PARISH OF TERRYGLASS & KILBARRON th Fr. Michael Cooney, P.P. World Human Rights Day – Wed Dec 10 . Let us Parish office - Phone: 067-22017 Email:
[email protected] pray for those all over the world who’s Human Rights are violated, particularly in areas of conflict. Parish Website - December 7th 2014 TERRYGLASS IMPROVEMENTS ASSOC. Christmas lights will be turned on on Sunday evening December 7th at 5.30pm on the village green. There will be carol MASS TIMES. singing and hot refreshments will be served. Caroline Haslam. Terryglass Saturday: 7.30pm. Week-days: Mon. Tues. Thurs. Fri : 9am. (except Bank Holidays). THANK YOU - Paddy's Bar and Terryglass Kilbarron Game & Conservation Club are Kilbarron: Sunday : 10am delighted to announce we have raised a total of €3,814.70 from our WILD FOOD FUNDRAISER Fri 28th Nov. for St. Dympna's centre in Portumna. Thanks to Wednesday: 7.30pm. Adoration: 6.30pm. Benediction: 7.20pm everyone who supported this event. Paddy’s Bar MASSES FOR THE DEAD CANDLELIGHT CHRISTMAS TERRYGLASS CHURCH. Silvermines Folk Choir presents Candlelight Christmas an evening of Christmas music Sat. Dec 6th 7.30pm Stephen, Bridie and Bernard Darcy, Terryglass, also & song in Silvermines Church, with special guests Amadeus, Sunday 7th December at Stephen and Elizabeth Prout, Ryehill, Tom and Bridget Fox, Knockadleen. 8.00pm. Tickets €10. Tickets available from choir members and local businesses or Sat. Dec 13th 7.30pom Tommy Horan, Ryehill – Month’s Mind, also phone 067 41322. Proceeds towards North Tipperary Hospice and local branch St. Theo, Pat and Una Tierney, Macloon, Paddy and Brian Corbett, Coolbawn.