Watson's Directory for Paisley
FOUNDED BY SIR PETER COATS, IS/O. REFERENCE DEPARTMENT P.C. X ^ JL ^ No Book to be taken out of the Room. fl- 2 343235 21 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from National Library of Scotland http://www.archive.org/details/watsonsdirector188182unse ADVERTISEMENTS. U :| LONDON I STAFFORDSHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY (LIJnXBD) 104 West George Street, Glasgow. fCapital, £2,000,0001 ! Subscribed Capital,.. .£1,000,000 ! Paid-up Capital, ...£100,000 | j LAnnuallncome exceeds £1 10,000 j Fire Insurances of all kinds effected. Moderate Pre- miums. Liberal Conditions. Undoubted Security. Prompt 'a^ Settlements. ^^- Influential Agents Wanted all over Scotland in unrepresented places, apply to ROBERT MUIR, Resident Secretary. tf if NOKWICU [J]^ION fill iisgsAiii siiiifi, ESTABLISHED 1797. Head Office— SURREY STREET, NORWICH. London Opfice—50 FLEET STREET, E.C. rilHE Rates of this Society are exceedingly moderate, and the A- iasured are free from all respousibility. This office is distinguished by its liberality and promptness in the eettleiwent of claims, £3,611,000 haviug been paid to Insurers for Losses by Eire. In proof of the public confidence in the principles and conduct of this lustiiution, it will suffice to state that the total amount in- sured exceeds £135,000,000. - r C. E. BIGNOLD, Secretary, Agent for Paisley— JAMES B. LA.MB, 12 High Street, Architect and Licensed Property Valuatob, 2 3^B23S 21 pCI3f2 ii. ADVERTISEMENTS. THE COffiilERCIlL ASSURANCE COMPANY.MM Capital, fully Subscribed , £2,500,000 Capital Paid-up 250,000 Life Funds in Special Trust for Life Policy Holders exceed... 660,000 Total Annual Premium Income 937,000 CMef Officss-19 and 20 OOHNHILL, LONDON.
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