the first had 2 pages, in 1996! bush. There are many photographs of the funeral. In one of them you can see the tall

5 handsome young Cuthbert Hallward in men in Australia, under the title of the , and Bishop Andrewes' Ascension. Its would be founders spent cap (against the scorching sun), beside the some time at Mirfield where, among other diminutive pugilist and Bishop, Billy Gaul, things, they built the Calvary Garden. Two whose crozier I have used often enough members of CR were loaned to CA in myself. Father Paul Bull CR was present at Australia for a while, Richard Barnes and another great celebration of Empire, the Ralph Bell. An early member and the last Delhi Durbar of 1911, but that is a story for Superior of the Community of the another time and for another storyteller. Ascension was Father Cecil Cohen. The attempt failed and the two surviving Before you become censorious about members of CA returned to England, one to Empire, let me tell you that the first music Mirfield and the other to Kelham. If you hall in Bulawayo was called the Empire. look at the cross on Cecil's grave in the Not only did gaiety girls kick their legs in it, Cemetery of the Resurrection, you will see but Bishop Gaul preached there too, that both his professions in religion are mounted on empty whisky boxes because recorded. More recently Thomas Seville of his shortness. Pioneers and prospectors and John Gribben loved their visits to were rounded up for from the Australia. Bodega Bar with its half swing-doors, a la Wild West movie. (I remember the doors But of course as a window in Bulawayo well, and a hitching rail, as still there in the cathedral reminds us, we "Desire a better 1940's.) The Bishop's prowess as a boxer country, that is, a heavenly, where God is overcame any disinclination for Divine not ashamed to be called our God" Service which drinkers might feel. (Hebrews 11,16). We can be grateful, though, that our respective loves on earth Was it Father Benson of Cowley who said, ready us in some small measure for that "Join a Community and see the world"? great love which is yet to come, the Many of us in the Community have found numinosity of which outnuminates even this to be true. The trouble with travel is Matobo. that one falls in love with so many countries at once. Where would one most (The second of two parts) like to live? Canada, Holland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Southern Africa, Wales? The +Robert Mercer CR Afrikaans proverb gets it right, "East West homes best". But if one can't live near By The retired, Third Bishop of The Matobo in Matabeleland, another appealing Anglican of Canada place is Australia. Important criteria are baking heat, dust, flat expanses of open plain with small hills in the middle Further betrayal of the children distance, fascinating fauna and flora.

In January 2004, The American College of Three CR brethren had the good sense to Pediatricians concluded: "The research work for Bush Brotherhoods in Australia literature on child-rearing by homosexual before they joined the Community, Cecil parents is limited. Cohen, Keith Davie and Reginald Smith. After the First World War there was an "The environment in which children are attempt to found a religious community for reared is absolutely critical to their

6 development. Given the current body of It will be argued that the Charter of Rights research, the American College of and the new law on same-sex marriages Pediatricians believes it is inappropriate, compel public schools to teach their potentially hazardous to children and students the moral equivalency of dangerously irresponsible to change the heterosexual and homosexual relations and age-old prohibition on homosexual marriages. Furthermore, to the extent that parenting, neither by adoption, foster care, these concepts are explored in health and or by reproductive manipulation. This physical education classes, the exploration position is rooted in the best available must be equivalent. The argument will be science." (Human Parenting: Is It Time for that any other approach would be Change?) discriminatory and contrary to the equality rights under s.15(1) of the Charter and the Despite the benefit of such social scientific numerous court cases that have led to the evidence, and without adequate democratic passage of Bill C-38. deliberation and the normal process of judicial appeals, our federal government The impact of the social re-engineering is has repudiated the historic definition of bound to filter down to school classrooms. marriage in favour of social re-engineering. Ordinary words such as 'husband' and Their approach imposes uniformity in the 'wife' will be replaced by 'partner' and name of equality which means pursuing 'spouse.' the erosion of marriage and the family by belittling the importance of the union of a Children will have to be taught about woman and a man, a wife and a husband, a homosexual acts. mother and a father. Every person and every religion that The educational impact of laws on attitudes disagrees will be labelled as bigoted and is undeniable. If Canadian law must openly discriminated against and dragged henceforth teach marriage is the union of before Human Rights Commissions. two persons, a majority of Canadians face Parents who complain will be branded as the risk of a serious threat to their freedom homophobes and their children will suffer. of conscience, religion and expression through the imposition of an "orthodoxy" A B.C. Human Rights Tribunal has begun that is contrary to their values. hearing a case filed by a same-sex couple.

Same-sex marriage proponents use the The complaint filed against the B.C. language of openness, tolerance and Ministry of Education in 1999, alleges that diversity, yet the foreseeable effect of their the ministry's curriculum does not success will be to usher in an era of adequately "address issues of sexual intolerance and discrimination the likes of orientation." The claim is made that "there which we have rarely seen before. is systemic discrimination through omission and suppression of queer issues In view of the passage of same-sex marriage in the whole of the curriculum." legislation, must a majority of parents accept it as inevitable, that schools and the To focus the human rights complaint, the media will transmit a vision of marriage complainants have selected the Social contrary to their own? Studies curriculum for Grades 8 to 10 as an example of the discrimination.

7 the debate about parental rights in They would like to see the curriculum education. changed to include: "Queer history and historical figures, the presences of positive Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin said that: queer role models - past and present, the "Parental views, however, important, contributions made by queers to various cannot override the imperative placed upon epochs, societies and civilization, and legal the British Columbia public schools to issues relating to lesbian, gay, bisexual, mirror the diversity of the community and trangendered people, same sex marriage teach tolerance and understanding of and adoption." difference."

Pro-family groups have raised the concern In effect, therefore, it is parental views that that permitting explicitly homosexual are to be overridden by the new state material in the curriculum would promote religion to the detriment of children. homosexuality as a normative and safe lifestyle option. By The Right Reverend Frederick Henry, Bishop Ordinary, Roman Catholic Diocese The complainants also desire to ensure the of Calgary - October 2, 2005 material is mandatory. If successful, the The Ceremonial of High Mass case would strip parents of the right to pull their children from the offensive portion of THE INTROIT the curriculum. The reaches the , which he Traditionally, only those matters on which kisses in the middle as a sign of reverence, there was a large measure of consensus in and passes to the side, where the Missal, society would be taught in the public containing the words of the service, lies school system. The rest was left to the open for him to begin. home, church or to other institutions. The Introit is the entrance-chant sung by The adoption of a new constitutional norm the at High Mass (the Priest saying means, in respect of homosexuality at the preparatory prayers meanwhile). After least, this strategy is to be abandoned and ascending to the altar, the Priest himself students confronted on the issues. reads it, making the sign of the cross at the beginning (which the people should also Consider Chamberlain v. Surrey School do, either at when he begins it or District No. 36. The Supreme Court struck at High Mass when the Choir begins to sing down the decision of a B.C. school board to it). It consists of a Psalm-verse with "Glory refuse approval for three books presenting be to the Father," preceded and followed by positive images of same-sex families for use an , and varies with the feast or in junior kindergarten and Grade 1. occasion. (When the Spanish pilgrim Egeria visited the Holy Land at the end of The refusal was on the basis a significant the fourth century, she found the custom number of parents and others in the school of singing during the entrance of the district would consider them incompatible bishop had replaced the informal entrance or inconsistent with their moral and of the earlier days. The custom, perhaps religious beliefs on same-sex relationships. introduced by St Cyril of Jerusalem, seems to have reached Rome in the early fifth The case marked a significant moment in

8 century.) The varying words of the Introit heralded Our Lord's birth, and with an act serve to sound a key-note for the devotion of praise to . From this of the day. They represent a use of the praise of the Father we turn to the thought more ancient than its continuous of our redemption through his divine Son, recitation in the , which was whose mercy we entreat. He is now in the begun later by the first monks. glory of the Father, where he "ever liveth to make intercession for us," and the hymn KYRIE ELEISON changes its character as we ask to be received through him. Lastly, the Gloria The ninefold prayer, still commonly used in returns to the note of praise, glorifying the the Greek tongue, has replaced the ancient Son with the Father and with the Holy litany that was said at this place until the Ghost. time of St Gregory (d. 604). It consists of petitions addressed to each person of the From The Ceremonial of High Mass by holy . The ninefold Kyrie eleison was of the Society of the Holy Cross, and first introduced on ordinary days when the available from The Convent Society litany was not to be used, but soon began to replace it on feast days also. As the Greeks themselves, from whom the prayer especially those for whom our came, neither limited the number of petitions to nine, nor used a special form to prayers are desired address Our Lord, these features may be due to St Gregory. You will recall in the September UPDATE these questions were asked: Why was the GLORIA IN EXCELSIS phrase included in The Intercession, isn't it more a directive than an integral Gloria in excelsis is the hymn of praise part of the Prayer, and can it be used on all Sundays (except those in omitted? Here are a couple of responses: and from Septuagesima until ), and on feast days. The appeal for 1) From Fr. Donald L. Malins, SSC God's mercy having been made, the worshipers burst into this great song of There is a sense that public worship is praise before proceeding with the prayers drastically different from private worship. I and lessons. The most elaborate music would suggest that this is only partly true. frequently accompanies this song. (The We are each free to establish our own forms Gloria was in origin a hymn for the early of private prayer. It may be that we pray morning in the eastern Church, and was the Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer, brought into Western Europe by St Hilary Compline or something much less when he returned from banishment in the structured. When we pray privately we East in the fourth century. About the year may particularize our private prayers in 500, Pope Symmachus ordered the hymn to any way we wish. This allows us to include be used on Sundays and the feasts of the our prayers of adoration, confession, martyrs, but it was not until about the year thanksgivings and supplications 1100 that it was frequently and widely (intercessions). In this way, our private used.) prayers are particular to our current concerns. The hymn begins with the words that There is a tendency for many who attend

9 public services to see them as something 2) From my-two-cents-worth that happens to us. The priest or lay sets the concerns to be addressed in The phrase is simply a directive, i.e. a the intercessions. When it comes to our rubric, and should therefore not be said! participation in the Mass or Office, we just say the parts that are set out in the Prayer It is appropriate to here [where the rubric Book for the congregation. 'especially those for whom our prayers are I would like to be so bold as to suggest that desired' appears in the Prayer] read the the members of congregations need to do names of those who have asked for our more than this. It used to be that there prayers and those for whom our prayers were public prayers on Saturday evening as have been requested - Christian name and preparation for Mass on Sunday. This has surname, not just the Christian name. not been done to my knowledge for many Contrary to others, the naming of the years. Many Anglicans recite the individuals is quite in context ("we . . congregational parts of the Mass or Office beseech thee . . . to comfort and succour all without giving much thought to what we them, who are in trouble, sorrow, need, are saying. Over the years we have become sickness . . .") and allows us to concentrate very good at this. on those here named. A pause, after reading the names, is also appropriate - it So how can we change it? My suggestion is allows us time to privately add the names that we each make a special intention for of other souls whom we have forgotten to each Mass or Office that we attend. Look add to the Parish Prayer List. at our week past or our week to come, and dedicating the service to that issue can be To read the names, either prior to the very helpful. For example this week (it is , or immediately before The Sunday, 24, September as I write) we could Intercession, distances the individuals to offer the Mass for those made homeless by be remembered from the heart of the the two hurricanes, Katrina and Rita. Or Prayer! as the House of Commons sits this coming week, for the Members of Parliament and their deliberations. Or there may be a particular issue in our lives that would A Visit to Christ the King form the intention. So in our prayers before Mass or the Office we can dedicate Calgary, Alberta the service to this issue as we say our prayers upon entering the church. Calgary, Alberta is almost another world away from Waterloo, Ontario and so a visit At the Intercessions we can quietly add our in either direction to the Continuing own prayers and names, while the priest parishes in these localities may be worthy says the prayer of intercession. of comment. In mid-September I travelled While I am at it, may I also suggest that to Calgary and Red Deer to visit my oldest when we say the general confession that we son Peter. I arrived on Saturday and also think of things that we have done or Sunday morning I telephoned the number not done over the week past and say those in the phone book, found the location and quietly to Our Blessed Lord as we say the the time of Service, Holy Mattins at 10:00 prayer. In this way it really becomes our and Holy Eucharist following at 10:30. As I confession. remember the church was in the chapel of a funeral home at 4th and 34th NW. There

10 was a sign - Church of Christ the King, The seems to be one of the main drawing cards Anglican Catholic Church of Canada, just of the parish and he is a very pleasant man imagine, and there was ample parking. The to talk to. chapel was very attractive and had a churchy atmosphere. Following the blessing and the termination of the Mass everyone passed into the Typical of Continuing parishes I have adjacent room and even outside the known, a faithful remnant was in entrance to socialize. In another adjacent attendance for Mattins, about 15 souls. room the ladies of the parish provided tea This gave me the impression of what the and coffee, muffins, cake and cookies and attendance for the Eucharist might be. it was all marvellously done and certainly Two lay readers effectively said Mattins and set the stage to meet people and socialize there was a short break before the and there certainly was a large crowd to Eucharist during which we met one of the socialize with. Christ the King, Calgary, is wardens and also the towering personality certainly one of the up and coming of Father Michael Birch, the Rector, who parishes in The Anglican Catholic Church greeted us very pleasantly despite the fact of Canada. we were from so far away as Central Canada. They also provided an elaborate Relative to all the crisis events which had and instructive brochure outlining the been recently in the news about closure of service. churches in Southern Alberta, it is certainly evident that the hierarchy of the We took our places again and in the 10 Anglican Church of Canada is doing its minutes remaining until the first hymn the utmost - shutting down parishes, grabbing place literally filled up, somewhere about endowments and getting strongly involved 60 to 70 people of all ages, including young in the real estate business - to fill the pews ones. This was not an anniversary, in Anglican Catholic parishes. Let us hope memorial, or special Mass and that these activities will not only continue, thus the crowd was a surprise. An organist but stampede eastward into Central and was present and everyone was in fine voice Eastern Canada. Alberta is an exciting and the hymns and all responses were place to be at the moment and my son and handled well. It goes without saying that I certainly enjoyed worshipping with the the blessed , the people of Christ the King. dedicated work of 450 years ago was the basis for the holy liturgy, By Paul F. Maycock, Ph.D. with no changes whatever, with the minor exception of a change in position earlier of * It is interesting to note that The First the Gloria in Excelsis.* This is of great Book of Common Prayer (1549) - "It is significance because Continuers don't have generally assumed that this book is largely to be reminded that when the Anglican the work of Archbishop Thomas Cranmer" - Church of Canada started monkeying with had the Gloria at the beginning of the Mass, Cranmer's liturgy we continued to employ immediately following the Kyrie. Ed. it as he had intended and we separated from their divisive devices. Gary S. Freeman 102 Frederick Banting Place Father Birch read the and Waterloo, Ontario N2T 1C4 and then preached a champion sermon that went on for at least half an hour. He

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