Hawaii - West Oahu Peter J
About the authors Kathleen Aki, Graduate Assistant, Sea Grant Extension Service, University of Haw Jacquelin Miller, Associate Environmental Coordinator, Environmental Center, University of H Joseph R Mobley, Jr., PhD, Associate Professor, University of Hawaii - West Oahu Peter J. Rappa, Team Leader, Coastal Resource Extension Agent, Sea Grant Extensio University of Hawaii Michelle Yuen, Student Assistant, Sea Grant Extension Service, University of Haw manuscript and made many helpful suggestions. This paper is funded by a grantlmperative agreement from the National Oceanic andhospheric Administration (NOAA). The views expressed herein are those of the anbra and do not necessarily reflect the views of NOAA or any of its sub-agencies. This is areport of the University of Hawaii pursuant to the National Oceanic and AMospheric Administration Award No. NA36RG0507. Sea Grant year 26 ~ojectno. RIME-6 Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary. UNIHI- SEAGRANT-MR-94-06. A SITE CHARACTERIZATION STUDY for the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary Prepared for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) by I I University of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology I About the authors Kathleen Aki, Graduate Assistant, Sea Grant Extension Service, University of Hawaii Richard Brock, PhD, Associate Researcher and Fisheries Specialist, University of Hawaii Jacquelin Miller, Assoc&ateEnvironmental Coordinator, Environmental Center, University of Hawaii Joseph R. Mobley, Jr., PhD,Associate Professor, University of Hawaii - West Oahu Peter J. Rappa, Team Leader, Coastal Resource Extension Agent, Sea Grant Extension Service, University of Hawaii David Tarnas, West Hawaii Extension Agent, Sea Grant Extension Service, University of Hawaii Michelle Yuen, Student Assistant, Sea Grant Extension Service, University of Hawaii Acknowledgements \\ The authors gratefully acknowledge the Sea Grant Communications Oftice, for providing editorial and production support in completing this publication.
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