Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18) On Q-learning Convergence for Non-Markov Decision Processes Sultan Javed Majeed1, Marcus Hutter2 1;2 Research School of Computer Science, Australian National University, Australia 1, 2 Abstract real-world problems are inherently non-Markovian: the full true state of the environment is not revealed by the last obser- Temporal-difference (TD) learning is an attractive, vation, and the set of true states can be infinite, e.g. as effec- computationally efficient framework for model- tively in non-stationary domains. Therefore, it is important free reinforcement learning. Q-learning is one of to know if the agent performs well in such non-Markovian the most widely used TD learning technique that domains to work with a broad range of real-world problems. optimal enables an agent to learn the action-value In this work, we investigate convergence of one of the most function, i.e. Q-value function. Contrary to its widely used TD learning algorithms, Q-learning [Watkins widespread use, Q-learning has only been proven and Dayan, 1992]. Q-learning has been shown to converge to converge on Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) in MDP domains [Tsitsiklis, 1994; Bertsekas and Tsitsik- and Q-uniform abstractions of finite-state MDPs. lis, 1995], whereas there are empirical observations that Q- On the other hand, most real-world problems are learning sometimes also work in some non-MDP domains inherently non-Markovian: the full true state of [Sutton and Barto, 1984]. First non-MDP convergence of the environment is not revealed by recent obser- Q-learning has been reported by Li et al. [2006] for the vations. In this paper, we investigate the behav- environments that are Q-uniform abstractions of finite-state ior of Q-learning when applied to non-MDP and MDPs. The recent results in Extreme State Aggregation non-ergodic domains which may have infinitely (ESA) [Hutter, 2016] indicate that under some conditions many underlying states. We prove that the con- there exists a deterministic, near-optimal policy for non-MDP vergence guarantee of Q-learning can be extended environments which are not required to be abstractions of any to a class of such non-MDP problems, in particu- finite-state MDP. These positive results motivated this work lar, to some non-stationary domains. We show that to extend the non-MDP convergence proof of Q-learning to a state-uniformity of the optimal Q-value function is larger class of infinite internal state non-MDPs. a necessary and sufficient condition for Q-learning to converge even in the case of infinitely many in- The most popular extension of MDP is a finite-state par- ternal states. tially observable Markov decision process (POMDP). In a POMDP the environment has a hidden true state, and the ob- servations from the environment, generally, do not reveal the 1 Introduction true state. Therefore, the agent either has to keep a full in- teraction history, estimate the true state or maintain a belief Temporal-difference learning [Sutton, 1988] is a well- over the possible true states. In our formulation, we use an celebrated model-free learning framework in machine learn- even more general class of processes, history-based decision ing. In TD, an agent learns the optimal action-value function process (HDP): the history-based process is equivalent to an (also known as the Q-value function) of the underlying prob- infinite-state POMDP [Leike, 2016]. We provide a simple lem without explicitly building or learning a model of the en- proof of Q-learning convergence to a class of domains that vironment. The agent can learn the optimal behavior from the encompasses significantly more domains than MDP and in- learned Q-value function: the optimal action maximizes the tersects with POMDP and HDP classes. We name this class Q-value function. It is generally assumed that the environ- Q-value uniform Decision Process (QDP) and show that Q- ment is Markovian and ergodic for a TD agent to converge learning converges in QDPs. Moreover, we show that QDP [Tsitsiklis, 1994; Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis, 1995]. is the largest class where Q-learning can converge, i.e. QDP The TD agents, apart from a few restrictive cases1, are not provides the necessary and sufficient conditions for Q-leaning proven to learn2 non-Markovian environments, whereas most convergence. 1See Section 5 for exceptions. Apart from a few toy problems, it is always a leap of faith 2In this work we use the term “learn a domain” in the context of to treat real-world problems as MDPs. An MDP model of the learning to act optimally and not to learn a model/dynamics of the underlying true environment is implicitly assumed even for domain. model-free algorithms. Our result helps to relax this assump- 2546 Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18) tion: rather assuming the domain being a finite-state MDP, riences the agent-environment interaction as an action-state- 3 we can suppose it to be a QDP, which is a much weaker im- reward sequence (at; st; rt)t2N. We call it a state-process plicit assumption. The positive result of this paper can be induced by the map φ. interpreted in a couple of ways; a) as discussed above, it Definition 2 (State-process) For a history h that is mapped provides theoretical grounds for Q-learning to be applicable to a state s, a state-process p is a stochastic mapping from a in a much broader class of environments or b) if the agent h state-action pair with the fixed state s to state-reward pairs. has access to a QDP aggregation map as a potential model Formally, p : fsg × A S × R. of the true environment or the agent has a companion map h learning/estimation algorithm to build such a model, then this The relationship between the underlying HDP and the in- combination of the aggregation map with Q-learning con- duced state-process for an s = φ(h) is formally defined as: verges. It is an interesting topic to learn such maps, but is 0 0 X 0 0 beyond the scope this work. ph(s r jsa) := P (o r jha): (2) The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In Section o0:φ(hao0r0)=s0 2 we set up the framework. Section 3 drafts the QDP class. Section 4 gives a preview of our main convergence result. We denote the action-value function of the state-process by q q∗ Section 5 provides a context of our work in the literature. , and the optimal Q-value function is given by : Section 6 contains the proof of the main results. In Section ∗ X 0 0 0 ∗ 0 q (s; a; h) := ph(s r jsa) r + γ max q (s ; a~; h) 7 we numerically evaluate Q-learning on a few non-MDP toy a~ s0r0 domains. Section 8 concludes the paper. (3) 0 0 0 0 It is clear that ph(s r jsa) may not be same as ph_ (s r jsa) 2 Setup for any two histories h and h_ mapped to a same state s. If the We use the general history-based agent-environment rein- state-process is an MDP, then ph is independent of history forcement learning framework [Hutter, 2005; Hutter, 2016]. and so is q∗, and convergence of Q-learning follows from this The agent and the environment interact in cycles. At the be- MDP condition [Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis, 1995]. However, ginning of a cycle t 2 N the agent takes an action at from we do not assume such a condition and go beyond MDP map- a finite action-space A. The environment dispenses a real- pings. We later show — by constructing examples — that q∗ valued reward rt+1 from a set R ⊂ R and an observation can be made independent of history while the state-process is ot+1 from a finite set of observations O. However, in our still history dependent, i.e. non-MDP. setup, we assume that the agent does not directly use this ob- Now we formally define Q-learning: At each time-step t servation, e.g. because O maybe too huge to learn from. The the agent maintains an action-value function estimate qt. The agent has access to a map/model φ of the environment that agent in a state s := st takes an action a := at and receives 0 0 takes in the observation, reward and previous interaction his- a reward r := rt+1 and the next state s := st+1. Then the tory and provides the same reward rt+1 and a mapped state agent performs an action-value update to the (s; a)-estimate st+1 from a finite set of states S; and the cycle repeats. For- with the following Q-learning update rule: mally, this agent-environment interaction generates a grow- qt+1(s; a) := ing history ht+1 := htatot+1rt+1 from a set of histories 0 0 Ht := (A×O ×R)t. The set of all finite histories is denoted qt(s; a) + αt(s; a)(r + γ maxa~ qt(s ; a~) − qt(s; a)) (4) ∗ S t by H := t H . The map φ is assumed to be a surjective ∗ where (αt)t2N is a learning rate sequence. mapping from H to S. We use ht := to denote the empty history and := to express an equality by definition. In general (non-MDPs), at any time-instant t the transition probability 3 Q-Value Uniform Decision Process (QDP) 0 0 to the next observation o := ot+1 and reward r := rt+1 is a In this section we formulate a class of environments called function of the history-action (h; a) := (ht; at)-pair and not Q-value uniform decision processes, i.e.
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