Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18)

On Q-learning Convergence for Non-Markov Decision Processes

Sultan Javed Majeed1, Marcus Hutter2 1,2 Research School of Computer Science, Australian National University, Australia 1, 2

Abstract real-world problems are inherently non-Markovian: the full true state of the environment is not revealed by the last obser- Temporal-difference (TD) learning is an attractive, vation, and the set of true states can be infinite, e.g. as effec- computationally efficient framework for model- tively in non-stationary domains. Therefore, it is important free . Q-learning is one of to know if the agent performs well in such non-Markovian the most widely used TD learning technique that domains to work with a broad range of real-world problems. optimal enables an agent to learn the action-value In this work, we investigate convergence of one of the most function, i.e. Q-value function. Contrary to its widely used TD learning , Q-learning [Watkins widespread use, Q-learning has only been proven and Dayan, 1992]. Q-learning has been shown to converge to converge on Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) in MDP domains [Tsitsiklis, 1994; Bertsekas and Tsitsik- and Q-uniform abstractions of finite-state MDPs. lis, 1995], whereas there are empirical observations that Q- On the other hand, most real-world problems are learning sometimes also work in some non-MDP domains inherently non-Markovian: the full true state of [Sutton and Barto, 1984]. First non-MDP convergence of the environment is not revealed by recent obser- Q-learning has been reported by Li et al. [2006] for the vations. In this paper, we investigate the behav- environments that are Q-uniform abstractions of finite-state ior of Q-learning when applied to non-MDP and MDPs. The recent results in Extreme State Aggregation non-ergodic domains which may have infinitely (ESA) [Hutter, 2016] indicate that under some conditions many underlying states. We prove that the con- there exists a deterministic, near-optimal policy for non-MDP vergence guarantee of Q-learning can be extended environments which are not required to be abstractions of any to a class of such non-MDP problems, in particu- finite-state MDP. These positive results motivated this work lar, to some non-stationary domains. We show that to extend the non-MDP convergence proof of Q-learning to a state-uniformity of the optimal Q-value function is larger class of infinite internal state non-MDPs. a necessary and sufficient condition for Q-learning to converge even in the case of infinitely many in- The most popular extension of MDP is a finite-state par- ternal states. tially observable Markov decision process (POMDP). In a POMDP the environment has a hidden true state, and the ob- servations from the environment, generally, do not reveal the 1 Introduction true state. Therefore, the agent either has to keep a full in- teraction history, estimate the true state or maintain a belief Temporal-difference learning [Sutton, 1988] is a well- over the possible true states. In our formulation, we use an celebrated model-free learning framework in machine learn- even more general class of processes, history-based decision ing. In TD, an agent learns the optimal action-value function process (HDP): the history-based process is equivalent to an (also known as the Q-value function) of the underlying prob- infinite-state POMDP [Leike, 2016]. We provide a simple lem without explicitly building or learning a model of the en- proof of Q-learning convergence to a class of domains that vironment. The agent can learn the optimal behavior from the encompasses significantly more domains than MDP and in- learned Q-value function: the optimal action maximizes the tersects with POMDP and HDP classes. We name this class Q-value function. It is generally assumed that the environ- Q-value uniform Decision Process (QDP) and show that Q- ment is Markovian and ergodic for a TD agent to converge learning converges in QDPs. Moreover, we show that QDP [Tsitsiklis, 1994; Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis, 1995]. is the largest class where Q-learning can converge, i.e. QDP The TD agents, apart from a few restrictive cases1, are not provides the necessary and sufficient conditions for Q-leaning proven to learn2 non-Markovian environments, whereas most convergence. 1See Section 5 for exceptions. Apart from a few toy problems, it is always a leap of faith 2In this work we use the term “learn a domain” in the context of to treat real-world problems as MDPs. An MDP model of the learning to act optimally and not to learn a model/dynamics of the underlying true environment is implicitly assumed even for domain. model-free algorithms. Our result helps to relax this assump-

2546 Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18) tion: rather assuming the domain being a finite-state MDP, riences the agent-environment interaction as an action-state- 3 we can suppose it to be a QDP, which is a much weaker im- reward sequence (at, st, rt)t∈N. We call it a state-process plicit assumption. The positive result of this paper can be induced by the map φ. interpreted in a couple of ways; a) as discussed above, it Definition 2 (State-process) For a history h that is mapped provides theoretical grounds for Q-learning to be applicable to a state s, a state-process p is a mapping from a in a much broader class of environments or b) if the agent h state-action pair with the fixed state s to state-reward pairs. has access to a QDP aggregation map as a potential model Formally, p : {s} × A S × R. of the true environment or the agent has a companion map h learning/estimation to build such a model, then this The relationship between the underlying HDP and the in- combination of the aggregation map with Q-learning con- duced state-process for an s = φ(h) is formally defined as: verges. It is an interesting topic to learn such maps, but is 0 0 X 0 0 beyond the scope this work. ph(s r |sa) := P (o r |ha). (2) The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In Section o0:φ(hao0r0)=s0 2 we set up the framework. Section 3 drafts the QDP class. Section 4 gives a preview of our main convergence result. We denote the action-value function of the state-process by q q∗ Section 5 provides a context of our work in the literature. , and the optimal Q-value function is given by : Section 6 contains the proof of the main results. In Section ∗ X 0 0  0 ∗ 0  q (s, a; h) := ph(s r |sa) r + γ max q (s , a˜; h) 7 we numerically evaluate Q-learning on a few non-MDP toy a˜ s0r0 domains. Section 8 concludes the paper. (3) 0 0 0 0 It is clear that ph(s r |sa) may not be same as ph˙ (s r |sa) 2 Setup for any two histories h and h˙ mapped to a same state s. If the We use the general history-based agent-environment rein- state-process is an MDP, then ph is independent of history forcement learning framework [Hutter, 2005; Hutter, 2016]. and so is q∗, and convergence of Q-learning follows from this The agent and the environment interact in cycles. At the be- MDP condition [Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis, 1995]. However, ginning of a cycle t ∈ N the agent takes an action at from we do not assume such a condition and go beyond MDP map- a finite action-space A. The environment dispenses a real- pings. We later show — by constructing examples — that q∗ valued reward rt+1 from a set R ⊂ R and an observation can be made independent of history while the state-process is ot+1 from a finite set of observations O. However, in our still history dependent, i.e. non-MDP. setup, we assume that the agent does not directly use this ob- Now we formally define Q-learning: At each time-step t servation, e.g. because O maybe too huge to learn from. The the agent maintains an action-value function estimate qt. The agent has access to a map/model φ of the environment that agent in a state s := st takes an action a := at and receives 0 0 takes in the observation, reward and previous interaction his- a reward r := rt+1 and the next state s := st+1. Then the tory and provides the same reward rt+1 and a mapped state agent performs an action-value update to the (s, a)-estimate st+1 from a finite set of states S; and the cycle repeats. For- with the following Q-learning update rule: mally, this agent-environment interaction generates a grow- qt+1(s, a) := ing history ht+1 := htatot+1rt+1 from a set of histories 0 0 Ht := (A×O ×R)t. The set of all finite histories is denoted qt(s, a) + αt(s, a)(r + γ maxa˜ qt(s , a˜) − qt(s, a)) (4) ∗ S t by H := t H . The map φ is assumed to be a surjective ∗ where (αt)t∈N is a learning rate sequence. mapping from H to S. We use ht :=  to denote the empty history and := to express an equality by definition. In general (non-MDPs), at any time-instant t the transition 3 Q-Value Uniform Decision Process (QDP) 0 0 to the next observation o := ot+1 and reward r := rt+1 is a In this section we formulate a class of environments called function of the history-action (h, a) := (ht, at)-pair and not Q-value uniform decision processes, i.e. QDP class. This of the state-action (s, a) := (st, at)-pair. The true environ- class is substantially larger than MDP and has a non-empty ment as is a history-based (decision) process. intersection with POMDP and HDP (Figure 1). In a state- Definition 1 (History-based Decision Process (HDP)) A aggregation context, a model is a QDP if it satisfies the fol- history-based decision process P is a stochastic mapping lowing state-uniformity condition. from a history-action pair to observation-reward pairs. ∗ Definition 3 (State-uniformity condition) For any action Formally, P : H × A O × R, where denotes a ˙ stochastic mapping. a, if any two histories h and h map to the same state s, then the optimal Q-values of the underlying HDP of these histo- We use Q to denote an action-value function of a HDP, and ries are the same, i.e. state-uniform; Q∗(h, a) = Q∗(h,˙ a). ∗ Q denotes the optimal Q-value function. It is easy to see that in this case q∗(s, a) = Q∗(h, a) [Hutter, X   2016]. Q∗(h, a) := P (o0r0|ha) r0 + γ max Q∗(hao0r0, a˜) a˜ 3 o0r0 It is technically a state and reward process, but since rewards (1) are not affected by the mapping φ, we suppress the reward part to where γ ∈ [0, 1) is a discount factor. In our setup, the agent put more emphasis on the contrast between history and state depen- does not maintain a complete history and effectively expe- dence.

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HDP to a fixed point but never stops learning to avoid local maxima [Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis, 1995]. It is critical to note that we QDP assume ergodicity of the state-process but not of the underly- ing HDP: a state can be reached multiple times from different histories but any history is only reached once. We assume POMDP that the state-process is a QDP. Assumption 5 (QDP) The state-process is a QDP. MDP It is important to consider that we only assume the opti- mal action-value to be a function of states. We do not sup- Figure 1: QDP in the perspective of other decision problem classes. pose any structure on the intermediate action-value estimates cf. qt(s, a) 6= Qt(h, a). We also assume that rewards are bounded. This is a standard condition for Q-learning conver- The state-uniformity condition is weaker than the MDP gence. condition: the latter implies the former but not the Assumption 6 (Bounded rewards) The rewards are other way around [Hutter, 2016]. Therefore, trivially bounded, i.e. r ∈ [rmin, rmax]. ⊆ QDP ⊆ MDP POMDP HDP. The example in Figure 2 shows that QDP ∩ POMDP\MDP 6= ∅. The example in Figure 5 proves We have all the components in place to extend Q-learning that QDP \POMDP 6= ∅. Moreover, it is easy to find exam- convergence in QDP. ples in POMDP\QDP and HDP\QDP. Theorem 7 (Q-learning Convergence in QDP) Under As- It is easy to see that QDP is a much larger class than sumptions 4, 5 and 6, and with a learning rate sequence MDP since the former allows non-stationary domains: it is (αt)t∈N satisfying (5), the sequence (qt)t∈N generated by the ∗ ∗ possible to have pht (·|sa) 6= phτ (·|sa) for some histories iteration (4) converges to q = Q . φ(h ) = φ(h ) = s at two different time-steps but still t τ Hence, the agent learns the optimal action-value function maintaining Q∗(h , a) = Q∗(h , a) (Figure 5). Moreover, t τ of a QDP state-process. the definition of QDP enables us to approximate most if not all problems as a QDP model: any number of similar Q∗- value histories can be merged into a single QDP state [Hut- 5 Related Work ter, 2016]. In particular, a QDP model of the environment A similar result was first reported by Li et al. [2006] in a fi- can provide more compression in terms of state space size as nite state MDP setting. We confirm and extend the findings by compared to an MDP model: multiple MDP states with the considering a more general class of environments, i.e. HDP. same/similar Q-value can be merged into a single QDP state Also, we do not assume a weighting function to define the but not necessarily the other way around. Thus, QDP allows state-process cf. [Li et al., 2006, Definition 1], and our proof for more compact models for an environment than its MDP is based on time-dependent contraction mappings (see Sec- counterparts. tion 6 for the details). In general, we can say that a POMDP has both the dynam- A finite-state POMDP is the most commonly used exten- ics and Q-values as functions of history. Whereas, the defi- sion of an MDP. It is well-known that the class of finite- nition of QDP provides models where only the dynamics can state POMDPs is a subset of HDP class [Leike, 2016]. One be history-dependent. Therefore, QDP captures a subset of prevalent approach to handle the non-Markovian nature of a POMDP models that have history-independent Q-values. POMDP is to estimate a Markovian model with a state esti- mation method [Whitehead and Lin, 1995; Lin and Mitchell, 4 Main Result 1992; Cassandra et al., 1994; Cassandra, 1994] or use a finite subset of the recent history as a state [McCallum, 1995] to We assume that the state-process is ergodic — i.e. all states form a k-order MDP (k-MDP). Then Q-learning is applied to are reachable under any policy from the current state after learn this resultant state-based MDP. This is a different ap- sufficiently many steps. proach to ours. We do not try to estimate an MDP or k-MDP Assumption 4 (Ergodicity) The state-process is ergodic. representation of the underlying HDP. Singh et. al. [Singh et al., 1994] investigate a direct Because of the ergodicity assumption we can suppose application of model-free algorithms to POMDPs without a the following standard stochastic approximation conditions state estimation step akin to our setup but limited to finite on each state-action (s, a)-pair’s learning rate sequence 4 state POMDPs only. They show that an optimal policy in (α ) N . t t∈ a POMDP may be non-stationary and stochastic. But the ∞ ∞ learned policy in direct model-free algorithms, such as Q- X X 2 αt(s, a) = ∞, αt (s, a) < ∞. (5) learning, is generally stationary and deterministic by design. t=0 t=0 Moreover, they also show that the optimal policy of POMDP The above conditions on the learning rate ensure that the can be arbitrarily better than the optimal stationary, determin- agent asymptotically decreases the learning rate to converge istic policy of the corresponding MDP. These negative re- sults of [Singh et al., 1994] are based on counter-examples 4 Note that αt(s, a) := 0, ∀(s, a) 6= (st, at). that violate the state-uniformity assumption of the optimal

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Q-value function. Similar negative findings are reported by Littman [1994]. Our positive convergence result holds for a  2  E  2  E 0 0 ph wh (s, a)|Ft = ph r + γ max qt(s , a˜) |Ft subset of POMDPs that respects the state-uniformity condi- t t t a˜ tion. h i2 [ ] E 0 0 Pendrith and McGarity 1998 show that a direct appli- − ph r + γ max qt(s , a˜)|Ft cation of standard reinforcement learning methods, such as t a˜ (a) Q-learning, to non-Markovian domains can have a station- 1   0 0  ≤ max r + γ max qt(s , a˜) ary optimal policy, if undiscounted return is used as a perfor- 4 s0r0 a˜ 2 mance measure. Perkins and Pendrith [2002] prove existence  0 0  − min r + γ max qt(s , a˜) of a fixed point in POMDPs for continuous behavior policies. s0r0 a˜ However, this fixed point could be significantly worse than (b)  2 1 rmax − rmin the average reward achieved by an oscillating discontinuous ≤ + γ||qt||∞ behavior policy. It signifies the effect of behavior policy on 4 1 − γ (c) the learning outcome. On the other hand, our convergence 2 result is valid as long as all the state-action pairs are visited ≤ A + B||qt||∞ (10) infinitely often. The nature of the behavior policy does not (a) follows from Popoviciu’s inequality, Var(X) ≤ 1 2 directly affect our convergence result. A comprehensive sur- /4(max X − min X) , (b) is due to the bounded rewards vey of solution methods for POMDPs is provided by Mur- assumption; and (c) results from some algebra with con- [ ] [ ] ∆ 2γ  γ2 phy 2000 and more recently by Thrun et al. 2005 . stants A := /4 /1−γ + ∆ and B := /4, where ∆ := (rmax − rmin) /(1 − γ). We denote a sup-norm by || · ||∞.

6 Convergence Proof Fh is a contraction. For a fixed history h, we show that an operator F is a contraction mapping. We provide a proof of Theorem 7 in this section. Superfi- h 0 cially, the proof looks similar to a standard MDP proof [Bert- ||Fhq − Fhq ||∞ sekas and Tsitsiklis, 1995], however, a subtlety is involved in h 0 0 i = max Ep r + γ max q(s , a˜)|Ft the definition of the contraction map: the contraction map is s,a ht a˜ a function of history. This history-dependence lets the proof h 0 0 0 i − Ep r + γ max q (s , a˜)|Ft scale to non-MDP domains, especially to non-stationary do- ht a˜ mains. (a) h 0 0 i = max Ep r + γ max q(s , a˜)|sa s,a ht a˜ Proof of Theorem 7. At a time-instant t with a history ht we h i E 0 0 0 rewrite (4) in terms of an operator and a noise term. − ph r + γ max q (s , a˜)|sa t a˜ 0 0 0 qt+1(s, a) = ≤ max max γ max q(s , a˜) − max q (s , a˜) s,a s0 a˜ a˜ (1 − αt(s, a)) qt(s, a) + αt(s, a)(Fht qt(s, a) + wht (s, a))(6) 0 0 ≤ γ max |q(s, a) − q (s, a)| = γ||q − q ||∞ (11) s,a where, the noise term is defined as follows, (a) for a fixed history, the expectation only depends on the 0 0 wh (s, a) := r + γ max qt(s , a˜) − Fh qt(s, a). (7) (s, a)-pair rather than the complete history Ft. t a˜ t Same fixed point. We show that for any history h, the con- ∗ Since the agent samples from the underlying HDP, the op- traction operator Fh has a fixed point q . Let h be mapped to erator Fht is a history-based operator. state s: (a) h 0 0 i q∗(s, a) = Q∗(h, a) Fh qt(s, a) := Ep r + γ max qt(s , a˜)|Ft (8) t ht a˜ X   ≡ P (o0r0|ha) r0 + γ max Q∗(h0, a˜) a˜ where Ft is a complete history of the algorithm up to time- o0r0 step t that signifies all information including ht, (αk)k≤t and (b) X 0 0  0 ∗ 0  the state sequence (s ) . We use E as an expectation = ph(s r |sa) r + γ max q (s , a˜) k k≤t pht a˜ s0r0 operator with respect to ph . t ∗ ≡ Fhq (s, a) (12) Noise is bounded. Now we show that the noise term is not a (a) is the QDP assumption; and (b) follows from (2) and significant factor that affects the convergence of Q-learning. again using the QDP assumption. We also show that for any By construction it has a zero mean value: history h the operator Fh has a same contraction factor γ. E [w (s, a)|F ] = (b) pht ht t ∗ (a) ∗ ∗ E 0 0 ||Fhq − q ||∞ = ||Fhq − Fhq ||∞ ≤ γ||q − q ||∞ (13) ph [r + γ maxa˜ qt(s , a˜) − Fht qt(s, a)|Ft] = 0. (9) t (a) follows from (12); and (b) is due to (11). Therefore, for ∗ Due to the bounded reward assumption the variance of the any history h the operator Fh has the same fixed point q with noise term is also bounded. the same contraction factor γ.

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We have all the conditions to invoke a convergence result s = 0 s = 1 from Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis [1995]. We adopt5 and state 1/2 Proposition 4.5 from Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis [1995] without 00 01 reproducing the complete proof. Proposition 8 (Prop. 4.5 [Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis, 1995]) 1/2 1/2 Let (qt)t∈N be the sequence generated by the iteration (4). 1 1 We assume the following. 10 11

(a) The learning rates αt(s, a) are nonnegative and satisfy, ∞ ∞ Figure 2: An example MRP aggregated to a non-MDP (non-MRP). X X 2 The square nodes represent the states of the underlying MRP. The αt(s, a) = ∞, αt (s, a) < ∞. circles are the aggregated states. The solid arrows represent the only t=0 t=0 available action x and the transition are shown at the transition edges. (b) The noise term wt(s, a) satisfies, E pt [wt(s, a)|Ft] = 0, E  2  2 pt wt (s, a)|Ft ≤ A + B||qt||∞, ∀s, a, t where, A and B are constants. (c) There exists a vector q∗, and a scalar γ ∈ [0, 1), such that,

∗ ∗ ||Ftqt − q ||∞ ≤ γ||qt − q ||∞, ∀t.

∗ Then, qt converges to q with probability 1.

Proof Sketch. We have a sequence of maps (Ft)t∈N. At any time-step t, the map Ft is a contraction and every map moves the iterates toward the same fixed point q∗. Since, the contraction factor is the same, the rate of convergence is not affected by the order of the maps. Every map contracts the iterates by a factor γ with respect to the fixed point that asymptotically converges to q∗. Figure 3: The learning curves of Q-learning are averaged over 40 independent runs with the parameters, γ = 0.9, q0(s = 0, x) = 8 and q0(s = 1, x) = 3. Proposition 8 uses a sequence of maps (Ft)t∈N with a same fixed point. In our case, we have this sequence based on histories, i.e.(Fht )t∈N. Similarly, for wt and pt 7 Empirical Evaluation we have corresponding history-based instances. Therefore, In this section, we empirically evaluate two example non- Proposition 8 with p = p , F = F and w = w t ht t ht t ht MDP domains to show the validity of our result. provides the main result. This can be done, since αt, qt, wt and Ft are allowed to be random variables. Non-Markovian Reward Process. Let us consider our first example from [Hutter, 2016] to demonstrate Q-learning con- Obviously, state-uniformity is a necessary condition, since vergence to a non-Markovian reward processes (non-MRP). otherwise Q∗(h, a) can not even be represented as q∗(s, a). We consider that the underlying HDP is an MDP over the ob- Typically, the state-process is assumed to be an MDP. This servation space O (in fact an action-independent MDP, i.e. makes the state-process ph independent of history, and leads an MRP) with a transition matrix T and a deterministic re- to a history-independent operator F := Fh for any history ward function R. The state diagram of the process is shown h, which (trivially) all have the same fixed point. We relax in Figure 2. this MDP assumption, and only demand state-uniformity of    γ/2  the optimal value-function. The proof shows that this condi- 0 1/2 1/2 0 1+γ tion is sufficient to provide a unique fix point for the history- 1/2 0 0 1/2  1+γ/2  T =   ,R =  1+γ  . (14) dependent operators. Therefore, the state-uniformity is not  0 1 0 0   0  only a necessary but also a sufficient condition for Q-learning 1 0 0 0 1 convergence. Due to this structure, the HDP is expressible as, 0 0 0 5The original proposition is slightly more general than we need P (o r |ha) = Too0 · r = R(o) , such that h has a last obser- for our proof. It has an extra diminishing noise term which we do vation o, where · denotesJ an IversonK bracket. The observa- not have/require in our formulation. tion space is O J=K{00, 01, 10, 11}. Let us consider the state

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with a certain history-dependent probability pv(h) by provid- ing an observation from O = {v, i}, where v and i indicate acceptance or rejection of an input, respectively.

pv(h) := max{pmin, %(v, h)} (15) where, %(v, h) is the percentage of accepted keys in h and pmin is a minimum acceptance probability. Without loss of generality, we use the key sequence k0 := x, k1 := x, k2 := y. The history to state mapping is defined as:

  0 if, h =  . . . v   xi   φ(h) = yi 1 if, h =  . . . vxi    . . . vyi Figure 4: The learning curves of Q-learning are averaged over 50  independent runs with the parameters, γ = 0.9, pmin = 0.01 and 2 if, h = ... h˙ such that |h˙ | ≥ 2 and v∈ / h˙ q0(s, a) = 0 for all s and a. (16) It is apparent from the mapping function that state-0 is the start state, and it is also the case when a key is accepted in space S = {0, 1}, and the agent experiences the state-process the last time-step, state-1 is defined when a key input is re- under the following aggregation map: jected once, and state-2 is reached when the key input has  0, if ot = 00 or 10, been recently rejected at least twice in a row. st := φ(ht) := The transition probabilities are formally given as follows 1, if ot = 01 or 11. (see Figure 5 for a graphical representation): It is easy to see that the resultant state-process is not an p (h) if, s0 = 0, s = 0|1|2, a = k MDP (MRP):  v s  s0 = 1, s = 0, a = k p (s0 = 0|s = 0) = T + T = 0 + 1/ = 1/   s 00 00,00 00,10 2 2  0 0 1 − pv(h) if, s = 2, s = 1, a = ks p10(s = 0|s = 0) = T10,00 + T10,10 = 0 + 0 = 0   0 0  s = 2, s = 2, a = ks ph(s |s, a) = which implies p00 6= p10, but this state-process satisfies the s0 = 1, s = 0, a 6= k   s optimal Q-value function state-uniformity condition (see be- 1 if, s0 = 2, s = 1, a 6= k low). Hence, the state-process is a QDP ∈ POMDP\MDP:  s  s0 = 2, s = 2, a 6= k the underlying HDP has a finite set of hidden states, i.e.  s  the states of the underlying MDP. Since it is an action- 0 otherwise. independent process, the action-value function is the same for (17) any action a ∈ A. We denote the only available action with The reward is also a function of the complete history. x: 3 − γ − 2γp (h) if, φ(h) = 0, a = k , γ  v 0 q∗(s = 0, x) := Q∗(00, x) = Q∗(10, x) = 1 − 3γp (h) if, φ(h) = 1, a = k , 1 − γ2 r0(ha) = v 1 (18) 1 −3γpv(h) if, φ(h) = 2, a = k2, q∗(s = 1, x) := Q∗(01, x) = Q∗(11, x) = .  1 − γ2 −3 if, φ(h) = s, a 6= ks We apply Q-learning to the induced state-process and the It is easy to see that Q-values are only a function of state- learning curves plot is shown in Figure 3. The plot shows action pairs as follows for φ(h) = s: that Q-learning is able to converge to the optimal action-value 3 if, s = 0, a = x, function of the process, despite the fact that the state-process  is a non-MDP (non-MRP). −2 if, s = 0, a = y,  1 if, s = 1, a = x, Non-Markovian Decision Process. The previous example q∗(s, a) = Q∗(h, a) = (19) ∈ −3 if, s = 1, a = y, demonstrated that Q-learning is able to learn a non-MRP  QDP. Now we provide an example QDP which is a two-action −3 if, s = 2, a = x,  non-MDP ∈ HDP\POMDP: the state space of the underly- 0 if, s = 2, a = y. ing HDP is infinite. The agent is facing a non-stationary state-process with state space S = {0, 1, 2} and action space Despite the history-based dynamics, Figure 4 shows that A = {x, y}. The agent has to input a right key-action ks at Q-learning is able to learn the Q-values of the non-stationary a state s = φ(h) but the environment accepts the key action state-process due to the fact that it is a QDP.

2551 Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18)

s = 1 s = 0 s = 2 1 − pv(h) 1 − pv(h) xi    1 yi 1 h = . . . h˙ pv(h) h = h = 1 − pv(h) . . . v . . . vxi s.t. |h˙ |≥2 and v∈ /h˙  . . . vyi


1 pv(h)

Figure 5: A complete history-dependent process is aggregated to a 3-state non-MDP. The circles are states. Inside the states are the corre- sponding history patterns mapped to the state. For clarity, the rewards are not shown in the history patterns. The action x is denoted by the solid arrows while the action y is denoted by the dashed arrows. The transition probabilities are indicated at the transition edges.

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